Combined we killed a lot of kids!And the... cops helped!!!
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang
Welcome to my often sabotaged site. The Child-Molesters said they would and who was I to doubt them?
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.-David A. George 6-26-17
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang:
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.
David A. George
"Kill one person and you create a tragedy the police will investigate because it is such a tragedy. Kill a hundred people and you create a laughable crime the police will laugh at when you try to tell them about it".-Martin Oak Circa 1987 The author of this website's opinion of the subject? Yup.
This website is an attempt to save what remains of my life.. Sigh... -David A. George 1-5-18
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE & F.B.I. Or someone else will...
Support your local law enforcers! Police, Sheriffs, F.B.I., and other agencies need your support. Join a citizen group, maybe a neighborhood watch, or maybe just give your local police an occasional wave or a thumbs up and tell them your glad they're keeping your community safe.
Yeah, I've met a few crooked lowdown law-breaking dirty scumbag cops before. So what? That's no reason for myself or anyone else to treat a cop with anything less than complete respect. Even in... (gulp!) Bay City Michigan... or ... (sigh) Boulder Colorado. The cops cant do it alone, they need people like you reader to help them keep your community safe.

I despise the Child-Molestor's obligatory PRACTICAL jokes", plays, skits, whatever you want to call them. Me? I'd like to ignore them, frankly they're not very relevant to my tale. The only problem is that if I stand alone, I stand dead. It will be the testimony of my fellow demonized victims that will free me. Those poor wretches have been kidnapped, raped, tortured, and have been subjected to a wide variety of Child-Molestor PRACTICAL jokes, plays, & skits. All orchestrated by a team of madmen & women for the singular goal of making THEIR victim's story as unbelievable as possible. I suspect this was easy in the old days when their victims encountered chuckling overworked underpaid & under-trained police officers. But this is the information age. Do your own research reader, these rape gangs are in fact doing these things as a matter of business. PRACTICAL jokes are merely another tool in their well rehearsed arsenal of tricks that they use against their victims.
Add to this what they braggingly call "debasing a victim". A dazed & drugged victim is not entirely coherent. Drugs cause impaired judgement, what this means is that a given victim will not react like they normally would in a non-drugged condition. "We get the victim to do all sorts of silly stuff. Act like an idiot, have sex with little kids & animal & when they accuse us we show the films to the cops & say 'Look at who is accusing us'. Then we pay the cops a little something & say we're only picking on a scumbag & they look the other way". This reader, could happen to you next.. but much more likely... it could happen to YOUR kids next.
A GUN TO DIRTY COP'S HEAD... not as fun as it sounds...
Duh Jerk slapped me into reality from the dazed drug-induced stupor I was in. I reacll being handcuffed & being led into a house by Dirty Cop & a large jock clad in obligatory black merely 3 or 4 houses west of my Michigan Ave. home in Bay City Michigan. I was in what could be described as a basement(?) pitbull fighting arena where a pair of the meanest pitbulls you ever saw were tearing each other apart being watched by 5-6 middle-aged Hispanic men. The arena had a makeshift kinda portable bandstand look going with about 3 or 4 rows of benches looking down on the "pit" where the dogs fought in an arena made of a cheesy plywood. When you think Duh Jerk, think CHEAP!
Jerk said that he wanted to explain himself to me in an effort to make my story more unbelievable (how? idano...). "Because no one would do that". He told me I was only on a partial dose of what was (then) nature's most undetectable date-rape drug. They intended to dope me up all the more & film me watching their unsanctioned dog-fighting & then push me into the arena. "We've been teasing the dogs with some of your clothes with your scent on them for days and they'll tear you apart". He bragged with a smile. then he pointed to Dirty Cop who was in full Bay City Police uniform and boasted that he would be the first cop on the scene when they called for an ambulance for my ruined body. This would render him immune to any accusation about how he was the dirty cop working the front desk at the Bay City Police Department who made my attempted murder, "The Gym" possible.
I complained that the witnesses would say that I'd been pushed into the pit.
Not so jerk bragged. The Hispanic men were card-carrying Child-Molestors & as a punishment they'd been chosen to accuse me for the group. They would pretend to be my business partners & friends and frame me in court. Easy, with all the films they'd amassed of us together enjoying what they'll say is our favorate sport.
The middle-aged Hispanic men chimed in. "We hate you"! They bragged that they knew that they were going to prison over this for at least a few years over this, a bargain when you consider that they could be put in prison for life on a whim by their Child-Molestor masters at any time. Each of them insulted me in turn.
"You guys want to throw me in a pit to be torn apart by dogs & lie about us being friends & I'M THE JERK IN THIS CONVERSATION"?
They all looked ashamed & the insults ended.
The jock turned his back on me & prepared a syringe while Dirty cop turned his left side to me & crossed his arms when he turned to go over the final points of their plan with Duh Jerk and the Hispanic men.
I lunged for his pistol making sure to flip that little leather strap that held the pistol in it's holster. Then I pointed the pistol at his head!
Wow! Did he look upset! The jock lunged for me and I backed him off at gunpoint. Then I pointed the pistol at Duh Jerk and said. "Your tyranny ends here".
Crying he begged for his life. Like a bitch. He's good at that.
Me? I'm no hypocrite, if someone begs for their life, I'll probably spare it, even him. That & it was the drug(s?), my brain, the engine wasn't firing on all of it's cylinders. There's more than one reason why the Child-Mlolestors drug their many victims.
He gave me his word he'd leave me alone for the rest of my life if I'd spare his life.
Satisfied, I fled & threw the gun far away as soon as I was out of sight.
Inside of a few blocks a dragnet of Bay City... cops ran me down in their cars, about 4 cars with 2 cops to a car. I nearly evaded them, almost. They cuffed me and demanded to know why I was running from them. Then, Dirty Cop himself pulled up. "This guy's a friend of mine & he's crazy & on drugs. Could you guys hand him over to me & I'll take him to the hospital"?
Me? I was very worried. "This is my kidnapper"! I protested the entire time that they dragged me to his car kicking & screaming. Then he drove off with me...
In the car he demanded. "Where is the gun"?!
I wouldn't tell him.
He waited about 20 seconds and repeated himself. I realized that it's what the Child-Molestors do their drug-dazed victims. They ply them every 20 seconds or so when their long term-memory resets. "That was MY gun you son of a b@#$! & you're going to pay for that". Then he took me back to an angry Duh Jerk who now promised me an even worse revenge...
There I was, sitting in my living-room recovering from the Child-Molestor's last rape scene on a hot summer's day watching TV when
Dirty Cop burst through my front door & leveled his pistol at me!
Me? I stood in preparation for combat! As I did I saw a young woman who was "innocently" filming a couple parallel to my home
spin the camera around & pointed at us! I shouted. "This is a home invasion"! "The first thing I thought was. "I thought he retired
from the police force"?
Dirty Cop countered. "I have been in hot pursuit of you for blocks now"! While breathing very hard (my 3-step stairs must've winded him?).
"Put you hands up"!
Yeah, the Child-Molestors have bragged that I've endured this many more times than I personally remember. Fail to resist & I'm
obviously guilty. Resist & he gets to shoot me for the camera, a report that I'm well armed or other such nonsense will ensure him no
reprisal, indeed, they brag he gets to play the hero. Alone, & still looking at the camera I had to make a call at gunpoint. I submitted & he cuffed me & immediately ushered me into his car & away from there. The memory begins to break up there and because it begins again here & there, & then finally in some darkened garage where Duh Jerk, F.B., & Duh Weasel were waiting with an array of animals, perverts, torture devices & equipment. Once inside the smiling Child-Molestors dragged me from the car fighting all the way & drugged me. As I looked at the pervert, the equipment, and the animals I could only wonder with a sense of dread what they were about to do to me?
Sooo... there I was, strapped to a table face down with my legs up & down with my pants around my ankles who knows where in some garage being sodomized by who knows who? It was a dark haired portly male in his 40s & a party of a dozen of 2 perverts seemed to be winding down. Perverts were standing far away from me in clusters simply talking to each other about what I'd suppose was perverted things in a perverse way. Just a guess.
When the portly man finished he put his face to mine, inches away from my face he shook his head and spit out a remark about how fun it was to rape me & then gleefully said. "Ha ha ha ha ha"! In a mocking musical kind of way.
Me? I had a little leeway in my bonds so I lunged at him & bit his nose! Holding it in my teeth I very crudely said slowly. "Let.. me.. go... or I'll... bite... it... off..."!
It looked like he pondered the subject for a few seconds, looked at the witnesses, then reached over & undid my bindings. I was free! I actually debated within myself whether or not I should just bite his nose off, it'd be great for victim identification puposes". In the end I decided that since I'd given my word release me or it gets bitten off I did. I let him go & he bent over & checked his nose. I threatened him into silence and recalling my escape from the Bunga-Bunga Garages I simply tried to just walk out.
Some one pointed & said. "He got free! Get him"!
I took off running & barely made it to the street before I was tackled. I could see I was only on the other side of the block just west of my Michigan Avenue home, with the big suntanning loft on the roof that Snitchgirl had told me was a loyal Child-Molestor home.
We fought! I didn't win but I wasn't losing. Soon Duh Jerk & Dirty Cop stood watching & calmly talking, of course he was in full uniform & his marked Bay City... cop car was parked across the street. Then Duh Jerk yelled at Dirty Cop and pointed at us. "HELP THEM"! He turned the tides of the fight, in seconds I was subdued, drugged on the spot with a needle, & dragged back into the garage to face revenge for the many wounds I'd caused, not alone. Duh Jerk promised the guy who'd freed me an even worse punishment.
Bay City... cops, a name you can trust!
BAY CITY... COPS, SERVICE, DEDICATION, & PROTECTION... for the Child-Molestors!!!
Sooo... there I was, in the Defunct Hospital, well all over the place really, tied face-down to a table with my legs up & down & my pants pooled around my ankles. Pervert after sodomite took turns raping & beating me while a pair of uniformed Bay City... cops stood guard.
The pair laughed at me when I ASKED TO BE RELEASED, no, not a scumbag like I, not ever... they told me. "We only pick on scumbags". They told me.
"So you kidnapped raped & tortured me & I'm the scumbag in the conversation"? I had to ask.
It was just like a lot of Child-Molestors told me, the group are expected to tell who their loved one's are upon joining them... & what if any social groups they dislike. Then, the gang make their victim seem to come from said group(s) (with their many films made while the victim was delirious) & tell their victim/members & member/victims. "The guy's a scumbag so you can feel good about torturing him".
It's unsettling at best to be raped & tortured by a group of smiling sadists. When a cop, a child-molestor, & their victim are in the same room the average Child-Molestor thinks they're the white knight in the room. They act like the guy kid they just kidnapped, raped, & tortured is a scumbag who's got it coming anyway & that the cop is at best an idiot who their acting classes allow them to overcome & should at the least be grateful that they're doing the cops job for them.
The Child-Molestors brag, so far with impunity that they play law-enfocement like a fiddle. That you, the best trained police of all time in the greatest country in the world, march to their beat in obedience. Oh, not outright for some of you. Not counting their smiling but doomed dirty cops they boast that they manipulate you with the ease that can only come from decades of experience. "The cops know exactly who & what we are but they haven't got a clue how to stop us". "We plan to get rich off of you & the cops are going to help us do it". "Jerk came up with the plan when he first drugged you when the first thing you did was start talking about killing people". "Jerk came up with the plan to humiliate the cops & lead an exodous of his kind of people from prison". I've pondered over the years what he meant, if true by saying "his kind of people". A 3 words he said with no little contempt. After all, wasn't he one with Duh Jerk?
I've been forced to endure. "We have a stable of cops who we don't recruit to keep their testimony pure & we hand them evidence from time to time & they think we're just great". "Even if you ever could beat us we've got a few high-ranking cops who we'll tell 'we'll hand you a hundred people in exchange for letting us have this one & they'll do it. They'll even show up at your parole hearings over the years & tell the board why they think you shouldn't go free. They do it for the good of society. The way they figure it is it's worth it if an innocent man goes down if they can take down a hundred perverts in exchange".
I sarcasticly said to him. "They wont be taking down anyone who you don't want taken down. They'll probably be your own guys who are receiving a punishment or one of your enemies".
He told me I was right and went on to confirm what other Child-Molestors told me. They play the cops like a fiddle. If they start to get close then everyone goes to acting class & they get busted, usually by their own stable of dirty cops (so they'll be privy to their interrogations), but not always. "Once we tell our people that it's because of you they're going to prison for they'll be glad to finger you as they're leader". All the more because of the films of us having sex. "We're not his rapists. We're his friends"!
I'll just say it like this... can't you cops ever win? Don't any of you even have the desire to win anymore? Will you always be content to play the part of the Child-Molestor's lapdog licking up the criminal crumbs that they condescend to allow you? Tell me oh wise ones will you thank them if this is the case? Maybe you'll mow heir lawn for a time? What? Why don't you get your act together & win against the Child-Molestor community of "primarily actors" for once instead of cleaning up their droppings?
"WIN! I'm confident you can win against the Child-Molestors. It can be done. I ain't saying it'll be easy. Take these guys down. Hey! It's the job YOU took a public oath to do fairly. YOU get paid by our... my taxes to protect me... us... even the unborn victims they brag will be next. Quit making deals with them, quit chickening out when they threaten you or your family. Be brave. Excell! Strive! Win! You can do it!
COP QUOTES... it's how it's done in America...
I thought I'd add in a few... cop quotes, things cops in the greatest country in the world, maybe the greatest country of all time told me. I'm going to try to avoid quotes where it was just them & I. Multiple witnesses, accomplices, & the innocent saw & heard them all.
"You're under arrest"! Said Dirty Cop in the Bay City... copshop when he assaulted & battered me by grabbing me from behind forcefully. in front of his peers during my interrogation while I was attempting to file a police report. Note my choice of the word... interrogation. In Bay City Michigan if you accuse a... cop of kidnapping he will be present during your interrogation. Yeah... I came in on my own & with no other motives, suspicions of me, nothing...
It amuses me to add in his last sentence during that interview that he spoke one octave below a shout while breathing very hard (why? I have no idea. we all just stood there & there was no physical reason for it that I could tell) & pointing at me. "Do you want proof he's the violent one here? There you go"!
"You'll have to go to the police in Bay City". Wow! I heard that one a bazillion times from cops all over the country. You see, I went to police all over the country wheresoever I visited much of my life seeking aid. Yeah, I was that stupid. Personally... unless you're fond of sodomy... I wouldn't recommend going to the Bay City... cops.
"Why do you think you get pulled over so much"? It was during a quiet time, between rapes (they were setting up the next gang-rape) the pair of circa 1988 Bay City.. cops bragged on & on how they used their influence to convince their fellow cops to pull me over all the time without using their police radios. "We know you break the law all the time & one of these days we're going to catch you carrying something illegal". When I claimed to be a victim they assured me they knew better. "We've seen the films of you killing people & we begged Jerk to give them to us but he said no". So they bragged on about my very much justified kidnapping, rape & torture that they were providing security for. I tried every verbal trick I could but they countered it all by saying. "We've seen the films".
Yeah... whatever...
"No one would do that to a nobody like you". The... cops assured me that I'd be safe (many, many police &... cops).
"Why are they doing this to you"?
With my head hung low I was forced to answer the... cops truthfully on many occasions over the decades. "They tell me that it's because of the gym".
The quotes of this paragraph are spread out over time... go figure...
"Do you have any proof that they drugged you"? I heard this a bunch of time over decades. Police tax dollars at work.
Time passes... & I actually escaped them circa 1988, with a big baggie of drugs, about 2 pounds or more... which I foolishly stole while escaping, & carried to the Bay City.. copshop... openly late at night. Picture a half dozen cops... interrogating (not interviewing, interrogating, you know, threats, rapid questioning, mocking, the usual Bay City... cop treatment) tortured, sleep-deprived, drug-addled me about it. Then, ultimately... the guy I accuse of being my kidnapper... the guy who is acting like he's in charge tells me. "Give me the drugs".
"Give me a receipt for them".
"No. Give me the drugs or you're under arrest".
"Your terms are acceptable (yeah, I talk like that). I'll take the arrest". I wanted a paper trail.
No. The... cops told me. They were taking all of the drug lumps by force & letting me go. I handed the drugs over under threats of violence from gun toting... uniformed Bay City... cops who were standing inside the Bay County Law Enforcement Center when they did it.
It's no a cop quote & I'm the only witness & I'll use the follow-up quote, you see Duh Jerk sent a guy to brag on the subject later. "Jerk ordered Dirty Cop to steal the drugs from the evidence locker & he wants you to know that he intends to make sure that those drugs will only be used against our victims".
Justice! Bay City... cop style!!!
It was in September of 1976... the beginning of what the Child-Molestors fondly call "The Gym". I went to the Bay City... cops for help & one (many, but who's counting?) asked me. "Why are they attacking you"?
Quick as a whip I pointed at the... cop & told him. "Because I won't dance".
Versions of this fall 1976 conversation have happened to me from time to time throughout my life with both... cops & civilians. "Take off your sunglasses". Said the Bay City... cop fall of 1976 wile he was surrounded by a half-dozen or more of his peers in the dungeon-like dimly lit basement of the copshop in the basement of City Hall during business hours.
Eh, so I did. I, then an 11 year old child took off my expensive auto-tinting sunglasses at a... cops command while discussing my ongoing attempted murder. Personally, I'm not impressed by the act of me taking off my sunglasses but many people &... cops seem to be.
You see reader, I have a medical condition that requires me to wear sunglasses. "Uh... sometimes it takes hours for my eyes to hurt from bright light". I even went on to explain that sometimes it takes days, even weeks for bright lights to hurt my eyes. It changes from week to week & sometimes from hour to hour & I can't explain it & no Dr. I talked to had ever given me a satisfactory answer on the subject.
At this point I've heard it all. Everyone's an expert on the subject, especially... cops. Like the Bay City... cops who worked in the dimly lit dungeon-like interior of the copshop then located in the basement of Bay City Hall. "NOPE! YOU"D BLINK IF WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT YOUR SUNGLASSES WAS TRUE"! Proof positive...
I was a cocky 11 year old. "On what do you base your conclusion? Have you ever studied light-sensitivity"? A question I posed not only to the lone Bay City... cop but to his uniformed on duty peers in the front of their... copshop (it's where they "make the magic happen") who were surrounding us.
"Do you have any medical training that would lead you to conclude that I'm lying".
"No. But I know you're lying".
Have you even read an article in the newspaper about light-sensitivity? Have you any research into the subject whatsoever to lead you to the conclusion that I'm lying about my sunglasses"?
"So you're just making it up because it seems logical"?
"..."! There wasn't a... cop there who didn't agree with him that I'd been caught in a lie about my sunglasses.
Bay City... cops! A name you can depend on...
Another Bay City... cop pointing his gun a little too freely in the presence of innocents... for for financial gain.
It must be force of habit or something.
Remember... Support your local Police! They can't do their job alone. It's the good citizens like you
reader who will help keep America's streets safe for our kids! God bless the Bay City Police & F.B.I.!
SCENE OF THE CRIME... I'll bet it wasn't just me...
HONESTY... INTEGRITY... DEPENDABILITY... gang-rape... robbery... & lies... at the Bay City State Police Post...
Sooo... there I was, minding my own beeswax when another bragging self-professed professional liar & admitted bragging rapist came to me circa 1987 & bragged about my gang-rape by adult homosexuals & children by himself, the Child-Molestors, Dirty Cop, & the rest. Good fun & proof unto itself I'm a social deviant & that "the Gym" never happened. The Gym... sigh...
Me? I was getting tired of what I'll call "the Bay City... cop runaround". Uh... it's where they usually cover for my rapists. Dirty Cop liked to show up, usually. Sooo... I came up with a new plan. The F.B.I. was useless, Bay City... cops are synonymous with bad police work & or sodomy for profit. Sheriffs were a waste, & I hadn't tried the State... cops since I was a kid. So... call it stupid... call it dumb... but call it what happened. I went to the Bay City Euclid Street State Police Post & attempted... I did use the word attempted. Attempted to file a police report. The guy at the front desk listened little & all but violently threw me out under penalty of arrest & refused me a police report.
Eh... sooo... My homo gang-rape... It began in front of a office supply biz the guy society will call Serial Rapist worked at & convinced me to come out of my shell (from the last rape) & temp there. Eh, so... at my _ _ _ _ _ _'s command I forgave him & did so. 3 days... ho hum...
Later, My Buddy introduced me to a gal who lives between my home, the Lafayette Bridge, & out to Monitor township. So... at his urging... I went there... in broad daylight.
On the way, in front of the office supply store... a State... cop. I should say... "THE uniformed Michigan State... cop from the front desk pulled up beside me on the south side of Salzburg Street & leveled his pistol at me"! "YOU"RE UNDER ARREST"!

Uhhh... what does an otherwise law-abiding citizen say there? Me? I said. "What for"?
The State... Cop's Finest said. "This is a felony arrest. You look just like a guy we're looking for".
Yeah yeah yeah... I submitted to his arrest. He said. "The footcuffs too". And then proceeded to truss me up like a thanksgiving turkey. Across the street people sat on porches & watched, foot traffic walked by, & the traffic was heavier than normal as I recall.
As soon as I was secured in the back seat of his marked Michigan State Police car Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars pulled up in a car with several jocks. then everyone but Duh Jerk formed up & Duh Weasel held a syringe pointed at me.
Me? Wow did I yell for help!
Michigan State's Finest told the passer's by. Official police business"!
The gang rushed me. Yeah... I fought & I lost... they injected me.
Some witnesses happened by and asked about the syringe. Duh Jerk assured them. "We have to do it like this to give him his medication".
Fast forward... I woke up in a place I recognized immediately. I was in a party store at Euclid Ave. & Salzburg Street. My _ _ _ _ _ _'s parents told me that they were friends with the owners. In any event my torture & gang-rape by men & boy in the party store was quite humiliating. The only one's I recall recognizing at the time of this writing were Duh Jerk & Michigan State's Finest. At first...
I asked him why he was doing this to me & M.S.F. told me it was because he'd gone to Duh Jerk & Jerk had showed him the films of me & agreed to exchange information to enable him to arrest a large number of perverts in exchange for him just letting them have some fun & torture a scumbag like me. When I complained about the pain of sodomy he said. "You ain't hurt. They promised me you'd have no scars".
Me? I informed him about his new life as the Child-Molestor's bitch (the title they brag they give to new converts who were stupid enough to have once opposed them & now are even more stupid enough to think they'll forget that fact), that they'd certainly filmed everything until this point & they didn't much like cops who once opposed them.
M.S.F. did look a little worried. Good acting?
Stinky Fingers & his older brother were there providing security for the sodomites &, allegedly participating. When M.S.F. excused himself Stinky Fingers took the opportunity... at the suggestion of Duh Jerk... to beat me about my midsection.
The conversation turned to money & if I should get any for my "services provided". Duh Jerk told Stinky Fingers to reach into my pants & hand him my wallet, wich he did. Then Duh Jerk promptly stole the $100 or so contained inside it & spouted a saying he's fond of bragging to his guys. "He should never profit by what we do to him". Then they returned the walet to my pants pocket pooled around my ankles.
Eventually... they let me go. Visions of getting justice danced in my head so I went to the Euclid Street Bay City Michigan State... cop Post. I tried my best to avoid the guy at the front desk, hereafter referred to as Rapeboy and requested to speak to the State... cop in charge. The State... cop in charge identified himself as "the Shift Commander". It must mean head rapist or something? He ejected me under threat of arrest. Being nearsighted I tried to lean in & get their names... only to be ejected under threat of violence.
It was justice... Michigan State trooper Style!
The gang sent someone to tease me as is their custom. He bragged on & on about how the entire incident had been choreographed from beginning to end to give their dirty Michigan State police protection & to provide cover for stinky fingers because of his prior involvement in stalking me that led up to the slaying of his accomplice the Captain of the Football Team & I'd played my role well & fallen for their con hook line & sinker. Then he mocked me about my decision to turn to the Michigan State Police for help. "Boy that was stupid. You know we own all the cops at the front desk in Bay City".
"I was hoping that an honest cop or two might somehow get in there".
"That was dumb". He said it was all theater from the first moment "to make your story unbelievable". Then he added. "The fact that you worked there as a temp will make the cops say you're insane when you tell them".
MORE COP QUOTES... Words of wisdom from America's highly paid pros... protecting your kids reader!!!
"They showed me all these pictures of you guys in romantic situations. For years. I don't know what kind of sick sh... stuff you're into but I don't want to get involved in no lover's quarrel".
"That's exactly what I told you they've been doing to me". I told a circa 1987 Uniformed Bay City... cop in the presence of his peers inside of the Bay County Law-Enforcement Center. "I told you they keep kidnapping & raping me & taking pictures that make us seem like friends".
"Do you have any proof"?
"Every time I get a witness they attack them or recruit them. I told you they're professional kidnapping rapists & frame artists".
"No one would do that to someone. Why would they do that to you"?
"The tell me its because of the gym".

Free rides... enquire at the Bay City Michigan State Police Post.
(989) 684-2235
405 N Euclid Ave. Bay City. Remember to tell the guy at the front desk David George sent you & ask for a "special ride".
I"LL KEEP THIS ONE BRIEF... Because it hurts too much...
It was when he tried to recruit me in fall of 1976 when Duh Jerk bragged to me about how he beats his victims.
"We like to trick our victims into violence on or near police. It proves they're increasingly irrational".
"Sometimes we like to trick our victims into escaping in front of the police. Some are our dirty cops & some-
times it's honest cops". Some victims run, & cops chase'm down, others fight, & the Child-Molestors then own'em
I came too in late spring of 77 in a large banquet hall. The room was mostly empty save for the tables at one
end near myself and the 40 or so men & women who were having a grand old party. I was in attendance but the
11 year old kid that I was was tied face down to a small bench designed for the purpose & my pants were around
my ankles exposing my buttocks to the world, which consisted of men sodomizing me while Duh Jerk & another
child took turns filming my degradation with much glee. It seemed like it was fun for everybody... uh... not me.
The men tended to beat me & the children slapped my face while they raped me en-mass.
Next I was forced onto a table face-up. Yeah... I fought but the men & my 1976-77 classmates easily overwhelmed me. Then the women took turns partying & raping me. They didn't hurt me... much. A few slaps here, a few slaps there.
Then... they untied me. A few pokes to my classmates & I was free & ran out the building only to see a Bay City... cop standing guard! He grabbed me & demanded to know who I was & why I was running while the party guests left en-mass.
So I told him & managed to break his grasp. A camera crew manned by my classmates leveled it's unblinking eye at us & when the Bay City... cop tried to arrest me I recalled Duh Jerk's words. "We like to trick our victims into violence on or near police. It proves they're increasingly irrational".
Yeah... I submitted to his arrest.
Duh Jerk came out of hiding & told the dirty Bay City... cop. "This isn't working". Then he lamented on how they'd failed to provoke me to violence against an "honest cop" on film. So he ordered me drugged anew to be carted off to who knows what perversion next?
The Bay City... cops. A name you can trust!
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE & F.B.I.... or someone else will... EVEN MORE... COP QUOTES...
The first quote listed below occurred in a room with lots of cops, and happened several times over the years. We were discussing the subject of whether serial-killers were white-liars, plain-old liars, or habitual lifestyle liars with a plan to rape & kill little kids & lie about it to cover it up. The Bay City... cops I talked to at length had a different opinion on the subject than I did.
The Bay City... cops told me (note the use of the letter "s", it's for a reason). "No one would lie like that".
Being the cocky teenager that I was I quizzed said... cops at length on the subject (eh, I would). "What leads you to that conclusion? I mean by what evidence or training would you come to that conclusion"?
Bay City... cops. "...".
"Is it that a group of child-molesting liars & child-killers wouldn't be so dishonorable as to lie to their victim"?
While shaking his head & stretching his arms out he replied. "I don't know what to tell you"?
"By what means have you arrived at your conclusion? Is it because you personally know a bunch of child-
molesters & know that they would never be so dishonorable? Is it because you've met & hung around serial-
killers & know that they'd never be so dishonorable as to lie"?
Bay City... cops. "...".
"Have you ever even studied serial-killers"?
Bay City... cops. "No. But I know they wouldn't lie like that".
"Why? How would you know? Have you ever met a serial-killer"?
"Is it a hunch based on years of police work"?
Do you have any special training whatsoever in dealing with serial-killers"?
"No but I know they wouldn't lie like that".
High praise for child-molesters & baby-killers everywhere flowed from their mouths like a river of honey. Go figure...
Having never met the people in front of me before I said. "Hi. I'd like to report a rape".
"GET OUT"! Said the front desk... cop at the Bay City... F.B.I., the Oak Park Police Department, & at the N.I.S. Building at the U.S. Navy port in Norfolk Virginia. No... I'm not exaggerating. In each case I was immediately ejected under penalty of law in mere seconds!
<<<------- The Cops I've dealt with consulting an expert on the truth.
POLICE ABUSE SOLVES NOTHING... it creates problems.
Author's note: All jokes aside... I really feel it's in all of our best interests to support our police.
Be they humble local Sheriffs, City cops, State Police, F.B.I., or any of America's other fine law-
Enforcement officers. I'll say these words to encourage them. Don't quit! Never give up! Thanks!

THE BAY CITY... COPS. PROTECTORS OF THE WEAK, DOWNTRODDEN, HUDDLED MASSES... when the Child-Molestors need'em most....
The Child-Molestors have repeatedly bragged to me things like. "We're going to say that you are just bragging when this all comes out". They boast that whatsoever they do to me proves me a social deviant, & howsoever I reacted to those moments of mind-curdling terror are certainly boasts at best on my part. "The more sick things we do to you only proves that you are a social deviant". Yeah, whatever...
I wonder what part of my ego they suppose I'm stoking here? Who do you suppose I think I'm fooling with THIS tale of woe? Who is the target group I'm trying to impress? It's the truth I seek. The truth is the only thing that will set me free. Gulp!
We were in... "the party house", a place in Bay City's "Banks" area in between rapes. I'm no small fry & I was in a room surrounded by jocks who dwarfed me in every respect. I was on the gang's drug(s?), I'd been kept awake to the limits of human endurance & raped by masses of homosexuals & fat chicks. Now, we were in a side room of the house & the jocks were beating & slapping me, then pushing me between them & beating me all the more. It seemed like great fun for them. A party was going on in the next room & drugs of every sort were being consumed. A large table stacked with assorted drugs was pushed up against the wall of the small mansion/ large home. Dirty Cop & Duh Jerk showed up from time to time to orchestrate the horror.
Then, during an in between moment, between the rapes & constant torture the gang simply left me standing in a drug-fueled haze, they just left me standing there, while they tortured a little old, scrawny, frail, grey-haired lady. They did to her what they'd done to me with equal enthusiasm.
I plotted to escape during my rare lucid moments & watched for the slightest opportunity. It came... eventually...
There I was, in the party house between rapes. Mostly gays. But today was different... today it would be children who maneuvered my sleep deprived drug-addled self from room to room trying to get me to interact with them while Duh Jerk & the four Stars stood just off camera beside their ever-present army of jocks. I recall playing with the children, now & then. Building blocks, games, and sadly... even a little girl's tea party. I was spared no humiliation. They led me around in a mental haze but during my every fleeting lucid moment I fought them. Uh... I lost. Orgies where I was the centerpiece abounded. Eventually, they moved up to teens... They'd kept me placid for who knows how long and Duh Jerk, the 4 Stars, & even their jocks simply wandered off? Leaving my filming to a pre-teenage boy & girl...
In a moment of time I became lucid & plotted my escape. Which one do I attack first? HMMMM... I figured knocking out the girl would be easier. The drugs were beginning to take hold of me again, It occurred to me that I had to act quickly before my memory reset! Who to attack, hmmm, who to attack? The world was rippling and I strained to make a decision. Do you want to know what was the deciding factor reader? Do you? I... me... yeah... I, didn't want to hit a girl. That's it, I didn't want to hit a girl. So I belted the boy in the jaw with all of my might! BAMM! He went down hard! Then I grabbed the pre-teenage girl & covered her nose & mouth until she passed out. Then I went to the room's only door, held it open a crack & cautiously looked into the room where my ongoing rape & torture was occurring. The room was filled with jocks & kids talking about the fact that they were about to leave! While I stood there I heard the little girl moan & saw her roll over and start to get up. So I grabbed her & held my hand over her mouth and nose. Then, I zoned out from the drugs.... eventually, I caught myself, I'd forgotten everything that occurred up to this point & had to remind myself what had happened up & until now. I was still holding the girl upright and had my hands over her mouth & nose. How long had passed, I can't say? Then, I zoned out again when my long-term memory restet itself again! Eventually, I caught myself. I had no idea where I was nor what had happened. In a moment of time I took stock of the situation before me & recalled what was going on. I still had my hands over the little girl's mouth & nose. While I listened in at the door I figured these guys might never leave or would leave only once my 2 torturing rapists were missing.
They just took too long so I decided to set the girl down & try to simply walk out. To my barely working mind that place was a maze & I wandered too long. Eventually a group of jocks came running into the room & yelled. "THERE HE IS! GET HIM"! The fight was on! I lost & was drugged anew.
Duh Jerk yelled. "He's not like our other victims! You cant leave him alone or without any guys protecting him for a second! I told you guys he's just too dangerous". Before I passed out I was treated to a casualty report. The boy had already awoken & had a broken jaw. The girl... wouldn't wake up... so they were taking her to the hospital. Their "Doctor" gave her a poor chance of recovery.
In the short time before the world would slowly fade away while they prepared a syringe I asked Duh Jerk. "How many of your guys do I have to bust up before you'll leave me alone"?
"I don't care who gets hurt".
Yeah, I whined about the girl. ME, I whined, alone... Pointing at the girl who had a heavy respirator doing her breathing for her I asked him. "How could you let something like that happen to a little girl"?
"If you wouldn't resist things like that wouldn't happen".
"What kind of person puts a boy & a girl in a room with a guy who's on drugs"?
"They knew the score when they agreed to help us torture you. This kind of stuff is rare but it happens".
I... me... I called him names for putting the boy, the girl, & I in the situation to begin with. Me.
An ambulance crew took away the little girl who seemed to be breathing only because of the mechanical resperator. I asked Duh Jerk how the ambulance got there so quick & he answered me. "We always keep an ambulance crew a block away in case of an emergency". It's an integral part of their kidnapping/blackmail/framing operation he explained.
Their... "Doctor" had a serious look on him when he told Jerk & his assembled jocks. "The girl isn't breathing. That's a bad sign". He said her recovery wasn't very likely & she'd likely be a vegetable of some sort if she did ever wake up.
Jerk threatened me, eh, not too committal. "You'd better hope that girl recovers".
"I thought you didn't care who got hurt"? I said back sarcastically.
He mumbled his next two words. "Ohhh... yeah... you'd better hope she's not hurt".
One of the jocks said "F@#! Jerk! I say you'd better hope she's not hurt. That girl was the best c@#$%^&*%! I ever met". His fellow gang members angrily joined their voices to his. She was ranked as their best whore in "services rendered".
"I only hurt her because I was trying to escape you guys because you were torturing me. Besides, she was a little girl. What? 10, 11, maybe 13? Doesn't that make you all child-molesters"?
Jocks chimed in. Vengeance upon me was assured. "Of course we're child-molesters! That's why we're here. We're proud to be child-molesters".
"Proud enough to announce it on the steps of City Hall during business hours"? I asked.
They all shirked back. Hypocrites one & all! "You know, if you guys weren't such cowards & stood up for yourselves in public they'd probably legalize your lifestyle & you really could bring love to everyone like you preach".
Jerk chimed in that there'd be no revenge on me for now... but... he pointed to the first jock & said. "You said 'f@#! Jerk'. You are going to be punished"!
"WHAT"? The world faded away with the jocks whining about his innocence...
It's what they do, whine. The Child-Molestors are professional victims. I've heard them say. "We're professional victims. It's when our victims are attacking us [in court or when filing a police report against the Child-Molestors] that we have our power".
Days... maybe weeks pass. I come up with a new plan to escape. Looking at "The Drug Table" (that's what they called it) I wondered if flipping it over might give me a head start on an escape attempt?
"The Drug Table" is all but a Child-Molestor legend. As bragged to me it is an ever-present icon at all of their orgies & their torture sessions to numb their victim/member's pain (remember, you don't get to do the kinky stuff you want to do at their orgies, you do only the kinky stuff you'll loath & be embarrassed to go to the cops about if they recruit you reader) & sensibilities. The table is about the size of a modest family kitchen table with little plates containing a cornucopia of various drugs (You don't want to know the horrors even the most hard-core members of their gang have whined to me that they had to preform to get near that table... horrors). Pills, powders, & herbs of all sorts, even lighters & drug pipes on their own plate respectively.
During a quiet moment, between beatings & rapes I rushed the unguarded drug table & flipped the sorta heavy drug receptacle over with all of my might! Making sure to cast the powders far! Then, as I ran past the alarmed dopeheads more worried about the dope than I, I made sure to stop & grind the herbs & pills in the few steps I took until I was at full speed leaving the place. Eh, I made it to the front door & into the yard this time...
We fought on & on in the front yard. A uniformed Bay City... cop was standing in their front yard, deep in the heart of the city. He made the difference. I was subdued....
Duh jerk was summoned once I was subdued & the gang pronounced the drugs a near total loss (That fish tank I flipped over onto the drugs did them no good at all). "That fish tank cost over $10,000. It was filled with rare fish (it was, I looked at it). Now I'm going to have to take revenge on you for how much you've cost us again". Duh Jerk whined about how broke they were from what I'd done to them last year, they'd never be able to afford another any time soon (in part because of me) and the drugs were an irreplaceable item. They were in hock up to their eyeballs to thier dealers. So he asked the assembled gangbangers for all of their cash. When it was gathered & counted it was a pittance (of course, cheap cheap cheap, you pay them to work them, you wont have money!). Remember, they don't pay their members, their members pay them. Maybe they'll filter a little of their victim/member's cash back to them, but you'll earn it a drop at a time & with much misery. A few of their victim/members had told me they screamed into their pillows every night until they could sleep & woke up on a pillow drenched with tears each day.
They chatted between them, the gang was very short on cash (from my last hijinx, or so they whined) and there was a big party coming with important clients (thus I was being tortured into delirium). Angrily Duh Jerk announced I should be drugged asleep, there just wasn't enough guys to guard me because they were all going to go out & rob someone for a lot of money to cover their cash debt (they were already in hock to begin with). I figured that this was surely the end, now, they would most certainly kill me. Slowly...
Time passes...
I'd tried to smash my way past the jocks to escape several times in the past, prompting them to a shield wall to protect the only 2 doors out of the room. They formed a line in front of me & on my left. They beat, slapped, and raped me for sport, continuing to keep me awake, driving me to the edges of human endurance, delirium, and madness. Then, for whatever their reasons were, they left me standing in a daze on their drug(s?) and began doing what they'd been doing to me to a frail little old grey-haired lady. Mercilessly! Every now & again my long-term memory reset itself, it was here that I looked for any way to escape because I figured that, surely, they were going to kill me this time for certain! For the time being, I could do nothing but watch them torture this woman in what may have been the last moments of her life as a law-abiding, uncrippled citizen. A sad contemplation, but probably true none the less...
In a moment of time the door to the outside opened, & it stayed open! Children talked one to the other in the background & at the door. I knew I had to act now & boldly while I was still lucid (how long would it last until my long-term memory reset itself because of their drug?) so I charged the line at it's weakest point with all of my might!
I used to work out back then, I biked about 300 miles a week & worked heavy manual labor & I barreled at the line with everything I had. I recall vividly the surprised looks on the jocks & my intended target's face and within a few steps I was at my maximum speed!
That's when I smashed into the weak point in their shield wall with everything I had! POW! That... little... old... scrawny... frail... grey-haired... lady... went smashing to the ground as violently as anything I'd ever seen in my life!
Children at the door groped at me & I slammed them down violently with everything I had! K-K-KRACK! Then I ran into the city & freedom!
What? Are you cheering my escape reader? Don't cheer too loudly... because a savior comes to the rescue in the end.
So I ran! In broad daylight! IN THE HEART OF THE CITY! Jocks in tow! Into Bay City's Banks area, going south, as I recall it. Probably.
The fight was on. The thing that occurred to me was. "I can't let them surround me or stop me in one place! I've got to keep this mobile"! So I threw them off! I ducked! I dodged! And I beat them off of me!
I ran full tilt for about a block before I realized I was burning up a lot of energy. It occurred to me that I had to slow down & fight them now, or run for a block or two more & fight them as a gasping wretch later. So I slowed down to a quick jog & prepared to do battle with the ever-increasing number pursuers who were now coming out of "the party house" in ones & twos to join the chase.
I screamed for help to anyone who could hear me! "This is a kidnapping! HELP! Please call the police"! Women gardening, people walking, kids in the yards, & guys poking their heads out their doors all looked.
F.B. pulled up in a luxury car filled with more fighters in less than two blocks! He shouted to witnesses. "Get back in your house"! To others he yelled. "Official police business"! Among other things! He too attacked & I threw him off as well!
The crowd, half a dozen or so tackled me as one. If you've never been in a fight you wont appreciate this one, but, if you've been in scrapes o plenty, a veteran of the school of hard knocks you just might be able to visualize the scene. The crowd knocked me off balance and we all spun around in someone's yard & plowed into a chain-linked fence! The fence prevented us from flopping to the ground (their spoken goal was to knock me to the ground), we were all still standing. Then we all shoved each other to the nearby sidewalk, there we spun around again & the group fell as we spun & I barely kept my balance on 2 legs & an entangled arm! We spun into one of those little yard decorations, a decorative well of sorts surrounded by a small decorative white picket fence. I grabbed at the 2' fence & easily yanked one of the boards free & used it to stab at the neck of one of my grapplers! I don't think the board penetrated but after 2 stabs he couldn't wait to let me go! Then we spun some more & I changed my grip on the little white board & began to slap at the eyes of one of my attackers with the nails still in the board! I hit one in the eye & stabbed one in the throat at least twice! They got the board from me but by using the combination of the momentum of our spin (based on guys rolling out of the fight) & the basic desire of the guys closest to my torso to let me go I broke free of them and they sprawled about the yard like so much trash!
I was free! I took off in a short run & resumed a quick jog pace when it was evident that they still intended to pursue me. It occurred to me that the little board had been an excellent improvised weapon! So I decided to grab another. The gang had grabbed the 1st board so I turned toward the well looking to get another board. Still fending off attacks!
F.B. shouted. "Form a line & protect the fence! Don't let him get any more boards"!
His crew formed a line of about 4 jocks between the well & I!
I pondered attacking them, then decided it was too risky to get pinned down in one spot. More guys were coming & I had to keep the fight moving to keep from being surrounded!
I took off with a fast paced jog again! They regrouped & with fresh fighters from the party house they charged me & attacked but their uncoordinated attacks were repelled by myself, barely! I kept the fight moving down the street at a steady pace.
Many of the witnesses assured me they were going to call the... cops.
I looked for improvised weapons as I walked. Then I saw a concrete rain gutter, you know, the ones at the corner of a house? I picked up the formidable weapon, took aim at the nearest attacker & hurled it with all of my might at him!
I didn't know what to expect, maybe a big sound, explosions? Eh, all that happened was I hit him in the chest & he went down never to trouble me again!
F.B. shouted to the many kids present. "Go up & down this street & grab anything he might use as a weapon"! They ran full speed ahead of me & did just that. Kids were holding all sorts of yard decorations as I came jogging past, it was ridiculous! I recall one child, standing in a front yard holding a large cast iron swan. It's dull but pointed cast iron tip would've made an excellent improvised weapon. I pondered attacking him & taking it but I concluded it was too dangerous. I figured the gang were going to kill me & that this just might be my last chance to escape!
F.B. said to the other kids. "Go up & down this street & tell any witnesses this is a police arrest & that this man is dangerous". So they did.
I recall people watching the ongoing spectacle. When I begged for help the children were in the midst of calling me an escaped prisoner & some of the witnesses hurled insults at me. Keep in mind, I'm still fending off chain-smoking jocks the entire time. I'm keeping a good pace & not letting them organize. Bodies, lie here & there behind us. Some, I injured, the rest, they had injured themselves by using stupid ill-timed, ill-conceived drug-hazed attacks against me.
I recall a rather large family man standing in his front yard with his wife & 10 year old son in front of him. There was a child telling the man what a slimeball I was as I briskly walked past. Yeah, I begged them for help. Instead of helping he hurled insults at me. In his opinion someone should do something to help these teenage police jocks take me down! "Screw this"! He yelled. "I'll do it myself"! The man came running at me, charged me, with both arms out. Sooo, I grabbed his arm, broke it, kicked the side of his knee, he went down, then, with the knife edge of my hand, I chopped at his neck, and he stayed down.
I kept going, scared at the amount of time I'd just allotted to one direction & not watching all around me to prevent being blindsided. It was then that I heard a sound unique in all of nature. It was the sound of a mother putting 100% of her being into a single scream! There's no sound quite like it in all the world & it is as bone-chilling as screams get. With everything she had the woman behind me had screamed. "NOOO"!
I spun in preparation of combat with what I know was a look of grim determination. The woman was on her knees cradling her still-choking husband & that 10 year-old boy was coming up behind me with clenched fists & his own look of grim determination! The Mom yelled. "Don't do it! Come back"! She ordered her son to turn back & he did. Lately... I've been wondering about the many ways, this could've turned out, for the boy & I. Soul-shuddering & spirit-blood curdling moments of pondering the "might-have-beens", oh well, back to the kidnapping.
I recall a giant jock wearing gangland black announced he'd simply grab me & positioned himself in front of me on the sidewalk & outstretched both of his arms to grab me as I came!
Talk about stupid! He was all but defenseless as I came up to him & punched him in the throat! The giant jock wore a smile when I walked up to him. Now, as soon as I'd punched him he grabbed his throat with both hands and now wore a look of pure terror! He didn't initially go down at first. He simply walked over to a nearby porch where his buddies stopped chasing me and asked him questions like. :Are you okay"? "Can you breathe".
The giant Jock didn't answer them.
I recall I was attacked again. This delayed me at that spot long enough to watch that jock lay down on the ground. I hadn't eliminated him as a pursuer. I'd eliminated the teenaged jock and two other pursuers if you count the fact that they gave up the chase and tended to their buddy.
My most unbelievable claim? Eh, why not? At one point two of my pursuers openly planned their attack rather loudly. "Lets get on both sides of him & tackle him at the same time"! Then they ran ahead to make it come to pass.
I pondered... "I wonder if I can dodge them if I wait until they attack"? So I decided to try it.
The pair got a goodly distance from me & one of them shouted. "Okay. On the count of 3! 1! 2! 3"! The pair charged me & leaped into the air!
I stopped.
The pair clunked heads in front of me like a pair of bad coconuts & fell to the ground groaning never to trouble me again.
I kept trying to get the public to help me but children were running out in front of me & telling them I was an out of control madman evading arrest. As citizen after citizen hurled insults at me as I begged for help I looked down the street & every other yard or so had a teenager out front of it talking to witnesses who all looked at me like I was the biggest crook on earth. Another car pulled up & F.B. told it's disgorged teens to run ahead of me & warn people I was coming.
So I turned left at the corner. It seemed to disorganize them & they weren't able to place as many kids in front of me again. I was aking for help. No one would agree to help me but most people agreed to call the police when I asked. If you need help in Bay City... remember to not tell people you'll hold your hand on your ass until help arrives. It might grow there.
Another unbelievable claim? Sure... why not reader. As if another claim on my part would convince skeptics.
Some of the pursuers were struggling to keep up. Another pursuer announced he'd tackle me from behind. I turned to see him rushing at me from behind & to my right. So I stopped in place. The attacker flew past me & landed on the sidewalk. I saw his left arm snap just above the elbow! SNAP! Not only did he trouble me no more but like the others who'd fallen a few of my attackers quit chasing me & tended to their writhing & screaming partner in crime. Bodies blazed a trail behind us for all to see. What waste...
F.B. directed the battle and within a few blocks I'd taken several blows that hurt very badly. I tell people that I'm slow to anger & not easily provoked but, if I said it was impossible to provoke me would even a single reader believe me? I announced. "I'm gonna bust up the next one of ya who attacks me"!
Until now, a child had been shadowing F.B. neither attacking nor involving himself in any way. Now, F.B. patted him twice on his behind (in what I can only conclude was second nature to him), pointed at me & said. "Go get him"!
In moments the child lept at me from the front at about a 45 degree angle to myself! Him? About 130 lbs with a partygoer's physique. Me? About 260. I biked a lot for fitness & worked heavy manual labor jobs. I caught him as he slammed into my chest & kept briskly walking without missing a step! Then I manhandled him over my shoulder with his head about my abdomen & grabbed his right hand & snapped each of his fingers like one might pluck grapes! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! "This is what is going to happen to you if you attack me"!
Yeah, he struggled. So I punched him a few times & grabbed his neck while still walking & said. "Stop struggling"! Then, turning his neck to the breaking point I yelled again. "Feel That? You keep struggling & I'll snap your neck like a chicken"!
He quit struggling & merely cried out as I repeated myself on his other hand. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP!
I recall one of the kids excitedly yelling at F.B. "We've go to do something! He's going to kill him"!
F.B. was verbally pelted by his crew & he said. "SHUT UP & LET ME THINK"! While holding his chin & walking awkwardly semi-backwards to better see the action.
I grabbed the boy's arm & with some effort, I broke it! One never gets used to the feeling of tearing of sinews (as you break the arm you can actually feel the child's sinews tearing), nor the horrific scream of a child in agony (and his was among the most hideous I've ever heard). Well, unless you're a Child-Molestor that is... they told me it was great fun when they tortured me as a child to get me to scream!
The gang surrounded me, unsure of what to do next & looking to F.B. for leadership.
Then I manhandled the child so his torso was over my back, then I grabbed his leg & snapped it at the knee!
Guys surrounded me, they seemed unsure of what to do? In their defense, they were on drugs. In my defense... so was I. Unwillingly. They prepared their next attack so I again manhandled the child around my person until I had one hand on his upper torso & the other on his groin. Then I spun around as fast as I could and smashed him headfirst to the cement as hard as I could! THUDD! "THERE! THAT"S WHAT"S GONNA HAPPEN TO YOU IF YOU ATTACK ME"!
F.B. took it as a sign, pointed at me & yelled. "GET HIM"!
One at a time they attacked with their arms outstretched like the good wrestlers they were trained as. Hey, I liked to wrestle but I learned early in life to never fight how your enemy likes to fight. So I broke an arm or two by grabbing outstretched hands & wrists! I grabbed a wrist or two & throat punched a few others! Bodies lay in ruins up & down the street! Products of their foolish uncoordinated attacks. A line of fresh fighters could be seen coming, the bodies of the fallen, and the few who stopped & tended the wounded.
Block after block passed & the fight raged on. I never gave them time to organize. The battle raged on for at least 8 blocks by my recollection. EIGHT BLOCKS!
Eight blocks later... everybody is breathing hard. Bodies are splayed every block of two. Some, I hurt. Others, were hurt by their own incompetence when they attacked me & hurt themselves (uhhh... they WERE on drugs after all). Picture a fresh car of teens pulls up & disgorges it's eager young fighters. We go... eh... maybe a quarter of a block... then... A uniformed Bay City... cop shows up. IN HIS MARKED POLICE CAR!
The battle stops at his command & he demanded to know what prompted the group's attack on my person.
F.B. took charge... He called me many a false accusation.
The uniformed Bay City... cop seemed to like what he had to say.
F.B.'s crew agreed with him. Thier's was a very much justified vigilante attack upon me, based upon the severity of their accusations. We were all still breathing quite heavily.
Another marked... cop car pulled up 1/4 block away with 2, yes two uniformed police officers inside. The 1st uniformed Bay City... cop ordered me to stand next to the guys I called my kidnappers in the very act! When I initially refused he threatened me with a weapon & violence. Then he walked over to the other car, talked for a minute & they left despite my pleadings.
While we waited F.B. and his crew promised me an epic level of revenge for this indignity I'd thrust upon him & his cohorts.
The Bay City... cop walked over to threaten me.
As I recall a big luxury car pulled up & as many bodies as could be crammed into it now piled out of it & joined the crowd around me.
Yeah, I begged for protection. Silly, silly me...
The... cop left saying only. "That looks about right". As he looked back. Exactly what he meant is a mystery to me to this day.
Yeah, the crew jumped me en-mass as soon as the... cop fled the scene. I lost...
After they subdued me they hoisted me into the air above their heads & carried me back to my torturers like a trophy. Threatening anyone who dared to answer my plea for help & beating some & acting like cops with others, demanding their I.D. cards under threats of more violence.
At the halfway point that 1st cop showed up. He parked his marked squad car & came to the defense of his gang. Like this... A middle-aged balding guy identified himself as a lawyer & when the gang identified themselves as police he said. "I'm a lawyer & you cant legally treat this guy like this"!
One of the gang belted him in the mouth, they were doing the same ting to other witnesses on both sides of me! "OFFICIAL POLICE BUSINESS! GIVE ME YOUR I.D."!
"I'm a lawyer & I'll have your badge for this"! The lawyer shouted... in vain.
That's when the 1st cop walked up & said. "That's okay because I deputized these men to help me arrest a dangerous fugitive. Now hand him your I.D.".
While they walked me down the street I watched in horror as the witnesses handed over their identification. Horror...
Dirty Cop showed up & tailed us for the last 2 blocks in his marked police car.
The smiling Duh Jerk was waiting for us in the front yard of the party house surrounded by children, one of whom was armed with a syringe...
Who's ego am I stroking here? Tell me oh wise ones among my readers. Tell me, who's going to respect me for this tale? Tell me, do you want me for your neighbor now that you've heard this? Do you want me as a friend now that you've read this? Tell me oh wise ones, does this tale make my story even more believable? Oh, yes, the obligatory follow-up. Sooo... they sent someone to brag, as is their custom. Normally, they like to tell me tales of woe about the injured. Eh, not this time. He said the little girl woke up and couldn't talk for days but had since made a full recovery. "Remember that kid who broke his arm when he dove at you? You didn't cause his arm to be broken. It was already broken before that, he'd just taken his cast off early because Jerk told him that active duty members can't have any identifying marks on them for victims to identify". "The other kid is okay & is resting well right now & he can't wait for revenge"! Then he explained just how they planned to get revenge. "We had some guy (not the "Some Guy", just a guy) attack you & we told you that his name was that kid's name & we filmed you bragging about attacking him & he cant wait to confront you about it in court"! "Normally we just endure the accusations of witnesses but not with you. We got the I.D.s of every witness & recruited every single one of them by force. Dirty Cop even interviewed people up & down the street to see who knew what & we recruited every one of those witnesses. Jerk wants you to know that no one will stand next to you in court when this all comes out. And some of those witnesses have even begged us to be allowed to get revenge on you in court for us recruiting them over you". He said the child had been F.B.'s "boyfriend". Yet another reason to motivate him to plan a lifetime of revenge against me. Revenge revenge revenge... it's what the gang thrives on.
Follow-up: Years later the last snitch bragged on the calamity that is my life until now based on what they've done to me & how I reacted to it. His prediction for my life wasn't a good one. "You know, all we have to do is kick back & wait for you to tell the cops all of the stuff you've done to people while trying to get free from us. We know of good cops who will gladly frame you & put you in prison for life based soley on what you did to people when you tried to get free from us".
"But I was on drugs. You guys raped & tortured me to the limits of human endurance. You kept me awake for weeks on end"! I said with growing disgust, maybe in vain.
"I know that, & you know that, but they wont care". Yeah yeah yeah, he gloated on & on. The Child-Molestors brag that they have the ability to play the cops like a fiddle as only someone with generations of experience can. They also brag that it sucks to be me, & if they get their way, it always will...
God bless America!!! I really really mean it. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

A partnership made in heaven... or the other place!
In all fairness... in my humble opinion... the Bay City... cops would probably never do this, it looks like work...

Symbolic... doncha think?
Smile guys, put your best cheek forward!

COP SECRETARIES QUOTES... If you want to report a crime in America, chances are you'll have to go through them to do it...
"Get out or be prosecuted for trespassing". The secretary at the front desk in Oak Park Michigan circa 1990.
"You'll have to come here and fill out a police report".
"But they've got an entire gang of guys surrounding my house. Cant you send somebody"? I said back in 1980 or so.
"You'll have to call your local police and get them to deal with it".
"But the guys run & hide every time a cop comes & then they chase me back home if I try to leave. I've called the local cops so many times that they said they don't wanna hear from me anymore".
"I'm sorry sir but you'll have to come here to file a police report". Thus said the guy who answered the phone in the Detroit metropolitan area. Where exactly... I forgot. But I recall that you go south from Bay City on I-75 until you hit the juvenile hall on your left, take the next on ramp, turn left, go a ways, turn left, go a ways, then turn left & that's where the crimes happened. I called around the area to find out which police station had jurisdiction. They totally blew me off. Oh well, it sucks to be me...
"Hi there. My name is David George & I'd like to report a rape & my involvement in some children's slayings".
I hadn't been to an F.B.I. office in decades, I was there of my own free will, and wanted nor suspected of any-
thing whatsoever. I had never been there nor had ever even seen a single person there whatsoever.
There was a grey-haired woman in her mid 50s or so at the window of the Bay City F.B.I. a few years ago
wearing bi-focals. She kept looking behind her as I pleaded to talk to an agent. She rather rudely kept saying.
"Geeeeeettttt ooooowwwwwttttt". Over & over. Why she kept looking behind her is a mystery to me.
I wonder... I know the Child-Molestors brag that they play "musical chairs" with the help at the front desk of
Bay City cops in order to make their victims stories that much more unbelievable.
At the desk of the N.I.S. circa 1984 in Newport News Virginia. Picture two agents in suit each yelling the words in chorus and a single agent barking the final sentence. " GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT OR BE COURT-MARTIALED FOR FAILURE TO OBEY A LAWFUL ORDER"!
At the Bay City Law-Enforcement Center there was this blond secretary that the Child-Molestors slandered quite a bit. Calling her one of them, seductress, spy, frame artist, and worse. I wont mention any names (out of respect, talk is cheap & keep in mind that it was professional liars who slandered her) but I encountered her at the front desk there when I went to report my recent crippling torture session.
The otherwise pretty woman looked up at me with her eyes wide & filled with.... uh, I ain't sure. She just stared at me in horror from the moment I walked in. Eh, I tended to get that when I walked places in Bay City.
So I'll write the quote she just might get famous for here. "..."!
TYPICAL...Wierd, outrageous, & absolutely a fraud of some wierd sort... The Beauty of it is... no matter who sent it, or why, I'm screwed no matter what...
Yeah... I got an e-mail in my "" account. If I was a betting man (and I'm not, nor ever was. I 've always seen gambling a nature's tax on the stupid) I'd bet it's a fraud. You see, it doesn't matter who sent it or why. It's probably just another note from a common conman, nothing more. Was it motivated by the Child-Molestors? That's the beauty of the Child-Molestor system. Sometimes, it's them running a scam. Later, they'll run crying to the Police with a Charlie Brown record in hand playing the lyrics. "Why's everybody always picking on me"? Other times, I found that their attacks on my person were merely Child-Molestor friendly vigilante inspired attacks. I know that the common man don't buy it but the child-molestor community is vast & well-organized. Those sickos see someone like me as a threat beyond description. MAYBE IT'S JUST A HARMLESS PRANK? Eh, it could happen, couldn't it?
You see, I've been getting letters telling me I'll be in some little old lady's will, I need only to apply. Others insist I've got a fortune waiting for me in an obscure place called "Nigeria".
Then again, maybe it's all part of a sinister Child-Molestor plan? By making the e-mail to seem to come from myself or one of their many hopelessly blackmailed victims (a plethora of victims who they can send to prison for life & will beg to go to prison for any length of time to spare their friends & family who are similarly blackmailed) who will testify that they have some sick, twisted, and or just plain old weird motive that debases me as their goal for sending the e-mail.
That's the beauty of the Child-Molestor system. They just send out a dozen ludicrous frame-ups & then wait. "We wont use all of our films against you. We'll wait & see what the cops zero in on first and then we'll use the appropriate film. We'll probably mail it in anonymously or something. Maybe we'll use a dirty cop who'll testify that they got it from a reliable source". Reliable source? Hmmmph! The reliable source IS the Child-Molestors or one of thier many eager stooges. Or so they boast. Often.
Sooo... this is the e-mail I got today Monday, November 04, 2013.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in conjunction with other relevant Investigation Agencies here in the State have been informed through our Global intelligence monitoring network that you have an on-going transaction with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as regard to your over-due contract payment which was fully endorsed in your favour. It might interest you to know that we have taken time in screening through this project as stipulated on our protocol of operation and have finally confirmed that your contract payment is 100% genuine and hitch free from all facet and of which you have the lawful right to claim without any further delay. We will further advise that you go ahead and deal with the governor office of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) accordingly as we will be monitoring all their correspondence with you.
In addition, also be informed that we recently had a meeting with the Executive Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, in the person of Mr Sanusi Lamido and Mr. Paul Jones along with some of the top officials of the ministry regarding your case and they made us to understand that your file has been held in abase depending on when you personally apply for the claim. They also told us that the only problem they are facing right now is that some unscrupulous element are using this project as an avenue to scam innocent people off their hard earned money by impersonating the Executive Governor and the Central Bank office. We were also made to understand that a lady with name of Mrs. Joan C. Bailey from OHIO has already contacted them and also presented to them all the necessary documentations evidencing your claim purported to have been signed personally by you prior to the release of your contract fund valued at about US$8,000,000.00 (Eight million united states dollars).
More so, we were advised to warn our dear citizens who must have been informed of their contract payment from the Central Bank of Nigeria, to be very careful prior to the on-going internet irregularities, so that they would not fall victim of ugly circumstances. In case they are already dealing with anybody or office from the Central Bank of Nigeria are strictly advised to STOP further communication with them in their best interest and thereby contact the real office of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) via the below information:
OFFICE ADDRESS: Central Bank of Nigeria,
Central Business District,
Cadastral Zone, Abuja, Federal.
Capital Territory, Nigeria.
NOTE: In your best interest, you should ignore any message that does not come from the above email address and phone number for security reasons. Meanwhile, you are hereby advised to contact the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria via above details immediately and request for instant attention to your payment files as directed herein, so as to enable you receive your contract fund accordingly.
To enable them attend to your payment files, you are required to reconfirm and authenticate your personal data/particulars as listed below for onward processing and release of you fund as we will not be held liable for any wrong payment.
FULL NAMES: __________________________________
CITY: _________________________
STATE: __________________________________
ZIP: ______________
SEX: _______________
AGE: __________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER: _____________________
Ensure you follow all due process as required by Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria in order to hasten up the whole procedures of your fund transfer to your designated account. Bear in mind, that the Central Bank of Nigeria equally has an operational operandi (payment protocol) in line with international banking policy. So, you should adhere to avoid any delay which maybe detriment your fund transfer.
Once again, we hereby advise you to contact them via the above email address and make sure you forward to them all the necessary information which they may require from you prior to the release of your fund to you. All modalities have already been worked out and we will be monitoring all your dealings with the CBN’s governor in respect to your fund transfer. Thus, you have nothing to worry about as far as we, the FBI is concerned.
Henceforth, you should always update us as to enable us be on track with you and the Central Bank of Nigeria. Finally, we want you to contact them immediately via the above email address so as to enable them attend to your case accordingly without any further delay as time is already running out. Should you need more information(s) in regard to this notification, feel free to get back to us on this email address so that we can put you through and as well guide you during and after your successful actualization of this project.
Thank you very much for your anticipated co-operation in advance as we earnestly await your urgent response regards to this matter.
Best Regards,
James B. Comey, Jr
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building.
935 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW Washington, D.C.
Ps: I have no idea what the e-mails are specifically about. With the stress inflicted on me by the Child-Molestors, the pain from their last torture session, the loneliness of being scared me, the itching of the rash, the possibility of further disease from said tick bite, my preacher refusing to even acknowledge that I've been begging him for help, continuous assaults upon my person every few days or weeks no matter where I go in the country, my pre-existing condition (that makes me need sunglasses, usually), lack of help, low personal funds, worrying about the future, and such I'm just too frazzled to make sense of any of it.
Oh yeah... being stalked by recreational serial-killers & their rape gang isn't helping much either.
I don't know a thing about any money of mine being in or around Nigeria. Personally, I think it's all just a common scam. iI October of 2013 I was hard pressed to rub 2 nickles together & at the end of the month was all but unable to do so.
The way I figure it... is I'm probably doomed no matter who sent the e-mail in question, and I'm probably screwed no matter what their motive is or was. It just prove the old Child-Molestor braggings. That it sucks to be me. And that if they get their way, it always will.
YET MORE INSANE E-MAILS ARRIVE... Probably proving only bad things about me I suspect...
Sooo... there I was, minding my own beeswax, just another law-abiding citizen reading their e-mail, then I found this one inside. Who sent it, what are their goals, why me? I have no idea.
My guess? Sure I'll guess, even though the... cops tell me that I should already know, my guess is my stalkers are just yanking my chain. Typical. Though, even I have to entertain the (positively ludicrous) idea that the letter is what it seems to be (yeah, right).
My guess? Sure, I'll guess. Why not? My guess is that no matter who sent that e-mail, no matter what their goals were, I'm screwed no matter what. Here's that e-mail...
Yeah, Nigeria... can anyone even find it on a map?

The latestweird e-mail I just got as of 12-12-13. Uhhh... to tell you the truth reader, I'm just not feeling well. I'm not sure what to do next. The way I figure it, is no matter who sent it, no matter what their goals were, no matter what I say or do about any of it, that it will suck to be me. That, and that the Child-Molestors brag that it always will suck to be me.
Yeah, I sent the F.B.I. an e-mail begging for guidance on the matter. Ow...
From The Desk of
Mr. Sanusi Lamido Aminu Sanusi,
Executive Governor,
Central Bank of Nigeria.
Our ref: CBN/OXG/OKD1/2013
Telex: Cenbank
Payment Schedule Number file: CBN/FGN/01/13
Code: 210
Attn: David Allen George,
Point of correction David Allen George; what did you mean by the content of your email and to whom were your referring this word to?.
For your information, you are not the only beneficiary whose outstanding contractual/inheritance payment has been approved under my administration. Three beneficiaries: Mrs. Paulette Milton of USA, Mr. Bobby Dean of Canada and Mr. Otto Gomke of Germany whose payments were approved along with yours have had their fund wired into their account. You are the only beneficiary left and I do not see any reason, yours will be a different story.
In fact, you should know that your email is an insult to my profession and position here and if not that I was instructed by the highest authority to pay out your outstanding contractual/inheritance payment, I would have instruct the Chief Judge to grant the ownership right to Mrs. Joan Bailey whereas she has all the legal documents stating that you sent her to claim the fund.
Though, we are deeply aware of the on-going internet scam but one thing you should know is that in the house of twelve where there is a "Judas" what of the other eleven. Are they all "Judas" And again, one big question you should ask yourselves: is money not living this country to America, Europe and Asia and who are the owners of this money?
We all know that fake do exist and always try to copy the original but keep on messing themselves up. So, you should know that I am not an ordinary banker otherwise I would not have been assigned as the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria by the Nigeria government.
Once the Federal Bureau of Investigation is overseeing the payment procedures; you have not to be afraid of as I cannot afford to jeopardize my public service here because of any amount of money as my failure to swiftly and smoothly deliver your fund to you shall lead to my impeachment.
I have given you my words and assurance that upon the receipt of your banking particulars, your fund will be transferred into your bank account or we shall use our alliance courier service to deliver your ATM card to your doorstep without any delay for i want you to put your mind at rest and remove every spirit of doubt in you as to enable us conclude this matter immediately.
Be informed that the FBI would be monitoring the whole process to ensure we release your funds to you so you have nothing to worry about,You can reach me on my private phone number, Mobile: (+234 812 313 1103) at all times.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks for your understanding and co-operation.
Yours sincerely,
MOBILE PHONE: +234 812 313 1103
THE BAY CITY... COPS FINALLY CATCH ME IN A BLATANT LIE... Or so they bragged circa 1989...
Sooo... there I was, walking the Bay City streets having just been kidnapped, raped, & tortured for who knows how long by Jerk and the 4 Stars and... Dirty Cop in the Defunct Hospital. So I went to, gulp, the Bay City Police post to file a report.
The officers invited me in and sat me down and interrogated me (note my choice of words, "interrogated" and not "interviewed"). The first thing one of them said forcefully was. "Take your sunglasses off now"! The other 3 of Bay City's... "finest" chimed in and demanded forcefully that I take them off.
I refused. "But my eyes are light sensitive". I protested but the... cops were adamant, the interview would end right now if I didn't take off my sunglasses now! My protests I was a victim and had rights to wear what I wanted went unheeded. Eager to get things moving I submitted.
The 4... cops who I'd never seen before seemed to treat my story with utter disbelief. They did listen to me for a few minutes though...
Then... Dirty Cop walked into the interrogation chamber and calmly said something like. "I told you we could catch him in a lie".
The 4 Bay City... cops all nodded in agreement and announced that the interview was over. "This interview is over". Then they began packing their belongings and prepared to leave.
I was stunned to see the officers summarily dismiss me for no reason I could perceive & I know you wont believe it reader but, I had to ask. "Uhhh... What lie"?
Dirty Cop proudly announced. "You've been coming in here and lying for a while now so I installed a dimmer switch on the light switch out here in the hallway and I had one of these guys take your sunglasses when the light was dim. Then I stood out here and slowly turned up the brightness on the lights and you didn't even blink once".
Dirty Cops peers nodded and congratulated him on his wisdom. I could be dismissed because of my lie about needing sunglasses in bright light.
"But sometimes it takes hours for bright light to hurt my eyes. Sometimes it takes days for it to hurt and other times the sun can blind me instantly for up to 5 minutes as soon as I walk outside".
Nope! They all agreed. I'd been caught lying and now they could ignore me. Still, one of them asked what caused my alleged "condition"?
"Its an undiagnosed condition".
They laughed me to shame, supposing that 1980's medical technology was infallible. The phrase "undiagnosed condition" is synonymous with the words "bold-faced liar". Uhhh... according to all of the... cops I've talked to.
Dirty Cop teased me in front of his peers and invited me to look at the dimmer switch when I expressed some doubt.
I feel comfortable using the word "appraise" when talking about that dimmer switch that was mounted on the 1st floor of the Bay City copshop's interrogation room on the east wall next to the interrogation room door. It looked professionally installed. It was a standard electrical outlet about 3" by 5" in size and had a box shaped wire protector that connected it to the ceiling. The entire thing had been painted dull Bay City brown by hand, I recall noting the brush strokes on the switch that empowered a group of psycho mass-murderers and in and of itself could be liked by default to a virtual slew of killings before its installation and since. Many children died horrible deaths and that light switch made it all possible. I stared at that light dimmer with a loathing and with contempt. I checked it myself and it worked as well as any dimmer switch I'd ever seen. Defeated, I left the building with my head hung low pondering the toll in human lives that a simple switch could be responsible for.
Later, when reporting my next kidnapping, during my interrogation (note my choice of words here, "interrogation" and not "fling a police report") I was fool enough to mention the subject when one of the Bay City... cops demanded to know why I'd been dismissed by the previous batch of... detectives. The... cops laughed me to shame when they told me that the interrogation rooms had no dimmer switches. Then, they invited me to check for myself and mocked me the whole while.
In The city of Bay City, if you accuse a... cop of kidnapping and torturing you, that... cop will be present during your interrogation. He'll be there to demand what evidence you have, who your witnesses are, where they live, you name it. The snickering Dirty Cop escorted me out of the Bay City... copshop by himself and bragged he'd installed that dimmer switch soley for use against me and removed it as soon as he'd dispatched me in front of his coworkers. "I had a cop or two ask about the dimmer switch and I told them we had to remove it because it might be called cruel to use it on prisoners". Now, my lie, fib, tale, whatever you call it about a dimmer switch in the interrogation room would be all the fodder that he needed to insure none of his... cop buddies would ever listen to me.
Me? I told him I'd had some electronics training & personally appraised that switch and expressed doubt that he could've installed it himself.
"I didn't install it myself. I had the janitor staff install it". After a few words of gloating he changed his statement to "I had the official Bay City Police Post electrician install it". After I calmly called him some choice words based on the evil he was covering up for he bragged as he let me out the door about the plan to discredit me. "It was easy. All I had to do was make a big stink about how no one ever calls you out on your sunglasses to the other detectives. All I had to do was complain about how you constantly get away with lying about your sunglasses. I personally know that you can go for long periods without your sunglasses".
Only in America reader... Only in America...
"You seem to have changed your story".
I pondered the situation before me. I really did seem to change my story in front of this... cop. "But I was kidnapped and tortured for weeks on while I was on drugs and they wouldn't let me sleep. If what I said was true of course I'd have a poor recollection of things. Some of my memories are distorted and all broken up. Its hard to piece together the fragmented memories".
"No one would do that to someone".
A sentence used on me by more than one dirty cop. "You're under arrest". Some were pointing a gun at me, others merely had their hands near their guns.
I was on drugs and heavily sleep-deprived during this interview, so bear with me.
"So, you know that he [Duh Jerk] kills kids don't you"?
"Yeah". Said Dirty Cop, he seemed uncertain of where the conversation was going next.
"And you help him get away with it. That makes you an accessory to every child he ever killed and every child he's ever gonna kill. What do you think about that"?
"Hey, I never wanted to do any of that. That's all on him".
Me? I'm a "get under you skin kinda jerk if you let me kinda guy" (no wonder the Child-Molestors hate me so much. I always tell it like it is. Not bravery, stupidity). As portrayed by a later question. "What is your philosophy? What I mean is by what philosophy do you live by? By what philosophy do you kidnap and torture kids by".
"You ain't no kid".
"But I was when you first kidnapped me wasn't I? You still help them kidnap other kids don't you"?
I cut him to the core, I could see it on his face. Defensively he replied. "I'm a Christian. I go to church every Sunday and my good outweighs my bad".
"How's that? What good do you think that you're doing that outweighs kidnapping and killing children"?
He became defensive. "The way I figure it is if I do an hour of kidnapping or stuff for them and then I do an hour of honest police work then I've made up for it".
"Man, you ain't balancing out nothing. Society pays you to do those things. Heck, I pay you to do those things every time I pay taxes. You ain't making up for anything. All you're doing is the job society pays you to do. You ain't making up for nothing".
He looked shocked and like he searched his heart for answer that'd leave him with a shred of dignity. "I'm doing it because they'll hurt my family if I quit".
"One day they're gonna hurt your family no matter what you do. I know that you've been doing their dirty deeds like killing loyal members for a long time by now & I know that you know that one day they're gonna hurt your family too".
Dirty Cop paused for a few seconds and then said. "I know. But not for a long while if I act loyal".
My official apology to the Bay City Michigan F.B.I. &... cops...
Yup! I officially apologize here and now. Here I've made certain, jokes as to their crime-fighting ability, will to apply the law, and ability to serve the greater good of the community. Sheesh, I was wrong wrong wrong. Hey, I'm sorry guys. You see, the problem must've been that I came barging into your law-enforcement buildings during break (thus explaining the large numbers of... cops simply standing around talking about nothing) and practically ruined happy hour. Then, to make matters worse I started using high-brow words and using logic and deduction. Oops, my bad. Sooo, in order to move any investigation along I will now address the fine officers of Mid-Michigan law-enforcement using language a little more basic, common, and simple to understand.
I intend to use some "phonetic spelling". I know I just promised I wouldn't use big words on you's guys but I'll use only one. Ask a freind, perhaps one of the many people I've written about to help you understand the word "phonetic". Here goes...
Bad men Duh Jerk, Duh Weasel, F.B., The Mayor's Brat, Short Stuff, and Just Desserts, they fowwow me, they take me when I no want to go. They drug me and put things in my behind. They make dogs and cats and farm pets hurt my butt and pee-pee. They hurt me, they hit me and shock me and wont let me sleep for many nights. Then they hurt other people and hurt me to make me kill people so they can film it for their snuff films.
I ask dem. "Why u do this 2 me"?
Dey say. "Bekawz of da gym".
"Why use doggies and kitties and bad men on my butt"?
"Becawz the powice wiw never beweeve your akyuzationz about de gym when we show dem owr film of how much of a pervert you is".
I ask anadda. "Y you stawk me"?
"Becawz you is owr recruiter. We show people owr films ov u and get dem to do bad stuph to u. Den we fiwm it and make dem give us der money".
snuff film noun 1. Slang. a pornographic film that shows an actual murder of one of the performers, as at the end of a sadistic act. 2. splatter film.

Matthew 23:24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

THREATS... Tools of the trade... Yet more advice for the baby-rapers of mid-Michigan...
"We like to use threats on our victims to involve the police as much as possible".
Eh, I didn't buy it and told my fall of 1976 would-be recruiter I didn't buy it. "Who'd be so stupid as to involve the cops deliberately"? I explained that, surely in their clandestine kidnapping/blackmail biz that getting people to call the cops sounded stupid at best.
Not so he assured me. "We want our victims to go to the cops as much as possible so that the cops get tired of listening to them. We use perverse and outrageous threats against them. The way the cops figure it is the more perverse our threats are... The more perverse the repeated threats are, the more perverse the gang's vicitm must surely be. "Sometimes we do the outrageous things we threaten our victims with and then we tell the cops "see how much of a pervert that guy is? He always talks about perverted things, he must be a pervert. and the cops agree. Other times we don't carry through with our threats and then we say. "See? We didn't do what he said we would, The guy's obviously crazy". Laugh laugh laugh... Duh Jerk loved to laugh at the misfortunes of his victims.
Personally, I knew better than to waltz into Child-Rape Headquarters, uh... I mean the Bay City Copshop and whine about each and every threat. Why bother? Feel free to check my records oh ye "slow-of-mind" Mid-Michigan... cops. Check them, check them and you'll find that you've never avenged me in my life, you've never helped me once, you've threatened me a bazillion times even. We can logically deduce from this that, as far as you Mid-Michigan... cops are concerned, I, yes me, I've had the perfect life, no one has ever wronged me ever, certainly not a Mid-Michigan... cop.
Me? My name is David George & I wholeheartedly endorse this strategy. The... cops fall for it every time. It ALWAYS works oh ye child-rapers seeking advice. Go figure...
Sooo... I will reveal some of the many threats I've endured throughout my life. Some, the Child-Molestors carried through with, others, they still have time to make up their minds, and the rest, eh, who knows?
"We plan to cripple you when you get older". I heard this one every few years over my entire life.
"It's something that we do to all of our victims eventually". The story was always the same, I would be crippled in front of assorted gang-members as entertainment one day. "We'll probably make your family watch to shut them up so they wont go to the cops or testify against us".
"I'm going to kick your ass"! Again, I've heard this one a bazillion times too. In the end the person often simply attacked me. Just another example of the gang's unfathomable hatred of donkeys everywhere. Go figure...
"We're going to follow you around until the day you die". More of a promise than a threat I assure any readers.
"You're under arrest"! The quote of many a dirty... cop both on the street & even in my home. Me? I have no criminal record.
WOW! Have I heard this one a lot. Here's a version of the same threat I've heard all my life. "One of these days we're going to drug you and set you up. We'll put a whole bunch of drugs and child-porn starring you with our films of you doing drugs to legitimize the drugs. You'll probably wake up to a little girl crying and a cop pounding on your door with a description of you as her kidnapper".
Over the years the above threat morphed, it changed from little girl to little boy. "With all of our films of you having sex with little boys it'll be an easy sell". Huh.
This one was quite popular. "We plan to tie you to a table in a child-brothel and have some of our little girls rape you on film. Then when the cops get there they'll find a whole bunch of child-porn starring you. You've escaped from our set ups before but you wont escape from that one. We'll probably make sure there's a bunch of different drugs there because you get more time in prison based on the number of types of drugs". Actually, it sometimes get a lot more elaborate.
"We plan to arrange for you to get busted for child-porn. What we'll do is arrange a police sting and put your child-porn books on top of the stack. You do know you've starred in a lot of child-porn books don't you". Then we'll probably have one of our dirty cops say 'hey I know this guy. It's David George'. Then we'll have them bust a few of our guys too and they'll finger you as being the ringleader. It'll be easy to prove because of all of our films of you and them having sex". Yeah, yeah, yeah, acting classes, threats, they'd better say we're friends because it's life in prison when they go into court if a dirty prosecutor isn't cutting them a deal to testify against me.
"We plan to rape you with a whole lot of more animals". More promise than threat.
"We plan to put drugs ___(in, on, around, near, ect.)___ you and call the cops on you".
"It's very important to Jerk that you die slowly and in pain".
It's very important to Jerk that you die by the hand of a child. It'll be revenge for the gym and he don't want anybody cutting any deals with the cops later".
"We plan to rip you off your whole life".
At least three uniformed Bay City... cops said this while standing next to their cars during the midst of "The Gym" after hearing my explanation about the rash of children I'd hurt lately. "If you hurt another child I'll frame you myself". Snitch Girl, spokeswoman for the gang, took credit for the sayings on behalf of the gang inside of a Bay City Public School during business hours saying it was the gang's own dirty cops, thus they worded their threats exactly the same. I'll leave the reader to speculate as to what could've possibly led up to these statements.
Still later, after the above Bay City... cop threats. A few Bay City... cops said something like the following to me one at a time on different days. "You're just lucky that the parents of all of those kids that you hurt didn't want to press charges. One of these days you're going to hurt some kid and their parents are going to want to press charges".
"Did you ever notice that I keep getting in fights and hurting kids and their parents never want to press charges? That's because they attacked me". I returned.
"Do you know how I know you're lying? Because I've got parents from all over telling me that you've hurt their children".
Eh, you know what they say, repeat a lie long enough, and morons will start to accept it as fact.
This is a group quote from at least 9 of my attempted murderers as they charged at me with improvised clubs in order to kill me... in "The Gym". "REMEMBER THE CRIPPLED CHILDREN"!
Go figure...
"Jerk sent me to ask you why you don't have a computer"?
"Because your guys keep telling me that if I get a computer you're gonna load it up with child-porn and call the cops".
"One of these day's you're going to have to get a computer and then we'll fill it with child-porn starring you and call the cops and then we'll be done with you". He went on & on about this being the information age and all, one day, I'd get another computer, and then the gang could easily dispose of me in a way nobody would question.
"Tell Jerk I said hi".
"If all else fails or the cops get too close to you in an investigation we'll just have one of our dirty cops arrest you and shoot you".
"One of these days we'll probably just have one of our dirty cops arrest you and shoot you openly. We'll probably have a rookie do it and he'll say that you jumped or that he got nervous and accidentally pulled the trigger. With our films of you he'll probably be lucky to get any time or very little time in prison".
Duh Jerk used to love to stop me in Bay City Public School hallways and say. "You will never graduate from high-school. I promise you that". They say that he intends to say he is or was my friend, and that he's got the films to prove it to... cops. Go figure.
"I will follow you to the ends of the earth". I heard that one a few times. And not just from that particular jerk.
"Oh, we're going to cripple you. We always cripple our enemies like you. Jerk just wanted you to know. After we destroy your knees and shoulders we'll back off for a time. Then we'll ruin your rectum. It's Jerk's dream that you spend your old age wearing adult diapers". I was about 14 years old, and so was the braggart.
"We do this stuff all the time. I've seen it. I've been there when they've done it".
I've heard versions of the above every few years for my entire life.
Here's a fav of mine...
"We plan to crucify you. Remember that preacher you met in the Juvenile Hall? He's one of us and we'll have him put on a mock crucifixion and we'll probably kill you publicly and no one will suspect us because you're a Christian".
"We'll probably put you on one of our hypnotic drugs. That way you wont even protest it when they whip you and nail you to the cross then we'll say 'he died because he got carried away with religious fervor' and it'll work because of all of the films we have of you and him hanging out and having sex with each other".
The last snitch to brag thusly really emphasised my coming whipping in said event with a cat-o-niine-tails very graphically.
Does everyone get threatened like this or is it just me?
Those are just a few choice examples. Lies? Truth? Idle threats? Who can say? All I can say is some of them came to pass. The rest, I had to endure them being told to me by a gang of madmen. Whatever...
Logic & Deduction... Yeah, I would...
Avert your eyes oh ye... cops of Mid-Michigan. Here I intend to use things like facts, then apply logic to those facts, enabling me to deduce things. I declare I'm not responsible for any injury, mental or physical that could happen to any (maybe all?) Mid-Michigan... cops from being dazzled by truth, logic, and the possiblity that one could deduce facts from them. Hey, I tried to warn you guys.
Fact: Detroit, Flint, and Saginaw Michigan are often the murder capital of the free world. What this means is that during any given year in the last few decades those communities are experiencing more murders for fun and or profit than anywhere else in the free world. Literally. Don't take my word for it do your own research! What your research WILL show you is that people, many of which were good, wholesome and honest taxpayers, people were murdered, en-mass, for fun and or profit more in the area dubbed "The Saginaw Valley" than any other spot in the world in an industrialized nation, anywhere, ever in all recorded time where accurate records were kept.
Fact: I grew up in "The Child-Molestor Triangle". Check for yourself, simply draw a line from Bay City to Flint to Saginaw & to Detroit and it forms a triangle shape. What that means, is when you check the records, is that I've lived most of my life within about 20 miles of and around the murder capitals of the free world. Literally the murderingest place ever accurately recorded, ever!
Deduction: Someone's killing people, en-mass for fun and or profit. How is my story unbelievable when I say I've been dealing with people who kill people for fun and profit in the murderingest place in known history since they started keeping accurate records? "The Child-Molestor Triangle" is very real. And Bay City Michigan IS in the heart of it.
Fact: Saginaw Michigan has had the highest recorded amount of rapes on women in the industrialized free world, more than any other community since they started to keep accurate records. Don't take my word for it, do your own research!
Deduction: Someone's raping a lot of people and getting away with it. How is my story unbelievable when I say I was stalked and raped in one of the rapingest places in known history? I've lived nearly all of my life within 20 miles of the world's rape capital. Literally!
Fact: If (do your research) what I say is true, then the local law-enforcement agencies are dismal failures at best. They have no plan and haven't got a clue that there even is a problem & refuse to acknowledge there even is a problem let alone some implement or devise a bold plan to deal with it.
Deduction: One can deduce that either the area's law-enforcement agencies are absolutely lazy, a bunch of idiots, completely overwhelmed by a crime-wave they wont even admit exists, & or unable or unwilling to set a plan in motion to deal with it. Or, the local law-enforcement agencies are somewhat, mostly, or (gulp!) entirely corrupt.
Personally, it offends me to apply the idiot or the lazy label to mid-Michigan law-enforcement agencies. Simply put an individual must work very hard to become a law-enforcement officer and display at least above-average talents and intelligence (or so I've been told). All jokes aside, (I'll admit, every other time I walk into the copshops 6-12 or so... cops seem to be standing around chit-chatting) that leaves them clueless and or corrupt as the only possible explanations for their inability to control crime. Personally, I think any idiot could organize citizens to defeat the gangs, that leaves us, by deduction, corruption. I could pick at subject more, get insulting (why not? They probably will), but I won't. All these things being true, how is my story unbelievable when I say I encountered dirty, corrupt cops while living in and around the rape and murder capital of the world?
I invite the reader to use deduction here. Do you suppose "The Child-Molestor Triangle" became the murder and rape capital of the free world in spite of good, wholesome cops? Or do you suppose that the area became the rape and murder capital of the industrialized world because of the... cops? If that's true, then it's entirely possible that one or more (many or... all... gulp!) of those agencies... cops are corrupt.
If any officers from any one of the fine law-enforcement agencies inside of The Child-Molestor Triangle" would like to dispute my deductions, I will entertain any credible opposing views and post them here, on my website. Nuff said!
NOTE: If you've been reading over the shoulder of a Mid-Michigan... cop you may have noticed they're in a daze and may be about to fall over. If they do fall, please tend to their wounds and help them. Those poor souls are probably only dazzled by logic. If you really want to help them please tell them, when they recover their senses, tell them that it is entirely possible that a rapist or two are out there, and that they've been menacing... me. Tell them that their area has some big problems, and this guy, David George, he says he knows who some of the guys doing a lot of the raping and killing are. I'm positive that, after those few good cops recover their senses, they'll thank you. I know I will. That, and maybe a few of the souls of the dead children will rest a little easier.

"YOU'VE GOT QUITE AN IMAGINATION THERE"... Cop quotes that empower child-rapists...
"You've got quite an imagination there"... A... cop quote if there ever was one spoken to me by the very public servants who are allegedly paid to protect me (cops, check your records, you've never protected me once, you've never recovered stolen assets for me... once, I've been assaulted, even had ongoing attempted kidnappings unfold in front of you, and you did less than nothing to help, like I said, check your own records, it IS all you've been good at throughout my entire life). Yup, imagination, as though I was trying to impress... them. You want imagination? HUH? DO YA? Phhht! I don't think you could handle my imagination. For those who are brave enough to think that the stories of my imagination wont fill their nightmares with horror, please read on. What follows is a tale made purely of imagination and symbolically placed in the "cops section" of my website. For the rest of you, hey, I tried to warn you. If you've got the guts, and if you've got the time on your hands, reader, read on...

To be continued...

"HELP! I'M TIED UP AND THEY RAPED ME"! "I don't see any evidence of rape. "What me worry"?
The guy seems like a nice guy to me".

WHO KNOWS WHAT IT MEANS??? I suspect it means nothing but bad things for me...
Soooo... I got some more e-mails. Who sent them, why? Idano... And frankly, I really don't care. But... for symbolic reasons I've chosen to place a few on this particular webpage. Others... such as an e-mail described as being from "Virtuaguy", an openly male stripper site who all but blackmailed me to either take time out of my life and jump through their hoops to unsubscribe from their service or to continue to receive e-mails from them, perhaps for all time. I never solicited them, nor the other sex-sites pestering me by e-mailing me. Here's a few weird e-mails I've gotten, unsolicited. I suspect that no matter who sent them, no matter what their motivation was,I'm screwed no matter what. Sigh... like usual. Why? Because the Child-Molestors brag that they sign their victims up for all sorts of stuff. Friend their way into their accounts, create fake financial trail, and all sorts of assorted stuff to worm their way into a victim's life... on paper. As though any of this would help me one bit. I've talked to a bazillion... cops and they ALL tell me the same thing. No one would do that to a nobody like you.
Wanna read what comes to a less than nobody's e-mail? Unsolicited. Here goes...
sub seeks dom
From: Name withheld:
Hi babe. , Honey, I liked the chat -and some interesting moments- we shared that time..., I'm not forgotten, am I?.
but -just in case-, I got a page up with my info at getmelayd com,...
You were so natural and funny with me.I hope that I can know more about you.
Well baby, I am waiting to hear back from you, so hit me up. find CENSORED there
----- Original Message -----
To: E-mail address withheld
Sent: Sunday, Mar 27, 2014 01:10
Subject: Whats up pretty lady?
Who knows WHAT the one is? Innocent? A "wrong number"? Maybe it was "free (unsolicited) stuff"? Who knows? Strange letters I find in my e-mail box.
Courier was unable to deliver the parcel, ID Withheld
3/24/15 at 7:51 PM More Information
FedEx 2Day
Reply to:
Name Withheld
ZIP Delivery_Notification_Withheld
Dear Customer,
We could not deliver your parcel.
Shipment Label is attached to email.
Kind regards,
Name withheld,
Delivery Agent.
Yeah... People send me some weird e-mails... For the record: I never contacted these people, I do not know these people, I have no idea what these people want, what their goals are, nothing. But lets give them the benifit of the doubt please and assume that everyone involved were good people with otherwise pure intentions.

HOW TO SPOT A DIRTYHull...COP... It's all just a joke... very much based on the truth and not meant to imply anyone's corrupt, incompetent, or just a pain-ole bad... cop.
How to spot a "dirty cop"? It's easier than you might think. The child-molester's I've met in life have discussed the Hull... subject with me at length. How? I'm glad you asked Hull...
Spotting a dirty... cop? Hmmm... If it was so easy EVERYONE would be doing it Hull...
A card-Carrying Child-Molestor once summed it up best to me. "You want to know how to spot a dirty cop? Did you ever notice when you go to the cops that there's always one who will Hull...never even address the possibility that you might be telling the truth. When you look at their paperwork Hull... about your case it wont even acknowledge the possibility that someone Hull... was even mean to you. It's so that other cops wont even bring up the possibility that someone's being mean to you".
Here I shall address... cops. Skeptic, septic, dirty, clean, and those in between and reason with them using facts, that one could extrapolate to form an opinion (I know, I know, I just totally lost the Mid-Michigan... cops reading this. I'll suggest some remedial reading material at the end of this to keep your interest). Here goes...
You... cops have never avenged me. You have never recovered stolen property from me, I've been assaulted a bazillion times, often in full view of the... cops and even in the police station and all it took was a few well-placed insults to get... cops in any community to look the other way. One can deduce from this that, according to you Hull... that I've had the most perfect life. No one's ever wronged me, ever, otherwise, by deduction, you... cops would've gone out and caught all the bad guys long ago Hull..., am I right? Indeed... I must've had the most perfect life in all of America's history... otherwise... cop records would show it... right?
As touching any accusations I might be lying... the way boasting card-carrying Child-Molestors have bragged they dupe... cops, is to say I'm crazy and lying rather than to say I'm insane and actually believe what I'm saying. Basically, that their Dirty... cops have to say I'm a crazy liar rather than insane and telling stories for whatever the reason is they think they can sell to their fellow otherwise good but easily manipulated... cops because any other response would beg the question. "If this guy (the author) really believes what he's saying as opposed to making it all up then maybe it's possible that someone's being mean to him"?
Someone being mean to me in the murderous rapist-infested ruins of the declining Detroit/Saginaw/Flint Michigan area? The admitted on-going rape & murder capital from a given year to a given year (sometimes... other areas beat them out... and then lose the title to the area soon enough)?
4 years... FOUR YEARS I'VE HAD THIS WEBSITE GOING...FOUR YEARS and not a single police interview... no one wants to chat... not a single... cop wants to "confab" at all? NOT ONE?!?!?!?!?!? If any... and I mean ANY... cop says they've interviewed me since I left Bay City in 2010 then they've been duped... or are a lying stinking DIRTY COP!!!!!!
FOUR YEARS? All this rape? All this killing? AND NOT ONE SINGLE... COP WANTS TO CHAT?!
Say what you want...

hull hull [ həl ] 1 Any police officer who's work you find questionable but just cant put a finger on why it's poor quality work. The cop's work may be suffering due to general incompetence, lack of basic investigating skills, job apathy, chronic laziness, overwork, or even corruption. example: That cop was the best officer I've ever seen back in the day but now his work is sub-par and lacking and I just don't know why, I'm afraid he's a hull cop now".
The Plan... you'd be surprized who's really the gang's target here...
Sooo... there I was, in a Bay City Public School hallway during business hours, standing next to Snitch Girl, when she said. "We intend to follow you around for the rest of your life as revenge for the gym".
Even better was the bragging of the Last Snitch... when he told me about the gang's real target... cops. Police were the target, clean, honest wholesome cops, and dirty... cops. That and I was the means to enable them to do it.
You see, with their many films, they have edited versions... edited tapes. Tapes that show me at right-wing meetings, left-wing-meetings, enviro-wacko meetings, witch covens, N.A.M.B.L.A meetings, Klan meetings, you name it and the list is only the tip of the iceberg. They've filmed me in child-porn, snuff films, killing films, films where they tortured me delirious and then just dropped me off at friend's places, leaving me wondering about a few of them myself. Add in the gang's date-rape drug. And you've got a recipe to influence people. Insert a whore into their life... easier than you think with a little research on the cop/victim's life. Show them edited film #7, see their reaction, then see what you can get them to do. Don't like the reaction? Have their whore dope them, show them film #7b, see if that gets the reaction you'd like. Offer them the prize and have your whore bring it up. "What do you think? We screw over the scumbag of film #7b and we get a million dollars"? Gage their reaction, try again.
My guess is that film 1a is their best, and I'll bet it works well on most cop/victims.
You're probably telling yourself. "Cop/victims? Ha! See this 3"x2" piece of metal I wear (badge)? The training that I went through to get this renders me impervious to being manipulated". If you're a dirty... cop you're probably thinking you can get away with it. Yeah... right. These guys brag their primary feeding source is the dirty cop. You... you are a major source of their income and the primary source of their power. "Once we get one of them to take a single dollar from us we figure they're weak-minded and that's who we target next". Once targeted by the gang they never give up, they don't see you as someone helpful who's a business partner, no, they see you as a weak-minded idiot who's got their money. You think they make money by paying you big cash? They make money by tricking weak-minded idiots into taking cash from them and blackmailing them. You don't get to keep the cash when you're calling them "Master". "We follow them around and film them. We establish their codes, we flip the lights on at late night meetings and establish they took money from us". "On some of the harder cases we go after their family. We recruit them and force them into situations that their dirty cop cousin can handle and we establish... well, you get the picture.
From the beginning I was only a massive child-molester get out of jail free card. Me... the way they tell me it works is, even against good cops... is... they let my case slip into the limelight in some mundane way... you guys, clean and or dirty respond, you take me down, ZAP! Maybe they go to the next step,... maybe not (I hear they've been thinking of chickening out) They let a few films, mailed anonymously, slide into your cross hairs. You react... but, the evidence is flimsy, or perhaps needs to be shored up... by giving my coconspiritors leniency for turning State's Evidence against me. You guys swallow the hook, a few more films are released, and or maybe other testimony opens new avenues of crime for you to explore. You pounce. But the evidence looks a little weak, more witnesses are provided immunity for their testimony, guys in prison, films exchanged... you pound the round peg into the square slot... it all looks good. More things come in... You pound some more. Thennnn... I get locked up is the most talked about plan... maybe I die in a fight... maybe... eh, who knows. They brag it's the retrial where they own you. "The way we figure it is the cops will have figured us out by the 2nd trial. But it wont matter because their reputations will be on the line". Yeah... you'll have to pound that peg harder and harder on command, good cop or not. "We'll take pictures with them and we'll be intimately involved in every part of the case".
Targeting dirty cops? Some... they'll own. They will tow the line as ordered by their masters. The others? Well... their reputations will be on the line and the gang can feel free to invent evidence as needed, produce films, have witnesses suddenly pop-up, and you will have to deal with them... for free. You think they wont try to catch you dealing with their witnesses? HA! They'll be in a position to film it all, listen in, and they brag they run the show in Bay City Saginaw, and Detroit's Internal Affairs who spend nearly all of their time working for the gang (why do you suppose their corruption investigations yield such poor results? Huh?) The brilliant part of the plan is that dirty... cop or not you'll be doing the gang's dirty work for FREE! You see... normally they'd have to pay you to do these things... but take me down for them... and all bets are off! They boast the plan about getting revenge on me is icing on the cake... that the real plan from the beginning was to take down as many... cops of all sorts as possible and get the area's many dirty... cops to work for the gang... doing their bidding... trashing their witnesses for their own self-interest... FOR FREE!
They brag that at their meetings... of a religious bent... that you'll bow before them.
May God have mercy on your souls if you should fall for their trap.
The way... cops explain it to me is, the camera never lies. "Us? Misdirected? Fooled? Unlikely. No trick passes us".
Just focus on this point... not on organized crime.
It's Pan"A and it ALWAYS works!!! ALWAYS! Especially in Mid-Michigan...
Plan A: That "always works"? Yup! And here it is for the low low cost of... totally free! Don't say I never gave you nothing.
What is Plan A? It's an array of films and gangbangers, witnesses both amateur and professional that keep pointing at the gang's victims. And why not? The Child-Molesters know that if any investigation should ever fail to keep investigators mesmerized and pointing solely at the gang's victims then it's game over for them all. As long as... cops are laughing at their abased victims then they ain't out pounding the pavement and asking the hard questions.
Remember... cops. Once you start doing the gang the slightest favor they don't see you as a business partner to share the wealth with. They see you as an easily manipulated moron who is someone they can add a little more evidence on. Add witnesses, make you cover the little things up... at 1st. Then a little more, then a little more. They can produce evidence. Make witnesses appear and disappear as only a gang that's primarily actors can. Soon you'll be up to your armpits covering for their every misdeed, doing anything to keep just one more witness down and they'll be in a position to film it all. Eventually you'll be working for them full-time and they wont pay you anything. BECAUSE YOU'LL BE PAYING THEM!
Yeah... you're to smart to have that happen. You know a few dirty cops told me that this was how they were recruited. A few Child-Molesters bragged to m that it always works. And if you're a... cop reading this you're probably next if I'm involved.

<----------Mid-Michigan... cops & F.B.I. in their "Official" Molestor Defense Position.

I'm sure most Mid-Michigan... cops wouldn't lose any sleep over destroying rape victims. Not that any of'em could make a mistake?

THE 5TH UNARMED MAN... or how I killed a card-carrying Child-Molestor mere feet freom a Detroit... cop & how he and Dirty... Cop helped me get away with it!!!
Sooo... the gang brag that this story, once told would be my undoing. I already sent it to the F.B.I. but will probably write about it. Maybe. Oddly enough, I've had Jerk's #2 tell me once that it is this story that scared Duh Jerk most of all. Because, he alleged, that alllllll of our names are alllllll strung together on a Detroit... cop recording somewhere tying us allllll to the scene of the crime.
Shots fired near a warehouse? A guy's eyes gouged out? 4 men dead? Another later? Cops, guns, radios, drugs, sleep deprivation, theft, sex, betrayal. It's got it all!
Coming soon? Today is 5-10-17.
THE MAN WHO MADE "THE GYM" POSSIBLE... Terry Watson... literally...
Sooo there I was. Kinda sorta near the beginning of The Gym. And I was chatting with My Buddy, Edward Batzer. I didn't like what was going on in The Gym, and had appealed to the... Cops many times by now and it seems that one of the 2 Detectives, 1 which worked the front desk in The City Hall's dungeon, basement serving as the Police Station was working full-time to block my access to his fellow... cops. Literally. The other one I could not get to. Terry Watson they told me was his name & he was tasked with solving crimes against children.
Then I recalled. My Buddy Edward Batzer had a mom named Marge Watson Batzer & he'd told me his cousin was a Bay City... cop! So I asked him to set up a meeting & was horribly disappointed that he agreed to meet me in a week. A WEEK! A WEEK FOR AN ALLEGED ATTEMPTED MURDER OF A CHILD! A week... Truth be told at least it gave me something to live for.
The week passed, I made my complaint about The Gym with his nephew beside me. He said he'd get back to me the next day. THE NEXT DAY! I had witnesses & he said "The next day'. He, like other Bay City... cops ordered me to go to school the next day or he'd arrest me. Even to my 1st period Gym class in the School Cafeteria. Ordered me... he ordered me, under penalty of law, into The Gym. Not the 1st time, not the last either. Literally.
So I waited until the next day. He told me he'd discussed it with Martin Oak & he'd been assured the problem was dealt with. Then he refused to discuss it anymore.
I wasn't sitting around waiting on him or anyone. I walked the streets, begging passers by for help. I went to businesses, called on all my family. Talked to every... cop I could get to stop. No one would help. So I hatched a plan. It seemed to me most people were skeptics that anything serious was really happening in The Gym. So I spent the week inviting everyone I could, social services, church leaders, & even Mr. Watson himself to come, on a Thursday I believe, to the school all at once, & look past the guards & see what was going on.
Thursday came & I endured my day of under reported attempted murders & came out scratching my head? I figured a few people would stand me up, it was inevitable. But everyone? I went out to the parking lot to investigate. Other than the designated child-guard who swept continually at the parking lot entrance (with a broom as a cover for being there) & the pair of Ambulance Workers in the Ambulance who left upon seeing me the only person I recognized was Terry Watson. Well, him & several of the teen and middle-aged guards whom I'd come to know as the people who guarded The Gym from the outside en-mass to block all who look in who were all leaving as well.
So I approached Detective Watson & asked him why he hadn't gone into The Gym? Like he'd promised?
He said he'd arrived early and sat in the School Parking Lot & had sent every single person I'd asked to come packing as an on-duty Bay City Cop.
I was blown away by his statement. Why didn't he simply poke his head into the School Cafeteria? He'd have seen my ongoing attempted murder.
He told me he believed Martin Oak so when he'd learned of my plan to bring witnesses he'd parked in the parking lot & even blocked every single witness I'd managed to get to come that day.
I was blown away by that too & suggested he couldn't have stopped them all himself. I'd counciled many of them to sneak up, in various ways & peek in.
He acknowledged that and said he'd used the many guards stationed outside by Mr. Oak to help him stop them all.
100 days of attempted murder? That's a long, long time. Sooooo... time passes. More... cops are involved. More children are injured & our paths cross again.
Mr. Watson tells me he will talk to Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak again because he's just getting way too many people coming up to him about me. He invited me to come by the Police station the next day. AFTER ANOTHER DAY OF ATTEMPTED MURDER!!!!!!!! Though in truth, he didn't put it that way. He told me he was pretty sure "something was going on in The Gym". What I said was happening couldn't possibly be happening but then again, in light of new testimony, neither could what the Staff of the Macgregor School of Bay City said either.
Soooo... the next day I show up & meet the Uniformed & on-duty Officer Terry Watson in the Basement of Bay City's City Hall, the Police Station at that time.
Mr. Watson tells me in disgust that the gang had invited him back to their Clubhouse last night and showed him films of me. "You must be the biggest scumbag in the world". Being I was such a scumbag he would be glad to turn a blind eye to the ongoing attempted murder in The Gym. At one point remarking that surely I couldn't block forever & he hoped I died soon before too many more children were injured. It's only trivia to add that Mr. Watson refused to say what the films were that he saw other than. "They were pretty bad". Bad enough that he felt pretty good about letting the Child-Molesters of The Gym kill me in order to rid the world of a scumbag, a scumbag like 11 year old me. So I tried to reason with him using logic & morality. I reminded him he took an oath the serve & protect... ME! Not only to protect the Molestor Community... (who he seemed set on avenging), but an oath to protect me! Me too... me. He rejected all my arguments (points really, there wasn't much arguing). Then he told me to leave.
So I did what I usually did at the... copshop when a... cop rejected me. I wandered the inside of the Police Station looking for another... cop to talk to (they really should improve their security at The Bay County Law-Enforcement Center as I've wandered their "inner sanctums" many a time both as a child & later as an adult & could've done anything I wanted to their best stuff). I met up with a pair of... cops & while I was pleading for my life with them Officer Watson stepped up. Assured them I was a liar who could be ignored, then ejected me from the building under penalty of law. Once in the parking lot the dirty... cop I've nickname Fatcop (the gang brag he's a fake... cop. If true it'd mean the gang operates with impunity there as he always felt comfortable walking up to me in the parking lot & ejecting me, which he did many times over the coming decades between torture sessions) ejected me after I talked with yet another... cop who also rejected me.
Duh Jerk later bragged he was himself at the... copshop & had attackers waiting to pounce on me. When I hadn't yet left the building he ordered Mr. Watson to look around the building & find me, being he figured I was probably hiding in the building. The fact that I'd talked to who knows how many... cops made killing me that day problematic so he sent his hit-men away & lost his pre-paid commission (a serious problem as the Bay City Chapter was very cash strapped, because of me they whined, a lot). It was simply too dangerous to openly kill me now because who knew how many... cops I'd whined to?
This was not the only time Mr Watson chose to thwart me. Later, in my teens I went to the... copshop to report a kidnapping/murder/rape. He showed up & told all the Police there I was a liar & to ignore me based on his reputation. They did.
It's only trivia to say, & I apologize to Mr. Watson for even repeating this part. But the child-whores of The Gym would occasionally brag about the people of note they'd been serving sexually to sway them against me & his name was probably the most mentioned of them all. Those girls were 10, 11, & 12 for the most part. Did they? Maybe they lied? The part that irritated me was that children, were motivated to speak thusly about MY public officials. I did not care for it one bit.
Still later, gang bangers & even Duh Jerk himself bragged that they made a deal with Mr. Watson, to finance & support him in a bid for congress. Support him as only a gang of blackmailing child-killing rapist frame artists could support him. Why? In exchange for shutting up about "The Gym". What ever became of said boasts & alleged promises? Idano?
Talk is cheap & I feel bad repeating base accusations leveled behind Mr. Watson's back. Especially when you consider that what I've got to say is damning enough by itself. Remember, leveling base accusations against people is Plan A: for the Molestor Community & even former Officer Watson should get the benefit of the doubt on any base accusation repeated in second-hand hearsay by myself.
Years later a "snitch: approached. He said I'd mentioned I intended to look up whatever happened to Mr. Watson online the next day in front of one of their insets into my life. So they hurried up & created a website & made sure it would be 1st accessed. Then they filmed me chatting about my day. Snickering he said I'd been fed a bunch of wrong data & filmed talking about it. "You talked good about him. If The Gym was true you'd never talk good about him". I told him I was not sure if the man was a card-carrying Child-Molester (like soooooooooooooooooo many of the gang claimed he is) or if he was just a misguided vigilante who my heart went out to.
Yeah... we met at least one more time. I was laying face down strapped to a table in his presence & in the presence of Duh Jerk and Mr. Watson screamed insults at me. He called me the scumbag in the room. Me? The entire conversation is fuzzy, I recall little of it. But I recall that I stalled, And watched a clock the whole while (discreetly) & after about 20 minutes of stalling announced that surely I would recall at least parts of the conversation & remember he was at my gang-rape. Mr. Watson & Duh Jerk were not amused & ordered me drugged immediately. I say don't rush to judgement on Mr. Watson or anyone else & here's why. The gang live for the singular goal of drugging innocent people in the life of a given victim & then getting them to interact with, or even torture or rape their victim & as long as the keep the magic number of minutes to 15 or less then they can erase the memories of whosoever is most advantageous, ply one or both with films, & stand back & see what happens.
Bay City Police Officer Terry Watson... the man who made The Gym possible. Literally. Me? I accuse him of nothing. Here are the clues presented as best I can recall them. I do not say anything here lightly. I end with this. May the Lord Judge between Terry Watson & myself & do that which is right.
Author Note: I thought about putting the above story on the Web page I've titled "Fear". Maybe I should've, but maybe I shouldn't have? It seemed like it belonged well on my page "Support your local Police".
Me? I'm a law & order guy at heart. Always was. Though while I was acting crazy & trying to avoid another "Mercury Treatment" (See "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, But the Molestors are from Mercury" to figure it out) I talked quite crazy, as if the gang's half-century of filming me delirious & drugged & engaging me in scripted chat again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again wasn't bad enough already.
I believe in supporting the Police & F.B.I. I believe in law & order, I believe in America. I always wanted to live the American dream. Sigh...
Maybe I should'a put it in my "Those Ethical Child-Molestors" section?
Sooo... every once in a whie you'll notice that I say "Thanx for less than nothing" as opposed to the more popular "Thanx for nothing". Here I shall explain the saying.
You see... you... cops... as a whole, I'm lumping you all together have never avenged me, you've never helped me. I've been ripped off my entire life, beaten, often in full view of... cops, you've caught the gang literally in "mid-kidnap" and a few well placed insults and carefully chosen pictures were all it took to influence every single one of you... cops that I ever had the misfortune to ask, beg, plead for help from. Check your own records. You've never helped me... ever. Not one piece of stolen property (like my many guns and knives of all sorts), never prosecuted anyone, never even filed a report telling someone to "leave me alone".
Excluding the horrors inflicted on me by the ever eager to help multitude of America's dirty... cops you other... cops have done dismally by me in my humble opinion. When you aren't covering up their kidnappings for a qick payoff, whore-time, you're threatening me based on their lies or the many films they produce when the moment is right.
In short... if all things were equal... if you'd helped me... "some"... maybe even once, then I would say. "Thanx for nothing... cops". But no... lumping you all together you have not helped me, our account is imbalanced. I don't owe you anything. Thus I say... "Thanx for less than nothing... cops".
THE WORST PART? THE TRUTH? You cant handle the truth...
The truth is that I wish I was writing about how great the Police in my life are. Or were. I wish, I pray that I am able to one day write in capital letters about the many good thing America's Police have done for me. I want to respect the Police... I tell people to respect the Police even now... BUT I'M NOT TYPING IT BECAUSE... because... you know... yeah...
If only...

CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017
Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!
In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.
Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.
When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.
This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.
What does this mean?
Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".
Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.
I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.
Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.
To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.
Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.
Please help me!
STRANGE STUFF I FIND IN MY E-MAIL... Yes... it does indeed suck to be matter how I react to it publicly... sigh...
This showed up in my E-Mail Box.
Mr. George
My name is Cpl Hernandez-Walter and have received your information as well as your manifesto. Is it possible to set up a meeting with you to see what it is the police department can do for you. You can either come to the police department and ask for me or you can let me know of a time and place to meet and we can go from there.
Let me know and I would be glad to assist you in any way I can
Cpl. T.Hernandez-Walter #3648
Intelligence Unit
Annapolis Police Department
199 Taylor Ave
Annapolis, MD 21401
PH- (410) 268-9000 Ext 7370
The poorly written (Might get a D+ in a high-school classroom? Maybe C-?) letter invites me to take a chance that some "random... cop" in a community where the local... cops seem to be taking a perverse pleasure in toying with me (where I was lured to by an easily proveable "bait & switch"). Yes... I should trust my life, legal future, and (in my case due to health) body mass (ie: toally legal skelotinization) to some random... cop who begins their letter using the EXACT wording the bragging Child-Molesting Community have bragged to me is the PRECISE wording their coming female dirty... cop of another race would use in their final legal attack by their dirty... cops in what would be the end of me & my life in polite society.
If it were not for my literally weekly interactions with local... cops since my arrival in this community I would keep quiet. and yeah... as of this week 3-14-18 that makes twice this week I've answered or interacted in the perifery of an Annapolis... cop.
Remember the Dirty... cop motto. There are child-molesters & dirty... cops all over America. The Police know this because of their training. But there are none around here (no matter where you are) and there are none that work here (no matter what police agency you are interacting with). Period!