Combined we killed a lot of kids!And the... cops helped!!!
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang
Welcome to my often sabotaged site. The Child-Molesters said they would and who was I to doubt them?
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.-David A. George 6-26-17
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang:
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.
David A. George
"Kill one person and you create a tragedy the police will investigate because it is such a tragedy. Kill a hundred people and you create a laughable crime the police will laugh at when you try to tell them about it".-Martin Oak Circa 1987 The author of this website's opinion of the subject? Yup.
This website is an attempt to save what remains of my life.. Sigh... -David A. George 1-5-18
Onefers are a categorey of tale that are simple one-time true stories about my life & experiences. They're not for the faint-hearted. I advise most readers to just move on & ignore this webpage called "ONEFERS". It may taint your opinion of our great country & you might never look at America the same way again. Hey, I tried to warn you.
In the bible it says that no sin will overtake you that isn't common to man & that God will make an escape route from it. So, I invite the reader to read what surely must be a common story about life in America & one with a way out of it. Gulp...
Me? I've reached the last half inch of my faith that I might somehow win. What will become of me? Will the Child-Molestor boasts be my fate? I just can't take any more torture & with the wounds they've inflicted upon me I don't know if I have the strength to take another torture session. Maybe if I had even a single understanding shoulder too cry on... whatever...
Is it my fate to always be their toy to humiliate & destroy with impunity? Will the... cops just hand me over to them? Again...? Why me? It isn't fair. I've prayed for deliverance, others have told me they prayed for me, & I'll bet some of the Child-Molestors other victims have prayed for their own deliverance and for an end to the gang. Why me? Why me... cops? Why?
ONEFERS... True tales inflicted on me by madmen... For fun and profit...

Sooo... there I was, minding my own beeswax at one of the grande parties that were an almost daily event at my ______'s parent's place. The place was a hapening kind-of place in the early 70s with at least 30+ party-going adults spread out evenly amoung the many picnic tables spread out throughout their yard & the 2 neighboring yards. Most of them were my extended cousins, strangers too me for the most part. You see, talking to me could get you punished by the family patriarch. Some even whined to me. "They beat me with rods for talking to you". & the ever popular. "I had to dance naked on a stage while being sprayed with a hose because of you". The party's many children who were enjoying all sorts of fun activities were also forbidden to have anything to do with me under threat of severe punishment. Every now & again I'd complain thusly about it. "But I'm The Good Kid". Invoking my title thrust upon me by them that came with much pain & woe with no benifits. It didn't matter. None of them dared to even be seen with me. The weirdest part? Most of the adults & kids would be gone by week's end, never to be seen again. It always perplexed me that so many different people would attend those parties of woe (woe for me that is, everyone else seemed to have drink & drugs in an unlimited supply).
Yeah... just standing there... yup... all alone in a crowd... by myself... alone... Then my nameless potbellied wild-eyed white haired 50ish year old "Cousin" demanded I go & get him a beer. My ______ (honor honor honor) had long ago ordered me to obey the child-torturing sadist's every command so I did. Once I'd found a cold one & handed it too him he began to discuss my ongoing kidnappings & rapes. The memory isn't as sharp as some of the others but as I recall it while he stood in their kitchen he went on & on about my participation in his child-porn movies.
"I didn't star in no child-porn movie". I angrily answered back the lyingest liar I'd ever met.
He went on about how my ______ had drugged me & handed my circa 1972 butt over to him, them & they'd spent a good chunk of the summer getting me to preform sex acts for them filming both that & my drug-numbed self running a gang of drug-dealers. "You ran a drug-dealing ring". Was amoung his many statements.
Picture me nodding up & down sarcasticly while he droned on about my killing people on film for him... them. I didn't buy it & called him a liar.
"That was real choice how you killed that guy by shooting him in all of his limbs first". The smiling uberjerk bragged.
Me? I pondered my recent life.... in horror I realized... the horror... the horror...
I had been running a drug operation, for weeks, in my dreams as it's leader & enforcer. My "handler", one of my "Trio Of Cousins", the dark-haired one had been leading me from place to place. We bought, we sold, we beat, & I killed a guy... 18 years old, maybe more... maybe less...
I recalled him not cooperating, things werrn't going our way & when I percieved I was dreaming back in 1977 that was a bad thing for anyone that I might encounter. 1/3rd of the Trio asked me if I was going to let this guy do "this" to us?
No... no I wasn't. So I shot him in the leg & he dropped. The first thing that I thought was unusual was that my dreams rarely had gore or even wounds themselves. Most people simply reacted to whatever violence I directed at them by grimacing in pain or simply flopping over dead but this guy had an actual bullet hole in his leg. The guy begged for his life while 1/3rd of the Trio snickered as I kept shooting his other limbs one at a time.
While the guy's pleas for mercy died down 1/3rd of the Trio suggested that I torture him slowly to death by shooting him in various non-lethal spots on his body.
"No". I told him. "I'm gonna kill him quick & clean". Then, I did. BANG!
Back in the present I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. My Cousin droned on & on. "Now we've got films of you dealing drugs & even killing a person on film". Now they could do anything that they wanted to me for the rest of my life & no one would care because I was a serial-killer & he had the films to prove it.
"There ain't no 7 year old serial-killers in our country"! I shouted back through the sick feeling that now permeated my very being. I told him no one would buy it.
Not so he assured me. In the films I was clearly the leader of the entire operation & I'd sadisticly slain someone. "The cops are looking for you right now. They have a complete description of you but they don't know who you are". He bragged that his dirty cops in some nameless community had reverse-engineered a flawless case against me & that if need be 1/3rd of the Trio could simply "turn state's evidence" against me, finger me as the leader of the entire operation, & then walk away scott-free or at a reduced sentece. Laugh! Laugh! Laugh! "You wont be seeing your cousin for a while. I gave him a couple of month vaction for doing so well as your handler in those films".
I'm sorry...
Me? I had to re-asses my life. Was what he said true? I hadn't told anyone about the events. How did he know about these things in such detail? In the end I concluded that I was just a kid & that I couldn't explain everything.
Me? It occured to me that he was right about one thing. At night... when I closed my eyes to dream... I was a scoundrel's scoundrel. Killer? Theif? Drug-dealer? I guess you could call them my dream jobs. Since that time in 1976 I've been tempted to become a drug-dealer myself, I even dicussed it at length a few times but always backed out in the end.
A few months after My Cousin tore into me I would be teased again by the top 1/3rd of the Trio & the renewed hatred from the other 2/3rds of it that the ordeal had spawned. They whined that they'd been in competition for a lucrative leadership role in the gang & now the top 1/3rd had won it. Now, I would pay & with a re-newed vigor My Trio Of Cousins set out to do just that. Ow...
During this entire time I was called by the nickname "The Good Kid". A title that I answered to both at home & at school.
THEY BROKE ME... Back To School Daze follow-up...
"Now you have to make a gay porno or die"! Duh Jerk told 1985 me in the presence of his 4 Stars F.B., Duh Weasel, The Mayor's Brat, & Short Stuff & their pet dirty cop who I've nicknamed Dirty Cop. He didn't talk much during the torture sessions he provided security for, as a rule.
"Okay". I said standing naked in my cage with 5 pretty women about my age.
His smile dropped like a ton of bricks. "What"? He asked me.
"Your terms are acceptable. I choose death". Allready near the limits of human endurance by their latest torture session that I was in the midst of.
It seemed to throw them off. They all looked one to another in amazement so I broke the ice by asking. "Why do you want me to make a gay porno so bad"?
"Because once you make a gay porno no cop will ever listen to you about your accusations about the gym".
I just had to add. "I quit making accusations about the gym a long time ago because the cops don't bellieive me. You know people would forget about the gym but you guys keep bringing it back up". I've told them from time to time. "You know what? The cops don't believe me about the gym but if you keep messing with me they just might". "The gym! The gym! The gym! It's always the gym when I deal with those guys. In my opinion reader. "The entire gang of the Child-Molestors developed a severe case of penis-envy in the gym". Yeah, you can quote me.
The torture resumed... they changed their saying slightly & now it went sopmething like this. "Now you have to make a gay porno or we'll keep you awake until you go insane". It varied from person to person as he & his 4 Stars took shifts overseeing my torture wich consisted of pain & rape sessions mixed with insane drugged skits. Yeah, I fought them, I lost over & over & over & over & over & over & over... I ain't getting into it much... we'll just get to the part where... they broke me.... they... broke... me...
"Now you have to star in a gay porno & I'll let you go".
I didn't buy it one bit but I'd been broken, I took my chances...
They lied. Big surprise there. They brought in a long line of men & boys for me to service. And they lied, they didn''t let me go. So now I had to do... "things". A blur of being their friend & lovers, on film. Film after film after film was shot to confirm that these were not my attempted-murderers from the gym, they were my pals! "Now your accusations about the gym will seem like the accusations of a jilted lover".
I said. "You do remember that there were girls in the gym. What about my accusations against them"?
THEY BROKE ME...Back To School Daze continued...
The above Child-Molestor & self-professed rapist for profit bragged to me. "You starred in a gay porno. No no one is going to belive
your accusations about the gym. We took you to a mansion & you willingly had sex in a gay orgy. Now the cops will never believe
you that the kids of the gym weren't your friends & your accusations about the gym are just a lover's quarrel". "Everyone at that
masion will testify in court that you were there of your own free will & that you are their friend".
I pondered it & recalled how that went...
We pulled up at a darkened mansion of sorts where I was awakened with a slap in the back of a limo. Four chains connected to a
leather vest enabled the 4 Stars to drag me inside, not that they needed too... because... they'd broke me...
Once inside Duh Jerk informed me I had to have sex with all of these men who weren't involved. It'd be the proof he needed that
I was gay.
"What's that going to prove"? I asked.
"It's all about making you out to be a liar so the cops will ignore your accusations about the gym. You say you're straight but we
prove you're gay. You say we tried to kill you in the gym but we have films proving you & the children of the gym are great friends".
He said with a smile.
I went with my "go to phrase" when I deal with him. "You suck".
Yeah yeah yeah. Homos to the left, rapists to the right, & innocent queers according to Duh Jerk & his later bragging "sniotch". Sooo... I pondered the situation before me. If these guys, if these gays really were innocent, then I could try to fight my way out. I gave my ongoing plan to escape it's best odds yet. So I tried to leave & attacked!
Everyone & I mean everyone in the room produced a syringe. Some had them in hiding on their person. Others had them hidden in the cracks of furniture, behind pillows, in every blind spot between them & the camera & they attacked as one!
I lost.... ow...
I told the self-professed child-rapist for profit that I didn't buy it one bit, I knew he was lying & described the gang's attack on me.
"I know. Duh Jerk sent me here to see how much you remembered about that attack. Our gang are professional victims". He bragged that it's incidents just like this that empower them. "When you accuse us of being your rapists they'll accuse you [of anything we want them to] & they'll all have a vested interest in seeing that you go down".
THEY BROKE ME... Life in the Bay City Defunct Hospital...
There I was in the defunct hospital circa summer 1988. The madness, the perversion, decades of pure mind-numbing on again off again torture by masters of perversion & being driven to the limits of human endurance over & over sometimes with the full assistance of uniformed & on duty... cops. I just couldn't take it anymore... I broke... they broke me... I... was... broken...
It's hard to describe that point in one's mind when sleep deprivation & torture have finally broken you. They bragged that better men than me cracked quicker. Who did I have to help me? Why was I resisting? For what philosophy? Why?
They'd been saying. We're going to torture you until sleep deprivation drives you insane. You've got to dance the coolie & we'll let you go. I'm tired of you not obeying me & getting a free pass on dancing the coolie"! And stuff like unto it. Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars combined with their gang were relentless. It sucked!
The truth is in a moment of time it occurred to me that I was "losing it". Who & what I was was being lost & I feared irreparable damage to both my mind & even my very soul was about to occur. That's when... I broke... They... broke... me...
I told them "Yes! I'll do it! Anything! Please just let me sleep! At least in prison they'll let me sleep"!
Duh Jerk smiled a broad smile as did his Stars and he said. "Good. But there's a few other things that you'll have to do before that".
What happened next was I had to service an unending line of perverts, men, women, children, beasts, & appliances. All on film.
Allways on film...
At one point I remember F.B. looked at me with a look of disgust & teased me. "I never thought you'd cry like a little girl".
I teased him right back. I pointed out that in early 1977 I heard he'd been tortured for his incompetence & had cried like a little girl
very quickly. Then I told him that I'd heard he'd failed against me recently & been tortured as a consequence & had cried like a little
girl again. "It took decades of torturing me over & over to the limits of human endurance to get me to cry & I hear that you cried like
a little girl as soon as they started to torture you".
He seemed humiliated in front of his gang & then Duh Weasel & Short Stuff began to tease him as well.
F.B. countered. "Don't laugh because when you guys got tortured you both cried like little girls too".
That shut them all up!
Later, during the perversions to come Duh Jerk said. "That's not enough". When I asked for leniency based on the services I'd
provided. Next I had to "Dance the Coolie".
Horror... Suffice it to say, that while providing them a sexual spectacle I was forced to dance while being sprayed with an ice-cold
fire hose. The 3/4 of the 4 Stars threw beer cans & refuse at me while I provided them their sadistic entertainment.
"Faster"! The 4 Stars demanded. "FASTER"!
So I did. I danced faster & faster while they threw even more soda cans & garbage at me. The memory ends abruptly...
I woke up at home none for the worse... my Roommate left for whatever reason & there was a knock at the side-door. The guy
who was there, a 18ish year old, obviously short guy reminded me of my recent torture session & that I'd promised to join the Child-
Molestors to end the pain.
"I just said that to end the pain. Tell Jerk I personally told him to f@#! off".
That's when the guy yelled on an otherwise sunny morning in Bay City Michigan's south-end on Michigan Street. "Why don't you tell him yourself"?!
An ambulance pulled up in my front yard with a semi truck & trailer completely obscuring my yard from the road. A phalanx of young men formed a line shoulder to shoulder in my front yard & the back yard between the narrow spaces between the two yards. Duh Jerk, Dirty Cop, and the 4 Stars were in the line closest to my front yard... smiling....
Dirty Cop was the one doing the talking today. He told me to surrender because he was arresting me after a hot-pursuit. "See all of these guys. They're my witnesses who I've deputized to help me to subdue you". He went on to explain that it was a subdual that I wouldn't survive. We all spouted a few insults back & forth... loudly.
"You broke your word". Said the seemingly hurt, but still smiling Duh Jerk.
"You broke your word! You told me before each thing that you'd let me go if I did it"! I yelled over the sound of the traffic.
Duh Jerk explained it was the nature of the biz. He was expected to lie, but he expected more from me. Then he added. "Don't even think of turning around & jumping out a window. You're famous for jumping out windows so I put a whole bunch of guys on the other side of your house".
As he said that a cameraman stood poised with his never-blinking camera pointed at me... me...
Me? I didn't know what to do? Dirty Cop promised me death if I ran, I would die in a very much justified vigilante death. I looked at the camera, the unbeatable pervert horde, I pondered the fact that I was still recovering from the torture. With a sigh I submitted to Dirty Cop's "arrest".
The memory ends abruptly there...
Later A guy claiming to be bragging on Duh Jerk's behalf bragged about my "coolie dance". "Jerk pushed you too hard and you passed out into a coma for 3 days. Then we resumed the torture but you had amnesia & didn't seem to remember any of the torture that lead up to us breaking you. It was close to the end of summer anyway and Jerk said. "I'm not going through all of that again" so we just let you go. He had plans for you to do a whole bunch more stuff". Like servicing a never-ending line-up of children, men, women, beasts, and appliances he bragged.
ME... lately... circa 2013...
Eventually... I got at least 2 (yes two!) people to read my website. Eh, the first said it was weak. The second sent me an e-mail asking me how I wrote this from inside prison. Weak? Perhaps... I'm not writing for show or profit, I'm all alone and writing to save my life. It's taking every once of what I've got to write & no one is helping me in any way. Pain is my only companion while I write. Pain! Pain. Pain...
So I figured I should write about my life... lately. Well, I wrote to the F.B.I. for help (Pretend I'm making a ghost sound & wiggling my fingers), big wup. The Child-Molestors brag that the Bay City F.B.I. is in their pocket, probably the left front one I'd guess. Probably. True or not, eh, who can say?
Then the group made good on their promise to destroy my knees, shoulders, & privates from the inside... with medical insterments. "You can go to the cops if you want but they'll say that you're crazy. They know that there are people all over the world doing what we're doing to you but they wont believe you".
So I went to the Bay City... cops. The dirty cop at the front desk, soon to be called my kidnapper mocked me fiercely & became
enraged at the mere mention of a former dirty cop who'd plagued me. The Blond secratary stared at me wide-eyed (eh... I get
that in Bay City). He refused to file a report unless I went to the hospital, difficult because I was nearly broke & in a lot of pain.
So I martialed my strength & went to the Bunga-Bunga Hospital.
At the Bunga-Bunga Hospital they promptly locked me up in the looney bin after a 2 minute interview and put me on a mere 2
Tylenol every 4 hours for pain & refused to investigate my medical claims one bit. After 3 days they were forced to release me...
So... I bided my time & in a few months I had enough to flee... so I did. To National City.
National City was great, perhaps the nicest place I've ever lived. Though I lived in the woods in the middle of nowhere I was
soon abducted... tire marks pointing to my home which I'd seen before pointed to something strange. Duh Jerk was there & in
the fleeting memories I recalled having sex whith TMOMC. At first I thought (as in times past) "This can't be happening to
me". Then, when I came down with scabies, I had no doubt, so I fled. I flitted from town to town looking for a place that might
help me. Boy was I stupid. America is a great country... but if you rub organized crime the wrong way, no one & I mean no
one is going to stick their neck out & help you. Cops flee (or bend over & grab their ankles as the case may be I'd guess), rape
crisis lines wish you luck, & others tell you it's not their problem.
I'm alone & my pain is growing, I don't know how much longer I have walking. The Child-Molestors have promised me great
pain saying things like. "You are just too dangerous to handle. That's why we're going to do what we do to your shoulders &
knees". When I said I'd still fight them he predicted, not for long. They did this all the time & a few hours of twisting on my
already damaged limbs should make me willing to do any perversion that they want to "fill in the gaps of their case against me".
Me? I've been tortured too much in life... I don't know if I even had the strength to resist them before they humbled me in my
limbs. Now... now it is very likely I'll be wheeled into a courtroom only to watch the myriad of perversion that I am about to do
in exchange for yet another moment's respite from these madmen & what they are willing to inflict upon me for reasons of both
revenge & profit.
I don't have any trades, physical labor is all I've known & they've taken that away from me... probably for life. I lack the
temperment for office work. I figure I'm just... most likely doomed & there isn't thing one I can do about it.
Yeah, I've prayed a lot. other people told me they prayed... a lot.
All I'll say about the... cops, F.B.I., Child-Molestors & their ever-willing-to-help-but-apologetic-victim/members is this. Whatever...
Sooo... there I was in the woods of Munger Michigan F.B., Short Stuff, & Duh Weasel told me in the presence of Duh Jerk while we all stood next to a set of white linces painted on the cut grass aproximating some building. "We like to torture people here".
Duh Jerk told me what would become of my circa 1988 life shortly. "We're going to beat you and make you pracatice robbing banks over & over & when you're delerious & doing it reliably we'll take you to a bank & get you to rob it".
It hurts too much to write about... Yeah... we played out the senario for weeks in the hot Munger summer sun. They made a point of eating their meals in front of me & gave me nothing to eat.
At one point I recall becoming lucid and turned to My Buddy & asked. "Are you one of them".
It was Duh Weasel who said. "Don't worry about it. He says that all the time".
rob the bank... Yeah yeah yeah, Torture, drugs, sleep deprivation... rob the bank... rob the bank... rob the bank... rob the bank... rob the bank... rob the bank...
rob the bank... rob the bank... rob the bank... I ask the reader this... What do you think happened next? Yeah, someone died... I didn't pull the trigger...
Later when they were dividing the cash from the heist Duh Jerk told his guy pointing a gun at me. "Give me his wallet".
When the towering rifle weilding jock took my wallet & handed it to Duh Jerk he took all of my big bills & left me with a $5 & told his gang who suggested I get a share. "He should never profit by what we do to him".
ME... lately...
Sooo as the story goes... about 4 years ago Bunny Girl came over to my house. I recalled her standing beside Duh Jerk & my Nurse Prcaticioner during my last rape & pondered the situation before me. I figured that there were good odds I'd soon be violently raped... en-mass... again. I also figured there'd be good odds that I'd be killing someone soon. Innocent... guilty... maybe a Chuild-Molestor? Maybe someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time... who can say? I suspected that there was even better odds that a camera weilding crew were nearby with a van-load of jocks who could "innocently" pound me into the dirt if I should handle the situation poorly. So I chose to be nice since the other options seemed foolhardy at best. She'd showed up at my place with an ugly 20ish blonde & a chunky girl with a big "assette" & even bigger top (the poor girl probably hadn't seen her feet in years) dressed in gang-black.
Eh... I was nice... they seemed to come on to me... but I declined (kidnappings & rapes aside I figured if I can't keep one woman happy why would I want to make 2 or 3 miserable?). Bunny Girl announced she'd return the next day to give me sex because she was short on time & that (& this is a true fact) I needed a shower (I'm not the 1st rape victim to make themselves unappealing to their rapists by doing (or not doing) this).
Did Bunny Girl return? I didn't see her again (that I know of) & I woke up at home & recalled my last night's abduction. How they got me, Idano? But here's the story...
I became lucid on a bed in a girl's bedroom with two 11ish year old thin brunette girls. One was sitting next to me on the bed & the other manned a camera pointing at the two of us. The little girl gave me a closed moth smile & offered me sex. We should ignore life's age barriers & have sex. Then she leaned in for a kiss. Her young partner in crime leveled the camera all the more & braced herself all the better to bear it's weight for the time to come.
Me? I pondered the situation before me. Then I thought. "If I do this then I'll be a child-molester". I had a moment where my heart lifted up in arrogant pride. "This is stupid. I'd never fall for this & I'd never do such a thing. Duh Jerk is wasting his time". Then I had a hubling moment. It occured to me that they've been doing this kind of stuff to me for decades & they wouldn't do it if it didn't work. A humiliating and sobering fact. So I stood up & exited by walking past the girl blocking the door like she wasn't there, gently, but forcefully. Once outside her bedroom I walked down the short hallway & into a kitchen. There I saw a middle-aged couple, a 40ish year old blonde man & a 60ish year old brunette, presumably the girl's parents. I recalled an earlier gang-rape & torture with them involved & told the guy face to face. "Why don't you give up being a child-molester & get your heart right with God"?
He hung his head in shame.
I spoke a few more words denouncing their lifestyle & pointed to a few social implications that all point to a single subject CHILD MOLESTING IS MORALLY WRONG (yeah... I talk like that on their drugs... off'em too)!
So I walked outside & I could see that I was at an apartment complex on the corner of Bay County's W. Hampton Rd. & N. Knight Rd. facing the water tower in the near distance. I chose to walk away (it's not like I had many options). That's when a marked Bay City... cop car pulled up on my left & an ambulance on my right... I'll let the reader guess the rest... Bay City... cops... a name you can trust!
Time passes, a few days... then I get all predictable & go to watch the Bay City rape event... oops... I mean Bay City Fireworks festival at the spot I've used for a few years, on the water south of the Veteran's Bridge. Yeah... predictable...
It was there that I saw the little girl, her camera weilding partner-in-crime, presumably her parents, and 5 or 6 other teenaged girls setting up shop near me much like any other family around there.
The rational part of my brain told me to run, to run screaming, anything, but to get out of there now!
Then the stupid side of my brain chimed in, you know, "the curious side". In the past the Child-Molestors have bragged to me that before, but sometimes after a rape that they delite in having their rapists join their victims in doing whatever they might be doing (easy because their victim's memories will have been addled or erased by the drugs they were forced to endure). I've heard things like. "You went to that resturaunt & our rapists set up shop on either side of you & then they posed for our pictures like you were one of us". The pictures, combined with the little time markings in the corner of the movie or the backs of the picture are alleged to be absoulutely damming to their victims. Eh, it sucks to be me... and the Child-Molestors brag that it always will.
Uh... back to the story... I wanted to "see the machine in operation". You know... see how it's done. It may be the death of me but I cant undo what I did... I... an American citizen... sat... in... a... public... park. Me, yes I did it. Right there in broad daylight during the 4th of July ceremony south of the Vet's Bridge at a table on the waterfront. Me... After an hour or 2 the group subtilly aproached me, one or two at a time formed up on either side of me. Teenaged girls tended babies, family moments inched closer... soon the entire clan surrounded me as I sat on a bench near the water, then they assumed "action poses" and one of them snapped a picture with them surrounding me as though I was a part of their family action. Me... less than nobody. Then the group broke up & went back to their nearby van. They all smiled smiles of satisfaction and beamed at me... the little girls was... kinda gross actually. She had a toothy smile with her teeth widely spaced apart, perhaps one tooth width space between each tooth. I thought to myself. "So that's why she kept her mouth closed during the attempted seduction".
Later they sent a guy to brag on the subject... he claimed that the group "owned" all of the apartments facing the water tower making it easy to torture anyone there, he assured me no one would testify on my behalf about the subject.
ANOTHER COLUMBINE… More children’s lives for the greater amusement of the Child-Molestors…
As the story goes this kidnapper decided to boast on behalf of the Child-Molestors. “We’re thinking of drugging you & handing you a gun &
talking you into killing a classroom of kids like they did in Columbine. They’ll probably be kids from our group & when you kill some of them
it’ll make them above suspicion for life”.
I protested that no family, no matter how loyal, would give up so many kids to bee slain thusly. That & that no conspiracy that large could
endure scrutiny.
Not so he assured me. He told me the obvious, that once children had been slain & the survivors & their families risked being implicated
that they’d fall in line with the orders of their Child-Molestor leaders & be all the more motivated to destroy me out of a sense of revenge for
the dead or wounded kids. Then I could cry to the cops all I wanted if I survived but they’d make sure I was delirious from drugs & sleep-
deprivation & no cop would take me seriously. “You can go to the cops & tell them if you want but they’ll tell you you’re crazy & you’ll only
make our case stronger. We’ll probably dope you out of your mind & convince you you’ve travelled back in time & that the class are the kids
from the gym & talk you into shooting them for revenge”.
Angrily I countered. “If I didn’t want revenge during the gym what makes you think I’d want revenge now”?
“Maybe we’ll just beat the s@#! out of you & make you shoot a class of kids over & over until you’re doing it reliably & then we‘ll put real bullets in the gun”.
"No one's going to hand over their kids to you guys to have me shoot them". I countered angrilly.
“We’ll tell them there’s blanks in the gun & explain it away by telling their families that we were only playing with you & some moron accidentally put real bullets in the gun then the their families will be forced to side with us”.
Time passes until only a few years ago…
There I was, who knows where in some business building I'd guess? F.B. and some beautifull woman manuvered me into a room and sat me down at a tablewith all the bomb-making tools and supplies one would ever need to make a bomb with an easy to follow bomb-making guide taped to the table on my right.
F.B. said. "Since you're dreaming why not make a bomb"?
Me? I was so zonned out on who knows what drug(s?) that I wasn't even slightly alarmed to be in the presence of my lifelong stalker and self-appointed child-killer so we went back and forth, what bomb, how, what I'd need? He provided it all, set up a camera and left.
So I set out to build a bomb. The only problem was, the dosage of drug(s?) need to get me to build a biomb left me with the long-term memory of a goldfish, I kept forgetting what I was doing, where I was, and when I remained focused on the task at hand it was difficult to figure out what stage of construction I was at in my task and apply it before my memory reset, leaving me befuddled and addled at best.
No prob, F.B.'d thought of everything. The beautifull woman kept gently coaxing me. "Build the Bomb". Talking to me like an idion or a child she said. "Go on. Builkd the bomb".
So I did...
Time passes...
I was standing in a school hallway beside F.B. drugged out of my mind. He handed me a hunting rifle, pointed at a classroom, & said. “Since you’re dreaming why not take this rifle & go shoot the kids in that class”? He pointed to a school classroom just ahead of us & to the right.
Me? I wasn’t alarmed to be in the presence of my kidnapping raping attempted murderer one bit because of the drugs. While I know realize it was him after reflecting on the incident, during the incident who he was didn’t even slightly occur to me.
First… let me say this to any investigators… no one was in any danger at any moment… I wasn’t shooting anyone…
I walked the short walk down the hall & my drug-hazed brain tried to process what I’d been told to do on the way. I walked into a sparsely furnished classroom. Other than the desks the room seemed void of anything than the 30 or so 11-year old children who sat with their hands folded at their desks.
As I looked at the students I had a moment of deja-vu. These kids were not just kids… they were made up in 70’s style clothes & they bore the haircuts of the children of the Red-Horned Teacher’s 1976-77 class! The Munger Boy 5 were represented in the front row. F.B., Duh Weasel, Short Stuff, The Mayor’s Brat, & Just Desserts with the vague representation of Snitch Girl seated on their left! For whatever reason my eyes were immediately drawn to where I used to sit in that classroom of horrors (to see if there'd be an empty seat, there wasn't) & I saw the equally vague Hispanic representatives for Shy Fawn & her Talking Partner!
The gears in my head began to spin as I processed the information before me. F.B. was trying to get me to kill these kids... "Columbine Style"! So I told the kids. “A guy sent me in here with this rifle & told me to kill you guys”. I went on to tell them their lives were in extreme jeopardy because, since they were probably in on it, during my next drugged cycle I would be very likely to kill them.
The kids assured me that this was a group prank & that they & I were in no danger. We chatted for nearly a minute on the subject.
Then a uniformed police officer came in and leveled his pistol at me. After his freeze scumbag speech that I barely recall he said. “I heard that a guy with a gun was wandering the hallways of the school”.
It was then that I saw the camera in the back of the classroom pointed at us. I pondered the situation before me & remembered Duh Jerk’s words. "We like to trick our victims into violence on or near police. It proves they’re increasingly irrational”. Frankly… I just couldn’t think of another plan, I looked at the cop… looked at the camera… and then submitted to his arrest at gunpoint.
As soon as I was cuffed & restrained F.B. walked in with a guy who had a syringe.
I protested that this wasn’t a game; it was pre-meditated & rehearsed mass-murder.
“We’re just playing with you”. F.B. said with a smile as the guy prepared the needle.
I appealed to the cop & the kids. “O yeah? Check the gun. I’ll bet it’s got real bullets in it”.
Without checking the gun F.B. said. “That’s just how blanks look”. While he spoke more men filtered into the room.
I said. “Uh uh. Blanks have a cardboard tip & look blunt. Those bullets will look like real bullets”.
He protested that there was only blanks in the gun while I kicked the syringe across the room much to the guy holding its chagrin.
“Oh yeah? Pull the trigger. I’ll bet there’s real bullets in that gun”.
At this point the children seemed to be getting very irate. That’s the thing about Child-Molestor kids, they’re brats! “Pull the trigger”. "Yeah! Pull the trigger. I want to see if there are real bullets in that gun”. They swarmed the gun holder angrily en-mass & the classroom turned into a shoving match & a few of the kids grabbed at the rifle's trigger while the growing number of adults squared off(presumeably Child-Molestor regulars turned would-be vigilantes who'd bravely beaten me to death had a single shot gone off)! The room was full of people pushing, shoving, and there were even a few blows exchanged that threats quelled!
F.B. countered. “If there are real bullets in that gun then someone put them in there by mistake”!
The room became a beehive of finger-pointing shoving & arguing by both children & adults.
I recall F.B. looking into the direction of the cop holding my cuffed hands behind my back & using his thumb to make a cutting motion across his throat.
The memory ends abruptly there.
When I woke up my shoulders & knees were on fire. They'd just begun the begining of the end for me just as they'd said. A burning fire was in my rectum & from there led to my balls. They were numb and their insides at the base felt... stretched. Feeling as though 2 snakes had slithered up either side of my back to my shoulders where a burning pain pulsed, leaving the joints feeling as though they had gravel in them, or like unto if sandpaper was now lubricating my shoulders. The twin probes had, as boasted, had obviously slithered down my legs to my knees along the femoral artery. My knees were on fire.
Just like Duh Jerk's boy had bragged, a medical insterment had been introduced into my body & they'd "tunneled around". "We have a Dr. from Detroit who does it for $10,000 & when we show him our films of you he'll be glad to do it. He'll testify that you had a condition that he operated on". "We do it because it's indetectable. We go in through the rectum just along the inside so standard medical insterments wont detect it". "Even if you do get the cops to listen to you the worst you can do is sue him [the Dr.] & when you take money from his insurance company that will legitimize what we did to you". "Even if the cops do find out what we did to you it'll only prove to a jury that you're a scumbag. People will say. 'A scumbag got what was coming to him' and it'll only be more proof to the jury that you are a scumbag. We've been doing this for a long time & we know exactly what people want to hear".
I asked him about the logistics of the incident. "Why'd he make me go to the class over & over on drugs"? It just didn't make any sense to me.
It was some time after I submitted to the lie setector test that we chatted about some things. "We do it to the victim over & over and have them stand down the hall a ways back from the objective. That way if they're still incoherant when they get to the classroom they'll wander around because their long-term memory isn't working yet. Then we take them back to the starting point & try again. That way we catch the victim at the exact moment they become lucid & their long-term memory resets. Then someone like you shoots the kids or something equally damming & then we have our guys rush in & save the day & no one will believe a semi-lucid victim who's holding the smoking gun. It's only trivia to add that he told me that he loathed me, because of all of the little Child-Molestors who would've died and because of all of the other CHild-Molestors I'd slain because of them.
Defensively I said. "If you guys would quit kidnapping me no one else would've gotten hurt"!
"It all started a long time ago when you hurt a Child-Molestor (or did he mean child-molestor? I didn't ask). That begs revenge. Once we target a person we never give up on them no matter what the cost. Your fate was sealed the day you killed one of us".
"Yeah! When I was 2 & only because you guys drugged me & I thought I was dreaming".
"I know, now. This has gone too far".
Today… as I write this I can only think back on the words of the boasting Child-Molestor. He bragged on & on that it mattered not if I killed the kids. Repeating any of it was more than enough to ensure that the cops would say I was crazy & thus, someone undeserving of freedom in America. You see reader… once the Child-Molestors set their sights on a victim there’s nothing that victim can say or do to extricate themselves from them. The more sadistic & perverse they treat their victims is only proof unto itself that the victim is mad & should be ignored… or destroyed.
My opinion on the subject? Ow…

MASS MURDER MADE EASY... For fun & profit...
A onefer is a style of writing where a story is told in a seemingly random fashion by the author to gradually teach the reader the storyline in a way they feel the story needs to be told. Hey, my life is on the line and I figured I'd better get creative. Or else! I'll bet my life on it (gulp!).

SOOO... YOU LIKE TO KILL PEOPLE FOR FUN? Here's how to get the... cops to help you do it... FOR FREE!!!
Mass murder made easy? Yeah, right. If it was easy lots of people would be doing it, wouldn't they? Wake up and smell the rose-scented inserts in today's newspaper oh wise among my readers. There's tons of killers roaming the U.S.A., many of them wear uniforms (or distinctive colors or types of clothing) and some openly boast "blood in, blood out". There's a whole bunch of killers in America and, contrary to what mid-Michigan... cops seem to think, a few are very, very motivated. They adore killing and the blood-curdling screams of a child dying by slow torture rings in their ears like a melody. They ARE out there.
My research shows that recreational serial-killers differ in motivation and temperament. But they all have one thing in common, the joy of killing people. Most, seem to be opportunist, skulking in darkened alleys and preying on drug-addled girls fool enough to get into a stranger's car in exchange for enough cash for their next fix. In & out, wham bam and the killing's done. Few witnesses, little evidence, and lotsa bodies. There's really not much American cops can do to catch them except to wait for them to screw up so they can catch them and get a medal based on how clever they were at picking up on a lone social-misfit's mistake. Go figure...
Then, there's the other types of recreational serial-killers. Words that describe them are "affluent", "smart", and "manipulative". You know, the kind of guys who get caught kidnapping a child and stuff huge wads of cash in... cop's pockets and get them to turn their heads.
Sooo... you would-be serial-killers want advice on how to kidnap rape and torture kids your entire life? PHHHT! Lotsa guys do it, go elsewhere chump! But if you are looking to torture kids, stalk them for life, make them scream in agony and get the... cops to help you get away with it. Eh, go elsewhere. You're nothing special. But, if you want to stalk children for life, ruin, destroy, and torure them, all with the... cop's help, and get them to do it for the bargain basement price of "FREE"! Then take my advice that I'll sum up in a few words below. Soon you will be all aquiver at the sheer number of little kids who will be screaming in melodious agony for your amusement. Here's the advice...
1) Usually attack your victims in a silly or insane manner. The... cops eat that kinda stuff up! The reason is (or so they brag) that no one would do such a thing. Apparently all rapists and stalkers agree to an unwritten code of ethics and conduct. Thus the... cop quote. "No one would do that to someone".
2) A payoff or two helps (just rarely do it, very rarely). Here's how to do it. Pay off the... cops (child-protection agencies, parents, family, you name it as they pop up) for minor things, or just make up stuff where you're innocent and then pay'em off on top of it. What you're doing is building up a support base. People who'll swear to their fellow would-be child-protectors that you're an upstanding guy, you just like to work with problem kids. See the logic?
3) Subtlety... One must be so subtle that to underscore it, I wont talk much about it, BE SUBTLE! The... cops eat that kinda stuff up like candy.
4) Lie Yup, lie a lot. When you and 20 of your friends all approach the prospective members of a jury (a... cop, an agent, a child-protection service, ect.) and talk about how much of a scumbag your victims are (one at a time, you don't want to overkill) they'll gladly help put the screws to your victim. If they don't, don't worry, the plethora of films you've made your drug-hazed sleep-deprived victims endure will have the most skeptic would-be adversaries (never forget, those agencies will turn on you in 2 seconds if they figure you out) either turning a blind eye to your activities or begging you for the privilege of helping you dispatch your victims when they get troublesome or a little too powerful.
Remember. Labels. Labels. Labels. You already know that your victims are going to call you, so call them it first, often, and loud and with your films, eh, need I say more?
Hey, my name is David George and I endorse this. In my lifetime the Child-Molestors have assigned me many labels so I will assign myself one here. They'll tell you a bazillion reasons why I wrote this website, none of them having to do with the truth, and trusting that you might consider I'm doing it for reasons of ego, fame, or revenge. Nah, the label I choose for myself is David A. George Less Than Nobody. The label sums everything up, who I am, what I'm about, and until now, where my life is going.
Yeah, whatever...
"We don't have to fool the cops. We only have to fool a jury".- Child-Molestor saying.

It is horrible!!!
Wonder what it's like reader? Huh, do ya? Well, you could go up to one of the Child-Molestors and kick them in the shin and publicly call them by thier gang name in some humiliating way... or you could just read about just one of my (allways filmed) rape events. More of a community event really. It's how you can make money and get morons to join you (when you show overeager YOUR films about the rape party you were stupid enough to attend) and even get the... cops to brag on how great of a guy you are. But first, a word from one of the best (the... cops just adore him). "I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". Truer words were never spoken.
Eh, the below got smudged up when I moved, I ain't got the strength to re-write it. Let it's smudges be symbolic of the smudged and shoddy police work I've had the poor fortune to receive throughout my life. Let every pixel of every smudge and smear be a symbol of a single child's life the Child-Molestors have forever changed. Yeah, they kill children, but more importantly they destroy them too. And not just the lives of the gang's many victims but the lives of the children who never resisted and eagerly joined them. Now those kids that I had the misfortune to grow up with are hardened card-carrying Child-Molestors. Worse? Worse is that I suspect that thier children and even thier grandchildren are fanatically devoted gang members who themselves prey on America's unsuspecting youth. Some of whom will join the Child-Molestors.
Read on reader... It's page #379 in a book I wrote about murder, mayhem, drugs, sex, and betrayal. Yeah, you know, the story that the... cops haven't got a clue about. Read on readers, there's a lot of smudged pixels for you to look at.
Have you ever had your life flash before your eyes? How about when a garden hose was involved? The wierd thing is that the gang brag to me that they intend to prove in court that we are or were great friends. And they've got the films to prove it!
Yeah, whatever...

Written in puke green so you know who was talking. "Say one of our members is getting old and we know they are about to die in 6 months. We order their family to kill them so we can have the insurance money. First we break into their house and hide cameras all over the place and we film them talking about the murder. Then we own them for the rest of their life"! HA! HA! HA! Duh Jerk loved to laugh about his victms... even loyal ones when he was trying to recruit me back in fall of 1976.
My reply? "That's rude. I've talked about God to lots of people and tons of them told me that they wanted to wait until just before they died to change their ways and get their heart right with God. Do you know how many people you've probaby sent to Hell who would never have gone there if you hadn't killed them early"?
Decades later... The Last Snitch implicated My _ _ _ _ _ _'s Parent's and her in my Great Aunt's murder so they could get her multi-million dollar estate and lucrative Ben Franklin stove. "We filmed the whole thing". "Guess who we framed for the murder"? "Now they'll never be able to testify on your behalf about the gym".
"The Gym"? Sigh... Give it a rest Child-Molestors... Get over it... You won... I lost... Relax...

HOW I SPENT MY SUMMER, 2016... Sponsered by the tax dollars of the fine people of Marathon County Wisconsin
This tale is dedicated to the dedicated law-enforcement professionals of Wausau Wisconsin and sponsered by their favorate number, the Number 1 without whom none of this would be possible. Viva Marathon County!
Know then my loyal readers, I am still recovering from the Marathon County Taxpayer-Funded Sleep Deprivation Funtime I've only recently endured. Personally, I think it's affected me worse than I initially had thought and I'm going to try and write through whatsoever medicall effects I may be in the midst of even now on 7-28-16. Frankly, there's not much research on sleep-deprivation's effects and any lingering after-effects, particularly from a lifetime of inflicted sleep-deprivation attacks upon my person (the Child-Molestor Community's Plan A, "the way they do it", how it's done "molester style", a plan that both baffles and confuses any and all... cops I've ever met because it lacks honor prompting... cop quote #1 'no one would do that to someone'. It's unethical!
On or about May 28th... In Eau Claire Wisconsin (Not yet quite in Marathon County's "Wausau... yet) picture me sitting alone in a College Library. I was hit hard, emotionally by a recent string of kidnappings and rapes upon myself by person or persons unknown. I had no idea what to do about it? Who to turn to for help? Nor what to do next and live in a world entirely void of advice save "The Big 3" wich are.
1) Go to the... cops. "The cops" is a fairy-tale place where all rape tales have happy endings. Or so I should conclude from the advice of many people, ... cops included. My opinion on the subject? "Whatever"...
2) Kill them. Surely a high body count would insure me a rape free life. My opinion on the subject? Silly advice at best, rapists, hard-core lifestyle rapists couold care less how many rapists notches you can put on the butt of your knife in America with their plethora of carear dirty... cops running interference and disarming a victim 1st. Besides... whatareya gonna do the next time a 5 year-old aproaches YOU armed with a tazer? Welcome to my America reader.
If... and I mean "if" you were a Mid-Michigan... cop you'd happily turn your head the other way and smile and say, like usual. "No one would do that to someone".
3) Run and hide. THAT is where I was about 28 May 2016. Under a metaphorical rock in a college library. I guess you could say that this tale is about advice #3. Certainly, being that I, the author am such a nobody, I'll be safe for the rest of my life from kidnapping and rape. COP APPROVED!
Sooo... there I was, in that Eau Claire Library. PONDERING THE LAST FEW WEEKS, with a kidnapping that'd involved another "little blond girl" (the gang brag that they intend to prove that such children are "my type") who was much like the little rich girl from Boulder I'd encountered in the early 90s.
Over and over I pondered the drugged memory, unwillingly, assembling the bits and pieces of memories into a recogniseable story. A drugged memory... "D-R-U-G-G-E-D" that means that the memory has been impaired by the use of drugs by my kidnappers. Here is that memory.
It was a warm spring day and I was in what seemed to be a small children's bedroom with a set of bunk beds on my left, a dresser on the right, and an easy chair under a window infornt of me oppisite the only door. It was warm, hot even so I decided to take my cap off and whipe my brow. Only I wasn't wearing my hat, it was a woman's wig of red-hair dreadlocks. I sat it on the windowsill and pondered the situation before me. In a moment of time I became lucid and realized that this was a kidnapping, I was in mid-kidnap at that moment, and figured that, like usual, I was dressed as a woman. I was naked from the waist down. I figured I might be wearing make-up so I rubbed my arm against my face smearing make-up over my arm and face. Eh, it ruins filming, at least temporarilly and gives me something to whine about at any coming trial.
The thing that made me the angriest, beside whatever perversuion I suspect was going on, was that red wig with dreadlocks. You see, Child-Molestor stories, as boasted to me are that they plan to prove I want to be a woman. I was angry and thought to myself. "They want to prove I want to be a woman with red dreadlocks"? Nothing couldd be farther from the truth. I like peeing standing up. I like women and women only. Allways have. I do not have nor have ever had a feminine side. I've no gay side, no lingering doubts. In the past I've pondered being gay, it'd certainly have made the countless rapes I've endured more enjoyable. But, in the end... yech! Molestors, yes, molestor gang members, people on the street, councilors, and even uniformed and on-duty... cops have given me the advice to just lay back and enjoy the rapes, to not resist. Injuries, maimings, and deaths have happened and even Martin Oak counciled me in mid-kidnap about the violence & horror. "Things like this wouldn't happen if you wouldn't resist".
Back to our story... ya know, the one about "... cop approved Plan #3".
Soooo... there I was, naked from the waist down, probably somewhere in Wisconsin, It took everything I had to concentrate through the drug haze. What to do. I looked outside and saw that I was in a lower middle-class neighborhood set on a small hill probably 3-4 houses from the corner where a uniformed... cop sat in a marked police car across the street. Children, mostly pre-teens, toddlers, and a few teens playing in groups of 4 or 5 in the yards before me and on the street wich was below us on the shallow hill about 30' or so on a 20-30 degree slope. All in all, in my humble opinion, a typical Child-Molester muylti-tiered defencive formation with the youngest layered closest to me with a... cop backup if thiungs get dicey. Typical on typical. It's how it's done in America. AND IT WORKS!
I was trying to concentrate. You see. Escaping from a kidnap site naked from the waist down in smeared make-up while heavilly impaired by mind-affecting drugs (and in all probability the gang's coveted "strength reducing drugs" too) surrounded by child-guards and at least one dirty... cop isn't as easy as most people seem to think. I couldn't come up with a plan, it was taking the sum of my remaining mental facalties to simply not drift off on the drugs. So I sat down, hoping to come up with something.
A middle-aged man with black short hair came to the doorway and with a point and a few words commanded the little blond girl to go to me. She was nakd from the waist down, probably about the same age as the Little Rich Girl from Boulder walked over to me and sat on my right thigh.
I couldn't concentrate, I was losng it... losing it... losing it... then I lost my train of thought. The little blond girl lifted her legs onto my left thigh and inched closer to me an inch at a time bringing our groins nearly together while slowly bouncing up and down between moves.
Here I shall apply logic (you hear that? It's the sound of 100... cops gasping and mentally preplanning thier lecture to me on the subject of how no one would be so dishonorable) to the subject. The gang wouldn't do it if it didn't work, whatever their goal may or may not have been. I know also, that every... cop I ever met has explained that they get to use logic and deduction all they want, victims, like I, are not allowed to drop any "L-Bombs".
So... befuddled by the situation before me, I pondered what do about the little girl who, to me, was "innocently" bouncing up and down on my lap. Eventually, I figured that, sure, she was just innocently playing around, but that if some passerby happened upon us the situation might not look good. So I picked her up off my lap and set her on the floor and sent her away with a few kind words.
In a daze I figured I'd explore the house. So I walked into the hall and could see the rest of the hous was unlit and heavilly curtained. So I walked to my right to a furnished livingroom. Grown me, 3-4 were split up on either side of the hallway exit and became violent when I tried to pleasently talk to them and implied all sorts of evil intentions on my part regarding the little girl. The memory ends there.
Again... typical on typical. The Molestors brag that as long as they keep it violent, as long as their victim is on the defencive, they'll allways win. Allways.
Me? in the coming days I was hit hard by the situation... emotionally. I counted at least 3 kidnappings in the last 3-4 or so weeks. Worse? The gang brag I recall 1 in 10, maybe thatnx to their drug(s). The gang were once again kidnapping and raping me with impunity, and with Police help. Again... Sigh...
I started having trouble eating, sleeping. Nothing mattered, I just wanted the rapes to end, I've written for help for 4 years, 4 YEARS! And now, here the gang were, kidnapping and raping me with impunity... Still.
So I elected to "hide in public". I found that you could hang out all night at the Eau Claire College Library due to coming exams or something or another. I also found one could sit there after hours all night as long as you made it loook like you were doing school work. I began a week or 2 where I practically lived at the library, leaving only to eat or when common decency forced me to risk going home to fetch clean clothes to void my growing stench, particularly the stench from my ever-expanding rectum (a much filmed on-going spectator event I assure the reader).
After about 2 weeks, I was in bad shape, no new plan was forthcoming, I had no isea what to do, where to go, nor who to turn to. I was at the library after hours thinking. "If I could avoid rape just one more nite" the sum total of my "plan". A blond female Eau Claire WI... cop confronted me and later arrested me on a warrant from Wausau WI.
5 minutes later her swarthy male counterpart showed up. He stripped my pocked of my invention journals, wallet, ID stuff, cash, tools (my pockets were full), comb, papers, and my computer and computer bag. Then he announced hat since there was a screwdriver in my stuff that it was all "jail contraband". He handed me my Wisconsin I.D. and left my sunglasses and took the rest and refused me a receipt nor would any... cop acknkowlege my posessions once existed outside of my sunglasses and I.D. Card.
I went to Eau Claire Jail where I slept nearly 3 days straight. Then, I went to Wausau's "Marathon County Jail". Cue the sounds of laughing Jackals, horror begins there. Eh, I'll probably write about it soon enough. God willing. I'm sure that it'll make for great evidence against me for said... cops. Dont let'em tell you I never gave them anything reader!
Wausau Jail... also known as The Marathon County Jail. I showed up there after 3 days of sleep at the Eau Claire Jail and was promptly placed in their "L-Block". The only thing that bugged me was, there was only one bunk open, a top bunk, and it was directly above someone "I'd met before". David Jehn. A large man who gets his own paragraph on my website. Reason enough for legal sruitiny by the Police in my humble opinion.
Let's flashback in time to when I'd 12st arrived in Wausau over 2 years ago. I was coming off of the dread horror that was the absolute nightmare I'd recently endured in Michigan over the last year and a half writing my tale of woe, my autobiography, my plea for help from anyone who might deliver me from the gang of recreational serial-killing rapists who stalk my life with impunity. Yup, writing down a lifetime of accumulated horrors that until then I'd simply refused to let myself even think about, reliving said events over & over & over & over & over & over &, well, you get the idea. IT WAS HORRIBLE! Still is, thanx oh ye Skeptic and Dirty... cops of America with whom I've dealt with my entire life. Yeah, I was partially, yes partially coming down off the horror, the dread, the guilt, riding the wave of humiliation that no... cop has ever given me an ounce of pity over. Yeah... thusly I arrived in Wausau, hoping that my plan to write my tale, and to e-mail police, rape shelters, and average joes all over the world for an hour or two every day plus writing 4-8 hours a day might save me from more rapes, more torture. I was trying COP APPROVED Plan #3. Whew...
As part of my day I might go to the library, go to McDonalds, Burger King, a local Biker Bar, or even the Subway (ironicly across the street from the Wausau jail, is that irony, coincidence, or something else?). "It" began to happen at the Subway across the street from the Wausau Jail (it's only trivia to add that Subway makes at least one meal a week for the jail's prisoners. Yup, "trivia"), a blond girl, lighter than chunky, she said she was 16 (I didn't buy it), and called herself Kaitlyn or Kate Lynn & she sat across from me and faced me wheresoever I sat in the resturaunt about half the time I sat there wich was often.
Me? I'd resolved to watch for the Gang's plants, members, victim/memebers, member/victims, call them what you will I call them my stalkers. To see if I could see them coming based on tips from previous gangbanger boasts or whines based on who was talking. I resolved to be polite to the girl and speak using as few words as possible when engaged in conversation. Then I watched.
David Jehn came in and tried to be very gregarious in a head-tilty kinda overly shake your handy kinda way and in conversation, body language, and mannerism acted just like several of the gang's previous "insertions" into my life. Just like. He claimed to know Kate Lynn, and her Mom.
As boasted to me girls, lil temptresses (any underage Molester girl... or boy, yech) work in pairs with a bodyguard who offer tactical and film support, offer advice to the temptress, and "insert" themselves into the life of the victim they are stalking to provide the temptress with a backround and a person who can test out, quiz their victim on how they feel so as to better facilitate whatever is the gang's goals (again... yech!). The guard is inserted to provide a cover for if the target should see them during guard duty and if the pair should be seen together (I've listened to a lot of child-molesters in life, sadly, but true. Thanx again... cops of America. Grumble grumble). Mr. Jehn showed up about half or less as often as the girl did who began to hang out in my other haunts, allways in front of me, such as The Mall, and The Library. Worse (to me) was she bagan infrequently hanging around the Library when it was closed on Sundays too, I didn't like that one at all (no chaperone/protectors for me).
It went on for months. So... I watched, politely.
When I 1st arrived in Wausau I engaged my phone GPS & Apps that promiosed to track my goings throughout the day. Though I went through 3 phones in the coming months (Expensive!) none of the GPS apps worked for me. The best I could get was each phone would pick my location at some random part of my day and record it every few days. I noticed that often, at least weekly, it was recording I was a block or so north of Taco Bell on Wausau's Grand Ave. though I'd never been withing a half-mile of there once. It saddens me to say it piqued my curiosity and against my better judgement I began to go to that neighborhood to see if I could find any clues or see someone listed on this webpage. I never saw a single person nor discovered a single clue nor once had any deja vu of any sort. It's only trivia to add that 3 of my expensive cell phones were stolen at the Subway across the street from the Jail.
I still had the "cop happy" kinda life. I moved a picnic table (yup, "moved one") and someone called the... cops on me. A Wausau... cop who harrased me several times thereafter, in my humble opinion, like usual, my entire life.
So I woke up, and recalled the night before one day. It began in some living room. The girl was giving me oral sex in some nameless living room somewhere. I stopped her. Why you ask reader? I told her "Because I dont want to get busted". Then I recomended we go into another room, lest we be discovered by a passerby. She agreed and we walked into the house. The memory ends there walking deeper into the house.
I had enough of the pair so I wouldn't even consent to sit near them and pondered fleeing the area, but, where would I go? Who would I turn to? What was the next plan? I was still beating the dying horse that was my then present plan to free me from my stalkers.
I days the girl was kicked out of Subway and days after that I was banned as well by the tattooed lady "Jessica" who told me she banned me for life based on coming there too often.
I still saw the pair, him at the Mall, and her the other places just as frequently. The only difference was she now say in front of me as before, but faced away from me. Curiously, I liked to sit in the Library's "Hispanic Section" (Nah, I cant read spanish, but I likes me the hispanic women) wich is next to their "Teens Section". When I went to the Library, wich was allmost daily, I tried to never sit in the same place twice, choosing from 5-6 locations on average. Whenever, and I mean virtually allways when I sat in the Hispanic Section, she sat in font of me in the Teen Section & faced away from me. When I sat in other areas, she was not there. Ever, I checked.
Back to the present in Marathon County Jail... here was Mr. Jehn... and there was no escape from him. I pondered requesting protective custody in the Jail but if I had a dollar for every time the gang bragged they'd have bribed/blackmailed jail guards kill me by hanging me or cheerfully beating me to death (based on the gang's many films) in the hole I'd have a lot of money. So I watched, waited, and asked around. As best as I could tell... I who was being charged with the minor offence of "Disorderly Conduct" was surrounded by a roomfull of hardened, mostly convicted, and virtually all charged with sex offences inmates. All. Or so they tald me when asked.
My cellmates, well, several of them seemed to make it their mission in life to harrass and provoke me verbally. To me, it felt just like high school. To anyone who's read my tales of High School I've sent to the F.B.I., that is about as big of a red flag I can shoot up at this time and I haven't felt like that in decades.
Eh, I'm getting tired of writing about Wausau today... so I'll wrap it up. We haven't gotten to the sleep-deprivation I suffered in the jail, yet. More evidence against me I'd suppose for greatfull Skeptic and Dirty... cops from all over.
Wausau Wisconsin... yeah they're in my prayers. What comes around goes round. Fail to save me and just you... cops watch. The Molestors dont just go away, not once "their recuiter" has come around to give them leverage to enter an area. What comes aroun goes around. Wausau... it's your kids they want. Dont hate me, I'm just another victim myself. Dont whine to me when I say I told you so if you should fail to deliver me from the gang. Cause... I told you so. Continued below soon after a few words from our sponsers. Probably...

An incorrect quote at best according to "all" the... cops I've ever dealt with. The way them... cops explain it to me is that those child-molesting scamps just might be a little selfish and maybe, just maybe get in a scrape or 2, but those child-loving missguided pervs are an otherwise harmless lot (many of whom are a single testimony from life in prison, literally) who would never stalk, harass, or cause any real anguish because they're a bunch of otherwise harmless computer nerds at worst. That and they assure me not a single child pornagrapher would say "We're primarilly actors" when talking about dealing with their enemies. Not a one!

"Not in my America". Says the Skeptic... cop. Not in my America. ------>
We're back loyal readers.
Okay... where was I? Hmmm... seems I was in mid-wasting-my-time... uhh... Oh yeah, The adventures I had at the Wausau Jail after I was locked up in there by some Schofield hull... cop I've never met to this day on a warrant he left festering for months after I'd called him, discussed the subject, and he could've just told me he'd set me up to be arrested, but lacked the ability to do so, for whatever his hull... cop reason was. Wich I'll let history speculate on.
Oops.. Feel the need to cheer myself up? SURE! It occurs to me, that, science keeps bragging about their coming ability to interface mind to computer, infallible lie detectors, all kinds of rights in America that shielded the Molesters for generations are being stripped away as fast as would-be tyrants can do them, the Molesters days are numbered. Oh, I'm certain the gang will continue in some form, but you old guys, the guys who've primarily messed with me. Dead, alive, imprisoned, or institutionalized I'm going to be a thorn in your side for life, maybe even after your life as if you don't get your heart right with God you'll be spending eternity in the Lake of Fire in torment. It's my eventual win/win scenario against the gang and their stable of dirty, skeptic, overly-frugal, and sometime just plain-old stupid... cops. I ain't saying all... cops are bad, I hope there's at least one or two good ones out there.
This has been me trying to cheer myself up... back to our story. Ahhhhhhhhh...
Okay... in the Marathon County Jail... Mr. Jehn is there, he's large, in charge, and prone to turn violent in 2 seconds in my humble opinion. There was Kai Chang, the "obligatory" smallest in the block. He, like the others I'll list endlessly provoked me, knit-picked at my every deed, good or seemingly not so good (it was my 1st Child-Molester lesson in life, appearances are everything, don't let anyone fool you. When dealing with the Molestors, substance means nothing. It's all about the films and weeping & accusing actors. The... cops fall for it every time). Mr. Chang, a bragging flaming homosexual watched my every move and commented on me as a lifestyle. "Obligatory" smallest in the block, wait until you read the story I sent to the F.B.I. on Molestor tactics reader.
David Jehn, told me he was an accused alleged sex-offender, Kai Chang self-professed cross-dressing homosexual, there was Richard, a guy the local news called "A dangerous child-predator" or such, he said he'd already been convicted thusly at least once, and the short but fit James AKA: Steve, Jim, Bam-Bam who I pegged as being "one off", a likely gang member by his body lingo and mannerisms. How he acted, the teamwork they had. And last, but not least Tithus Garza, a 20ish year old alleged sex-offender with some "problems" I hope he'll seek counseling for one day.
Day 1. Guards came to me, they told me some homosexual in the block accused me of threatening them. A lie. I was confronted thusly at least 3 times in the coming days by guards, once I felt very threatened. Typical of my entire life being stalked.
Then, cue the music to Jaws, I woke up, early, and over the coming hour, my feet burn. Not so bad at first but it became intolerable, a fiery burning pain! OW!!!
CUT IN HALF... TODAY YOU DIE... “MY FRIEND”... Made possible by the Bay City MI... cops & F.B.I...
I was in a drug haze, going through the motions... obediently. It was Fagboy and Shortstuff with an obligatory Jock army posing me in a beach vacation scene. We went from locale to locale where the gang posed with me as if we were friends, buttbuddies I'd suppose. We even went dockside, posed on a boat, they handed me props, drinks, told me. “Smile”, and then snapped photo after photo. Dirty Cop himself showed up for a few pics in his marked police car and in uniform and then left.
It was at the boat... on that boat where the gang patiently waited for me to become lucid.
“As long as we attack you weird we can do anything we want to you”. Was among the boasts I would soon hear.
I became lucid, the well-trained gang, who'd been engaging me in conversation noticed the very moment, and chucked me over the side of the speedboat, about 50 or so yards from shore.
Fagboy announced their intention to kill or maim me using the speedboat. You see, with all the films of me posing with them, with the drugs, and me actually being on drugs at the moment, he bragged they could maim or kill me, with impunity, as long as they acted like like concerned friends for the... cops, who were nearby and would be sure to show up later.
I had to ask why they waited until I was lucid, why not do it to me in a drugged stupor? Surely it'd be easier and safer. Right?
Nah... it had to look good, for the nearby... cops who'd be sure to come 1st having been “innocently” summoned to the area by their trickery (… cops? Tricked by Molestors? Did you hear that reader? It the sound of 100 Mid-Michigan... cops jaws hitting the floor at an “impossible scenario”. As if one of those elite protectors of the masses could be fooled by a single Molestor even once, let alone consistently). With me being on drugs, the dope actually there, the pics, and their contrite bearing, the... cops would never believe me in a million years and it'd be a great way to publicly disfigure me and enable them to set me up for worse again and again. The weirder the better.
I was still treading water, the boat between the shore and myself when Fagboy added that I probably wouldn't die. He'd done this before and his, their other victims all lived and were merely disfigured by the boat's propeller blades and were otherwise okay because they had police there to subdue them and an ambulance waiting just out of sight to tend to any wounds they'd gotten.
Soooo... they, they gunned the boat's engine and charged straight for me!
What'd I do? I dove under the murky water!
Once underwater I made sure to change direction from the last direction they saw me swimming... then I SURFACED. Picture me surfacing and sharply inhaling!
“THERE HE IS”! Yelled Shortstuff! Well, just about all of'em took a turn yelling it eventually as I dove, popped up at random points, and dove again & again as I gradually began to lose my breath.
Rinse... Lather... Repeat. I dove, changed direction, they yelled “THERE HE IS', charged, and I made my way to shore, eventually by swimming towards some reeds by first faking a direction, and then swimming into the thick reeds by swimming away from the gang, submerging, then changing direction from the last direction the gang saw me going last and swimming to the reeds.
Did they come close to hitting me? Yeah... yes they did and at least once I surfaced the absolute moment after the boat and it's propeller bladed had passed overhead.
Yeah, whatever...
Addendum... Add'em dumb... I Am addressing Mid-Michigan... cops here too. Ain't I???
Sooo... picture the above tale... Drugged, smelling of dirty river water, no idea where I was, I managed to hitchhike home thanx to a helpful stranger. Eh, I slept much of the trip.
I got home, my Bay City Michigan Michigan Street home. 1st things 1st, I chose to bathe.
When I walked inside My Roommate, rather rudely (his style, not unusual at all) demanded to know where I'd been, and why I reeked of such nasty river water?
I told him a few non-committal answers to both. I'd been “out”, and had chosen to go swimming... in a river... at night...
Then I took a bath.
Ho hum... Yawn...
Now, lets re-tell the tale. But this time, (it happened a few times) I've come home either spattered in blood or just plain old dripping blood and gore with every step.
My roommate seemed mortified and demanded to know what had happened.
I told him I'd been cleaning a deer and been splattered with blood. Either by myself accidentally or as a bad joke by someone else. The other times I told him I'd been cleaning a deer and someone had thrown blood on me. I even went through the conversation with My New Wife and her Kids before too. I don't know about you my loyal reader, but it's something I've never gotten used to and the last time was just as horrible as the 1st time.
In any event I bathed immediately at those times and sometimes they cleaned up the gore, and sometimes I cleaned it up.
The Child-Molestors made it a point to steal the bloody clothes every single time while I slept off the drugs. How? Idano... when we chatted about the subject I had other parts of the story on my mind.
Yeah... go figure...
ALL I WANT IS SOME HELP... But not from you guys... GET A JOB!!!
Ever notice in my writing (the author's writing) I never ask Mid-Michigan... cops for help directly?
Man, I'm tired of asking those... “cops” for help and frankly I've all but given up on them... as I advise many victims in many Mid-Michigan communities to do as well. Mass-firings, mass new-hires, intense screening by impartial and qualified interviewers might solve the area's problems. But I doubt it. The corruption probably runs too deep in my humble opinion.
Most certainly they'll never clean up the police in the area unless they clean out or at the very least expose the Child-Molestor controlled Public Schools and their army for what they are 1st. I wish the area good luck, advise them to pray, a lot, and point out that area law-enforcement and citizen-run protective services have never publicly delivered to safety a single victim from the frame and blackmail machine that is the Child-Molestors. I ask doubters, and the area law-enforcement this. “Have you exposed the head Child-Molestors in your community? Still clinging to the “Child-Molestors ain't here, it's other places”? Have you delivered even a single victim from blackmailing frame-artists who use child-porn & rape to frame victims? Once? Hey... maybe you did (I SUSPECT many a hull law-enforcement agency has delivered a token victim once or twice to prove they can, in theory, if they really really wanted to, probably)? But I'll bet it didn't make even the papers “if” it did happen. I'll also bet you cant do it again”.
Not one victim delivered? There's tons of them. I'll bet they litter the area's prisons and they've been horribly demonized by the gang. But, their initial testimony WILL line up with mine and it WILL be that a powerful gang of child-molesting frame-artist blackmailers is operating in the area with impunity. That and ALL of their stories will have one thing, one unusual not typical blackmailly thing in common and this is it. That ALL of them will report that they've been attacked with sleep deprivation torture. EVERY... SINGLE... ONE... OF... THEM...
Some stories are more problematic than others. This one? It's a lil worrisome. I struggled with what page it belongs on. It's pretty much a weirdism, except I think it just might, maybe, may have some relevance in saving what is left of my less than nobody life? Maybe? Hey... I need all the help I can get.
I think it was the fall or spring when I was 13(?) when this was inflicted upon me. I was walking home... when I noticed some strange men, all in their 30s or 40s eyeballing me. All of them were in good to average shape & dressed like they belonged in my lower middle-class neighborhood. Several teams of 3-4 men circled me in cars & men positioned themselves at key choke points near my 1214 Webster Bay City Home. They seem dressed like average guys. The strangest part? Many of them sported bruises & cuts & they wore no jackets despite the cold. Needless to say these men had my full attention.
The men circled and a guy, I'll cal him their leader, Their Leader signaled & they all charged me at once!
I ran for it! Dodging charging & diving men!
Cars came at me. They seemed to want to cut me off & insert fressh trooops as I ran.
I dodged them all & got home.
The men attacked otherwise silently. Chatting only to coordinate their attack. Loudest being the leader who's shout began the charge.
Strange as it may sound... I was so used to violent attack, that I didn't go to the... cops. Why bother? I had no idea who they were, what they wanted, nor why they wanted me? That and, don't hold your hand on your rear if you plan to hold it there until the Bay City... cops or F.B.I. help you... it might grow there!
Next day? Same thing. Less men. The 15-20 men were now 10 or less. Yeah... I went to the... cops. They refused to help me or even file a police report. Typical.
I pondered who they were & what set them off? I wouldn't wait long...
Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak told me he wanted to talk to me as I passed his office in the main hall of the Rapist Learning Center... err... I mean Bay City Central High School. He asked me how I liked the guys who were attacking me? What'd I think of them?
I pondered the situation before me. About a dozen Jocks were on one side of the hall not far from me & about half that on the other side. Each was talking with 2 groups of 4 very beautiful teenage girls. I'd never seen any of them before & would never see any of them again. Typical. I could tell they were "keeping an eye on me" in case Jerk could provoke me.
I told him I didn't like them one bit. I wondered how he knew?
He asked me to consider that I already knew the gang lied en mass about me to just about everybody they could all the time as a matter of business. It seems that those lies... the gang's lies justifying what they were doing to me had reached a fevered pitch as of late. The entire child-molesting community was talking about the horrible scumbag I was & their members were coming up to him & the Bosses all the time and asking when the gang was going to kill me? If only as a service to mankind or the child-molester community? Being that all the other scum they messed with had all been dispatched in much shorter time periods & if I was the scumbag 100 times worse than them why was I alive still? According to him their lies I was such a slime ball flew directly in the face of their perceived vigilante lifestyle. In it the gang acts like the heroes demonizing their victims, raping & torturing them, robbing them, & enjoying a reputation in the CM community AND with... cops as righteous vigilantes. "When are you going to take him out"? "How can you let a scumbag like that keep living"?
So the gang decided way too many people knew about me, it was time I died. He claimed they had a huge meeting, typical. the molestors just looooooooove any situation where they get to talk about how self-righteous they are. At the meeting there were volunteers & conscripts chosen. They were forced to fight it out & the winner was made leader. He said a lot of good molesters were seriously injured & some of them permanently so. Their injuries we used to justify my death all the more. He then teased me that my death was assured. "They're going to get you sooner or later".
My response? I'm not sure what my exact response was that time? I cant remember every single little thing. But I recall what my response usually was. "Whatever"...
He seemed disappointed he hadn't provoked me. Noting it almost always works on his (and other members of his gang in other Chapters elsewhere) victims & then his imported Jocks get to beat his victim to death. Everyone runs & since no one at the school recognizes anyone no one goes to jail & he's free to set up a few guys of his choosing. Win/win. He told me he ordered their recent hit and run attempts on me after the 1st times when they merely used their cars to try & trap me failed.
The men attacked again when I left the school. This time... uniformed members of the Bay City Police helped them. They identified my position & even coordinated the attack. This happened several times & with several dirty... cops involved.
I figured I had to do something. There were already a few close calls (closer than I liked) & the threats of the dirty... cop the last time. "I should just arrest you & let them beat the hell out of you 1st". Commenting that if they hobbled me 1st it'd make my death so much easier.
Another attack? Yeah. The only difference was this time as I ran away from them, putting distance between us the gasping men stopped & shouted taunts calling me a coward!
Me? I turned around and had a few taunts of my own. Child-killers being among them.
"We're only doing this because you're such a scumbag"! They'd seen the films & knew I was a serial-killer. So they felt pretty good about killing me. That and being I was a serial-killer and a coward afraid to face the men (smallest of whom was probably 50% more body mass than I) who were just vigilantes I deserved death all the more (no where near the actual words used).
I told them I was no coward. That fighting a dozen men twice my size all at once really didn't appeal to me, especially when I could outrun them all.
They called me coward all the more.
I assessed the situation before me. A dozen men were trying to kill me & it was only a matter of time before a dirty... cop made it happen. They'd already burned through their "first wind". I know it don't sound like much but to the vets of the school of hard knocks it was a very important consideration. I figured I had to end this now. So I hatched a plan.
I singled the Leader out. I told him I'd fight him if he wanted.
He told me I was a liar. Surely I'd run & embarrass him in front of his men. There was no way I'd fight him. But if I wanted to fight, he and his crew were coming to get me right now. They'd give their word they'd stay out of the fight.
My advice? Never trust a child-molester. EVER! There was no way I wanted to fight these men among men alone and in an area of their choosing. So I sweetened the pot. I told him I'd fight him alone. I knew they were lying about their word of honor to stay out of the fight. He & I would fight & I asked him to ponder that all he had to do was grab me & then the rest of his crew could run up & kill me.
They agreed to my terms. He walked up to me.
I pointed & told his crew the deal was off if they moved any closer. They stayed put.
I could feel the eyes of many unseen people all around me. I decided I'd best not worry about them so much & pay attention to the monster in front of me.
He asked me to attack him & I told him I wasn't falling for the trick. "Could you get the legal ball rolling by attacking me 1st"?
He attacked. I inflicted several wounds on him that would no doubt still show up on an X-ray. In a minute or so he was on his knees & I had him in a finger lock.
I cautioned his men to stay back.
I told him if he messed with me again I would straight up just kill him & submitted he'd seen the films as proof I would.
He told me he could shout & his crew would save him & now he was motivated to kill me all the more.
I told him. "I could break every one of your fingers and poke out your eyes before they get to me". Then I proved I could not far from my Webster Street home there in the Michigan cold. I told him to swear he'd never mess with me again or I would do these things to him.
He agreed to my terms swearing he'd never mess with me again. He gave me his word of honor.
The men shouted jeers at me.
I invited them to be next. "I already know he's the toughest one of you & I beat him". Probably all the easier because they were already pre-beaten up... but I wasn't mentioning that part. I belittled the men all the more because they now refused to fight me. Cowards before a child? Child-killers? What slime?! What scum?! They all looked about 2" tall when I chose to leave them & yeah... I made a few threats myself. Very serious threats. Then I left them.
Having talked them down I left staring them down. Then ran like crazy once they could no longer see me.
To safety...
You know what reader?
I never really ever felt safe at home. Not ever.
My mother opened the front door & let the 3 men in. Leader & his 2 most vocal guys. They pointed at me and said. "He beat us up"!
My Mother (honor honor honor) demanded an explanation. They gave none save that I'd beaten them up.
Me? I pointed out the absurd accusation. I beat up 3 guys each twice my body weight? How? Why?
My Mother demanded a detailed explanation of events. I gave her a tepid account that amounted to little better than, yeah, we fought, & I didn't lose. I did however tell her these were the men tasked with killing me & the guy doing the talking was the Leader.
My Mother flew in to rage as she was wont to in those situations. She told me what she always told me. I was such a wimp that of course she knew I was lying. The very concept that I could fight and win outside of her pretense (she always did love to watch a good fight according to her rules of what types of blows could & could not be used by me in said fights). Now I was to be punished for lying because surely if I'd fought these men I would've lost & for the felonious crime of beating the nice men up who were inclined to slap me up in lieu of pressing criminal charges in a well-deserved gauntlet!
Author Note: My Mother never used the word Gauntlet a single time ever when dealing out punishments EXCEPT when I used the word, then she set up a real gauntlet as punishment for using the word, but that's another subject).
I was outraged! But only because I saw the entire punishment as contradictory. I pointed out that she couldn't punish me for being a lying wimp who could never win but also the bully who beat up 3 grown men (the other 2 had been injured in the earlier melees, chases, and blocks?).
To disagree with my Mother was to inflame her rage & she attacked with a vengeance using full body-swinging slaps! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!
One of the men told me he was going to fake a blow & grab me, the rest of the crew were outside and they were going to kill me. Here. Now!
I pointed this out to my Mother who dismissed it as 1st time gauntlet jitters of men who'd just gotten beat up. Either I had to submit to a gauntlet or, since they surrounded me anyway, she'd green-light them grabbing me, REALLY beating me up, and then calling the police on me & putting me in jail AND kicking me out to face life in Bay City's Foster Care System (Again... not even close to the actual words used. I'm tired and... angry as I write this. Yeah... I said it. Angry).
Normally. It was an extreme extra punishment if I didn't immediately start crying on the 1st hit. She'd scream. "THAT DIDN'T HURT? WELL THIS WILL"! Then she would poor on the pain and this time was no different. She didn't say it that time as I recall it at the time of this writing though. Unusual. But not that weird I'd suppose?
I just stood there this time & in a calm voice told her she had to pick one. Either the men were lying, I was lying, I was tough enough to beat them up, but she couldn't punish me for being a wimp who couldn't win too.
As was my custom I counted the blows. She rained a typical amount for when she was enraged & using all her might and passed the 200s screaming at me while slapping. While she did well over 200 hundred slaps She tended to lose her 1st wind when she reached the 220s or so. I've chosen to write a mere 200 slaps here. Please note. This means I am UNDER reporting the number of slaps. How do I know how many slaps there were? I counted. Usually did. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! She started slowing down. In this state she could sometimes, rarely be reasoned with. SLAP! SLAP! Slap... Slap... Slap... She admitted the story was absurd & decided that me being a wimp who could never win & thus I was lying couldn't possibly be the reason I'm being punished. slap... slap... slap... I was being punished for beating the nice men up. slap... slap... slap...
She almost never stopped until she could no longer physically lift her arms and this time was no different. Her lifeless arms dangling helplessly by her side she instructed the men to begin their gauntlet on me & to hit me as much as each felt I deserved.
I turned my attention to staring down the Leader who'd only minutes ago given me "his word of honor" he'd never mess with me again in exchange for my sparing his life & we discussed as much while my Mother angrily slapped on. slap... slap... slap...
Author Note: An observation. I noticed in life that when my Mother demonstrated a gauntlet upon my person that however many slaps she used was the litmus test, an example to the other gauntlet participants in unspoken conversation that this was how many blows I should receive. Note: When a given participant gave an anemic amount by comparison my Mother would often recommend I get more blows. Inversely if a victim chose to go into the hundreds of blows above & beyond what she'd demonstrated the subject was not even brought up).
The Leader was 1st & he stepped up and began. I recall he barely made 200 hundred & I made his participation as miserable as possible verbally. He had a hard time keeping eye contact.
Leader was balling his eyes out and turned around & left despite my Mother's plea he stay and that I deserved much worse.
The next monster stepped up
Author Note: I learned much earlier in life that a subtil head turn at the moment of impact greatly reduced any trauma and damage from slaps to the face.
I pointed out to the man that in the end I'd threatened them all & he'd agreed to never mess with me again in exchange for my not running him down & killing him.
Most gauntlet participants smile a lot. He looked sick to his stomach.
The 3rd man stepped up. While he didn't do much over 200 blows as I recall it he did them. So I'll under report it at 201. I told him what I told guy #2. Try and grab me for his crew & I'd kill him dead here and now. My Mother became enraged all the more screaming about my coming punishments.
The man left without a word despite my Mother's amazement. She insisted I be punished more. More slaps were in order. I deserved as much.
I asked her what for? What was the charge?
She told me for threatening to kill 2 adults in her presence while she gasped still recovering from her gasping fit. She just needed another minute to get her breath back 1st.
I told her she'd heard the conversation. They'd threatened to kill me in her presence. I was punished for beating them up. She knew I was innocent. Anyone could tell.
At 1st she said none of that mattered. I'd threatened an adult. I deserved punishment because I should've used my genius intellect to think of a different plan to save myself in this situation.
A asked her to listen to herself. To ponder the situation.
Author Note: For my Mother to announce a severe punishment & then back out of it was highly unusual and not the norm whatsoever.
Later... Martin Oak set up the same situation in the main hall at Central Jocks discretely surrounded me and tried to look nonchalant hitting on pretty girls. He bragged he'd sent the men to beat me based on his knowledge my Mother will let anyone beat on me for any reason. So I'd best start making child-porn and obeying or next times (yes times, he'd set up multiple occasions) die slowly over time & she'd go to prison & he'd make sure the guys who killed me were children who'd be lucky to get a slap on the wrist in Michigan courts.
I refused. "You do what you gotta do".
He said it was his call to call the hole thing off. In his opinion the entire plan was a failure. The child-molesting community was talking all the more based on how they selected the crew. He found out after the fact that many of the men had told their wives about the plan & you know how people talk. He'd been filming in secret in the shadows every time. When they killed me he'd have great footage to send the men to prison for life & be my hero in court for it. His dirty... cop threatening me was not part of the plan. "If I wanted you dead by a dirty cop killing you I wouldn't have gone through the trouble of setting all that up". So I should cheer up, he was punishing everybody involved. The men would die individually soon enough for their failure & be tortured for their failure by the worst things a pack of self-righteous perverts could think up for a long time to come until they died and the child-molesting community was all for killing them for failing to kill me. He complained he didn't even get any good footage. "All the footage looks like you fighting off a bully or a bunch of bullies". He told me they experimented greatly with many angles & pics, particularly when I was holding Leader in a lock. "They all look like you were fighting a bully". Even the sound was of poor quality he said. The plan to kill me had failed & now an insane amount of people knew about it & were involved. In a way it worked a little... the child-molesting community were indeed united... but against the men not me. Not that they didn't already hate me based on the steady diet of gang lies & gossip. That and the 3rd man had filmed the entire scene at my Mother's Gauntlet and the edited film was quite damming.
Did he really kill a dozen men & a few... cops in the years to come? Idano? More logs for the furnaces of Hell I'd suppose?
Picture the gang's child victims all standing in shades of grey as they looked before the gang met them.
CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017
Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!
In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.
Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.
When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.
This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.
What does this mean?
Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".
Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.
I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.
Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.
To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.
Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.
Please help me!

Where the child-murder magic is made possible. They'll thank me, I'm positive. Wont they?