Combined we killed a lot of kids!And the... cops helped!!!
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang
Welcome to my often sabotaged site. The Child-Molesters said they would and who was I to doubt them?
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.-David A. George 6-26-17
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang:
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.
David A. George
"Kill one person and you create a tragedy the police will investigate because it is such a tragedy. Kill a hundred people and you create a laughable crime the police will laugh at when you try to tell them about it".-Martin Oak Circa 1987 The author of this website's opinion of the subject? Yup.
This website is an attempt to save what remains of my life.. Sigh... -David A. George 1-5-18
My life part two... the gang brag it's the end for me... Thanx for less than nothing Minnesota... cops
2-14-17 Wishing I'd never trusted the possibility Minnesota... cops might protect me...
Wix is working today. I notice that aftewr the rapes it wont work for me for 5-7 days and when it does it gives an input rate of 1 letter per minute or so.
Sooo... the latest rape/torture/attempted murder. I woke up tied to a table butt up with my pants around me ankles. My self-professed "owner", recreational kidnapper, child-molesting vigilante who's told me point blank he sees himself as the white knight in our relationship and feels pretty good about kidnapping raping and torturing me. I always figured he was Duh Jerk's assistant principal or even a principal at about 5'4" or so. He recently bragged that the officers all have a specific perversion they specialize in and he told me his was amputating the limbs of beautiful women and selling them to his perverse clients Yeah, that guy was there.
He had a new pal. In his late 30s,early 40s, black hair greying on the sides, medium build, wore those thick black frames the Molestors brag they wear to convince victims they wear glasses (it's for the... cops) must've been 6'7" or more unless my owner was sitting down. Then who knows how tall he was? It was after the homosexual gang rape.
My self-professed Owner told me he had something to tell me. Standing behind me (poor show, Duh Jerk always made much better presentation an then again the fact that they addressed my buttocks for the most part does give the conversation a philosophical bent and serves to underscore my opinion of them & I turned around a lot and didn't face them for most of the conversation, lets face it, I never was very good at showing any of them respect... ow) he told me he was selling me to the man next to him, he was my new owner. "This is the guy who's going to kill you". He said I'd been able to identify who he was under their truth drug and sited the lack of anonymity as the reason for the hand off.
The Guy Who Said He's Gonna Kill Me said. "Mind if I stab you in the a _ _ with this screwdriver"?
I said. "Yeah".
He stabbed me in the rectum, on the inside maybe an inch or so. I dedicate the wound and all it's sybolism to the Minnesota... cops.
It gets fuzzy... drugs...
My self-professed owner... or former owner(only a fool would trust a single word that comes from a professional liar, I'm not a Bay City... cop) said. "It doesn't matter. We've got footage of him carrying screwdrivers in his pocket".
I replied. "I carried a lot of tool in my life. I work with my hands". Eh... drugged interrogations and the stuff you might say.
The Guy Who Said He's Gonna Kill Me said something like unto. "How many lungfuls of ammonia do you think you can live through anyway"? The general weakening of myself to facilitate me, being easier to manage while undrugged (a must for the gang) for the final films of us as buddies, my denial of their tortures (prompted by torture sessions, again, easier if I'm disabled), and then the end either in prison, an asylum, or as a ward of the family who made brutalizing me for a lifetime possible (I feel the need to add in a few words here... Honor honor honor, honor honor honor).
Fade to black...
I was lying face-up strapped to a table. Quite drugged and complacent. The Guy Who Said He's Gonna Kill Me poured amonia down my throat and covered my mouth with his hand.
I passed out coughing.
Fade to black...
I awoke strapped to a table that was tilted up to bout a 70 degree angle and the last of the amonia was dripping out of my mouth.
In the presence of my stalkers I passed out...
Fade to black..
I spent the last week spitting up ammonia.. still am, even today even as I write this I'm pausing and blowing forth amonia every minute or 2. Not the 1st time they did this to me. It's part of the reason the gang bragged they intend to completely defoliate my head with electrolysis. When I said that hair tests could prove I was drugged and ammonia'd.
The end. When I fled Bay City I had hopes it'd bring me closer to God. Now I've filled my heart with such bitterness by rehashing what the gang has done to me I figure there is no hope. I'm angry & bitter. The trip I thought would help me spiritually has only brought me to ruin and destruction. I'm weak, spitting up ammonia and void of hope.
Why me?
I was checking out my seriously wounded rectum today. The swelling has gone down enough to where I can sorta examine the area. Seems pretty jagged in my initial assessment of the wound. It occurs to me that the wound the gang has threatened me with since I was in "The Crib" may have been inflicted upon me. That in the coming days as the swelling goes down my rectum will flow with excrement and gases freely. The "adult diaper" thing they bragged ALWAYS brings the gang victory in court. Always. "When you show up in court smelling like s _ _ _ no jury is going to listen to you". I'll be reviled. Game over.
It also occurs to me that today... maybe tomorrow, maybe a week or so are all that remain of my being welcome in polite society. The vile odors my presence brings will be more than enough to ensure no one will ever want to be near me nor take the time to listen to my complaints. A perverse injury that proves I'm the pervert in the room and gives everyone an incentive to run for the hills whenever I come around begging for help.
What woman will want me? What group of people in polite society will want to be near me for longer than a token amount of time? Who will want to be my co-worker and sit next to me all day? Worse? The police are a vain bunch. Oh, they like nto think they're not but they are among the most vain people I've ever met. Which... cop will help me now? Not that there were any forming a line to help me... ever...
Here is my opinion of The Child-Molesters, the... cops, and The Guy Who Said He's Gonna Kill Me. It's from the Bible... the Word of God. Matthew 25:40
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
This is your story America... this IS America. And I call myself "Less Than Nobody". As it has been done to the least...
Wix, barely working. Still tasting ammonia, abdomen swollen hard & sore, breathing difficult & labored, probably for life. Walk with God probably at an end. Hope dwindling rapidly. My country sliding into ruin all around me. Ow...
I want to write... Wix wont let me.
Since the big rapes my computer barely works.
Some never healing wound is next to my scrotum. Ever Bleeding... never healing... Thanx Minnesota... cops... thanx 4 nuthin...
Still tasting ammonia... spitting it up from the deepest parts of my lungs...
Breathing labored, probably for life...
Pain... Pain from the gang's torturous tunneling sessions into my body... But it's okay... because the Mid-Michigan... cops made sure I was punished for daring to report it...
Is this the end?
Woke up today with excrement on my blanket. Somehow it'd avoided my boxers
and went straight to my blanket & even a sock. I'd say it now takes twice as much
sanitary products to clean myself after a "movement" at least and last month I ruined
at least 3 pair of underwear by leaking excrement into them and have already done
my 1st this month. Thanx... cops & F.B.I. of America. Thanx for less than nothing.
If I had to describe the "feelings" in my ever-raped & continuously expanding rectum
it be... wierd. As the swelling from the stabbing has gone down my rectum has
relaxed more & more. If I didn't know better (see I claim not to know, I know that
in lazy-talk, I mean cOPSPEAK it means I'm saying I'm absolutely positive and that
this is my definitive statement, whatever) I'd say that someone carved up & or
expanded my rectum, then sewed it up, and now that the stitches are dissolving
my rectum is free to expand to whatever my Molestor sculpted shape was
designed to be. Right or wrong in cOPSPEAK it translates to "liar". Ask any of'em.
At least I'm not spitting up ammonia today... so far.
No... cops. I'm not apologizing for my opinion of your most trusted working partners
ie: Confidential Informants -------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>
Cop to me. "Yeah we work with them (molester C.I.'s), but that doesn't mean we
like them".
Me. "I'll bet that's not what you told the Judge and Jury was it"?
Room full of cops. "...".
The way I figure it, was the last 2 months were the wind-up, & now comes the pitch.
My demise as a nameless homeless guy. The beginning of the end catered for the
recreation and revenge of madmen. The ultimate ending to all their victims, an end
writhing in agony, and imprisoned, institutionalized, or both. Ignominy.
I'm in agony. The end has come? I could never win against the gang's lies, money,
drugs, dirty cops, and whores.
The power of the pedo is too much to bear. There are none who can stand before it.
Maybe a miracle from God will save me? Hasn't that been my plan most of my life?
When I was in my 20s and down people told me to not let the gang get to me.
"They'll get there's one day". "One of these days they'll get what's coming to them".
My preachers all told me "Go to the cops".
Others told me to ignore the gang. If half of what I said was true then they'd surely
fall soon. There's no way they could keep getting w=away with that level of crime.
Now, 10,000 films later. What about me? The gang, and even a few cops brag I'm
just a bargaining chip in a sick game, a "Get out of jail free card". The gang have
only to promise a few films of me, and they get away with a lifetime of horror, get to
come out smelling like... like heroes, and all it costs them is a little cash & a few lives
they probably set up in the 1st place, an "undisclosed number" of "my alleged
accomplices" who will receive freedom and reduced sentences based on their
willingness to testify against me. Testify that I am their friend, business partner, or
maybe even "lover".
The gang brag there plan always works and I submit for the reader's approval that,
since they are not locked up nor even slightly suspected, that their plan does indeed
always work. That their films can influence even the most skeptic investigators, and
their drugs, money, and whores can handle the rest.
At 6:30 am in a field south of Quick Trip on Commercial Drive in Rochester MN I figure
a dirty... cop or cops sat in their black & white car. Up to no good I suspect. Just a
hunch. Theory.
Lots of pain... pain, pain, pain.....
Sooo... I meant to add in these updates about the nite I was tortured. But either I
ran out of time, was in too much pain, or too tired (emotionally) to write on the
subject. So here goes.
About the guy who said he was going to kill me. No one's hair is that black. And the
white streaks meat to dignify his head behind his ears? No one has hair that white. I
suspect they were greasy actors make-up. Cheesy, and cheap, the hallmark of the
average child-molester. And about those soda-pop glasses with the thick black frames.
Yeah, the gang are a vain lot & I know if you've got the kind of vision problem that
makes you wear those kinda glasses you're outta the gang. Hey! It may be why they
chose him if he really did need them (I wouldn't bet on it). He's outgoing and thus very
expendable. The perfect moron to get to cripple or kill me and then dispose of without
any guilt.
Here I shall address the guy who said he'd kill me. I don't care what they told you, I
don't care what promises your masters made, you are a dead man. Do you have any
idea how many bodies are involved in my case? You will not live to see any reward
and without you your family will pay, your kids will pay, and the Mid-Michigan Chapter
of the gang WILL be by to pick up your kids and do to them what they did to me.
Think your bosses can save you? Awww... the Bay City/Saginaw Chapter have been
plotting "a-movin-on-up" in Child-Molesting. They've convinced your best guys when
they were young nobodies to rape & torture... me. Among others & if you move
against me you are soooooo going down.
See you at the bottom? No?
Here I shall address my handlers. I've made you guys a lot of money inventing & you
are screwing up the works. Ever read the story of "The Goose that laid the Golden
Egg"? Torturing me, or imprisoning me is not conducive to me inventing.
Let me put this in terms you can relate to. Dollars and sense. I no invent, you no
make big money.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you guys tell me it's a revenge thing. Yeah... revenge. Revenge!
You cant spend revenge & there's only so much street cred to be had off an act done
in secret. Simply put. In my opinion, speaking dollars and cents, it ain't worth it.
The way I figure it is I'm on the verge of some big inventions. Probably make a lot
of cash. Only problem is I cant think clearly on them because I'm worried about my
next kidnap/rape, my computer sucks because YOU guys tampered with it, and I need
some money. About $5,000.
All the other gangs are chasing the money. I don't want the red carpet, just leave me
alone, give me back some of the cash your gang stole so I can get stuff up & running.
This leaves you a few options. Keep on doing what your doing. But 1 week after I'm
dead or dying people will say 'revenge on David who' to you. Or... you can read the
story of the Goose that laid the Golden Egg and make the right decision.
Lock me up? Whatever. You'll note that throughout my entire life I never invented a
single thing while locked-up. Still, I recall various Molestors and even my Cousin telling
me you guys would lock me up & torture me until I invented. Lots of years later, many
many wasted lives and a ton of cash & wasted time by your best (who could'a been
doing other stuff to make the bosses REAL money) I'd invented nothing, not once. My
Cousin, & even Oak told me his vision of the tortured artist, and how that'd get me
and those like me to invent. Maybe it does work on other people. Not on me. Hey, If I
could've invented to end the pain I would have.
Hey... it;s YOUR money. I'm just the Goose that lays an occasional Golden Egg.
Last nite, I was online in a fav watering hole, & child-porn flashed across my screen. Ads really. I'm proud to say I flicked off of it, bewildered such an ad assaulted me but proud I'd turned it off in 1.8 seconds or less. About an hour later it happened again, I was caught off-guard, it probably took 4-5 seconds to turn off. More than enough time for a photo op of any sort. Accusing? No. I'm just saying is all.
Did you know that certain drugs affect the brain in some weird ways. They can inhibit, shut down, or even slow the flow of info from 1 part of the brain to another. Like the Molestor's drug(s?) of choice. I notice that at certain doses it can cause a "stroboscopic effect" to vision. Like computer lag for lack of a better term for the uninitiated.
What's it like the day after the kidnapping? every time is different but some days are all "too textbook" when concerning "Molestor Strategy & Tactics". Some, like this last one, are probably page 1, paragraph 1, the 1st sentence of their handbook. Like the last kidnapping. First... they send a few of the "team" to jeer & provoke the victim. They will have been told to expect a reward IF they can provoke their victim. A victim can look forward to a vanload of Jocks beat down if they take the easy to defeat bait.
Next, the obligatory "dirty cop" shows up. They are there for many reasons. To provide security, as they had the previous nite, to provide a target for a victim to hopefully accuse or even provoke. It also adds a layer of insulation against further accusation. "He's just saying that because it's convenient to accuse me because I was... near him at the time".
Next, a few of the previous nite's actors, players in the ongoing drama that is the chosen lifestyle of a rape gang who fancy themselves "Primarily actors". In my case it's usually a teen blond girl (or 2) who will thrust into my presence in public for a photo op. I've actually turned around in public and seen the gang posing behind me as though we were friends, dirty cops either in the pic or just out of view.
I woke up. My breathing is very labored. At least I'm not spitting up ammonia.... probably something worse. Far worse.
The gang brag it'll all make me much easier to handle during what is sure to be the final stages of my demise, their torture sessions they've promised me are coming "with the kid gloves off". Chop chop, snip, cut cut... A lota dirty Dr.s & wannabees in the gang they brag.
A lot...
5-10-17 Gasping for air...
The deforestation of my head goes as planned... I suppose that the gang is going for the "radioactive mutant transexual" look. I've increased a full "cup-size" in the last few months. The gang has bragged that it signals the time of my end. WHen they'll cut me up, maim me, & present some... "thing"... probably delusional but definitely crazy looking to a jury for disposal. My removal from polite society. They brag it always works and that they've never failed once they've targeted a victim.
Why me? I always wanted to live the American Dream. In my youth I dreamt of a life. I figured I'd be an engineer, or something else technical. I pictured a wife, a homemaker really. A 3-bedroom home with a garage, a cat, dog, maybe an exotic pet or 2. I never wanted more than a few friends & pictured hanging out with them in the den, the man-cave. I'd smoke a pipe, but only to shoo my wife away from the man-cave. I'd work hard, maybe buy a boat that I knew even as a child I'd probably rarely, if ever use. I'd play with the kids, chat science with the pals 1 or 2 nites a week & spend the rest of my time with the wife & kids. I pictured an art room. maybe a little corner of the house where I'd make art & come up with stuff. Pursue my inventing hobby. There'd be a library. Probably just a few walls of books but I'd read them often.
I guess the American Dream was never meant to be for me. Just a never ending cycle of kidnap, rape, torture, kill, depression, then recovery. The depression part isn't as glamorous as most... cops seem to think & the skid-marked underwear the gang brag will be held up at my coming trials of perversion are not something I'm looking forward to seeing.
How come you... cops never freed me? Why?
Why me?
Sooo... The way I figure it is... the gang's bosses are the coolest upon cool gangbosses when it comes to their peons losing them cash. I mean, you guys tell me you've made big bucks off my inventing hobby. Torturing me makes me not invent for long periods. I figure youre peons ain't making much off the child-porn & snuff films, not much as you could potentionally be making. So I figure you must be the nicest bosses. I mean, cost a civillian job 6 figures, they can your sorry assetes. You guys promote them.
Other gangs chase the money.... why not you?
Hey, I came up with a new invention BTW. I call it the strategic fence layer. I wrote primitive notes on it. Figured out ways to turn it into the cheap on cheap area denial system. Particularly in open terrain (like where most US forces are fighting). Kinda lame in comparison to the stuff I needed cash to create. Eh, but you don't care. 5 grand. Revenge? Or is it just the "blackball" thing My Cousin bragged on oh so long ago when he chose to bring down an entire gang's wrath on a baby.
Molestor Business 101. It's continued here. Probably...
Q: Man, the loyal families of my gang are all sitting pretty. Yours are in fear? How much is that worth?
A: Fear is good. You don't make money working for us, you obey.
Q: Probably inspires loyalty huh? What about Dave's inventing hobby?
A: You cant prove that in court!
Q: Grow up man, what about it? According to your professional liars some of your guys have made a fortune off of cashing in on his hobby.
A:Yeah. What's your point? We torture the s _ _ _ out of him, and sometimes he invents stuff. Even by his own admition it's mostly junk.
Q: He's an investment then. How would you treat a race horse that only occasionally won?
A:Take it to the vet, see if I could get it running faster, a dietician, maybe a better stable, food, companionship. Maybe stud it?
Q: If that's true why torture Mr. George then?
A: The fear it inspires in the loyal. The advertising value. Besides, Jerk and his Cousin both told us the story of the torttured arttist. You know, heckled through life & then he produces.
Q: Ever study the subject? See the actual numbers of tortured artist to production ratios?
A: Yeah, there's lots of tortured artists out there. So hah!
Q: Yeah, but how many of them produced steadilly over their lifetime? How many of those got a little taste of peace & started to push their product out gangbusters? If tortured artists produced that the 3rd world and North Korea would have the greatest amount of inventions in the world. But they dont.
A: But the 3rd world lack education. So ha!
Q: North Korea has he world's official highest reported literacy rate. You think they have the best inventions & invention rate?
A: HEY! We're totally cool. David's family are going to fear us, we're going to loot them for generation. Taking their best houses, their most beautifull babies, and strongest young men. Their daughters will be our whores. So ha!
Q: Soooo... you figure that by being a gang of lying cheating baby-killing child-raping stalkers who blew a fortune ripping off a loyal family & keeping down this cool on cool guy who just might've invented you a fortune, never complained, much, was a personable guy, who knows how much he'd have invented if you'd have left him alone & just think how much he might've invented if you'd have acted nice? Sooo... to recap, you're cool, the guys who we should make our "to go guys" when we think of baby-killing"?
A: HEY! We dont only kill babies. We also specialise in toddlers, teens & the elderly.
Q: My bad. So the next time we want some child-porn, wich we can get cheap, and the next time we want some helpless baby killed or some old couple, which we have tons of killers who do a little more than whack kids after a movie, we come to you for the baby & elderly killing, the overpriced child-porn, and as for investement advice torture the child of a loyal family and prevent a guy who might've and maybe still could made you a fortune? Is that right?
A: Damm straight! We the man! Respect us! Respect us other gangs! See what we can do? THIS is what we're proud of. YEAH BABY!
Q: Should I salute and call you the man? Or should I just call you the man as you walk by?
A: Both! Stand in awe at the awesomeness that is us. Children beware!
Q:Ummm... yeah. So that David A. George must've made some serious demands on your resources huh? Talked about how he'd invent for you if he had a budget of millions of dollars? A staff?
A: mumble mumble... Even I, the author of this website recommend you mumble here, change the subject, talk about the weather or what it's like to stare into the eyes of a dying screaming baby. That... is... your... target... audience... ain't it?
Q: What was that? Billions?
A: mumble mumble...
Q: Hundreds of thousands?
A mumble mumble...
A: Tens of thousands?
Q: You made how much off him & he needed how much to make more? How about if I just write 'you the man' on the April 1st card I'm going to send you?
A: Yup... I'M THE MAN! Author note... This is the point when the other gangs high-five you guys?
Forgive me. There's a reason this ain't in the joke section. I'm serious here AND being a respectful as I can be (past films will show I'm being a lot more respectful than normal here). Just something to think about... it IS why you guys are stalking me. Right? A lot of these questions ARE going to be asked by the people you seek to impress by stalking me. Right?
How would someone answer these questions anyway? I'm guess as an amature here.
No need to thank me guys...
I was see Reader, thee gang has always called the... cops on me every few months since I was a baby. They tell me it discredits their victims in the eyes of law-enforcement. I was beginning to wonder,,, when's the next cycle? When do the rapes & frames begin next? Who dies next? Some little girl? Someone more deserving? As if that made any bit of difference. Someone called the authorities on me. Again...
Man... I wrote the above... chatting about the cash to emphasize a point. People giving me advice told me 'why don't you try to reason with them'? Hey... I tried. Why not?
I say this truthfully and without exaggeration about the Child-Molestors. They are entirely without honor. They are liars, thieves, cheats, and, when push comes to shove, void of the capacity to be reasoned with. Stop me when I'm wrong guys.
Hey... you guys did want me to be a big commercial for you. Well, I'm just giving you my strongest endorsement. No need to thank me Child-Molesters & please, don't send me any money (and by extension, the ability to make YOU more cash), I was glad to warn people about you & say this on your behalf. Go to Bay City Michigan for all your recreational child-raping & killing needs!
Today I wrote about blinding some loyal Child-Molestor for the film pleasure of madmen & The Bay City Michigan Police. Child sex? Child-porn? Maiming? Murder? Of course the Bay City... cops were involved. Of course...
7-22-17 Stalked... and the... cops are all too glad to help... when the gang fills out the proper paperwork...
Just checking in. Thought I'd pose a question to... cops of all type. Here goes...
What is proper etiquette during a stalking? How are we legally required to treat a given team of stalkers? If they are supporting a recreational child-killing serial-killer does this modify how we treat them?
I can feel the gang's noose about to tighten. Just a hunch based on clues. Yeah, they ARE following me & if you've read any part of my tale whatsoever... I've got good reason to be suspicious.
Help! Please Help!
The Molesters are weird.
2 kidnappings this week. They seemed interested in how many people they could get me to kill in the 1st one. The details are absolutely fuzzy. The 2nd they wanted to provoke me into fighting. And to lead a game called Dungeons & Dragons for the young blond couple & a few friends.
Damage report? Well, I'm in hiding. Living in a tent. 1st kidnapping they broke one of my tent poles.. 2nd kidnapping they broke the other one. I also had stored one of my computers by wrapping it in foil & plastic & packaging it. When I looked today the foil was gone, the plastic gone, & I just checked the computer & it's damp & will not work. My belongings searched, knives all dulled from back to tip. I tried to cut some tape with one & struggled to even pierce the tape with the sharpest of the blades. Struggled.
Films of me being provoked? Always win/win the gang brag. If I fight it's great proof I'm the violent one in the conversation. If I back down I'm obviously a coward & things like The Gym couldn't possibly have happened (Yeah... they brought up The Gym too) because if I was half as tough as I make myself out to be I'd surely wupp all comers. If they can get me to kill people? All the better they tell me because another snuff film is born & it's just one more film they can use in the coming day of my destruction by them.
Weirder? The gang usually pours out my shampoo, deodorant, & steal an occasional tube of toothpaste & a toothbrush (great for proving your victims were live-in buttbuddies) & I keep an emergency tube of toothpaste in my bag. Slowly over the years they've dwindled it down a smidgen at a time. Now it's nearly empty & I've used it only once.
Good news all you baby-killers & child-rapists reading this. The gang boast that to even repeat the weird & perverse things they do to their victims makes them out to be liars in the eyes of the police.
8-24-17 Addendum Add em dumb? Cops might read this too (not my target audience today) so I'll keep it simple...
Soooo... I thought I'd talk about my day. Woke up, took inventory of the damage, made repairs, and wrote this website. What else DIDN'T I do today? I didn't invent a thing. It's not my money that wasn't made today oh ye child-molesting Bosses & handlers who calm ownership of... me. It was YOUR money that wasn't made today. I need about $6,000 to facilitate inventing stuff. Make it happen if you want money. Make it happen if you want the bosses to make money. Make it happen because if the bosses ain't making money I'm going to write about the money they'd be making as kickbacks over & over and then one day they are going to get tired of looking at the broke back of your head as you walk away & they will think about all the money they could be making but YOU are screwing my case up.
One more threat. The bosses & even a few of the officers have killed loyal members of the gang for less than the above in my presence. Other times, at my request, they let me kill them. Food for thought. Get me my money.
Sooo 2 nites ago I was walking home, at that intersection where I said I guessed a Dirty... cop was sitting at, at nite. A car waited for me to cross the road then rapidly accelerated at me. I dodged one way. So did they. I dodged the other way. They kept rapidly accelerating and came at me. So I dodged the other way. The car narrowly missed me accelerating the whole while.
Me? I wasn't sure if I should write about it. There were no witnesses save maybe a few cameras from local businesses? I probably shouldn't write about it. The Bible says it is a shame to write about that which was done in secret. Maybe I should've written about The Gym? You know? My public attempted murder with hundreds of co-conspiritors & over 1,000 witnesses children & adults? Maybe I should've written about the Child-Molester Manifest Destiny, what Duh Jerk bragged he was going to do to the children of The Gym for their failure? What he was going to do to everyone involved for my having lived.
Me? I'm in pain. Empty within & without. Only God to turn to.
24 hours since I was last assaulted since my last kidnapping. Someone yelled as they passed me in a truck but I couldn't quite make out what the woman said a few hours back so I'm counting it as over 24. Ahhhh...
Remember this... cops. It is the accusations of their victims reflected back at the gang that is their true power. As a Mid-Michigan... cop or maybe even a Minnesota... cop (how would I know if they are good... cops or not? They neither acknowledge my messages & refuse to communicate with me) this sentence is probably gobbleygook to you. So I'll recommend a remedial crime investigation book series for you. The Alvin series of books establishes basic investigation & deduction skills. I highly recommend it for you. No need to thank me or to send me money. Just knowing you're out there when I need you is reward enough. GULP!
8-25-17 Addendum Add'em dumb? I should keep it simple, what if a Mid-Michigan... cop wants to read this?
I notice no $6,000 oh ye child-molesters. What will you tell the Bosses during your annual performance review when they ask you why David A. George isn't making them a fortune in invention kickbacks? Maybe you'll pay them off? Maybe you'll snap your fingers, turn, and tell them to mind their own business? Offer them something? I know, give them something they already have: the fear of an already loyal family? The loyalty of the already loyal children of the gym? Maybe you'll show them how easy I am to get rid of? Maybe you will pay them off? Go ahead. I will invite the Bosses to look at the back of your head as you walk away and ponder that no matter what you promise, no matter what you just gave them, as they look at the back of your broke head they could be making more. Maybe lots more but YOU are such a screw-up that you cant even slightly be trusted to handle the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg let alone be expected to imaginatively handle their business & protect their interests. I rate you as "sub-par" at best. "Barely competent" & "lacking insight", "inability to think ahead" & "inflexible" as well. If these things were not true I would not say so.
Soon I will write a performance review on you that is entirely scathing & almost certain to get you killed by your own Bosses. I'm good at one thing, it's killing. And I've set my sights on you... whoever you are. Go ahead, laugh. Lots of the loyal people in your gang that I killed laughed up & until I killed them. I am putting you on notice.

I'm pretty sure that the Little Minnesota Girl has been following me from place to place. I just saw her across from me in a cafe 2 days ago with an enforcer.
The only good thing about it is that means she's still alive... for now. Sigh...

If you're a long-time child-molester, the above pic is probably same old, same old to you.
Can I ask you pervs a question? Do you send Bay City... cops & F.B.I. gift baskets or is a job well done on your behalf reward enough?
Embrace the pedophile lifestyle?
Believe it or not, several uniformed & onduty... cops & card carrying child-molesters (probably a lot of overlap there, especially in Mid-Michigan) gave me the advice to embrace the rapes. Make the best of the child-porn. They even advised me "to enjoy myself".
That's not really an option. I'd rather die. Not that the statement gives me the slightest bit of street cred to... cops.
Still. The gang has bragged on multiple occasions that I am their recruiter. Pick the child of a loyal family & pour out all the gang's evil on them. Use that as proof unto itself that the gang's victim is someone... cops should ignore, or commit soon to be filmed acts of would-be vigilante justice on. The... cops fall for it every time. Their whines, apologies, & boasts at my gang rapes is proof enough.
"You are our commercial". They brag I'm not just a focus for evil & recruiting by the gang, I am and am destined to be "their commercial", a living advertisement to their power. PHHHHT! The power to stalk a baby of the family of loyals? Puhhh-lease? I suspect that the gang, like their "target audience" are "easily impressed". Still, I'd suppose there's are the best commercials in the biz. The only advertisements, so we'll cut them some slack for creativity. But suubtract all that slack and more for being recreational baby-killers. Toddler torturers. child-rapists.
Being that they only do evil deeds when they've filmed the client & being that once any moron pays them a dime the gang will be back again & again to fleece them for all they have, then institutionalize & or imprison them I can only wonder what kind of customers I'd bring in?
Still, I've chosen to embrace the life, be the best comercial for the Child-Molestors of America I can be & this website is a testimony to it, of sorts. Who but I wrote so many pro-child-killing songs? Huh? Who but I have made out songs to hit tunes that sing praise to the dirty cop lifestyle? No need to thank me Molestors... I was glad to warn people about you.
Be the best... why not? I'm contrary. Being contray doesn't pay well but it has it's benifits.
Still, I cant help but notice... no $5,000. You guys are probably too broke? New administration got ya worried? Child-porn not paying like it used to? I'll bet there's a lot more competition nowadays than in the old days. Huh?
Soooo... in the interest of helping... and being the best comercial I can be for a pack of dishonorable, lying, cheating, cheap (cant leave out cheap, maybe I should'a put it 1st? I'm asking, not tell), baby-killing, dishonorable, thieving, ummm... well, you guys would know better than me. Right? I'm not insulting you. This IS who & what YOU are. Right? I'm just being the best comercial advertisment I can be for you. No need to thank me, just embracing the lifestyle like you guys & so many of your gang & dirty... cops before you have told me to.
Soooo... to that end I've prepared some questions AND answers (who's got your back baby? Huh? ME! Like I told Jerk AND My Cousin, think about it, I'm your most loyal guy. The Q&A are "suggestions" to answers that'll probably pop up when you'r bragging about what you did to me.
Q: Soooo... you stalker, kidnapped, raped & tortured a baby into adulthood huh?
A: Yup! We're invincible before... cops. We're like this. Bring ALL your baby-killing & stalking needs to us.
Q: Got any coupons?
A: ... (Note: How would I, the author know? The subject of coupons never came up) you Molestors will have to think that answer up yourselves between baby screams.
Q: Soooo... we're supposed to be impressed because you stalked a baby into adulthood when you owned the... cops & his family? Ain't that like shooting fish in a barrel?
A:Yeah, what's your point? Lots of people shoot fish in barrels.
Q:Ummm... maybe lots of people do shoot fish in barrelss? You just don't hear much about them. Have you ever noticed that the people who do shoot fish in barrels dont brag about it much? Ever notice there's no sport of Fish Barrel Fishing?
A: But we were making a point.
Q: The reason most people dont shoot fish in a barrel is because it wrecks the barrel & there's an easier way to get the fish. Do you think there was an easier way to impress other gangs than to mess with David A. George?
A: Yeah, but we love that sort of thing. You cant buy the respect & street cred we'll get from other gangs.
Q: For shooting fish in a barrel? How much repect do YOU give to people who shoot fish in a barrel? Hired a lot of them? Invest with them? Point to them as they walk by and say 'wow, they are cool'.
A: Yeah, but it's about the fear. Keeping David A. George's loyal family in fear. That's the point.
Continued below... probably... See... Advertising for the gang... Molestor Business 101.

Well... here I am. Another 24 hours passed. Eh... it happens. Yesterday (2 days ago?)... I was walking past Target & as I passed it's south side a group of teens walked out of the store & promptly called me names... on film... about 8:30ish in the PM.
I suppose I'll pray for them, like usual. I pray for them all often. Even Duh Jerk and the entire gang, the children of The Gym, the Vice Principal, & my family & even Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak himself. My above... threatening the life of my "handler" at the hands of their boss was entirely valid. Was it reckless endangerment? Maybe extortion? Or possibly it was attempted manslaughter? I'm not sure & there is no excuse for my above behavior. I can offer no apology... only a reason. I'm tired of the rape & baby-killing lifestyle. I want the rapes & the coerced baby-murders to end. I want dirty... cops out of my life... and an angry God is watching me and tells me in written word he intends to judge me for my every deed & I figure I'd better get my heart right with God.
Lots of praying for my enemies. I pray the Lord avenge me of them. I pray often that the Lord bless them. Indeed, to the point I suspect any blessings in their lives is due to mine & other Christian's prayers about them.
Whosoever my present handler is... my guess is right now, your bosses are pondering you & your life. I suspect that a lot of money would go down very nice for them right now... and you are making it so the Goose that laid the golden egg is NOT making your bosses the big bucks they could use right now. When writing my official review of you I'll recommend in your comments section that you write how proud you are of the fact that YOU are costing your bosses a fortune... potentially. And that in the future they can trust that, without words they'll know that you are hard at work thinking of ways to make them less money & give them stuff they already have & provide services any 2 bit hood in the group could provide for 1/10th what you make.
Hey... I give you AWESOME advice... how come you never give me anything? In a way... it's like you're giving yourself money.
No need to thank me for the awesome advice I give you and your bosses. I was happy to do it.
9-7-17 Threatening a madman... publicly....
Hey... You already got your 1st warning oh ye kidnapping rapist handler/self-professed owner of me. 3 strikes & you're out! What better way to kill you... than to get your own guys to do it for me? Watch you back... see that formerly loyal guard you rapist thieving baby-killing vermin? The Bosses are watching you, just in case, and it's their job to kill you when ordered, and the Bosses have them on speed-dial! Don't bother trying to weed them out... they got to your Lt. too. Better not start acting weird or anything... it'll make your superiors worry. Where's my money? Is your life so worthless to you? Frankly... I hope you don't pay me the cash. Then honor would require that I call off my plan.
Hey! I wonder if there are any of your enemies reading this who might like to contribute to the "Killmyrapistproject"? Are you an opportunist looking to go up in rank? Maybe my "handler" wronged you? Maybe you're the same rank or higher & you'd just like to arrange for your pal or loved one to fill the recently emptied position? Maybe you'd go up in rank if they disappeared? No matter what your reason is feel free to send me some cash as an incentive & some evidence & I'll have you a'movin on up in rank soon! I betcha! Betcha!
Addendum... Add'em dumb? (see? I used a question mark, not a period)... Maybe local... cops are reading this?
I meant to write this when it was fresh... so I did. At the time. Now I'm writing it belated here, now.
At approximately 8:30PM on Sept 01 while going past the south end of that same Target... a guy in an older(?) 4 seat car of darkish color yelled something at me as he passed from 2 lanes away. Who knows what it was... but the tone of his voice did not imply politeness in his message. Then a two tone black & the next car was a white vehicle came next some 5 seconds later. To big to be a jeep but it looked like one. Too small to be one of these local suburban... cop cars. That and it had no letters nor markings of any sort.
9-10-17 Addressing madmen... because the cops don't have the guts...
The deforestation of my head accelerates... unlike the nice straight lines the Michigan Molestors enjoyed inflicting on my cranium the Minnesota Molestors have chosen to completely blur the long almost horizontal line on the back of my head & replaced it with an explosive pattern, like if I'd endured an explosion to the right black of the head. You suck! All of you. All...
Lucky you. The gang brag that it is insults to them that bring them victory against their enemies. They also brag it is a failure to insult them that brings them victory. Well, I tried nearly half a century of of being polite & repectful to both the gang & to the... cops. Now, I'm getting a little "irritated".
Okay... now that I've got the insults outta the way. My 2nd warning. Yup... I don't see no $6,000. So I'm giving you your second warning whosoever my handler is. I'm putting you on notice.
My advice? Why not? Read my story, I give tons of free advice to people, even my enemies, even you guys. Go figure... My advice is quit acting so weird. You're creeping out your peers who are stepping up keeping an eye on you. Don't take any long trips, and make sure you don't liquidate any assesses of buy property overseas for a while.
Gimmie my money! Or else! This is no joke.
Imagine a clock ticking... 6,000 times...
Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick...
Soooo... it occurred to me... that my "handler" just might be able to slick out of my attempt to get their Bosses to kill them. You guys are a slippery bunch. So... I'm giving you a "suggestion you cant refuse" oh ye lying cheating kidnapping rapist who claims to be my handler. Write a review of yourself & hand it to your superiors. If you have nothing to hide, then it should be easy & something you don't feel compelled to do, you'd be honored to do it because you are such a magnificent asset to the Molestor kidnapping & raping community.
Still... I figure you could slick out of that too if you wrote bad things about yourself. Saying at your next peer review. "Of course I look bad, he's just playing off he bad points in my review". Soooo... I want you to write the review... and make sure you are positively glowing. Perhaps the best thing to ever happen to the Child-Molesting community... and the best thing that ever will happen to the raping community. There should be nothing bad in your self-review.
Any of my handler's Bosses or peers reading this? Make sure they write the "glowing review" & hand it in promptly. After all... they are YOUR peon right? Their review should be glowing anyway... right? If they wont... I pose a single question. What have they got to hide? Maybe they'll say. "I don't answer to David A. George". Or "He's not the boss of me". Fair enough. But after you finish chuckling at me... ask the question. "Why not write the review? What have you got to hide"?
"What have you got to hide"? Fail to write your own review and it may be the last sentence you hear as a rapist & kidnapper free in polite society.
Me? I'd much rather say. "The Lord says vengeance is mine". You know... turn the other cheek & all. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Me? I'll be avenged of you & your gang. Maybe in this life... maybe not. But definitely in the next life. Better light a match every day. I hear matches are made of sulpher & you'd do well to get used to the smell sooner than later with the Hell God will throw you all in if you will not repent before you die.
If only I was writing about positive subjects & good people. But you guys just wont leave me alone. So I'm writing this.

First... a song for me. Feel free to look it up.
Next... since I see no 6,000 motivations... is a song... for my handler... I wonder if the Bosses will play it at your... well, you know?
No need to thank me or send money. If you sent me money I'd have to stop doing this. While I have no love for what I'm doing your coming end will be reward enough for me.
You realize... you really ARE not cool. Oh... I know you envision you are sooooo cool. You weild the power & all the lil pervs look up to you. But know that IF you are exposed publicly at any time... you are done for. That as the general public look down on you, IF you should live so long... that they see someone lowly, base, and very very "uncool". You. You & yours are simply... "not cool". Literally.
You know... I wish I was preaching christian love to you... telling you to change your ways, get your heart right with God, but this is my message to all you rapists.
I remeber the Vice Prncipal bragging one day about my end in prison. How all they had to do was make sure any trial I had was in a Molestor-controlled court. Either in Detroit, Bay City, or that nameless town in Texas he loves to bring up every time we meet. He said that after I was convicted of the heinous crimes no one in prison would care what the child-molester communtiy did to me & they'd do it openly. Rape me over & over, & sleep deprive & torture me into a sobbing yes-man turning tricks for cigarettes & making pornos in the prison on cell-phones.
I told him I'd resist. Fight back like I always do.
He told me they had all the time in the world to break me, the guards, the prisoners, even vistors would all cheer on my open destruction & even help them break the scumbag I will be percieved to be.
I told him I'd kill my head rapist. "I kill rapists. It's what I do. I'm on your truth drug right now so you know I'm telling the truth".
This goes out to your gang. "I kill rapists. It's what I do".

10-11-17 Under the watchful eyes of local dirty... cops. Blackmailed bought & paid for???
This one word dedication goes out to every police force & government agency I've had the good fortune of dealing with. Police, Sheriffs, F.B.I., & even the N.I.S. No need to thank me & please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there working hard keeping people like Duh Jerk & the children of The Gym safe is reward enough for me.
Now... your one word dedication. Don't say I never gave you anything.
10-12-17 Alive and kicking... quite literally!!! Metaphorically speaking that is...
10-16-17 The child-molesting community has been busy... err...
Soooo... sometimes... I just act naive when confronted and or stalked by the molesters. Eh... a stupid plan? Perhaps. But then again, where were the Rochester MN. PD when I was coming up with a plan? The gang like to send out teens to stalk on me at night. Literally. I can hear them outside my window talking. The "unit" typically consists of 3 or more teen aged girls & at least one teen aged boy, probably a pair. I know the gang like to have an "opposite sex human-shield kinda thing going for it's potential combat operations". The theory being no one wants to hit a beautiful teen of the oppisite sex over their victim.
Soooo... until this week they chatted over the months & regularly made animal noises... poorly (of course, it's "them" we're talking about). Not too loud, lest they alert the neighborhood is my guess. But it's gotten colder, they've gotten louder, and as of this week, they pound on my walls & run for it. Hourly or so while making said noises.
Lets put 2 & 2 together (it makes 4, a number we've previously established most mid-Michigan... cops can probably comprehend... probably?). I threatened my "Handler". I plain-ole suspected there'd be an obligatory kidnapping/interrogation/deforestation of my head session. Sooooooo... I planed for it as in times past like when I practiced over & over my sentence dedicating the deaths of specific victims of Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars during their executions by practicing my speech over & over so I'd say what I wanted. Stupid? Probably. But that's the plan.
Soooo... let me picture my kidnapping/interrogation/deforestation session. My handler, on film for the Bosses, asked what was my plan... and I said. it was just my bull s _ _ _ plan to get $6,000 out of them. Right? Practice makes perfect. A few questions later & my handler had a film fit for the Bosses consumption.
Tsssk... tsssk... tssk. Maybe on take 10 of the filming? Sooooo... Bosses (I'm addressing them) I sense an attempt to cover-up what I know in a hurry so my handler dont get whacked by you guys. DId they send in the review?
I think my "Handler" is scared... better keep an eye on them. No long trips, no selling any property or massing large sums of cash, and well... you'll think of something.
I'm in no hurry... none at all.
I suppose I should practice another sentence to say to you guys on your drugs... over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over... & over...
I also know you guys wouldn't try a "sleep deprivation attack" unless you had your ducks in a row. You probably own at least one guard at Jail Intake & their recent mortgage/debt transfers will mark them. You probably imagined sending me scurring to the local homeless shelter. A cursory check of the inhabitants will show a few card-carrying members. Probably new, but led by a veteran with a long list of "close calls" & no record. Maybe you went with the grizzled vet with 10 bazillion clues as to their molesting nature? Who better to be yet another "fake friend insert"? Huh? Maybe it's the looney bin you thought to drive me to? The same clues apply there.
Is this "the big one"? The frame-job to end all frame jobs you've been promising me my entire life? You can tell me, the... cops tell me they don't believe me. Who'd ya kill? Rape? Rip-off? Combination? Hey... remember when you stole all my chemical and biological warfare invention notes? Are you guys going for the big big big one? Now that I've even mentioned them and their utterly fiendish & horrific nature you guys brag there's not a... cop out there who'll believe my innocence. Especially when I tested them theoretically in my pen & paper war-games (you guys stole all that stuff too... right?) & you guys brag you filmed it all.
I went mobile early this morning & went and saw the obligatory dirty... cop at their post this morning circa 5am at the spot I mentioned dirty... cops are posted in my life & able to view the post where I was nearly a victim of a hit & run earlier. I'm guessing... that IF... IF that was a real... cop... THAT is your dirty... cop in charge of my case & will be easy to pick out of the crowd for court later.... IF this is the big one. Or a little one too. You never know? All I have to do is get a single Police Officer interested... and it's game over for all of you. Especially when they start asking questions about The Gym & hundreds of your loyal troops realize they're looking at hundreds of Attempted Murders. I shall have no satisfaction that sad day. Horror... watching all the wasted lives. Pondering what might've been... if the gang were not in our lives. Let them cry all they want... beg for leniency. 100's of Attempted Murders on a child? Yeah...
Soooo in conclusion. Kids yelling animal noises, pounding on my walls, not letting me sleep long, all the gang's ducks in a row. AND a Handler who's desperate to make sure I don't expose them. Fair enough. Why not expose them? I'll say it simply & using as few words as possible for my simple readers. I am not the gang's police agent. When I can destroy one of them I'm rarely inclined to report a member. Here is logic. Like I want to remove YOUR incapable guys. Next time ask me under truth drug. I had tons of guys in YOUR gang who screwed up & I let them slide when I knew I could have their health or their lives. Guys who I outright did not like whatsoever. PHHHT! As though I'M inclined to clean up your messes and make YOUR gang a better place. Yeah...
Practice... I guess I'll practice for now... over & over. It'll all come out... when I want. Then again... just stand aside... watch your Handler's desperate cover-up. Yeah...
Raped again. All I recall was one of those 4th degree grab rapes. I hate the crime of rape.
Being I was lured from Minnesota to the Atlantic Ocean community I'm in by an easily provable "bait & switch" I shouldn't be surprised.
The rapist was kind enough to show me his 100 camera camera collection though. He was so proud of it.
Backpacking across the country. I'll admit I was apprehensive at 1st about crossing Pennsylvania with our history & all. Well, it's been over 24 hours since starring in my last child-porn. Teen girls & feathered boas. They seemed to have a blast.
The Bible says to glory in my adversity... so I'll reflect back on The Gym just for fun... when while standing in the wings waiting to kill or be killed a child chose to share just why he personally wanted to kill me. He told me he hated good kids. "Goodie goodies". Being I was a Christian & a goodie goodie that was good enough for him to kill me & like doing it.
So I'll glory in it. Why not?
Ow... I'm in a lot of pain today & the sweet smell of fresh excrement from my ever-expanding rectum is that sharp but subtle aroma everyone around me can enjoy to.
sniff sniff...
10-25-17 Addendum...
It's later now. I'm preparing to enter a cold world. I did a lot of praying today. I'm not worthy.
I tried... I really did. Even the worst of the Molestors would have to truthfully admit that I tried my best to be polite to them. I really did.
When my family were doing their worst to me en-mass they'd have to begrudgingly admit I tried my best to be nice to them, to bend over backwards whenever I could for them. I really did.
When this all comes out and even the worst of the skeptic... cops tell what they remember their testimony will include the words polite, and respectful.
I tried... I really did. Now I've prayed... a lot. We'll see.
Why me? Why? I always tried to be a decent guy. Sure... I talked crazy as a defence against the gang but can you blame me when you've read my story?
I pray the Lord help me now.
Please God. Help me. Now. Please? I have the faith, you know I do. I'll get my heart right with you. Search my heart Lord & you'll know it to be true. Anything.
Thank you God.
Thank you anyone else reading this.
May God bless you. May God bless me. An imperfect soul, a sinner. Who seeks to be saved by frace through faith. I have no other plan.
If you are a gangbanger reading this... please leave me alone. Please?
If you are related to me and seek my imprisonment, hurt, or even my life I ask please don't hurt me.
If you are a... cop or a Police Officer I ask please don't hurt me.
Anyone else please don't hurt me?
A cold cruel world awaits. I have little hope except on God.
After the swelling from the anal gang-rape begins to decline is the drip drip drip of anal leakage. The oh so glamorous part of living in the shadow of a rape gang that the... cops are convinced I'm soooooooo cool with.
There's nothing quite like waking up with anal leakage. Add in the almost continuous diarrhea from my Graves Disease & you have the makings for a homo rape party in my pants.
Why'd I say that last part? Because during a "drugged debriefing" the Vice Principal (formerly "The Last Snitch") & I discussed the subject of "anal leakage". I told him that prolonged anal leakage would render me unfit fro their rape victim lifestyle.
He corrected me. He told me many homosexuals actually like the smell. He called it "The Smell of Love".
Well... tha was my week. I'd like to hear about yours if anyone but a Child-Molestor or lifestyle rapist even reads this.
Matthew 24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
If only I'd died in The Gym. Sigh...
I address this to my stalkers. I treat you guys nice... you treat me like jerks. Typical...

HEY! Bay City F.B.I.! Where's Miss Jones?
11-2-17 In hiding. The Molestors know exactly where.
Soooo... I was researching about people in situations similar to me. There ARE many. I talked to councilors around the country, rape shelter workers, rape victims, rapists, rapers in the very act, and read & plain old asked around & came to several conclusions.
1) America's Police forces are not here to protect you. They are here to preserve public order & arrest people they physically see commiting crimes. Period.
2) America's police forces & agencies are manned primarily by cowards. I know it hurts them to hear this but cowards, they fear the gangs, they fear their politician bosses, and most of all, America's police live in absoulute crippling terror of lawyers... being sued.
3) I am far from alone. The gang brag it, cops have told me it to my face, and fellow victims have repeated my woes to me. The gang brag that like circling vultures they stalk a prey. Driving them mad, into crime & desperation & cast them into child-molester controlled prison wings.. They send others to asylums and once they have a... cop start writing reports that their victim is to be ignored then they destroy their victims with impunity. Worse? With their films & an army of easily gulled... cops... F.B.I.... & such they cant fail. They have never failed & theey always win.
4) I tried. I really tried to get myslef free. I dont want to star in their child porn nor kill people for their films. America's... cops and F.B.I. you have failed me. You have failed my fellow victims and from what I can tell many, most, or nearly ALL of you know thee gang is doing this and for whatever your reason is you have chosen to overlook the piles of dead bodies stacked like cordwood in a madman's backyarrd and let a guy be victimized who can point to thousands of witnesses & even more coconspiritors.
5) It may be that some of you would like to free me. Hey, ignore the rant, I had to vent. it's only been a few days since my last kidnapping/rape.
6) Why me? Why wont America's... cops nor F.B.I. save me? I was just a kid when the gang started attacking me. I had plans, I wanted to live a life, so did hundreds of people Duh Jerk, the 4 Stars, & I have met. Wont you stop the madness? Do your job? Please?
80% functioonality returned to my arm since the kidnapping. Not counting the very much reduced capability by "the surgical tortures".
Me? Okkeedokee.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
I dropped my food by accident. Who knows where it is? I cant concentrate though I'm surrounded by knowlege, hungry for a decent meal, & being stalked by a gang of madmen. The Bible says to glory in your Tribulation.
I'd suppose that means I'm in my glory right now?
11-15-17 The internet wouldn't work til 10:30 the next day. For me only?
The night sleep deprivation assault continues. Is it the end for me? Did the gang finally get their coveted "good... cop says to ignore me" thingy they bragged would be the end for me? Maybe... if so I'm not privy to it. Maybe they just had a bad... cop do it for'em.
So it's probably the end for me? If there are any readers... unlikely, I'd suspect I'd get more e-mails if so) remember that in America it is a crime to be stalked by a rape gang... a crime for the victim! Oh well... hey I tried.
So it's probably the end for me? The gang has bragged for decades it'd be a sleep deprivation kinda body dismorphia/cripply kinda thing... their "M.O." (M.O. is copspeak so I suspect mid-Michigan... cops are lost... too bad).
So it's probably the end for me? I reached out to the... cops all over the nation. Hmph!
So it's probably the end for me? I reached out to the Christian community. You know... as a percentage... literally. As a percentage I literally got more help FROM PEOPLE IN THE GANG ITSELF against the gang than from ANYONE in the Christian community. EVER! The... cops want proof I'm crazy? The fact I even try to engage Christians is proof enough in my opinion. Sad to say because I consider myself to be a soul-winning Christian. Near as I can tell there will be some people will be in Heaven directly because of me trying to reach out for them & God. They owe me nothing... just saying is all.
Rape shelters? You mean reached out to Rapist Protection Centers? They were pretty useless... Mostly.
I tried... I really did. Here's a list of people who told me they'd help me... in the face of my religion & it's people actively against me or neutral, dirty & clean... cops (I hope there's some out there?).
1) I contacted a Monastery once, age 16. When I told'em I was an atheist they didn't mind. I'd be shaving my head & take a 1 year vow of silence to start. It seemed worth it so I actually packed my bags. As I was leaving they said all members have to tie their hands behind their backs all nite every nite to keep them from touching themselves. When I pondered MY personal aversion to bondage (in the face of LOTS of films to the contrary) & how living bound 1/3rd of my life voluntarily would help the Molestors I called it off. Lucky me, I was walking out the door to go there on a last call when the guy added it as the last bit of info. It was a deal-breaker. I loath bondage of any sort & only engage in it at gunpoint as a rule (insert... cop laughs here I'd suppose).
2) Islam. They told me they'd be glad to help me even though I was an atheist. Their recruiter told me lot of'em are atheists so I'd fit right in. But I had to convert to Islam. A deal-breaker. I couldn't live a lie of a group who don't even believe themselves & let apostates in (is that the right word? Heretics?). Later the gang sent a guy to tell me they controlled the area's Islamic Church & as a show of force told me about my seeking their aid adding. "A lot of their people see the sodomite lifestyle as okay & they are members of our group". As a rule I don't believe a word the gang says... but eh.
Another gang-banger told me that it wasn't that the gang was soooo tough... just that the guy I talked to was one of the gang & recognized me is all. So the gang lied it up concerning the situation.
3) The Moonies. Yup... I gave'em a call. They said me being an atheist back then was not a deal-breaker & saw it as a challenge & told me to come on down. I was disappointed they wouldn't arrange transport... but eh. I really really really pondered going there to end the horrors of my life. How many people would be alive today if I had? A few less people in Heaven I'd suppose? Irrelevant pondering. In the end I'd researched their brain-washing techniques & judged that it was probable that in my then weakened mental state (lots of serious mind-torture at the time) & weakened physical condition (the gang thinks it' hilarious to add or subtract 100 lbs from their victims based on their whims... cops think it's hilarious too!) that trying to hide out in a brain-washing cult of expert brain-washers might not be the best place for me to hide from a viscous gang of recreational torturing drug-using psychotic madmen.
Others? I'm tired... in mid-torture... and could care less.
Animal noises... poorly made. 07:54AM
I'd like to thank God today. Thanx God! :)
12-2-17 Last message was thanking God.
Well, I've mostly physically recovered from the kidnapping. It's been a hard road to recovery this time. Pain... is & was always my companion.
As touching the Preacher at Liberty Baptist Church. I knew that I knew that I totally predicted that if I dared beg any of them for help that they'd call the... cops on me. After all... I've been "lured" here by an easily provable "Bait & Switch". WOW! Was I write. Don't congratulate me... sometimes I hate being right, but I had to try. It's a pain thing.
Last nite, some... cop comes up to me... tells me a woman accused me of saying I'd threatened to rape her. I'm sure that happens to everyone in Annapolis MD all the time. Yeah... with "my story". This happens... "all the time"?
From day one, when alongside the road in agony I predicted that Annapolis MD was where old child-molester victims go to be disposed of. I predict that with a nod & a wink the same... cops arrest victims with the same stories of stalking & abuse over & over. I predicted then & there that all it takes is 1 or 2 dirty Jail Guards to oversee a proper Sleep Deprivation assault on a victim. Child-molesters are powerful, organized, and there's lots of'em. This means there's a lot of'em in jail at any time just hoping to suck up to their Bosses & earn the child-molester cheap chump change payout that'll get them to do almost anything.
I also predict exactly where their next legal assault will come from... the address of my attack is sorta on the wall... et? If you get what I'm inferring?
How do I know? Over the decades I've listened to the gang. Just listened. You'd be surprized how many of them adore chatting on & on about their "Killing Fields' & standard attack types. Again... I bet that the local prosecutors... just like the well-trained Marathon County WI ones before them, practice blank stares in mirrors. You see reader... it's Plan A: to ignore the content of what a victim is saying (for compromised authority figures) & fixate on a single word, phrase, or sentence. Plan A:. This means they almost always do this, it always works, & there's not a... cop in America capable of saving someone from it, up & until now.
You... cops want proof? Go to mainstream sources on the child-molester community as a whole. In them it says they are vast, well-organized, they run entire law-enforcement in some areas either in part or completely. Victims are raped for life until they are no longer profitable & know too much, then attacked & lured to communities where they are easily disposed of by true professionals. Of course to claim any of this, in the light of VAST Police evidence & written testimony is to invite one's destruction. Especially if a gang of recreational serial-killing madmen have set their sights on you in the biggest ever "Get out of Jail Free" scam (one they last said via snitch they are chickening out of... typical).
Of course... begging for help IS a crime. Not begging for help IS proof one is a liar in the face of a multi-billion dollar well-organized child-porn industry. Speculating is proof... not speculating is proof... being polite is proof against a victim... flying off the handle (I wouldn't know, saved drugged interrogations at various police stations) is all the proof they need. Resisting the gang is proof, bargaining with them is proof, telling who did this is proof, interacting with a rapist before or after the fact is proof, wearing a badge &pointing a finger is proof, calling the... cops is proof, not calling the... cops is proof, not knowing what happened because of the date-rape drug is proof, knowing what happened in spite of the date-rape drug is proof, them stealing from me is proof, them not stealing from me is proof, a beatdown is proof, not being beat down is proof, animals are proof, appliances are proof, begging for help IS a crime in America (did I already say that? Well, maybe an Annapolis... cop is reading this, I'd best repeat myself).
You never know when a Mid-Michigan... cop might read this too. I'd best repeat myself. Of course... begging for help IS a crime. Not begging for help IS proof one is a liar in the face of a multi-billion dollar well-organized child-porn industry. Speculating is proof... not speculating is proof... being polite is proof against a victim... flying off the handle (I wouldn't know, saved drugged interrogations at various police stations) is all the proof they need. Resisting the gang is proof, bargaining with them is proof, telling who did this is proof, interacting with a rapist before or after the fact is proof, wearing a badge &pointing a finger is proof, calling the... cops is proof, not calling the... cops is proof, not knowing what happened because of the date-rape drug is proof, knowing what happened in spite of the date-rape drug is proof, them stealing from me is proof, them not stealing from me is proof, a beatdown is proof, not being beat down is proof, animals are proof, appliances are proof, begging for help IS a crime in America (did I already say that?).
Any chance you... cops might do a little research... that you might consider not apraising the... cops of mid-Michigan as the sole arbiters of truth like you have? Will you even ponder the concept of "Detroit Justice" for more than 2 seconds?
You... cops call me what you will but remember this fact well. I came to you FIRST! Not them... me. Me.
Come on you Police of America... FREE ME! Please?
Addendum: I wonder whatever happened to my chemical/biological attack ideas & the training films & that bomb I made the gang?
Laugh... cop. Laugh.
1-26-17 People are dying to live in Annapolis...
The most recent kidnapping? Sure. I waited for the memories to congeal in my mind & I figure this is about as good as it gets.
It begins in a lower middle-class apartment building. They tell me I own it & it's 4x4 Apartments wide & 5 stories high. I count it as a brown apartment building 4 apartments wide by 1 0r 2 deep & only 4 stories. We have full roam of the left of the building as you look at it from the street.
They convince me to go into a furnished apartment on the left, 3rd floor. There they convince me to trophy hang men's underwear in a prominent position on the wall of the bedroom. It's fuzzy. I'm sure it made for some awesome footage. A tall blond guy in his 30s, well-groomed & dressed upper middle class hung out with about 8 teens, all about 18 years old or so & a mix of young men & women who are all handsome or pretty. I'm sure the films of our interaction is quite convincing.
Then we go out driving around, hanging out, chatting in an auto large enough to comfortably seat us all. I recall no "new car smell" though. We go back to my apartment & one of them suggests we should go out and kill some people. Random people.
Laughing with my new crew I said sure. I'd be glad to go out & kill random people, in the broad daylight (nowhere near the actual words used).
So they suggest we go in the building & get some machine guns. There were an assortment of sub-machine guns & pistols & we all took what we wanted from the pile of 9mms, Colt .45, Mac 10s, & hand grenades. Unusual... they so rarely try to get me to use hand grenades.
Then we all assembled to go out & kill random people.
We walked out to the car.
Me? I figured since I was an apartment owner I didn't really feel like killing people today. In my life... right now... I have no clean underwear... So I elected to walk back to my apartment building & get me a fresh underwear. So I walked back in & stalled. Saying I wanted to change my underwear.
Stall stall stall...
Eventually they grew tired of the stalling & I was becoming more lucid. So they sent in a teen male in a last ditch effort to get me to kill people with them. I refused.
Oh yeah. Went to that church yesterday. A County... cop was in the driveway "innocently" waiting directly in front of the driveway (in theory blocking it, but it wasn't blacked, just their customary position). A State Police officer was half a block from him & while traveling south a city... cop was sitting there within 2 or 3 city blocks distance on the west side of the Governor Ritchie Highway.
Coincidence? Eh... they don't pay me to judge coincidences so my official statement is... no comment.
I wonder oh wise ones among my readers... I wonder if... if I would now lay dead or in a holding cell today if I'd had clean underwear? I wonder oh wise ones... was it all a PRACTICAL joke or would a whole bunch of people now be in Hell looking up at the rest of us who need not be there? How many might've died. Even IF it was a PRACTICAL joke I wasn't laughing when I agreed to go out & kill people. And if anyone had died they nor their families would probably not be laughing for long either. More logs for the furnaces of Hell.
Thanx for less than nothing Annapolis... cops.
ADDENDUM... Add'em dumb?
By "blocked the driveway" I meant waiting in traffic for the stoplight traveling north on Governor Ritchie Highway. Week after week the same exact spot & every single time. I find it to be a statistical absurdity.
In "copspeak" when a... cop points out statistical absurdities they are evidence. When a victim points them out in reverse they all mean "mistaken" or "liar". Indeed, to even point out such things is to hand victory to any and all other wise honest (is there a single 1 in America?), skeptic, or dirty... cops.
Checked my website. It would not work. At 1st. The gang bragged that if I created a website they would sabotage it. Either openly, subtly, or by restricting access either at the source or at a major internet communications hub. Go figure.
"A rolling stone gathers no moss". No one would ever help me if the gang restricted access to my claims & picked off anyone who might help as they discovered my story. Be they citizen, vigilante, or even Police who would otherwise help me in 2 seconds.
Probably just a coincidence? Right?
I have to lay all my cards on the table & voice all of my concerns publicly to even have a slight chance. The gang however gets to sit back in the shadows & play their trump cards one at a time. It's not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me it sounds.
Not so bad of a day. How'd that happen?
I was laying at home the last few days... the untitled story... the Afterthought had to be told. I had to do it. I'm so numb inside. I planned to go home... but I cant bear to go. I cant bear to stay. I cant bear...
I'm just going to randomly press keys for a while and go kill stuff in a video game. Sometimes Mindless slaughter in Middle Earth: Shadow of Morrdor calms me. I doubt it will.. but I really don't have a lot of options.
That didn't make me feel better at all. Sigh...
2-16-18 Doomed in Annapolis...
Totaly paralyzed by depression.
If a zillion... cops were right I'd be doing everything I could to get attention... But I'm hiding (unssuccessfully) in America.
Yeah... I pray a lot.
2-18-18 Recovering from the rapes...
The last one? Who can recall it well enough to write it. But the one I do recall was near the military base. I could hear men marching outside while being raped on a bed in some 2nd floor empty apartment. Empty save 2 mattresses on a Hollywood frame. Typical molester... cheap cheap... cheap...
I now have scabies to remind me of it and not a lot of cash to deal with it.
I'd suppose that makes me a one man pandemic.
I personally know that many couples will split up if one comes down with scabies. It may be that I already have or may be bringing misery to the area en-mass. Plus who knows what other STDs may have been inflicted on me?
I'm tired of the ongoing rape campaign against me.
The way I figure it... is... that the only one's reading this are the gang, their dirty... cops, & myself. So I ain't showing off when I write. The important people of the gang all know what I'm saying is true & I'm only telling them what they already know. I'd suppose that means I'm writing for me for the most part as of now. Just notes to myself or letters to the gang.
The weird part is before I chose to (foolishly) write my story & beg the law-enforcement community for help (again... sigh) I really didn't like to even think about the gang. I was in the midst of Plan I: What's Plan I:? One of the many advice's I'd gotten when I quizzed people (other than the many many listed here & in my letters to the F.B.I.) Was Plan I: Ignore them. Surely someone as evil as what I'm claiming will get their come up'ens soon & it's almost a certainty that they''l screw up soon & the... cops will save me. Lucky for me I didn't hold my hand on my rear waiting for that day.
I'm a Christian. I believe it in my heart. I pray a lot. I've witnessed to lots of people. Worse? I have faith that could move mountains. It's not as glamorous as I make it sound. Lots of quiet times spaced with mind-numbing horror up & until now.
I keep feeling in my heart that success against the gang is close. God will save me based on a righteous little boys prayers called The Good kid by the gang.
But what might the Lord save? What did the gang do to my shoulders, my knees, and my heart? What are the lingering effects of soooo much drugs of frightening potency being assaulted into my system for a lifetime? Can any of it be negated?
I'm a Christian. I do not have the gift of the Spirit of healing. But I have the faith to make use of someone who does have it. If only I could find someone with the gift of the Spirit.
I'm tired of... cops threatening me. I'm tired of... cops robbing & raping me. I'm just tired as of late.
Grenades. The gang tried to get me to kill who knows who or how many people with grenades. Grenades.
Why me?
What was the alternative? To become one of... "them"? I turned down their money, their whores, and their offers of power.
Big wupp huh reader?
I pray I can afford some food. Perhaps a... ummm... maybe... idano?
I thought I'd dig deep, try to write what I'm feeling.
I forced myself to smile just now. I find myself doing that quite often.
Food. That's what I'll pray for. Food.
The Bible says take no thought on your rainment. I address this respectfully to God, not the reader. "Ummmm.... God"?
Pain is my constant companion today.
I'd like to make friends but lets face it. What horror does my friendship inflict on others? Make a friend & destroy a life, lives, or more.
So I'll pray for food. Now.
Food & finding someone with the Gift of the Spirit of healing.
I'd like a small mirror too Lord. Maybe a sailboat if we're going all out.
Matthew 6:25-34 King James Version (KJV)
25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
I just read about that time My Cousin allegedly tried to kill me in the Fashion Square mall when I was but a child. I recall bargaining for my life with the Saginaw... cops. I recall the looks of the Ambulance Crew standing there with a lightweight portable stretcher & threatening, asking why they shouldn't just kill me now with the... cops based on some past incident I was involved in & don't recall specifically at the time of this writing. "We should just kill him now". "Why don't we just kill him now"?
Maybe I shouldn't complain about the Saginaw... cops so much. It was a Saginaw... cop at the top of the JC Penny escalator that told the Ambulance Crew to not kill me. That they wouldn't just cuff me & kill me. They had their orders. So I guess it wasn't out of the goodness of their hearts I didn't die that day?
Net results of prayers.
Prayer Result
1) Prayer to deliver me from the gang. nil
2) My Prayer for food (recent, as of today, daily bread) 0.0 (There is still time in the day)
3) Pray for a bible-believing soul-winning church 0.0 (Either out of business or called cops on me)
4) Prayer for friends 0.0
5) Prayer for a lover or female companion 0.0
6) Spot to do laundry or new clothes 0.5 (months ago)
7) Safe place to stay (ie: free from rape) 0.0
8) Job 0.0
9) Sailboat 0.0
10) Emotional support (shoulder to cry on, my hole life) 0.0
11) Healing (recent prayers) 0.0
12) To be avenged of my adversary 0.0
13) Lucky prayer #13, pray for stuff (yes stuff) 0.0
14) Hope 0.0
Philippians 4:6 “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
I'll admit... I've been thankful as of late only when prayers get answered, not before. My bad. I guess, like usual, it sucks to be me.
*stomach makes grumbling noise *throat dry & raspy
Truth be told I've had spectacular answers to payer. Miracles galore. I officially apologize to God here for this list because it should be as long as my entire website is in words with answered prayers. I'm just tired... and hungry. A lame excuse? Yeah. I guess I should try harder. It's all on me. Entirely my bad. All my fault. Everything is my fault. All of it. from my first tale of "the crib" to the recent tale of the Hand-grenade Apartment Adventure (I had to call it something?). I too should be a cheerful uber-warrior of God shouting with glee at the opportunity to live without for God's glory. There's a war going on between God & the Devils.
Eh, who am I kidding? I'm doomed not matter what it would seem. Who knows what child-porn or snuff films I've starred in as of late? Let alone other films & just plain old simple frame-up by the gang? If you could spend depression I'd be a rich man. Near as I can tell God likes Christian uber-warriors who are cheerful and forgiving to a fault. THEY get to be meek. Me? What you see is what you get & unlike the great Christians of the Bible I have no one to get my back.
It's easy to be meek & cheerful when someone's got your back.
God... In the past you've rewarded those who made great statements or snappy comebacks. Could you have mercy on me Lord & pretend I said one of those & hook me up? Grace through faith? Please?
Speak Lord. For thy servant heareth.
I just finished... I think it was... does it matter? Reading my own story has made me sick to my stomach. A queezy feeling of dread has come over me. I sent that letter out to the Probably idiot, but likely corrupt... cop. Since then my rectum hurts and has bled. It has that after rape soft jelly kinda feeling to it. I may soon be writing about the drip drip drip of anal leakage. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me it all sounds.
I was cheering up. Bopping my head to the beat. Then I recalled I was listening to Flesh's "theme song" I assigned her. When does the hurting stop?
Most likely doomed no matter what?
Covered in scabies from my last rape...
Today I plan to write "The Logistics of it all"...
I will dedicate the tale to the fine men & women of the Annapolis Police Department without whom my coming tale of me agreeing to use hand grenades on people recreationally while on a drug(s?) possible.
Hey! I gots ta cheer them coppers up (as a gesture of good-will to the local law-enforcement champions in my area). Good news Annapolis Police. Over the years I've researched people with similar stories to myself. Not a single one of them has ever won nor secured their freedom in America or the world once that I'm aware of. So hey... not helping me ain't such a bad career choice.
But I invite you guys to read up on the subject. Research it well oh ye wise among the Annapolis Police. Look into the long-term careers of the guys who take down the guy with the smoking gun "after the fact" once they've made provable public declarations unto what I have. I think you'll be hard-pressed to find a single one in all of history who managed to advance in rank "after the fact". Not a one.
So hey... not helping me ain't such a bad career choice. If I were a betting man I'd bet not a one of you would lose your job no matter what the gang can convince me to do (or if they trick you into taking me down mundanely & then proceed to "own" you come the 2nd trial. When you check the historical data on people with a similar story & allegations & compare it to me you'll find that no body count is too high, no atrocity or atrocities is too evil to cost a pre-warned... cop their job in virtually ALL historical cases I've studied. So cheer up (who loves ya? ME! Here I am giving you historically accurate career advice FOR FREE. How come you guys NEVER return the favor? Rude). But listen well & do your own research. You ain't never raising in rank again... (a few might get lucky & get a single promotion one day... very few) and a few, just a few of the... cops in YOUR situation actually lost their jobs. Got a mortgage? Lose your house. Looking for another job in your field? Forget it no one will want you. Do you particularly like your friends? Guess what they're going to call you when 100 people come to them & tell them how much of a screw-up they think you are? Good luck getting a minimum wage rent-a-cop job if you do get fired or forced to step down.
I submit that your only winning move is to free me from my stalkers while you still can. Search your heart.... you know it's true.
Yuck it up guys... you're the one betting your job, your friends, your house, and your entire future. Not me.
For the record no part of today's entry amuses me nor cheers me up a single bit. I deal in facts & provable historical based-logic. Cold hard fact.
Go ahead... research the subject. I dare you.
Huh? When I began this "Page 2" of my life I thought for sure the gang was about to spring their trap on me. I seem to be alive & free a lot longer than I'd thought on 2-14-17. Still, I AM writing this in Annapolis Maryland. A community I suspect I was lured to by a felonious & easily proven "bait & switch" where there seems to be no end to local... cops messing with me, rapes, & inflicted diseases. A place I suspect old gang victims go to be disposed of. I'd suppose that my future "cellmates" (or "booby hatchlings" if they intend another hospital stay) are already in postoion at the local Jail where my calorie need will not be met & I'll be emaciated for the benifit of the gang quite legally. Even morally based on my conversations with law-enforcement where I've talked with... cops & jail guards on the subject of the state making me a skeleton. They infallibly and to the number told me that making me or any other prisoner a skeleton for any crime was justice, and a justice 100% of those polled by myself said was a fair recompense for any crime, alleged or true).
100% of... cops? Smile Annapolis... cops. The numbers ARE on your side.
I just finished the tale of "Violence & raping babies". I got nothing to say to you guys nor anyone right now.
Soooooo... I wanna live. Big wupp.
I'm hungry... and alone. Likely a wanted man. Soon to be skeletonized for the amusement & betterment of madmen. It's not as glamorous as it sounds.
I really need... stuff. As outlined in my prayers above.
I have nothing...
I am nothing...
I am Less Than Nobody...
I pray a lot and am jealous for God.
I'm cold. Hungry. Tired. Being stalked by madmen and set upon by their easy to manipulate but all too eager to help... cops. Clean dirty & inbetween.
You know what really sucks? I got tricked into a prayer. In it I prayed for something. Not all that expensive at all actually. It's been quite a few years since I prayed that prayer & God has not answered it. Lately when I pray I pray that God give me the inexpensive item, if only because I feel the prayer has vexed my soul. I hate that I prayed for the inexpensive thing. I really do. I loath each day that the answer to the pray for the inexpensive item does not come. Worse? Even worse? I didn't think about it, I asked for it with a pure heart, but it irritates me now. What was it? Why does it irritate me? Maybe another day...
For now the request for the inexpensive item will continue to vex my soul.
Just finished WHATEVER...
Why me?
I wish I was an Annapolis MD... cop. I don't want to work har
Sooo I thought about writing...
You know how it is... I'm not in the mood to begin my 100 life sentences & dozen death penalties after the ggangg's mundane frame job puts me in orange for "the main event"/
The gang's even described it many a time. A pretty female... cop dirty or misguided vigilante (same thing in a way, one's just more self-righteous than the other is all) of another race would begin the end of me by charging me for begging for help & calling my written plea for help a "manifesto". Thus demonizing it and me because only madmen write manifestos. Everyone knows that. It's why it's the 1st words of my website and thoroughly laces my 1,100+ pages to the F.B.I. where I kill someone every few pages or am involved in their untimely deaths in some way. The pretty female... cop of another race would be armed with extensive counter-attacks against me. Chief being...
1) She's pretty.
2) She's NOT a Bay City... cop (as if that fact had anything to do with it. Child-molesters are all over the country & have an extensive network & chapters help each other for a fee or as a courtesy & the gang's cash whores & drugs always makes them new friends and blackmail makes them new... cop victims).
3) She's of another race than I and can free call me racist. Particularly if we spend any time alone or without cameras (or lost films, the gang's M.O.).
4) She's of another sex traditionally viewed as victimized. Thus at any moment she can claim I'm being a sexist & should be ignored based on that.
5) I accuse no one of nothing here. I'm just repeating the claims of madmen. I've heard it bragged she could be none of the above, even honest. Thus if I even mention the gang's boasts I'm done for. No need to check into her boss to see who assigned her to me.
6) Frankly... I don't feel like beginning my 100 life sentences & dozen death penalties today nor the mundane charge the gang brag will put me in orange in jail to facilitate me looking like a crook in court (at least I'll be dressed as one if they can help it they brag).
7) I'd ask for help, ask Offiscer Walter-Hernandez where I stand legally, what I might do, who I might turn to (being I AM THE VICTIM HERE & I came to the... cops 1st)? But I'll bet she'd submit me to legal charges on who knows what trumped up thing & submit me to a rigid Walther-Hernandes test & tell me nothing useful whatsoever. Just like a Bay City... cop.
8) Yawn. Whatever...
9) Just in. It's 4:20 PM here & I quit playing my MMORPG about 8AM here until now. I look down and when I tried to chat it said. "You have been silenced. You may chat again in 19 hours, 26 minutes, and 42 seconds". This is a 24 hour chat ban by one or more players. Being I haven't been on since approximately 8AM the time I have left on a ban could not possibly have been due to me chatting. In theory (maybe there's a loophole, it's probably possible). I always wondered when & if the molesters might make a move to hack my account & make indecent chat so as to further their cause.
This would put the alleged time of my chat ban at about noon. I was at my local library then. Outside of course, soaking up the rays. Any number of cameras probably filmed me from a lot of nearby sources.
In theory films exist everywhere I went today & I should be able to prove my timeline & innocence with ease. Harder as time passes & the films auto delete "innocently".
I accuse no one of anything here. But it is... strange.
Whatever... Yup! Whatever...
Addendum: I wonder whatever happened to my chemical/biological attack ideas & the training films & that bomb I made the gang?
Laugh... cop. Laugh.

Hey! No need to thank me if one of you... "law enforcement professionals" should somehow be reading this. As a service I now intend to remind various... coppers of some words. Hey... I enjoy teaching the addled & mocking cowards & the corrupt (whichever you personally may be) so think of this a public service that I'm providing YOU. Not that I see ANY of you lining up to do anything for me. Our score? 0-1,000 with Mid-Michian... cops scoring a dismal zero while I've done plenty of stuff for them over the years. Not that anyone is keeping track (it's a number way, way above 4 in any event).
stalker [staw-ker]noun 1. a person who pursues game, prey, or a person stealthily. 2. a person who harasses another person, as a former lover, a famous person, etc., in an aggressive, often threatening and illegal manner: examples: Hollywood stars often have security guards to keep dangerous stalkers at bay. Mid-Michigan... cops often have the resources of theirs & other police forces & agencies to protect them while David A. George has & had no one but... "them" to rely on.

My status update pending.
CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017
Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!
In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.
Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.
When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.
This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.
What does this mean?
Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".
Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.
I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.
Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.
To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.
Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.
Please help me!
Every week the Annapolis Md... cops have either been called on me, approached me menacingly, threatened me, or acted weird in my humble opinion. It's 12:22AM & there's a... cop outside my window within minutes of writing on my website... JUST LIKE LAST TIME! Just like the last time I chose to write in my website.
On or about 3 weeks ago... I got to church... a telegraphed move since it's a regular habit as of late... the cops were there on Thursday at 12:30P, all but blocked the driveway to get in, & stared me up one side & down the other with a powerful angry scowl as I entered the church.
The next week... same time, same place a K-9 Unit whipped around as I approached the Ritchie Highway property... did he intend to launch against me? I cant say but I'll say it seemed like the only reason he didn't turn around in time & get to me before I entered the Ritchie Highway building was only because he seemed to have a hard time turning around in the multi-lanes highway traffic. He was there when I left, he arrived at the restaurant I went to after I.... I stayed for hours & an Annapolis Cop left & in the same direction as I.
I was approached in a restaurant next week & a... cop demanded to see what I was doing online. So I showed him.
Rape accusations?
Describe my last kidnapping? Sure? Why not? I came to in a room with a payout window & a Uniformed Annapolis... cop told me I'd been sentenced to prison for life. Gave me a bag & told me to walk to my cell. The world rippled & I fought against the drugs pondering my next move. I was in a room, like a school building. Bars were against a wall but served no purpose save to bar the brick wall. A prop?
So I walked out into the school hall... down the hall I saw to my left a line of teen boys bodily formed a line shoulder to shoulder keeping at least twice as many 6-8 year-olds back.
Someone summoned me to a room opposite them. He told me my life in prison would begin now. I told him I didn't buy it one bit.
The memory ends there.
My guess is that as an Annapolis... cop. You totally have no ability to comprehend this level of PRACTICAL joke... I'll even go so far as to say I don't think you can figure out why I capitalize the letters of practical symbolically. It's a grown-up level of crime, symbolism, and awareness. I'll even bet your local rape gangs do it all the time and YOU still haven't figured it out. That a PRACTICAL joke that is listed as being "common" among YOUR peers... your fellow... cops around the country still baffles you. You still have no idea what to do in the face of it... nor the emotional maturity to accept the possibility within a law-enforcement context.
I recommend remedial research. See what's working for rape-gangs around the country. Yes... it does appear that I have to render remedial criminal investigation advice even here... near the nation's capital.
Addendum... Add'em dumb? 1-17ish. I've written it on 1-19-18
So I wrote in my website as is my custom from time to time. A local... cop pulled up outside the window soon & like usual, because such IS The Annapolis Police's habit, had it's lights on & could be seen across the street from my Safeway Window about 3:30AM.
I am wholly disappointed that the entry into my journal here is not there anymore. Whether this is because of a Wix error or a more nefarious reason who can tell? I'm sure it's coincidence.
So I wrote about it. Big wupp huh? Well, later I noted that from where I was sitting away from the window there was less than 1 degree of arc possible for me to see them out said window (it's technical, don't ask a Mid-Michigan... cop, ask an 8 year-old what it means). This adds a mathematical impossibility of 1 in 180 to the odds they'd stop in my view & adds 100% to the certainty they... hmmm... no comment.
Soooo today... same spot, same Safeway on Governor Ritchie Highway, a smiling... cop wanders into the closed store where I'm sitting & looks over the merchandise with the biggest smile on his face possible. While not accusing the Officer who tried to not meet my gaze way way too hard I shall call it "The Child-Molestor Sick Smile of Smug Satisfaction. What's my point? My point is... I've seen it a lot & that glasses wearing... cop had it. Big time. Again... I accuse him of nothing. It was just another ear to ear smiling... cop in a closed shop after hours in a room with... me. In a room where I wrote "this" website.
The Child-Molestor Sick Smile of Smug Satisfaction? Yeah... the CMSSoSS. I've had it explained to me in the past. Sometimes... it's just someone in a good mood. False alarm. Did I say sometimes? Nearly always. Sometimes it's a card-carrying member of the child-molesting community & they just cant help themselves. The way it's been explained to me is. "We almost never get to mess with people worse than us so messing with you is a real treat so our people smile".
Me? Going off past encounters and past boasts & past gang Plan:A's I'll conclude it was an arranged encounter, perhaps with a drugged man in a... cop suit. The Glasses? To cover up the window encounter to give the... cop protection from any accusations "You just saw him & now you're messing with him". Believe me... it works!
Again... a hunch based on experience. You know what you ever-mocking... cops. You ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL tell me about your training... about your experience... about the validity of YOUR hunches. HEY! I've been doing this a long time... and I have a hunch. I base it on experience with the child-molesting community, on training BY the child-molesting community, and it's my educated hunch based on lifetimes of studying & observing the child-molesting community. You... cops know right? It all means "liar" in "copspeak". cops get to have hunches, victims do what they're told when they're told & best answer smartly. Right?
What's my point? On or about 1-19-18 at 3:30AM a... cop wandered in wearing some light gray-framed glasses carrying a CMSSoSS, would not look me in the eye, lifted merchandise all over the store, then left. He did this while I was writing a story about dirty... cops & killing lots of people. That's my entire point. Nothing more.
It's also child-molester Plan A & it always works. By always I mean it never fails. Not once. Ever. To even mention a CMSSoSS carrying... cop while you're writing your story about the many children you've killed as of late (he totally interrupted it, I was going to write about one of my more public mass child-slayings in Bay City) is to invite your destruction. Period.
Oh yeah. I wish I had a dollar for every time a child-molester friendly... cop put glasses on & then later teased me in front of his pals "Tee hee hee, I don't wear glasses". That and played musical chairs on duty, either at their post on duty or just with their name tags.
Late night... cops carrying CMSSoSS's? Stories about killing children in public with up to 40+ participants? Laugh... cop. Laugh.
2-1-18 On a lonely lonesome highway... east of Omaha... literally.
Went to that chuch again. This time a... cop wasn't in traffic waiting for the light blocking the church driveway (not entirely blocking it, mostly) facing north nor their alternate position of having pulled someone over in what looked like a traffic stop & they'd innocently parked the... cop car "innocently there" before of after I left. Same 2 spots. every week. I only point out that I know a thing orr 2 about... cop work & accuse only to the point that it is a statistacl absurdity that it could be by coincidence. Statisticly speaking of course.
sta·tis·tic /stəˈtistik/noun 1. a fact or piece of data from a study of a large quantity of numerical data:
Well... today at aproximately 2:05 PM there was a... cop car there but on the opposite side of the street with it's flashers on. As I walked up to within a city block or so... they left.
Gosh oh golly gee. Wasn't that exciting readers?
My opinion of the situation? Yawn...
Today a guy I've been friendly to asked me why I haven't gotten a job today? Let me flashback in my day...
Yesterday I wrote about killing people... and it hurt my head. Today I wrote the tale "Facing the Little Dead Girl". If I was wounded before I wrote it...
The worst part? Why from the... cop stuff I've read they think I just love diddly wuv the entire tale from front to back. Why I'm having the time of my life here they tell me, generally speaking of course. In truth every... cop I ever met latches onto their pet opinion & Duh Jerk brags he 7 his crew he trained from childhood are masters at feeling... cops out & then showing them films to confirm their conclusions. Worse? I've met... cops who told me they absolutely positively knew I was telling the truth... it was just they were scared of the gang. Most of those told me they had been tricked into a mortgage & had no intention of losing their house over me by tempting fate with the gang.
You know... if just once I had a shoulder to cry on.
You know... if just once a... cop would help me. They don't even offer to spellcheck let alone help me in any way. Between threats & attacks.
The opposite of love is not hate... to love is to nurture... to ignore & leave to ignominy is the opposite of love & the... cops of America have poured it out to me in full measure.
2-14-18 Hiding... The Molestors know exactly where.
When I pray it is my custom to pray to God and ask him to protect me from my enemies, the gang & to protect me from my enemies, the... cops. Why the... cops too? I pondered them a long time. If our account were balanced. That is if the Police overall were a positive influence or even added up to a net zero I'd pray differently. But our account is not positive, nor is it zero, but lumping all the... cops of America into one pile (you guys do it to me) you are a negative number. And lets face it. I'm not a complete idiot. I've read up on people is situations remotely like unto what I've faced and 99.99999999999% of all... cops would just as soon imprison the victim and endure a retrial than take a chance on someone like... me.
Why am I writing today? My website wont work when I access it. Not without some serious cajoling.
The way I figure it... is most likely it's a Wix-based mistake wholly on their part, nothing to worry about, they'll probably fix it soon enough.
But the ongoing worsening of my websites performance comes after I made allegations on the possibility the gang might restrict access or even sabotage my website. Whether at Wix themselves, my internet provider, or by hacking into my internet feed at any portion from my computer to Wix & back. Simply put it is the accusations of their victims, reflected back on them that wins them their victories. Or so the gang brag.
Eh, who knows? I always dreamed of the day and honest Police Officer or 2 might get involved & who knows? Right? I DID pray an awful lot in life. Maybe it's a result of them & their influence? Maybe?
Yawn. I'm tired. Stayed up all nite trying my website over & over until it worked. It's not worked correctly on the first try for a while now. And not even on the 4th or 5th try as of late.
Yawn. I'm so doomed.
Eh, you get used to it after a while. Now I gotta correct the story I wrote yesterday & hope it'll save my work. Which took a lot of tries then too.
Yup. Screwed. No hope. Yup.
4-10-18 Payer update:
Net results of prayers.
Prayer Result
1) Prayer to deliver me from the gang. *U.N.N.
2) My Prayer for food (recent, as of today, daily bread) 1.0
3) Pray for a bible-believing soul-winning church *U.N.N. (Either out of business or called cops on me)
4) Prayer for friends *U.N.N.
5) Prayer for a lover or female companion 0.0
6) Spot to do laundry or new clothes (Since last report) 0.0
7) Safe place to stay (ie: free from rape) 0.0
8) Job 0.0
9) Sailboat 0.0
10) Emotional support (shoulder to cry on, my hole life) 0.0
11) Healing of accumulated injuries (recent prayers) 1.0
12) To be avenged of my adversary *U.N.N.
13) Lucky prayer #13, pray for stuff (yes stuff) 0.0
14) Hope *U.N.N.
15) Soul-winning opportunities *U.L.P.N.
*Unknown Negative Number
*Unknown Large Positive Number
The moral of the story? It sucks to be me.
Tried to finish IN THE BEGINNING... THE MOTHER OF ALL STORIES... Continued... It's only proof that it sucks to be me, & it always has...
But it hurt too much. Now I'm upset, & sitting in the dark.
My eyes hurt, I tried not wearing my sunglasses for a few days, sometimes that acclimates them to the light & I can take'em off. Not his time, my eyes just hurt now. My body? It's like someone slathered me in scabie-killing medicine from the knees up & removed all traces of scabies there & they are slowly returning.
Pain from the surgical tortures, thanx Bay City Police.
I'll pray some more.
2-28-18 In hiding... not glamorous at all... DIRTY... COP ALERT???
I just got an E-mail from someone claiming to be a... cop. This.
Mr. George
My name is Cpl Hernandez-Walter and have received your information as well as your manifesto. Is it possible to set up a meeting with you to see what it is the police department can do for you. You can either come to the police department and ask for me or you can let me know of a time and place to meet and we can go from there.
Let me know and I would be glad to assist you in any way I can
Cpl. T.Hernandez-Walter #3648
Intelligence Unit
Annapolis Police Department
199 Taylor Ave
Annapolis, MD 21401
PH- (410) 268-9000 Ext 7370
I shall now dissect the letter.
1) I have received you info and Manifesto. Manifesto? The very 1st word on my site... at the top of every single page are this is not a manifesto but a written plea for help.
What this means.
1) Either I'm dealing with an idiot at best. Or just as I wrote earlier. I have been lured to the Annapolis area by a "bait & switch" & it's where old victims of the gang go to be disposed of.
Being I'm not psychic I can only guess which of the 2 has been inflicted on me. I can only add gang boasts that in the future my dirty... cop accusers would all be female & likely another race, insulating them from the possibility of accusation by the dual pronged counter attacks of racial & sexual discrimination.
2) Come to the... copshop? Really? An invitation to arrest or who knows what based on my past experiences in America.
I sent an E-Mail back saying that under the advice of council I have nothing to say to you without full immunity.
3) Faked? Wouldn't be the first time a fake-cop pulled some scam on me for the gang.
No matter which of the 3 is true... I could care less.
4) In America it IS A CRIME to report your stalkers to the Police. I know this. Oh... they'll say it ain't but I assure you reader it very much is. No proof needed if your stalkers are willing to invest enough time, money, & do it just right.
5) No matter what my reply to the above letter was, even ignoring it is all the proof dirty... cops need to... let alone misguided but otherwise wholesome honest Police.
Remember the Annapolis Police Motto: Destroy the victim. That'll shut'em up. Oh wait... that's the Michigan State Police's Motto. My bad. But is it the Annapolis Police motto too?
6) Please send me a picture so I may more effectively mock you. Maybe a division photo? Also relevant data. Why you've chosen to not help me. A little about my official record. Any crimes you think I'm wanted for, real OR imagined. Maybe I'm suspected of a crime (s?)? Why don't YOU show some guts & tell me what's missing from the case & I'll fill in the blanks & you can come destroy me and feel pretty good about it when you do? You could be like... like (looks up in the sky with a glazed look) like a Bay City... cop!
7) Sit in a corner and suck your thumb? Never giving me anything, no info, no pics, no advice, no list of possible crimes, no indication of what may or may not be in my "permanent record". Hey! That WOULD make you just like a gutless Bay City... cop. I'm not singling you out mind you. Most... cops are terrified of child-molesters and their lawyers. You're in good company. You are the norm. The law-enforcement standard by which the majority of gutless... cops in America can compare themselves to. Practice this saying in front of a mirror... it'll make you feel better. I promise. "I'm just overworked so I don't have time to investigate your claims Mr. George".
8) See that? I gave you great advice, requested a pic, and am prepared to tout your story. Who loves ya? That being the case how come you wont return the favor? Rude. Typical. But rude.
3-13-18 Feeling kinda small in America...
It's a gang tradition... act like jerks to their victims. They brag it insulates them from prosecution because if they were as cruel as their victims allege... then basic human honor and applied dignity would force them to treat their victims with a little decency. Any of you recreational child-murderers out there reading this seeking advice? Well do it like this and the... cops will laugh in the face of your victims, setting YOU up for their eventual demise when they help you get rid of YOUR victims for the low low cost of.... FREE and beg you for the privilege to do it FOR YOU!
During my last kidnapping... kidnappings... they like to steal my pain-killers. Anywhere from 1/2 to 1/3rd of them at most kidnappings. The last few being no different. I have just a few doses left now. Well that and I'm in a lot of pain.
Thanx for less than nothing Annapolis... cops.
3-28-18 Dave addresses "less than useful... cops" publicly.
I was just doing inventory on the ongoing deforestation of my head. Before my recent rash of kidnappings (ie: coming to Annapolis & it's slew of less than useful... cops) the gang had deforested 2 thumb-sized empty patches of hair on the back right side of my head, in addition to the top of my head, and both sides along the ears very incompletely to facilitate the threatened goal of "the mutant transsexual look" for court later. Increasing my "bust-size", you name it.
Status Report: Now they joined the 2 holes on the back of my head into a long strip, about 2 thumbs wide going top to bottom on the back right of my head. I will call this area "The Annapolis... cop patch" & wholly dedicate the deforestation to the Annapolis Police Department as well as any and all children who may die or be enslaved as a result of... cop eagerness to dismiss ALL I have to say based solely on my gang-ravaged looks. Thanks for less than nothing oh ye infallible Police Officers of Maryland... I and the children thank you for the less than nothing services you've provided during my entire time in what I thought just might be the fine state of Maryland.
Thanx for less than nothing. I look forward to your Hernandez-Walther Test with much anticipation. Or not...
Just finished SINCE YOU'RE DREAMING... WHY DON'T YOU KILL??? A LOT OF PEOPLE... tons & tons and tons... strictly by body weight...
Yeah... I prayed a lot during that story. A whole bunch.
Some black cording "appeared" in my bag today.
I'm sure that random appearances of black nylon cording just popping up in someone's bag happen every day.
My rectum hurts. Bleeding, swelling.