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HOW IT ALL WORKS. CLASS 101... How to kill innocent people & get away with it...


  My stalkers, a child-porn gang called "the Child-Molestors" brag that it's easy to get away with kidnapping raping & torturing innocent victims. "As long as we never give up on them". "As long as we keep stalking them and never give them a chance to get on their feet". They also brag that it has a simple formula. The group are "professional victims". They do the raping & torturing but it is they who accuse their victims first. To quote Duh Jerk. "We always win because we scream the loudest. We accuse our victims before they accuse us. They call us perverts and rapists but we have films of them [their victims] to prove otherwise. Who are they calling pervert? Look at them"! It's the Child-Molestor's winning formula and when properly applied another victim goes down in flames. This is the science of how to destroy human lives, children for profit, and they brag that this is how they destroy the lives of good upstanding citizens for sport. Evil is out there, it's hungry, and if you don't watch out, it's coming to your community next, your parks, your libraries, and your schools. Read on reader... this is how to kill innocent people, men, women, and children... and get away with it.

SO YOU LIKE KILLING CHILDREN HUH??? Killing kids 4 fun and profit is easy and rewarding if you follow these guidelines !!!


  No, I don't want your money, fame, or nothing. All I want is the truth to come out. Will someone help me… please?

  I was standing in a Bay City Public school circa 1978, an art class I'd guess by all the art supplies, children’s desks, and an artist’s easel around me. 4 teens battered me and a pair of massive jocks clad for summer blocked the doors. I tried to leave but couldn’t. Incredibly they simply stopped battering me and sat down in the nearby booth. Then, the world rippled and I thought to myself. "The world rippled, duh I must be dreaming". While cursing myself for not realizing that this was obviously a dream. “What are the odds that I would be kidnapped”? So I began searching for an improvised weapon to facilitate an escape. While searching a drawer, I found a paring knife.

  I recall pondering at length how to begin my attack. Should I attack the jocks first? Nah, they snapped to alert whenever I came near. The kids in the booth were the obvious choice, but how. I pondered if I should cut the kid’s throat on the right by slashing the right side or the left? If I slashed the left side I’d have to do it with my arm in a weak position. If I slit his throat on the other side my slash would be much stronger but because I would have to reach around him in full view of his partners in crime it’d be more dangerous. What to do? What to do?

  First I walked over to the children who sat 2 by 2 in a booth near the door preparing powders, pills, and herbs rolled into cigarettes. I slyly walked up to the kid on the right and slit his throat! Blood squirted all over his companions who seemed quite distressed!

  The battle was on! I primarily slashed their wrists while they ineffectively tried to use broad roundhouse punches on me that I easily blocked and dodged. I recall stabbing at their abdomens occasionally & when the battle dragged on I recalled pondering if I should start to go for the groin to end the fight sooner but chose not to. I recall thinking. “Ho hum. This is boring. Same old same old”. Then I thought about which combat style I should use. “Since this is a dream I’ll just go slow & methodical”.

  It was eerie, almost surreal as, one by one they seemed to get tired and simply sat down on the floor, and then went to sleep. It gets a little fuzzy there but later, teen bodies littered the floor and I was fighting a big fat guy I didn’t know. He had black hair and wasn’t much taller than me at age 8 when he ordered several teens who'd joined (from where?) into the hallway and they protested as he yelled. "GET OUT OF HERE"! He yelled while defending himself against my attacks. The children protested & he yelled all the more. "Get out of here! Auugh! He's killing me"! Everyone was frantically running about or yelling.

  The teenagers ran to the classroom doorway & shouted battle advice to the fat guy.

  Me? I was thinking. "Ho hum. Slow and methodical. Slow and methodical". I took my time, calmly. The memory fades in & out all throughout the battle.

Later, the deed is done, the bodies lay strewn about the classroom and I try to leave. Bat-wielding jocks swing menacingly as I near the door. Then they tried to advance into the room and I swung my blade at them and a stalemate developed.

  I looked for an alternate escape route, but the room only had one door and the only window was made of glass brick and resisted all of my efforts at breaking it.

  One of the 5 got up slowly, so I dispatched him. I can’t recall if I slit his throat or stabbed him in the heart but the crowd protested fiercely at his demise.

  Then in desperation I ran at the door and flying kicked the biggest guy in the heart & we both fell to the ground with me on top of him! Baseball bats came slamming down around me and I barely avoided them! Bam! Wham!

Angrily we all waited, then, a uniformed Bay City Michigan Police officer showed up! And promptly arrested me!

  The crowd walked in and surveyed the carnage and spouted threats at me.

Later a kid told me that my organized crime family had drugged me & handed me over to them (the Bay City School based gang called “The Child-Molestors”) for yet another routine rape & torture of myself. They (a man known to me only as “My Cousin” & his cronies) figured they got the dosages wrong and I became lucid. Bad for them. “After we drugged you we dumped the kids bodies alongside the road somewhere and we got rid of the guy’s body where no one will ever find it (various gang-bangers have bragged to me that they keep a mob burial grounds in a place called Munger Michigan where they bury their victims)”. He also whined that he and the gang called The Child-Molesters (Bay City Michigan chapter) had framed some guy for it very poorly, he used the word "clusterf*#%".

  Imagine my surprise when a guy brought it up 3 decades later and told me that they intended to kill the man they’d framed for the slayings and make it seem like a suicide hanging in a Texas shed. “We like to do it that way because we like to see the expression on their face”. “We don’t want anyone standing beside you in court”. Then he promised me death for the inevitable court case that will develop from them having framed me in said county.

  My family and their cronies have gone to great lengths to prove to me that they "own" (control) the Bay City… cops who refuse to even listen to me about the goings on in a circa 1977 school.

  Why am I wasting my time telling you? My family and their masters have thoroughly discredited me (dropping me off at the police station delirious after months of solid torture and on drugs) and all Michigan cops say. “Families involved with organized crime are ALWAYS nice to their own"! It’s an infallible rule that I suppose they’ve seen on TV or something.




  Sooo... there I was, walking down the sidewalk in broad daylight not too far from my home in Bay City's south-end on a hot summer day when F.B. (a dedicated professional child-rapist) and about a dozen teenagers came running at me from all directions! I was surrounded!

  I assessed the situation before me. My dedicated and battle-hardened kidnapper had 2 children with syringes coming at me from opposite directions, so I hatched a plan...

  I charged the needle-armed assailant nearest F.B. and targeted the hand of the kid holding the needle and smashed the syringe to pieces! Then I delivered a few blows to the shocked F.B. and turned and charged the other teen with a needle, delivering a few blows to him and those nearby, it seemed to unbalance them and in a few hits I smashed the other syringe to bits on the concrete!

  We fought! I kept the fight moving in the direction of my home, this also seemed to unbalance them, I gave them no easy target to surround. One by one each child and the (mentally twisted) adult delivered blows to my backside whenever possible, each was trying to latch on and I wouldn’t allow it!

The battle raged on, I'll bet that this had never happened before. Yeah, I yelled things like. "Help"! And. "This is a kidnapping! Please call the police"!

  My foes simply snickered on, confident in the extreme.

  Eventually, near my home, I'd had enough of their attacks and shouted. "I'm going to destroy the face of the next person who hits me"!

  They all hesitated, eventually... a child struck me from behind and I latched onto him and slammed him to the ground and began to deliver right-hook after right-hook to his young face.

  F.B. held his child crew back.

  Now, usually when I destroy the face of a child I like to begin with the nose (if my intention is solely destruction). Once that's smashed I work on the cheekbones next, then lastly the jaw. It's a grim task I hope none of my readers will ever have to do.

  Satisfied that I'd taught them a lesson I turned my attentions to the coward F.B. & he ordered his child crew to form a wall to defend him.

  Eh, so I tried to get the smiling sadist anyway and all of us ignored the thing that was a bloody mess behind us that minutes ago had been a handsome and probably happy child about to enter the prime of his life. I didn’t get the snickering F.B. and found no satisfaction at all in beating on his human shield-wall of children he'd gladly throw away to defend his own worthless hide. So I quit.

  Defeated, (eh, it was a stalemate but who's counting?) Fagboy and his crew picked up the fragmented teen and walked off the way they'd come by cutting through a yard to an alley.

  So I walked towards home...

  Then, Dirty Cop pulled up in his marked squad car in full uniform and leveled his pistol at me! Then he said. "We've got a child busted up and you're covered in blood"! Then, he tauntingly added. "Please resist". Calmly while looking down the barrel of his pistol at me.

  A teenaged boy and girl came from between the houses with a large movie camera & pointed it at the two of us while standing behind me.

  Again I pondered the situation before me... this guy had tried to kill me before and make it look like an accident a bazillion times before, there would be no mercy, no reasoning with him. So... at gunpoint, I surrendered and he quickly cuffed and shackled me.

  Duh Jerk came out of hiding with Fagboy and the teen crew. Dirty Cop opened his car door and the crew rushed me with new syringes! Yeah, I fought, an exercise in futility but I had to try. I begged the growing crowd of witnesses to call the police. This is a kidnapping!

  Duh Jerk and his pawn Dirty Cop assured the witnesses I was mad, that they were giving me my medicine, and that they should hand over their I.D.'s right now. I warned them not to.

  When I awoke The crew and it's leaders tortured me furiously, keeping me awake to the limits of human endurance telling me I had to service the base desires of man, beast, and appliance. All for the glory of the camera. They cut the webbing of my hands and feet deeply, scarring me for life telling me. "It's how we mark our victims".

Duh Jerk told me. "I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". And then he had one of the crew seemingly pay me $1,000 a hundred at a time. Then, of course, immediately took the cash back telling me. "That's for the jury. Now we'll be able to prove that the gym never happened". "You can go to the police if you want but the police will never believe you with wound long ago healed". Then he told me he'd keep me on ice until I healed from my ordeal. Yeah, I attacked...

  Yeah, I went to the police... they refused me the courtesy of a police report and mocked me.

Later, he sent a guy to gloat as he usually does. "The films of us torturing you and paying you will make you out to be a pervert whore in court and it'll be proof that the gym never happened".

  Then he bragged that Fagboy used a subtle gang hand signal and held his teen kidnap crew back and that their film crew filmed the entire incident from beginning to end. “Out edited film of you shows you pounding that kid’s face into the dirt for no reason”. “Our films of you will prove you as being the violent one in court and even if the cops find out about the gym no one will care and the kids of the gym will be heroes”. “We always film our kidnappings and watch for any parts that we can edit to use to advantage against our victims”. He also bragged like his fellow kidnappers before him, “Normally we just wait until the witnesses try to go to the cops and then we mess with them”. He, like his fellows bragged that, because of “the Gym” I was too important. After recording all of their personal information Dirty Cop arrested all of the witnesses and then they tortured them and in the end forced them to join in my torture. A thing he (they) bragged was easy to do with their films of me and the fact that, during a torture/recruiting that during the event they post a big picture of myself and when victims ask why they’re being tortured they are told. Because of him”! While pointing at my portrait. “Usually they’re pretty eager to torture you all we want”. “The problem with the cops they know who and what we are but they’ll never realize that there’s an entire community of people out there who all have a vested interest in seeing you (the author) go down. Some might figure it out but by the time they realize it it’ll be too late. Most cops won’t believe it when you tell them that there’s a crook out there with the guts to kidnap them”.

  Who are Fagboy, Duh Jerk, and Dirty Cop? I’ll only give you hints here. Fagboy was voted most popular by all of my fellow classmates, my class of 1976-77. Duh Jerk? He went on to become one of the richest and or most influential employees of the Bay City Public Schools, and Dirty Cop? I’ll call him what several of his fellow officers called him to me… The most decorated police officer at the Bay City Law-Enforcement Center. Welcome to my Michigan honest readers. Welcome, to my America…

  The gym! The gym! The gym! It's always "revenge for the gym" when I deal with them.

  Wont anyone help me? Why wont the cops even check when I tell them my stalkers have framed me as a massive serial killer and rapist? How about you reader? Please? Help! Please Help!


  David George

  Sooo... there I was, just minding my own beeswax when another "Child-Molestor sent buttbuddy" came up to me. I was alone of course walking through a crowded city when the admitted buttbudy told me that his master Duh Jerk had sent him and wanted to talk to me. Actually, he started the conversation rather rudely, telling me that I'd recently killed a family for the gang and he'd been sent to discuss it with me.

  Me? I didn't remember killing anybody... lately and told him as much. Fortunately, he reminded me I'd killed the "nuclear family". The family had pretended to be modern day cannibals of all things. They'd raped & tortured me at the house next door to the place my wife had taken me recently (he claimed it was to establish my location, on film) inside of Standish Michigan, along the highway.

  I was in shock while he described the setting, Duh jerk, his Weasel,

F.B., Bay City's own "Dirty Cop", & the nuclear family (Dad, Mom, Brother, and Lil Sister) had created a set of sorts in their Standish home. There were satanic symbols here and there, body parts in various states of dismemberment, and just about every torture implement a sadistic mind could imagine on tables all about the room. I has tied to a table (like usual when dealing with those psycho pervs) laying flat on my belly with my legs up and down and my pants around my ankles.

  Duh Jerk and his "Perv Crew" proudly announced that they were tired of me, that they'd decided to be done with me. "I've found a family of modern day cannibals". He announced. Then explained matter-of-factly that since I knew he was a pervert that of course he'd eventually meet a family of cannibals who enjoy raping and torturing their victims. Then he, they, set out to discuss at length and in very great detail my upcoming death by rape, torture, and agonizingly slow dismemberment at the hands of "The Nukes".

  Then, they all raped me one after another. First I was beaten and sodomized by Dad, a man in his mid-30's with black hair with a medium build. He promised me a slow death. Then, his son raped and tortured me.

I was untied and forced onto my back on a table.

  Then, the Mom raped & tortured me. Then, Lil Sis raped and tortured me. She was easily the most sadistic of the crew. She delighted in pinching my nose and covering my mouth, giving me near-death experiences over and over. She was in absolute glee and her and her Mom described my upcoming slow dismemberment and how they planned to prepare each of my body parts, ensuring I'd die very slowly over a long time, and in agony.

Next, F.B. sodomized and beat me as I lay bent over the table. Then Duh Weasel, his "Dirty Cop", and lastly the smiling Duh Jerk (sloppy 9ths? Gross) beat me and sodomized me.

  Then Jerk and his 4 stars left, giving the family orders to drug me and make a film of us chit-chatting for court later. They were ordered not to dismember me until tomorrow because the gang needed to make a few more films before my demise. Then, they mocked me and left.

The nukes drugged me anew (damn syringes!) and I recall having a civil conversation with them still restrained on the tabletop. Every now and again I'd become lucid and the snickering family would fiddle wait until the drugs again lulled me into a stupor and begin conversation with me anew.

Later I became lucid on another table, the Son came in to check my I.V. and make my bonds secure, with the camera still rolling.

I used a trick to get a hand free, then I grabbed the teenager by the back of his head and rammed it into the table over and over. Then quickly undid my quick-release restraints. Next I grabbed one of the many blades (they were everywhere) and proceeded to stab the screaming teen, mostly gut stabs if I recall it through the drugs!

  The Dad came rushing in! So I turned my attentions to him and after a few stabs he went down, then I turned my attentions to the still moving teen.

  Then I left through the front door. Jerk and the 3 Stars jumped me with a few jocks and injected who knows what into me. The world faded away...

Later I was slapped awake in the backroom of the Standish home by the Mom where I'd recently slain half of her family. The drugs were awful, I can’t remember virtually anything she said other than threats.

The first thing I thought was that this fool could call the gang with a single shout. In a moment of time I decided her fate and grabbed one of the many knives on the tables and proceeded to stab her over and over.! it fades... I became lucid later still stabbing her. For how long I was stabbing her I can’t say. So I left through the front door to the highway. A car pulled up filled with men and women and asked if I needed help, maybe a ride.

Wow was I glad! As soon as I got in the crowd turned on me and pinned me. Then they injected me with who knows what and the world faded away...

  I was slapped awake again in the same spot, camera still going by little Sis. She began to hurl insults at me as I stood up, wondering where the bodies were? She promised me death, she would prosecute me for rape. "Look at me and look at you"! She spouted. She wasn't flattering me but making a contrast, bragging as to whom the courts would believe, her or I. I was going to prison for life and was powerless against her.

  I thought. "Good plan". The it occurred to me that the Child-Molestors were probably next door, maybe in the next room and this rapist torturer could summon them with a single shout! In a moment of time her fate was sealed. I first grabbed one of the many knives and then her very forcefully by the shoulders and spun her around with her back to me.

She said. "No wait".

  Then I cut her throat from left to right, then snapped her neck and dropped her body.

I faced the camera. A decade earlier a Child-Molestor told me that if a victim tries to take the film or camera with them from the crime scene, it's proof of their guilt. I pondered taking the film, but I just wanted to get out of there. So I fled down the street to a party store off the highway just off of Standish's Old Homo-Rapist Road and used the payphone to call my new wife for a ride.

  A car pulled up and the occupants asked if I wanted a ride.

  I refused.

  My wife and her 2 kids showed up and asked why I was covered in blood?

I told them I'd butchered a deer and got covered in blood. Then we went home and I washed up and went to bed.

  My new wife told me I'd just slept for 2 days.

  The Child-Molestors have a custom of sending a lone, easily beaten up buttbuddy to gloat and this time was no different. He shouted. "You Stupid! It was Halloween"! He went on to explain of course they weren't cannibals, the Nukes were a family who'd crossed the Child-Molestors and been told "We'll let you go if you help us torture this scumbag". Then they showed them a few of their plethora of films of me and gave them a chainsaw horror movie to watch. He said that they'd agreed to torture me in exchange for being left alone by the group.

  "Those weren’t bodies, they were Halloween decorations".

  We staged the murders so they were a few hours apart. Now no one will believe that you were kidnapped and defending yourself".

Decades later one of them told me they intended to kill the Dad.

  Me? Lately, I began to wonder... whatever happened to the bloody clothes?

A Crippled child to amuse Duh Jerk and his pet F.B. on film...
The Nuclear Family, Duh Jerk, His Weasel, A Dirty Cop, & I...

Bay City To Boulder... Connecting The Dots...


  Where do I begin? Why me I’ve often asked. “Why me”?

“Because of the gym”. Is the answer I’ve heard most often. Because of “The Gym”. It’s the nickname given to the events that began inside of & then because of what occurred in a Bay City Michigan Public School in fall of 1976, America’s bicentennial year.

What happened in “The Gym” to so motivate so many people to hate me? To try to kill me? Later, having failed to kill me they chose to kidnap, rape, & torture me… FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! Revenge! Revenge… revenge they tell me. “It’s revenge for “The Gym”. Yeah, whatever…

  My reply has often been. “You tried to kill me in the gym & now you want revenge for it”?

“Yes”! Is an answer I heard often, revenge for making them look bad, revenge for the horrors the local crime-bosses did to them when they failed to kill me, revenge for rejecting them & their gang, revenge for getting them involved in the gang conspiracy against me, revenge because of the films they’ve seen made about me by the gang, revenge for what I did to them & their loved ones in my quest to escape their clutches, revenge for the wounds I inflicted on them & their family when they attacked me, revenge because I oppose them & their lifestyle, revenge because it’s what they do… revenge. “Your fate was sealed when you first crossed us [in 1976]. We sell revenge & when you crossed us you became our target. It’s what we do so it was only logical that we would target you”. Lastly… revenge, revenge for it’s own sake and revenge for the most base reason… revenge for profit. This reader, this is my life.

  The Boulder Slayings…

  I suppose that the story of the “Boulder Slayings” began in Bay City… in a Bay City Public School in summer of 1985. It began at a gas-station just north-west of the Bay City Jr. Rapist Academy where “The Gym” had taken place. It was a hot summer’s day when Starchild asked me if I’d ever tried breaded mushrooms? When I told him I hadn’t he told me that I should try them at a new restaurant not quite across the street from Bay City’s own City Hall.

  As I recall they were quite a treat… then, the world started to fade away, Duh Jerk came waltzing in dressed in a suit along with his former students & partners in crime, the vermin I’ve nicknamed F.B., Short Stuff, & the Mayor’s Brat who were dressed as an ambulance crew. Disguised as agents of mercy. I began to fight them off & pleaded with the witnesses for help. They fought me and put me into a gurney, beating me & spewing insults. Then… the world faded away.

  I awoke naked in what appeared to be the hallway of a Bay City Public an alcove next to a short petite woman about my age (19). There was a massive bullet proof glass hung by hinges in the alcove preventing escape locked with a rather large padlock. Our makeshift cell measured nearly 6’ x 3’ and was as tall as a normal school hallway. I could see school lockers lining the halls and classrooms and even posters & such that make up the “school atmosphere”.

  Duh Jerk and the 4 Stars (F.B., Short Stuff, Duh Weasel, & the Mayor’s Brat came from one end of the hall with a small army of children & jocks& announced what would become of me because of… “The Gym”. “I’ve decided to kill you”. He said with a sadistic smile. “You will die slowly by starvation as revenge for the gym”. He laughed at my insults & I mocked his offer to join “The Child-Molestor Gang”. “I’ve put a girl in the cell with you so you can eat her if you get hungry”. I told him I’d never stoop to cannibalism for him. He, they mocked my predicament & pointed to the camera which is always present during their tortures. “That's there in case the cops come. I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it”. Then, they left making certain to laugh as they did...

  We were drugged by force. Every 4 hours a team of jocks & 18 year olds lead by one of the 4 Stars would come down the hall & inject us. I fought them every time. Nearly won once & even managed to bite off a fingertip or 2! Duh Jerk asked me if I knew why he drugged us thusly and when I said I had no idea he boasted. "To make your story as unbelievable as possible in case the cops catch us".

  One hour a day I was dragged by force down the hall, usually by a 12-20 men & boys always lead by one of the 4 Stars. Once in the room I would be manhandled into stocks & the body blows, limb twisting, & cattle prodding began simultaneously with the sodomy. Then, I would be drugged stupid & the world would fade away...

 We fought tooth & nail. I bit off & broke fingers & I gouged the eyes of children, teens mostly.

  I'd wake up again in the cell, soon to try & fight off their attempt to drag the girl into the torture room. Then I sat alone in my cell & listened to her occasional screams. The drugs occasionally were a blessing & I'd drift off into oblivion. Soon my body was a mass of pain, with few if any bruises. Hunger, torture, the drugs were all having an effect on me. Fighting them just wasn't working, I was losing & I realized even in my drugged state that I needed a new plan. So I decided to "play nice" and wait for a chance to escape. I didn't fight being drugged & I walked willingly, even joking up to the stock and under the ever-present gaze of the Child-Molestor's best friend, a camera. Always on film. Everything on film. Everything... always...

  Get locked in a cell with a scared girl & inevitably she'll want to start talking. So we talked, & we talked between the hours of drugged stupor inflicted on us. She used to say. “Hold me”. Often. We talked about who we were, what our dreams were, how to escape, you name it. At one point she even offered to let me eat her arm if I was hungry. But I kept telling her I would not stoop to cannibalism because I knew Duh Jerk would simply put another girl in the cell with me & answered her offer of cannibalism with. "Death with dignity".

  At one point she shared with me her deepest secrets & fantasies & asked drugged & dazed me if I had any secrets. I went on & on about a rampage set in the city of a sitcom I’d loved where an alien came to earth in an egg shaped spaceship.

  I asked Duh Jerk why he let me live after I’d just bitten off a child’s finger? I thought for sure I would be a goner. “Because of the gym”. He couldn’t just kill me outright because way too many people knew about how he tried to kill me in the gym. Then he remarked how it’d make my story all the more unbelievable, just in case the cops showed up. “No one will believe you when you say you bit off a kid’s finger because if I was a gang-leader I’d never let you get away with hurting one of my guys”. Then with a smile he replied. “I don’t care who gets hurt”. A sentence he’d repeat over & over in the coming years.

  Rape! Torture! What more can I say? Own…

  Duh Jerk, F.B., Duh Weasel, The Mayor’s Brat, & their throwaway Short Stuff delighted in eating several meals while sitting on folding chairs in the hallway. “Just to be evil”. “To make your story more unbelievable”. The snickering quintet mocked us fiercely.

  Over time Duh jerk began to whine about the wounds, too many questions. He began to whine that his experiment to get me to stoop to cannibalism wasn’t working, he began to whine about the danger of keeping me locked up in a Bay City Public School (during the summer) & began to openly discuss simply killing me.

  Eventually, between periods of drugged stupor the girl made a point. “This might be the last time we ever get to have sex in our lives”.

  So I agreed…

  Soon enough I turned to the side during… “the act itself” & saw Duh Jerk, the 4 Stars, the camera, & a small flock of children had set up folding chairs & sat watching us while eating popcorn. When I turned I must’ve had a shocked look on my face because Duh Jerk said. Don’t stop because of us”.

  I stopped because of them.

  The snickering Child-Molestors mocked me as they folded up their chairs (maybe I shouldn’t use the words “their chairs”, but “Official Bay City Public School Chairs Meant For The Advancement Of Children’s Learning”). Now no one would ever believe me that I was a prisoner because now I’d been filmed having sex willingly while they & a group of children watched me. Then he bragged that the little kids watched us first, on film, then he & the 4 Stars joined them after I’d been well filmed. That meant that this film legitimized all their other child-molester films they’d made of me.

  Time passes…

  I gave up on the “be nice” strategy, believe it or not motivated by them when they roughly dragged me from my cell. Fight! Fight. Fight… Duh jerk laughed at any wounds I put on the children, mostly bitten or broken fingers & broken arms. “I don’t care who gets hurt”. He said that the entire scene was like a big game of chicken. The teens had volunteered & they knew the risks. They were rewarded with drugs & didn’t care one bit about the wounds of their classmates. Saying things like. “I don’t care. It wasn’t me”. They’d fought me, gotten in a few good licks; they were going to party on so who cares?

  Once I charged from the cell & nearly got him, I grabbed him & drug him screaming into the melee! We fought & the outcome was never in doubt, I lost. It’s the thought that counts.

  Then, the group showed up en-mass to pull the girl out of the cell. We fought! I, we lost… Once I was locked in my cell the girl hugged Duh Jerk and remained in his embrace while they mocked me. Of course she was one of them & she’d coxed a Boulder City rampage confession out of me on film.

  Duh Jerk bragged while laughing that now no one would ever listen to me when he made the Boulder City rampage come to pass & had a filmed confession of it. Now he could do anything he wanted to me for the rest of my life & no one would even care. This would be his “revenge for the gym”.

  I had to ask. “You tried to kill me in the gym & now you want revenge for it”?

  He & the 4 Stars (the 4 Stars are F.B., Duh Weasle, The Mayor's Brat, & their throwaway... Short Stuff) just laughed & mocked me.

  I asked the girl what she was paid to do this to me?  “Drugs”. For the singular thrill of an undisclosed amount of cocaine she’d done this to me. It was worth it to be the one to take down someone whom she knew the Child-Molestors hated so passionately.

  Laughing & still arm in arm they retreated down the hallway laughing at me with their gang in tow still mocking me… Revenge! Revenge. Revenge… Revenge for the gym…


  To be continued. See “Bay City to Boulder Connect the dots...”.



















  Sooo... there I was standing there minding my own beeswax, standing in the midst of one of my _____'s parent's grande parties in their back yard on a hot summer's day... alone... in the midst of a crowd. You see reader, for anyone & I mean anyone to be seen talking to me meant a serious punishment by the nameless man whom my family told me was "My Cousin". Sometimes my Extended Cousins & their friends could be quite cruel in enforcing the rule, I could find safety only by standing in the midst of them while making sure to turn my head too & fro to counter their ever-present sneak attack. That & the fact that I needed eyes in the back of my head to watch everywhere because their every misdeed would soon be blamed on me, their every child brat act pinned on me. Eh, not all of'em but a lot. This was me life... my America.... oh well...

  So My Cousin came up to me with a can of beer symbolically in hand & called me a serial killer... again. He claimed I'd killed his best friend & now I would have to pay for it, with a lifetime of misery.

  "I didn't kill anyone". I was insulted. "I'm a christian & a pacifist. I wouldn't hurt anyone".

  "Oh you killed him all right". He said angrily. Then he asked me to recall that in my dreams I'd been shooting a lot of guns lately. He asked me if a guy had been torturing me in my dreams & forcing me to shoot guns?


  He was right. I had been & I was amazed that he knew because I'd told no one about it.

  "How do you think I know about it"?

  "People tell me I talk in my sleep & you obviously listened in & made up this story".

  "Oh yeah". Then he set out to describe his friend & the fact that they'd tortured me inside of a public school.

  Me? I figured no amount of talking in my sleep could give him that amount of information but I still called him a liar.

  "Then how do you explain what I've told you"?

  I thought about it. "I don't know because I'm just a kid but I'm sure there's a logical explanation for it".

  When you killed that girl while she begged for her life was pretty choice. I've got that all on film & I can use it any time I want".

  He shocked me & cut me to the core. I looked down & tried to process what he was telling me. He talked on, threats, I cant recall at the time of this writing. Then he ended it by saying. "You killed a good friend of mine & I'm going to take it out of your hide".

  Picture me cupping my jaw & trying to recall recent events. I'm standing alone in the midst of a huge crowd who are having the time of their lives while I ponder his words....

  To be contiued. See: How to kill innocent people & get away with it...




  This is what I mean... get a clue cops!

  They told me that my ______ had just drugged me & handed me over to the group again. Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars beat me ruthlessly until I would again practice shooting guns for the group. Eventually, way back in 1980, 15 year old me agreed. BANG! BANG! BANG! I shot their rifle over & over for them. Yeah, it had blanks in it. They bragged that they'd use shifts to keep me awake until I was delirious. "Then we're going to let you loose with a gun and get you to shoot people" Duh Jerk proudly proclaimed with a smile.

  Time passes and I was indeed delirious while the 4stars beat me in the back of a van. At the end F.B. propped delirious me up & put an assault rifle in my hands & said. "You're dreaming. So why not go in there & shoot everyone"? He was pointing at the back door of the Bay City Hall, Back then the basement dungeon (somehow appropriate) was where the police department was located. The with Duh Jerk driving the snickering quintet drove off in the van.

  I walked inside & Dirty Cop was in there with a fellow Bay City... cop standing at the desk to the right. Dirty Cop looked at me with grim determination and put his hand on his gun.

  Me? I said. "Some guys just kidnapped me & beat me up & dropped me off here and told me to shoot everybody".

  Dirty Cop took over.

  I could barely stay awake and eventually could stand no more. That's when the quintet came back in dressed as an ambulance crew. Duh Jerk was there in an official capacity as both my friend & as an official Bay City School employee looking after the interests of one of his students.

  I protested that these were my kidnappers.

  Dirty Cop insisted that I did this all the time so I could be ignored.

  I pointed out that the ambulance crew kidnapping me were very young & wore fake mustaches.

  The other Bay City... cop wasn't impressed. Especially when Dirty Cop Said “I know them & I’ll personally vouch for them. They’re older than they look”.

  The crew loaded me into the ambulance & beat me severely telling me I'd pay for almost getting them busted.


  THOSE GUYS WOULDN'T LIE TO ME... would they???

  Perversion & lies... the Child-Molestor's "winning formula". Simply tell their victims a bazzillion lies, torture them, force them to endure oodles of pain, perversion, & deprivation & they make their victim's story too hard to believe. Why? I'm glad you asked reader. I can sum it up in a single sentence a wise man once told me. "Evil prospers because it's hard for good men to imagine". What do I mean? Read on reader & the wise among you will understand....


  YEAH... RIGHT...

  Yeah, right. I recently read in a major publication a story about a college teacher who was addressing their students about languages of the world. They went on to say that in English & some other languages a double negative statement in a sentence changed a sentence’s meaning into a positive one. In some other languages the opposite is true, that a double positive statement turns the sentence into a negative statement. Then the teacher added something like. “I & some other professors researched it & in English there are no double positives that make a sentence a negative one”.

  From the back of the room the teacher heard a student say. “Yeah, right”.


  Set your wayback machines for circa 1968... IT'S GOING TO BE A BUMPY RIDE!



  Sooo, this admitted Child-Molestor walks up to me & most of the people who lived in my house back then (they were pretty young & it was a long time ago) at a then rare visit to my ______'s parent's place. The usually quiet place had nearly 100 visitors all over their yard & spread out between the two neighboring yards. The weather was pleasant & at least half of the visitors were kids so it was kinda fun.

  That young boy had a lot to say & he began talking to me in a way no one had ever talked to me before. "You killed those two women"!

  I was shocked by his accusation. I told him I was a christian & a pacifist. "I'd never kill anybody. You're nuts".

  He went on to explain his accusation. "Those two women were one of us. They were child-molesters & your ______ drugged you and handed you over to them because they we're going to be your first".

  I teased him. The thought of my ______ being a child-molester seemed ludacris & as for the 2 women. "Who'd want to have sex with me? I'm just a little boy".

  He went on to explain. "They just like to have sex with little boys. The loved the thought of taking little boys virginity. All they wanted to do was bring you pleasure & you killed them". He said both with disgust & in an accusing tone.

  I thought about last night's dream & remarked that I found it impossible to believe that a little boy could kill 2 women. That & they'd hit me & cause a few wounds in my dream & I proudly showed him that I didn't have a mark on me.

  That kid had an answer for everything. "That's because after the murders we drugged you for a few weeks. Why do you think you're so thin? It's because we didn't feed you. We were going to keep you drugged for a few more weeks but you got to thin".

  I still doubted him, so he continued. "After you killed them you watched some TV & fell asleep. Then thier family came home & found their bodies & you covered in blood & sleeping on the couch". When I still expressed doubt he continued. "There was blood all over the couch & all over the TV dial. You killed the one in the living room & the other in the hallway to the bedroom".

  I was stunned & could only think (while remembering my "dream"). "Wow. That's a pretty good description".

  He asked me "If it's not true then how do I know so much about your dream"?

  I answered. "I don't know because I'm just a little boy but I'm sure there's some logical explanation for it (what 3 year old says "logical"? sheesh).

  He added that he and my family belonged to a crime gang... the Child-Molestors" "The bosses are in your ____________'s kitchen right now deciding your fate. They sent me out here to find out if you killed those women on purpose or not & I'm going to tell them that you did kill them on purpose".

  I mocked him by moving my lips & opening & closing a hand like a mouth while he spoke". Then he went into my ___________'s home.

  As I recall I had a lot of fun playing with the other kids & the entire scene was much like a family cookout.

  Hours pass...

  That admitted child-molester came back to me. "The bosses have voted & they've agreed that you are to be tortured for the rest of your life until you killed one of us, a fellow child-molester".

  I had to ask. "So yo're proud about being a child-molester. You guys hurt little kids".

  He became defencive. "Only when we have to. We're only bringing pleasure to them.".

  "Yeah, by raping them". I didn't know much about the vermin who prey on America's children but I knew enough to tease him & explain that what they were doing was wrong.

  He seemed defencive & ashamed. Then while shaking his head in an "It doesn't matter anyway because you are so screwed" kinda way he added. " Everyone here is a child-molester". He made me look around & I teased him some more. "Because your entire family know about the murders they are accessories to the crime. We'll use it to control them. It's how we worm our way into people's lives. After we're done with you we'll take all their money & their houses. It's how we do it & it's all thanks to you".

  Then he left me alone to ponder his words. What really happened? I was just a little boy & things like this don't happen to little boys. So I went back to playing with the few kids left in the fading sunlight & decided to put the entire thing behind me & just forget it because there had to be a logical explanation for it. There just had to be one!

  Over the years, Child-Molestors have tried to sell me one lie after another... a fav being. "Your family are our leaders".

 Yeah, right...


  Pain... Pain. Pain!

It started benine enough, my ______ ordered me to go into the back hallway at her parent's place & aid a few teenagers (I'd never seen before) she said were my cousins in a work assignment. Simple enough...

  Once we got back there they tackled me & began beating me & twisting my limbs! To my horror this went on for a solid 8 hours. EIGHT HOURS! Then I learned from my nameless "Cousin" that this would go on 3-5 days a week from now on!

  Over time the ordeal morphed. They began to cruelly let me go at times or I'd break free. Once free they'd apraoch my ______ (Honour, honour, honour) & make up a lie. Then their reward was I'd be froced to pose for a gauntlet for her & all of their friends & then be re-inserted into the narrow back hallway. Pain, was my life.

  They'd let me up & froce me to walk between them back & forth, delivering blows at each end of the hall. At one end would be 2 teens or adults & at the other side they would form, a line of from 2-5 children & adults & form an "L" shape with the bottom of the "L" on my left with 1-2 guys & 1-3 guys formed the side of the L. At first they got a 15 minute break every 2 hours & an half-hour for lunch. They worked in shifts & I received no breaks. Over the yeaars they began to mellow & I too got a lunch break. Twoards the end (after about 6+ years) they even got lazy. After lunch they'd quit for the day. Every now & then my" nameless "Cousin" would walk up to us with a beer can in hand point at me & ask. "Why are you just standing around? How come nobody's hitting him"?

  They always lied but I, yes I ratted them out. They complained their punishment was worse. "We had to dance naked on a stage while being beat".

  Over time the ordeal morphed into several forms, the final form, the one that lasted nearly a decade was with them standing at either end of the hallway, I was forced to walk between them, 2 on one side, 3 on the other (or more) and they would hit me. If I blocked it went well, if not... ow... Eight hours a day, 3-5 days a week. During the final year it was common for them to use baseball bats, bowling pins, & other improvized clubs against me en-mass... 8 hours a day...

  One day My Cousin told me that he tricked me into hurting people & then got them * their families to pay him to torture me for profit. My Trio of Cousins bragged they got $4 an hour to pound on me, Guests got $8 an hour & adult hitters got $10 an hour. Big money in 1967. Five was the minimum number of attackers but they sometimes numbered up to 8. Ow...


HOW IT ALL WORKS... Class 102 Kiddies

  As if what I wrote in Class 101 wasn't bad enough... In fall of 1976 Duh Jerk tried to recruit me into the Child-Molestors with a single sentence. "I like your style". He said about how I'd lived through... "the gym". "I've got good news for you. Last night the group got together & we talked about what's going on in the gym & we had a vote to see whether or not we'd recruit you & we voted to let you join". When I told him "I'll never join yous guy". He chuckled & told me. "From time to time some children are reluctant to join us at first". He explained that membership had it's privileges, I was going to receive my own whore from the gang, get all the drugs I could care to take, & as a member I would enjoy the love & protection of the Child-Molestors. I could hit any non-gang member I wanted &... Yuck... To be continued... See "Class 103".




  Sooo… there I stood, in a bland room presumably in a taxpayer funded Bay City Public School room (eh, the bricks would indicate that & I certainly spent enough time as a prisoner in one to be an expert on the subject) next to a set of chest high stocks while jocks & teenagers circled me at Duh Jerk’s & the 4 Star’s commands readying the various props for today’s torture session. The only thing strange about the situation (other than the situation itself) was that the normally well-groomed & well-prepared Duh Jerk & crew usually have all of the elements of their sadistic hobby/job ready. Eh, poor show, Child-Molestors, poor show…

  As I stood there, wondering what would become of me in an obligatory drug-induced haze eventually they finished & the jocks, kids, and Jerk & his Lt.’s (as he calls them) presented themselves to me by forming a semi-circle with me having my back to the wall furthest from the door.

  There was usually a uniformed Bay City… cop standing guard. Sometimes, it was a uniformed Michigan State… cop.

  While his jocks & teens held various prods, sex-toys, pistols, & who knows what else at the ready Duh Jerk gave me an ultimatum when I asked what they were going to do to me? “You have to kill an innocent of my choosing”. You see reader, in the past; I agreed to kill people for him & his gang during torture, but not the one’s he wanted. Well, not outright at least. Does the average American citizen have conversations like this or is it just me?

  I looked at the torture implements & recalled the last few torture sessions & said. “Okay. Hand me the gun”.

  Smiling (Child-Molestor gang members are almost all unfailingly smiling happy & sadistic torturers when I meet them, on the receiving end… gulp!) Duh Jerk said. “No. Without the torture you’ll just take the gun & shoot me”.

  I recall thinking that he was right!

  Yeah, I fought them, I nearly always do…




  It was about then, maybe before it, maybe after it, in the Defunct Hospital that the scenario above was in full swing. The group had tortured me into delirium through sleep-deprivation, torture, & rape with man, beast, & appliance. Then they each took turns pounding on me with body blows, by putting me in holds, & slaps with a singular goal. Duh Jerk said with a sadistic smile (F.B. too when the shifts changed). The pain will only stop when you kill an innocent of my choosing”.

  Usually I’d point to one of my torturers & say. "No. But I’ll kill him”. But today I could take no more. I agreed to his terms

  So they tied someone into a chair, handed me a pistol & ordered me to shoot him. Yeah, I turned the pistol on Jerk & the 4 Stars over & over. The torture resumed. Then, I agreed to kill the innocent on film. BANG! CLICK! CLICK! The gun was empty.

  The torture resumed. Incredibly with the innocent victim now helping to torture me! The way Duh Jerk put it (other than to say that his word meant nothing because it was that type of torture) was that he’d tell any of his reluctant Child-Molestors. “See? He just tried to kill you. If he had his way you would be dead right now”. Thus, they could feel good about torturing me.

  Who knows how many times the above scene replayed over & over? Eventually, I became lucid while standing there with the pistol in my hand & recalled the festive mock executions (incredibly, I usually had little or no memory of the recent mock executions from a given mock execution to the next mock execution) that my tortured mind had endured. I was reviled while looking at the face of my formerly smiling torturer as he played the victim. I figured since this was probably the day I was going to die anyway, why not try & fight my way out and make the job easier by reducing the odds in the room by one here and now.

  So I rammed the pistol that I figured had blanks in it into the young man’s ear & pulled the trigger. BANG! He had a bad day…

  Later, Duh Jerk bragged on the subject as did his Lt. "I don't care who gets hurt". "Nobody will believe you because you'll have to tell the truth & most people would think that if I was a gang-leader I'd care about my people but I don't. I don't care who gets hurt". They tell me revenge is available, for a price & otherwise forbidden for their victim/members, by force. It's all about making the bosses money. "You want revenge? You can pay for it"!

CLASS 104...

And the cops will help you do it... Trust me...


  Sooo... I went to the Bay City... cops circa 1988... and filed a police report. Wonder of wonders! They agreed to file a kidnapping report! Yeah... don't cheer too loud reader because listen to what happened next...

  The Child-Molestors kidnapped me again... drugged me (duh!) & took me to the... Bay... City... Cop... Shop... the police station.

  Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars & I had a short talk with the nice... cops about how there were no kidnappings, we were pals. I was totally doped out of my mind & not alarmed at all to be in the midst of my kidnapping former attempted merderers. Then, we left & went straight to the Bunga Bunga Garages where they jumped me, tied me up, & brought in ponies & dogs & pigs &... a camera...

  Sooo... they eventually let me go after the films & I went straight to the Bay City..cops. They blew me off...

  Yeah... the Bay County Law Enforcement Center... ya can't miss it... it's the building with the picture of the Bay City... cop staring lovingly into the eyes of a little girl. Guardians of justices...


THE DATE RAPE DRUG... You too can rape & kill all of the children & adults you want... And the cops will help you...

For free!!!


  The Child-Molestors love to brag. I suppose that boasting comes natural to a person who enjoys perversion. “We always film what we do to our victims. That’s because the cops would never believe that we would be stupid enough to do it”. They like to brag on & on &on. “Some of our victims say or do some pretty crazy s@#$! On our drugs & we film it all & show it to the cops. “See this? This is the guy who’s accusing us”?! They brag… & went on to prove it over & over to me that their films do indeed allow them to do anything they want… to anyone… as long as they film it.

   They boast that the drugs that they force their victim to endure is a double-whammy against their victims (note my choice of words “victims” & not “victim”). “We tell the cops ‘he’s our friend, he’s crazy & on drugs & it always works because everyone knows to say it. Then we tell the cops ‘Aww poor such & such said that? I think I’ll go check on him”. “We tell the cops that we’re going to them to cover for what we’re going to do to our victim next”.

  I’ve protested, usually between doses… indeed at the time of dosing usually. “Don’t you think the cops will be able to tell I was on drugs”? Often as the perverts form a line behind me or as the barnyard of animals is being unloaded before me.

  “You being on drugs only strengthens our case”. Usually it’s said with a smile & I’ve heard it a bunch of times since I was a child.

  I’ve heard it bragged. “When you tell the cops that you don’t remember it [the perv circus of animals] when they see the films they’ll laugh because no one would do that to someone. Because if we wanted to torture someone logically we’d want them to remember it but we like to torture the crap out of you & you don’t even protest it when we give you the date rape drug”. “Besides, we only use the date rape drug at first on our victims. Once the cops see our films & they’ve given up listening to our victims then we torture them without the drugs & then they can cry to the cops all they want & the cops won’t listen to them. Then we can tell the cops we plan to torture our victims & they won’t care one bit”. Add in their blackmail films… a few doctored photos… a few real photos of their victims dressed as Klansmen & witches… show a few child-porn scenes the victim has been forced to endure under a drugged torture scene… spread a little cash & wink… & another formerly law-abiding victim goes down in flames. Worse than that? Duh Jerk told me back in fall of 1976 when he tried to recruit me. “We don’t just destroy our victims. We have to destroy who & what they are. First we destroy their reputations by going around & telling everyone that they’re a child-molester or Klansmen & we’ve got the films to prove it. Then we torture them & make them do things. We tempt them into doing things & pretty soon they’re a scumbag. Then we cast’em into prison & then we make them do more things & hurt people. Soon we’ve got people lining up & begging us to kill them & then we kill them & with our films no one will ask any questions”. The science of evil. A science the group can brag about openly.


THE CAPTAIN OF THE FOOTBALL TEAM... & I meet one last time under the protection of the Bay City... cops...

  There are some who call the park in downtown Bay City Michigan "Toilet Seat Park" based on the icon proudly standing there. Some call the icon... "The Freedom Arch". It is perhaps the most symbolic thing in all the area, a beacon, a symbol of all that is the great city of Bay City Michigan. It is symbolic of all that is Bay City & all of it's great public affairs are held in the shadow of it. Politicians, celebrities, rich men, & poor men have all basked in the warm glow of all it's glory. Whatever it might be called the Child-Molestors have taken great pleasure in boasting that they are wholly responsible for it & that it's shape was designed as a beacon in Child-Molestor gang-speak declaring to all the world that this community, Bay City, is "owned" & operated by them & "their kind of people".

  The first person to brag thusly was my nameless "Cousin". One time after I'd fetched him a can of beer as a child he told me he wanted to talk to me. As I had been ordered by my ______ (honor honor honor) to obey his every word I stood & listened to him in the early 70's as he spouted on & on about the "Freedom Arch" of downtown Bay City Michigan. "We [the Child-Molestors] came up with that arch. We were sitting around one day shooting heroin talking about the contest & how we owned the guys in charge of who won & then we wondered if we could sell politicians a toilet seat? So we had someone come up with one & we arranged for them to win the contest. It was awesome. We did some drugs at the unveiling ceremony & it was all we could do not to laugh as politician after politician went on and on about how great it was & how it was a symbol of freedom". He boasted it'd been free drugs, supplied by him that made the day a truly festive one for him, the gang, and the many local politicians in his pocket.

  Over the years I've been forced to endure the boasting of admitted rapists who brag that the arch is their symbol... a title.. a deed... proof that they run the show. Proof just like the sign outside of the local police department. A sign they brag means Child-molesters run this town because of it's content.
































  My opinion? Talk is cheap & the real story of how the "Freedom Arch" & the sign of a cop holding a child's hand while lovingly gazing into the little girl's eyes in front of the Bay City Police Station came to be just might be a more noble one... I hope. In any even "Toilet Seat Park" was a wonderful family friendly park in my opinion... during the day. At night the park turned into a capital of perversion, a gay park overlorded by the Child-Molestors... or so they brag. I even read articles in the Bay City Enabler... a local newspaper that quoted local police as saying that they could go to the park & arrest dozens of people each & every night on lewd conduct charges. Such is the park's perversion.

  One day... in high school, Bay City's taxpayer funded Rapist Learning Center... oops... uh... it's largest school I resolved to begin the new year without skipping school no matter what amount of violence the staff & their all-too eager to help students were willing to do to me. Not that it mattered. I alone out of the thousands of students could skip school all I wanted without fear of prosecution. The staff bragged they reigned in "their" truant officers. Talking to me could get a victim... er... student a knuckle sandwich... not that a lot of them tried. THIS YEAR WAS GOING TO BE DIFFERENT... I WAS GOING TO SUCCEED!

  Seating order was mandatory in my high school science class & the guy they called "The Captain of the Football Team" was sat directly behind me. He was ever violent & delighted kicking my chair from behind. Even kicking me a few times! I turned the other cheek as is my custom & then we discussed fighting after that. He wanted to fight at a time & place of his choosing. Me? I was born at night but not last night. I told him round one would begin in class. Now!

  The science teacher was there to stop anything from escalating to violence. Then T.C.O.T.F.T. resumed his kicks.

  I turned around only to see Duh Jerk in the hall with a camera pointed at us.

  Violence! Pick pick pick & with Duh Jerk standing in the hallway to cover for him. Such was the angle that Only I & a few of the classes students who I never saw again could see him, us...

  I'll always recall C.P.R. day. We were each expected to bend over onto the ground & perform C.P.R. on a dummy. As the football team stood around me I noticed every single one of them chose to wear boots today. So I chickened out & hung around the dummy & swore I'd taken my turn on the ground too.

  Violence! Every now & then T.C.O.T.F.T., Stinky Fingers (my future torturer & rapist), an idiot, & a giant jock would challenge me to a fight, nearly always in the school's 3rd floor west wing.

  I had no intention of fighting them so I stood my ground & they didn't have the guts to start one either. Then, once the challenge was over (lest I be called a coward for running) I used to pick a random direction & run. More often than not I found Duh Jerk standing around the corner armed with a camera & pursuing his favorite pass-time, talking with 2 beautiful teenaged girls.

  I quizzed a more talkative Child-Molestor on the subject. He told me Duh Jerk stood outside my classroom hoping to provoke me into attacking T.C.O.T.F.T. on film so the football team across the hall could cheerfully beat my sorry assets into the dirt.

  I replied. "He kicked me. It would've been self-defence".

  He countered. "Not with our camera angles". Then he went on to explain that "the football team" were Child-Molestor regulars, teens shuttled in from afar to kill me... on film.

  I told him. "The cops would notice that they were from another school".

  He said. "No they wouldn't. They never check. And if they did they'd find that they'd all been transferred to our school & were honor students. If they fail they'll go back to their own school & no one will be the wiser because we'll destroy their records".

  "Why does Jerk have the 2 girls with him when he's trying to film me"? I had to ask. I wondered if there was another motive than sex.

  "Those girls are there to provide him a human shield in case things go wrong. Anyone who wants to attack him has to go through 2 pretty girls first. They're there in case he can provoke you into attacking T.C.O.T.F.T. and the football team should beat you into the dirt & you don't die but are close to dying. Then the girls pretend to be your friends and tend to you & shove off anyone who tries to help you and everyone waits 20 minutes to a half hour for you to die".

  "Teachers would notice. Kids would notice that they're not helping me & delaying medical treatment on me".

  "No one's going to hit a pretty girl, especially over you. They'll just start to cry & tell everyone that they're your friends. Our group has gone to great lengths to make sure everyone here [at the Bay City tax-payer funded Jr. rapist academy, uh... Bay City's largest school] hates you. As for the delaying medical treatment it''d be Jerk's word & a few of the staff against a bunch of kids. Then he'd go to your funeral & cry a few tears & no one would suspect him".

  "The team would get prosecuted".

  "No they wouldn't because we'd have the films that'd prove that you started it. If they did get prosecuted they're only minors & with Jerk to vouch for them they'd be lucky to get a few years in a resort kid's B.TS. (Michigan State Kid's Prison) & they'd be heroes in our group".

  Fast forward.... I was on the 3rd floor going to class when a teenager approached me & called me a murderer. "You killed that kid". To be continued. See: "The Captain of the Football Team's final insult"...


  SPOILER ALERT: The Child-Molestors have brought up The Captain of the Football Team, who and what he was, might have been, and the wierd upon wierd cover-up they've got planned for if the... cops do investigate it. See: "YEARBOOK MADNESS"...

KILL ONE... KILL'EM ALL... but only the innocent ones... More creative ways to kill innocents 4 fun...


Ephesians 6

King James Version (KJV)


 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

  SOMETTIMES I WONDER??? Whatever became of those who died???

  Sometimes... I wonder about the Child-Molestor's many victims. You see, I believe that there is a God, and a glorious Heaven that awaits us all. The only problem is... some of us wont make it. Because there is also a hell, and a lake of fire. We are creatures of choice. One may choose to serve the Lord, or refuse. It's mostly up to the individual. I wonder if any of those who died prayed a prayer like unto this? "Dear Lord, let me eat, drink, and be merry today, and tomorrow I will join you". Little did those poor unfortunate souls realize but... that night they would meet the Child-Molestors... and me.

  I picture thier souls just casually walking along... and then plummeting into utter destruction forever.

  Murder is wrong. Killing? It is appointed that there is a season for everything. A time to laugh, a time to cry, a time to be born, and a time to die. There is a time to save someone and even a time to kill. Once you kill someone, even if it's for the best of reasons. You take away from them... life. You take away everything from them. You take thier only chance to live, to grow, to find spiritual peace, to find life's truth's. Murder, killing for fun, profit, or malice is wrong.

  There is an eternity and I fear that one day I shall stand in one spot, and all those who died will be paraded before me with thier fingers pointing at me. Tell me oh wise one's among my readers. Tell me, what are the words I will say to them? What do you say to someone who is about to be cast forever into the lake of fire?

  "I'm sorry".

  This is how "The Child-Molestors" work. Plan A: how they do it, what they do, what they love. It's simple, easy, and they brag it always works...

  First, my guess is that it takes a special kind of person to wake up in the morning & declare. "Today I will become a kidnapper & rapist for profit to better facilitate my urges to torture innocent victims". I know it's difficult for the average citizen to believe but... people like that ARE out there and they live in America & enjoy all of the privileges that come with pretending to be a law-abiding citizen. Worse? There are people like that out there and they've found friends to help them. They're organized! They've even become wealthy by victimizing the populace en-mass and even worse than that? They are expanding. They're getting stronger and feeding off the life's blood of our American youth. At least in Bay City they've infiltrated the schools, it is they who "run the show". Even worse than that? Until now no one has been able to stop them or even stand before them. They have been and are an unstoppable child-consuming juggernaut of destruction that's been a plague in America's schools for decades and they plan to not only stay that way... but to expand! This, is what they like to do. Their hobby, their... lifestyle. Like I said it takes a special type of person to wake up and decide to become a rapist for profit and, much to my dismay... I've met & had to deal with a slew of them!

  Okay, now let’s get to the nuts & bolts, how the machine works as both observed by myself & as bragged and whined to me by the Child-Molestor's many member/victims & victim/members respectively (depending on which member you're talking to).

  The first thing you should take into account is Duh Jerk's own advice to me when he unsuccessfully tried to recruit me in fall of 1976. Sitting there in his taxpayer funded Bay City Public School office during business hours he said to me. "The first thing you should know about us is we're primarily actors".

  Let us now ponder what he meant by "primarily actors". First consider the word "primarily".


 PRIMARILY pri·mar·i·ly

[ prī mérrəlee ]

  1. chiefly: mainly or mostly

  2. originally: originally or at first

Next, let us consider the word "actor".


ACTOR ac·tor

[ áktər ]

  1. performer in plays: somebody who acts in plays, movies, or television

  2. somebody who pretends: somebody who pretends to be somebody else or to feel something so as to impress or deceive

  Now consider for a moment a group of honest citizens who are "primarily actors". They pretend to be different people, put on skits, stage plays, and interact with their audiences for fun & profit. Some of them even sell spirits & drugs to enhance what they're doing for their audience. They tend to form groups called a troupe.

  Now ponder what a group of criminals who consider themselves "primarily actors" would be like. They also would tend to pretend to be different people, put on skits, stage plays, and interact with their captive audiences for fun & profit. Some of them even force various spirits & drugs on their captive audience to enhance what THEY'RE doing for their prisoners. They tend to form groups called an organized-crime gang.

  What organized crime means is a gang of dedicated criminals who are well trained, organized, & motivated to commit crimes for fun & or profit.


  When he tried to recruit me back in fall of 1976 the sicko perv I've given the humiliating nickname Duh Jerk told me that the gang primarily makes it's money by selling drugs (in Bay City Public Schools, easy with him as a trusted public school employee & Dirty Cop running interference), prostitution, and blackmail. Then, with a smile he added. "But the real money's in kiddie porn"! Over the coming month he tried to train me, and then horrifically involved me in their ongoing kiddie-porn blackmail ring.


  According to the fine people at hypnotic means...


    hɪpˈnɒt ɪk [hip-not-ik]


1. of or pertaining to hypnosis or hypnotism.

2. inducing or like something that induces hypnosis.

3. susceptible to hypnotism, as a person.

4. inducing sleep.


5. an agent or drug that produces sleep; sedative.

6. a person who is susceptible to hypnosis.

7. a person under the influence of hypnotism.

  To put it simply they kidnap victims & drug them with a type of drug called a hypnotic drug & set them down in front of a camera. The victim seems lucid when the edited film is viewed later but completely addled.

  As it is explained to me the first thing they do with a captured victim is check them for bug and tracking devices. "The F.B.I. have almost caught us a few times so the first thing we do is check all of our victims for bugs".

  The next part sounds incredulous to the layman but I've heard. "Then we put on a skit to weed out any F.B.I. agents. We make them think they’re in a debriefing and we put them through a rigorous debriefing and it reveals any F.B.I. agents. Then we just dump them out on some old country road. The worst they can do is maybe put a few of our guys who kidnapped the agent in prison but they ain't putting anyone in prison who we don't want put in prison anyway".

  Do you have a friend in the medical profession reader? Ask them what a "hypnotic drug" is & what it can do.


  Having weeded out the Feds the group turns their attention to the victim who I'll call a "Stage One Victim" & attacks them in ways only the most perverse minds can imagine by "primarily acting", all on film. As boasted to me a type of drug called by some laymen "the date-rape drug" is applied in conjunction with their other drug(s). Then, they run the stage One Victim through an array of pre-rehearsed play & skits with the singular goal of tempting their victim into doing something illegal. What the date-rape drug allows them to do is to completely eliminate their victim's long-term memory during their rapes, tortures, & skits.


  The human brain's memory can be divided into 2 basic categories. Long & short-term memory. When operating normally the human mind initially uses its short-term memory. This area of the mind can store memories for only 10-15 seconds at the most. When a memory enters the brain it must make a decision if the given memory is important enough to store in the long-term memory.

  Some drugs can shut down the long-term memory leaving a drugged & dazed victim very susceptible to suggestion.

  Indeed, remember this next quote well reader. "I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". WOW! Have I heard that sentence a bunch of times. It works too as bragged to me. Firstly the experienced interrogators, "primarily actors" do what they do best, they primarily act. These people are all well trained & motivated both by greed and the base perversions that fuel their lusts. Incredibly I’ve been told (told, bragged, and whined to depending on who's talking, a member/victim or a victim/member) some of the participants are fellow victims! They've been hopelessly blackmailed and their new masters can put them in prison for life at a moment's notice & they are painfully aware of that so they now help their new masters to torture & indoctrinate new members.


  The Child-Molestors brag that they have a revolving door of victims. Some, most I'll predict, are just caught up in their perverse version of a "one-night-stand". The victim has trusted their new "friend" who is indeed a card-carrying C.M. member. Once trusted, even for a moment the victim is drugged, often as quoted to me. "We just have one of our whores ask them 'how would you like to have a cold glass of lemonade"?

  No matter how the individual is drugged (I hear they like to change it up & use their imagination) & whisked away by the gang, usually in an ambulance. The victim or victims undergo search & are tested to see if they are with law-enforcement.

  Next, the victim(s) are usually gang-raped, on film. At this point I'm told they ALLWAYS use small children to rape the victim. Indeed, everything that the group does is filmed for many reasons. The first of which is "I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". Guys like Duh Jerk, his Weasel, & F.B. can point to their many films starring their victims & say things like. "They are our friends. See the films?  The only reason they're angry at us is because of a lover's quarrel". Victims are even shown being paid. Who are you going to listen to? Us or some whore? See all the perversion they're into"? They brag that it always works... especially against me!


  The camera is the Child-Molestor's best friend, their ultimate weapon. Why? Because to most laymen & amateur juries the camera never lies. They film it because the victim being drugged is a double whammy. First they brag that they just tell cops and juries that the victim was on drugs (Yes, TELL THEM!) and as a druggie should be ignored. Then they add that getting the drugs were the victim's motivation to allow the gang to gang rape & torture them. Seeming to pay the victims cash on film only offers more proof. "We pay our victims on film as proof they got paid for the sex but who does that? The only reason we only pay our victims on film is so we can prove to a jury that they got paid".

  The second reason they film everything is twice as damming. The victim is on some serious drugs. They may say & do some pretty strange things & the C.M. crew is always there to exploit any weakness as only a team of experts with generations of experience can. "Sometimes our victims say or do some pretty strange things and we film it and show it to the jury".

  The next phase, a date-rape drug(s) are added to short circuit the victim's long term memory. Cases that tell how a victim would act where victim's have no long-term memory are well documented (so do your own research!), the victim seems otherwise normal and is even capable of performing various tasks & engaging in conversations. To the laymen they might seem... normal. But with no long-term memory they ply the victim using theatrical skits, plays, and scenarios devised by perverse madmen who've honed their skills to razor-sharp through decades of experience.

  Every 15-20 second the victim's memory resets, they forget everything that's happened and the group subtly change how they interact with the victim. Scripts are altered, props are added & taken away and the victim is engaged over & over until something works. Then they refine what works by subtly changing it every 15-20 second. Eventually, the lifestyle masters of perversion hit upon a winning formula & it is practiced to perfection over & over. Then the victim is allowed to gradually come off the drugs & the well-rehearsed scenario seems to unfold innocently in front of the ever-present camera. As near as I can tell, by practicing it over & over they catch the victim at the precise moment that their long-term memory kicks in. The group are all trained to recognize this moment when the victim seems to be able to converse for 21 or more seconds. The damming scenario unfolds. The way they tell me is that the victim almost always acts exactly as predicted. Then the lights come on & they dictate terms to said victim.

  Their indoctrination often varies, I've heard this one before. "We just invite them [the victim] to an orgy. Then once it gets going we send in little kids and they start having sex. Then we tell them it's safe & since everyone else is doing it they give in". Then the cameras come out & the victim's new masters begin to dictate terms.

  According to Duh Jerk in fall of 76. "We like to pin their head during an orgy, usually by getting them to eat p#$$%. Then we have the little girl mount the guy who can't see and have the woman pinning him get off. Then with a sharp whistle we get him to look at the camera. Then we turn on the lights and the orgies over & we start to dictate terms.

  "Usually we tell them 'We'll give you the film if you do us a favor. Usually attacking one of our victims who we've demonized to ease their sensibilities". He went on to brag. "Then we've got 2 films of them breaking the law. Then we tell them they have to have an orgy with little kids & once they do that we can get them to do almost anything we want". Perversion 101 kiddies.

  Another variant, I hear it's mainly a summer thing (these guys ARE Public School based after all) for them, they stalk & kidnap people. Out of work, vacationing, and normal otherwise law-abiding people. Usually simply for gang-rape. "If they don't say anything [after the rape] they'll be fine. If they do we begin to stalk them".

  Strangely enough, the gang are reluctant to simply bluntly use their films against an uncooperative victim as a rule by just handing them over to police or the victim's loved ones. "If they don't give in to us or if they go to the cops we don't just use our films against them right away. We show our films to the cops and say "See? They are our friend". Then we say that they're crazy and only hang around us for the drugs and it always works because everyone [in the gang] knows to say that. Then we stalk them. We go to where they work, to their friends & family and show them the films". They do everything they can to break up their marriages, families, friendship, and to get them fired. "Once they lose their friends that's okay because we give them new friends. Our group's a big group & there's always someone with the same hobbies as them. We give them one of our whores. Once we've got someone to cover for us at their house... I think that wise readers can guess the rest.. soon it's game over for yet another law-abiding citizen. "Most of our victims think that when they go to prison that their ordeal is over but it's not. We have a contact in the Michigan director of prisons & he maneuvers our victims straight to our guys in prison because he personally hates child-molesters. We their fellow prisoners they're they're a racist & we've got the films [of them dressed as Klansmen, Nazis, ect.] to prove it and the racists won't help them once we show them all of our pictures of them with little kids".

  At the Bay City Elementary Public School I attended all 30+ of my classmates were involved. The group was & still is savage, destroying the lives of everyone they touch. Do you think they've gotten nicer reader? I say no! These savages are brutal in the extreme & if you just watch me go down in flames then they are coming to your community next! To your kid's school!

  What kind of skits & plays you ask? Read on & I'll explain it to you in graphic detail reader.

  First, let's start small. During my ongoing attempted murder in fall of 1976 Duh Jerk bragged to me that he controlled the individual who assigned children to it's foster homes (I apologize to whomsoever that might be, a madman can boast of many things & if you really care about kids you'll side with me) by whatever means be it manipulation (that'd mean they're innocent), blackmail, or bribery (unlikely, they don't bribe for long, it's a prelude to being recruited). So I interviewed every foster kid talk to me at Bay City's taxpayer-funded Jr. Rape learning center in 1976. Inevitably not some, not most, all of the 6th grade class had the same tale of woe. They'd all been picked on by the Child-Molestors once they'd become a ward of the state, then been kidnapped, tortured, gang-raped, sleep-deprived, and broken... and were now performing sex acts for no profit for the Child-Molestors. The 7th graders wouldn't talk to me (long story) & of all the 8th grader foster kids only one claimed to have been recruited by the Child-Molestors.

  I asked them kids who claimed to be Bay City foster kids. "Don't you get to keep any of the money"?


  "What about tips".?

  "No. They have some of their guys tip us with drugs or money to see if we're handing over our tips. If we don’t then they torture us again".

  I recall finding their use of the words "us" & "we" rather than "me" & "I" to be just plain sick.

  Later... my classmate Snitchgirl came to me & said. "We found out that you were interviewing all the school's foster kids so Jerk (he was her boyfriend & she always called him by his last name, weird on weird) made some of our kids practice being foster kids & then when you asked about who were foster kids we steered you to them". Tell me oh wise among my readers, tell me oh wise among men, how can you fight that? If I may be so bold as to answer myself, very carefully. The group are primarily actors & if you are an investigator you must never forget that. If your case is lining up perfectly in the first week then you have the case the gang wants you to have. like to have witnesses on both sides of the trial


  NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THEIR PLAN! Their victim is on some pretty serious drug(s), some people can act pretty strange on drugs, flip out, act irrational, or even become violent, so the Child-Molestors came up with a plan. Pay attention reader... they tell their victims that they're dreaming during their skits & subsequent torture sessions. "Calm DOWN! YOU'RE DREAMING"! Are their mantra. Since their drug induces a "Dream-like state" this facilitates calming otherwise irrational victims.

  My guess is... that with some people... telling them they're dreaming can be a very very bad idea.

  Still paying attention reader? Here it is, the worst part (for me & a little less so for the rest of their victims) was dramatized by one of them while boasting. "You were a once in a lifetime Godsend. We can't get anyone to do anything they normally wouldn't normally do in their dreams [on our drug]. With your nightmares there's almost nothing we couldn't get you to do".

  My heart sank at the above saying because I know what my nightmares are like. The horror... the horror...


  Duh Jerk bragged to me several times. "I have strict rule that I follow & as long as I follow them I can never be caught".

  Here I shall tell you the rules as they've been bragged & or whined to me...

  1) Unbelievability! Anything & everything the C.M.'s do must be ludicrous or audacious. "As long as we attack you weird we can do anything we want to you". Uhh... I'm not saying that normal people are kidnapping, raping, & torturing me. I'm saying weird & perverse people are attacking me. That being said would they attack me as a normal person might expect or as a weird & perverse person would?

  This has been a dose of logic. If you're reading over the shoulder of someone who's served in law-enforcement in the Mid-Michigan area you've probably noticed that they're in a daze or that they may have fallen over from shock. Please help them, nurse their wounds, & gently tell them that it is entirely probable that perverts just might act... "perversely" & not like normal people when kidnapping people for their weird perversions.

  2) Never give a victim an even break: Once targeted a victim is in for a life of torture & perversion. The way they explained it to me is that it in itself is proof that the victim can be ignored by law-enforcement. "See all of the sick stuff he's into? Who are you going to trust him or me"? Thus, the camera has always been the Child-Molestor's best friend. "No one would believe that I'd be so stupid as to film a rape". How to get away with perversion as taught by the masters.

  3) Limit lengthy stalking to only family members of their loyal members: I know it goes against the face of logic but that's how perversion work, perversely. They brag that every 6 years in Bay City's many Tax-payer-funded Public Schools that a child of loyal members is singled out for a lifetime of rape & perversion. "You sell our real-life rape fantasy".

  4) Yell loud & yell the loudest: They brag that they frame their victims repeatedly and like to assign the role of victim  gang, member/victims and victim/members too. That way when their victims cry rape they have tenfold the number of witnesses to accuse their victim of the most vile & base crimes imaginable. "All we have to do is accuse you of some sick crime & no one will listen to you". The Science of perversion as bragged to me by madmen.

  Setting up thier own guyms (alongside thier other, VERY real victims) pays off in many waysfor the 'm told. One it allows them to scream oudly as the real victims in the end-time drama that they plan to inflict on thier victims during the final stagestruction. Ie: the victim's removal from polite society by the authorities.

  Second it allows the gang to be privy to what's happening on both sides of the legal system. "I like to have witnesses on both sides of the courtroom. It makes me privy to what both sides are doing and we can plan accordingly".

  Thirdly it grants them the ability to manipulate prosecution and defence. "By making our own people the victims we get to control how thier [loyal 2nd and 3rd generation] families will act in court".

  Forthly add in the polished and prcaticed choreography the gang's "victims" will have rehearsed to razor-sharp perfection and you have a damming machine of destruction all the more believeable when presented alongside the shouts of the gang's other victims.

  Fifthly it makes for great indoctrion. Once someone participates in publicly destroying someone the nails are pounded into the coffin of what used to be thier law-abiding life and now they are forever perjurors who will never be able to appose the gang. Ever... More lives for the bonfires of the Lake of Fire and not only them, they will be expected to hand over thier children, and thier grandchildren. Then one day, when the gang realize that taking 50% of thier elderly victim/member's retirement isn't much when you realize that their victim knows too much and thier loyal kids will pay them 50% of thier inheritance, well, you know...

  Unbelievability is added. "No jury would believe that I would wn gang-members but I don't care who gets hurt". Making a tale of woe sounincreulous IS allways the gang's statethat they do. Remember, these guys play for keeps and when you really trully love killing children for fun & profit, you'd better pull every trick you can out of your hat. That and hire the Child-Molestor's P.R. guy because, wow! The... cops I've talked with that acknowleged the Child-Molestors couldn't shut up aboout how great the gang were, while discussing the gang with thier peers in front of me.

  Lastly, it can be a punishment for thier otherwise loyal members. they inflict atrocities on thier own and then cover it up for life by making THIER victims and thier own families testify that some scumbag (any given victim who's currently being targeted by the gang) did this or that to them. It's allways win/win with them.


BACK TO SCHOOL DAZE... Bay City... cop quote... "No one would do that to someone".

  Sooo... there I was sitting at a bland and otherwise ordinary kitchen table in the basement of the huge apartment building on Bay City's main drag, it's very heart, it's soul even. The one thing that IS Bay City and all of it's glory. It begins at the edge of the city in a defunct mall, rumored to have been destroyed in no small part by organized crime and it ends at the giant symbol that is truly symbolic of all that is the community... a giant toilet seat (with the lid up) they have the audacity to call "The Freedom Arch" which is itself located inside of a park where local police have been quoted as saying that they can arrest perverts on charges of public indecency all day every day as long as they choose to keep... cops on duty there. Yeah... It was a few blocks from that place where this happened. Not far from the place that would become the women's rape capital of the world as of late. Yeah... there.

  Yup, there I was... mid-torture. They kept me awake, they didn't feed me, and the smiling madman and his assistant kept telling me things like. "Now you have to kill an innocent of my choosing or I'll keep you awake until you go insane". The gang slapped me every 30 seconds or so to keep me awake and loud on loud rock music blared on 24/7 coming from the apartments above.

  He didn't mean he'd personally keep me awake, though he did keep a vigil, standing over me for weeks, maybe months while his towering jocks clad in gangland black pounded and slapped me to keep me awake. Yeah... I fought back. I got in a few good licks too. Eh, nothing to write home about though.

  Pain, drugs, deprivation, horror, gang-rapes, PRACTICAL jokes, insanity to the nth degree inflicted on my person, were all having an effect. My mind was beginning to deteriorate into a "primal state". I figured the gang were certainly going to kill me this time for sure... and I was determined to do anything to escape, anything to reduce the odds against me so I might live to run to the... cops, get these guys off my back, and be free from a life of tyranny (yeah, I was and still AM that stupid).

  As time went on, maybe it was the deprivation, maybe it was the drugs, maybe both, who knows? As time went on they let me sit down at that basement table. There, the jocks continued their campaign of slaps, every 30 seconds or so to keep me awake. Yeah, I fought back, particularly just before my next injection of who knows what was about to happen (ask them all you want, they wont sterilize a thing. Oddly, they tell me that they plan to claim that I like that sort of thing. Huh, go figure). I lost. I... lost...

  Time passes...


  Smiling Jocks deliver slaps every 30 seconds or so. I fight on occasion. I lost...


  Time passes...


  I'm growing more and more catatonic as time passes... my lucid moments are becoming fewer... The jocks complain very much about the multitude of minor wounds I've inflicted on them, a broken leg, arm, gouged eye, bitten-off fingers. Their orders are unchanging. I can do whatsoever I want to his army of children... They may only slap me and deliver body blows and inflict all the mental cruelty that they desire and most do it with a smile. This is fun to them and my ongoing torture and humiliation IS the time of thier lives. Yeah... whatever...

  Duh Jerk hears the Jock's pleas, now, children will be brought in to slap me awake because I'd never hurt a child. Thus my torture could go on injury free while the giant teenaged jocks stood guard.

  Push... "Tee hee hee".

  ... start to nod off...

  Slap! "Giggle giggle"...

  fall into a daze...

  Push... Smile smile smile!


  I recall one of the times I drifted off... Unwittingly I grabbed the child's drink who was pushing me and drank it. The spit it out! I was shocked back to reality... The drink was Vodka!

  I chewed out Duh Jerk. How could he let this child drink hard liquor AND torture a man who did her no evil.

  He pointed out that her being a drunk was low on the totem pole as the other children and the jocks were all drug addicts, then he pointed to the drug table, stocked with an assortment of drugs, and told me that I knew they all were hooked on one drug or another and I knew it.

  The conversation turned to how old she was... He insisted that she was 11 years old. That he liked to exclusively use 11 year olds against me for several reasons. One, because at age 11 they just don't make big money in the child-porn biz, 2 it was a form of sick graduation. Now that they'd tortured me at the end of thier child-porn career with the full knowledge of their families and he'd filmed it he'd "own" them and thier parents for life and insure an entire cadre of people willing to testify against me to save thier own necks one day, 3 and he felt it was the most important and over the years he's brought the subject up time and again, 3 is because the children of "The Gym" were all 11. Thus by using 11 year olds against me he makes the gym unbelieveable. Partly the reason we were in this particular basement because I'd hung out there a few times before I'd joined the Navy as a child. Thus, my story was unbelievable... according to the smiling madman that is. Eh, he's the expert on the subject, not me. Sigh...

  Time passes...


  Push... "Tee hee hee".

  ... start to nod off...

  Slap! "Giggle giggle"...

  fall into a daze...

  Push... Smile smile smile!

  Time passes... I nearly escape! To me it seems that the children tripping me up when the jocks were failing was the deciding factor in my failure to escape.

  ... The sun came up, the sun went down many times. How many? Idano..

  I was getting frustrated... angry.. Yeah, I said it reader. Angry...

  I decided to try to escape again... using Plan A: I would reduce the number of torturers against me by any means possible starting with the easiest first.

  SLAP! The pretty little blond girl was about 11 years old and looked as innocent as any pre-teen I'd ever seen. I grabbed her glass and shattered the end on the edge of the table and lunged for her throat!

  The jocks lunged at me and superior numbers took me down. The pile was reduced one by one and they eventually separated us all. The once pretty little girl now wore an ugly jagged scar up and down the left side of her face. It was a big, wide, and nasty one. It goes without saying that she wept bitterly and looked at me through crocodile tears. Pouting she asked me. "How could you do that to me. I'm just a little girl"?

  I told her she had it coming. That there are consequences in life and if you want to torture somebody, bad things might happen to you.

  I forget her exact words at the time of this writing. But it was something like unto that she was in the gang, and she'd get me for this.

  Shaking my head I told her about her new life. "Uhh uh. Now that your face is scarred your out of the gang. Tell her Jerk".

  Duh Jerk appraised the sobbing child's wounds while holding her shoulders and shook his head and said sadly. "Ughh. your face is scarred. You are no longer a face in the crowd. You are a marked woman. Now you are of no use to me". He ordered her replaced and sent a jock to take her to get patched up at Bunga Bunga Hospital.

  She wept all the more at Duh Jerk's saying and looked at me with sad eyes as she was escorted out.

  It was decided that a pree-teen boy should be the one doing the slapping and they replaced the glass with a plastic cup.

  Time passes...


  Push... "Tee hee hee".

  ... start to nod off...

  Slap! "Giggle giggle"...

  fall into a daze...

  Push... Smile smile smile!

  There, along the northernmost wall in the basement apartment, I became lucid for a moment. I grabbed the green plastic cup and threw the contents into the face of the biggest jock! Then I faked a throw at the other jock on duty, threw the remainder of the cup into his face, and hurled the cup into his face!

  The jocks from the next room came at me like a wave as I pounced on the 11 year old boy! Seeing that they had twice the amount of backup as before I figured there was no escape. Or very little odds of escape. So I had to reduce the odds against me, if only by one. It was then, that I twisted 11 Year-Old's neck with everything I had while the bodies pressed on me.

  Make a long story short? They peeled us apart and the boy was dead. Duh Jerk ordered the jocks to be given a large dose of drugs as a consolation prize and he ordered that new jocks be brought in and that children continue to be the ones to slap me.

  Duh Jerk turned to Fagboy and ordered him to dose everyone present except for him. Then he ordered me drugged again. "I want you to dose everybody here but you. I don't want anyone here to remember any of this but you. And give the jocks some extra drugs as payment and get me a new set of jocks". Then he pointed to me. "Dose him. I don't want him to remember any of this".

  His guy, they called him "The Doctor". The Doctor said. "No".

  Duh Jek was furious at the mere thought of this Dr. refusing a simple order.

  The Dr. said. "You told me if he dies I die". He explained that I'd been on a near lethal dose for a long time, simply put if dosed again I would certainly die. "You know we've been having to up the dose because he's developing a resistance to the drug. I cant be responsible if he dies". He seemed extremely agitated.

  It was Fagboy And Duh Weasel who begged for the privilege to kill me. Duh Weasel was very insistent when his Jerk turned him down. Weasel lamented that he'd had sex with the child and come to like him, he was about to be groomed for big things in the Child-Molsetor world and now it'd all been taken away by... me. He'd adored sex with that child whom e'd boasted was quite good at it. The child had meant something to him and I should die for not only that, but to repay them for the insult that was "The Gym".

  The jocks were furious with me. In thier opinion I should die for what happened. The irritating thing to me was the largest jock grabbed the little boy by his shoulders and kept shaking his limp body with every gesture to emphasize whet he was yelling at me.

  I asked him to put the body down and he initially refused so I added. "Show some respect for the dead and put the body down".

  Yeah, they were angry. There was a lot of pushing and shoving as jocks chose to decide my very fate at that very moment there just below Bay City's Center Avenue. It was my attempt to escape... again that ended the argument and united them in Child-Molestor harmony.

  "How could you do that to children"? I asked.

  Duh Jerk said what he always says in that situation. "I don't care who gets hurt".

  Me? The author? I have no illusions what I'm up against. Imagine... A group of recreational serial-killers who can look you in the eye and tell you that no one died back then, no nobody got hurt. Picture a group of madmen unburdened by remorse who will themselves be offended at the very concept of the enormity of thier evil deeds. Picture a pack of child-murderers who will be as surprised as the rest of the world to find out exactly what kind of people they really are. Now picture yourself on the receiving end of all of this.

  Yeah... Whatever...

  HOW TO KILL CHILDREN...And get away with it as taught to me by the best !!!


  Sooo... there I was, delirious on some drug, I think it was some time after my marriage, maybe before, I don't have any memories, no "gang snitch" came to me to jog my memory to give me a frame of reference as to the time what I'm about to say occurred, so I'll try my best and throw around words like "circa 1991" and such.

  Oops... the advice. Soooo... you like to kill children. Whether you're a child-killing hobbyist like Duh Jerk and his "perv crew" or just a mid-Michigan... cop blackmailed by a gang up to your eyeballs in life sentences I'd suppose you need advice. Always kill children as absurdly as possible and make sure there's a few fall guys to take the blame. Or better yet find one who'll take the blame and even do the deed for your many films that you'll force them to endure. The... cops fall for this every time, trust me, my name is David A. George and I endorse this strategy as being all but infallible. Like this...

  Duh Jerk, Fagboy, Duh Weasel, assorted jocks and gangbangers were just standing around the camera with myself while a little girl, 8 to 10 years old stood with her back to us for no reason I recall at the time of this writing in a dimly lit oddly rectangular room, maybe even a hallway. A Uniformed Bay City... cop stood providing protection just off camera.

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delirious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused...

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delirious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused... Killing little girls is wrong I tell him.

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delirious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused...

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delirious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused... I recognise him, the battle is on to drug me again. I lost.

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...

  Over and over... who knows how many times this was repeated?

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused...

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  The little girl was pretty, dark brown hair, a frekled face, and in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  I took the hammer and hit her very, very hard on top of the head. WHAK!

  The gang made snickering comments that she was dead. Much like all of the... cops I've had the good fortune to have met, they thought that murder was the most hilarious subject on earth.

  "Now that you've killed that little girl on film you'd better join us or we'll send it to the police. You'll get a life scentence. But if you join us we'll give you a house, a car, and a job and you'll only have to kill people sometimes". Certainly, he assured me I'd be killing less people if I worked for the Child-Molestors than I was up and until now. By joining the gang I'd be saving lives. I've heard this paragraph in various forms every few years my entire life. The author asks... is this normal conversation? Is this just an example of everyday mundane America? Only lately does it occur to me that I have nothing to compare it too?

  Still later... we go through the same thing. Was it during "that" particular kidnapping? Was it during another? I cant say. I never saw the little blond girl's face. Fagboy suggested to delirious me... again. Since you're dreaming, why not take this hammer and hit that girl on the head"? Over & over &... Yeah, yeah yeah, I refused over & over &... because hitting little girls in the head with a hammer is wrong. Eventually he said. "Give me the hammer". So I handed him the hammer in the presence of Shortstuff Duh Jerk and Duh Weasel and he added. "Why not go over there and hit that little girl on top of the head"?

  So I walked over to the little blond girl who's face I never saw, curled up my fist, and hit her on top of the head with all of my might. She dropped immeadiately. I stood there in a daze, and only was shocked lucid by the roaring laughter of my kidnappers! Much like ALL of the... cops I've met before, they thought that the subject of murder was the most hilarious subject on earth. Duh Jerk informed me again, like before, that I'd best join the gang, I would escape a life sentence in prison because if I didn't join them here and now they could burn me with the... cops any time they wanted.

  I told him. "F _ _ _ you. I ain't joining you because if I did you'd just tell me to do stuff and set me up".

  I'm pretty sure, as in times past, that Duh Jerk and the Perv Crew thought halos appeared over their heads and pleaded that they were wholesome honest Child-Molestors who's integrity I could trust. Eh, ALL of the cops who met them and told me (yes, TOLD ME) that they knew the aformentioned pervs were card-carrying Child-Molestors told me the gang were an honorable batch of Child-Molestors that they could trust. Eh, as I look back on it, who was I to call them liars?

   I hear that the films are quite damming. Card-carrying Child-Molestors, fellow victims (gang victim/members), and even uniformed police at the tail-end of thier investigations have all told me that they've seen the films one way or the other, and that they are quite damming.

  This is how to kill children in America... how to kill children in America and get away with it... how to kill children in America and get away with it and get the cops to help you dispose of your victims for FREE!!!

  Yeah... Whatever...



   THE SAME STORY... REPLAYED OVER AND OVER TO IMPROVE CLARITY... The... cops tell me the enire subject is laughable at best...

  Eh, I could edit the above tale... but I'm not. Instead I re-wrote it... this time taking more time, making sure to add in parts of the tale that I'd seen "as irrelivent". Other parts... I'd skipped over because their memory was a bit muddier than it is now after I'd replayed the scene a hundred times in my head. The... cops laugh and laugh when I tell them that the drugs inflicted on me by the gang makes my memories on the subject fragment, and difficult to recall. Simply put, not all of these drug-hazed sleep deprived torture infused memories are available on demand and not allways with clarity. Well... cops, prepare to yuck it up! Here goes...






Sooo... there I was, delerious on some drug, I think it was some time after my marriage, maybe before, I don't have any memories, no "gang snitch" came to me to jog my memory to give me a frame of reference as to the time what I'm about to say occurred, so I'll try my best and throw around words like "circa 1993" and such.

  Oops... the advice. Soooo... you like to kill children. Whether you're a child-killing hobbyist like Duh Jerk and his "perv crew" or just a mid-Michigan... cop blackmailed by a gang up to your eyeballs in life sentences I'd suppose you need advice. Allways kill children as absurdly as possible and make sure there's a few fall guys to take the blame. Or better yet find one who'll take the blame and even do the deed for your many films that you'll force them to endure. The... cops fall for this every time, trust me, my name is David A. George and I endorse this strategy as being all but infallible. Like this...

  Marin "Duh Jerk" Oak, Matthew "Fagboy" Dyjack Donald "Shorstuff" Corrian & Edward "Duh Weasel" Charbenau along with a slew of jocks and gang bangers and even a few little girls woke me up. My best guess is that we were in a basement, that Boulder City basement... "my guess".  Duh Jerk announced his intentions or my life. "The room was divided into 2 unequal halves by a row of portable white room partitions, "room dividers" making the room into an oddly rectangular shape like unto a hallway with a single table the gamg were gathered around and a room across from the table containing the young perv troops. Industrial lights, like the kind used in construction, on both sides of the partitions provided excellent lighting for the ever-present cameras.

  I woke you up without the drugs because I want you to remember this conversation". His perv crew were snickering. Then he explained himself. "We're going to drug you and keep talking you into killing little kids over & over until you do it on film". He described that, thrugh repetition, he intended to get me to kill children... specificly the little freckle faced girl in front of me. Among others...

  I had to ask him why he would do such a thing?

  "Because I'm going to make you out to be such a sick pervert that no cops will listen to your accusations about the gym".

  Sigh... The Gym! The Gym! The Gym! It's always The Gym with them. You know... from back in fall of 1976 when an entire organized crime gang came down wit a case of incurable mass penis-envy.

  He invited me to notice the long wall of room dividers. "These will make the cops laugh at you when you tell hem about it". Thus a degree of unbelieveability was added to insure the gangs safety. Plus... the partitions would make sure I couldn't identify the basement we were in.

  Author note: Yeah.. that's the unbelieveable part. Riggggghhhhht...

  At his saying I quick stepped and thrust my head through & between a partition. The double furnaces and wide nearby stairway leading up reminded me of the mansion where I killed Flesh on a few years prior. The Jocks jumped & restrained me & voiced concern that now I knew where I was. Duh Jerk told them. "Don't worry about it. He wont remember a thing about it". Since they'd simply drug me on the spot, erase my memory, and try again a little farther away from the partitions an with the Jocks between myself ad the makeshift wall.

  I challenged him, I didn't think his plan would work.

  They disagreed. Then they laughed me to shame.

  I figured that they were about to use their (cops loooovvvve this part, this entire subject is hilarious to them) memory erasing drug(s?) on me and I know it's effectiveness is reduced the longer they wait to administer it. So I hatched a plan to keep them from dosing me as long as possible. I'd keep them taking... but how? Then, it occurred to me... by making them talk about the one thing they love the most in life... themselves.

  "No little girl is going to just stand there and let me kill her".

  Not so Duh Jerk bragged. The little girl was obedient. She'd be doped up to forget his, and to keep her placid, then he'd have the little blond girl keep her talking at the end of the makeshift hallway with her back to us. He told me that he was doing this so he could have a film of the little blonde girl to use as leverage in his ongoing blackmail/extortion plan against her family. First he'd show the father the films... then when he didn't go to the cops he'd be implicated in the murder and easy to blackmail.

  It struck a nerve when Duh Jerk told me the freckle-faced girl was a friend of the little blonde girl. I was outraged and a bit curious too. "If you 2 really are friends? How could you do that to your friend"? I asked.

  She replied it was for the money. Duh Jerk had paid her several thousand dollars.

  I was befuddled at best. "Ain't your dad rich"? Surely he was paying her big cash and her lifestyle came with huge perks? Didn't it? She had an inheritance to look forward to... didn't she?

  She told me her dad gave her $5 or ten(?) dollars a week allowance... and she had no perks and felt she could look forward to none until he died. "He's old. He might live another 10 years or so".

  I counciled her to not do it, to not take the money, and not to trust the Child-Molesters no matter what.

  She wasn't impressed. They never are... at first. She told me that these were new her new friends in he life... she had grown to love her new life of drugs and sex the gang had recently introduced her to and this was the kind of things they wanted of her to impress them. Why wait the bazillion years that 10 years must surely be (for a theoretical inheritance) when she could live the lifestyle she wanted for herself in life now?

  I asked her to tell me the one thing that enticed her to do this to "her friend", what one thing more than any other was her motivation? Her reply? "The drugs". Her recent introduction to hard drugs. When I asked her which drugs she told me she didn't really know what they were called, not actually. She claimed that her favorate were the various brightly colored pills she'd been recently introduced to & that she had no idea what they were called.Though she did say she was fond of a particular white powder & when I asked her what the powder was called she searched her memory and then said. "Coke".

  Eh, I chatted with the gloating Duh Jerk, Fagboy, and his Weasel. They loved this, framing peple was their job and their hobby... and now they could kidnap, rape, and torture me for he rest of my life and just whip out their films whenever I got any weak-minded... cop to listen to me and... well..

  Duh Jerk announced I should be drugged before it was to late.

  Yeah... I fought. I lost... they injected me with who knows what... fade to black...

  Soooo... to me... me... I woke up in an oddly rectangular room I didn't recognize. Duh Jerk, Fagboy, the fat Weasel, and Shortstuff along with assorted Jocks and... well... you get the picture. The drugs they had me on made it difficult to concentrate... the world was rippling fiercely before me.

  Duh Jerk told me he'd kidnapped me, and he couldn't wait to talk about his plan to get me to kill this freckle-facd little girl with dark hair.

  At first... I was worried about my New Wife when Duh Jerk dropped her name in a way that I don't recall at the time of this writing. We talked about her.

  He assured me that she was safe and unharmed.

  That didn't make me feel any better.

  He talked about his plan... they'd ply me with commands to kill the girl and I would eventually obey. The freckle-faced girl was on drugs and her good friend... the little blonde girl about her age weight and height would keep her talking and facing the other way so the gang could ply me with commands at one end of the makeshift hallway and thus I could walk up on her and kill her from behind with this hammer at the other end of the hallway. Then he pointed to the white screens... portable room dividers and mocked me about how they would add a degree of unbelieveability to my story... ensuring him victory over me in court if we should ever find ourselves facing each other there. That and they and the Jocks between us provided a barrier that prevented me from seeing where we were and recognizing the place the murders took place.

  Me? At his saying I faked a charge at the team of giant Jocks, first going one way, then the other and plowed my head between the partitions. The first thing I saw was the broad stairway leading up and the twin furnaces that reminded me of that place I was kidnapped and tortured at in Boulder Colorado. Of course... I recalled that this wasn't the first time we'd had this conversation at that moment. Major Deja Vu.



      Author Trivia: Years ago... in the Boulder Mansion Basement I'd seen the twin furnaces and  commented on them to Fearless Leader. When he turned his back one of his men teased me. He claimed that only one was a furnace, the other one was an industrial strength air conditioner. He even teased me by asking me if I'd ever been in a mansion before? When I told him no he snickered that it'd showed... if I had lived the good life I'd have known rich people have big air conditioners, not little tv sized ones like the poor.



  The Jocks, well, everybody was furious with me. Incredibly it was the Jocks who counciled that I be drugged again. Fagboy & Weasel were quite livid as well. Shortstuff really doesn't talk much as a rule. He's more of a laugher after the fact and such.

  Duh Jerk looked a little short.. he sighed and said he was tired of this, that he had places to be and he didn't have the time nor incination to start over again... I was ordered drugged and we'd start the murder as planned. Yeah... I fought. I lost. They injected me with who knows what? Fade to black...

  Duh Jerk, Fagboy, Duh Weasel, assorted jocks and gangbangers were just standing around the camera with myself while a little girl, 8 to 10 years old stood with her back to us talking to a little blond girl in the dimly lit oddly rectangular room, maybe even a hallway. I could see 1 or 2 of the troops in the room on the other side of the table.

  What word would I use to describe the conversation between the 2 little girls? Robust.

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused...

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused... Killing little girls is wrong I tell him.

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused...

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused... I recognise him, troops rush out of the side room & the battle is on to drug me again. I lost.

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...


 Over and over... who knows how many times this was repeted?

 Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  So I take the hammer and walk up behind her. There's a subtil "tell" some people give... a change in body language, a small facial expression change that gives away that they might be up to no good. The little blonde girl smirked and focused on me. The freckle-faced girl turned around just in time to ready a block as I approached her from behind holding the hammer above her head.

  The gang sprung into action and assured her she wasn't in any danger. Me too... yup... I, me... I assured her she was in no danger too. A lie.

  Duh Jerk reassured the girl by shoving huge wads of cash at her to accentuate his apology. He said to her that he knew the little girl was experienced enough that she knew that the gang's delirious victims were capable of some pretty weird things. So she shouldn't worry.

  She seemed placated.

  Me? I became lucid about then and perceived the situation before me. I warned the little girl that this was indeed a murder, and her life was in peril.

  This merely prompted Duh Jerk to give her more stacks of cash. The little girl seemed satisfied and I was drugged anew. By force of course...

   At one point I recall complaining to the assembled pervs. "I thought you said she was drugged? She don't look drugged to me"! I complained she seemed too lucid to be doped up as Duh Jerk had claimed he'd do to her at the beginning of the murder plot.

  Duh Jerk told me she wasn't drugged like he'd planned at first. "We've tried drugging her before but she's a wanderer". He gave me a lesson in prisoner handling. It seems that some people react differently to their drug(s?) than other people (oddly enough... that's my entire defense in a nutshell too). This little girl would start to wander as soon as she was drugged making her impossible to pin to one spot. Thus making drugging her impractical.

  Time passes...


  Sooo... Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused...

  Time passes...


  Drugs reset my long term memory...

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  The little girl was pretty, dark brown hair, a frekled face, and in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  I took the hammer and hit her very, very hard on top of the head. WHAK!

  The gang made snickering comments that she was dead. Much like all of the... cops I've had the good fortune to have met, they thought that murder was the most hilarious subject on earth and just like the... cops before them they mocked me fiercely.

  "Now that you've killed that little girl on film you'd better join us or we'll send it to the police. You'll get a life scentence. But if you join us we'll give you a house, a car, and a job and you'll only have to kill people sometimes". Certainly, he assured me I'd be killing less people if I worked for the Child-Molestors than I was up and until now. By joining the gang I'd actually be saving lives. I've heard this paragraph in various forms every few years my entire life. The author asks... is this normal conversation? Is this just an example of everyday mundane America? Only lately does it occur to me that I have nothing to compare it to?

  I recall asking Duh Jerk about the cash he'd given the girl? When her body was discovered would the cash be on her body.

  "No. That's my cash. That was just the money that I used to manipulate her". It was merely part of the cash he'd used to manipulate her into this situation and he intended to get it all back now, by taking it from her dead body.

  "When this all comes out I'm going to make sure that they add armed robbery to the lists of your charges if they don't find that money on her when the cops find her body". I asked them how much cash was there and Duh Jerk told me that it was several thousand dollars... he wasn't sure how much exactly.

  Duh Jerk and the perv crew actually argued the merits of a possible armed robbery charge... (I personally would like to use the words "inevitable armed-robbery charge") he, they felt it wasn't armed robbery since it was his money to begin with and he never intended for her to keep it in the first place & now that she was dead taking the money from her corpse wasn't an armed robbery. Author Note: They never touched her or the cash in my presence. But...

  I told them that since I was between them and the body that as of this moment I was officially and legally claimed the money on behalf of her family, thus, if it was not discovered with her dead body the act of taking it was still an armed robbery. Eh, the weird conversations you can have while doped up and chatting with madmen. Sheesh!

  Still later... we go through the same thing. Was it during "that" particular kidnapping? Was it during another? I cant say. Duh Jerk told me that a week had passed since the freckle-faced girl died (professional liar... hmmph!). I never saw the little blond girl's face who now stood where her "friend" had died at the end of the makeshift hall. Duh Jerk announced his intention to trick me into killing the rich little blonde girl who now stood in the same corner where her friend had died with her back to me with 2 teenaged girls towering over her facing me and the perv crew.

  I asked Duh Jerk why he was doing to her? Isn't she loyal?

  "She saw my face".

  "So what? A lot of little girls saw your face during your killings"? How was she any different from the others? Clearly she was a loyal gang member.

  "She's only First Generation". He said it like it was a bad thing.

  I pondered his words with my drug addled brain... "I thought you said you recruited her father? Doesn't that make her Second Generation"?

  He gave me a lesson in how to talk like a Child-Molestor. Even though her father and her were recently recruited she was still an expendable First Generation gang member. Second Generation only applies to those born into the gang who've undergone indoctrination into the Child-Molester lifestyle methodicly from birth. Besides, this would give him more control over her rich father and provide him with a film assured to bury me. Wow... I'm paraphrasing a lot. Truth is I was doped up bad...

  Duh Jerk went on... sure lots of little kids had seen him involved in a plethora of murders & he knew I knew that fact. "And they're all dead".

  Then I was ordered drugged for the murder. Yeah... I fought... usually do. I lost. I... lost...


  The little blonde girl stood silently at the other end of the makeshift hallway facing away from me dressed in a grey ( it was poorly lit, everything was grey, though I suspect it was a pastel color of some sort, I never saw her face once... this time) flannel nighty with a plain thin collar (only now does it occur to me that I really don't know little girl fashion well enough to accurately name the garb she was wearing and there is no way I'm leafing through pics of little girls fashion to find out either), it was kind of darker this time than the last time at her end of the hall because there were no industrial lights that I can recall) and her somber-faced handlers, otherwise average teenaged girls who towered over her stood silently watching the little girl (who had her back to me) and presumably the perv crew work their magic.

  How would I describe the girl's conversation? Non-existent. None of them moved once nor regarded anything once events were set in motion. Every now & again the little blonde girl began to move off spot or tried to wander off and the cap-wearing brunette teen grabbed her and kept her from moving off with a gentle grab and a few soft words. "Stand there". "Don't move".

  Standing in the makeshift hallway Fagboy suggested to delerious me... again. "Since you're dreaming, why not take this hammer and hit that girl on the head"? Over & over &... Yeah, yeah yeah, I refused over & over &... because hitting little girls in the head with a hammer is wrong. Eventually, exasperated, he said. "Give me the hammer". So I handed him the hammer in the presence of Shortstuff Duh Jerk and Duh Weasel and he added. "Why not go over there and hit that little girl on top of the head"?

  So I walked over to the little blond girl who's face I never saw, curled up my fist, and hit her on top of the head with all of my might. She dropped immeadiately. I stood there in a daze, and only was shocked lucid by the roaring laughter of my kidnappers! Much like ALL of the... cops I've met before, they thought that the subject of murder was the most hilarious subject on earth. Duh Jerk informed me again, like before, that I'd best join the gang, I would escape a life sentence in prison because if I didn't join them here and now they could burn me with the... cops any time they wanted.

  I told him. "F _ _ _ you. I ain't joining you because if I did you'd just tell me to do stuff and set me up".

  I'm pretty sure, as in times past, that Duh Jerk and the Perv Crew thought halos appeared over their heads and pleaded that they were wholesome honest Child-Molestors who's integrity I could trust. Eh, ALL of the cops who met them and told me (yes, TOLD ME) that they knew the aformentioned pervs were card-carrying Child-Molestors told me the gang were an honorable batch of Child-Molestors that they could trust. Eh, as I look back on it, who was I to call them liars?

  A giddy, carnival-like atmosphere developed, the lights were turned on, and one of the two teens stepped up. Spirits were high and every one of the perv crew was ecstatic.

  Duh Jerk thanked the teen for her involvement and paid her with a stack of cash that she happily received. Thy chatted a few words where Duh Jerk thanked her and promised her big things. "It's about that time. Shouldn't you take the pill"? He asked, while handing her a pill in front of me. I asked him what the pill was and he told me it was to erase her memory.

  I cautioned her not to take it. Now that she'd been part of the murder she knew too much, the gang would surely kill her.

  She told me she trusted them implicitly while laughing and joking with her new best buds.

  So I tried a new angle. I told her she was taking a memory-erasing pill. "Do you think they're going to let you just wake up and keep the money wen you don't remember earning it"? Surely the gang would reward her with nothing but death.

  I'm pretty sure Duh Jerk thought another halo appeared over his head, he told her she could trust him, "Take the pill".

 She happily took the pill.

  Duh Jerk imeadiatly said. "Now that she took the pill"... Now that she'd taken the pill I was right, she wasn't going to keep the cash. "But I'll send somebody by later to see if you remember this ad if you don't you'll be fine".

  I asked. "And if she does remember"?

  Duh Jerk clenched his teeth and sharply inhaled.

  The brunette knit-cap wearing (as did her companion) teen was still proud but defiant to me. Her whole body shook and her neck shuddered as she told me things like, so what if she was being ripped off, she didn't mind, much? Her neck was still shuddering when she told me that she felt It was an honor to be the one to take down me, a man so absolutely hated by the gang.

  I asked about the other girl, the unmoving blond teen and Duh Jerk told me she was "Drugged out of her mind". He claimed that her presence, doped stupid would render my story unbelievable to the authorities. When I asked what he was going to do with her he replied. "I have something special planned for her".

   I hear that the films are quite damming. Card-carrying Child-Molestors, fellow victims (gang victim/members), and even uniformed police at the tail-end of thier investigations have all told me that they've seen the films one way or the other, and that they are quite damming.

  I asked Jerk why he murdered the little blonde girl when she was clearly loyal?

  "She saw my face". That and now it would be a great show of force as to how powerful the gang really was and an excellent way to blackmail her rich father.

  This is how to kill children in America... how to kill children in America and get away with it... how to kill children in America and get away with it and get the cops to help you dispose of your victims for FREE!!!

  Yeah... They're like that...




  IT'S EASIER IF YOU FRAME THE CHILD OF A LOYAL FAMILY... The... cops would never believe that someone could be so unethical...

  Spring 1977... the police are at my house at the very edge of Bay City... again. "You hurt another kid again". Is the accusation of the uniformed Bay City... cop while standing next to his marked police car.

  "Duh Jerk talks these kids into attacking me so I have to hurt them".

  "And why would he do that"?

  Me? My answer? To even mention "The Gym" or the possibility that I might not lose (let alone win) a fight is an extreme punishmment at my place that involves much pain and sensory deprivation. I explain that the corrupt school is sending people to hurt me as revenge for various staff and students. That part of the revenge is to send children who I can easilly beat up to attack me, force me to do so, and call the police to discredit me to cover up past assualts against my person.

  My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor Honor Honor) assures the officer that no matter who I was in a fight with, no matter what they told me, even if that child admited fault in every legal way, that I was obviously the agressor, that I was at fault, that I alone deserved punishment.

  "I cant lock your son up if the other kid admits that he started it".

  Furious at being thwarted she stormed off in a rage.


  Winter, the winter of the 4th grade for me a few year before the above. My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor Honor Honor) suggests out of the blue, without any reason that she will give us a ride to school in her car. Unprecidented.

  At school, children snicker around me. During class the Child-Molestor children, who unfailingly cheat off of me at our seats giggle around me all the more. It's an otherwise mundane day.

  Outside, after class, a little girl begins the taunting. "You are so doped up on drugs right now and you don't even know it". The gang laugh with her.

  WOW! Do I recall what happened next. I told her. "No I'm not". Then I lost my balance and allmost fell but the nearby wall caught me.

  The gang laughed all the more. Yes I was doped up. "Your _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor Honor Honor) doped you up for us and delivered you to us. First the adults raped you and then they handed you over to us and then we all raped you".

  I told them she'd never do that and lost my balance several more times.

  "You should'a seen your schoolwork today. Normally we copy off of your schoolwork and the people next to you get good grades and the people next to them get worse grades because they coppy off of them".

  "I don't even get good grades". I allways wondered why morons copied off my paperwork.

  "You get great grades but the teachers give you bad grades. Your _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor Honor Honor) dopes you up a few times a week and they give us the heads up not to copy off of your work. That's why you get bad grades". The growing crowd of my classmates agreed with her.

  I asked that if the staff knew they were cheating anyway, why go through the charade?

  "They want us to learn stuff in school in case people come by and ask us questions. We have to be able to tell them something. They want us to try to cheat because the bosses think that it builds charecter".


  Fast forward, I think I was about 15 then. My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor Honor Honor) announces a family trip to "Dow Gardens". A scenic park nearby. While I never really cared to go there I didn't try to get out of it.

  On the way, in heavy traffic on I-75 our car tire explodes and the family are nearly killed. Eh, a mundane everday story in America really that probably doesn't merit being here, if not for...

  Sooo... there we are, looking at the gardens. Very beautifull as I recall it. Me? I'm at total alert. My stalkers have been attacking regularly and without warning and having My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor Honor Honor) is not an assette.

  AT the end, My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor Honor Honor) suggested that we pose at the gate in a very scripted pose. I balk at her orders to stand in place and face only one direction. Too dangerous. Eventually, I consent and she snaps the picture. Click!

  I turn around, Duh Jerk and the 4 Stars are posed behind us as though we were friends. Dirty cop is outside his jurisdiction but still armed to the teeth standing nearby. The gang snicker at me and chat matter of factly before me.

  My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor Honor Honor) annouces the trip is over, we leave, now.


  Today the gang are at My _ _ _ _ _ _'s (Honor Honor Honor) Parents place. "The big bosses are in there right now decieding your fate". I was about 2 or 3 years old. He said it had to do with all the people I'd been killing as of late. "You're a mass-murderer".

  "I ain't no mass-murderer".

  Hours pass...

  The teens come out with a message, allegedly from the gang's bosses. I am to be stalked for life and raped and tortured for killing fellow child-molesters and my family will have to help them do it.

  "My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor Honor Honor) would never do that".

  "Your _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor Honor Honor) is one of us and she's loyal". This was part of her initiation into greater things in the gang, all she had to do, all my family had to do was drive me insane. "Just you watch, about the time we cripple you, because we allways cripple our victims, your _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor Honor Honor) is going to come into a lot of money".









   "You have to join us or we'll keep you awake and torture you until you go insane".

  Gasping for air while kneeling over a bucket I returned with. "F _ _ _ YOU"!

  "Then the pain will continue".

  "You do what you gotta do".
















  Sooo... there I was, delerious on some drug, I think it was some time after my marriage, maybe before, I don't have any memories, no "gang snitch" came to me to jog my memory to give me a frame of reference as to the time what I'm about to say occurred, so I'll try my best and throw around words like "circa 1993" and such.

  Oops... the advice. Soooo... you like to kill children. Whether you're a child-killing hobbyist like Duh Jerk and his "perv crew" or just a mid-Michigan... cop blackmailed by a gang up to your eyeballs in life sentences I'd suppose you need advice. Allways kill children as absurdly as possible and make sure there's a few fall guys to take the blame. Or better yet find one who'll take the blame and even do the deed for your many films that you'll force them to endure. The... cops fall for this every time, trust me, my name is David A. George and I endorse this strategy as being all but infallible. Like this...

   "Duh Jerk", "Fagboy", "Shorstuff", "Duh Weasel" along with a slew of jocks and gang bangers and even a few little girls woke me up. My best guess is that we were in a basement, that Boulder City basement... "my guess".  Duh Jerk announced his intentions or my life. "The room was divided into 2 unequal halves by a row of portable white room partitions, "room dividers" making the room into an oddly rectangular shape like unto a hallway with a single table the gamg were gathered around and a room across from the table containing the young perv troops.

  I woke you up without the drugs because I want you to remember this conversation". His perv crew were snickering. Then he explained himself. "We're going to drug you and keep talking you into killing little kids over & over until you do it on film". He described that, thrugh repetition, he intended to get me to kill children... specificly the little freckle faced girl in front of me. Among others...

  I had to ask him why he would do such a thing?

  "Because I'm going to make you out to be such a sick pervert that no cops will listen to your accusations about the gym".

  Sigh... The Gym! The Gym! The Gym! It's always The Gym with them. You know... from back in fall of 1976 when an entire organized crime gang came down wit a case of incurable mass penis-envy.

  He invited me to notice the long wall of room dividers. "These will make the cops laugh at you when you tell hem about it". Thus a degree of unbelieveability was added to insure the gangs safety. Plus... the partitions would make sure I couldn't identify te basement we were in.

  Author note: Yeah.. that's the unbelieveable part. Riggggghhhhht...

  At his saying I quick stepped and thrust my head through & between a partition. The double furnaces and wide nearby stairway leading up reminded me of the mansion where I killed Flesh on a few years prior. The Jocks jumped & restrained me & voiced concern that now I knew where I was. Duh Jerk told them. "Don't worry about it. He wont remember a thing about it".

  I challenged him, I didn't think his plan would work.

  They disagreed. Then they laughed me to shame

  No little girl is going to just stand there and let me kill her.

  Not so Duh Jerk bragged. The little girl was obedient. She'd be doped up to forget his, then he'd have the little blond girl keep her talking at the end of the makeshift hallway with her back to us.

  Duh Jerk, Fagboy, Duh Weasel, assorted jocks and gangbangers were just standing around the camera with myself while a little girl, 8 to 10 years old stood with her back to us talking to a little blond girl in  the dimly lit oddly rectangular room, maybe even a hallway. I could see 1 or 2 of the troops in the room on the other side of the table.

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused...

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused... Killing little girls is wrong I tell him.

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused...

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused... I recognise him, the battle is on to drug me again. I lost.

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...


Over and over... who knows howe many times this was repeted?

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  I refused...

  Time passes...

  Drugs reset my long term memory...

  Fagboy suggested to drugged and delerious me. "Why not take this hammer and kill that little girl"?

  The little girl was pretty, dark brown hair, a frekled face, and in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  I took the hammer and hit her very, very hard on top of the head. WHAK!

  The gang made snickering comments that she was dead. Much like all of the... cops I've had the good fortune to have met, they thought that murder was the most hilarious subject on earth and just like the... cops before them they mocked me fiercely.

  "Now that you've killed that little girl on film you'd better join us or we'll send it to the police. You'll get a life scentence. But if you join us we'll give you a house, a car, and a job and you'll only have to kill people sometimes". Certainly, he assured me I'd be killing less people if I worked for the Child-Molestors than I was up and until now. By joining the gang I'd be saving lives. I've heard this paragraph in various forms every few years my entire life. The author asks... is this normal conversation? Is this just an example of everyday mundane America? Only lately does it occur to me that I have nothing to compare it to?

  Still later... we go through the same thing. Was it during "that" particular kidnapping? Was it during another? I cant say. I never saw the little blond girl's face. Fagboy suggested to delerious me... again. Since you're dreaming, why not take this hammer and hit that girl on the head"? Over & over &... Yeah, yeah yeah, I refused over & over &... because hitting little girls in the head with a hammer is wrong. Eventually he said. "Give me the hammer". So I handed him the hammer in the presence of Shortstuff Duh Jerk and Duh Weasel and he added. "Why not go over there and hit that little girl on top of the head"?

  So I walked over to the little blond girl who's face I never saw, curled up my fist, and hit her on top of the head with all of my might. She dropped immeadiately. I stood there in a daze, and only was shocked lucid by the roaring laughter of my kidnappers! Much like ALL of the... cops I've met before, they thought that the subject of murder was the most hilarious subject on earth. Duh Jerk informed me again, like before, that I'd best join the gang, I would escape a life sentence in prison because if I didn't join them here and now they could burn me with the... cops any time they wanted.

  I told him. "F _ _ _ you. I ain't joining you because if I did you'd just tell me to do stuff and set me up".

  I'm pretty sure, as in times past, that Duh Jerk and the Perv Crew thought halos appeared over their heads and pleaded that they were wholesome honest Child-Molestors who's integrity I could trust. Eh, ALL of the cops who met them and told me (yes, TOLD ME) that they knew the aformentioned pervs were card-carrying Child-Molestors told me the gang were an honorable batch of Child-Molestors that they could trust. Eh, as I look back on it, who was I to call them liars?

   I hear that the films are quite damming. Card-carrying Child-Molestors, fellow victims (gang victim/members), and even uniformed police at the tail-end of thier investigations (on duty AND often literally at their posts inside the copshop) have all told me that they've seen the films one way or the other, and that they are quite damming.

  This is how to kill children in America... how to kill children in America and get away with it... how to kill children in America and get away with it and get the cops to help you dispose of your victims... FOR FREE!!!

  Yeah... They're like that...



  HOW TO SPOT A DIRTYHull...COP... It's all just a joke... very much based on the truth and not meant to imply anyone's corrupt, incompetent, or just a pain-ole bad... cop. 

  How to spot a "dirty cop"? It's easier than you might think. The child-molester's I've met in life have discussed the Hull... subject with me at length. How? I'm glad you asked Hull...

  Spotting a dirty... cop? Hmmm... If it was so easy EVERYONE would be doing it Hull...

  A card-Carrying Child-Molestor once summed it up best to me. "You want to know how to spot a dirty cop? Did you ever notice when you go to the cops that there's allways one who will Hull...never even address the possibility that you might be telling the truth. When you look at thier paperwork Hull... about your case it wont even acknowlege the possibility that someone Hull... was even mean to you. It's so that other cops wont even bring up the possibilty that someone's being mean to you".

  Here I shall address... cops. Skeptic, septic, dirty, clean, and those inbetween and reason with them using facts, that one could extrapolate to form an opionon (I know, I know, I just totally lost the Mid-Michigan... cops reading this. I'll suggest some remedial reading material at the end of this to keep your interest). Here goes...

  You... cops have never avenged me. You have never recovered stolen property from me, I've been assaulted a bazzilion times, often in full view of the... cops and even in the poilce station and all it took was a few well-placed insults to get... cops in any community to look the other way. One can deduce from this that, according to you Hull... that I've had the most perfect life. No one's ever wronged me, ever, otherwise, by deduction, you... cops would've gone out and caught all the bad guys long ago Hull..., am I right? Indeed... I must've had the most perfect life in all of America's history... otherwise... cop records would show it... right?

  As touching any accusations I might be lying... the way boasting card-carrying Child-Molestors have bragged they dupe... cops, is to say I'm crazy and lying rather than to say I'm insane and actually believe what I'm saying. Basicly, that their Dirty... cops have to say I'm a crazy liar rather than insane and telling stories for whatever the reason is they think they can sell to their fellow therwise good but easilly maipulated... cops because any other response would beg the question. "If this guy (the author) really believes what he's saying as opposed to making it all up then maybe it's possible that someone's being mean to him"?

  Someone being mean to me in the murderous rapist-infested ruins of the declining Detroit/Saginaw/Flint Michigan area? The admitted on-going rape & murder capital from a given year to a given year (sometimes... other areas beat them out... and then lose the title to the area soon enough)?

  4 years... FOUR YEARS I'VE HAD THIS WEBSITE GOING...FOUR YEARS and not a single police interview... no one wants to chat... not a single... cop wants to "confab" at all? NOT ONE?!?!?!?!?!? If any... and I mean ANY... cop says they've inteviewed me since I left Bay City in 2010 then they've been duped... or are a lying stinking DIRTY COP!!!!!!

  FOUR YEARS? All this rape? All this killing? AND NOT ONE SINGLE... COP WANTS TO CHAT?!

  Say what you want...


  Feel free to read more about the slayings, tortures, ongoing crippling, and even more dead, crippled, or dying children at another website:








The Child-Molester Triangle... Just draw a line from Midland to Detroit to Flint to Bay City (and everything east of it) ... Perversion inc.



The above pictures are for entertainment purposes only... probably...

  Cops always tell the truth... don't they?

  "No public school employee would lie like that". An official Bay City... cop quote.


  Sooo... there I was... on my way to the Rapist Learning Center's Library... oops... err... I mean on my way to the 3rd floor Library in Bay City Michigan's largest School... "centrally located for Child-Molestor convenience". Bebopping the hall... circa 1980... yup, minding my own beeswax... and a leather string comes flipping down from behind me and pulls back! A GARROTE!

  I suffer from Graves disease... did since I was a little kid... IT'S A LIFE THREATENING AUTO-IMMUNE CONDITION, or so they tell me. You shake all the time... perfect for those occasions when Molestors confront you in front of... cops. "You can ignore him because he's on drugs. See how much he's shaking? It's from withdrawals". It works... it works well... it works EVERY time. Well, other than the disfiguring eye bulging and the shakes sure to get ladies in the right mood it also has some unusual side-effects. Victims of Grave's Disease are capable of great burst of strength. And can have their thought speed greatly increased. Go figure...

  In a moment of time I recalled many a gang-banger promised me "death-by-garrote" in a school hallway and I'd pondered the situation many a time and thought about what I'd do if I should every find myself attacked thusly. At this point I wasn't sure what the Garrote actually was and just hoped it wasn't a piano wire.

  Sooo I jammed my hands into the space between the Garrote and my neck and my teenaged attacker (I'd just walked past him, we were the only 2 around) pulled back hard on the cord and tried to jam his knee into my rear.

  Me? I picked him up with my back and slammed him into the locker as best I could. making sure to try and feel fro where a padlock was. He pulled all the harder on the cord! BAMM!!!

  So I slammed him again making sure that this time I ground his back into the lock hanging about mid-back level behind us. I pondered that he just might be inclined to let go & if he did I would be ready to not let him go.  BAMM!!! I wasn't letting up and I carried him to the other side of the hall and rammed him backward into the locker with all my might! BAMM!!!

  Again!  BAMM!!! Again!  BAMM!!! I think it was the 3rd or 4th hit that made him decide to let go and he did so after the hit while still pinned to the locker. So I grabbed his arms and pulled them forward and rammed his back into the locker over & over & over &...  Again!  BAMM!!! Again!  BAMM!!! Again!  BAMM!!! Again!  BAMM!!! Again!  BAMM!!! Again!  BAMM!!! Again!  BAMM!!! Again!  BAMM!!! Again!  BAMM!!! I'm not sure how many times I slammed him backward into the locker thusly but it was a lot and I did it with great force... but at the end he hung limply behind me. SO I slammed him to the hard tile floor prepared for combat!

  He just laid there and groaned.

  Dirty Cop, dressed in a full Bay City Police Uniform and carrying a gun came around the corner from the stairwell & demanded to know what happened here?

  Me? The gang brag that it's the accusations of a victim reflected back at them that give them power and in a moment of time I pondered that factoid and said. "He fell". The boy had been injured when I got there.

  Duh Jerk came around the corner armed with a camera. Beautiful teen girls who'd formed a human-shield before him now tended to the groaning kid on the ground who only said over & over. "I cant feel my legs. I cant move my legs".

  Two ambulance workers appeared in seconds and tended the child. Elapsed time thus far beginning to end? Less that 2 minutes by my humble estimation.

  The kid who showed up later said Duh Jerk had sent him & wanted me to know. The child would never walk again. No matter, he'd been an expendable vigilante motivated by the gang's films. He was a Child-Molestor just trying to do a good deed and a scumbag like me got lucky and tripped him up... for life. He'd never walk again. The way it was explained to me was that the child had decided to quit the gang. That he'd agreed he'd come out of retirement one day, but only to help the gang "take down a real scumbag". With Duh Jerk's films it'd been an easy sell to get him to try & kill me.

  They bragged the boy had now become a liability to his family, the school, his child-molestor pals, and to the gang. So as an act of humanity they'd chosen to kill him ala "The Gym". Each child was expected to make a blow as they passed him in school and they slowly beat him to death. To his credit, or to the children doing the murdering's horror they said the wheelchair-bound Garotte-using kid was kinda tough and lasted a whole lot longer than anyone thought possible before the gang simply gave up on single attacks after an hour. Then, at the gang's leader's orders the class of kids simply beat the child to death in The Gym using hockey sticks.

  Still, all's well that ends well and the edited film shows me slamming some helpless kid into a locker over & over and lying about it to... cops afterward. Not to mention the films of the child attacking me and it's value & presumably (if it wasn't a lie) the films of the students killing my would-be murderer and the value of those films in blackmailing their family. Win/win/win. Like usual for the gang.

  I dedicate the tale of this crippled or dead child to the fine people of the Bay City Public Schools and to the Michigan State Police. Note... this is not 2 dedications... as an insult I have decided that Bay City Public Schools should only merit a half-dedication to symbolize their fine work in the community & with me so they only get a half credit on this one. Symbolism.

  This? This is the most hilarious story about how to cripple a child and come out looking good when you set it up ever written! Don't believe me? Do what I did. Tell the story of this crippled child to any Mid-Michigan... cop. They'll laugh & laugh and laugh n laugh AND laugh, laugh... laugh... laugh laff... and laugh some more.

  Yeah... I went to the... cops later. Told'em everything. "Sounds to me like you taught them a lesson. They'll never mess with you again".

  Yeah... "A lesson"...

  FOLLOW-UP TO HOW TO CRIPPLE CHILDREN FOR FUN AND PROFIT... Bay City... cop justice... old school styled...

  Eh, I figured it was irrelevant when I wrote the above tale... but eh, why not add in the rapey rape rape rapeitty bits anyway?

  Setting the scene... I'm in Bay City's largest school's 3rd floor, a child lay on the floor whinig that he cant feel his legs with 2 pretty teen girls hovering over him .... Dirty Cop is accusing me, Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak is standing there with his rather bulky camera held to his side, a pair of ambulance workers are all over the crippled child... and he mentions that I'd caused his wounds.

  Dirty Cop ponced and readied an arrest by pointing at me puttin one hand on his gun and then the other on his cuffs.

  Me? I'd stuck to my storry that the crippled kid had fallen. When this happened I bent over him  and asked him if he really wanted to do this... being it was filmed and all? Simply put, I bluffed.

  The kid backed down. He'd fallen.

  Dirty Cop asked Martin Oak if it was okay if I left and he remarked he'd gotten the film he'd craved so it was okay to let me go as there was no case here. Then he bent over the kid... it seemed like he was threating him?

  So I walked into the heart of the 3rd floor. At least a dozem plus jocks, some of them in brand-new purple & gold Central High Sports Jersies. They too had a pair of teens, a boy & a girl with a camera.

  The teens I'd never seen before nor again all spread out along the front of the library with some going inside to prevent anyone coming near. Others spread out in the main hall and the rest deployed around me after I passed completely blocking me in.

  "How'd you get out of there"? one of them demanded.

  I told him they'd let me go because everyone back there was satisfied.

  He, they told me they were not convinced. That and it mattered not. Their orders were simple. Beat me to death if I came down that hall. I could now scream all I wanted and with the guards present it would matter not. This was the end of my life.

  I told them that the reason everybody was satisfied behind me was because the... police were there. The real police had shown up in force and if he'd like I would yell and summon them for the gang.

  We all stood there for a second and a few guys walked off to Oak saying "I'll check".

  One of them pleaded. "You know they told us we need at least a dozen guys to kill this guy". They didn't want them to go & they left leaving me facing 8 guys.

  There was an altercation, a few kids, I didnt see who told the wimpier hall guards to get out of their way and a pushing match ensued. 3 or 4 more guys left me stranding there and moved to prevent the guys from going to the Library... or was it a hallway locker they craved? I recall one saying he wanted to go into his locker aand it was behind the blockers.

  Me? I told them they were down in numbers from their optimal dozen now & that with a single yell I could summon a large number of cops. So they'd best get out of my way.

  One of them said. "You're bluffing".

 "Am I"?

  There was a long pause. The bell rang signalling the halls were about to fill.

  One of them said. "Let him go".

  So I walked out through the midst of them.

  The snitcch sent to brag saidthe kids involved ALL recieved a rape rape rapey torture session because of their failure.

  I ain't done yet. The next one's begin with... "My Mom gave me a scarf" & "Is that a garote in your hand or are you just happy to see me"?


  HOW TO RAPE & KILL CHILDREN & BREAK THINGS & COME OUT SMELLING LIKE A... HERO Maybe it only works in Mid-Michigan???

  Not quiet those "Elite Rape Tips" I mentioned but, eh. This page is all about how you can more effectively harass, kidnap, torture, rape, steal from, & even kill as many children as you want and get the... cops to help you do it for the low low price of... TOTALLY FREE!!! AND Leave'em calling you a "hero".

  Phht! I'm not done yet oh ye baby raping child killers you. I'll even get you out of jail... for free! How? We do the best 1st, then get to the rest 2nd. How? Seems fishy to me you're probably thinking & you'd be right... normally. But one thing I know is the ins and outs of recreational child-killing and how to get away with it. How? Hmmm... bet you're wondering how? Huh? It's easy too. All you have to do is follow Duh Jerk's advice to me. "I have certain rules that I follow and as long as I follow them I can never be caught". WOW! Was he right. I'm saving most of'em for "Dave's Elite Rape Tips". Be sure to check that out oh ye villainous scum. Most... Mid-Michigan... cops will be unable to read them. Way too mentally scarring for those "delicate souls".

  How to kill kids, wreck stuff, AND get out of jail free? Easy peasy. My advice is when you do your dastardly deeds just copy what's happened to me. I assure you baby torturing slime reading this that there's not a single... cop out there even slightly capable of mentally comprehending THIS level of crime and deprivation. It is your perversion embraced that will free you.

  As a bonus the Molestors tell me they like to show up after the trial and mock their victims and... cops right as the leave the courtroom en-mass. You'll enjoy giving... cops mocking laughs AND taunting them into hitting you only puts them in a position where they cant touch you and lets you sue them for a ton of cash since your such slime already that you'll probably lie about the extent of your injuries too.

  Killing children & breaking things and coming out smelling like a hero. You'd probably imagine it'd cost a fortune and take super-genius's. No longer. Particularly in Mid-Michigan and Colorado I'd guess.

  Eh, I grow bored of writing so I'll leave you with this...


  1) Get a few cameras...

  2) Wouldn't you like to know...

  3) Look below. Tell'em to focus on this spot, not on crime. Believe it or not. COPS WILL!


  What is it I'm trying to say here? That members of the illegal sex-industry of America convinced me to kill one or more little girls who were actively engaged in the illegal sex-industry of America?

  You do know that the Child Beauty Pageants of America are filled with pedophiles and almost absolutely ruled over & ran by pedophile sex-rings. Right?

  "Some of those mothers will do anything so their daughters will win [the pageants]".-Actual pedophile industry leader quote to me when bragging about all the great child sex he was getting at pageants from little girls both rich and poor. Mothers too.

  This is part of my defense? Sigh...


  CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017

  Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!

  In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.

  Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.

  When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.

  This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.

  What does this mean?

  Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".

  Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.

  I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.

  Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.

  To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.

  Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.

  Please help me!


  What is it I'm saying?

  I'm saying a gang of madmen in a quest for revenge & a penchant for PRACTICAL jokes did mean things to me.

  As a... cop you probably cant get past the capitalized word PRACTICAL let alone have the maturity to accept any part of my story as true.

  A bazzilion lies? PRACTICAL jokes? Not in my America said the Idiot Cops & the Lazy Cop nodded in approval.

© 2013 by PleaseSaveTheDave



  "I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". - Martin Oak

  Yeah, whatever...

Find us at our Molestor-monitored & edited websites: or

   Here I shall address the Child-Molesting community. "This is a tale of you, of what you are, what 'your kind of people' bring. You think you bring love but when you come you bring your perverse friends & they bring rape, death, and horror. Read my tale because it's true, and it's about you".

  Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak, Bay City Cops, Bay City Public Schools, their child-molesting gang & I killed a whole bunch of children & I wrote a partial list here, on my website. This site will bring back none of the dead. But it may bring the murder victims justice & let the dead rest a little easier.

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