Combined we killed a lot of kids!And the... cops helped!!!
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang
Welcome to my often sabotaged site. The Child-Molesters said they would and who was I to doubt them?
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.-David A. George 6-26-17
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang:
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.
David A. George
"Kill one person and you create a tragedy the police will investigate because it is such a tragedy. Kill a hundred people and you create a laughable crime the police will laugh at when you try to tell them about it".-Martin Oak Circa 1987 The author of this website's opinion of the subject? Yup.
This website is an attempt to save what remains of my life.. Sigh... -David A. George 1-5-18
The Child-Molesting Community of Mid Michigan, vanguards of the Child-Molester Triangle (Draw a line, Flint to Bay City to Detroit. Any 8 year-old could do it, mid-Michigan... cops go ask an 8 year-old to do it for you)... I was just thinking... thinking of you. While I was thinking of you & the vile things you do a song popped into my head based on the many many many many many many many people in my life who promised me, that when I came forward against you, when my case went public for real, they would come out of the woodwork. They bragged to me they had pictures, films, fellow witnesses, evidence, and testimony enough to bury your entire gang for good. HEY! Remember when you guys sent fake witnesses to tempt me (sure... you have the films). Remember how I gave many of them advice? WHat? Drugs addled your memory? Don't want to sort a cellar full of films? No prob... I'll fill in the gaps myself as good comercial spokesman for your gang should (remember... Like I told Jerk & My Cousin... I'm your best guy!).
I told each of them to stay in hiding. Until "the day" (your films WILL back me up). To never trust the... cop at the front desk (DUH!), and to strike with multiple copies of the evidence spread over multiple agencies. I even counciled a few to... well... I cant tell you Godless pervs everything can I? Gotta leave some things to the imagination. My hobby is inventing. He... he... he...
You child-molesting Godless perverts of mid-michigan. My stalking serial-killing rapist thieves... this song goes out to you. No need to thank me, just trying to be the best child-molester spokesman like ever!
There can only be one... Oops... I mean all it takes is one.
(Snitchiddy ditchity-dee-dee, Snitchiddy ditchidy-dee-deex3
(Siren Tweet x 4)
He longs to snitch on his Bosses all day long!
Snitchin & a tellin & ratting them out!
All the little perverts on Jail Bird Street
Will be listening to him testify sayin they rape kids!
He's a snitch! (Siren Tweet x3)
She's a snitch! (Snitch, they'd like to snitch)
Go little snitch
'Cause they're really cant wait to snitch you out!
(Snitchiddy ditchity-dee-dee)
Every little snitch, every godless perv
Cant wait to sell you out
The wise old perv? He knows his time is short
You've raised a bunch of pervs with no honor
Rockin' robin (Tweet x 3)
Rockin' robin (Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Go rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
A pretty little raven at the bird bandstand
Taught him how to do the bop and ', it was grand
They started going steady and bless my soul
He out-bopped the buzzard and the oriole
He rocks in the tree top all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singing his song
All the little birds on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet
Rockin' robin (Tweet x 3)
Rockin' robin (Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Go rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Well, a pretty little raven at the bird bandstand
Taught him how to do the boppin', it was grand
He started going steady and bless my soul
He out-bopped the Buzzard and the Oriole
He rocks in the tree top all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singing his song
All the little birds on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet
Rockin' robin, (tweet, tweet, tweet)
Rockin' robin' (tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Go rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Rockin' robin, (tweet, tweet, tweet)
Rockin' robin' (tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Go rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
(Tweedle-lee-dee-dee-dee, tweedle-lee-dee-dee x 3)
(Tweet x 2)
[Wolf whistle]
Of couse the song is unfinished & there's lots of notes that need to be deleted. Hey, it's the thought that counts. Right?
PS: Don't bother torturing me to find out who. When you watch a few of the old films you'll see it was allways my custom to tell snitches not to tell me their name, so I could never rat them out. You guys already picked off all the one's I knew the identity of. I am reminded of all the times both Duh Jerk AND My Cousin would ask me things and when it was my word against a dozen or more trusted Child-Molestors they always, every time trusted... me. Punishments galore for your best & brightest guys based solely on my word. Why lie? It's the truth that will set me free.
JUST THINKING OF YOU... So I thought I'd wax metaphoric...