Combined we killed a lot of kids!And the... cops helped!!!
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang
Welcome to my often sabotaged site. The Child-Molesters said they would and who was I to doubt them?
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.-David A. George 6-26-17
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang:
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.
David A. George
"Kill one person and you create a tragedy the police will investigate because it is such a tragedy. Kill a hundred people and you create a laughable crime the police will laugh at when you try to tell them about it".-Martin Oak Circa 1987 The author of this website's opinion of the subject? Yup.
This website is an attempt to save what remains of my life.. Sigh... -David A. George 1-5-18


Me... Lately...
Yeah, my blog.
Wed Nov 20 1611 2013 Someone stole my cell phone last night when I turned my back in a resturaunt.
I've been assaulted twice this week so far.
Rash not going away, becoming disfiguring.
Pain in my shoulders and knees becoming crippling.
Sore throat.
I was so optimistic 2 years ago.
I figured I had fair odds of success last year.
No family.
No friends.
More enemies than you can imagine.
No police to protect me.
Being stalked by recreational serial-killers and their gang for revenge and profit.
Tried praying. I have faith that could move mountains, literally. It does me no good, today.
Prayed to bless my enemies... I'm certain they'll thank me.
Outta cash, ideas, and luck.
Crushing depression has set in.
Hope dwindling...
I wanna live!
Tuesday Nov 26 1854 2013 Pain, pain in my shoulders and knees is my only companion. I still hope to escape the Child-Molestors with as much anal integrity as possible. Medically speaking of course.
I prayed to God to be delivered from the Child-Molestors and to live life pain free. Zero out of two ain't bad, is it? Maybe I'm asking God for too much? I'm not implying he can't do both, just that I'm probably not worthy.
Eh, I haven't heard from either of those 2 cops. The only other cops who contacted me told me that they had no intention of reading my website. I can't get arrested in this town! Not that that's my goal. My goal, if at all possible, is to live free, in the United States of America free from the threat of kidnapping, torture, rape, and attempted murder.
Yeah, whatever...
Friday Nov 30 2013 1256...
I got a new phone today so I'm back in communication with the world.
Eh, my rash is getting worse in spots, better, slightly better in other spots.
Thanksgiving went well, as well as can be expected.
Not too much to say. I figure I'm doomed. To date only one Police Officer has claimed to have even a slight interest in reading this website... AFTER A YEAR OF TRYING WITH COPS ALL OVER AMERICA AND THE WORLD!
The only thing I can figure is that my story must be a dime a dozen in the most awesome country that is modern America. Guys must be writing stories like mine and sending them to the cops by the dozens daily. Frankly, in the beginning, a year ago, I figured I'd be in prison by now or locked away in some horrific place to shut me up. Eh, go figure.
Sooo... I guess I'll keep on writing what I suspect may be my epitaph. The only thing that sucks is that over the decades I was so optimistic that if I could but get my message to the police that they'd feel obligated to read it and at least investigate my claims. WOW! Was I stupid. Yup, silly, silly me.
The Child-Molestor boasts come to my mind a lot more lately. "After we do what we do to your shoulders and knees we'll kidnap you and make you stand for a couple of weeks. That'll cripple your knees and when we twist on your arms for a few days you wont be able to use them. You'll be a quadriplegic. You wont even be able to wipe your own ass and you'll have to check into an adult nursing home. You think the cops wont listen to you know? Wait until you're in an adult nursing home. We'll drag you back to Bay City to make your story even more unbelievable and then we'll probably keep you awake for a few weeks again and have one of your family, probably your _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) take you before a judge and declare you ___ (el loco parentis? In corpus mentis? Bunga-Bunga Bay City... cop butt target (lol)? It's fuzzy)___ and lock you up in a nursing home. Then we can torture you all we want at our leisure. You'll probably be making some films to fill in the gaps of our case, some more child-porn, maybe shoot a few more people, stuff like that".
Does everyone have conversations like this or is it just me?
Friday December 06 2013
The pain in my shoulders is becoming unbearable. Hope, hope that somehow, someway it'll all work out is all that's keeping me going. There's a small part in the bottom left-hand corner of my heart that tells me to go on, to keep trying, to keep fighting. Not only for myself, but for the many victims the Child-Molestors are trying to destroy even now. For the many victims that they've destroyed. And for the unborn victims whom they brag they will victimize next.
Alone against an entire swarm of perverts and their dirty cop hordes. It isn't as glamorous as it sounds.
Me? I don't want money or fame or friendship. I just want the pain to stop. I just want to live free from the threat of kidnap rape and torture. Me? I'm just a less than nobody who lived through "the gym". Me? All I want is to escape from the Child-Molestors with as much anal integrity as possible. Medically speaking of course.
Me? I'm just a less than nobody who dreams of... freedom.
December 12 2013
I don't know what to do. I don't know who to turn to. I just want the pain to stop.
Thursday December 19 2013
Pain is my only companion...
Thursday December 26th 2013
Jan 12 2014
I'm sick as a dog. That disfiguring rash only got worse and now I've come up with a new bug. Add to it the fact that -30 to -50 below zero weather is coming, Me feeling like crap. I'm being stalked by madmen. The... cops wont help me. My preacher wont help me. Pain in my tortured limbs is growing. I'm alone, no moral support. In theory.
Pain has ever been my companion in life.
Yeah, whatever...
Truth be told, I'm a closet optimist and there's no amount of whining that can squash that little corner of my heart no matter how much I try. Yet more proof against me I'd suppose.
The average Child-Molestor...
A fiery end awaits them all... unless they turn from their sins, repent, and confess that Jesus died for their sins with their mouths.
I shall not relish their screams as they are cast into the Lake of Fire for what they've done to me. All I see is wasted potential and ruined lives.
Yeah, whatever...
The bitter empty icey cold nothingness that is being a less than nobody in Wisconsin is the best thing I've got to look forward to.
The Child-Molestors brag I shall star in yet more child-porn and in all likelihood kill just a few more people for their "snuff films" for profit, to "fill in the blanks of their case against me, for revenge, and for the reason that most good people find hard to imagine, they plan to do these things to me and more for fun.
I figure that I'm most likely doomed no matter who America's fine law-enforcers believe. The Child-Molestors, me, or if they chose to come to their own conclusion.
Sooo... I pray. And I pray and I pray. Eh, we'll see. The way I figure it is I've got two things on my side that the Child-Molestors don't. The truth and a whole bunch of prayer. Not only prayer by myself, but over the years a whole lot of people have prayed for me. I suspect, I'll bet that at least a few of the Child-Molestors many victims have prayed some prayers. And even better is if I play my cards right, if I can get people to give me half a chance then a whole lot of good police officers are going to pray and when they warn their families and their friends about their coming battle with the Child-Molestors they'll pray and their friends will pray and even a few of the gang's victim/members will pray and desire to leave the gang and wont be stupid enough to trust the cop at the front desk in Bay City, Saginaw, Boulder, nor Detroit and their friends will start praying. Hmmm...
It could be that my future's so bright, that I gotta wear shades!

What awaits the gang...

What awaits me...
ME... Not you... me...
"We're a powerful group. We plan to do what we do what we do to you openly and thumb our noses at the cops the whole while. We're going to get rich and famous off of you and the cops are going to help us do it".- The Last Snitch's boast.

CONTACT... (Gulp!) ME...
Phone #: (989) 891-9091
Or their bosses at #: (989) 894-0704
Bay City F.B.I. Phone #: (989) 892-6525
Or their bosses at #: (202) 278-2000

It could be that you, as a reader appreciate the fine... police work that the Bay City... cops and their Bay City F.B.I. counterparts bring to the mid-Michigan area and you'd like them to bring some of their style of justice to you and your community.
I'm sure that if you ask them nicely the Bay City... cops could arrange for their brand of justice to come to you.
Tell them that you appreciate all of their fine work that made this website possible. I know that the families of the people that Duh Jerk's, Duh Weasel's, Dirty Cop's, and even my life have touched will probably thank you!
Maybe you just want to message the Child-Molestors personally. Write all of your e-mails: To: The Child-Molestors C/O: The Bay City Police.
Now's the time because their link is right here! Don't let them tell you that I never gave them anything.
Yeah, whatever...
Just type:
Feb 09 2014
Pain is my only companion and the... cops think it's hilarious at best.
Yeah, I pray to God for wisdom to get out of this situation, to throw my Child-Molestor shackles off of me. What has decades of begging God and man gotten me?
The bible says to be anxious for nothing. Hey God! I only have a short time left to me as a non-quadriplegic. Were you or the F.B.I. going to do something? Anything? Hey, I've got the faith. Where's my deliverance? Wisdom? Help?
The F.B.I.? I don't expect much from them, the Child-Molestors have generations of experience playing them like a fiddle. There are none of them that I can see who have the courage to stand against the Child-Molestors and those that remain stand unable to resist their money or 4 times retreaded whores. None of them, not a one of them seem to have what it takes to see through the gang's smoke and mirrors show. Just as Duh Jerk bragged to me in 1976, there is nothing a victim can say or do to get the cops to help them once the Child-Molestors have targeted them. I, the author of this website, endorse this saying of theirs.
But God, I'd like to be delivered from the Child-Molestors.
Wash Me
Feb 12 2014
I suppose I'd best print a retraction. In the above blog entry I said this about the otherwise fine people at the the F.B.I. "none of them that I can see who have the courage to stand against the Child-Molestors and those that remain stand unable to resist their money or 4 times retreaded whores".
What I meant to pray was "Every F.B.I. agent I ever met seemed to be easily manipulated by the Child-Molestors & none of them that I can see who have the courage to stand against the Child-Molestors and those that remain stand unable to resist their money nor their surplus of 4 times retreaded whores".
Sorry guys. My bad.
Yup, pain, pain, pain, not that the F.B.I. even gave me half a chance, or even made a token effort to help me investigate my claims.
Here I shall address the Bay City Michigan F.B.I. & their Bay City... cop counterparts in their native tongue (not all F.B.I. agents, just the Bay City Branch and I suspect it goes out to ALL who've served there). "Bawk! Bawk! Bawk! Bakawk cluck cluck cluck! Buck buck buck bagawk! Bribe bribe bribe, money money money, BAWK BAWK BAWK! Cluck cluck cluck. Cash, whores, 4th retread, bagawk...".
Pshhh... and they say the common man just can't communicate with big government anymore.
Yeah, whatever guys. Thanks for less than nothing! May my story be brought to your table at your next funding meeting.

HISTORY... My history... set your wayback machines to when Serial Rapist was last a free man...

Sooo... There I was, being gang raped by a long line of 30-40 year old lower class gays, tied to a small table, butt up, while Duh Jerk, The Guy society will call Serial Rapist, and his alleged Prison Buddy stood watch beside a camera in a trailer (of course, when you think Duh Jerk, think CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP!). Duh Jerk was rummaging through my pockets and examining everything I carried. Then, he happened upon my "art journal". A small 3"x5" book I like to carry. He asked Serial Rapist. "What's this"? While leafing through it.
Serial Rapist said. "That's his invention journal".
"Does this mean something to him"?
"Are there any more of them"?
"I'll pay you $500 apiece for them".
What was in those books, 5 total? Some art, some silly would-be inventions (my hobby), some semi-serious would-be invention concepts in various states of completion, and some of those were for the tactical wargames I indulged in as a hobby. Why is any of that important? Well, some of those were silly, James Bond kinda invention concepts. While, some were very, very serious concepts, invention ideas I'd put together for the many tactical warfare games I've played over the years which included how to conduct guerilla warfare, chemical, biological warfare, and even diagrams of dirty radioactive bombs, how to guides on+ tips and tricks I'd collected on how to do said things on the cheap for decades. I'm no slouch on the subjects because I've poured over book after book on how to conduct clandestine wars, build dirty bombs of all sorts, cultivate nasty and nearly impossible to cure germs that are easily available, and those... guys stole them from me.
I tried coming up with new concepts on how to build Fuel Air Bombs and a few ideas on how to improve them, Vacuum Suspension Bombs, cheap weapons that could destroy entire coastlines for the cost of a few bulldozers and some gas money, and other things such as clandestine ways to deliver biological, chemical, and even radioactive tainted agents. And they stole them. A group of madmen, stole them, and who knows what they will do with them?
My fav was an easy to make, unstoppable land destroyer tank (yeah, yeah, yeah, talk IS cheap but I assure you, it's cheaper than most people think and easy to build for any first or second-rate military power).
Inspired by the Japanese bomb dropping balloons of world war two I was working on an aerosol sprayer, theory being that if an opponent get lippy, you spray him back to the stone-age from a safe distance and, no one will be able to prove you did it, if you do it right.
Eh, its just the tip of the iceberg really, you see, war was always my hobby from my youth. Who did it, how was it done, how could you do it better?
Yeah, it was probably wrong of me to even imagine any of those devices, but the damage IS done. I'm sorry.
Friday, July 4 2014
Today I wanted to write about "Two more for the road"... but the internet seems herky jerky today. It seems to be skipping letters and even entire words as I type them occasionally. So, since there's probably a bazillion typos, word omissions, and even honest to goodness errors already I figure I'd better do it another day. Eh, yeah, torture torture, torture, whine whine whine, bring in the pervs, animals, cattle prods, water buckets, what have ya. Eh, why do I even bother? It's not like anyone's even reading any of this anyway...
Wed. Mar 05 2014
Eh, a lifetime of violence, it isn't as glamorous as it sounds. Being kidnapped, raped, and tortured by gangs of madmen for reasons of profit and revenge isn't fun at all. Part of the Child-Molestor's "infallible plan against their victims" is their ever-present slr campaign and the endless assaults by "the 20". The way the gang has explained it to me in the past is, that they send cruel gossips to destroy their victim's reps ("The're stalking them and keeping an eye on them anyway so it makes sense to have them (the stalkers) go around to a few of the people they the victims) know and spread bad rumors about them".)
To sum it up, I've been in over 1,000 fights and endured 10,000 insults from people the gang later bragged was them and there.
Today I received those same insults, I've been assaulted weekly or bi-weekly off and on for my entire life no matter where I've gone. Today included.
It was after "the gang's lie detector test" a few years ago, the Last Snitch became furious with me. "Here we've been stalking you and attacking you your entire life trying to provoke you [on film, duh] and you think that this is normal! That this is life! We've been doing everything we can to provoke you and drive you to suicide and you just shrug it off because you think this is life?! How would you know better? We've stalked you your entire life. First with your Cousin and then later with Jerk".
You mean it isn't? Is there really an America where you don't have to kill someone annually? I've talked to people, today, who told me that they've never thrown a punch in their life. Is this possible? Are there really Americans who don't get insulted or attacked monthly?
Soon I'll be a quadriplegic thanks to the horrors the gang's last torture session have inflicted upon me. "You'll degenerate slowly into a cripple". The Child-Molestors sent quite a few of their guys, lately, and when I was a child to brag about the horrors the gang intend to inflict upon me once they inflict their obligatory crippling upon my person. I's suppose that they wont be waiting long. Yeah, I'll fight. It's what I do. "You always fight! It's expected"!
Yeah, whatever...
Thurs, Mar 06 2014
I am reinvigorated! Last night I went back to the old homestead and pondered my life and yesterday's attack upon me. The problem with my life was, I figured the Child-Molestors might've forgotten about me. Then, they take the time out of their busy schedules to recruit some throwaway (Lenin called them "Useful Idiots", I wonder what the gang calls'em?) and get him to publicly call me a... hold your breaths oh ye simple among my readers (ie: mid-Michigan... cops), he called me a child-molester. Specifically a "pedophile". (did he mean Child-Molestor? A much, much worse accusation? Hmmm...).
Sending the very best proves you care Duh Jerk and, I smell F.B. (Jerk is a little more subtil than that, F.B. is just weird & blunt. Did you learn nothing from your mentor's lessons F.B.?) in it.
Hey, since you took the time to call me a few name, it's only fair that I should show some love and return the favor. You guys call me by made up, fabricated insults and like I've told you a hundred times, I shall now call you names that are entirely true! Here goes...
Duh Jerk, you are a baby-raping, child-killing lying cheating
whoremonger without honor. In short, you suck! The
snitches you sent told me that you planned to go to church
and hide behind the bible and the Public School banner. Why
don't you quit pretending and try to become the kind of guy
people will admire? There is a Heaven and a Hell and if you
will not repent of your sins you will be spending eternity in
the Lake of Fire. I invite you to imagine the souls of all of
the people you've killed as a writhing pile of agony below
you in Hell, the pile lunges up to where you are from time
to time, the souls of the dammed just waiting for you to expire.
F.B. you are a lying cheating child-killing kidnapping rapist void of honor. The gang tells me that you have stalked me both as revenge and so as to be able to brag to your peers about how great of a lying cheating animal molesting child-raping child-killing Child-Molestor you are. All I can say is that your peers must have a poor sense of accomplishment.
Hey, you sure taught me a lesson. Yes, you can kidnap me, a less than nobody and torture them their entire life and, yes, the... cops have been all too glad to help you do it. Some, unwittingly, and some very deliberately. There's only one problem with your plan my stalking honorless child-killer, I told you that if you were stupid enough to let me publish my story, then it'd be the end of you. Eh, ain't that where you always threaten to kill me? Then I return. "If you kill me once I've published my story you'll make me a thousand times more powerful". Remember? Yeah.
Sooo, here I am, writing a tale about madmen for... nobody. Am I saying I'm equal to a nobody? Trash? No. Wheresoever there is trash men guard it. Armed guards patrol America's trash piles. No one guards me and even a cursory check of my police files will show that cops, armed with guns, have never aided me once in life and have threatened my life, liberty, and limb on many occasion. No, I'm not equal to trash. I guess that makes me not a nobody, not trash, but beneath them, the scum rejected of the baby-raping child-molesting lying cheating psycho mass-murderers of America, no, it makes me David George: Less Than Nobody.
This less Than Nobody is going to make it miserable for a whole bunch of Child-Molestors.
In the spirit of sticking it to dirty... cops I will make some observations. Yesterday, at approximately 12:30 pm I was assaulted publicly. I personally know that the Child-Molestors would never ever make a move, even a tiny move, unless they had the local cop at the front desk in their pocket (or "owned" them). When this all comes out I'd like to know, who was on duty then? Which cop... car was on patrol that would've answered any call, had the situation escalated? Who would've dispatched them?
Thanks guys. Your boys told me. "We intend to follow you around until the day you die". A threat born of a rare case of mass penis-envy that befell the males involved in the fall of 1976's 100 attempted murders in "the Gym" in a Bay City Public School. You cowardly tell me in secret, through inbetweeners and I will tell you publicly and in the open. "You'll never get rid of me and I will follow your gang right up and until you enter the very Gates of Hell"!
Yeah, you've tortured me, into mid-numbing eyeball vibrating edge of madness kinda ways and worse. Forced me to have sex with every sort of man, woman, child, animal, and appliance known. But I ain't going away and maybe, just maybe I'll get an honest cop to listen to me. Maybe I'll get one who wont fall for your films of me when you tortured me into delirium time and again. Maybe I'll get that one cop I always bragged I might get, an honest cop who'll give me half a chance. Eh, maybe I already have.
He, he he...
May 21, 2015:
Sent the Bay City Police an e-mail reporting rapes. Eh, we'll see...

Friday, Mar 28 2014
Sooo... this is life, go figure. I always figured
it would involve less anal rape. I used to sit in
my crib for days, weeks on end and imagine
what life might be like?
Who'da thought it'd involve psycho mass-
murdering homosexual rapists empowered by
their stable of dirty cops?
Eh, I've decided to try and keep this blog
entry positive, so here goes.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
If you are an honest police officer and
reading this, if there is even a single law-
enforcement officer out there who's not dirty or
easily manipulated, if there's a single cop out
there, in America that craves for justice, that's
willing to go that extra mile, willing to double-
check and triple check their sources from
multiple approaches, if even a single cop cares,
if theres a cop out there hungry to win and
fresh for the fight, I say this to you. Don't give up. Look, listen, interview, reinterview, check, and recheck when dealing with the Child-Molestors.
It's not for me, it's for the children, the kids who died, the children the gang are torturing at this very moment, and for the unborn who they brag they will be next if you should fail to win. Personally, I picture the souls of those unborn children dropping one by one into hell because of what the gang will turn even their beloved child member/victims into. Such waste.
You can win against the Child-Molestors, it just wont be easy. You can do it, you can succeed!
Don't give up and never quit!
Monday April 07, 2014
I'm trying my best to stay positive, so here it goes...
God bless America!
Thursday, May 22 2014
Sooo... here I am, it's another boring day, I'd suppose it's the boring days that I'll look back on as being the best days of my life.
Sooo... I've been researching the perv lifestyle lately. Eh, it sucks. I've been searching for a tale like unto my own life's tale. You know, the tale that every... cop says I must be trying to emulate and by deduction I'd suppose that it represents the class of people that said... cops imagine I'm out to impress with my story.
Yeah, I'm addressing you F.B.I. guys, ya know, you less than helpful public servants? Exactly who am I trying to impress with my story? Who is my target audience? I've heard them tell me it's sympathy that I seek. Tell me oh wise ones of law-enforcement (uhhh... not you mid-Michigan... cops, obviously), tell me who do you suppose is going to give the bearer of my story sympathy? I mean it oh ye of little cunning. Specifically wich group or persons are presumably going to be attracted to me by my tale? Hmmm? Yeah, just as I thought, not a one of you has the guts nor authority to answer me but... "But I know you're only doing it for sympathy".
Tell me oh wise among my readers, tell me, who
are these sypathy givers of whom you speak
because I have never met one despite literally
thousands of attempts to solicit help from a
myriad of agencies both public and private?
Yeah, I've been going from perv website to perv
website. I've been reading the child sex sites, I've
been reading the gay sites, big whup. If my story
is common, as it would seem to be to the glazed-
eyed officers I've spoken to, then there ain't no
websites I've found with a story even remotely
similar to my own. So I ain't copying anyone else.
I wonder what the next child-porn movie I STAR IN IS GOING TO BE THEMED LIKE? Will children die in it? Oh well, thanks for less than nothing American Law-enforcement, thanks for less than nothing guys...
Yeah, whatever...
Friday,June 27 2014
I was feeling pretty good, then I started writing the follow-up to TWO MORE FOR THE ROAD.
I've got to try and keep this positive, so here goes. GO BLESS AMERICA!

The police I've talked to seem to think that the Child-Molestors, indeed all child-molesters are otherwise a bunch of nice people. As described to me by... cops I've met the average child is only out for pleasure. Sure, they'll tell a few lies to save their own skins but, the very concept that they would or could organize seems to hurt their heads. Thus is my... cop quote (spoken in front of many... cops). "I know those guys. Usually they're a bunch of nice guys and we can count on them to turn a few of their own in [to the... cops] from time to time. But as for organizing and hurting someone like you say they do just can't happen. Generally they're a pretty honorable bunch".
The way the... cops explained it to me was that their training and stunningly shiny badges keep them from being manipulated by organized crime. Lies, subterfuge, and frame-ups simply bounce off of their badges as bullets would bounce off of Superman. Go figure...
In fact, one time I walked into the Bay City... cop's copshop, in broad daylight, a few decades ago, and tried to file a police report (you want proof I'm stupid? There ya go) in the 80s. Dirty Cop was nowhere to be seen and I didn't waste my time with their 'dirty... cop flavor of the month" at the front desk. Instead I accosted a passer-by... cop and his... cop buddies soon gathered around and listened (I guess there was no crime that day).
Me? I began to complain about the kidnappings and the rapes to the uniformed on duty... cops. Then, I foolishly used the word "torture" when describing what had been done to me.
The Bay City... cop yelled. "THIS INTERVIEW IS OVER"!
He caught me off guard. "Why"?
"Because you used the word torture! You weren't tortured! This interview is over until you apologize for using the word torture! You using the word torture is a disgrace to our veterans everywhere who were tortured in prison camps"!
I tried to argue that the word was used in a valid manner. "But they keep kidnapping me and taking me places and raping and torturing me by beating me and by using cattle prods on me".
"No! Apologize right now or this interview is over"!
The room at the front desk grew silent while I pondered my next move. I figured what could it hurt? After all, who cares what this... cop's opinion is as long as they investigate my claims? Right? Truth be told, I predicted what he'd say next but figured that I had no alternative.
"Sure I'll apologize for using the word torture".
"Okay! There you go. You sicken me when you dishonor our vets who got tortured by comparing what you went through to what they went through. Besides. Your willingness to apologize indicates to me that you really weren't tortured or you'd've stuck to your guns".
Or it proves that I wanted to placate the screaming guy who was armed with a pistol and get the investigation moving along".
"Oh what? My pistol? You shouldn't be worried about that. Honest people shouldn't be worried about that". Grumble grumble grumble. He went on & on, how dare I dishonor our vets who got tortured for a year or more by using their holy word "Torture"?
I said. "You know what? A lot of those guys who got captured and tortured actually only spent so many hours being tortured. Guards might torture them for a few hours and then send'em back to their cells where they'd be mean to'em but the actual physical time they spent actually being tortured only amounted to so many hours. I'm saying that I'm way past that amount of time in pure hours of physical pain inflicted on me.
"WHAT? YOU'RE STILL TALKING ABOUT THAT"? His fellow... cops held him back & one said "I don't know, He seems to not be giving up on the subject. Maybe he was tortured"?
"WHAT? No way! Our veterans got tortured! Not him! Did you see how quick he apologized for using that word".
"I don't know, maybe he was intimidated by you yelling and the gun? I saw him looking at it when you were yelling at him".
Back to the present: Why'd I tell that story? Eh, who cares because it was a weirdism. A weirdism is a true story that a person has endured. A weirdism teaches no moral nor does it further the author's story. Like this story about my life. In the story Two More For The Road I wrote that my escape and subsequent recapture by a uniformed Michigan State... cop was irrelevant to the story. It still is but it amuses me to tell the tale more in depth. Amuses? Poor choice of words, but this IS a weirdism after all. SOOO... just kick back and set a spell, take your shoes off and relax as I tell you an all too true weirdism about a gang of people a Bay City... cop called "Otherwise Pretty Honorable" in the presence of his peers.
It was the 70s. Life for me was very painful and could turn from mundane to painfull to horrific in the blink of an eye. Lots of people enjoyed pounding on me and even more tried but I outran them. Battle could come at any second and no one was there to help me in the least. No one...
Today I came to in a rather large room without any windows lit by a single light from above surrounded by about a dozen young men and teenagers who all towered over me. One of the men spoke up. Today they would begin to torture me as revenge for the 4 children I'd recently killed. He explained that none of the family of the deceased were allowed to participate by the gang's bosses but that several of the victim's friends and friends of the family were here to make sure I was tortured into insanity, literally, as their revenge for killing their loved one.
Yeah, we went back and forth with me calling him a liar and him reminding me about my latest killings. "You mean that really happened"?
"Yeah". He answered sarcastically. "Now that we know that you remember it and now that you admit you killed those 4 kids we're going to torture you".
"But I didn't mean to do it. You said I was on drugs and that they drugged me so that means it wasn't even my fault".
"I know. But that doesn't change things one bit. You killed a child-molester and now you're going to pay for it".
I answered him. "But they kidnapped me! They tortured me and I'm lust a little kid! What kind of people torture a little kid? They got what was coming to them".
"That's all we needed to hear". Said their Leader to his fellow nodding gangbangers. He, they went on to explain that my trying to get sympathy by telling them I'd killed kidnapping child-torturers had backfired because they too were recreational kidnapping child-torturers and now they felt that they could feel good about themselves for the horrors of torture they were about to inflict upon my person. This was the time of their lives, this was the hobby they adored, and now I deserved (in their eyes) every horror that they were about to inflict upon me.
The pain began...
Eh, the reader dont know it, but I'm taking a break. I already see a few spots need tweaking and... and... and I'm just not as eager to write about that particular torture session as I was a few minutes ago.

July 17, 2014
Sooo... how come no one tries to contact me about my webpage? I guess it means I'm screwed. A few years ago I threatened a Child-Molestor (yeah, I'm stupid like that) that I'd publish my story online if I had to.
The Child-Molestor countered. "Go ahead. If you do we'll just run out ahead to the website company and pay them to make sure nobody can read it". He went on and on. Their gang's a big gang and it's happened to them before. Bribing low-ranking website publisher workers was just a matter of business, and makes good dollars and sense if you plan to kill someone slowly as revenge and you can afford it because of all of the child-porn and child-prostitution money you've been making.
Yeah, I still cant find the strength to write "TWO MORE FOR THE ROAD"... I planned to write it today. Eh, maybe one of these days.
God bless America !!!

WASH ME ----------------------------->

July 21, 2014... Someplace in America, and in pain...
Yup, I guess the Child-Molestors CAN kidnap and rape anyone they want to, for their entire lives, with impunity.
Ps: This question is directed directly at Duh Jerk and his controllers, ie: "the Bosses of Bay City".
"Sooo jerks, how many more children are you, we going to kill until you say. 'It is enough'. Huh"?
And one more thing guys... "YOU SUCK"!
April 24, 2015...
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
July 27 2014... Pain...
My loyal readers haven't heard from me lately because the WIX site's been on the fritz lately. It'd let me type a few things and then lock up.
It's been a busy week, I had a birthday. What? No cake Duh Jerk? Hmmmph! I thought you were pretending to be my friend? Oh well, at least you could'a served me up a pizza. You Child-Molestors have no class. Get it? "No Class". Coming from me to a pack of corrupt school employees that must be a double whammy! You suck! You're cheap and you suck! Your MAMA dresses you funny and you suck! You and your dirty cops suck! YOU SUCK!
Two nites ago I ad a car filled with 4 jerks drive up to me as I left the filmed gas station parking lot and the driver said to me. "You're dead"! Was he one of yours? Eh, probably. You guys are such punks.
So'd you inflict some new V.D. on me? Scabies? Chlamydia? Lice? Warts? Who knows what? Same old same old to you and yours huh?
Eh, sooo... what'd you do to me last week? Same old, same old homo gang rape? What's with messing with my place anyway? You pervs ain't got anything better to do?
I'm still complaining about that pizza. Cheap bastards!
Yeah, soon I'll be a quadriplegic. Yup, you've proven that in America, with it's plethora of dirty cops and easily manipulated wanna-be vigilante cops you and your gang are all but invincible. I remember sitting in your office way back in fall of 1976 wondering how what you were saying, that you and your gang could kidnap rape and torture anyone with impunity, as long as you never gave up on them, never gave them a break. I figured there was no way America's trained professional... cops could be so easily manipulated but here we are. WOW! I even prayed to God to be delivered from your gang's clutches.
But let me say this, Duh Jerk, Fagboy, Duh Weasel, & The Mayor's Brat despite what may happen, despite your bazillions of false accusations and name-calling, let me say this. "I ain't no serial-killer. You guys are. You are a pack of baby raping lying thieving vermin with delusions of grandeur".
March 06ish 2015... Pain...
Shoulders on fire...
Knees... pain... reduced to walking in an ever shrinking distance...
Shouldn't one person have answered my blog if the Child-Molestors weren't intercepting my webpage?
Hope dwindling...

For entertainment puposes only... Probably...
Feb 17 2014... Even more pain...
I woke up last week, my wrists were covered in scratches and one of my wrist hurt... bad. I'm still in pain. It makes me recall a conversation a few years ago...
"Jerk totally brainwashed you back during the gym".
"Suuuure he did". But I'll admit... I do remeber weeks of torture and sleep deprivation during the spring of 1977 torture palooza ("That First Week") where I was the centerpiece. Other than myself the only other focus, constant, prop that was always present was an olive green book titled something like unto "CIA Brainwashing Techniques" that Duh Jerk kept referring back to like a preacher to his holy book.
"No he really did brainwash you. He can speak a command phrase and you'll go into a catatonic state".
"Oh he did and it's a commonly spoken phrase too. In fact if we didn't stalk you people would speak it all the time to you and you go catatonic and it lasts for weeks. We've used the phrase on you and waited to see how long it takes you to snap out of it and it takes weeks. If we didn't stalk you someone would say the phrase and you'd go catatonic and get locked in a looney bin or maybe even die".
"Usually when we want to abduct you we just send someone to speak the phrase and you obey. You're quite complacent. You should see it".
"Then what is this phrase"?
"I can't tell you because telling you would send you right into a catatonic state. Even the written form. It's how we plan to beat you in court".
"It'd only be proof I was brainwashed if that was true".
"No. It'd be proof that you're crazy. Picture you on the first day of court and your lawyer hands you a slip of paper sending you into a catatonic state for a few weeks".
A lot of them bragged on this... "We even brainwashed you for weeks and made you repeat Nazi stuff over and over and when we speak a certain command phrase you begin spouting it over and over. Imagine you doing that on your first day of court".
"We put in another command phrase where you immediately attack. We plan to use that one during your initial court psychological evaluation to prove that you're violent". "Picture us using it in court against you".
Is this normal conversation when talking high-school nostalgia in America? It only now occurs to me that I have nothing to compare it to.
Yeah... Whatever...

January 26, 2016
Delayed stress syndrome? I think that's what it's called. The oh-so-goody good time I have reliving the horrors inflicted on my person by organized crime, would-be vigilantes, dirty... cops, well-intentioned but easily-manipulated police, rapists, torturers, child-pornographers, and recreational serial-killers looking to have a good time. Yup... Lately I get to re-live it all over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over and evn again over more & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over...
Then I get a few minutes respite for whatever reason...
Then I get to re-live it all again & again & again & again over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over & over & over over & over, over & over over & over, and over & over over & over -n- over, again, again again, & over and evn again over
more & over -n- over, again, again
again, & over & over & over over & over,
over & over over & over, and over & over
over & over -n- over, again, again again,
& over & over & over over & over, over
& over over & over, and over & over over
& over -n- over, again, again again, & over
& over & over over & over, over & over
over & over, and over & over over & over
-n- over, again, again again, & over &
over & over over & over, over & over over
& over, and over & over over & over -n-
over, again, again again, & over & over
& over over & over, over & over over &
over, and over & over over & over -n-
over, again, again again, & over...
The... cops tell me the entire subject is hilarious.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
May 21, 2015... or so...
F.B.I. !
April 18, 2015...
Pain... lots of pain...
Eh... I pray a lot...
I pray for wisdom...
I pray "Avenge me of my adversary Lord"...
I pray for stuff... things...
I pray that God bless my enemies...
I pray... often for them...
I pray that the Lord bless my family... often...
I pray...
I pray...
And I pray...
We'll see...
We'll see..
March 24, 2015...
I recall a few conversations with... cops. "You expect us to believe that a nobody like you pissed off organized crime as much as you say"? It seems they didn't think I had what it took to irritate someone thusly.
Yeah... did you even slightly read anything here reader? Ticking bad people off isn't just something that comes naturally to me. It took years of practice.
Uhhh... could you law-enforcement types rescue me already? Sheesh!
May 27, 2015...
The pain ain't so bad today... maybe I'm just used to it. Truth be told I can barely walk. The burden's I bear ain't helping much but I've chosen to live my life like I want to, as best I can, until the fruits of the Child-Molestor's Bay City.. cop assisted torture... what they did to my knees and my shoulders cripples me. I shall not like being a quadriplegic. Eh, who does?
On another note... I fixed my often sabotaged mobile site for this webpage... again. I also note that whenever I view this website from my or public computers that it is always neat and tidy, presentable. I also note that whenever I view this website from my more advanced android cellphone or from someone else's computer... that it is a tangled mess of overlapping content and misplaced pictures. I accuse no one... just note it is all.
Just wrote a song dedicated to the Bay City... F.B.I. & yeah... I do feel a little better. Ahhh...
May 29, 2015...
Game over... Well, I suspect "This is it", game over time just might happen. Today I ate what for all I know was my last meal, meal alive, meal as a man (anatomically speaking), my just reward for refusing to obey a psychotic gang of professional rapists, child-molesters, extortionists, blackmailers, frame-artists, baby rapers, psychotic recreational torturing mass-murderers, call them what you will. High-school graduation time is upon us... the gang now finds itself flush with young troops about to enter the prime of their lives, and they've got plans to make sure that they enter that time with a lot of skeletons in their closets. After all, I'm dealing with a gang headquartered in a public school, the graduating class know a ton of their secrets, secrets the gang knows they can never be prosecuted for as they pass into adulthood. An entire class of young criminal, already hardcore, perverse, young men & women and it's time to make certain they can never testify against the gang. Well, that and most of them adore the kidnap rape torture and yes, even the kill the innocent victim lifestyle.
"What'll they [the... cops] have? One, maybe two cops watching you? They ain't going to do nothing but watch when we have 20 guys with machine guns kidnap you".
If this is the big torture session... the big crippling one they've been boasting about for decades I shall not much care for it, nor the quadriplegic lifestyle. I wonder how many children will die? Will they be maimed? What if a laughing sadist of any age turns their back on me for a second during my torture... if you've been reading my website, you know what I will do.
Have you ever looked into the eyes of a little girl you just mutilated for life and heard her say. "Why did you do that to me? I'm just a little girl". Maybe it's just me?
A different beautifull woman asked me I wanted a ride in a different van every 6 hours or so as I traveled after that event...
I ate my meal like it was my last meal... oh well...
Why me? Why?
Go ahead... what are you waiting for? The Child-Molestors have been watching YOUR children. Once they do whatever it is they do to children to YOUR kids it'll be too late!

June 11, 2015...
Losing hope...
January 06, 2016...
At about 11ish... a mid-sized car was traveling south on State St. and held a camera to his face. The car swerved towards me, I feinted a dodge, he corrected and blew past me. Probably happens in America every day.
Yesterday, it was insults in a restaurant by, what is allways a pretty young woman I've never seen before nor in all likelihood will ever see again. NOT so unusual... I'd suppose. Seeing as after the 1st week when I moved to my new community... I received at least one screaming insult daily. Unusual only that in the past the Child-Molestors have done so no more than every other day except during "The Gym". This went on for a month & a half solid and culminated in my kidnapping by Duh Jerk and his gang of teens.
3 years ago... I'd met some new friends... Jeremy B. and others. Duh Jerk had kidnapped us both. Relocated us to what I would (best guess) guess was a hotel lobby... where he had all these doors, like unto coroner drawers, on the wall.
For decades he and his mouthpieces have been bragging he was going to get plastic surgery and fake his own death. The man, nearly 20 years my senior... didn't look a day over 39ish. With a grand wave at the doors he pointed at them and said. "These are the bodies of all the people you've killed".
I CALLED HIM ON IT. "Bulls _ _ _ ! Lets see". and I walked up to them.
Jeremy B., obviously doped out of his mind and giggling and babbling laughed and Duh Jerk forbade me to look but I breezed by him, grabbed a door, and yanked it off the wall revealing that it'd been simply some prop glued thusly to a wall.
Jeremy B laughed... I laughed... and even Duh Jerk reluctantly laughed.
I recall in the past... from time to time Duh Jerk and others have doped me stupid and confronted me with the horrors of death I've been involved in. Duh Jerk, Fagboy, Duh Weasel, all of them have pointed and screamed. "You killed them"! And worse... "You killed them! You're a murderer! Kill yourself"! To attone for the crime.
A few of the gang brag that the films of my crying about the slain... pistol in hand and discussing suicide at length with the gang is more than enough evidence to enable them to kill me thusly. Indeed... the gang brag that for a victim to even repeat their PRACTICAL joke invites murderous death in an apparent suicide at thier hands AND renders them immune to even the possibility of legal reprisal. Not that they're worried about that in a community they control.
Eh, I'm off subject here. I shouldn't chat about that... cop who stood behind me for a half hour 2 years ago in Wausau Wi (in front of 200 witnesses) after I'd been pleading for police help. Nor should I discuss how I've been pulled over every other month or so MY ENTIRE LIFE, even in the community I'm in now (in fact the next one is probably due).
Sooo... there I was... dodging and film... again... (something I'm not likely to do for long since the horrible crippling pains I'm in are getting worse from their last major torture session). In seconds... before I'd even cleared the block, a local... cop, a black marked Sheriff car traveling east on Hamilton whipped around, sirens blazin, and pulled over some vehicle travelling north on State. Ending about 2 blocks away. Innocent? Or was it... "a Cop of convenience"?
You see... in the past, when the gang committed various atrocities upon my person, they like to have a... cop nearby. The... cop may or may not be a dirty cop, And even if dirty may or may not be involved. Eh, over the years I've chatted with a bunch of Child-Molestors and they've described to me how the scam works.
In the case of it being a dirty cop it's pretty straight forward. Paid and or blackmailed to be there... they'll insure the gang's interests are represented. But in the case of an unwitting dirty cop? They'll be there but misdirection will have placed them there. A reliable tip, some goodies or a bribe might be forthcoming if they wait for a target vehicle or person (who's waiting around the corner). If the victim(s) take the bait and approach the dirty cop, he'll either see to the gang's interests straightaway, or will act otherwise law-abiding, the gang will watch, then approach said... cop with an offer later. Sneaky... because the cop is set to do their dirty work... and they don't even have to pay them if they don't use them. Besides... tying up all the cops (dirty or not) in an area pays handsomely if you're into organized crime, kidnapping, and rape and such.
In the case of a good cop... they'd be there based on a tip from a "reliable source" and you'd better bet they're reliable because the child-molesting community (yeah, there's so many in America that there's a "community" of them) will have recently been feeding said cop with all sorts of reliable tips to safeguard their interests and to get the cops snooping elsewhere.
Every few months... my entire adult life... I wake up covered with my own excrement... and dripping fluids from my ever-expanding rectum.
Sooo... the way I figure it... is the gang are escalating for the next big gang-rape... will this be the one I wont walk away from? A few yanks on my arms & I'd be crippled for years, maybe for life after what they did to me. Stand for a few days after what they did to my knees? Yeah, crippled there too.
There's no way out of it. Not with my family in the gang. There's no way to escape... they follow. The... cops are there ever to snicker and have handed me to them openly in the face of me screaming it was a kidnapping.
Doomed is as doomed does.
"You know you're not as innocent as you act. You're a serial-killer".
"You deserve everything we're doing to you because you're a serial-killer". An 11 year old said that to me.
"It's a shame that the Bosses wont let us try to kill you in the gym anymore. You deserve everything we're doing to you because you're a serial-killer". My torturing kidnapping raping mass-attempted-murdering 11 year old classmate lamented that to me AFTER he'd raped and tortured me for weeks IN a Bay City Public School hallway DURING business hours.
13 January, 2016
I lost...
Eh... about that recent kidnapping & rape...
A month & a half, 2 months of daily screaming insults... sometimes 2 a day in the new community. Alternating between teenaged girls and men.
How'd they catch me? Idano? What all did they do to me? What horrors, skits, plays, PRACTICAL jokes did the commit upon my person, what if any diseases did they inflict? Idano. But I'll bet it wasn't good being that I awoke from it with a rectum no longer watertight and dripping foul-smelling fluids for the next few weeks. I'd suppose I'll have to wait to see the films like everyone else.
They dragged me back to where I'd lived in Schofield Wisconsin... to the very spot among the trees. There... I was bent over, restrained... and raped by teenaged boys. It's fuzzy. Duh Jerk was there... it's his job AND hobby. It's what he loves. It's what he does. He looks much younger now. For years he and his "gang" boasted his intention to get plastic surgery and fake his death before they got rid of me... legally. Did he? Did they? Maybe it was just makeup. Idano...
Soooo... there... among the trees, beside the river, in Schofield, at night, I lay on the ground. Duh Jerk jumped on my chest, pinning my arms beneath his shins, and slapped me in my face... the face that still itches nearly 10 years after what they'd done to it one night in Bay City across the Street from General Motors. There, a Dr... a local Dermatologist rubbed a rough 2" yellow circular pad on my chin. It's been red and itched ever since. Dr.s have either refused to acknowledge it (Bunga Bunga Hospital) or said they had no idea what it was nor how to cure it (just like the gang said they would).
With my arms pinned he began to slap delirious me in the face over and over bringing me to a state of only partial delirium. He had a message to tell me... and he wanted me to remember it for later. "THERE IS NOTHING YOU HAVE THAT I CAN NOT TAKE AWAY FROM YOU"! SLAP! SLAP! SMACK! "YOU GOT THAT'? THERE IS NOTHING YOU HAVE THAT I CAN NOT TAKE FROM YOU"! Over & over.
Eh, I awoke... the sides of my head now permanently "defoliated". Void of all by the occasional strand of hair. My belongings ransacked... many underwear and socks missing... odd little things to take taken...
Pray all you want for help. Beg the... cops for help. Try to plead, beg, reason with them. With anyone. Christians will chant the CHristian Mantra: "Go to the cops". The... cops will chant their mantra: "No one would do that to someone". It's impossible because the... cops are all way too good at their jobs for something like that to happen.
I've lost...
Yeah... whatever..
04 March, 2016
Yeah... I've failed... I never could overcome all the dirty... cops in my life. I guess you get used to failure after a time, I'd suppose you'd get used to success after a while too (just a guess).
Sooo... I'll live one day at a time, until the slow dismembering death promised to me by the gang comes. Or until the prison they plan to shove me into whisks me away.
Until then, I'll do like I always did. Just live one day at a time, pray, and hope beyond all hope that somehow... I will be delivered from the gang.
Doomed no matter what... it's not as glamorous as the... cops I've met seem to believe.
My goal? WHat is my goal with this website? "I WANT TO LIVE"! "I want a slice of the American dream". "I want to live free of kidnapping, rape, and torture".
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.

06 Feb, 2016
Pain... Pain... Pain...
Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain...
21 January, 2016
Just checking out a new website I've made... the password was invalid the next day when I tried to log into the site. Huh...
18 January, 2016
I'll admit, I chose poor taste. But, eh, good taste was getting me nowhere. Indeed the bragging Child-Molestors snicker to my face about the many many many many many many many many many many time I aproached law-enforcement with nothing but respect. Even those... sentinals of justice snickered at my story often and based disbelief soley on how respectfull I was to them. "If that was happening to me I'd be screaming my head off".
Alas the gang also brag that "screaming your head off" pays for them in spades... you see loyal readers, once the gang's spin-doctors dig their claws into a victim, it seems that there is nothing they can say or do to extricate themselves from the gang and thier entrenched dirty cops Hull & dirty doctors.
EH, so today I'll write about a child I killed... and dedicte the slow death of that particular child to fine people of Schofield & Wausau Law-Enforcement. All of'em, ... cops, agents (if any), and even their secrataries & janitors. Thanx guys... know that this child slaying... "dedication" goes out to you. And to people like you Hull.
I also intend to start my stories sayin that I am a criminal. Again... thanx Schofield.
Picture that child dying... slowly. Hull...
09 Feb, 2016
Yeah... pain.
I guess I should write something, somerthing positive? Filled with hope and glee? What great things God hath done for me?
Shouldn't I be shouting off the rooftops about how great my country is, and how great God is?
Shouldn't I be screaming aloud the praises of my upbringing? The family who raised me? The... schools of my youth where I learned so many lessons?
Gleefully in song praising all that is what made me... me?
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
If only I had died in The Gym...
10 Feb, 2016
Eh, today I bumped into someone in a bad situation... who was positive about it. How dare I presume to allow myself to be anything less than positive?
Sooo... I'll try to be positive. Not easy... I've been listening to politics lately. It makes it challenging to keep positive.
Positive? I'm positive that if the police begin to honestly investigate my claims (I'm obviously not adressing Mid-Michigan... cops here) that anomilies will begin to show up in my case. No matter who gets involved the Mid-Michigan... cops will get involved... and their consistant pounding of a round peg into the square hole of any investigation into me will beg questions. My enemies get to lie all they want, if I'm caught in one it's game over for me. Their stories will begin to morph & and change, evolving based upon what they think investigators want to hear and what they think they can get away with. But only if I can inspire an "honest investigation". Hmmm... the never lose gang who use thier never fail plan? They've got dirty... cops, drugs, cash, whores, and a never fail assortment of lies that have allways worked. Not to mention a lifetime of films that have allways enabled them to manipulate whosoever they choose with impunity.
Me? I have God, the truth, and presumably... honest police.
"As God is my witness". I wonder how many of the gang's victims said this?
Here I shall adress honest Police. Are there any out there? Any? You can do this... you can beat the gang... beat them and you can write your own ticket of success in life... or you can bow down, bend over, give the gang victory by mission of action or by default. I endured so much horror resisting the gang. Please don't just give them victory. Do it for the children, the children who died, the children who will die, maybe even for the children who lived, who were next on the gang's list, but I endured the gang's torture and they never got to them. Never got to them yet. They're out there, and the gang brag they are next, after they deal with me.
Today I wrote on the gang's boasted plan to take me down as a precursor to taking down a whole bunch of cops and getting them to do their bidding... FOR FREE!
11 Feb, 2016
Eh... was just doing inventory... you see, after the last gang-rape/kidnapping... I wondered just what Duh Jerk meant by his boast "You have nothing that I cannot take". So I did an "inventory" of my belongings... a short list I assure you. Eh, the usual were gone. Socks, underwear. I'm not entirely sure what he... they do with them but.. ew! Yech!
I also noticed, a sealed container, containing a computer chip, with my notes on a variety of inventions ranging from silly, to practical (to me in any event), to genuine "weapons of mass-destruction" that I thought up. I'd suppose a lot of guys envision such things... what are their qualifications? Idano? Probably quite a lot. Mine? I probably played more hours of wargames in simulated military, urban, and clandestine environments than any 10 experts, constantly pushing the edge as I strained to test, under simulated conditions, weapons, ideas, and concepts of warfare and it's tools I thought up along the way. Nuclear, biological, chemical... yeah... even the poor man's versions, cheap ways to do nuclear, biological, and chemical military stuff, the notes based on decades of research into military theory, yeah... those notes... yup they are gone. In their place I found a black "adapter" of similar size to said chip.
Gosh, I hope that my recreational serial-killing stalkers don't do anything "unethical" with them... like they said they would.
12 Feb, 2016
Weapons of Mass-Destruction?
I know... I know... my loyal readers are asking themselves if a High-school dropout could even come up with a weapon of mass-destruction. Well... I did score high enough on the miltary's ASVAB tests to land a job being trained as a Strategic Weapons Systems Engineer. I did take Anti-Terorist schools... walked all over the bases asking a lot of experts questions on said subject at length, you'd be surprized how lax security was in the 80s on the subject.
Me? I'm claiming I could... and that for the most part... it's cheap and easy to do. So easy to do that a card-carrying Child-Molestor gang-banger told me that they, the gang, intended to use my notes to build such a weapon... use it, in a crowd, and be rid of me once and for all. With their many films of me over the years... it's an easy sell no one would question.
What weapons? Actually, I'm not all that glad you asked... but, yeah, I came up with a few interesting ones while I played military simulation wargames... you know, like the one's you see Generals playing on a table, yeah, that.
Cheap too. Did you know that Fuel Air Bombs are only 60% efficient? It's got a lot to do with how they're designed. Well... the way I figured it,.. add a few pipes, a few nice detonators, and maybe a cutting edge pump & you can raise the efficiency to 100%. Eh, you'd have to see it to know what I mean and I ain't drawing it... online. Sooo... I pondered... what if we wanted to make it a bunker-buster too? Hmmm... you'd be surprised to know what "The Munroe Effect" is... and how you could apply it's properties to such an explosion. About those pipes... didn't you wonder what they'd do? Where they'd go? Lets raise the efficiency even more... cheap, by taking advantage of a few aerodynamic principles. A more expensive version even adds 2 rocket motors.
Cheap, crude, yet entirely effective biological and chemical dispersal units, how to make dirty bombs on the cheap... I've done a lot of research. It's a lot cheaper than most people think, particularly if you're willing to take a few safety shortcuts.
Even nastier, allways cheaper weapons too. A few silly ones too. Once I bought a box of fireworks. Light a single fuse and 100 rockets shot off one after the other. At first I figured you could change the firecracker warhead to seeds, and seed your lawn with grass or beautifull flowers for those with big yards. Then it occured to me... in an invention section I call "mean gifts", that you could put nearly any payload in those cheap firecrackers (let alone if you actuall bought a few simple tubes and made your own easy to build sugar propelled rockets, yeah sugar propelled, cheap, easy, and cheap, did I mention cheap?). My initial notes would show it's mean quality by simply putting seeds of sorts in them. You know, foul-smelling, ugly, hard to get rid of, seeds. Then it occured to me, you could put a lot of different things in those rockets. Sure, other guys allready thought that stuff up too. WHat I'm saying... is that a gang of recreational serial-killers stole my notes, and brag they figure they can get away with killing any number of people based on edited films of a delerious and coached me chatting with them, and the films taken during my many hours of cutting edge military simulation where we discussed every subject of warfare from good war to bad, dirty, low down stinking rotten no good lowly filthy war, with all the bells and whistles that make security experts wake up screaming at night in a cold sweat. Yeah... I hope they don't do anything... "unethical".
Complain all you want... America's... cops are only interested in going after the normal citizens of America. Why? Idano? Gutless? Corrupt? They see who the real enemy is in America's future? Laziness? Lack of training? Lack of motivation? I'm leaning twoards cowardness myself, at least in Mid-Michigan. The gang brag their quite ferocious... willing to throw away 100s of lives to block investigators who lack the imagination to go after them and are so handcuffed by red tape and "criminal rights" that they have zero chance against someone with a bazillion dirty... cops who can just arrange to have themselves arrested by a dirty... cop who'll violate their rights and get all the evidence thrown out. Not to mention the morons the gang has blackmailed enough for a hundred life sentences who will gladly take a 50 year charge and see it as a bargin when compared to the death penalty or watching the gang rape their kids in front of them... again.
Logic? Deduction? Who said those words? Apply logic so you can deduce things? Sure... why not? Dow industrial is in the Bay City area... they make a ton of top-secret military stuff... I think it's called S.C. Johnson now, but what it's called now matters not. Let us state fact. Our military secrets are being stolen, the gang work in the area, and on a few occasions a few of them boasted they do the stealing. Me? I know better than to believe a single word that comes outta their mouths, but... Who is doing the stealing? Lone employees? Self-radicalizing lone employees? Greedy employees? Eh, probably. Enemy agents breaking into the area's most secure facilities in daring night time raid that would make "Mission Impossible" look like preschoolers? Perhaps... what if it's just an organized crime gang in the area... what they did to me they do to a lot of the top-secret employees when they go on an extended vacation... like a few of them have boasted? I know I know... if you're a Mid-Michigan... cop you might figure it's those aliens or that pesky Sasquatch who's allways messing with mid-michigan... cops. More likely you figure it's foregn operatives launching super secret high-tech raids... or is it just some local gang... they kidnap rape top-secret employees when they take extended vacations where they wont be missed or pounce on them at the Bunga Bunga Hospital who give them drugs and provide excuses for why said employees will be gone for a week with a virus or provide the excuse for the many broken bones and battered bodies, victims of their torture? Just a gang? "No one would be so dishonorable". That's what area... cops told me. The gang brag that they do what they do to me all the time to a lot of people... I'm just their "get out of jail free card" is all.
"No one would be so dishonorable". I aint saying a word of what they say is true... but I will apply logic to it. Ponder the word... "Interrogation". You probably picture Gitmo... a bunch of guys wearing towels on their heads in orange jumpsuits being waterboarded... maybe even sleep-deprived. Noooo... interrogation, true interrogation isn't like that. Properly applied, in a gentle way, one ponders the statements made by their target group. You fiure most of it is lies... that's par for the course. But when a guy lies, and then the next guy lies, and then the next guy lies, and so on, they build a web of lies. A skilled interrogator begins to see paterns, he knows what to ask next, he invites his target to laughingly build sections of the web more, and more, based on the paterns, the lies thusly examined. Torture is for sadists. The best interrogators in history all used kindness.
Why bring it up? I listen... I see paterns, I hear things... you'd be surprized what stuff I've overheard... No matter... All that and a dollar can still get you a cup of coffee in some places.
I figure I'm most likely doomed no matter who the... cops believe. The Molesters, me, or if they choose to come to their own conclusion.
01 March, 2016
My enemies move against me...
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
I wish I'd died in the gym...
Whatever... not misspelled... Whatever...
11 March 2016
Doomed no matter what. It's a lifestyle I'd suppose you never quite get used to. I lost... the Child-Molestors and their arsenal of dirty & easilly gulled... cops won.
I haven't lost... yet. I'm, just not the winner... yet?
Bdee bdee bdee That's all folks! ;)
Sunday... sometime in March, 2016ish
It sucks to be me.
15 March, 2016... probably, my timepiece is outt whack.
Sooo... I figured I'd talk about a few constants in my life. You know, "constants", in physics and such they are things wich never change.
1) I have no intention of ever obeying the Child-Molesters, ever. By now they must certainly realize I would never willingly serve them. Sure, they go ahead, manipulate & torture me to make it seem like I will obey them, threaten me, threaten everyone around me, I just don't want to obey them. Never did, never will.
2) You guys sure do brag a lot about "ripping off my invetion ideas and making a fortune". True? Lies? PRACTICAL joke? Eh... I don't like to call myself the loser, but hey, let's admit it, you guys are the winners, I prayed to my God, you prayed to yours. You guys went to the... cops (1st... YOUR gang... went... to... the... cops... 1st in this arangement... you guys, only after a bazillion... cop frame-ups by you guys, did I go to the police), I went to the... cops, all over the country, and even all over the world, you won, & I was not the winner. Get over it. It's not over until the fat lady sings, but she's probably been warming up for a while.
3) Nah... I ain't giving up, surrendering, nothing like that. I intend to oppose you, quite possibly for all eternity. Get over it. Lots of people do, in fact, most people oppose people like you guys, you are an abomination to man, and exist only through lies & violence.
4) Millions? Are you sure? Eh, who can tell with you guys? It seems to me, that if I was making millions off some rube (maybe more, even if it was less) that I'd tend to treat him decent.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, blackballed at birth by My Cousin, you guys just love to torture, and revenge for The Gym is your primary motivation... secondary to making money.
It seems to me, you plan to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. What does history teach us about doing that? What do they (They being smart people) say about them? Who does that?
5) Eh, I get bored easy... so I thought, I'd make a shopping list, a shopping list that smart people would fill because they're not stupid, they're smart. I want a few things, and I have no intention of serving you, you want a few things, and your financial interests (I figure The Gym is a poor, poor secondary reason at best, I know you guys, it's all about the money. Ain't it?). Fill my shopping list... in exchange I promise you nothing... but you do know I'm working on a few new invention ideas.
Ps: Please don't try to recruit me, I'm not making any deals, this is not a negotiation, I'm not signing anything, no paperwork, not making any films, not even a public handshake. What do you care? It's all about the money, you're the winners, I'm not the winner and you like money. Did I miss anything. Invest in the future, or get passed by those who do.
1) I need a computer, laptop, top of the line, with all the bells and whistles. Put any sneaky monitoring programs on it you want, what do I care?
2) Google Sketch. Bought and paid for.
3) A nice, black bag, single strap to put it in.
4) Get your Hull... cop off of me, I wont invent a thing again if I'm locked up. Not a threat, it requires a state of freedom, and peace for me to invent, and it just wont happen. Being that I like my hobby, and your guys tell me you like my hobby, tell me where the smart money is.
5) Eh, that's all I can think of. Hey, you want me to invent? Inventing ain't free.
6) Do it sooner rather than later, I need this stuff, figure it'd help me, that means you need this stuff. Very soon, very soon, I'll change my mind, like I did with the million dollars, I'll say. "Anyone got a lighter"?
Soon, very soon. No kidnapping to give it to me... or I go straight to the lighter.
If it's all just a big, PRACTICAL joke, don't worry about it. No harm, no foul.
I was thinking about saying I wont invent stuff unless I get some help, but lets face it. Inventing stuff has been my lifelong hobby. You'd be surprized at the stuff I've come up with, and lost, only to recall later after someone else came up with it.
It also ocurs to me, that when locked up, and I have a lot of experience being locked up, my invention ideas amount to zip, nada, not much. At best.
Don't bother thinking you wore me down, or somehow I'll negotiate. I know better.
Truth be told, I ain't doing this even out of boredom, it's just something to do. No tricks, no lies, & no promises of reward, frankly, we all know who the honorable one in this conversation is. I come up with stuff, you steal it, money? I don't see no money. Why change a good thing? Right? Are you making cash? Don't you want to make sure you make more? Stop me when I quit making sense... dollars and cents.
16 March, 2016
Huh... no computer. Never let it be said I didn't put out an olive branch to the Child-Molesters (actually, I've been nice to them tons of times, as per my religon, the gang brag it's great evidence against me for court later).
Here your gang is, hiding behind a smokescreen, telling the world that you're really all about the love, that you guys are only bringing your victims pleasure. Ahhh... but we both know better don't we. The offer still stands, you give me the computer I need, I give you nothing in return.
On another note... were you guys telling the truth about cashing in on my inventions? That means... my inventing... is your... well, it don't take a genuis to figure it out.
Yesterday... was the 1st day in my life where I could've written down an invention idea, I had the time, and the paper, but not the powerfull computer... so I didn't even slightly write it down. You do know, the only reason I write them down is because I forget them if I don't. I'm pretty sure it was a nice one... still recall that one, mostly. But frankly... I'm bored of your gang... I didn't write it down, didn't work out the kinks of the design like normal... bored.
Cashing in? Really? If true (I make it a habit of not believing you guys) then I'll only ask you a single question.
Did you hear that?
What was it? Why, it was the sound of your money sucking down the drain.
Today, I declare it... "very". I'd suppose I'll soon say it's "very, very"... and in a few days... "very, very soon". Then you can take your coupla thousand dollar computer and... well, use your imagination.
No need to thank me guys... just knowing that you & your gang are out there working hard in the Bay City Public School system is all the thanks I need.

A poster not found in any Bay City Public School, nor any Bay City Law-Enforcement building.
Nuff said!

13 Feb, 2016
15 Feb, 2016
Just thinking about Duh Jerk and "The Bosses"...
A few verses from a favorite book of mine sums it all up... Daniel, Chapter 3.
17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.
18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.
17 Feb, 2016
Pain... just pain...
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
23 fEBRUARY, 2016
fail·ure fālyər/ noun
lack of success.
"an economic policy that is doomed to failure"
synonyms:lack of success, non fulfillment, defeat, collapse, foundering More
the omission of expected or required action.
"their failure to comply with the basic rules"
27 Feb, 2016
What do I write? What words shall I print that will send the police out in waves to take down my enemies, what combination of words will make them protect me? Is there any words that anyone can utter or print to deliver themselves from the Child-Molesers and their slew of dirty... cops and reliable stable of easily manipulated but otherwise honest... cops? Any?
Does any of this even matter? Ain't I doomed no matter what anyway? No matter who the... cops believe? Ain't I?
What about Heaven? Where does God fit in? Is he watching, intensely plotting my delivery from the calamity that is the life he's assigned to me? Or am I just another statistic? Another injustice that the forces of Heaven will get around to avenging?
You know... I even wonder about the next life too? For all you Christian deep thinkers out there, you'll understand. Here goes...
Revelation 20 King James Version (KJV)
1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
Sooo... if I cant get it right in this life? What makes Less Than Nobody me think that I can get it right in the next life? If I cant get the powers that be of this world to help me, if I cant get on their side? What makes me think I have a chance in the next life when verse 8 comes around?
Fighting a War in the 4 quarters of the Earth? Man, I'm tapped out from the wars, all the fighting I've done on this world. My body is broken and carved from the gang's tortures, my spirit has had calamity upon horrors heaped upon it in piles, and the best advice anyone, cops included have given me is... 'go to the police'. Has anyone even looked at a single page of my writings? That plan has been a dismal failure.
Still... the bible says there is wisdom in many councilors. When I ask preachers what to do they've unanimously chanted the Christian Mantra to me. "Go to the cops". When I say that plan doesn't work, give me other advice, they decline. A few said, in so many words, that they had advice to give, but were afraid to utter it because of America's trial lawyers, they didn't want to be sued. When you ask cops, and even the people of the world (ie: non-Christians) they say "go into hiding"... and "kill them".
Well, I am in hiding... have been going from place to place for a few years now... the gang seems to unerringly find me, kidnap, rape, and torture me with impunity like usual and my ever-expanding rectum cant take much more.
Take revenge? Yeah... my bible says:
19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord
The only one being repaid that I can see... is me! So I modify my plan... thusly...
14 Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.
Yeah... I'm waiting... Courage? Yeah... I tried that.
But then there's the question of how to treat my enemies? The bible's got that covered too.
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Yeah... I'm waiting... Courage? Yeah... I tried that. Being nice to my enemies? Praying for them? Yup... did that. How well did I do? I suppose you'd say I performed as well as anyone who've given themselves the nickname "Less Than Nobody".
I don't think I put in why I've nicknamed myself "Less Than Nobody" on this website? Eh... it's based on multiple... cop quotes... like this one, said multiple times to me. "Why would anyone do that to a nobody like you"?
My reply? Sure... as if 1 more sentence would send police scrambling to save me. "You can't do something like that to anyone but a nobody".
Doomed no matter what? It's not as glamorous as people seem to think.

17 March, 2016
Sooo... I thought I'd use logic, and bluntness to my enemies.
Beating around the bush in the above entries probably only wasted my time, your time, and gave any dirty prosecutor tons of evidence to use against me. Eh, my bad. I was in a hinty kinda mood. Bluntly...
I'm addressing the gang bosses here...
When I'm locked up, being tortured in lengthy sessions, worrying about crippling injuries... I don't invent.
Sooo... is it true? Did you guys make a small fortune off my inventions? Didn't you make a small fortune off of sucking cash from morons through me?
If any of this is true... I'm a consistent earner for your gang. How do I compare, "Financially speaking" to your loyal earners, children of "The Gym", and such? I'll bet, if 1/10th of what your messengers say is true... I've made you a fortune.
Now, speaking in dollars and sense... a point missing to your enthusiastic troops and man-at-arms Duh Jerk... I brought home the bacon. From what I understand... you are all about the money... you adore revenge... but revenge wont give you a boat 20' longer than your friend's boat. Thus logically... fiscally speaking... making me happy is in your best interests. Revenge me all you want... don't pay much.
Yeah... I'm dedicated to your destruction... so what? Half your guys would destroy you in a heartbeat if they could and half of them are making subtil plans, watching for weaknesses, making contacts, and keeping an eye on you and will do just that if they get half a chance. You don't fear me, you've won, and I am not the winner in the conversation.
My point is, logically speaking, you want cash... you do the things to get you cash. Go ahead... kill the sorta connected goose that laid the golden egg. See how that works out for you.
So, I'll take that coupla grand computer with all the bells and whistles. Call off your torture goons... I'm solid. I ain't signing for anything, and don't take this as a sign I'm giving in. After 50 years of kidnapping rape and torture... I ain't and maybe... I'll go 5-10 years without inventing like the last times your group pour it on, like in 73 * 82. I didn't invent anything for years afterwards. Not a threat... I like inventing... it's my hobby. Your call Bosses.
I'm a Christian... I will never join you. I'm sure you heard it from a bazillion Christian wannabees. It's a "to the death" kinda thing. Frankly, I'm only so good at it, but hey, I plan to get to Heaven by grace through faith. Abraham believed God and it was counted as righteousness for him. Frankly, I wish Christianity would come to my aid, help me, but I picture Dr. Phil on a couch asking me. "So how's that working out for you"? Loyalty to the death... sooner than I imagine probably... Let me add. "Better last in Heaven than first in Hell". I wouldn't want to be you guys come Judgement Day... unless you repent.
Why not repent. You've made a fortune already, had your kicks, it's time to get your heart right with God, accept that Jesus died for your sins, confess it with your mounth, and live the good life laughing in Heaven standing at the Pearly Gates instead of burning forever in the Lake of Fire... a place of "outter darkness" where every jerk who ever lived is, alongside all your victims who are just waiting to welcome you as only they can. Repent... or else!
Bluntly... If I'm happy, I have the equipment I need to invent stuff, you make money. Your Jerk and his Stars Cripple me, act like jerks do, and you don't make as much money. Ain't it all about what makes sense with you guys? Dollars and cents?
Hey, it's your money. AND a limited time offer. Very... Very...
19 March, 2016
Wait... did you hear that sound? It sounded like the Boss's money being thrown away. It's
the sound of money being thrown down the toilet by some Jerk, a Weasel, and his Fagboy.
The sound of the Boss's cash flushed by their wannabee henchmen? Say it with me...
"Ffffffllllllloooooooooossssshhhhh"! What do the Big Bosses do when henchmen throw their
cash down a toilet?
Yeah... I did eventually write down a portion of that invention idea I came up with by the way.
Eh, why not? It is my hobby.
Very, very s...
21 March 2016
Very, very so...
22 March 2016
I guess some people can fool ALL of the... cops ALL of the time. Go figure...
I guess I brought this rape on myself... you see, one of the advices people gave me about
dealing with my stalkers was "try to reason with them". Normal people, people on the street,
preachers, and even... cops gave me that advice. As though there was no problem in life that
a reasonable man couldn't just talk his way through it.
My throat is sore and I get to enjoy that "freshly sodomized smell", a particularly ripe odor
that lingers for some time after the rape. Today it has a sharp aroma I get to share with
anyone who passes by. The 1st week is usually the worst... worse rapes can have lots of
anal leakage for years or more... I guess it's only more proof against... me. Sigh...
Bluntly... I'm not happy. No inventing... no money for you guys. I want that computer, or I'll
tell the bosses how you've squandered their money... how if you gangbangers had given me
what I needed I might've put more cash in their pockets. It makes perfect sense, dollars and
cents. Sooo... now I want that computer... and all of my CDs back, and add in a mobile
internet transmitter, with about 6 months pre-paid service.
No inventing... no money. I'm telling the bosses on you guys.
Very, very soo...
It is possible that the most excellent Abe Lincoln never met a Mid-Michigan... cop. Or was he
talking about them when he said some of the people all the time? Go figure...
23 March, 2016
I was born lucky. No, I really was. My rejection by the gang as a baby (or before I was born if you believe the boasting professional liars of the Child-Molestors) came with lots and lots of pain, deprivation, and a lifetime of horror.
If I could, would I go back and accept the various offers made to me by the gang to join them? No. I would not join them. The evil, the horrors, the torture, the backstabbing, the lies, the pain... as I look back on it... yeah, it wasn't fun. But I'd like to walk the Christian path please. And I count myself lucky I never joined the Child-Molesters of Bay City. They never had anything I ever wanted. Besides... ain't "unconditional obedience" one of the gang's rules? Eh, I'm a bit of a rebel at heart, I'd suppose I could never live under the rules of "unconditional obedience". I'm sure Michigan's prisons are full of your gang members who said the same thing.
Sooo... is the reason I'm waiting on that coupla thousand dollar laptop because you're (the gang?) having trouble rounding up my CDs?
Hmmm... I thought I was speaking your language... money. According to My Cousin, Duh Jerk, and a few snitches you guys figure the reason for my inventing is that I'm a miserable artist... be cruel, the meaner you are to me, the more I pump out inventions for you. Huh... I don't believe a word any of you guys say. But... to amuse myself... I'll entertain the concept, for amusement purposes only.
I'd like to point to a recent prestigious study on the subject that showed the concept of the tortured artist/inventor producing is a myth, foolishness, and defies logic. Like this... If torturing artist/inventors got them to produce better inventions, got great results... then the tortured masses of the 3rd world and the inhabitants of every psycho country would be pumping inventions and inventors out like crazy. The are not, and in all of history, they never have. Oh, they get lucky now and again, get a really good producer. But they are the exception, not the rule. And when given the chance, they flee tyranny, and produce much better elsewhere.
Escape from you is next to impossible, I know that. Either you guys simply run the show, or your bribes, whores, and recruiting combined with your films and the witnesses of my family make you an invincible foe up and until now. There is no respite but that which God imagines to make you give me I'd suppose. My resolve to resist is stronger than ever because I know a better way. God is the truth and the life and no man get to the Father but by him.
I don't suppose I could just ask you guys to just leave me alone?
That gives you only a few options. Dispatch the goose that laid the golden egg. A choice that doesn't make you much of your favorite word... money. Or... just give me the tools I need to invent. Maybe scratch out a corner of happiness. Before I flame out... cease to invent... you tell me, which is the smart choice? Money? Or... just letting Fagboy, a Weasel, and some Jerk screw up your honey pot?
When I asked for advice against the gang one of the answers... cops gave me was to try and reason with the gang. Can you believe it? Reason... WITH YOU? Can anyone reason with you? Is it always torture from the womb to the grave without hope? What about... the money?
This is my final attempt to reason with you.
What? Did you hear that sound? Why, wasn't it the sound of a Weasel and a Jerk flushing the Bosses money away? Say it with me slowly. "FFFFFFFllllllloooooooooooossssssssshhhhhhhh"!
Reasonable is as reasonable does.
Hey, I had to try.

In Detroit Saginaw & Bay City...
The Bosses will forgive any cash loss. No matter HOW MUCH money their underlings cost them! Enjoy!
Because the Bosses don't care about the money.... Or... is just that the gang is getting weak? Hear that enemies of the Gang? The gang cant even police their own guys who are costing them a fortune! HA!

March 28, 2016
This has been a test of the "Try to reason with my stalkers system". It was only a test. If I had been inclined to reason with my stalkers there would be a warning. Eh... it sounded funnier in my head.
Well... I guess today is very, very soon. Keep your computer Duh... Jerks! Ya'all nevah was very's brite... in my humble opinion. It seems to me, you guys would want me happily inventing stuff to keep you in riches. Eh, there's no accounting for taste either. You guys are soooo gay for me. WHat is it Duh Weasel? Fagboy? The dimple of my buttocks? Revenge? Revenge for your precious time you called... "The Gym"? Is it the ongoing revenge started by My Cousin? What really? Not that you'd ever give anyone a straight answer I guess. Was it the "Blackballing"? Was it just like Fagboy and his Weasel said? "This way's more fun"?
The only thing that amuses me... is that when you get caught it is your announced intention to plead for leniency... send forth your troops and family to say things like. "Oh... Fagboy's such a good boy. He just got caught up in it because
____(insert victim's name(s?) here)___ is such a scumbag". Well, that and the brag. "We can do anything we want to you. All we have to do is say' you let us have this scumbag and we'll give you a hundred perverts and no honest cop is going to be able to resist that". Of course any smart man knows that if you offer the... cops 10 pervs, they they were probably about to take out 100 of your guys. If you offer 100 pervs the... cops were probably about to get the pervs in an entire are, and that if you guys offer them all the pervs in a region then they're probably closer to taking you all down more so thean they realize.
Revelation 17:14King James Version (KJV)
14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
A word of advice for The Child-Molestors of Michigan, your fate, unless you repent.
Revelation 20:11-15King James Version (KJV)
11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
My advice? Light a match every day... they tell me that a match is made with sulphur and you'd do well to get used to the smell sooner rather than later.
Just wait guys... every single victim you've ever sped on their way to Hell is waiting to see you...
22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
22 April 2016
It amuses me to change the style size and fonts and to place entries at random spots on this page. Eh, it's a philosophical statement I'm sure would elude most... cops.
Why am I writing today? Something to do... not boredom... no "quest for attention" like many a... cop has accused me of. Just something to do, Fear? Truth is I am empty inside today... fear, hate, the desire for (what... cops believe) attention just do not enter into today's equation. I dont think anyone reads this, certainly if they do they never attempt to communicate with me. Sooo... today I type just to type... nothing more.
I think I'll do a few definitions.
Empty is as empty does...
Lots of pain today... Lots, & the... cops think it's hilarious...
05/14/2016 Somewhere in America...
Yeah, the pain from my torture, my shoulders and my knees is fast approaching unbearable. I'm in pain. To even complain about it openly is to invite imprisonment by law-enforcement in jail and or assorted looney bins.
Ow.. ouch...owie... ow, ow ow... ow... yup ow.
If only I had known in the crib what lay in store for my life. A life void of the possibility of... whatever...
Yeah, whatever...

21 April, 2016
Eh... Invented a new type of telescope... well, new to me in any event. It came to me as I was thinking about what you could remove from a telescope or add to it to make a better one. Then it occured to me, with today's focusing tech, the lens itself is a non-essential part.
I haven't written it all down yet, and I probably shouldn't chat about it seeing that I haven't researched the subject yet to see who (not "if", who) allready invented the whole shebang.
I've tried to come up with some other stuff but until this telescope invention is seen to it's conclusion... idano.
Me? Lots of pain. You know... the pain from being tortured that the... cops laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh on & on & on& on about when you whine about it to them. Take a bow Child-Molestors of Wisconsin and Michigan... you've earned it. The... cops are totally your tools a& or absolutely unable to even fathom you and yours let alone begin to deal with who & what you are.
You Molestors only problem? Why... it's the burning in the Lake of Fire for all time thing because you didn't accept the atoning death of Christ and turn from your sins. Hey, don't hate on me, I'm just the messenger.
Yeah, you Child-Molesters talk a big wupp about "love" and "bringing pleasure". Well, to those in the know... to those who've read my true tale about my life immersed in your hate, where's my pleasure? Where's my love? You brag about building people? What have you done for me? Not that I want anything from you. You see... I know how you treat children, particularly those who either "know too much" or simply "get in the way".
You are bad people, and I will take you down. I shall take no pleasure inn your destruction. I see only waste, wasted lives, wasted potential, a sickness that needs to be purged from the system.
I also see a bright future for the children of Mid-Michigan once you've been removed from them. I see hope, lives that will matter, and I see hope, hope for me when your group is brought to justice, hope for the children you brag behind closed doors you are victimizing even now, and hope for the unborn children that I know you are planning to treat just like you treated me. Hope...
hope hōp/ noun
1. a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen "he made a website and had hope that the police would rescue him"
synonyms:aspiration, desire, wish, expectation, ambition, aim, goal, plan, design;More

16 May, 2016 Somewhere in America... the molestor know where...
I feel overcome by dread... horror fills my soul.
I had such hopes in the past that one day the truth would free me of the tyranny of the Child-Molestors who pervade my life.
I wonder what ever happened to that little Blond girl inn the last child-porn inflicted upon me by the gang? Is she alive? Dead? How old was she? Guess... take a wild guess reader. guess...

05/19/2016 Somewhere in America...
Ow... the wounds inflicted on my shoulders and knees hurt. I took off my sunglasses... it's really not that bright, but it hurts without them on none the less.
Pain... I lost. Not only did I lose for myself. But I've failed for an entire community of children, past , present, & future. Many of them enduring untold horrors at this very moment, and I've failed the dead children. That gal... in the tale on my other website. The gal the gang was slowly torturing to death while she lay there mere blocks from Bay CIty's Central High. I told her I'd go to the police. Hey, I tried. She was brave, she screamed in agony for who knows how long? She told me she forgave me. And I failed.
The little rich girl from Boulder. She told me she'd known the gang for about a month. (Ow, I should put my sunglasses on. Too depressed). She called her parents stupid for trusting her for a month at her new friend's slumber party. WHen I asked her what drugs the gang turned her on to she told me she didn't know what they were called. She told me she was fond of the brightly colored pills the most. Especially the yellow ones that enabled her and her new friends to stay up all nite and giggle.I was just re-living the old memories. The one with the guy and the girl, "who really relished their list", the wise know who I mean. One second, a pretty woman I intend to hit a few times... then the drug robs me... of being me. The next thing I know who knows how long has passed, I look down at the formerly pretty gal and realize I've been punching her in the face , in all probability for a long time now. Her face, is now flat. Flat, and her cheekbones jut out to the side further than I thought was anatomically possible.
I stared at her face... thinking... this had to be a trick. This thing couldn't be the gal I'd begun beating. My eyes focused on her thru the drug-haze. It was her all right. I could tell, barely. I'd never have done that to her. It was the drugs, they'd robbed me of being lucid, and she'd administered the doses often.
Feel better? I'm watching a comedy on the side while I typed this... it was a guilty pleasure to laugh. Somehow, I do feel better. Was it the prayer finally kicking in?
4 years... 4 years I've posted my story and not one... cop wants to chat? All this murder, rape, and mayhem and they even want a copy of my story? If any ... cop says they've chatted with me in decades they are a lying dirty ... cop as of today 05-19-16.
Hey, I tried...
I tried...
05/23/2016 Doomed, but haven't entirely given up all hope...
Soooo... thought I'd change up the Font. Eh, I'm sure it proves bad things about me to... cops. Everything does once the Molestor Spin-Doctors dig their claws into their victims. The... cops just eat it up!
Kinda tired. Penis turned 1/2 black lately... effects of the recent rape. Still, I cant seem to get the gumption up to worry about myself. I'm worried for that little Blond girl. The one like the molesters bragged they intend to prove is... "my type" in court". WHat became of her? Is she one of the gang's many professional seductresses (yeah, the tiniest youngest girls are recruited by the gang for this purpose. It very much demonizes their victims to even dare mention the subject, let alone allow them to maneuver into a position to prosecute their rapists. The... cops eat it up! I endorse this you advice-seeking rapists out there. It works!!!).).
What became of her? Is she alive? Dead? How'd she die? What will be her life expectancy if she should ever attempt to testify against me? Did she die well? Who did it? I know... I know the gang is full of recreational serial-killers, if they killed her, her death was probably not an easy one. The gang, Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak and pals love the very idea of slaying children for fun, and I've seen the gang's smiles again and again at the moment of a child's life ending. They "enjoy" their hobby. Very, very much, and dirty... cops, and easily manipulated but all too eager to help vigilante... cops cant wait to help them get away with it. Especially once they see the gang's films. They brag it's the coward... cops, cowardly Prosecutors who are their true power. They just show the their films in private and double-dog dare prosecutors to come after them, or so they brag. Phhht! Fail against the gang and you... cops and Prosecutors will learn 1st hand what it's like to deal with a gang without any honor. When they're done with me, by your hand, when they're done with me, when they've investigated you, bribed you, have you on record swearing they dont exist. Then, they're coming after you, and yours. They raped my kids in front of me, and you can feel free to trust them not to do it to you or your kids. But, they have no honor. When they blow a lot of cash investigation you, do you think they'll just move on? No... the gang without honor will look upon you narrowly, just like they did me, and my kids.
Whatever... cops of America.
08/20/2016 Hiding, somewhere in America...
Figure I'll write a weirdism. As if anyone will read it anyway. "Umbrella Umbrella".
08/22/2016 Hiding someplace in America, land of the free (not me though)...
Eh, just checking in. I think I'll mock some... cops. After all, this website is about making me feel better. It's not like I'm reporting a crime or such as I figure not a single... cop is following my website anyway.
I'll try to keep the mocking to... cops I know are dirty, in whole or in part.
I doubt it'll make me feel better but, eh. Who cares? Right?
9-17-16ish Child-Molestor Country... Posted a few weeks after it was written.
Sooo... last nite, I did laundry. My weather app told me it'd be “cloudy”. At the conclusion of my laundry it was a downpour. It made the fact that I carried an uncomfortable amount of laundry even more miserable. Man, is a semi-accurate weather app too much to ask for or what?
My point? Eh, soooo... about 3 months ago, I inventoried my socks and underwear. While I forget the number of pairs of socks I recall the number of underwear. It was 19. 20 When I counted the pair I was wearing at the time.
I've had a dream, fantasy really. I wanted to own enough socks and underwear so as to have fresh one's daily for over a month. SO I figured I'd buy an 8-pack of underwear and a 6-pack of socks every month for a while.
While doing laundry the stacks of each didn't look much bigger than usual. So I counted them. Though I've bought an 8-pack of underwear every month for the last few last year (minus the summer of 2016 spent under Wausau's care) my inventory was 20, then I recalled I hadn't counted the one's I was wearing. My socks were low too. I bought a 6-pack of extra tall socks last week and when I did my laundry I had but a single pair of them & even less total socks than last month.
The gang brag... eh, they brag they “do stuff” with my underwear. Soiled underwear make for great evidence when left at crime scenes, given to perv admirers, or warehoused someplace in a “room” that enables the gang to prove we're great buttbuddies 'See? He left a lot of his clothes and stuff here officer. That's proof we're great buttbuddies and that I'm not his stalker' or so I've been told.
Whatever the reason is for stealing socks & underwear, idano, wouldn't believe the gang if they swore on a stack of bibles when they told me, and don't care, much. It does suck to know that the pervs are out there, and that whatever their reasons for doing anything are, that those reasons are sick and perverse and serve only to further their sick and perverse lifestyle.
05 October, 2016 Somewhere in America. The Molestors know exactly where...
Sooo... I'm doing laundry as I write. Just did an underwear count. Only 5 missing.
Just so's Minnesota... cops know... I don't just leave underwear lying around, I didn't throw any away (don't own them long enough for them to wear out as a rule), I don't borrow them out, no one else is using them, I have no one else using them, no one else has access to them, they're gone.
Thanx for less than nothing Minnesota... cops. I went to you for help.. and you FAILED!
I'll spell it out for you (it may be that ex-Mid-Michigan... cops work there)...
past participle of steal.
Steal Definition:
take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it:
"thieves stole her bicycle" ·
"she was found guilty of stealing from her employers" · "stolen goods"
synonyms: purloin · thieve · take · take for oneself · help oneself to ·
loot · pilfer · run off with · abscond with · carry off · shoplift · embezzle · misappropriate · walk off with · rob · swipe · snatch · nab · rip off · lift · “liberate” · “borrow” · filch · pinch · heist · nick · peculate · theft · thieving · thievery · robbery · larceny · burglary · shoplifting · pilfering · pilferage · looting · misappropriation · embezzlement · peculation
dishonestly pass off (another person's ideas) as one's own:
"accusations that one group had stolen ideas from the other were soon flying"
synonyms: plagiarize · copy · pass off as one's own · pirate ·
poach · borrow · rip off · lift · pinch · crib · nick
take the opportunity to give or share (a kiss) when it is not expected or when people are not watching:
"he was allowed to steal a kiss in the darkness"
synonyms: snatch · sneak · get stealthily/surreptitiously
(in various sports) gain (an advantage, a run, or possession of the ball) unexpectedly or by exploiting the temporary distraction of an opponent.
(of a base runner) advance safely to (the next base) by running to it as the pitcher begins the delivery:
"Rickey stole third base"
move somewhere quietly or surreptitiously:
"he stole down to the kitchen" ·
"a delicious languor was stealing over her"
synonyms: creep · sneak · slink · slip · slide · glide · tiptoe · sidle ·
I'd define the word "Failure" but I suspect it's a word Minnnesota... cops are well aquainted with.
8/15/2016 Somewhere in America...
Sooo... here I am, in hiding. Eh, it's okie dokie I'd suppose. My ever expanding rectum is barely watertight, so I'd suppose it's sorta cool. It's been hot lately.
I meant to record my Wausau Wisconsin Jail experience... you know "Sleep Deprivation Attack Number Bazillion" by the gang. It is their primary attack form, recruiting tool, and hobby. Don't sweat it...; cops. You dont buy it for a second. Mostly because you are wholly "outclassed" by the child-molester community as a whole.
What do I mean by that?
past tense: outclassed; past participle: outclassed
be far superior to.
"they totally outclassed us in the first half"
synonyms:surpass, be superior to, be better than, outshine, overshadow, eclipse, outdo, outplay,outmaneuver, outstrip, get the better of, upstage;
top, cap, beat, defeat, exceed;
informalbe a cut above, be head and shoulders above, run rings around
"even in her freshman year, the Child-Molesters outclassed most everyone on the force".
I was going to write about my time in the Marathon County Jail... you know, the "Sleep Deprivation Attack" sponsored by the taxpayers of Wisconsin but technical difficulties arose. Eh, maybe tomorrow?
08 August, 2016 In hiding... somewhere in America.
So, There I was, shopping at the local "Goodwill" last nite, when the manager comes up to me and tells me that the next time I tour the store, I'd best leave my computer bag I was carrying at the front desk while shopping there.
Eh, it did make me raise an eyebrow. You see reader. As part of the gang's stalking/slur campaign against me one of the tasks of whosoever is currently tasked with stalking me bodilly is to slur my rep as I go about me day. Particularly before, during, or in the weeks after a kidnapping. Or so I'm told.
But... ya cants go accusing dem every time someones says something. I mean, a big parta da time it musts b a random thing. Right?
She walked away, then turned back, and said something like. "Besides. Someone just told me about you and what kind of guy you are and to watch you". She was quite indignant.
Me? I said. "Thanx for telling me about that". Then I told her about my stalker problems and requested the identity of the alleged tipster.
I'd like to thank the officers of the Schofield Wisconsin Police and... cops like them who've made my stalking possible.
In an unrelated note, my ever expanding rectum has been leaking some seriously vile fluids for a few days by now, and blood as of last nite.
My rectum hurts.
12-12-16 New place... after being chased off the last one... By Taylor...
Soooo... I thought I'd write about last month's kidnapping. Or was it 2 months ago (round up or down?). So I will.
Eh, there I was. They had me tied to a chair, mouth jammed open by one of their pervert thingy's. The guy who identified himself as Duh Jerk's Lt. wanted to chat. It seems that the time of my death & or dismemberment was at hand. Today they were going to kill me.... really perversely. Their style. That way I could whine about it all I wanted and the... cops would laugh. The plan was... to drill into my teeth below the gum line and insert excrement directly into the bone of my jaw. He claimed the resulting disease would destroy my jaw... in time for my coming court appearance. That and more hair deforestation was on the menu. He wanted me to know & it would be in the presence of Duh Jerk whom he pointed to but didn't speak. Looked 40ish or so.
Then they brought in a plate of... poo. Then a guy started to scrape in my teeth. Fade to black...
I woke up to some of the most excruciating pain ever in my life in my jaw! I'm sure that there's a... cop or 2 who want to punish me for daring to repeat any of this. Good, evil, dirty, clean and those in-between I'd suppose. As though a saintly Child-Molestor would mess with lowly me.
I wrote to the... cops yesterday. I'll bet they ignore it. They always do.
Pain... lots of pain.
Sooo... I tried to figure out what they did to my shoulders. Guesswork & all. So I took Fagboy at his word and looked up Rotator Cuff injuries.
On the webpages I visited they said there were certain exercises that people with such injuries just cannot do. So 2 years ago I did them They hurt, but I did them otherwise effortlessly.
Last night I tried them and they hurt fiercely.
If I had to guess what the gang did to my shoulders... I'd guess it was chopping up my rotator cuff & who knows? Did they stitch it back together poorly? Maybe they did cut it so it'd degenerate over time (their style)? Am I way off? I'll bet all it'd take is one or 2 good yanks and I'd be crippled for life.
Go ahead... beg... cops for help. They'll lock you up or away so fast it'll make... well, truth is it'll make Molestors dance with glee.
The gang promise me a return to the level of torture & violence that they inflicted on me as a kid. Wont any.... cop help me? Wont ANYONE save me? Please?
Don't do it for me, do it for the children they brag are going through what I went through under their foot.
On or about 10-10-16ish... probably...
What do you do when you get to the bottom of your underwear drawer and realize someone's stolen your underwear... again? I guess if you're a Minnesota... cop you just giggle when you read the official police report. Just a guess.
I'd suppose those... cops have better things too do than to chase recreational serial-killing child-molestors.
Remember the Mid-Michigan... cop credo. I'd suppose in the olde days it went like this. "To protect and serve". Nowadays it reads more like. "Destroy the victim. That'll shut'em up".
Woke up... someone cleaned my teeth last nite. No, I really mean it. Must've used tools, carved plaque, brushed-em nicely. What happened to my eye? I cant say, it's filled with blood. I've been in lots of fights in life and it's as bloody bad as I've ever seen it. The... cops were all over me very quickly after I woke up. Seems someone called'em on me. Soooo.... this guy, he allegedly called the... cops on me. Acted nice, enuff. Then it occurs to me, as I retreat from the... cops. That I should go in a non-standard direction. You know, that "contrary thing" I claim to do. As I walk the other inconvenient way the caller freaked, drove up to me and threatened me with arrest if I didn't change my direction (an otherwise legal direction to go in).
I refused.
Then I took a look, you know, what was in the direction he wanted me to go in. Why it was another as yet uninvolved... cop "innocently" & "coincidentally" sitting in front of the Fire Station #5 yesterday.
The... cop said his name was Officer Tailor. "Coincidentally", when I was a kid, and gangbangers were sent to brag about my upcoming destruction by the gang, one of the things they boasted about was their liberal use of Dirty/// cops, both fake and real. The way they told me was that they'd been told I could plan to see an Officer Tailor one day. Why? That's what I asked. They told me it was to offset the fact that Bay CIty's Taylor Street was a major Child-Molestor enclave and the fact that I'd be foolish enough to repeat it one day would insure the safety of the gang located there. Me? I make no accusations... all I'm doing is repeating the base accusations and boastings of a gang of madmen, nothing more.
My eye hurts.
My shoulders hurt... they feel... "mangled". Like someone cut'em up and stitched them back together almost the way they belonged.
Knees hurt... at this rate I wont be mobile for long...
Leaking rectal fluids kinda bad today. Always a bonus.
I haven't bathed in months... but only now am I a little dirty. It's something I wondered about. If I didn't bathe how long would it take until I woke up clean? It turns out the answer is not too long.
I hate coincidences. Coincidentally.
Coincidentally... I was pondering writing about how the gang call the... cops on me every few months. I was thinking of taunting them, asking them "don't you care"? Oh well... maybe I'll wait a few weeks or months and then whine about the gang "not caring enough"?
Come on you Police... free me from the tyranny of the gang so I can write gleefully about the great things you've done!
11-16-16 Freshly raped rectums do indeed stink...
Starred in some Dungeon Porn last nite. Not willingly. Eh... it sucked.
Probably just the gang's way of letting me know that there's no hiding from them. I'm guessing that my previous home was too close to a well-to-do neighborhood & my new more isolated neighborhood is much more conducive to kidnapping for the gang.
Thanx for less than nothing Minnesota... cops. Thanx for less... than... nothing...
11-28-16 Pain...
Soooo... last night I was going through my computer bag... no one else and I mean no one else uses it nor may look in it. I found a condom still in the wrapper.... seal broken by a tear down the middle. Made for an "extra-small penis".
Being I just went through my bag a few days ago and cleaned it out that means it was put there very recently.
My rectum is in full vile fluid leak mode today.
A condom... for an extra-small penis. You know investigators... there's more than one reason Child-Molestors feel inadequete and like sex with children. I'd suppose that the condom size is typical of the average Child-Molestor. Indeed, the gang has beagged to me many times they like to fill their ranks with men with small junk because they like to rape men with under-sized equipment as a rule. Thus the gang is full of small-equipped men, for the most part.
Hmmmm... I'd suppose I should write a song about the gang based on the condom in my bag in the tradition of that song. "Tiny bubbles". Only it'd be "Tiny pee-pees".
The Fagboy song.
Tiny pee-pees (tiny pee-pees)
In your kids (in your kids)
Makes me get off (makes me get off)
When I drug your kids (when I drug your kids)
Tiny pee-pees (tiny pee-pees)
I use the date-rape drug on'em <----HEY SCHOFIELD... cOPS!!!!
With a feeling that I'm gonna Your online pics all suck! (poor quality, prob-
Rape them till the end of time ably like ALL of your policework) GET A JOB!
So here's to Public Education
And here's to the kids who died
And to cops here's a toast
To kids everywhere!
You do know all you... cops & police out there don't you? The Molestors laugh quite loudly about you
& yours behind your backs. They boast about how easy it is to manipulate "Impartial Mediator... cops".
They boast long and hard about how easy it is to kill dirty... cops who've started trusting them, even if
only in very limited ways. They go on & on about how they just outright manipulate any investigator
with their gossip machine and that you'll never see through their web of lies if enough people with
degrees repeat them over & over. Go ahead... do what you will to me. Laugh when you do it. Fail to
free me from the gang & I promise all you... cops that their case against me will fall apart leaving you
Poor stupid... cops (I am in no way insulting good Police. Only... cops) who you gonna call when things
go bad & the Child-Molestors tell you? "We got your back". Read my story. Maybe loyalty will protect
you? Hah! Maybe gold fountains with wish-granting bunnies will pop up & solve your every problem.
I'll bet the gang watched many a dirty, idiot, dumb, or mediator... cop die (slowly) who's last words
were. "But I'm loyal"!
12-12-16 Story of me lately written on this date above...
Alone, tired, and in pain. Not a single... cop in the world who wouldn't cheerfully go all vigilante on me
& smile at the gang when they did it. Sigh...
Lets set our wayback machines to the few days before my arrest in Eau Claire Wisconsin. It was the days leading up to "How I spent My Summer 2016". The gang caught me again. How? Neirther I nor anyone in Eau Claire Wisconsins many fine (achoo!)... cop forces knows... "officially".
Duh Jerk's self-professed Lt. told me he was going to kill me... slowly... very, very slowly by whittling my body away. Today it was going to be achieved by injecting some blocking substance of some sort into the veins of my legs leading to my feet. The end of my walking life as I know it. In his words with the reduced blood-flow my feet will receive they'll go numb and with what they did to my heart eventually, soon they'll be amputated.
"You can tell the cops but they wont check and they'll only think thay you're crazy". Any attempted defence or begs for help only proves I'm mad.
Yeah... I woke up. My feet are kinda numb. Have been ever since. I'd suppose the pain from my jaw now dwarfs it... not that a single... cop in America would imagine to ever opposed the Child-molestor's vicitms. "No one would do that to someone". Yeah... those Child-Molesting ethics that Mid-Michigan... cops are ALLWAYS bragging on.
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - The self-professed bragging Child-Molestor Lt. said speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors in court.
My wrist is numb anew too.
I'd suppose this is game over. You knw... in the Gym I kinda guessed something like this might happen, but I had faith in God and his Mid-Michigan... cops.
12-16-16 Just a...
Sooo... I got to a coffee place... and sat down at the only electrical outlet, and started
using it. Not unusual nowadays. Lots of people charge their cellphones and devices at
a restaurant. In a minute or so a 30ish looking guy came up and wanted to charge HIS
device, and I was in the way. So I politely got out of his way. Then... he proceeded to
lean over me, mostly because his charger cord seemed so short. So I offered to let him
use my cord. He agreed. Then asked to use my tablet. I agreed to let the middle-
eastern looking stranger my tablet.
It seemed like he listen to music, still hunched over me. Then he started dancing over
me. In minutes I could see he wouldn't quit. So I moved a few seats over because it
didn't "feel' comfortable. I thought back on similar situations in the past. In a few hours
the gang would send someone over to brag about all the great footage they had of a
homosexual & or rapist dancing beside me. Eh...
I figured if it was one of them he'd wrap it up after a few hours of dancing, leave
with a man, and ask if he could have my tablet. Then the "snitch" would boast, like
usual, that a rapist had gotten cash or prizes off of me & my handler(s?) just wanted
me to know.
He danced for hours. Then a single man in his late 20s came. The dancer asked if
he could have my tablet. When I said no they chatted a few minutes between them
and left.
Pain... just lots of pain today. The Molestors and their stable of easily manipulated
vigilantes (cops, crooks, and fellow rapists the gang want feeling good about
themselves) must be in their glory.
Thanx... cops & law-enforcers of America. Thanx for less than nothing...
Isn't there a Child-Molestor out there you should be helping? Get a job!
"We'll arrest anyone in the Molestor's way"!
12/19/16 Sipping a black fluid with creamer & sugar in it (brown, but who's counting?)
Figure I'm at the halfway point in writing about all the killings if you add up this web
page and the letters I've sent lately to the F.B.I. all over the country.
Actually... I'm kinda hoping it's at the 2/3rds point but neither number gives me any
I dedicate the emotional pain of being involved in so many killings and the testimony of the physical pain I'm enduring
right now from the torture to The Eua Claire Police of Wisconsin. Thanks guys. My story wouldn't be possible without
fine police forces like... you.
PAIN!PAIN!PAIN! PAIN! 12-28-16 Me addressing the child-molesting community: Lie all you want, I see you.
PAIN! PAIN!PAIN! So this is how you treat children. Yeah, I grew up in the shadow of your might. You brag that you bring love and
PAIN! that you're only bringing your victims pleasure. You bring only pain, horror, and death. You
PAIN! are a blight on any community in which you choose to infest. I would call you useless but you are anything but useless.
PAIN! PAIN! PAIN!PAIN! PAIN! The word Useless inmplies the number zero be applied to you and your community. You are
PAIN! PAIN!PAIN! not a zero to society. You are a negative number. Even the best among you prey on the very children you seek to "only
PAIN!PAIN! PAIN! bring pleasure" (the battle cry of many a molestor when they described themselves to me)
PAIN!PAIN!PAIN!PAIN!PAIN! PAIN! and leave in your wake shattered and destroyed lives.
PAIN! An angry God is watching and is coming to judge the world. How will you
PAIN! escape the wrath to come?
PAIN!PAIN!PAIN! PAIN! Go ahead, lie all you want to... cops and the American people. Some
PAIN! PAIN!PAIN! people CAN fool all of the people all of the time. But I see you for who and
PAIN! what you are. I know how lowly you are. I know your
PAIN! works & I judge you fairly and I find you lacking. Go away. Leave me alone.
Print size is philosophical today.
Pain... lots of pain...
1-2-16 Addressing "The Bosses"...
Sooo... I'm ashamed to say that since your stunt I called "How I spent My summer" I haven't really invented much. You guys
filched my computer via "Dirty... cop" and my Invention Journals. Congrats. You tortures have left me stunted... my computer
sucks by comparison, and much like I wrote you before the summer thing I wrote I needed stuff, things to invent. Don't ask me
why, by what I come to the conclusion that I need this stuff. I just do.
Soooo... do you guys really make the cash you say you do off my inventing hobby? If so I submit that what I'll call "gross
idiocy" in handling me is costing YOU ("The Bosses") potentially a fortune. WOW! You guys must be the most nicest and
forgivingest Bosses ever when it comes to gross negligence and underlings who cost you "potential fortunes".
Eh, your morons have told me in times past that they figure that torturing me, a tortured mind will invent". How's that working
for you? Am I making you a fortune at the moment? Here's the flaw in that logic. If treating inventors poorly got them to invent
then every tyrant country out there would be out inventing America, but they're not. Sure... some get lucky and their menaced
inventors do indeed come up with stuff but when those people flee they inevitably do much better.
Case in point. Einstien? Notice how that guy invented the best of the best stuff. Then the Nazi's menaced him and hounded him?
Sure he escaped to America but never excelled again. History is full of these examples. Russian scientists who defected during
the Cold War and invented BIG TIME and made their new, kinder Bosses a fortune much more so then they ever would have in their
harassed environment.
I'd like to return to inventing. I kinda sorta feel like it's slowly coming back. Talent on loan from God. Inventing... for me...
requires a lot of stuff be going in a certain way. No gaming? No inventing. Well your underlings have isolated me and soon I'll
be unable to even move my arms or do anything that I need to begin the inventing process. No good computer, no safety. No
freedom from crippling.
You guys must be the least interested in cash Bosses ever. Me? I've pondered your lifestyle (you've invited me into it, I refused)
and it seems to me it'd be all about the money. Yeah... Yu're "making a point" with me? What? You point being that you can
mess with a child son of one of your whores all their life? Really? THAT is what impresses you? Really? Do your guys brag
that you pick on some baby into adulthood, blew a fortune and your peers think THIS is cool and will say things like 'wow! I
wish I was him"? Seems to me that your peers are "easily impressed".
Soooo... I gotta ask a rhetorical question? The way I figure it is your underlings have cost you a "potential fortune" in cash &
prizes. So you overlook that huh? Lets say they do what they tell me they do to you & pay you big cash? Okay. Now you've
got their cash. But I want you to realize this fact. As you watch their giggling backsides walk away... I want you to think that if
they were out of the way, or just did things better, then they'd be bringing you more money. So you tell'em to pay you more?
Again... after they pay you and as they walk away and you look at the back of their heads know that you could make more
cash, if only they weren't such idiots. DO you see the logic here? Come on... you guys ain't Mid-Michigan... cops so I know
you have more than their half a brain. Your guys tell me you're smart.?
Hold out 2 hands. On one hand we torture the nameless son of a whore we've already beat way back in 1976. On the other
hand we have the potential to make big cash but when I look at the backs of these morons heads I can only see the fact that
there's cash to be made and it'd only cost us chump change and being nice (or just not cruel) and this guy might heal up and
make me some small fortune... again? Really? Are you conflicted? Is there some struggle within yourself where you need
more than 2 seconds to come up with the best answer?
I'm a Christian. I'll never willingly work for you and like when I had the long gaps in inventing from your previous tortures being
mean to me will get you nothing. Hey. Better idea? Why not give up your wicked ways? Repent and ask Jesus into your heart
to forgive your sins and you'll call Heaven you home forever and avoid the Lake of Fire that so many of your group are going
to burn in for eternity!
I know... your guys figure "But we tortured you and you invented I saw the evidence". No... no you did not. In those cases,
just like the invention journal on me now all it is for the most part is rehashed old inventions and Ideas I'd yet to put to paper.
The front 2/3rds of my journal? I came up with nearly all of it when I was 5 or 6. It's just rehashed old ideas. Mostly. I did
come up with a new thing or 2, but not lately.
Didn't you read the above? What I need to succeed? Inventing is my hobby. I WANT TO DO IT! There's no need to torture me.
It's my hobby.
I'm talking dollars and sense here. Kick your torturing handlers to the curb before they... well. I'm not telling you how to do
your job. In fact... isn't in my interest to give you bad advice? Yeah... my handlers are sooooo smart. And brave. The way they
stalk a crippled nobody and keep him from making YOU money is totally awesome ! And the way you ignore how much
THEY cost YOU is admirable in the crime world you live in. Ain't it?? money money... in a rich man's world.
Can barely keep my eyes open after eating.
It's hours after I wrote the above. I coulda sworn I had more than enough sleep lately.
What's it like to be stalked? To look behind you, and know that there will be someone there? To know that at every possible opportunity your stalkers will call the cops on you every time? For anything? What's it like to be stalked by dirty... cops your entire life? To be accosted by... cops every few weeks your entire life no matter where you go?
What's it like to sit in restaurant or classrooms and look into the eyes of a given person and see only rage and hate?
To tell you the truth... you get used to it. Today... who knows if I'll be killing any number of people? Today? Tomorrow? Next week? It's just a fact, not a boast.
Me? Say a given jerk does a felony assault on me. Armed robbery? Attempted kidnapping? Attempted murder? Yeah... I've dealt with them. You want the truth? I'm not very likely, statistically speaking as I look back on my life, to go to the... cops if I get the upper hand at any moment during a felony assault upon me. I don't care if you "only intended to bring me pleasure" in a kidnapping. I could care less if you have a gun and "only meant to scare me". I'm not going to take those vital seconds to check out your "the gun's only got blanks in it" story. Besides, unlike 99% of... cops and prosecutors I personally know that a gun with blanks in it is indeed a lethal weapon very capable of maiming and killing. During an armed robbery if I get the knife or the gun from the attacker or can trick them into turning their head for a moment I'm not going to negotiate, I wont take their stuff, even if I'm broke afterwards either. I wont brag about what I ultimately did to them. Well, except during drugged interrogations & those are partial at best and wholly unable to withstand any credible public scrutiny. I wont discuss morality, I wont make a given attacker linger nor suffer. I'll just leave the attacker, gangbanger, robber, thief, whatever, there. Maybe I'll drag the evidence off the main path? I have fleeting memories of doing just that now and again... but probably not. I'll probably just walk away.
What's it like to be stalked? To walk away from a dying attempted murderer? What's it like to consistently hear the screams of pure hate of people who are in all likelihood my fellow victims who's only crime in the beginning is they let a gang of madmen manipulate them into thinking I was the bad guy in a room where they are numbered among the child-molesters, rapists, thieves, and murderers?
What's it like to watch the films of your torturing gang rape while being gang raped and tortured?
What's it like to know you've received injuries during your last major torture that will ultimately leave you a quadriplegic... slowly and that the... cops will lock you up EVERY time you try to publicly discuss it?
What's it like to have people drive by you every few weeks and scream insults FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE?
What's it like to be raped and tortured and listen to your raping torturers taunt you with the fact that it is they who are doing the kidnapping and raping and have the moral high ground?
What's it like to literally be in a room with over 100 children and adults openly chanting for your death and calling you by name during your very public 100 days of hell attempted murder? With over 1,000 people adults AND children knowing it?
What's it like to have a madman boast about the latest things he's been able to film you doing that will enable him to do anything to you for life? To listen to them laugh that those very films are the leverage that will certainly free them from any amount of crimes they might one day be caught doing?
What's it like to be ripped off your entire life and to have a gang of madmen boast that your possessions are now "owned my a child-molester"?
What's it like to be beaten and covered in the blood of several perverts and be chased through the city by both a gang AND... cops, both clean(?) and dirty?
What's it like to wake up... again tied butt-up to a table and see the rapists and perverts lining up and preparing their pain implements?
What's it like to see family stand beside the gang and dealing pain and screaming hate? What's it like to know that to Honor those very people is proof unto itself to the... cops that you are indeed the one in the conversation who deserves it and more? Who deserves to be ignored based upon giving that very honour? Let me add in a few Honor Honor Honors... and Honor Honor Honor again. The wise will figure out what the twin pillars of honour were for.
What's it like to know... things. To wake up one day when you're 8 years old and count the dead and realize in horror you are losing the war on your goal of having an age in years greater than the body count?
What's it like to be kept awake into the depths of delirium and madness over and over?
What's it like to be tortured over and over by a gang who literally use "interview styled torture" to get the films they crave (I plan to have an Elite Tips Section on it)?
What's it like to have a gang say they took your pet...again and wanted you to know a Molestor is enjoying the way you trained them?
What's it like to have a gang brag they drugged you and convinced you to be violent to the people around you? AND that they filmed it all?
What's it like to watch an arson film starring yourself watching fire after fire of homes, people's lives going up in smoke?
What's it like to stand over a dead or dying victim and be shocked lucid by the laughs of madmen?
What's it like to have a car drive by and honk and you wave only to notice that the car is filled with your rapists and a film crew?
What's it like to become lucid while stabbing someone and wonder just how long you were stabbing them?
What's it like to plot escape from a gang of madmen... again?
What's it like to watch the... cops help them?
What's it like to enter a room and wonder if you will live to see the sun... again?
What's it like? Really? You had to wonder? Do I have to answer you?
What's any of it like? I'd guess if you were a Mid-Michigan... cop it's a situation you'd figure you can safely ignore the entire sum of what I have to say based solely on the fact that honor prevents the criminals and perverts of the world from doing anything like I've alleged here?
What's it like to know God watched the entire thing?
What's it like? What was any of it like? You still wonder? Do you?
Sigh... I suppose I'd better answer the question I've posed. You never know when a Mid-Michigan... cop may've read this far and I fear that not answering the question will make them think all sorts of weird things?
What's it like?
It was horrible.
It is horrible.
01-08-16 01-17-17 Hiding in America...
Lots of pain today from my torture wounds. Pain... Pain and woe. In America...
It's a sobering fact to realize that if what happened to me happened to a dog in America... they'd just shoot it. Read my page where I whine about almost
Thanks for nothin... cops. Thanx for less than nothing. becoming another Columbine... literally?
Whine all you want. No one cares til "after".
Maybe YOUR kids are next?
WOW! I was just taking in the "political landscape" of serial-killing & law-enforcement. Man, did I get a metaphoric slap in the face. It was because of recent news. Seems some guy went into the F.B.I. and said someone was making him watch ISIS training films and wanted him to do some killing for'em. The F.B.I. sent him into lock-up, then cut him loose and then in the coming days 5 died. Him too.
I wonder? Who were "they"? What was the sum of his story? Was it like unto my story?
Back to me. Doomed no matter what? If the... cops don't help me I'm doomed. If they choose to help me half-hearted I'm doomed. I figure there are good odds that even if I am proved truthful 100% I'm still doomed no matter what. Even if the Molestors and... cops just backed off and left me alone (hey... a blue moon could happen during a aurora during a lighting storm? Red lightning?
As if I would want to make up this story. As if this was what I wanted to be known for.
Worst part? My religion requires absolute fearlessness and perfection... or else! Hey... I tried to be fearless as possible and I was wanting. Yeah... saved by grace thru faith. But I gots me enemies o'plenty and God has chosen to multiply them without number. Me? What you see is what you get. With my story all you get is hounded by pervs, destroyed by... cops, and stalked by madmen. Sure there's tons of'em in America (50 Full-Time Serial Killers in America according to the FBI, but I don't know a one. No one does. Just ask them. Any of'em).
Worse than any of the above? Any of it? I have a God who claims all my Vengeance for himself. He'll repay. I really do believe in that. Yeah... the only one I see being repaid is me... paid in full for whatsoever the enemies of the Lord imagine I should pay. Always has been that way... no matter what I did.
EVEN WORSE THAN ALL THAT?!?!? Yeah... the Bible requires you to pray FOR your enemies. Yup! I have. I don't really see any lines where they're lining up and thanking me. Well... just the waiting line for who rapes me next.
Things that make the above pale by comparison? Why I'm praying for my stalkers. The gang, my family, you. Oh, make no mistake I have been praying for a biblical revenge on my behalf. But MY Bible requires that I bless my enemies. Hey...I'm a dismall success at best... but I try to pray... I really do. I beg God to bless them, BLESS THAM ALL!!!! Often... How can you hope to succeed against someone when your own power of prayer is blessing them full-tilt?!?!?! HOW!?!?!?! The gang brag they've got tons of Christians who've been blackmailed and work for them and when God blesses them... Where do I fit in? How can less than nobody me even stand a chance?
TOTALLY WORSE THAN THAT? I'm a lousy Christian at best... what reward do I have to look forward to in Heaven? Here on earth as the gang of madmen make good on their threat to literally whittle my body away. Not as revenge.... though that's a small part of it. But because it's what they do and my name is on the list.
100 Life sentences... a dozen death-penalties? 10 Zillion enemies absolutely dedicated to my destruction from the age of 5 onwards and the number has only grown?
My Cousin bragged it was my Gaves Disease that would bring him victory. Duh Jerk's guys bragged it was the physical symptoms of Graves that would bring them victory. Cops have looked at me and said it was my wide-opened eyes that were all the proof they needed to ignore me. That I was the liar. Other... cops told me they knew I was the liar and it was Graves that brought the gang victory there too. "See how much you're shaking? Liars shake". Honest people do not shake. Its a... cop rule chizzeled in stone somewhere I'd suppose?
Now the gang's tortures are ravaging my body. I can barely lift my arms without pain. My knees hurt. My teeth are scraped up by them and within days of their last session at least some of my teeth are dead.
The FILMS... Cant forget the films. The camera never lies... right? Yeah... wait til they're done with me. The gang brag it's the... cops involved in my case who are next. Particularly if they were fool enough to side with them and say "What gang? I don't see no gang on the Frontier of America's rape Capital"????"? As if all the above wasn't bad enough. I am sooooo doomed.
THIS IS MY PRAYER TO GOD. God... will you get the gang off of me? Please?
Why me? Why have I been dealt "The Perfect Storm"? WHY?
1-19-17 In hiding... in "copspeak" it means "lying"... everything does...
My head is still reeling. Mere minutes ago I was assaulted my a cloroformish strong odor (I'm not sure what the Molestor drug(s?) are) while sitting in a restaurant. Eh... it was pretty strong. I turned arouns and the black leather jacket clad woman behind me turned around and left. Please note... I'm not saying a gas attack occurred on me, just that I will now reminisce on the subject as I have been bragged/boasted/whined to about by various gangbangers.
Author Note: I'm not entirely sure what weapon's grade clorophorm smalls like (a public pool kinda odor?). ALL I know is my head is still ralling.
Sooo... it reminds me of past gang brags. That they do indeed relish very public kidnappings. "We use a drug that's the opposite of smelling salts" is how one whiney self-professed victim/member kidnapper described it to me. They walk by or just whip it out and pass it under a victims nose in public places. All to add to the absurdity of a victim's story.
Duh Jerk himself bragged on the subject. "I don't like any mysteries in long kidnappings". A random lengthy disappearance is something police will investigate. A victim being gone for a long time after a public "feinting spell" or apparent drug overdose complete with... cops , ambulance crews, and fake friends (or worse, paid card-carrying inserts into a victim's life) is something no... cop will investigate seriously.
Head still reeling...
You know... in"copspeak" the entire subject means "liar". While these things are possible and provable there's not a single gang out there dishonorable enough to do it. Particularly one that would do it to the child of an otherwise loyal family. Never was... never will be. Just ask any Mid-Michigan... cop.
Head still reeling...I should go get some fresh air. Truth be told no one else around me seems worse the wear.
It only proves that it sucks to be me. I gotta get some fresh air...
You don't know it reader but I'm backan hour laterish. Head still reeling. I wonder... am I about to begin my next extended session? How many children and gays will I be having sex with in the coming days? How many people will die? WIll they be innocent? Or worse? Formerly innocent? The kind the gang brag they love to set up. Good formerly honest hard-working people with great values, an assete to the community who's only crime, at 1st, was they fell in with the wrong crowd. Got attracted to a girl who "looked" legal age and her (fake)... cop dad insisted she was legal age? Maybe took a walk on the wild side with a pretty girl? Got sucked in by the gang's brag of "It's okay to torture him cause the guy is a real scumbag". Or worse... I've heard this one before. "Help us kidnap this guy and we'll let you go".
During a kidnapping when I plot escape I'm personally not inclined to check a given person's resume nor will I ask them if they just think this is all a joke or good wholesome fun with a "real scumbag". Kidnappers... rapists... turn your back on me for 2 seconds and it will be... "game over" for you. Neither I nor your fellow rapists and abductors have any sympathy for fools.
1-21-17 In America...
I hear a guy named William once wrote Kill all the Lawyer! True or not? I don't care... much.
I say. "Kill all the Rapists"! In a humane execution after a short but fair trial.
Nuff said.
Wix, failing. Write about last week's rape soon.
1-29-17 Is Wix gonna work for me?
I guess not. SO I'll be brief.
The "theme" this time was "We're gonna kill U in The Gym". I always wondered when they'd do that?
Took me from place to place. Sex with pre-teen girls. Lots. Blonds exclusively.
Took me to a hall, wood floors. possible a school gym. Told me I would die. Now. Formed 2 lines of girls 6 on a side and 1 to the side of them.
So I decided to pick off the weak one... I walked up to her. Grabbed her neck. I'll bet she was from Michigan but I'll call her "The Little Minnesota Girl".
The memory... the PRACTICAL joke ends there...
Welcome to America reader...
Wix is working very, very slowly.

HEY! Wix seems to be working again. After the rape Wix quit working and would only let me type 1 letter at a time and that letter would take a long time to type in before it allowed me the privilege of the next letter. Writing about your rape a week after the rape? It's like when you're on the gang's drugs and just comig down from an extended sleep deprivation session. Walking into the copsshop a week after the rape and a little delirious translate into the word: "liar" in America. Phhht! The gang brag that even to complain about it will bring them victory and so here I am, repeating it, again... Why not? I don't suppose the Molestors will thank me? They're so ungrateful as a rule.
I'm sick as a dog right now and it takes me back. I make no accusations here, just reminiscing is all. Here goes...
So there I was... about the time Duh Jerk told me he'd bought me from My Cousin and now he "owned me' while standing in Bay City Michigan's Whittier School during school hours while on the public dollar. He bragged I was now his property and would live and die and be raped by his command for life. A life he promised would end in prison. He wasn't singling me out, it's just what the gang did to someone after a lifetime of rape and torture.
It has been a lifetime of rape and torture. Horror at the hands of a gang of stalking madmen and their vast army of easily manipulated vigilantes both private citizens and... cops.
The Littlest Girl, the one I should'a named Whore #4. Not to be mean but to outline her importance to the gang and her position in it's Honest Citizen Destruction Machine. ie: the blackmail portion of the gang. "Do you notice that you get sick all the time"? She asked me. Unusual but not that unusual. You see the staff at the school discouraged the gang from talking to me. Lest they empathize with me at any time. But sometimes, like now, they chatted in passing to me. Other times it was a mad cap to be the 1st to sit next to me when the big tests were coming.
But... yeah. I did seem to get sick a lot more often than my fellow classmates and had pondered it a few times in the past. Author Note: Wix is working very poorly).
"It's because your mother drugs you all the time and hands you over to us to be raped". Since I was being raped continuously by the lowliest sorts of rapists (there's a pecking order?) and was in physical contact with them often of course I was getting diseases from it and thus sick more often than everyone else.
Ahhh... the stuff your bragging kidnapping rapists say between kidnappings and rapes. Later she bragged to me she was high, and why not, she'd just been blooded by making her 1st kill for the gang. "We locked a guy in a lion cage". She bragged it made the victim's story unbelievable, once the lion had scratched him and the... cops laughed him out of the copshop he was easy pickings so the tied him up and she'd slit his throat after Duh Jerk left the room. Now she was a somebody in the gang and her parents were proud. All "that" is another story (see it in The Critters Used Against ME section).
I recall Jerk himself bragging he loved to inflict diseases on his victims. "Say one of my guys has a cold or the flu or something really bad? I just tell them "hey go over there and French kiss that guy". Laugh laugh laugh... he loved to laugh at his victim's woes. So he got to inflict all kinds of things on his victims and the very act of transmitting said disease to the victims is proof they're insane. Picture this sentence when the gang is talking to your kids reader (if you fail to free me). "Take 27 Transmitting diease. Andddd action! "Hey I've got __(insert nasty disease here)__ do you mind if I French kiss you? No? Okay, set up for take 28 team"! Trust me, eventually your children's sleep-deprived drug-addled minds will accidentally say yes... eventually. They all do. America is a land of consent and if it takes 100 tries to get the answer they want the gang will do it... FOR YOUR KIDS READER!!!
Enough looking back. I'll look to the present and the future. I'm sick as a dog right now. Who knows what disease(s?) has been inflicted on me? By whom? WHat is my present and what does the future hold for me? My present is I'm sick as a dog and being stalked by madmen. To even slightly complain about it publicly is to invite immediate and severe reprisal by all forces both the gang and all the ... cops they can bring to bear both dirty and clean (are there any clean police in America). My present? IF they did deliberately inflict me then they are waiting and hoping for me to go to the doctors. Then Phase 2 begins. Don't think so? They brag that with today's insurance laws my signature at the Dr's wont even dry before it shows up on the computer and they watch for my every move... if it's part of the plan. To even speculate is to know the derision of... cops. But to not speculate is to know their ridicule. A rock and a hard place? Story of my life.
Sick as a dog, recuperating from the latest horrors inflicted on me. You know... "liar" in "copspeak".
I wish... I wish... nothing. I pray for not much.
Liar? Yeah... as if I thought there was a single... cop anywhere who would believe this story if it was a lie.
Speculation? The last "session" came exactly when I revealed the Bay City Chapter's Real Target, who they're really after, who they brag their manipulations of me will allow them to control. Better buck up all you unaligned and independent Child-molesters of America. Screw up and you'll be calling The Bay City Molesters Master. Once you begin calling them master what they're doing to me they'll do to you too. Oh, maybe not at 1st but the gang with no honor will get to you eventually, once you've sold your soul to them by the act of taking me down. Their films of you and yours massed over a half a century will make minced meat of your leadership. What they do to me they'll do to you and yours. What? You Molester types actually trust the gang without honor? Really? Phht! Your fate if you should fail to free me will be the same as Dirty Cop and the Gym Teacher. A pair of men who were perhaps their most loyal Gang members ever. Don't buy it? Yeah... you'll bet your life on it wont you? Search your hearts. There is no possible outcome that will free you of the Molestor's tyranny except publicly freeing me from them. Do I have to think of everything? Think about it? Until then I will leave you molester wannabees of America with a song that will be the story of the rest of your life. Here it is...
I tried to use Wix about an hour ago. It would only allow 1 letter every 30 seconds and then cut out after a few. So to remind myelf I'll jut leave the above date like it was, without a blank before the statement cause Wix wouldn't work when I needed it most.
Needed it most? Yeah... 11:30ish AM a gaggle (school? gang? a flock of crows is a murder?) of local... cops pulled up. 3 Marked black and white Police Cruisers actually. I couldn't see what they were doing nor was I interested enough to move over the 6 feet or so to look out the window better and see what was going on. A short woman in her mid 30s came in the restaurant... looking back on it I didn't get a good look at her because with her was a blond pre-teen girl. They promptly walked in and stood next to me, uncomfortably so in the narrow confines of the restaurant, and watched the goings on with great interest. I'll only use the initials of the Broadway Street restaurant so as not to embarrass Taco Bell. T.B.
Me? My recent rape and kidnapping made me worried that something was amiss... that this could be innocent, or it could be another sick Molestor set-up/frame-job/film event. Soooo... I turned on Wix and decided to type out my concerns. The above was all I could get typed.
Soooo... they waited and at exactly... Exactly noon (I checked the time) the local Police left with the pair not even waiting a discrete amount of time following.
I'm not saying it was a sinister situation only expressing concerns that what if it was?
Me? I'm alone and the only one in the world left to protect me is Wix and they wouldn't work.
It's 2-12-17 3 letters per min type speed, rectum wounded, skewered, computer at 1/3rd performance. Feel weak. Help me!
9-1-17 I changed pages from Part 2 to this page. Amusing huh?
If I'd waited a few hours I couldn't have typed in my last entry. I was exiting a major department store... and children let the insults fly.
I know... I know... IF you're a... cop reading this it's only proof I'm lying. Everything is. Everything. Let the... cops catch them IN mid-kidnap? "The guy's a scumbag & we were only going to teach him a lesson because he ______(Insert per-practiced lie here)_______". The... cop says. "Looks like justice has been done here". Let the... cops actually catch them attacking you with weapons & WITH cheerleaders chanting for your death & calling you by name. The molester says. "Hey, me & my 12 pals all say the guy had it coming". The... cop says. "They told me they'd stop trying to hurt you. My work is done here". Everything...

Out of place entry (creative reasons): 11-5-17
Sometimes you see your Stalkers tasked with following you. Sometimes you don't. Some are better than others. I usually keep it to myself being that I don't want to "out" the incompetents tasked with my ongoing stalking. But sometimes their lack of skill or professionalism grates on me, Get a job!
Yesterday I noticed my knife I carry stained with what looks like dried blood. Always a bonus after the kidnapping to slowly find the little things. By bonus I mean it's not fun and not as glamorous as Mid-Michigan... cops seem to think. Or so they tell me.
Just pain... Pain from the surgical torture sessions...
As a Mid-Michigan... cop this is your cue to laugh and laugh and laugh & laugh & laugh & laugh and laugh and laugh & laugh & laugh and laugh and laugh & laugh & laugh & laugh and laugh and laugh & laugh & laugh and laugh and laugh & laugh & laugh & laugh and laugh and laugh & laugh & laugh and laugh and laugh & laugh & laugh & laugh and laugh and laugh & laugh & laugh and laugh and laugh & laugh & laugh & laugh and laugh and laugh & laugh & laugh and laugh and laugh & laugh & laugh & laugh and laugh and laugh & laugh & laugh... I know you cant help yourselves... me being in pain caused my madmen is the funniest subject on earth to all the... cop's I've ever met...
Pain... Pain...
Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain...
Pain... Pain... Pain... Pain...
Pain... Pain...
Laugh... cop. Laugh...
11-08-17 Addendum.
A Police Officer just pulled me over. Said my Preacher called the cops on me. Every time... and I mean every time I go there their security Guards, all or nearly all (I'm not privy to who is on staff yet) compare me in conversation to a recent serial-killer of church-goers in Texas. Man, I went there to be spiritually fed, to meet Christians and get my heart right with God as I promised weeks ago in Minnesota. I feel so low & unclean right now. It's literally taking ALL of my willpower to not burst into tears right now. Literally. I just want to belong. To earn some Godly reward for Heaven before the Gang drops the boom on me.
There's a scripture... no wimps in Heaven. We are to be fearless.
Yeah... fed? No. I'm pretty sure I can keep the tears in. That church wounded me badly. Cut me to the core. Stabbed me in my spirit & all I wanted was to find a place to serve God with the time remaining me. This moment... right now... is one of the low points of my entire life. Right now.
Why me?
I have decide to pray neither good nor bad for the church of "My Preacher". Let the Lord judge & do that which is right.
Yesterday was an otherwise good day. 1st day I was able to walk to church without taking breaks due to pain after my last kidnapping. A hollow victory to be sure.
For years the gang liked to set off fireworks around me 5-3 years ago at about 6 or 8am. Usually 8am. In all 4 directions of the compass around me.
Lately it's been about 5am. Give or take.
If only I had a single Christian to help me... ever. I'd suppose the Christian world would assume exaggeration here, but I'm not.
How a Christian solves crime:
1) Pick up a telephone (the most dangerous and strenuous part of the endeavor).
2) Dial law enforcement (admittedly manned by heathen for the most part by all of their definitions)
3) Report the victim, plead for their incarceration/destruction (I'd suppose some actually plead for the crook to get caught, but I'm going by personal experience here, not wishful thinking).
4) Set the phone down ensuring the connection is terminated (don't want other crimes reported by accident).
5) Lift hands to God & shout. "Insert reward here"!.
6) Rinse. Lather. Repeat as needed.
I had such high hopes in coming to my new home. Boy was I stupid.
I prayed to God last night I would learn a lesson from recent events. Here's the best I got. I'm a Christian & I'm sad to say here's the lesson I learned. Never trust a Christian. Sad... but it's all too true for me.
Picture me shaking my head side to side while looking down...
Next entry or entries will probably be on My Life Part 2. The gang say it's the end for me.
CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017
Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!
In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.
Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.
When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.
This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.
What does this mean?
Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".
Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.
I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.
Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.
To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.
Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.
Please help me!