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  DEFINITIONS: How to talk like a Child-Molestor....Don't say I never gave you anything...

  Yes, you too can talk like a Child-Molestor and I'm here to teach you reader. Reading this

webpage is a one-way road and once you've learned to talk like a child-molester there is no

unlearning it and you might never look at some of these words the same again. Hey, I tried to

warn you.

  The Child-Molestors brag that they have thier own language. Words that have hidden meanings

that enable them to communicate openly in front of... anyone, from thier victims to the fine

people of America's law-enforcement professional.

  They tell me that they have signal and subtil (and not so subtle) signs that they show in public

that advertise to those "in the know" all about them. Who's a Child-Molestor, where are the safe

places they can operate, and even signs that indicate that a given community is run by and for

child-molesters. Signs, that the rest of us simply ignore but broadcast to the entire child-molester

community that they, the child-molesters, run the show in that community. Simply put, this is how

a group that calls itself "primarily actors" communicates.

  Eh, the gang lie a lot (did I mention that? Eh, I'd suppose that most ... cops who've served in

the mid-Michigan area might not believe that a Child-Molestor would lie, repeatedly. I'd suppose

that the rest merely have to have simple concepts repeated to them over and over before they'll

even begin to ponder them). Go figure...

  So here it is. I've mixed in a few words of my own, that will be marked by an infinity symbol for

reasons of symbolism that will elude mid-Michigan... cops. Personally, I'd like to live in the fairy-

tale world of thier minds.



  actor ac·tor [ áktər ] n. 1 The Child-Molestors as a whole "we're primarily actors" 2 Gang mem-

bers paid with money, drugs, sex, goods, rank, title, or services to influence thier enemies or

victims 3 Preferred victim profession of the gang. example: "We trick them into acting like deviants

on film (tricking them into auditioning for plays, films, theater, ect) so our gang members torturing

them will feel better about torturing them. Hell, they'll even help us set up the camera"!

  adult a·dult [ ə dúlt ] adj. 1 Footsoldier see: Disposable Human.

  blooded blood·ed [ blúddəd ] adj. 1 Right of passage 2 Rank 3 Honor, medal, or decoration of

distinction ie: "He's been blooded by his participation in the murder".

  bondage bond·age [ bóndij ] n. 1 The act of placing restraints on a victim so the Child-Molestors

can say to authorities "Look at how much of a pervert he/she is. They like that sort of thing". 2 A

convenient way to deal with troublesome victims. 3 Convenient way to handle difficult victims.

  bribe bribe [ brīb ] vti. 1 Loss 2 Not an investment like other organised crime gangs think 3 Lost

cash or goods that need to be recovered by blackmail. theft, extortion, ect. 4 Often it is a pile of

money, drugs goods or favors or services to be used to influence the gang's future victims and for

furthering the gang's own goal.

  bunga-bunga bungú-bungú [ bunga-bunga ] adj. Anal rape, sodomy by force. 8

  buttbuddy [ bət/ˈbədē ] Anyone who pretends to be a friend and or employer of their rape

victim. example: "We raped him good and told the cops we were buttbuddies so now they're

prosecuting our victim! Ha"! 8

  bribe taker n. 1 See Future Victim 2 Someone who has the Child-Molestor's money, drugs, or

lien on thier services that need to be recovered from the mentally weak individual that has it

4 Someone the Child-Molestors see as obviously mentally weak and thus as a candidate for force-

full recruiting, usually to retrieve said funds the victim has so as to reverse the gang's loss.

  business partner Successfully recruited business owning victim who will usually give up half or more of thier business.

  camera cam·er·a [ kámmərə ] n. The premier Child-Molestor weapon against thier victims as quoted by themselves and Impartial Mediator type... cops. "The camera never lies".

  car accident adj. Term most often used by the Child-Molestors, thier dirty cops, and dirty doctors to explain injury, dismemberment, or the death of thier victims or thier victim/members to anyone who asks.

  child child [ chīld ] n. 1 Resource to be exploited for money, drugs, & or sexual gratification 2 Child-Molestor officer 3 Messenger 4 Courier 5 Drug Dealer 6 Disposable Human.

"We don't have to fool the cops. We only have to fool a jury".- Unknown Child-Molestor


I expect the same love                                      Getting hurt very young
Received from early age                                    Really damaged my brain

Betrayed and neglected                                     Forever I will live this way
Inside my mental cage                                      Feeling sick and confused

Now I live like a psycho                                     To be such a young victim
From my childhood pain                                    A child sexually abused

                                                                                 Jackeline Chacon Aug 10, 2014


  With any luck maybe the tales of you or your team might be in them... on either or both sides of the law...


  Reading Rape: The Rhetoric of Sexual Violence in American Literature and Culture, 1790-1990

  State of Peril: Race and Rape in South African Literature Coming to you soon !!!

  The Need for Lavinia's Voice: Titus Andronicus and the Telling of Rape

  "My Little What Shall I Call Thee": Reinventing the Rape Tragedy in William Rowley's All's Lost by Lust

A Very American Power Struggle: The Color of Rape in Light in August

  I was 14 when I was gang raped    Located online at:

  The below definition should not be confused with the term "child-molester". A term the Child-Molestor gang use as thier most vile accusation against thier victims. An accusation so heinous that it ranks up there with the crimes "traitor" & "dirty cop".

  Sometimes I feel bad about how I spelled the gang's name here.. You see, we never did discuss thier spelling of thier gang name. Frankly, it never occurred to me to ask them. Every now and again during torture or between rapes I used to turn to Duh Jerk, F.B., or even his Weasel and begin my sentence by saying. "Hey Child-Molestor". They always turned around when I called them that and never disputed the title nor thier membership in said gang to me once. I always did use a very subtil "o" when I said the word "Molestor". They never corrected me once. If Duh Jerk or his Weasel want they can feel free to contact the authorities and set the record straight and I'll gladly print a retraction. Go figure...


  child-molestor n. Anyone who sexually abuses children for profit. 8

  cop of convenience n. Any police officer, dirty or not, who has been placed or manipulated into the area of a child-molestor crime so as to further the gang's own goals. Usually paid, blackmailed, manipulated, or as a preemptive act to a forceful recruiting. example: Then the Victim said. "Gee what luck. Here the gang just assaulted me and there's no need to call the cops because as luck would have it, one is right here nearby".

  debaseing a victim a. forcing a victim to either commit humiliating or damming acts or forcing humiliating and damming acts upon them, usually on film to both dehumanise them and frame them for crimes for the Child-Molestor's own goals.

  diposable human n. 1 Any member/victim of the Child-Molestors or their families. 2 Any victim who falls into the clutches of the Child-Molestors.


  The next term just might be a legitimate rank in the government of the fine state of Michigan. Idano. If not it's the term that the Child-Molestors use to indicate who the specific individual is who assigns convicted Child-Molestor victims to a given prison within the most excellent state of Michigan. Thus determining where said victims just might spend the remainder of thier lives and certainly lose some or all of thier assets, cash, or rectal integrity (medically speaking of course).


  director of prisons n. Child-Molestor prison vacation guide who directs Child-Molestor victims into the hands of the gang's already waiting convicted and incarcerated member/victims & victim/members to facilitate what will become the rest of thier lives.

  dirty cop n. 1 Sentinal of Child-Molestor justice 2 Servant esp: often slave (Detroit Michigan) 3 Disposable Human once no longer useful esp: when retired.

  dreaming dream·ing [ drm ing ] n. a state of mind the Child-Molestors try to convince thier victims into believing that they are experiencing during torture ie: not always a safe bet with some victims!

  drugs drugs [ drugs ] n. 1 The Premier Child-Molestor weapon most often used against thier many victims 2 The Child-Molestor's most effective tool when recruiting esp:  when recruiting children 3 The excuse most often used by the gang to convince authorities and a victim's friends and family to ignore a victim. example: "You can ignore her because she's on drugs".

  employee em·ploy·ee [ em plóy ee ] n. A term used to describe a victim to authorities example: "He's not my victim. He's my employee. See all of the films I have of us torturing him and paying him for it"?

  enclave en·clave [ én klàyv ] An area of one or more blocks entirely controlled by the Child-Molestors, thus a safe place for them to do their deeds, recruit, sell drugs, ect:.

  friend friend [ frend ] n. A term used to describe a victim to authorities example: "He's not my victim, I'm his friend. See all of the films I have of us torturing him"?

  honor hon·or [ ónnər ] 1 A word not found in any Child-Molestor teaching 2 A word use to dupe victims or authorities example: "I give you my word of honor I will quit hurting people as long as you arrest David George and not us".

  hull hull [ həl ] 1 Any police officer who's work you find questionable but just cant put a finger on why it's poor quality work. The cop's work may be suffering due to general incompetence, lack of basic investigating skills, job apathy, chronic laziness, overwork, or even corruption. example: That cop was the best officer I've ever seen back in the day but now his work is sub-par and lacking and I just don't know why, I'm afraid he's a hull cop now". 8

  hunting accident hunt·ing ac·ci·dent [ húnting áksidənt ] see: Car accident.

  just desserts just des·serts [ just  di zúrts ] any sort of injury to a Child-Molestor whether it is financial, physical, or to thier most prized possession... thier reputations.

  love [ ləv ] n. Sex

  lover lov·er [ lúvvər ] n. Child-Molestor who uses sex to first lure and then manipulate unsuspecting victims, often with drugs. example: "See all the films of us & their lover having sex? That legitimizes all of our other films of us raping and torturing our victim because I was thier lover".

  officer of·fi·cer [ áwfissər ] 1 Block Captain in charge of spying for the Child-Molestors in a particular enclave and coordinating gang activities there. 2 Any Child-Molestor with rank of any sort.

  own own [ ōn ] adj. To control a thing, property, or person example: "They beat up the store owner and raped him on film with little kids and now the Child-Molestors own him, his family, and his store".

  paid informant paid in·form·ant[ payd in fáwrmənt ] n. 1 A Child-Molestor who is seemingly paid by the police (sometimes unwittingly) to give them information (some false, some real) for the Child-Molestor's own goals. 2 Anyone who is paid by the police with cash or reduced sentences to allegedly inform on Child-Molestors, thier rival gangs, or thier victims for the Child-Molestors own goals. example: "So we manipulated the cops like usual by conning them into giving one of our lying whores a reduced sentence by making them the cop's paid informant and we get to keep the money they paid her on top of it"!

  pervert per·vert vt.Term most often applied to the Child-Molestor's victims. example: "They call us rapists and perverts but we have the witnesses and the films to prove otherwise.  Who are they calling pervert? Look at them"!

  police officer po·lice of·fi·cer [ pə lss áwfissər ] n. 1 In theory a Child-Molestor enemy. 2 Child-Molestor victim past, present, or future. 3 Person to be manipulated for the Child-Molestor's own goals. 4 Easy mark. 5 Rube. esp: When films are involved.

  prison pris·on [ prízz'n ] 1 Taxpayer funded institution wher the Child-Molestors conduct daily training, recruiting, sell drugs, steal, and pursue their blackmail/framing ring's goals. 2 Taxpayer funded institution where the Child-Molestors send both their victims and their own guys for the goal of punishment who are now in a position to pursue the gang's victims for the gang's sinister goals.

  rape rape [ rayp ] n. 1 Usefull Child-Molestor tool. 2 The hobby that the Child-Molestors was founded on. 3 A punishment used to punish and humiliate Child-Molestor gang Members. 4 The declaration of any amature or professional Child-Molestor accuser that furthers the Child-Molestor's own goals.

  rape victim rape vic·tim [ rayp víktim ] n. 1 Any professional or amature Child-Molestor accuser. 2 Anyone who has been coerced into making a false accusation orf rape to further the Child-Molestor's goals. 3 Any genuine rape victim who has been mislead by falsified evidence into believing that someone other than thier Child-Molestor rapist has raped them.

  rapist rap·ist [ ráypist ] n. Child-Molestor victim.

  reputation rep·u·ta·tion [ rèppyə táysh'n ] n. 1 general opinions: the views that are generally held about somebody or something 2 A thing a victim has that must be destroyed prior to thier eventual demise example: "First comes the accusation and then the rush to judgement". 3 The most important thing in the world to a shallow Child-Molestor.

  Those rascally... cops are allways messing with me.


  The lastest poop from them? The gang boasted I've been charged (& convicted) with perverse crimes around the country to get... cops to laugh at my accusations. True? Idano... I have no criminal record... as far as I know. Sigh...


  This next definition is just gross. I recommend that the weak of stomach or faint of heart move on and ignore the rest of this page. Hey, I tried to warn you.


  retread re·tread (r -tr d ) tr.v. 1 The act of sewing the rectum or vagina in order to make them more narrow in order to conceal a devastating rape or to reverse the wear and tear that can come from a lifetime of being a prostitute. example: "She's a 13 year old Bay City prostitute who works for the Child-Molestors so you know that she's already on her fourth retread by now".

  sex [ seks ] n. Love

  snuff film [ snuf film] noun 1. Slang. a pornographic film that shows an actual murder of one of the performers, as at the end of a sadistic act. 2. splatter film.

  statutory rape stat·u·to·ry rape [ stáchə tàwree rayp ] n. 1 Useful Child-Molestor accusation against thier victims esp: especially if you run an organized child prostitution and blackmail ring from inside of a children's school.


  I've tried to shy away from predictions... particularly those involving Law-Enforcement. But... I'll venture to make one here. That is that the next word... the word with which, when I sent my 1,000+ page letter to the F.B.I., the document I sent them where someone dies nearly every other page that they refuse to even acknowledge. Yeah, that 1. I made my very 1st point in said document of murder, mayhem, and rape by saying I entirely made up the word... "Swarm" to be an insulting nickname to the Child-Molester gang, will be a stumbling block to Mid-Michigan... cops. Pull the string and the toy says. "The Bay City... cop says, there is no "Swarm". They'd've gotten a memo or something. "It would'a been on News 5 if it was true. Wouldn't it"?

  Swarm [ swôrm ] n. An entirely fictional name made up by the author of this website to insult the rape gang metaphorically. It is based on the gang's combat tactics both against their victims individually and against their enemies in the public arena.

  victim vic·tim [ víktim ] n. 1 Rapist. 2 Any professional or amateur Child-Molestor accuser.

  whore (hôr, h r) n. All Child-Molestor gang-members are called whores by their leaders.

  vigilante vig·i·lan·te [ vìjjə lántee ] 1 Any easily manipulated citizen, prisoner, or... cop who breaks the law to punish Child-Molestor victims on the behalf of the Child-Molestors. example: see the word idiot. 2 Future victim who will probably regret that since the Child-Molestors knew they were going to do a vigilante attack on one of their victims, it was only logical that they'd be motivated to film said vigilante act.



  Child-Molestor terms are phrases they use among themselves, a language unto itself, and if you fail to stop them reader, it just might be the language your kids will grow up using! Hey, I tried to warn you. Here goes...


  First Generation: Any new recruit to the Child-Molestors. They represent the throwaway foot soldiers and apes who will work for a lifetime to pay the Child-Molestors 50% of thier income after rent or house payments.

  Second Generation: The children of anyone who is a new member of the Child-Molestors. They will be the prostitutes, drug dealers, couriers, and enforcers... until the magic age of 18 when they are little better than thier first generation counterparts, sometimes regarded in even lower esteem because thier years of loyal service as children have left them "Knowing too much".

  Third Generation: The grandchildren and so on in an unbroken family line loyal to the Child-Molestors. These represent the most sadistic and scummy of all the Child-Molestors. Sometimes they can be elevated to the rank of officer, particularly if they come from "the old country" ie: Poland.

  Whore: Rank above adult and child. May be 1st 2nd, or 3rd Generation in family lineage. All common Child-Molestor gang members are called whores by thier superiors.

  Blooded: Not a rank as much as it is a distinction of honor in the gang, placing them above common whores only that in if they and a given number of whores are given a task it is likely that the blooded gang member will be put in charge.

  Lieutenant: The second rank of Child-Molestor. An officer of the gang. Sick, perverted, and has probably killed at least one child in order to first attain "blooded" status. Serious pervs fit only to serve society as paperweights, crash test dummies, and medical cadavers.

  Boss or Big Boss: Leaders of the Child-Molestors. Slayers of children, sellers of drugs, destroyers of family and the American way. Useful only for fertilizer & paperweights to the good & law-abiding citizens of the United States of America.

  Hell: The place many of their victims are waiting for them to arrive so as to begin what will feel like an eternity with them, probably to thank them for facilitating their early arrival in Hell.

  Killing Field: A specific building, usually a home deep inside of a Child-Molestor enclave where the rich go to rape victims. Once there many rapists pay an extra fee to have their rape victim killed so as to prevent them from testifying against them at a later date. Children usually carry out the murders and are thus blooded to both harden them and prove their loyalty to the Child-Molestors.

  The Lake of Fire: The final destination for virtually all of the Child-Molestor's member/victims & victim/members. Awww... you victim/members don't think you'll go to hell? Tsk. Tsk. Think about it, you pay 50%, you help the Child-Molestors, you give them your strength. You can't serve God and the Devil. Pick a side! But don't whine to me later about your choice. I recommend that you Child-Molestors burn a match daily so as to get used to the smell of sulfur. They tell me that sulphur is brimstone and you would do well to get used to the smell of brimstone sooner rather than later with where you're going to spend eternity. Don't hate me. I'm just a messenger. Hey, I tried to warn you.

  Member/Victim: Anyone who willingly joins the Child-Molestors with little or no coercion. Look up the word idiot. I hear that the rich or the pretty can fair well in the Child-Molestors... at first. But... looks fade and money makes itself wings and flies away. One day you'll wake up and find that your kids are loyal to the Child-Molestors and that the gang realises that if they kill you they'll get 50% of all your money and stuff from your kids when they inherit it (the standard Child-Molestor inheritance fee is 50 % of all monies inherited by their members I'm told). I suspect the gang has a term for this type of member but I'm not privy to the term at the time of this writing. 8

  Party House: Code for bringing a new victim to the gang's clubhouse. example: "Hey little girl we've got some candy for you at the Party House". Once the term "Party House" is dropped any nearby gang-members or whores know that their victim is to be taken to the gang clubhouse to be drugged and raped. Or worse.

  Victim/Members: The majority of the Child-Molestors fall into this category. These are the painfully and often humiliated victims who now make up the bulk of the gang. When they get low on cash, when their looks fade, or if the gang member tries to retire their member/victims automatically become victim/members. They do the grunt work for little or no reward and many, most, or maybe even all of them can look forward to at least some prison time. If the Child-Molestors have a term for this categorey of gang-banger I'm not privy to it at the time of this writing. 8

  Dance the Coolie: Victims of the gang are debased in the eyes of authorities by forcing them to dance while masterbating while being sprayed by a hose. Often things are thrown at said victims and they are beaten. The gang has boasted time and again that a single coolie dance means the end for any and all victims.

  It's also used as a punishment for minor infractions against the gang's own members, particularly against children.

  A stage one common base punishment used on the Child-Molestor's own gang as a punishment. Stage 2 being beating, maiming, and gang-rape as bragged and whined to me by member/victims & victim/members alike.

  Wrong sex name: As a serious punishment, to mark the mother's of the gang, they are often required to name their newborns any name they wish, but if it's a boy it must be a girl's name, and if it's a girl it must be a boy's name. Over the decades many member/victims & victim/members bragged/whined to me that the woman is being marked for possible death, that this is indeed a very serious strike against said gangbangers and represents their final chance to prove loyalty and a single mistake from then on could spell the end for them. "No nicknames are allowed and we do check to see if they're trying to use one and we will enforce the rule on them if we catch them trying to use a nickname on their kid".

  They've even bragged that the death of said child does not remove the stain. "If that kid dies and they have another kid we make them name that kid with a wrong sex name too". Luckily, only one child is so marked I'm told.

  Said children are already born with the one strike against them and live a single mistake from death themselves in one of the gang's many frame-ups.

  Active Duty: The gang has a large pool of member/victims & a larger pool of victim/members to call to active duty. They are expected to drop everything and service the gang's needs. Drugs are free during this time and most leave nursing addictions and are broke after a month or 2 and returned to inactive duty.

  Outpouring of Affection: A strange but very practical social practice by a gang who are all one accusation away from life imprisonment. It's literally a thing, a declaration by the leadership of the gang, a command, that all the gang, and all of a person's "owned" family should pour out love and affection on a targeted gang member. Those love-deprived, guilt-filled souls carrying around a ton of emotional baggage and holding back a closet door filled with skeletons will usually eat it up. It keeps them from turning states evidence and gives members an excuse to probe & to pry into the lives of anyone who may be accused by authorities. They brag this allows their people to get a foot in the door of those suspected by authorities so they can gauge the target's mental state, to see if they have any lingering doubts, and often to try and trick them into saying (on hidden camera, of course) if they might or intend to betray the gang or the molestor community itself.


  The Child-Molestors have bragged to me that they have their own secret lingo that enables them to communicate in front of thier victims, innocent bystanders (ie: "potential witnesses against them"), an even... cops without them either being aware of it. Or, by rendering them unable to translate anything that might be overheard.

  Sometimes... they tell me their "secret lingo" is simply common "pig-latin". Uhhh... feel free to look it up online and learn it yourself reader. Thus prompting a Child-Molestor to brag to me thusly. "Half the cops know pig-latin so we can't use pig-latin all the time".

  So they bragged they have a simple version they use on the fly with low-ranking gang bangers and "friends". It's simple too and difficult for the uninitiated to decode. Difficult to decipher but far from impossible and here's why. Simply change the first letters of a few given main words in a sentence. Thus, you can communicate and offer nothing... cops can use in court and speak in reasonable safety in front of the uninitiated. Try to have fun with this sentence, the gang have bragged it's one of thier favs. "I like to talk in big words". Switch up a "t" & a "w" and you've got hours of pee pee and poo poo fun to amuse drugged noobs to the gang, or so I'm told.

  Their lingo is reported to include body language. "Say one of us is interrogated by the police. If they walk him past us and he hangs his head low and mopes then we know the police have a good case. But if he holds his head high we know the police got nothing".

   They've bragged there's a harder to learn language based on a coded version of the language from "the old country" that is only taught to officers that leaves... cops absolutely baffled when heard. If such a language exists I'm not privy to it at the time of this writing.

  Once... a gang child told me during the gym that the "secret lingo" was little more than the language from "the old country" with the same tired change up 2 letters thingy done to it. I had another say it was with pig latin applied thusly to the tongue.








  This has been a lesson in how to talk like a Child-Molester. If you are reading over the shoulder of a Mid-Michigan... cop, or any Mid-Michigan Law (ACHOO!) Enforcers you probably notice they are in a daze or might have fallen over. Please tend to their wounds and when they seem to begin to regain their senses please tell them that it's entirely possible that there are gangs of motivated Child-Molesters out there. Gently explain to them, that, if there are such gangs, anywhere in America, then in all probability those gangs of perversion would be located in and around areas known for perversion (did you hear that? It's the sound of 100 Mid-Michigan... cops feinting and hitting the floor). HEY! Maybe like in the Saginaw Valley area? You know? Recorded as having been the woman's rape capital of the industrialized free world only a short time ago? If not there then where?

  Please tell those formerly dazed and confused officers that since it's probable that, since their training tells them there are perverse gangs out there, and that the author of this website is from the Saginaw area and maintains that it's a Saginaw-based rape gang that's been menacing him... that... the author just might have a good point.

  I'd like to thank my readers for telling the fine officers of Mid-Michigan Law-Enforcement that they may have a problem in their area and I'll bet the good officers of the area will thank you too once they come to their senses. I know I will.

  MORE DEFINITIONS!!! I feel the need to explain myself...

  cop 1 käp/ informal noun plural noun: ... cops

  1. 1. a police officer. verb 3rd person present: cops

  2. 1. catch or arrest (an offender). "he was copped for speeding

  3. 2. NORTH AMERICAN strike (an attitude or pose). "I copped an attitude—I acted real tough"

  4. insulting term used to address addled and or corrupt law-enforcement officers. The "..." is placed in the sentence to give the addled and easily gulled police a chance to rest while reading my plea and to catch up.

  5. On rare occasion the author of this website has used the term and meant no insult whatsoever. I know there are many vain police out there and realise it may just cost me my freedom and life because those vain... cops just might detroy me based solely on a poorly chosen use of words. It adds icing to the stress cake I eat daily without any help from them.

  police po·lice pəˈlēs/ noun

  1. 1. the civil force of a national or local government, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order. synonyms:police force, police officers, policemen, policewomen, officers of the law, law officers, authorities, constabulary; More verb

  2. 1. (of a police force) have the duty of maintaining law and order in or for (an area or event).

  3. When used by the author of this website it is a term of admiration and respect for all law-enforcement champions everywhere

  NOW...the Coup De Grâce... The mother of all definitions...                                                the one the gang brag WILL destroy me to even mention!!! Go figure...

  Yup... it's the definition the gang brag absolutely positively will destroy me or anyone foolish enough to repeat it. I don't suppose the gang will thank me for repeating it (they're so ungrateful as a rule). Soooo... here I am repeating it. If you are a mid-michigan... cop I recommend you avert your gaze now, skip reading the rest of this page to prevent certain bodily injury from fainting. Hey, I tried to warn you).

  Retards: No kidding... it's an actual rank and title, really, it is, in the gang, a position, a thing that many of the perverse wackos actually aspire towards. I've met a few. How the scam works is this... an otherwise "normal" (I use the word normal loosely here, of course) child-molester simply acts addled.... "challenged"... or... in the words of the gang... "retarded". It's easy.

  The boasted benefits of such a lifestyle? You want to know reader? Sure... I'll tell you (Especially since all Mid-Michigan... cops are now passed out on the floor by now). Well... other than free money from the government for life (ie: free money from you the taxpayer reading this) and from churches, social services both government and private, and the good will & help of otherwise unsuspecting citizens (who'd otherwise be helping someone who really needed it instead of the molester) they meet throughout their life (I hear no one is spared). They are placed as officers... above the normal wretches of the gang. They also enjoy a life primarily above the law and can expect virtually no or very little punishment if caught. And very little time in jail if they do get prosecuted.

  Bonuses include that even to slightly accuse those "simple minds" of anything makes the gang's victims accusations laughable before law-enforcement. Especially if the Retard has been groomed for the position since birth (yeah... I hear some members actually want their children to be guaranteed rank in the gang and raise them thusly... it proves a certain level of loyalty to the gang).

  The way Duh Jerk described it to me in fall of 76 was that most Retards are groomed from birth for the rank. But a talented lower ranking wannabe can aspire to the rank and the gang will fake a brain injury on them and they too can be a Retard.

  The downside is that once Retard status is achieved they can never go up in rank again for a variety of obvious reasons that will almost certainly elude even the smartest Mid-Michigan... cops trying to ponder the subject. So I'll just leave them hanging to amuse myself.

  Eh, if you've been reading over the shoulder of a mid-michigan... cop and they've passed out. Please, tend to their wounds and don't draw any mustaches on them with markers please... show them a little respect. Then, slowly, tell them that it's all together possible that people who choose to lead a perverted lifestyle just might choose to lead it "perversely". I know that if they are good cops they'll eventually thank you. I know I will.

  The Gym: An assassination command or “buzz word” that enables high-ranking child-pornographers (who live their life a single witness's testimony away from a life sentence at any moment as “the price of doing business”) like the Molestors to silence those who might testify against them. Children are routinely killed thusly I'm told via the physical education system of Molestor controlled schools. Once the order is given in a certain tone with damming body language 'Take that child to The Gym and shut him up' The order has been given for the gang's children to kill a fellow child. Typically the target is then killed by their fellow students or ringers brought in from afar who will have files doctored to prove they've allays been at that particular school. Often a victim will be on drugs and slain under the guise of playing contact sports. Later the death will be explained away by the area's Dirty Coroners as a car accident or drug overdose.

  The technique works on many levels I'm told. The children, often Molestor regulars will be filmed killing the victim to blackmail them for life (and provide the gang with a film that will motivate future vigilantes to eliminate the murderer for them if they should ever cross the gang) . Other times misguided vigilantes will have been convinced to kill a “scumbag who's got it coming” (I wouldn't bet on the “scumbag” part and they are probably merely a framed victim who's become dangerous or too unprofitable to continue exploiting). The killers will be blackmailed for life. Next, as it was explained to me, the gang show up at the murderer's parent's place (in the case of murderous minors). They are shown the film of the murder and it's explained to them that their child is a murderer. Then the gang leaves making sure their dirty cop is on duty at the front desk of the local Copshop at that time. Then they show up a few days later and explain that they filmed the parents learning that their children are murderers and they didn't go to the police. So now they are accomplices in a child murder (since I'm told very few families choose to go to the cops before this point). They brag they like to use sentences like. “You know what they do to child-killers in prison. Don't you”?

  Often the child is simply the child of a loyal family who are so blackmailed/framed that they dare not oppose the Molestors, even if they are killing their child. “Either we kill your kid or we make those films of you at the torture/rape parties public. You'll go to prison for the rest of your life. You do know what they do to people who torture and rape children in prison don't you”? I hear it's the last sentence many a formerly law-abiding citizen has heard just before they helped set up their own child to die. “It's them or you”. It's win/win really. If they refuse they go to prison and you don't want to know what the gang brag they do to kids once they have removed all parental protections from them.

  I also have heard that it's quite effective, incredibly low-risk (the Molestors run the school so they control what teachers might be around at the time of the killings, what students are present, and only do the killings for profit when their loyal dirty... cops are nearby to be “first on the scene”, see: cop of convenience), and represents brag that an annual or bi-annual child-killing in "The Gym" is a major source of income for the gang. Enabling them to blackmail up to 30-60 families at a time (all the parents of a single gym class).

Direct Child-Molestor quote. “Nobody lives through “The Gym” once the order is given”.

  Author note: Yeah... I lived through The Gym. I had faith God would see me through it and I prayed a lot for the strength to live! That and I prayed for everyone involved too. Still do.

  If you are reading over the shoulder of a Mid-Michigan... cop you probably noticed that they are in a daze or have fallen over after having read the above 2 definitions. Please pick them up and tend to their wounds and after they've recovered tell them that it is entirely possible that in an area with the worst perversion in the country that it is possible that there are career perverts and that those pervs just might act "perversely" when committing crimes. If they are good... cops they'll thank you. I know I will.

  The Court of Cop Opinion: It's actually a thing to the gang. It's a consideration, a goal. A thing to be desired to possess. What is it? Well, if your job, your chosen lifestyle is to frame people and make... cops think your victims are something they're not, then this had better be your goal in life and it had best  be the one attention you pay lip service to above all other thing from now on for the rest of your life.

  What is it? It's the fact that you cant frame someone bluntly. Well, actually you can. But Martin Oak, while sitting in his taxpayer funded office during business hours taught me that a true professional frame artist does this. There are ways to do it/ Some subtil, some blunt. The way he taught me was sometimes the gang did just mail in their frame photos, the goods they had on a victim or simply handed them to... cops via what they perceived to be "reliable confidential informants. "But we cant just mail in all of our films". They have to change it up, make each case unique as possible, even better was to make easily manipulated... cops jump through a few hoops 1st before they gave them the evidence to make them appreciate it better. He told me it always works if you do it right and submitted the fact that he'd been doing it a lifetime and not been caught as proof of concept.

  Tricks include the 1,2 punch. First a victim is tricked into a sex act or criminal act, drugs are involved if possible (on film) and then they dress the victim the same and either trick them into or force them to perform another criminal act, usually but not always a sexual one. Then leave a quantity of the said drugs with the evidence and a quantity of other drugs. "It always works because the victims says 'Yaej I did that first thing but I didn't do the 2nd". Or. "Yeah those are my drugs, but I don't know how those other drugs got there. Add in a little child-porn that their dirty prosecutor may or may not negotiate out of the charges in court and you have the makings for destroying an honest citizen in America. Even worse? You think the gang is content to do just one person, or one guy? No. They go after their family and their friends and with the power of their dirty prosecutors and dirty cops (who can now introduce any amount of evidence, witnesses, ect.) and turn the entire situation into a feeding frenzy of plea bargains to turn State's Evidence or plead guilty to get a reduced sentence (and even their lightest famed victims are usually looking at hefty, lengthy sentences to begin with).

  "Once a victim looks guilty in the cops eyes we can pretty much do anything we want to them. Add more evidence and they can whine all they want but the cops wont believe them because they think the victim is guilty in their eyes".

  The Court of Cop Opinion is thus the most important thing in the lives of molesters everywhere and they spare no expense getting it. "Once we target a victim we follow them for life. It's proof to the cops that they're a liar but think about it. If we let just one vicitm get the better of us it's game over for all of us so we spare no expense once we target a victim. Think about it. We make all this money selling drugs and making child-porn. What do you think we do with it. You cant put it in a bank. You cant invest it. So we party with it and spend the rest messing with our victims". It's a lifestyle choice thing that eludes most... cops.

  The gang brag that they bask in the warm glow of... cop love made easy by their own primarily Actor Confidential Informants who make them and there look justified in the Court of Cop Opinion.

Not a one said the Bay City Cop

  Ask any Mid-Michigan... cop and they'll all give you the same answer. "No one would do that to someone".

  Press the issue and they'll grudgingly admit that they respect the Molestor community too much, many of them work with their C.I.s and their "experts" all tell them that Child-Molester are all way too ethical to do anything like anything I've listed.

  Nuff said !

  The Gym (thē jim) noun. Command given by a Child-Molester to kill a given child often under the guise of sports exp: "Take that kid to The Gym & shut him up"!

  Child-Molestor Chump Change Payoff: Any amount of bribe or payoff money to the child-molestor dominated organized crime of Mid-Michigan, particularly Bay City, Detroit, Flint, or Saginaw. Being that many, most, or most likely ALL of the... cops and government officials are controlled, manipulated, or outright "owned" by the Molestors that means they pay up to 50% of their earned cash to the gang after rent and utilities. This means that they're usually broke or nearly so and will be eager (extremely eager) to do anything for a small amount of cash or favors. A pittance. Small... tiny amounts, chump change amounts of cash or favors. I'm told that for Chump Change many Mid-Michigan... cops will do any crime, look the other way, even destroy your victims for payoffs that amount to what is called chump change in other communities... & even come and mow your lawn when they're done! Thus the saying. Child-Molestor Chump Change Payoff!

  If you're going to bribe them or pay'em off first, I recommend you change your ways. An angry God is watching your every move and he's into the "punish them for all time in the Lake of Fire" so repent, believe Christ died for your sins, and get Jesus into your heart. Stop feeding them dirty... cops and they might go legit. But if you insist on doing it I personally wouldn't pay them very much. Remember. They need the cash. I'd insist the... cop give back change if all you have is a twenty on you. Remember, it may be that the... cop or City Councilor has already paid out all of his change to others, particularly at the end of the business day. That being the case you'd best buck-up and just pay'em the entire $20. Tell'em to start carrying change too.

  The... cops "owners", the gang don't pay them much (or so they brag), so why should you?   8


  YET MORE DEFINITIONS: They'll thank me for sure... wont they?

  It's all based on my real life experiences. The 1st is merely an example of Michigan done deceiving that has fallen into common language and is meant to be a lesson to... cops from other areas that they should note... definitions often have a basis in fact. Remember that when pondering the very concept of "Mid-Michigan Justice. ENJOY!

  Michigan Roll A roll of paper money consisting of a bill of large denomination on the outside of small-denomination or counterfeit bills. example: "When Mid-Michigan... cops use a Michigan Roll to impress fellow... cops, it almost always works".

  Bay City Cop bay city cop [ bā side käp ] Any corrupt... cop. example: That cop is an honest cop and THAT corrupt piece of filth is a Bay City Cop (Author note: I am NOT accusing any Mid-Michigan... cops of anything here... probably) example: see the word "corrupt"  8

  Schofield Cop scho-field cop [ ˈskō-ˌfēld käp ] Any... cop who will arrest anyone for anything without any regards as to where the basis for their case comes from nor any question of morality. example: "You let that baby rapist go and you arrested the little girl for stealing a lollypop? Why didn't you investigate the little girl's claims 1st? You don't arrest the one before the other because it's easier! Where's your sense of morality? You are a lowdown good for nothing Schofield Cop"!  2 Can also be replaced with Wausau Cop 8

  Bay City Cop Car Ride bay city jus-tice [ bā side käp Kär rīd ] Any drive by a... cop of any sort that exnds in (probably easily manipulated & completely false) vigilante justice, kidnapping, robbery, or rape. example: "Boy, we're taking all your cash & jewelry and taking you for a Bay City Cop Car Ride to be gang-raped".  8

  Bay City F.B.I.  bay city f b i [ bā side f b i ] Any... cop who's work is incomplete. example: "You didn't even investigate the victim's claims & you only filled out half of the paperwork and all the crooks went free! Wheredoya think you work? The Bay City F.B.I."?  8

  Bay City Justice bay city jus-tice [ bā side jəstəs ] Any corrupt legal system including judges, prosecutors, juries, the courtroom staff, and the... cops who serve them. example: "Boy, let me explain the situation to ya. We own the cops around here and we're going to hand you some Bay City Justice".  8

  Corrupt cor-rupt [kəˈrəpt] having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain example: See Bay City Cop

  Saginaw F.B.I. Sag-i-naw f-b-I [ saɡəˌnô f b i ] Uhhh... how could I define them? Wouldn't I have actually had to have gotten through the front door once to be able to define them? I wonder what the inside of their building looks like? Not that I'm personally in any hurry to find out.

  Stupid stu-pid [st(y)o͞opəd] lacking intelligence or common sense example: "The Bay City & Saginaw... cops & F.B.I. were stupid enough to allow their area to become the women's rape capital of the free world and now they think we're stupid enough to believe they don't have a rape gang torturing kids? How stupid do they think we are"? Answer to example question: They think other police agencies from the rest of the country are pretty stupid actually. Or so they boast to the author repeatedly. While laughing about them. Literally.

  Now that I think about it... I suspect that THIS is indeed the "Official" Child-Molestor Definition straight from the Gang's playbook. The wise know exactly what I mean, Of course this implies that Mid-Michigan... cops of all sorts are utterly clueless as to what I'm inferring here. Gosh... I hope that I'm wrong and that there's at least a few exceptions out there.

  What? One (or more) of my definitions are out of alphabetical order? Shhhh... don't say anything. The... cops involved in my life probably wont notice.



  To the right are more updated child-molester definitions. The only

thing I see might be added is that child-molestors told me that hot dog

means "penis" and hamburger means "vagina". It may be just a

Michiagn Molestor thing or slang common to molesters of said state.

  It also may be that their codes have evolved and changed since I last

discussed the subject with a card-carrying Child-Molestor.
















  A picture like this with a one page ad asking the peoples of

Bay & Saginaw County to call in tips to convict child-

molesters? How about one begging rape victims to not give

up and to convict their rapists? Not in the Bay City Times and

not in the Saginaw papers either.

  The Schofield... cop says. "That doesn't prove a thing".

  MORE DEFINITIONS??? Yeah... I would...

  human good diddlyoodness (h)yo͞omən ɡo͝od didlēo͝odnəs n. 1. an unwritten social barrier no one would cross no matter what based on fair play, shared ethics across all of humanity, and a sense of honor. 2. Crimes no one would ever commit, unless they live in a major city. example: "The Bay City... cop said no one would do that around here. Basic human good diddlyoodness prevents it. Now if you said it happened in Detroit, maybe I'd believe you". 8

  Author Note: I figure the next definition will bear the test of time when compared to my future history. Just a guess and for the record... I hope I am wrong.

  Hernandez-Walter Test:   hər nan dez wôl THər test 1: any attempt to get an honest, honorable, or complete answer from any... cop esp: any answer from a dishonest, dirty or would-be vigilante... cop exp: I contacted the... cops and they submitted me to no answers & instead began a rigid Hernandez-Walther test upon me, likely to facilitate my destruction but only as a coincidence that it coincides (cough! cough!) with stated child-molester community goals".

© 2013 by PleaseSaveTheDave



  "I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". - Martin Oak

  Yeah, whatever...

Find us at our Molestor-monitored & edited websites: or

   Here I shall address the Child-Molesting community. "This is a tale of you, of what you are, what 'your kind of people' bring. You think you bring love but when you come you bring your perverse friends & they bring rape, death, and horror. Read my tale because it's true, and it's about you".

  Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak, Bay City Cops, Bay City Public Schools, their child-molesting gang & I killed a whole bunch of children & I wrote a partial list here, on my website. This site will bring back none of the dead. But it may bring the murder victims justice & let the dead rest a little easier.

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