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  As bragged... and proven once the Child-Molestors target a victim they are in for the long haul. They send cruel gossips armed with film evidence to slander their foes. Once the C.M. community target your loved one they brag that they never give up. And it's a winning formula. "The cops will never believe someone who claims to have been stalked for their entire life but you and I know different. Of course we continue to stalk our victims because we cant afford to let even one of them get on their feet or it's game over because all it takes is one conviction and our entire group goes to prison". "We make a fortune in our [organized crime biz]. What do people [naive, law-abiding citizens] think we spend it on? You cant invest it, you cant buy property with it, the only thing you can do with the money is party and spend it keeping our victims down".

  "First we destroy their reputations. We show their family friends & co-workers our films of them [their victims] & we seperate them from their support group. Once we do that we can do anything we want to them and their former friends & family will just say a scumbag got thier's".

  We don't pay them anything to do it. When we tell you to do something you'd better do it or else". "We always do this. If we weren't doing it to them we'd be doing it to someone else".

  It's the science of evil reader... & if you fail to act your kids are next!




  They've kidnapped me over and over and over and over...

  This is a premeditated act of abducting me by force without my permission or consent. Your average crook steals, the Child-Molestors steal... YOU along with their teammates, usually uniformed active duty Bay City Michigan... police!




  My kidnappers have forced me to endure much pain, as an adult... and when I was an innocent child. Pain is how these people get their kicks. Worse... they brag that humiliating and "debasing their victims" is their winning formula. "No one is going to listen to one of our victims once we show them our films of what we've done to them [their victims]".

  "The more perverse & sick things we do to them only proves that they [their many victims] are social deviants".




  As it was explained to me by Child-Molestor braggarts, lies are their ultimate weapon. "All we have to do is tell our victims a whole bunch of lies and when they don’t pan out the cops will never believe them". "A victim endorses our lies when they repeat them". They explained that it’s their winning formula. Lie lie lie, and add a pinch of half-truths to make them easier to swallow.

  Allow me to apply logic to this subject. No organized crime gang is going to last long telling the truth everywhere they go. That being said then how is it possible to discredit me, as bragged, when I say that a gang of lying child-rapers may have lied to me? Shouldn't the opposite be true instead? That my or other victim's stories should be unbelievable if we say that our attackers told us the truth?




  I've asked members of the Child-Molestors what types of people they picked on? They answered that they picked on just about anyone. "If they don’t go to the cops they'll be okay. If they go to the police we begin to follow them. We go to their where they work, their neighbors, their family and friends and begin to spread viscous rumors about them". "People will start to believe it when about 20 people tell them that such and such is a child-molester, or such and such is racist & in the Klan. After we separate them from their support group then we begin to stalk them. We get them fired, we tell their spouse that they're cheating on them & so on". After they remove their victims from their support group their family and friends, then the gang moves in, unopposed by their victim's former loved ones and aided by their corrupt police and the staff at a place I'll give the cruel nickname "Bunga-Bunga Hospital". The victim is soon overwhelmed, then, the perversion begins anew on their fresh now defenceless victim....









 The Child-Molestors brag that they have a winning formula. Accuse your victims of heinous crimes before they accuse you... & it always works too... until now.

  "We scream the loudest. We accuse them before they accuse us".

  Add in lies & an entire child-molester community to aid the gang & most victims are simply overwhelmed.

 "I like to keep my victims well informed. A surprised look is a great defence in court. No one will believe a well-informed victim".









  Frankly... idano?  The way it's been bragged to me, in the past, was that the Child-Molestors went to great lengths to make sure I was well-framed as a wanted serial killer, rapist, arsonist, & child-porn star.

  Lately, one of them came to brag that I'd been framed for an infamous child-murder in Boulder Colorado in part as revenge for attacking their gang chapter's Fearless Leader & they'd chosen "The Nurses's" daughter as revenge for her incompetence because of her failure to keep me dosed properly, thus allowing me to attack said leader.

  Lastly, an admitted rapist came to tell me. "We've covered up all of the murders.  You'll have to go into court & tell the truth about them & no one will believe you". "You also kept bringing up that our hair & blood sample evidence will prove that you were drugged [during your drugged mock trial] when we got them so we left you alone for a while & then we harvested some samples & they will show that you weren't drugged at all". "It was easy. We made sure that we only messed with you in cities controlled by our group. Then we had them replace all of their samples of you with our fresh samples".

  I countered. "The cops'd be able to tell that the samples weren't taken over the years but were all taken recently by how much genetic divergence has occured between now & then".

  "It won't matter once we've made the initial accusation. Once you've been accused it will be easy to get the people in the cop's labs to change their test results because we'll say. 'You don't want that scumbag to get away with that just because we messed with him do you'? & it'll work. We do this kind of stuff all the time".

  In disgust I added. "You seem to have framed me for a lot of stuff. Don'tya think they'll be wondering when a hundred films show up with me doing every crime imaginable"?

  "We won't use all of our films. Just a few of them. It depends on what the cops zero in on first". Duh Jerk explained the principal to me once. "First the accusation. Then the rush to judgement". Framing American citizens is best done in a subtil limelight. Or so the master of the trade bragged to me.

  What... if anything might I be framed for, I can't say. All I know is I want the kidnappings to stop, I want the pain to stop, I want to live the American dream, I want to escape the Child-Molestors with as much anal integrity as possible (medically speaking).





  They've tortured me! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! Torture is the premeditated act of applying pain to a victim without their consent for fun and or profit. I've been kept for weeks in their madhouse, kept awake for weeks on end, forced to endure every perversion, beaten, cattle prodded, and tortures in every way that their sadistic minds could imagine! Please help me!






  Thinking about joining the Child-Molestors reader? Read on...

  Soooo... there I was, learning "the ropes" from Duh Jerk while he sat in his tax-payer funded and provided office during business hours when he told me. "Say someone joins us". He went on to explain it mattered not if they joined willingly or not. "We take them out of their comfort zone. What that means is, say like, in my position I've had little girls come up to me and say 'My dad has been raping me'. I ask them 'Where have these rapes been taking place? In what room? At what times'? Then we send someone to break into their house and hide a camera there and we get the little girl to tell us when she gets raped. Then we confront them with the film and explain that things are going to go our way. Then we make them have sex with their daughter on film and then we push them out of their comfort zone. You see, it may be that once a father begins raping his child that he's okay with getting caught doing it. So we make them do something that they're not comfortable with like beating and raping their daughter. Some fathers keep beating and raping their little girls after that because they're mad at their daughters for turning them in and causing them so many problems. I know because some of the little girls tell Dead Meat and they tell me and their fathers beat and rape them all the more when we punish them for not keeping their daughter's mouth shut"! I recall the sadistic laugh that flowed out of his mouth at this point like a polluted river. This... was the type of person MY classmates idolized. I grew up with these sort of people.

   I asked him what if the father submits to beating and raping his daughter?

  "Then we push them out of the comfort zone. First we make them do one thing and if they're okay with that then we push them to the next thing. We add animals and other things. Eventually we find that one thing that they won’t do and then we make them do that. With some people we've had to use our imagination but we always find something that they wont do & then we make them do it". He explained that once so blackmailed and humiliated, virtually no one would dare to stand against them.

  'What if they fake being reluctant"? I had to ask. I have a morbid curiosity.

  "They'll be on drugs, no one can fake being reluctant". You know what reader, I, yes even I was a skeptic. To the laymen the effects of drugs, torture, and deprivation sound endurable, maybe even like a character building experience. Petooey! Ask anyone who's been really, really tortured. It... just... sucks... that and I'll testify that after decades, literally years of man-hours of being on their drugs, I'm no closer to defying those drugs effects than when the first time they used them on me. Don't believe me? Feel free to kick any of the Child-Molestors in the shins (no one in particular) and call them by their gang name in some humiliating public place. It could be that during your drugged character-building torture session you'll shine. Then, and only then feel free to tell me I told you so.

  He went on to explain that, once they are involved in your life, once they own you that you won’t be getting to do the fun things they promised in the night. No, you'll get a call at 2 in the morning and be ordered to do only those sick, twisted, and bizarre things you'd never normally consent to do overseen by a cruel taskmaster and for their profit and only their profit. Desirable family members will be next, rich ones, and next... your kids. Once you retire, he explained to me you really aren't worth much to the Child-Molestors. Taking half of your pension and worrying about someone who knows too much is more than they're willing to allow. Next the victim is killed. Easy, because you'll shop at their pharmacies, buy groceries at their stores, and date their whores. You'll be an easy mark.

  Here I shall apply logic and deduction to my situation. If you've ever served in Mid-Michigan law-enforcement you might want to sit down (to prevent possible injury from being dazzled by logic, a situation you've probably been able to resist until now).

  Point 1) I claim to have been stalked and raped in mid-Michigan's tri-city area.

    The facts: Mid-Michigan's tri-city area (Bay City, Saginaw, & Flint) has the highest reported rape rate in the free world against women and the highest rate of rapes overall in the free world. That means that in all of the “enlightened" industrialized places in our modern world that the mid-Michigan tri-city area IS the armpit of the world. Research it yourself oh wise ones among my readers.

    We can deduce from this: If I claim to have been stalked and raped anywhere, wouldn't the rape capital of the free world be the most likely place?

    The Child-Molestors's opinion on the subject: "I can do anything I want to anybody as long as I film it"-Duh Jerk

  Point 2) I claim to have been stalked by recreational serial killers.

     The facts: Mid-Michigan's tri-city area, Bay City, Flint, & Saginaw IS the murder capital of the free world (do your own research!). That means that there are more people being killed for fun & or profit in that area than any other area in all of the free world.

    We can deduce form this: That if a story like mine is true, wouldn't most likely happen in an area that IS the murder capital of the free world?

    The Child-Molestors's opinion on the subject: "You have to kill an innocent of my choosing".-Duh Jerk flanked by F.B. & his pet Duh Weasel.

  Point 3) I claim to have been systematically stalked by dirty cops. Let us now consider the place that your research will show is the murder and rape capital of the free world. Do you suppose that it is that way because the police are diligent, law-abiding, and helpful? If anyplace in all the country, maybe the entire world has dirty, corrupt cops in it, might it be in the area that has the world's highest murder rate for any industrialized country?

     The facts: Mid-Michigan's tri-city area is a cesspool of violence, ask anyone in the city of Saginaw if they've heard machine gun fire last night on any given night.

    We can deduce from this: Someone's doing a whole lot of killing and getting away with it. Logic dictates that said individuals are motivated by fun and or profit. How is my story unbelievable when I claim to be stalked by people motivated by both?

    The Child-Molestors's opinion on the subject: "We rape as an institution".- The Last Snitch who bragged that they have a vast stable of victims, just like me who they victimize in an assembly line fashion.

  Point 4) I claim that, hold onto your bladders (lazy?) cops, I claim that.... a crook may have lied to me. Did you hear that reader? That’s the sound of 1,000 (lazy?) cops sighing in disbelief.

    The facts: Serial killing rapist child-abductors are not running around telling their victims the truth and getting away with their deeds, well, not for very long in any event I'd suppose.

    We can deduce from this: Uhhh... how can my story be unbelievable if I say a serial liar lied to me? I claim to be being stalked by perverts and liars. If I said that my stalkers told me the truth, then my story should be unbelievable. Some of you might do well to look up the words "logic" and "deduction".

    The Child-Molestors's opinion on the subject: "All we have to do is tell our victims a bunch of lies and when they don’t pan out the cops will never believe them".

   I tried to warn you...











































  What is their winning drug cocktail? Frankly... I have no idea. I've heard theories that covered a wide range of drugs & even heard tales about a root native to Poland known only to a few as being their drug(s?) of choice. Whatever drugs the Child-Molestors use I cant say, but I can say that they use them on children & I can also say that I haven't met a member yet who didn't tell me that they saw someone die from their drug(s?).

  What is the effect of their drug cocktail on other people? I cant say. I can only say what effect it has on me. In my own research & after enduring the boasts of card-carrying child-killing Child-Molestors I have been led to believe that some people are more susceptible to the effects of drugs than others. Let me say this bluntly & with as few words as possible for the simple among my readers. It would seem, that I, the author of this website, am in the category of the easiest to manipulate & most susceptible to suggestion of any of the plethora of the the Child-Molestor's many victims. Me...

  What's their opinion on the subject? "You being on drugs [on film] only strengthens our case".Proof unto itself that a victim should be ignored when the Child-Molestors chant their winning mantra against their child victims. "You can ignore them because they're on drugs".






  The Child-Molestor mantra as quoted to me is... "We're only bringing you pleasure". The average member/victim feels good about raping their victim because, since it's a sex act that their doing to their victim, that the victim should be complacent or even grateful.

  For their apologetic victim/members the mantra is usually different... "We're only doing this to you because you're such a scumbag". Having seen the Child-Molestors vast array of films & been told I was a scumbag who... "Had it coming anyway". This occurred when I was both a child & as an adult. Think about it my humble & wise reader... as a child!

  Remember this well reader, particularly if you are in law-enforcement. The group, as a rule, tell their member/victims & victim/members that their victim is a deviant, thus deserving of the horrors that they will inflict upon said victim.

  Remember this too... that if you, as an investigator should fail to save me or enter into an investigation half-heartedly then you too will listen to your torturers telling you that since YOU are a scumbag, you've got their torture coming.

  "Jerk has a whole bunch of our guys convinced that he's an expert at finding out people's flaws, but for the most part we just make it all up". Computer-altered photos & gross lies will insure that your torturers smile when they torture a scumbag like you reader.

  "All we have to do is accuse our victims of some heinous crime & the cops won't even give them a chance". The science of perversion kiddies & I'm sad to say that they boast their victims litter America's prisons.


  ALWAYS ON FILM... always...




  "Everything we do to our victims is on film & do you know why"? When I answered no he said. "Because no one would believe that I would be so stupid but I always film what I do to my victims".

  Another guy described it like this. "Some of our victims say or do some pretty strange s@#! when they're on our drugs & we're there to record it. Like you. We got you to sing 'I'm a little teapot' nude & we can't wait to show it to the cops & say something like 'so this is the guy who's accusing us? Look at how stupid he is. Is this the guy you want to build your case around'? & it'll work".

  Me? I don't make their rules, I just write them down as they brag'em to me.

  I can't recall it well enough to list it in the quotes section but I'll always recall a conversation with a Bay City... cop. It seems that he'd agreed to follow up on my kidnapping allegations. At the Bay City copshop he laughed at me & said something like. "They showed me all these films of you guys being good friends". He told me that 3 or four years of the photos they'd (Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars) forced me to endure (circa 1980) where they pretended to be my friend for the camera was more than enough proof for him that I was to be ignored. It's sad to say that I am crippled in body & soul & they have decades of films by now...




  DIRTY COPS... it's how it's done...




  The gang employ dirty cops to cover for them & to do their dirty work. Need I say more?

  I've talked to... cops all over the country & they've told me that there are dirty cops all over the place & they know it because of their training.

  If even a single paragraph of what I say is true then anyone with half a brain could deduce that it would be impossible without a slew of dirty cops.

  Crime often wears a badge...


 I have personally talked to the child sex-slaves of the Bay City... dirty cops. Bluntly they told me that they performed sex acts in exchange for drugs & cash & got to keep none of it for themselves.

  I have a dream... FREE THE SLAVES! Please? Free the child sex-slaves of Bay City... of America... Please? If not for them then maybe for the unborn children the Child-Molestors brag will be next?

  THE EYES HAVE IT... Madness...

  From time to time I've heard people tell me something like 'the eyes are the window to the soul' and things like unto it. I even once read a book that said that the first thing a woman notices about a man is his eyes. Whether that's true or not is irrelevant because this is a story about a man who had no eyes at all. At first I thought to make this particular tale a weirdism but thought it might be insulting to the man the story is about and that is the furthest thing from what I'm trying to accomplish here. What is it I'm trying to say here? I'm saying that a gang of madmen have been stalking me, and I'm saying that thier winning formula, the thing that gets honest... cops to giggle and I'd suppose makes honest jury's shake thier head in disapproval, that the thing is that the gang boast that they need only tell a bazillion lies, add in a half-truth now and again, and when thier victim's stories don't pan out, they'll be free to live in America with all of the benefits awarded to an otherwise law-abiding citizen and continue to rain terror down on whosoever's life they chose to target next. In short, lies work! Lies work and they work well against law-enforcement, lies wield tremendous power. Eh, but the true power is in telling the truth. Like this story about a guy I saw in passing a few times and tried to talk to once. It's a story about a guy on a sidewalk in America, I guess you could call it "America's Story"...



  It was a short while after I got out of the United States Navy, so I'd guess it was circa

1984 that I was walking down Bay City's Garfield street going who remembers where to do

who knows what when I saw the man.

  The man was about 6' tall, probably more, maybe less, sitting on a stool in an alcove

built into the Garfield St.side of the building that is prominent in the picture at the inter-

section of Bay City's 2 main streets Center and Garfield. The one intersection that is

literally the heart of the community, perhaps it's very soul even. When you are in Bay City

go to the intersection of Center and Garfield and look at it. If there is anyplace in all the

area where you can feel the heartbeat of the community, diagnose who & what the place

is about, it's the intersection of Center and Garfield.

  Oh yeah, about that guy. He was a medium to heavy set man, in his mid 30s give or

take. Black haired(?) wearing an old parka with the hood on in the summer heat, and he

had no eyes. They were gone, maybe even gouged out. The man rocked back and forth

and occasionally hummed and people tended to throw money in a cup in front of him.

  I saw him there time and again, I even heard people talk about him and a few run-ins

he was having with the Bay City... cops for panhandling without a license. Eh, talk is

cheap but from what I could tell the people of Bay City were not cheap and money flowed

readily into the man's cup as I passed and appraised the situation before me from time to time.

  Months pass...



  Winter was coming to a close as I recall it circa 1985 and I saw the man still at his post, still begging for cash. At first he'd sold pencils for a month or two but now he just sat there, scaring some passersby if the second-hand conversations I'd overheard about him were accurate. If. The situation was clearly not his fault in my humble opinion.

  Today is different. I'd just received another ear-full of people having "this" and "that" opinion of the man and had had enough. So I hatched a plan. A dumb plan? Maybe, most of my plans aren't too smart. But it was my plan. My plan was to try and befriend the man because I thought. "Maybe the problem is nobody's nice to the guy"?

  So I walked up to the man, and it goes without saying, someone was there, talking to him, and they gave him money, then left.

I began to use idle chit-chat on the poor guy.

  He began to rock back and forth wildly.

  So I chatted on...

  The man began to hum while rocking.

  So I tried my best to be friendly.

  The guy rocked all the more and said. "NOOOO DON'T TALK TO ME. NOOOOOOOOO".

  I tried to reassure him that I was no con-man, and I wanted nothing from him


  Me? I could see that the man seemed clearly upset so I admitted failure and left.

  Even as I did ( I got several sidewalk tiles away) a giant Jock and a pretty teen-aged girl, both dressed in black walked up to him & the 18 year-old Jock advised me to keep moving and not bother the man. He threatened me and made a remark that I was a coward for not fighting him. So I turned around and discussed the subject with said Jock. He backed down and I left.

  The pair led the man away on the spot.

  I never saw the man again...

  Months later a bragging snitch came up to me and bragged a threat like unto what I've heard from the gang every year or two my entire life. "Do you remember that guy in the parka you were talking to over at that alcove at ____(he called the store by name)____"?


  "That guy was one of our victims". Yeah, yeah, yeah. He'd crossed them so they blinded him and made him a beggar for them. "We tell him he has to earn money for us. We beat the crap out of him if he doesn't make at least a hundred dollars and he makes us thousands of dollars a day begging for us but we tell him that he's only made 20 or 30 bucks and then we beat him". Yup, the guy was my exact counterpart, another "kid anyone can hit" victim of the allegedly pleasure-bringing Child-Molestors. "In our final phase of how we treat our victims we usually blind them and then we torture them and make them beg for us. They make us a fortune and they get to keep none of it". "Do you know why that Jock and the teenaged girl freaked out when you talked to that guy"? Because they recognised you from one of our rapes and they know that the first rule of the kids anyone can hit is to never let any of them talk to each other". "Jerk wants you to know that's what we're going to do to you before we kill you. We're going to blind you just like we did to him and then beat you and make you beg for us". He even quoted some logistics of said operation allegedly because. "Now that we've told you what we're going to do to you the cops will never believe you when you tell them we blinded you because no one would warn someone that they were going to do that to them".

  "Oh yeah. Do you remember that Jock who you got to back down from you? He got punished because you got him to back down from him at our gang's intersection. He had an entire building of guys there ready to back him up if you attacked and you backed him down. He said he got scared because of all of the films he saw of you killing people so Jerk ordered him tortured for his cowardice. In fact we're torturing him right now like we do to you and when we are finished with him he and his family are going to beg us for the privilege of testifying against you in court for whatever we plan to do to you when we take you down".

  Eh, nowadays the threats have changed to "Poison you with a poison that destroys the optic nerve" and "use bright lights to burn out your retinas". Headphones at full volume to burn out my hearing, medical instruments to cripple my knees and shoulders, snip a nerve or two so I'll be wearing adult diapers in court. "It's very important to Jerk that you wear adult diapers in your old age".

  The truth? The truth is I've had to endure a bazillion threats from a gang of madmen who...





  The Plan... you'd be surprized who's really the gang's target here...


  Sooo... there I was, in a Bay City Public School hallway during business hours, standing next to Snitch Girl, when she said. "We intend to follow you around for the rest of your life as revenge for the gym".

  Even better was the bragging of the Last Snitch... when he told me about the gang's real target... cops. Police were the target, clean, honest wholesome cops, and dirty... cops. That and I was the means to enable them to do it.

  You see, with their many films, they have edited versions... edited tapes. Tapes that show me at right-wing meetings, left-wing-meetings, enviro-wacko meetings, witch covens, N.A.M.B.L.A meetings, Klan meetings, you name it and the list is only the tip of the iceberg. They've filmed me in child-porn, snuff films, killing films, films where they tortured me delirious and then just dropped me off at friend's places, leaving me wondering about a few of them myself. Add in the gang's date-rape drug. And you've got a recipe to influence people. Insert a whore into their life... easier than you think with a little research on the cop/victim's life. Show them edited film #7, see their reaction, then see what you can get them to do. Don't like the reaction? Have their whore dope them, show them film #7b, see if that gets the reaction you'd like. Offer them the prize and have your whore bring it up. "What do you think? We screw over the scumbag of film #7b and we get a million dollars"? Gauge their reaction, try again.

  My guess is that film 1a is their best, and I'll bet it works well on most cop/victims.

  You're probably telling yourself. "Cop/victims? Ha! See this 3"x2" piece of metal I wear (badge)? The training that I went through to get this renders me impervious to being manipulated". If you're a dirty... cop you're probably thinking you can get away with it. Yeah... right. These guys brag their primary feeding source is the dirty cop. You... you are a major source of their income and the primary source of their power. "Once we get one of them to take a single dollar from us we figure they're weak-minded and that's who we target next". Once targeted by the gang they never give up, they don't see you as someone helpful who's a business partner, no, they see you as a weak-minded idiot who's got their money. You think they make money by paying you big cash? They make money by tricking weak-minded idiots into taking cash from them and blackmailing them. You don't get to keep the cash when you're calling them "Master". "We follow them around and film them. We establish their codes, we flip the lights on at late night meetings and establish they took money from us". "On some of the harder cases we go after their family. We recruit them and force them into situations that their dirty cop cousin can handle and we establish... well, you get the picture.

  From the beginning I was only a massive child-molester get out of jail free card. Me... the way they tell me it works is, even against good cops... is... they let my case slip into the limelight in some mundane way... you guys, clean and or dirty respond, you take me down, ZAP! Maybe they go to the next step,... maybe not (I hear they've been thinking of chickening out) They let a few films, mailed anonymously, slide into your crosshairs. You react... but, the evidence is flimsy, or perhaps needs to be shored up... by giving my co-conspirators leniency for turning State's Evidence against me. You guys swallow the hook, a few more films are released, and or maybe other testimony opens new avenues of crime for you to explore. You pounce. But the evidence looks a little weak, more witnesses are provided immunity for their testimony, guys in prison, films exchanged... you pound the round peg into the square slot... it all looks good. More things come in... You pound some more. Thennnn... I get locked up is the most talked about plan... maybe I die in a fight... maybe... eh, who knows? They brag it's the retrial where they own you. "The way we figure it is the cops will have figured us out by the 2nd trial. But it wont matter because their reputations will be on the line". Yeah... you'll have to pound that peg harder and harder on command, good cop or not. "We'll take pictures with them and we'll be intimately involved in every part of the case".

  Targeting dirty cops? Some... they'll own. They will tow the line as ordered by their masters. The others? Well... their reputations will be on the line and the gang can feel free to invent evidence as needed, produce films, have witnesses suddenly pop-up, and you will have to deal with them... for free. You think they wont try to catch you dealing with their witnesses? HA! They'll be in a position to film it all, listen in, and they brag they run the show in Bay City Saginaw, and Detroit's Internal Affairs who spend nearly all of their time working for the gang (why do you suppose their corruption investigations yield such poor results? Huh?) The brilliant part of the plan is that dirty... cop or not you'll be doing the gang's dirty work for FREE! You see... normally they'd have to pay you to do these things... but take me down for them... and all bets are off! They boast the plan about getting revenge on me is icing on the cake... that the real plan from the beginning was to take down as many... cops of all sorts as possible and get the area's many dirty... cops to work for the gang... doing their bidding... trashing their witnesses for their own self-interest... FOR FREE!

  They brag that at their meetings... of a religious bent... that you'll bow before them.

  May God have mercy on your souls if you should fall for their trap.




  CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017

  Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!

  In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.

  Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.

  When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.

  This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.

  What does this mean?

  Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".

  Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.

  I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.

  Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.

  To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.

  Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.


  Please help me!


© 2013 by PleaseSaveTheDave



  "I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". - Martin Oak

  Yeah, whatever...

Find us at our Molestor-monitored & edited websites: or


   Here I shall address the Child-Molesting community. "This is a tale of you, of what you are, what 'your kind of people' bring. You think you bring love but when you come you bring your perverse friends & they bring rape, death, and horror. Read my tale because it's true, and it's about you".


  Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak, Bay City Cops, Bay City Public Schools, their child-molesting gang & I killed a whole bunch of children & I wrote a partial list here, on my website. This site will bring back none of the dead. But it may bring the murder victims justice & let the dead rest a little easier.

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