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How the Child-Molestors treat children who... "get in the way'...With the full help of the... cops...
TWO MORE FOR THE ROAD... A children's tale about pain, rape, torture, and death in America...

  This tale of gang-rape, child-torture, and murder is brought to you by the Michigan State Police and their partners in crime the Bay City Police (To whom the story is dedicated for entertainment purposes only... Who'd want to insult two such fine upstanding agencies anyway?)

  Yeah, yeah, yeah... the school... the darkened giant room... the best and most dedicated perverts of the Child-Molestors together with me in a room... Uniformed Michigan State... cops standing guard... and me. Just me.


  Today I'm sitting in the Red-Horned Teacher's classroom in fall of 1976 at my desk beside my fellow students. In turn they deliver slaps to my face and then run to the front of the classroom where they are in view of the camera wielding Duh Jerk and his enforcer The Gym Teacher. This goes on for weeks and stops only when I get too bruised up and people start to notice me. After a while, I just gave up. They stand in the class and slap me over and over for the better part of the hour and make taunts, on film.

  A few braggarts say things like. "That proves that the gym never happened because if you were tough you'd never let someone do that to you". They also bragged that the way they were treating me was simply, same old, same old to them. That the Child-Molestor Bosses saw things like this as a character-building event. It turned children on both sides of the pain into people they could use, their kind of people, & into their shell-shocked victims who will whimper and beg to do any base perversion if only for a moment's rest from the never-ending pain.

  Phht... the pain didn't even rate an average session over the disappearance of a penny at my place. I KNOW THE READER SUSPECTS I'M EXAGGERATING BUT I'M NOT.

  Many months of this went on. Barely rated as comparable to a bad week at my _ _ _ _ _ _'s (honor honor honor) place.

  "WE'VE GOT YOU FRAMED FOR ENOUGH STUFF TO INSURE YOU GET A LIFE SENTENCE! So you'd better obey to us from now on". I heard versions of the sentence from a ton of C.M. my whole life.

  My response? As a teen I recall my response while shaking my head often was "So what? You guys have already framed me enough for a hundred life sentences anyway".


  Years later another card-carrying Child-Molestor was giving me his "You'd better obey us or else speech". He, they figured I could go to the... cops and whine all I wanted. Their plethora of lies, the cover-ups, and the people in my life they recruited would assure them victory....


  "You know most of the children we use against you are from other cities don't you"?

  "Yeah, I already figured that one out".

  "How do you figure"?

  "Because if they came from Bay City I'd have bumped into a few of them a lot more. That and the kids from the gym told me that you used kids from other cities to do your dirty work around here and a few of your people bragged about it over the years in the [Bunga-Bunga] Garages when I was being raped".

  "Ohhh. You know most of the people you killed came from other cities don't you"?

  "I figured as much".

  "When you tell the cops about the murders they'll tell you you're crazy because the number of people you killed wont pan out with the number of people that are reported killed around here".


  Eh, there's more than one reason they conduct drugged interrogations. During one I let slip I planned to write a website exposing them.

  "Go ahead, we'll sabotage it".

  "You killed those 3 women. You know that right"?

  I was perplexed by his claim. "I thought I killed everybody there. What? Are you sure because I stabbed everybody else there a whole bunch of times"?

  "Yeah I'm sure".

  "What? Are you positive because I twisted that one pug guy's head until his neck snapped? I'm almost positive that I killed him".

  "I wasn't there. All I know is that they [the gang] reported to me that the 3 women died and that everybody else has made a full recovery".

  "I don't know, I stabbed everybody there at least a few times and stabbed that one guy a whole bunch of times. I don't see how he could've lived".

  "All I know is what they tell me. The only ones who died were the 3 women and everyone else is going to make a full recovery".

  To be continued...





  To change the subject... I've lost. No really. I really really have lost against the Child-Molestors and I am totally screwed... most likely. I recall Jerk's "obligatory snitch", you know, the guy no recreational serial-killer would send to a victim, "it's unethical"! Yeah, the Last Snitch, he bragged on and on about the gang's invincibility before police and the community and exactly how they planned to do it. "The police will never appreciate how many people we've motivated to hate you". "Jerk arms people and gets tells them not to hurt you and then lets you off the drugs". "You don't even realize it but you've killed people all over the country. Once you kill some of them he blackmails the rest by telling them 'when this all comes out you'd better be prepared to spend whatever it takes to make sure he goes down because if I go down I'm taking you with me". "These are powerful people. The kind of people who don't like being controlled and they've amassed a war chest to take you down".

  Yeah, yeah, yeah, big money, sex, betrayal, rape, drugs, film film film, we'll stalk you until the day you die, we're hi-tech, yada yada yada, internet interception, we'll intercept your e-mails, websites? Yeah, we'll have a few of our cable repairmen tap a line and stop that too. Cell phone? Yeah, we own towers, we buy towers as needed, and we have those cheap little gizmos that can intercept calls that no... cop would believe any honest, entirely ethical crook would use in an extended stalking.

  Me? I'm most likely doomed and I know it. Always was since I was a toddler. Lost... Yup... I ain't saying I'm a loser, just "not the winner". Whine whine whine... Yeah... Whatever...



  I once had a conversation with a uniformed on-duty Bay City... cop in front of a large group of his peers while pleading my case to them. He said. "You almost had me until you said they [the Child-Molestors gang] were tech-savy". His peers agreed with him.

  So I asked if he knew and child-pervs himself, has he ever discussed the logistics of the lifestyle with any of them, and what his opinion of the typical child-molester was, what kind of person did he imagine they tended to be?

  He hadn't met any child-pervs himself, nor had he discussed the logistics of the lifestyle, but he assumed they would be an honorable lot as a whole. "I picture them as perverts wearing glasses sitting at computers reading child-porn".

  "But not tech-savy"? My saying cut him badly, I could see it on his face.



  Oops... now that the whining is out of the way (Just got ANOTHER letter "allegedly" written by a grammatically challenged F.B.I. Agent, I'm up to $25 Million dollars in cash just waiting for me, or so the e-mail says) I thought I'd write about the base perversion story today to celebrate the winter solstice.

  It's a story about some of the worst, maybe the worst base perversion ever inflicted on a victim anywhere, an act the Child-Molestors bring up from time to time that they boast is one of the many things that will ultimately insure them total victory, not only against myself, but against all of their other victims as well once the police begin siding with them for whatever their reasons are (bribes, idiocy, indifference, incompetence, the list goes on and the C.M. brag they have a list of what all of their pet... cops, honest or otherwise tend to fall for every time).

  Eh, for reasons of creativity, procrastination, or just because I'm avoiding writing the middle of the story "Two more for the road"... I'm going to begin this particular true life inflicted upon me by madmen tale in the middle, the moment after I cautiously opened the door to the 2 story middle-classed home to attempt another escape. What happened inside the building? I'll tell you. Picture the worst perversion you can imagine... okay, it's worse than that. Now try to picture the worst perversion a team of professional perverted madmen could think up... okay, my guess is... it was worse than that in there.

  The Child-Molestors often brag that I can feel free to tell my story, that they've engineered it, that they are such masters of manipulating opinion, that so powerful are their contacts legal and otherwise, that I con tell my story all I want and even if the entire world come to believe it, that it is they who will be perceived by all who hear it as heroes.

  Sooo... this is a tale of the heroic Child-Molestors vs... bad, bad me. When they tell it to me it's a tale of epic heroism on their part. I say it's a tale coming to a school near you if you fail to win against the gang. Eh, we'll see.

  Here goes...

  It was broad daylight on an otherwise beautiful summer day in a lower middle-class neighborhood by my exhausted drug-addled sleep-deprived recollection when I chose to poke my head out of the 2 story dimly-lit house I was in. I'd suppose that if you were standing outside the door you'd be able to see several women's bodies near the door and other than the awkward position and location they were lying in think nothing was was amiss. Excepting that I was covered, drenched in blood from head to toe wearing jeans and possibly a t-shirt (maybe, maybe not. It's fuzzy at the time of this writing). Inside the only furniture was 2 tables and to the curious the weird thing (yeah, THIS is the weird part, righttttt...) is that the 2 story home has the entire 2nd floor completely cut out, only a skeletal remain of it still lingers in the form of a second floor only a few inches wide circling the now 2 room house.

  Me? Newly acquired jackknife in hand I slowly peeked my head out the door, searching for any obvious signs of which house is the house the gang bragged contains a small army. The world was rippling fiercely and I'm near sighted, I couldn't figure it out but I could tell I was in the suburbs bordered by houses in all directions an a large empty lot in front of me. So I elected to walk slowly to the corner of the house nearest the first street I saw.

  When I looked around the corner I saw that the uniformed Bay City... cop Dirty Cop himself was there standing next to his official marked police car talking to 2 jocks who themselves had a row of otherwise mundane cars parked on the well taken care of lawn.

  Yeah, so I took off the other way running as fast as I could and changing direction often as though I had someone right on my heels.

  Sooo... Once I got winded, I started walking... It's surprising how people treat you if you're covered in blood from head to toe. Several people came out of their homes and asked me. "Are you okay? Do you want any help"?

  Me? I had a bad case of the "Don't trust no one's" so I turned them down politely.

  By my recollection I walked a few more blocks, then I realized that I was completely lost. So I randomly picked a direction and chose to walk in an otherwise straight line. I ducked into alleys and kept moving whenever a marked... cop car came near making my route even more twisted. Eventually, who knows how long I walked, I came to a busy 2 lane street. It was the auto dealership across the street that I first recognized. I was in Bay City's south-end looking south through heavy traffic.

  At first I thought I might simply head home to my Michigan Ave. home. I judged that as too dangerous to try to attempt covered entirely in blood. So I made my way (running) to the nearby marina where I pictured myself cleaning up at the river.

  How'd that plan work? Not so good. My guess is that if you show up at a marina covered in blood and refusing help people are going to notice and completely freak out as a whole. Whether it was a local thing or if it's that way everywhere who can say? Frankly, I didn't think it was in my best interest to even think of sticking around so I beat feet out of there by hugging the boxes and boats and, doing a few things that are fuzzy at the time of this writing to defend myself from people who forcefully got in my way for whatever their reasons were. Very fuzzy...

  Now I had a goal, walk through the hidden dens inside the marina heading south to find a spot in the river where I could clean up paralleling the railroad tracks. Eventually, I left the marina and came walking towards the remains of Bay City's former Cass-Avenue bridge.

  The environs around the bridge were a happening place back when I was 23 or so. There were 2 main groups of partiers that I could see. The first were positioned around 4 or 5 small boats and everyone had a drink in their hands, maybe 10-15 people who were mostly in their 20s to 40s by my recollection.

  The rest of the revelers about an equal number of people, maybe more were all by a very nice patio table that seated maybe 8-10 people who had the aforementioned group of people next to them nursing the keg that was next to the table.

  How'd it go? Well, I'll say it like this... there's a way I pictured people might react to my sudden appearance... and then there's what happened. Eh, I grow weary of this, today. Soooo... I plan to continue the story later, God willing. To be continued... Eh, see "The destruction of the Cass Avenue Bridge changed the group dynamic"...





  How to difigure children... and come out looking like the good guy...


  Sooo... there I was, strapped face-down to a table, butt up with my pants around my ankles, again... sigh... I was in a dimly-lit room, maybe a hall, maybe a hotel cafeteria with dark walls minus the tables. The walls were dark, like the mood and lights and framed art hung from them here and there. Children, teens, and a few adults were here and there. The adults primarily being Duh Jerk and the door guard Jocks.

  It was after the big rape, I was the center attraction and sodomized by a roomful of attendants howsoever much they'd desired. The few I chatted with during my fleeting lucid moments told me they knew it was rape. A rape they were proud to participate in, being that I was such a scumbag. They all felt good about it, and they, like most of my rapists, told me in so many words that they felt they had the moral high-ground.

  Right now Duh Jerk is breaking in his largest Lt. to date by my recollection. He was about 18ish, maybe more, maybe less and had a huge football player physique. At least 6'5" to 6'7". Hard to tell lying face down but eh, read on.

  Duh Jerk was teaching him the ins and out of the biz. Victims are just that. Victims and never to be treated with honor nor dignity except on film.

  The Lt. seemed to have a difficult time grasping the concept and Duh Jerk seemed to be re-explaining the subject over and over. Then he said. "Like this". Then he rummaged through my pants, took my wallet, and took the cash and returned the wallet to my pocket.

  Me? As if telling this improves the believably of my tale. Atheist me, Christian me when on their drug(s?) prayed to God that I might be able to pass gas as Duh Jerk's face was perfectly positioned as a target.

  Then.... I let out a nasty foul-smelling fart! R-R-R-R-RIP!

  Duh Jerk only looked at me and turned his animated expression to an expressionless one.

  We locked eyes and I told him. "It's the thought that counts".

  He seemed irritated and turned to his Lt. and said. "Like that! He should never profit by what we do to him".

  All total the take was less than $5, though he did leave me with whatever change I had. It was the absolute last bit of my money... and more cash was coming into my life anytime soon and we all knew it.

  I recall his Lt. saying. "You would take a guy's last dollar"? With a horrified expression on his face.

  Yeah, yeah, yeah, they were preparing the place for thee next round of gang-rapes. All in all it was more boring than anything. Lay there and watch children go too and fro preparing the place for their next rape.

  Eventually I was doped anew for the next round of rapes. Fade to black...

  In a moment of time I became lucid and assessed the situation before me. The gang were playing their slap game, where the teens smack a victim, laugh, and then toss them to the next participant who repeats. FUN! FUN! FUN! Fun for them... not me. The teens were 8 total, 5 men, 3 women all about 17 or 18, average builds, stood about 5'4" to 5'6", and all would be considered handsome or pretty. Two jocks, one, the massive Lt. from before armed with a dagger, and another about my height and 50lbs lighter with an athletic build and a revolver. We were in a smaller room but judging by the architecture we were in the same building. Did I mention we were being filmed? EVERYTHING the Child-Molestors do IS on film. EVERYTHING! And this time was no different, the camera stood proudly to one side filming everything with it's unblinking eye.

  I hit a few of the teens, prompting them to back off of me. Actually I hit them all, a bunch of times and they gave up, retreating to the back of the room leaving me between them and the guards. Presumably to wait a few seconds for drugs to reset my memory as they are trained to do.

  Me? The pressure was on! I figured I had to act fast as I had no idea how long I had until their drugs reset my memory! On the quick I hatched a plan. So I approached the guards who threatened me with their weapons! Sooo... I acted delirious... put on a fake smile and said a sentence of nonsense and walked towards the door... the door and the smaller Jock! He lowered his pistol to grab me in a mundane, easy-going manner.

  Me? I exploded! First I split my fingers 2x2 into a "V" and jammed them into his eyes as hard as I could! Then I grabbed his pistol and kicked his knee and turned to face the giant Lt. and fired the pistol at him. BANG! He went down! Then I popped 2 into the other Jock! BANG! BANG! And then turned my attention to the crowd.

  I told them to group up all the while thinking. "GRRRR! Anger is the key! I've got to keep my blood flowing or the drugs will overcome me! GRRRR"!

  Incredibly, after begging to be freed, one of them said. "Are you okay? Do you need some help"? A very trained response designed to pacify a potentially violent victim who's long-term memory may have reset.

  I planned my escape... and it didn't involve them calling the army that might be on the other side of the door. So I checked the revolver. 3 rounds. "I've only got 3 bullets left so I'm going to need everybody to form 3 lines and put your heads together".

  "Is he serious"? A girl asked.

  A teen boy said. "He's only got 3 bullets left. We should all rush him. He cant get us all".

  So I shot him in the heart. BANG! He dropped. "Now I need everybody to form 2 lines". It occured to me that in times past the Child-Molestors have teased me that I'd disabled a guard, then left, and everything I needed to escape had been on the guard for the finding. Sooo... then I turned to the jocks, hoping to find another weapon or maybe even more ammo. The little Jock had only been playing dead and he grabbed both of my arms when I tried to search him. "I GOT HIS ARMS HELP ME YOU GUYS"! In seconds the gang piled on me, others opened the door and troops poured in. Fade to black...


  Duh Jerk bitch-slapped me awake and stepped behind his guards as is his custom. As I stood I could tell we were in the big room again and the assembled army of Child-Molestors now stood before me. Both Jocks, the 8, and a whole bunch of Jocks and non-jocks all clad in gang-land black.

  Duh Jerk informed me of what had happened and what was about to happen because of it. The pistol had only 1 real bullet in it, as is their custom during that particular type of torture session for a variety of reasons & the participants were not aware of that fact. I'd shot the Lt. in the mouth and he'd lost a bunch of teeth and was disfigured for life.... but the gang would fund his facial reconstruction in part as revenge against me (made no sense to me but, eh, anything to get them to waste their hard-earned cash is okay by me). I'd poked out the right-eye of the other Jock. The gun had blanks in it, such that it hurt & winded the guy I'd shot in the chest. He'd dropped because he'd thought he was dead and now wanted revenge on me based on the teasing he'd received because he'd "soiled himself". The gang actually mocked "Soilshimself" then and there and Duh Jerk told me he'd had to wear the exact same pair of pants as when we'd met last time which embarrassed him all the more and created even more mocking of him (loyalty? to them? The Child-Molestors? Phhhht! Not worth it!). Now, they would all get a chance to have their revenge on me while I was on their "strength reducing drug(s?)" and beat me to near death as revenge for what I'd done to them.

  First was the Lt. who was using a cane which he handed to a guard pal. When I told them I didn't believe I'd really shot him he proved it by removing his bandages. The hole was just above his lip, under his nose and to his left. Under it was jagged stitched and like a square-cut 2" x about 1" high section of his jaw & upper lip were removed & the teeth of his upper lip were now exposed. When I still called him a liar he put his fingers in the holes to prove they were real. Blood loss was the reason he had the cane and he figured he could and would whup me easy being I was on strength reducing drug(s?) and due to his recent transfusion.

  Me? Stalling for time I counciled the Lt. that there would be no plastic surgery for him as promised. That I knew the vain gang better than he in ways and that it is a gang tradition that once a gang-member's face gets marked that the gang kills them because they are marked men.

   Duh Jerk assured Lt. with a poorly framed poker-face I was wrong... and the gang would gladly dig deep into their pockets to fund surgery (for a gangbanger who's a marked man and now useless to them).

  Then Lt. attacked! He got in a few good licks! POP! POP! We danced... then, he fell for my "go to move". I took him to the ground, kicked him in the head a few times, and then Duh Jerk ordered his troops to restrain me. Lt. shook it off in seconds and he got up ready for round 2 but Duh Jerk informed him that he'd had his chance and failed.

  Lil Jock stepped up. WOW! Was he angry. "YOU POKED OUT MY EYE"! He said it a few times.

  I told him I had no sympathy for him. Seeing he was wearing an eye patch I figured it was unlikely he was yet used to fighting using only one eye. I figured he'd be weak to his right side so I switched to fighting as a left-handed person might fight. I wondered if he'd fall for the same move twice?

  He attacked! So I used my go to move as soon as he got to me, knocked him off his feet, & kicked him in the head! This seemed to knock him senseless and he made no effort to protect himself and began talking gibberish as far as I could tell. So I kicked him a few more times, then it occurred to me to kill him. So I stomped on his throat with my steel-toed boots that I often wore! Duh Jerk ordered me restrained and they brought forth "the Doctor" who assessed his injuries. "I think I can save him. Help me get him to a table"! Jocks lifted the body to the table and it seemed like, after using a  flurry of insterments, the Doctor pronounced the Jock would live but had to go to the hospital... now! So they rushed him off.

  All attention focused on me. Now Duh Jerk assured me I would be beat down by the 8. Both as revenge for how I treated them and because Lil Jock was their good friend.

  They assembled in front of me and promised me a disfiguring beating as revenge. Particularly Soilshimself who did most of the threatening. The way they saw it was they were the good guys in the room. Being that I was such an awful serial-killer and all. They ALL had seen the films and called me a liar when I protested innocence.

  I thought. "They saw the films"? I hatched a plan. I put on my best game face & told them that they knew I was a killer, there was no denying the films. But that I'd bested the 8 in combat already and taken out the 2 toughest guys in the room. Fight me and the 1st to attack me dies or gets disfigured. "Maybe I'll bite off their nose or something". So  I stared them down by starting with Soilshomself first who lasted a fair amount of time, eh, longer than the rest did when I changed targets.

  A standoff occurred... I won. They chickened out.

  Duh Jerk flew into a rage at the participants! 8 had chickened out before me?!?!?!?! Everyone was going to be punished for this!

  The gang begged for rematches and in a rage he refused them all and ordered me drugged and released much to the dismay of everyone involved! He told the 10 that while they couldn't beat me down they could help the troops take me down and drug me and hit me in the body all they desired. He smiled and said. "Just don't hit him in the face".

  Yeah, I fought. Usually do. I lasted a solid 10 seconds... maybe. Injected with who knows what?

  In the past the fade to sleep was usually kind of calm, almost an eerie serene calm as serial-killers stand staring with blank expressions while another victim passes out, maybe for the last time ever because the gang have ALL told me they've seen overdoses. They'd ALL seen victims die... slowly... slowly and solely for their gratification... slowly... All of'em I ever asked told me they've seen it... been a part of it... all...

  This time the gang mercilessly pounded on me before and after I was drugged & my transition to the slumbering world was not an easy one.

  Fade to black...


  A lesson taught to me by the best... THEY came out of it looking like the good guys... I hear the children involved were ALL raped and tortured for fun and profit later as a "punishment" and now they ALL  hate me... they all hate me and cant wait to further my destruction. The above tale is dedicated to the fine men and women of the Bay City... F.B.I. Agents and their civilian staff, without whom none of this would be possible.

I'd suppose that this one is on the wrong webpage... sigh...

TORTURING CHILDREN IS EASY... As long as you follow the advice taught to me by the best... Now available for the low low price of... FREE!!!


  Sooo... you like torturing children huh? I've been tortured a lot so I'm what you'd call an expert on the subject.  It's really very easy to do and there's a ton of people out there, even in America, who will be all too glad to help you do it. A few, will really really enjoy the thought of kids screaming in agony. The rest, well... my guess is that they too will enjoy it once your many films of your demonized victims "put them in the mood". When you torture kids like this... the... cops will help you do it. I promise.

  Believe me, I've been a victim of a rape gang for over 50 years now & I'll tell you this... this works!

  Add in the props... a table with row after row of plates

upon which are drugs, pills, syringes, powders, and herbs

of every sort, a pairing knife, a fire-extinguisher and a

powerful hose, and an adjustable stocks, child-sized, very

sturdily constructed, you know, so as to trap one's head

and hands between 2 blocks of wood to better facilitate

raping children more effectively. It's going on all over

America even as I write this. Though I never met a

snickering... cop who didn't agree that the act was less

common when I was a child in the 70s as though the fact

made the slightest difference in the projected prices of tea in distant Asian countries.

  I answered the men whom I'd never seen before regarding their accusations that I'd killed their friends, fellow recreational child-torturers and rapists according to them. At first... I denied their accusations. "I wouldn't kill anyone. I'm a Christian and a pacifist".

  They retorted, asking me to recall the recent few weeks that they'd made me to endure at the hands of their friends. I'll bet a look of shock came over my face at the very moment that their accusations began to make sense. So my drug-Addled and sleep deprived mind formulated a defense, a very truthful defense. My new defense to their accusations was... laughably. "But I thought I was dreaming".

  They told me that they knew that, that the fact didn't matter one bit. Now I would pay for the act by being driven mad as revenge by this group of their friends, fellow recreational child-torturers. They had no intention of killing me, the plan was to drive me insane through systematic torture, sleep-deprivation, and a constant stream of perversion applied as only masters of the craft could imagine. My family had handed me over, there was no escape, the police were here to ensure that there was no possibility I could be helped nor believed by anyone who might casually or accidentally try to help me.


  TWO MORE FOR THE ROAD... Whatever...

  This is a story about how to stalk torture and rape a child for their entire life with impunity, a story about how to do it, and get police and the various social services of society to help you to do it.. FOR FREE! Just do it perversely and once you begin never stop. It's that easy and it always works. My name is David A. George and I wholeheartedly endorse this strategy. IT WORKS!

  Times were rough for me in the 70s. Violence in massive doses could come at any moment and the proximity to family, school, or the local police only increased the ferocity thereof. You see I was being stalked by a gang and they bragged that their winning formula was al they had to do was tell their victims a bazillion lies and when those didn't pan out the cops would never believe them.

  Oops.. let me add in a... cop quote here to amuse myself. "No one would do that to someone".

  I'd suppose that this is part 5 of 5. Eh, sooo... we arrived at my _ _ _ _ _ _'s Parent's place early in the day. It was an unusual time of day to go there. My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) quickly dismissed The Guy I Suspect Society Will Call Serial Rapist and his siblings by ordering them into the large back yard. We went into the house and it was filled with about 20+ men, middle class in appearance and dress, and in their 20s to 40s milling about the various rooms. It wasn't strange at all that I'd never seen any of the men before, this was a common occurrence at this place. The only thing that struck me strange was the number of men indoors, and the obvious absence of children.

  My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) ordered me to wait for her in the living room and she went into the nearby kitchen. The men chatted mostly and again the only thing strange was a few of them chatted with me. A VERY SERIOUS NO NO at that place. The other weird thing? While we talked a camera on a tripod by the front door filmed us talking. Weird...

  A short guy, about 5'4" or less in his 20s with a thin build, brown hair, and wearing birth control glasses (I call them that because it's unlikely anyone could get a woman pregnant while wearing such thick black glasses) came walking up to me. He announced to me that he was one of the crime bosses that owned my family. "You killed those 4 kids you son of a b _ _ _ _ and I'm going to make you pay for that". "To cover up the murder of those 4 kids the bosses panicked and kidnapped 4 other kids at random and killed them to cover it up because too many people knew about how you killed the 1st kids". He described some late night road he'd dumped the bodies at personally with My Cousin and his boys. The camera had been introduced for several reasons. First was to film me chatting with these men so that there would be a film to show police what great friends we were when the cops showed up to investigate the beating/crippling that I was about to report to them. Second it was for proof that I had been beaten and maimed to the families of the dead who'd paid for revenge against me. Third, it would become a treasured film he could put in his personal archives and enjoy again and again because he liked that sort of thing.

  "And these guys are going to beat up a child"? It sounded absurd to me.

  Yes he assured me. "These guys are all blackmailed enough that I can send them to prison for life. They'll be glad to beat a scumbag like you down and wait for the cops to show up and tell them they only did it because you were such a scumbag". A soiled little girl was waiting nearby to accuse me of heinous things and a few films were placed here and there to leave investigating cops no doubt that I was the real scumbag in the conversation. These men could cripple me and look forward to little or no time in prison and just might come out of it as heroes.

  Then he invited me to look out the front window and to notice the uniformed Bay City Police Officer standing in the front yard. "He is here so that after they cripple you and you call the cops he'll be the first officer on the scene and that'll make him the officer in charge of your case". He saluted the smiling... cop who saluted him back, then he jumped into his marked patrol car and drove north.

  "So I'll call the State Police instead". Eh, my big mouth.

  "Good. thanks for the heads up. I'll just have a few kids run down the road and get him when you try to call the cops".

   With that he summoned My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) and she announced a gauntlet would begin for an unspecified transgression. Not at all unusual in and of itself and was quite common. She began the gauntlet as was her custom. Slaps were usually to the face but poorly aimed slaps might hit me anywhere in the face or the neck. Sometimes she used simple quick little slaps and other times she focused her entire being into them and connected with broad ful swings that involved every major muscle of her body, like today.SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! I've chose to write a mere 20 slaps for each participant though many slapped me much more often and a few chose to hit me with less slaps.

  I learned a subtil little trick during my many gauntlets. As the blow connects you simply roll with the blow, a subtil head turn timed at the exact moment of the blow really and truly reduced the damage.



  I think it was after the 3rd guy that My _ _ _ _ _ _ chose to leave with the guy in birth control glasses I'll nickname "Mr Serious".

  Usually, when she left my gauntlets went from bad to worse and this time it went straight to worse. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! PUNCH! "Dodge" PUNCH! "Dodge" PUNCH! "Dodge" PUNCH! "Dodge" PUNCH! "Dodge" PUNCH! "Dodge" PUNCH! "Dodge" PUNCH! "Dodge" KICK! "DODGE" PUNCH! "BLOCK"

  The men line up, a few close to use slaps, but  became punches wixed with kicks for a long time. Ow... Other than glancing blows the wide round-houses and swinging kicks they used were easy to dodge and block from the guys I'll nickname "The Pot-Belly Crew of the Child-Molestors". At first it was a carnival-like atmosphere of wild blows where one by one the Pot-Bellied crew tired themselves out. After a time, it grew deadly quiet, sinister, and very demanding. Pot-Bellies yelled things like. "HIT HIM"! "COME ON! HIT HIM! HE CANT BLOCK US ALL"!

  The 20 had their turn one by one. ME? I took it, I was cornered after all. But I didn't take it quietly. I subtly, and I do mean subtly mocked them while they attacked. Both for their combat inadequacies and for what they were doing to a child. I prayed and I prayed. Here's what happened.



  Trivia: There were never more than 8 men in the living room attacking me at a time, the rest were spread out between the nearby kitchen and the bathroom hallway where "The ordeal in the back hall" occurred regularly.



  Time went on and one by one they either exhausted themselves or more often quit because they were humiliated. They gave up... They quit... All was quiet and we just stood there for a while. Then I walked through the midst of them into the bathroom where I licked my wounds & then went about my business and My _ _ _ _ _ _'s Parent's place like it was business as usual because it wasn't really that unusual, in a way.

  In a short time my _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) summoned me to the living room where the camera was nowhere to be seen. She was furious that I'd "skipped out on my just gauntlet".

  I protested innocence. What could I do, the men quit hitting me & I assumed the pain for an unnamed offense had come to an end.

  Not so she assured me. Now it would be all the worse because I dared to leave.  She pointed to the windowless corner of the living room and shouted. "STAND THERE AND DON'T MOVE NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO TO YOU"!

  Of course I protested the conspiracy before me but her orders were clear. "DON'T YOU MOVE FROM THAT SPOT NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO TO YOU"!

  I was The Good Kid, a title & a nickname I answered to for a reason. I was a Christian, and the bible is VERY clear... "Children obey your parents". There was no escape clause, no loophole, I figured that if I was going to live I had to keep my ethics pure or God wouldn't help me. Here's what happened...

  My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) left.

  Mr. Serious angrily ordered the Pot-Bellied crew to either cripple or kill me... OR ELSE! Then he left leaving the Pot-Belly Crew and myself staring at each other. They seemed uncertain of how to begin, who should go first. "You go first". "No you go first". "Well someone start this".

  I capitalized on their indecision. I pointed out that I'd bested every single one of them, that attacking me was foolhardy because they knew I was a killer and any attack would only end in death for them.

  "It's all of us against just you and you're just a kid".

  I recognized that guy! He'd been in the schoolroom where the 4 children had died. "I know you know I can kill large groups of people". So fighting me was stupid.

  He pointed to his crew. "Yeah but they don't know that".

  I said. "Yeah, but they ain't stupid. That guy (I pointed to where Mr. Serious had just left) already told you guys I'm a killer and they can tell by your reluctance that what I'm saying is true". The Pervs looked ever more agitated.

  "It's still all of us against one kid. Back in the school you had a knife. How much damage do you think you can do to all of us before we kill you".

  "You here that guys? This ain't a simple beating, it's murder one now". They got more nervous. I spied next to me an angel statue on my left, a treasured glass graven image I'd counciled my _ _ _ _ _ _'s Mother to get rid of. "If you attack I'm going to grab that angel and break the end off and stab you with it".

  THAT"S when the most infuriating part of the story happened (well, it ticked me off until this very day)... ONE OF THEM PLAYED THE RELIGION CARD!!!!!! HE played the religion card ON ME! He made a statement that surely angels and EVEN God might be offended if I wreck a religious artifact for the paltry reason of saving my life and limb. GRRRR...

  I told him I don't believe in graven images and I was pretty sure that angels would want me to bust the statue and stab any child-cripplers and child-murderers that presented themselves.

  "We should all just rush him".

  I put on my best game face and said. "I'm going to stab the first one who attacks. The rest of you might get me but I'll kill whoever is the first on to attack me". Then I pointed to Mr. Beenthere. "And you know I WILL do it".

  We stood there for a minute or so... eventually a guy said. "Screw this s _ _ _ I'm leaving". A few men counciled him that they'd been warned not to leave or be punished... "Child-Molestor Style". A few men followed and the rest of them broke up.

  Me? I stood there for a while while the remaining men chatted among themselves. Then, Mr. Serious and My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) arrived with angry looks covering their faces. Very, very angry...

  Mr. Serious was livid! "ALL OF YOU AGAINST ONE KID"!? He was furious I'd not only lived, but with few injuries.

  "The kid's tougher than he looks". They protested innocence.


  I recall the back and forth ended when one of the pervs said. "The kid's a killer".

  Mr. Serious was furious about not only my survival, but that some of the men had left, thus compromising the entire situation. He was cancelling the plan now and going to torture me and punish everybody for what happened here.

  My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) protested because as far as she was concerned she'd obeyed every order and felt she didn't deserve punishment.

  Mr. Serioous countered that just she deserved punishment if only because my existence was the cause as far as he saw it.

  So he ordered My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) to begin a gauntlet on me and she ordered me to stand in place while they administered a gauntlet. So I did. She slapped me over and over. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!


  Then the men lined up and they slapped me over and over, each one represented by a single slap though they did many, many more as each saw fit and some of those were in a rage knowing that the punishments handed down by the Child-Molestors were often horrible indeed. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!

  I was excused into the bathroom to clean up and dress my wounds...

  When I came out My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) handed me a cups and ordered me. "HERE! DRINK THIS"!

  So I did. The memory begins to break up at and just before this point, I recall the room spinning... I couldn't keep my balance anymore... so I sat on the floor of the living-room... then I could no longer keep upright... I was laying on the floor... & then while a room full of my torturers stood silently watching, blackness...

  It was about 2 days later by my recollection when My Cousin ordered me to get him a beer. So I did. He stood smiling. It seems he'd had an awesome week and had me to thank for it and he wanted to gloat. You see, those men who'd failed to cripple me had been punished, en-mass in the very school I'd been tortured at and killed tht young runaway girl for My Nemesis. "It was great"! They'd decided to do a boot camp styled punishment, A few days of living hell to teach the men a lesson. Well, torturing people was his hobby and even worse his friends hobby as well. They called them and they tortured the men with sex-acts, films, hoses, and every sort of torture they could imagine. "It was only supposed to last for a few days but we called our friends and they called their friends and the whole thing lasted a week where we tortured them". "He described it, I wont but imagine masters of the craft, "Having a good time". "They don't know it but now that we know those guys will put up with that there's going to be more sessions and this isn't over for them by a long-shot". He bragged he was going to charge perv-admission and those men would pay for their mistake. The Bosses were happy because the situation was under control and they made money out of it in ways they hadn't imagined and I got punished as a show of force and as an example to the child-molester community of the gang's power. He looked up and away & added. "You backed down 20 men by yourself, not bad".

  He also bragged that many of the men would die, because now way too many people knew about the killings. All in all, it was a fantastic week because he liked this sort of thing, torturing and killing were his and his friends hobby.

  In the end the Bosses put an end to it when one of the men committed suicide and 2 others tried. They'd whined about the murders and begged for the privilege to kill me for the gang and he promised me they were all motivated enough by the experience to remain active in my life for revenge for all time.

  "A week"? I asked. "But I met those guys 2 days ago.

  Not so he assured me. "After your _ _ _ _ _ _ drugged you we took you from town to town and made you have sex with a bunch of different animal everywhere you went for a week until your bruises healed. Don't you remember"?

  Yeah, I did remember.

  "We dressed you up like a little girl and we beat the crap out of you everyplace you went so we could have films to prove that you're not tough".

  "But I'm not tough".

  He disagreed.


  NO ONE WOULD DO THAT... To someone... Alternate title: Another tale of epic Child-Molestor heroism...

  The latest threat as of 2015?  "Now we intend to break your wrist every time we kidnap you. Eventually it'll get infected and you'll lose your hand".

  I'd like to thank the Bay City Police... The Saginaw Police, and the Bay City, Saginaw & Detroit F.B.I. for making everything on this website possible.


  How'd I get out of The Bomb-Shelter Garage? Dragged out handcuffed to the next door building near Bay City's Vet's Bridge.

  How'd I get out of there?

  The pair of guards, about 18 years old, never saw them before, never saw them again (obviously) were tasked with the next "PRACTICAL"... ummm... I'm not entirely sure what their goal was. I was doped out of my mind. They pulled me out of my cell, then they turned their back on me.

  In a moment of time I became lucid. I figured they were going to kill me. If not for things I did in the past then for thing's I'd recently done. I hatched a plan. I walked up behind the 1st Jock & snapped his neck. Not an easy task, but easier when attacking from surprise. Snapping a neck is not easy, but with lots of practice it becomes easier.

  The other Jock seemed quite angry. He pulled a knife. Then he laughed at me. He told me his knife was sharp, and mine was dull. A precaution with new gang bangers so they don't hurt themselves or prisoners. Now he would kill me.

  Me? I felt that knife. Yup. Dull as they come. SO I adjusted my grip from uppercut slashing stance to an overhand stabbing down & told him a blunt knife would kill him just as dead as a sharp one. In my opinion... he was very optimistic to fight me.

  Dirty... cop picked me up dazed out of my mind a few blocks later. Or so he bragged. They bragged. It seems that if you're delirious & drenched in blood then some people are inclined to call the... cops on you.

  Not the 1st time I've been picked up by... cops drenched in blood, not the last either.

  Duh Jerk told them, the 4 Stars & the assembled Active Duty Crew that killing me, my public destruction in court was now too dangerous. Who knew how many people saw me walking around the city covered head to toe in blood? How many people had I talked to? And who? He asked me to tell him.

   I told him I was not about to share that information with them.

  The 4 Stars begged for my death & Duh Jerk chose to use the situation as a training exercise. 2 guys had died & too many people potentially knew about it. The public, fellow... cops of Dirty... cop, the gang members who'd been involved who wouldn't normally have been involved, a few newer members had been involved in my recapture, the whole thing required a full scale retreat. I would be let go after a short drugged interrogation to try & figure out who all I'd told & tried to involve in my escape.

  Duh Jerk bragged the pair would simply die in a car accident, "officially" thanks to one of their dirty coroners so what I'd accomplished here would mean nothing.

  Accomplished? As though I felt I'd done something? Achieved something? Nothing was accomplished. 2 young men, with their lives ahead of them died, and no one would care.

  The 4 Stars swore revenge. Both for the pair of dead Jocks & for the fresh wound that was "The Gym".

  I recall they made a film of 2 18 year old guys beating up drugged & delirious me as a cover, just in case a few... cops asked any questions. "See? no one died and he lost. The 2 guys beat him up". Well, at least that's what the gang bragged & a few Uniformed & On duty Bay City... cops told me in the Front room of their crime-station... oops... err, I mean their copshop.

  You know what's the worst part. This whole web site is about people's lives. Life is sacred. It's to be cherished, and respected. Those 2 guys tortured me. They told me I only broke the jaw & knocked out the teeth of the teen-aged girl who was with the men. Duh Jerk bragged she'd be back in the biz soon... as soon as she was out of traction, or whatever they call it due to the extent of her injuries.

  Worse than that? That... cops I've met would dare to suggest that I get some sort of rise, jollies from writing this. Grrrrrrr...


  2 YOUNG MEN, ABOUT TO ENTER THE PRIME OF THEIR LIFE... now dead... Follow-up...

  I thought I'd do a follow-up on the above tale thrust upon my during the times (note my use of the letter s in times) of The Bomb Shelter Garages. That little girl... the little girl who I'd thought to not even mention, the little girl who I thought was irrelevant to the above tale. It occurred to me that she had a unique story, and that her life mattered. The was just a child. Her hair, like many of the young girls used against me was dyed platinum blond. She was my rapist. She liked rape. How do I know. She told me during the quiet times between rapes & PRACTICAL jokes. She was their drug handler. A postion, but I'm not entirely sure what the gang call it. You see, working out of local schools puts the gang in a unique position with the full legal powers & privileges that is & was "School Privilege". Oh, they didn't call it that. I do. The child handles the drugs & if discovered by authorities the ring leaders, wearing their unreproachable badges of school privilege can say they just showed up in their capacity as teachers & councilors to help. Everyone has practiced their stories ahead of time & the counter testimony of a group of dazed & sleep-deprived victims incoherent testimony is going to mean little. Then they suggest the victims be rushed off to a place like Bunga-Bunga Hospital where a diagnosis by their dirty doctors is sure to make... cops back off.


  Infallible in·fal·li·ble /inˈfalÉ™b(É™)l/ adjective 1) incapable of making mistakes or being wrong: "doctors are  infallible, just ask any Mid-Michigan... cop" synonyms: unerring, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable


  I guess I should give her a nickname? She was a human being with her whole life ahead of her? Right? Well, before she met Duh Jerk & myself that is. How about... hmmm... The Little Dead Girl. About 5' tall, probably more. Thin, not at all voluptuous but cute as a button and as innocent looking as they come. Just like child-molesters like.

  Back then Duh Jerk liked to brag his little girls were dyed blond because they sold better at their brothels (they didn't torture me exclusively, these were 'working girls') & better influenced his own gang. That & it made identifying them in court later very difficult for the gang's drugged, dazed, sleep-deprived & usually delerious victims.

  I recall asking her her real hair color. She turneed me down & told me she was 15, if I recall it right at the time of this writing. I recall her later claiming she'd lied & it was a lesser number. Enough about her. For now....

  Soooo... there I was, standing toe to toe with the very optimistic knife-wielding gang banger who told me he was going to kill me for what I did to his friend. Me? I belittled him for standing there in shock & basically watching me do it. The girl tried to slip past, I shoved her into a corner & told her that if she tried to leave I'd kill her & invited her to look at the 18 year old with the backwards head as proof I would. "I'm not finished with you yet".

  Why bother with what happened next... it's kinda blurry & didn't last long in any event. She'd tried at least once to leave & even screamed to which I replied she knew the room was sound-proof, screaming would not help. I asked her about her intentions. Would she just sit quietly in a corner and let me leave?

  She basically called me a coward without the guts to hurt a girl. She had nothing but contempt for my cowardice & told me as much & bragged it was part of the reason the gang used little girls during torture. She was just going to sit back and as soon as I opened the door scream for help & use her feminine charms on the gangbangers who'd all professed their love for her & get them to kill me for killing her friends.

  Me? Afraid to hit a girl? I explained that I am loath to hit a girl. But in a life & death situation, like this (I figured they were going to kill me & were openly talking bout that and framing me & disposing of me in court because of... wait for it... "The Gym").

  Skip ahead in time. Not long.

  I asses the Little Dead Girl. Broken nose & jaw. I could tell just by looking at her that her nose would never be the same. I was surprised that her cheekbones had been uninjured. I'd knocked out all of her teeth on the left side (I'm right-handed) & most of the teeth of her right side. I was surprised at how little blood there was, I thought there'd be more. She was alive & had quit moving. So I left my bragging self-righteous torturer who told me to my face she was going to kill me today there on the floor & escaped.

  During that torture session some of the guards were particularly cruel to me based on what I'd done to the Little Dead Girl and the fact they'd been severely punished due to my escape. Duh Jerk bragged she was all but a beloved Child-Molestor icon & he'd agreed to spare no expense giving her plastic surgery at the popular request of the gang (who all looooooooved sex with her & her bubbly personality).

  Several of the gang took me off the drugs in my cell, they said against orders, then they beat the tar out of me. Duh Jerk found out & when they lied about how I was injured they learned a lesson in who Duh Jerk trusts. It was my word against all of them, and he told me he trusted me. They'd all be severely punished for my beat down & their active duty service to the gang was ended on the spot. Someone later told me the young men were all shipped off to a slave brothel to serve out the rest of their lives as slaves as punishment because my beat down tampered with the critical timeline of their frame-job on me.

  My opinion? Don't believe everything a child-molester tells you. Also my opinion? What a waste in time & lives. Same old same old for those willing to throw the lives of children away for profit & sport.

  Skip ahead to next year. New films, new torture in the Bombshelter Garages. The Little Dead Girl is back. At 1st I didn't believe them it was her. So Duh Jerk let the drugs slip off of me so I could see through the blur. Yeah, it was her. Plastic surgery & all & hotter than ever. She loved her new reconstructed face and was there to get her revenge on me (and to provide the sex & comfort her expertise provided the gang who adored her). It was a pleasure to be part of the team that was going to destroy me & she loved the idea of being one of the lil girls that was going to make my destruction possible. She taunted me mercilessly whenever I was due for another dose & figured prominently in their PRACTICAL jokes & sleep-deprivation & drug torture.

  At one point she showed me her dentures when I called her a liar. She said her crooked teeth had been one of her previous beauty drawbacks & now she had a perfect smile, thanks in part to me. She was NOT grateful.

  During one of the quiet times, the last of the rapists left & she & I were alone while she prepared my next dose. I told her I was sorry, but I thought they were going to kill me.

  She said I wasn't to be killed. It was a simple frame-up where I'd be removed from polite society for life. A real bargain for society as she'd seen the gang's films of me & knew I was a real scumbag among scumbags (far, far from her actual words).

  She told me she didn't mind the facial reconstruction so much. It'd been a blessing really. Before she was cute but now she was drop-dead gorgeous. She was irritated that while wearing make-up she was now considered super-model gorgeous the plastic surgery scars showed without the fake-up & she hated me for it! The part that irritated her the most was I'd knocked out all of her teeth. Very rude.

  I told her I hadn't knocked out all of her teeth & some of the injuries she claimed happened I hadn't done to her. I told her I'd assessed her cheeks in particular & noted they were uninjured.

  When she called me a liar I told her it was no coincidence that Duh Jerk trusted me over his own guys when it came to he said/she said. I could see her re-evaluating her life.

  Duh Jerk wandered in & complained about why I wasn't cleaned up & ready to go to my next gang-rape?

  The Little Dead Girl launched into him. At 1st it was about her teeth. I hadn't knocked them all out had I? Later it was her cheeks, the violation that was the surgery on her cheeks..

  At 1st he lied but when I teased him Duh Jerk admitted he'd chosen to take liberties with the girl for her own good. She didn't need a complete overhaul, he'd just wanted to do it. It was for her own good so who cares? Right?

  She was furious & tore into Duh Jerk! How dare he yank out her teeth! How dare he just make decisions about her body without her permission (She'd told me earlier when she'd woke up the plastic surgery was long ago completed)! She felt violated!

  The ever-smiling madman Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak wasn't smiling this time as he looked narrowly at the Little Dead Girl. It's kinda fuzzy at the time of this writing but he left in a rage!

  Time passes to the next dose where I'm lucid, maybe a few doses later... it's fuzzy. The gang-bangers talk about how they miss the Little Dead Girl who was just tragically killed in a car accident.

  Me? I told them about other theories. The argument she'd had with Duh Jerk & his fondness for killing people & claiming it was a car accident.

  At 1st they called me a liar but I invited them to remember my reputation with the gang they'd all come to know was true. The young men were livid & chose to get to the bottom of the situation. Confronting each other violently & determining who was last with the Little Dead Girl & discovering that she'd been ordered killed & a pair of the young men had done it.

  They angrily confronted Duh Jerk when he arrived. & he furiously defended himself... at 1st. Yeah... he'd killed her. What were those punks going to do about it? She had it coming!

  I put my 2 cents worth in, she hadn't had it coming. He'd argued with her & now she was dead. Then I did my "Look me in the eye & tell me I'm lying thing".

  He failed miserably & I asked them if even a single guy believed Jerk. Even his 2 Jocks who claimed innocence & Jerk told them to shut up!

  Then he ordered them out. They actually talked about getting revenge for the Little Dead Girl then & there but Duh Jerk intimidated them with the 2 massive Jocks in black beside him.

  Yeah, I offered to help the guys if they untied me from the table, they chickened out & left.

  He ordered Fagboy into the room & told him to fire all of the young men & blacklist" all of them & get a new batch of teems to train for the Garages. The frame-job would be called off this time because of complications in the pan & now too many people knew about it & they'd begin anew with me as their training subject.

  The Little Dead Girl...


  The gang brag much that it will be the Homosexual Community who will save them. Unwilling to let a scandal that could be freeing me to come to pass.

  I say that these guys frame people to make them seem to be gay or child-molesters or both and that most certainly any and all discrimination they've received over the last 3 or 4 decades is directly attributable to them and their anti-homosexual frame-jobs & anti-gay propaganda they spew with impunity to further their blackmail operation en-mass & if the homosexual community comes out on the wrong side of this publicly we (the gang & I) are going to set your movement back another 3 or 4 decades.

  Irrelevant? Was the Little Dead Girl irrelevant? Was she? Was she?


"Not in my city".

"Maybe if this was a big city, like Detroit. But not here".

  "We intend to relinquish jurisdiction to the Bay City Police on this one".

  Yeah, we stole all his stuff & he didn't get it back but it was all done legally so I wouldn't call it stole? That doesn't prove a thing".

  CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017

  Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!

  In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.

  Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.

  When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.

  This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.

  What does this mean?

  Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".

  Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.

  I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.

  Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.

  To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.

  Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.


  Please help me!

© 2013 by PleaseSaveTheDave



  "I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". - Martin Oak

  Yeah, whatever...

Find us at our Molestor-monitored & edited websites: or


   Here I shall address the Child-Molesting community. "This is a tale of you, of what you are, what 'your kind of people' bring. You think you bring love but when you come you bring your perverse friends & they bring rape, death, and horror. Read my tale because it's true, and it's about you".


  Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak, Bay City Cops, Bay City Public Schools, their child-molesting gang & I killed a whole bunch of children & I wrote a partial list here, on my website. This site will bring back none of the dead. But it may bring the murder victims justice & let the dead rest a little easier.

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