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DaVE Asks... (Spitooey!) "Them"...

  Not a lot of people have the Child-Molesting Community's ear like I do. I know they hang on my every word. Betcha didn't see that one coming now did'ya ya godless perverts? Huh? You guys call me lies & untrue names in secret & in whispered gossiping & I call you true names & I boldly proclaim them & the deeds you inflict on the innocent publicly in the face of everything you've done to me. Be it physical, mental, spiritual, and even to the thing YOU hold most dear in all the world (I could care less mostly) my reputation. How many times was I in a room filled to the brim with recreational kidnapping self-professed serial-killers of children who were in the very act of either raping me or trying to kill me & they & any ... cops who happened by assured me that I was the scumbag in the room? You guys really know how to lie. We'll see how that works for you on Judgement Day in Heaven. I hear that the Lake of Fire is a roasting heat. Better get used to the smell of sulpher with where you're going to spend eternity if you don't change your ways.


  Sooooo... I made a "DaVE asks the... cops section. Then it occurred to me.... why not ask you Molestors stuff too? Here's my theory on the... cop page. In my letter to the F.B.I. I challenged them to answer my every question, there's not many & declare that surely they are gutless cowards if they do not. You and I both know that America's Police are no longer brave & not a one of them probably has courage enough to answer even a double digit percentage percentage of my questions. Oh they wont "call it cowardice" but we both know they quake in closets uncontrollably at the mere thought one of your lawyers might look at them cross-eyed. We'll see if you fare better. Not that I'd believe a word any of you says nor care one bit if you answer or not. Frankly. I hope you don't because I know that... cops will answer at least one question or 2 if only by accident. That would put the people I (foolishly) trusted with my life in a double digit lead above... you in one area. Neat.


  Questions?. Hmmm... I just thought this page up... you really don't have any info I care to hear. Maybe I'll think something up. So my 1st question is.... what if?


  Who loves ya baby? I thought up ANOTHER song for YOU! Who does that but me? Huh? Like I told Oak & My Cousin. "I'm your best guy".


  You're a mean one, Child-molester.
  You really are a Jerk.       Author Note: See how Jerk begins with a capital letter? It means something other than it's normal insult meaning. Probably...
  You're as cuddly as a porcupine,
  You're as charming as an weasel,   Author Note: See how weasel does not have a capital letter? Pure insult baby! Yeah!
  You are willing to betray your land!

  You're a monster, Child-molester.
  Your soul's an empty hole.
  Your spirit is full of spiders.
  You've got evil in your brain, Child-molester.
  What kind of person would betray everything

he's ever believed in to get out of 6 months in jail?

  You're all useless, Child-molesters.
  You have no socially redeeming quality,
  You torture children & rape their souls
  Given the choice between the two of you, I cant stand you or your snitch but
I'd guess I'd take your snitch!

  I cant stand traitors, least of all... One of yours!
  You're all dead weight on us all.
  You're a bunch of disease-ridden pevs!
  You're a pack of worthless thieves!

  The three best words that could happen to you,
  Are as follows, and I quote"


  Eh... yawn. I'm bored. Your gang bores me. Maybe I'll finish it one day... maybe not. The rest of the unfinshed song are just notes for my reference purposes.

  Author Note: What... cop has the guts to answer my questions? Huh? Which... cop has the guts to write songs like mine & dedicate it to the molesting community? Huh? When & if I think up some questions (don't hold your hand on your rear) I'll give you... molesters a chance to humiliate the... cops by answering a greater percentage than they have the guts to answer. Assuming YOU have the guts. Remember The Gym. (I'd love to forget it... YOUR guys keep bringing it back up).

  You're a rotten one Child-Molester.
  You're a Jester of sinful souls
  You think you're so cool but you're not!

Your soul is an appalling dump heap
Overflowing with the most disgraceful
Assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable,
Mangled up in tangled up knots.

You nauseate me, Mr Grinch
With a nauseous super nos
You're a crooked jerky jockey and,
You drive a crooked horse
Mr Grinch!

You're a three-decker sauerkraut
And toadstool sandwich,
With arsenic sauce!

There can only be one.

Oops... I mean it only takes one!

He he he...

  The Child-Molester Triangle

<--- Bay City Michigan

<--- Flint Michigan

<--- Detroit Michigan

  Tell me oh wise & brave amoung the child-molesting community. Tell me this... Who chickened out in The Gym? Me? OR YOUR ENTIRE ARMY?!!?!!?!?!?!?!? Lie allllll you want, we both know the truth. Huh?

  I would never pose the question where is the model tall Miss Jones to you. I wouldn't believe you no matter what you said.

  I do however pose this question...

  I struck a nerve when I mentioned her. Didn't I? I can tell.

  Always your goal huh? You don't have to answer that one... we both know the answer (even though... cops are utterly clueless). Right?

  ME: You do know there are several frame-arttist blackmailing gangs around the country don't you?

  Many Many... cOPS: Yeah. I know that because of my training. There are gangs like that all over the country.

  Me: So how many people have you freed from them once they began to frame them?

  Many Many Many... cOPS: "..."!


"I'll rescue her! Even if... cops wont"!




He he he...

  I meant all of this respectfully you godless child-molesters. It IS what you wanted isn't it? YOUR guys have been telling me for decade I AM YOUR commercial. That I am YOUR greatest advertisement.

  Just doin my job boys! No need to thank me... but if you wanted to make my story less believeable you could just give me the $6,001. I work HARD for you.

  Hey Jerk! Where's my Pizza?

© 2013 by PleaseSaveTheDave



  "I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". - Martin Oak

  Yeah, whatever...

Find us at our Molestor-monitored & edited websites: or


   Here I shall address the Child-Molesting community. "This is a tale of you, of what you are, what 'your kind of people' bring. You think you bring love but when you come you bring your perverse friends & they bring rape, death, and horror. Read my tale because it's true, and it's about you".


  Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak, Bay City Cops, Bay City Public Schools, their child-molesting gang & I killed a whole bunch of children & I wrote a partial list here, on my website. This site will bring back none of the dead. But it may bring the murder victims justice & let the dead rest a little easier.

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