Combined we killed a lot of kids!And the... cops helped!!!
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang
Welcome to my often sabotaged site. The Child-Molesters said they would and who was I to doubt them?
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.-David A. George 6-26-17
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang:
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.
David A. George
"Kill one person and you create a tragedy the police will investigate because it is such a tragedy. Kill a hundred people and you create a laughable crime the police will laugh at when you try to tell them about it".-Martin Oak Circa 1987 The author of this website's opinion of the subject? Yup.
This website is an attempt to save what remains of my life.. Sigh... -David A. George 1-5-18

So I did what I normally do... And some bonus rapist tips for aspiring raopists!!!

In the Defunct Hospital...
Killing people and getting away with it your entire life? It's easy, as long as you and 20-100 of your closest friends do it... "perversely".
Remember to film it all and always have a fall guy to take the rap if things go badly. The... cops will never listen to your pleading victim (who will probably be delirious from the drugs and sleep deprivation you'll inflict upon them prior to the cops questioning them) when you show them all of your films of the perverse things you've managed to inflict upon them. Don't worry about getting caught because my name is David A. George & I'll personally endorse what the cops will say to your victims. "No one would do that to someone".
Our story begins in Bay City's Defunct Hospital…
There I was, days, maybe weeks into my sleep deprivation torture. The gang, the 4 Stars and their endless array of jocks had beat me, mostly about the body, slapped me, & raped me endlessly with men, women, children, beasts, and appliances. Today the smiling madman, stood, well, smiling as his ever present towering jocks delivered blow after blow. Slaps for the most part. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Well, you get the idea.
Me? I fought! They bragged that they had me on some drug that made me weak but I tried anyway. They boast that it’s one of the ways they will beat me in court because, they’ll say, the only reason I’m telling my story is to get sympathy, fame, or whatever. Anything but admitting that what I say just might be true.
Every now and then the pain would stop. I don’t know if I can convey what it’s like to be tortured for weeks, the eyeball vibrating mind-numbing agony of being kept awake for who knows how long by people who film the entire thing so as to be able to submit it as proof that we’re great pals or that there is an Employer/employee relationship going on.
Duh Jerk would say. “The pain will only end when you kill an innocent of my choosing. Are you ready to kill someone or not”?
Me? Gasping for air, nursing wounds I might answer. “No”. Sometimes I asked (Eh, I wanted to know and I was on drugs so cut me some slack). “Why are you doing this to me”?
Sometimes he answered. “Because of the gym. With these films of us together the cops will never listen to your accusations about the gym”. Other times he said. “I want films of you killing people so I can point to them and say to the cops ‘this guy’s a scumbag”. And. “With my films of you the cops will never listen to you because of how much of a pervert I’ve made you out to be”.
Pain, Pain… PAIN! Who knows how long it went on for? Eventually, as in times past I asked. “Who do you want me to kill”? I wasn’t just going out into the streets and killing someone for him. So they, he and the dozen or so madmen who helped him, provided one. She was a pretty blonde, about my age or older and they tied her to a chair.
Me? I was reviled and told him, them, I’d never do it.
Time passes…
Time Passes…
No sleep…
Time passes…
I looked at the woman tied to the chair, it’d been my intention to keep her engaged long enough that she was a witness who wouldn’t be impeded by their date-rape drug. I realized that no matter what I did or did not do they weren’t going to let her live. She was a dead woman no matter what. Then, they broke me and it played out as in times past, this time, again, I agreed to do anything to end the pain, if only for a moment. She was already dead no matter what, she’d seen too much. The horror, the horror.
Duh Jerk insisted that I give my word that I try not to shoot him, like I’d done so many times before when handed a pistol in mid-torture.
I gave my word I wouldn’t shoot him and he ordered one jock to stand as his human shield and the other to hand me a pistol.
Pistol in hand I approached the woman…
Strangely, the woman seemed optimistic, like she just wanted to get the pain over so she could go home.
I told her that they hadn’t handed me the pistol for no reason. I told her that the gang had forced me to kill many people like her before this. I told her that she’d seen too much, they wouldn’t let her live. I told her to prepare for death because I’d given my word that in exchange for a moments respite from the pain I would kill her.
She didn’t seem happy at all.
The smiling madman beamed from ear to ear. This was the time of his life and he was in his glory! Then he demanded that I pistol whip her first.
So I did. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! I was on drugs that reduced one’s strength, had been tortured for who knows how long, and I tried my best to spare the woman the worst of it.
Strangely, the woman almost cheered me on. It was she who demanded I hit her at Jerk’s command. “Just get it over with”. She said among other things.
Then Duh Jerk demanded. “Okay. Now shoot her”.
So I put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger. CLICK!
Duh Jerk informed me that he’d rendered the revolver (his favorite type of pistol, it leaves no spent clips at the scene) to see if I’d actually shoot the woman… or him!
“I gave my word that I’d shoot her”. I told him.
Then he demanded that I pistol whip her some more.
Then, egged on in no small part by the woman’s begging me to do, I did just that. Again! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!
Then Duh Jerk demanded. “Okay. Now shoot her”.
So I put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger. CLICK!
We went tit for tat back and forth for a while, he didn’t trust me and eventually I said my go to speech. “There’s only one lying cheating baby killing rapist in this conversation and that’s you”.
He nodded, and a look of shame covered his face for just a moment and he rendered the gun loaded.
Then he demanded that I pistol whip her some more.
Then, egged on in no small part by the woman’s begging me to do, I did just that. Again! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!
Then Duh Jerk demanded. “Okay. Now shoot her”.
So I put the revolver to her head and pulled the trigger. BANG! She looked dead to me. I’m sorry.
Duh Jerk ordered me jumped and drugged anew in preparation for what they planned to do to me next. Yeah, I fought. It wasn’t bravery, it was stupidity. Yeah, I’m like that.
So the jocks and the Stars jumped me and injected me with who knows what… again! Then, as the world began to slowly ripple and fade away Duh Jerk spouted a new demand. “I want you guys to go over to that table and take the date-rape drug”.
It was F.B. who protested the loudest. He had no intention of taking the drug. No one wanted to take the drug.
“Take the drug or I’ll have these jocks here break your legs and we’ll talk about it later in the hospital”.
The world faded away…
Later, a man was sent to brag on behalf of the gang as is their custom. Yeah, yeah, yeah, films films films. Now they could do anything they wanted to me for life and have only to show their films to a jury (in secret, never openly, usually). That and the films could be used, like usual to motivate their own troops by showing them films of how much of a scumbag I was.
He told me that Jerk had ordered him to answer my questions. All part of his “make his victims story as unbelievable as possible plan”.
Eh, not that I believed a word he said, I posed a few questions, such as. “Why’d he make his own guys take the date-rape drug”? It confused me to no end.
So he told me, something, that could have been the truth, I’d guess, maybe. He explained that by making his own guys take the date-rape drug he could control who knows what. Indeed, by using the drug at the time of the murder he could make sure that guys like the 4 Stars remember killing very few people, if at all, and just might be offended at the possibility that they are in fact mass-murderers on an epic scale. “The Jocks, Jerk, and I were the only ones not drugged”.
“The jocks might tell the 4 Stars about the killing then. It is possible that they’ll find out about it”.
Not so he assured me. “Those jocks were only there because they screwed up in the past and the bosses told them that if they helped us torture you all would be forgiven but they’re not. They were going to be killed after they tortured you from the beginning”.
I asked the man if he’d been in trouble with the gang lately?
At first he talked about his recent punishment and the forgiveness that followed it calmly, then, a look of realization came over his face…
Advanced rape tips? How about how to have a team of psycho mass-murderers, who don’t even realize it and a fall guy to take the heat if things go bad? Don’t you rapist scum tell me that I never gave you anything!
HOW TO KILL CHILDREN AND GET AWAY WITH IT... It pays to have a lot of help...
As per my earlier promise, another tale of yet more human misery, another human life snuffed out for the amusement of madmen. I ask that the reader picture a room full of uniformed police officers laughing profusely. Why not? It's what the Bay City... cops did when I tried to tell them about the goings on at a Bay City Public Middle School in spring of 1977, ya know, between their actively helping my stalker (unwittingly?) and the gang's stable of dirty... cops working full-time to assist in my ongoing very public attempted murder... eh, I'm tired of complaining about them. Just read the story...
Sometimes, the Child-Molestors figure it’s better to forget…
Advanced rapist tips? Who would be so stupid? Well, if only a fool would do it, I would. This tale begins in the spring, circa 1977 (some of you… cops should look up the word “circa”) in a Bay City Publoic School during normal business hours. You know, the one that the Bay City… cops (… cops, sheriffs, Bay City F.B.I., the usual list of suspects) swear no bad guys can or would ever commit evil in, it’s unethical! The very concept of torturing someone and having a bazzillion teachers who are either willing card-carrying accomplaces or scared and abused cowards around to insure you can do it better hurts poor Bay City… cops heads. Poor things, all dazed and confused. As we begin our tale I would like to officially apologize to the Bay City… cops for coming into where they work and reporting crimes and trying to use logic and deduction in their presence. I’m almost certain that I hurt their heads, poor guys are probably suffering from long-term psychological trauma even now, awww… Picture me rubbing a finger and thumb together and saying. “This is the world’s smallest violin playing just for you. I feel your pain”. Giggle giggle.
Frankly, I’d suggest that they get access to good psychological counseling to better help them deal with the trauma I’ve inflicted on them. They were probably crying behind those laughs that they bravely administered to me at my police interrogations (notice, I didn’t say ‘when I was filing a police report”, I said “interrogations”). Perhaps some remedial investigative material should be supplied by their bosses. I’d like to suggest some Dora the Explorer or Green Eggs and Ham. I suspect that Dora’s investigative ability should inspire them to seek, and to find. The characters of Green Eggs and Ham should motivate them to never give up, to keep questioning even when things seem distasteful at first. That and I’d like to suggest that each of them receive a solid silver trophy studded with pretty gems, in the shape of a toilet with their names on the seat inscribed on the seat with beautiful letters and words with inspirational phrases and a small commemoration of their greatest case. Don’t let them tell you I never gave them anything. Let’s hear it for all the mid-Michigan… cops who made this story possible! Three cheers just for them! HIP HIP HOORAY! Hip hip hooray... Hip hip Phhhhhhhhhht!
It was one of my first period classmates who confronted in spring of 1977. "You're a serial-killer".
Of course, I denied it, probably in vain. Sigh...
"Don't try to lie to me. I've seen you do it! You're a serial-killer". Then, he asked me to recall what I'd done over the weekend. "Your _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) drugged you and handed you over to us. So Jerk handed you a shotgun and told you to go out killing people and you did".
Of course, I denied it. Probably in vain. Sigh...
"Don't try to lie to me I've seen you kill people. I've seen our films of you killing people so I know you're lying. You're a serial-killer. Don't you remember it? Try to remember what happened this weekend".
So I did. Then, I remembered...
I took the pump-shotgun from Duh Jerk in spring of 1977 and I walked up to the house like I usually do when I dared to think I was dreaming. Then, I did what I normally do when I had a gun. I went inside and shot the family to death. BANG! BANG! BANG! One at a time in various places about the house, cottage, whatever.
Once outside I was confronted by Duh Jerk and thought about simply killing him on the spot. He reminded me about my _ _ _ _ _ _'s orders that I obey him, so I didn't shoot him.
A police car pulled up and the officer gave a spot on description of me, if I was about 30 years old (I was 11). Duh jerk sent him away saying we'd seen no killer as he'd described.
Back in the future in that Bay City Public School hallway the "Munger Boy" (Their self-appointed nickname) told me. "You're a serial-killer. You deserve everything that we do to you (He'd been bragging on my kidnapping, rape and torture that he and my classmates has recently inflicted, and the fact that they intended to do it again, and worse). We plan to follow you for the rest of your life and torture you".
I'm sorry...
"Jerk totally brainwashed you. You'll hurt anyone for him, kill anyone. I've seen it"!- Snitch Girl said this while standing in a tax-payer funded public school hallway during business hours. She, was only 11 years old at the time. So was I. According to her, the murder she was talking about wasn't even the first murder she was ever involved in.
Bay City Public Schools!
Yeah, whatever...
"But I quit telling the cops about the gym. They don't believe it and they think its the funniest subject in the world".

Another human life cut short, for the amusement of madmen...

With all my films of you killing people... The cops will never listen to your accusations about the gym...
Murder is this easy... as long as you film it all...

TO SUM IT ALL UP... Dirty... cops feel free to make a rebuttle, if you've got the guts!!!
A hand-written confession about killing someone. Can you hear that reader? It's the sound of the drool of snickering dirty... cops hitting the gravestone of a child. Yup, it's hand-written, poorly. Proof of... hmmm, proof that it just hurts too much for me to re-write it? Proof that it got all smudged up when I moved while still trying to (unsuccessfully) elude my life-long stalkers? Proof? Yeah, proof that you can commit child-murder openly... in a little place called a Bay City Public School. Yeah, proof. It's proof that if you do it just right, you can rape torture and try to kill children, openly, publicly, and the... cops will help you do it... FOR FREE!
Huh, go figure...
I sent over 1,000 hand-written pages of rape, murder, and mayhem to the F.B.I. and police all over the country. To date not a one of them has thanked me, nor have they even acknowledged the effort. Cheap __ (insert cheap insult)___! They haven't even tried to return the many expensive computer memory drives I sent them on. How rude!

THE FEW, THE PROUD, THE CHILD-KILLERS... Yeah, some Bay City... cops would... over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over...
Sooo... you want to be a mass-murderer huh? So what? There's nothing special about you, lots of guys dream about becoming a recreational serial-killer and some of them have the guts to do it and some of those are so smart, that by sheer repetition, practice, or experience they can do it and get away with it. But to a few, the lifestyle is just that, a chosen lifestyle. Something snaps in a persons head and they declare something like. "Today I will kill people for profit for the rest of my life". Read the papers, tons of morons and scumbags do it in America. But a few choose to excel at it. For them the lifestyle becomes more than just that, it becomes art and entertainment. For those elite few serial-killers the thought of children screaming in agony from years of torture is music to their ears. Lots of guys have chosen this as their profession in America, they ain't special. But a few have chosen it, and they don't want to have to "battle the cops" every day. Nope, they want to kidnap and torture children to death, and get the cops to help them do it for free!
Easy to do? Sure, but I suspect that the technique only works in America. In the U.S.A. cops tell me they're all way too smart to be manipulated. Besides, their training and stunningly shiny badges protect them from even the possibility of being manipulated by someone or a gang. In short, the mere possibility hurts cops heads. Well, that and make sure to buy a cop or own one. It's easy, lots of them are on the take and since you'll be filming the rest of your life, sooner or later, you'll collect a whole bunch of dirty cops. My name is David George and I endorse this. Read on...
Here's the formula, if you want to kidnap, torture, and kill kids your whole life, AND get the cops to help you do it, FOR FREE! Listen up. Firstly, act ridiculous. No, I no it sounds absurd but act foolish from time to time. Skits and play inflicted on your drugged and sleep-deprived stage 2 or 3 victims will pave the way to recruiting dirty cops.
Step one (as it was explained to me)...
Kidnap, rape and torture children. LOTS, it's a buyer's market the gang brags. Film everything. Make sure to get lots of pictures with you posed as their friend and or lover.
Step two...
ONLY pick on the ones who go to the police. I know, I know, you may be disappointed but it better be your lifelong mantra... or else! Eh, the bonus is you can still rape and torture the ones who don't go to the cops for the rest of your or their lives, that too is a buyer's market, only 1 in 10 will go to the cops and with the mantra I'll give you now you'll be unstoppable! Here it is, make sure your pals (ie: accomplices) all know it too. "Such and such is our friend they're crazy and on drugs. Awww... did they say that about us? We'll go there right now and see if there's anything we can do to them, uh... I mean for them right now". The last part is extremely important. I covers you for if you get caught by the cops with your delirious victim "We told the cops we were going straight to them to see what we could do to them, uhhhh, for them".
Step three...
Never give up once you target a victim once you begin on them. Put it to a group vote mostly I'd guess. You see, the problem is that if even one of your victims gets an honest cop to listen to them you and your hang are toast. What do you value more? Your money or your life and your freedom? Destroy your victim no matter what the cost is. The cops think the entire subject is hilarious.
Step three...
Do your research, I did. The way the cops wrote it in their own reports that I read was it is common (you might want to look up the word "common") in America for rapists to force their victims to endure skits and plays based on film, theater, and the imagination that only a recreational serial-killer can have regarding their victims.
Your skits and plays will provide you with hours of entertainment and gift you with many hours of you and your victims acting as friends on film and their delirious actions will provide you with an alibi and tons of films to make juries and the former family and friends of your victims laugh. More importantly is it'll provide you with a bazillion films to motivate dirty cops that you don't own, and those you will soon own. Soon children will be screaming melodious screams of pain and terror for your amusement and later, when you tire of playing with them or if they get a little bit too powerful, well, you know.
The part I left out...
Step four...
Actually, it's "step all". It's something that you can say that will render your victims powerless. It's a simple sentence of words so powerful that once you utter them in front of a victim it will absolutely destroy them and their credibility in the eyes of law-enforcement and give your dirty prosecutors a powerful weapon to destroy your victims publicly, and with lots of laughs! In fact, I'd say that the phrase is soooo powerful that, it, those few words by themselves more than double your chance of never getting caught, ever! Those few words, when spoken by a madman barely able to contain his laughter are the key to a rapist's success by a factor of 10 to one!
Once your victims, like I did, multiple times, repeat the phrase I call "THE PHRASE THAT PAYS" to... cops they'll snicker and laugh at your victim's story. My name is David George and I endorse this. IT WORKS!
What is the phrase that pays? Phht! I ain't telling! HAH! But here's how a murderous skit can give you and your rape pals a lot of fun, and arm your dirty cops with a story sure to get tham a medal for bravery if they should kill your delirious victim while you're having the time of your life. Don't say I never gave you anything.
I woke up to the sounds of gunfire delerious on who knows what drug? It was circa 1980 and I was in a kitchen in a family home I didn't recognise and hog-tied thouroughly with clothesline. My Buddy and the guy I suspect society will call Serial-Rapist were both there. It was daylight and we were in a wooded area. I had no idea where I was, nor how I got there. The first thing I noticed was that there were a lot more bullet-holes present than the gunfight as I saw it could account for. Between thier shots I asked the pair of teenagers to untie me. They ignored me for a while.
Eventually, My Buddy untied me and when I asked what had happened he told me we were in the gunfight of our lives because we'd just robbed a bank. THAT was news too me and I told him I didn't buy it. Live rounds wizzed over our heads.
I tried to surrender with my hands up. Shots landed all around me, forcing me into the house with threats that we'd tried to trick them too often, they didn't buy it.
My Buddy and Serial-Rapist counseled me to fight it out to the death with them. Since they were going to kill us anyway.
Me? I hatched a bold, very dangerous plan. I told the police, the Bay City Police that I was surrendering, something that by now they'd refused with gunfire a few times. "I'm coming out with my back to you and my hands up! You can shoot me in the back if you want but that's murder one".
Dirty Cop argued it wasn't murder because he figured it was merely a ruse to facilitate my escape and or his death.
Eh, so I walked out backwards and Dirty Cop arrested me and cuffed me. I turned around to see he wasn't alone. The then teenaged "Four Stars" and Duh Jerk were there with some other gangbangers, one of whom, a child, was armed with a rather bulky movie camera. In walking out backwards I couldn't tell that it'd been Child-Molestor regulars who'd been conducting a skit to kill me, to cover up "The Gym", revenge for "The Gym", and, I'd suppose, lots of fun for them, and an opportunity for Dirty Cop to get a medal for bravery for my murder! How do I know? Duh Jerk bragged and laid out the whole plan after he admitted defeat. "This just isn't working". That and that they'd been trying to get me to fall for their skit all day, and this was the time they chose to "Go all out with the ammunition (in quantity).
Later, I figured My Buddy had been manipulated and Serial-Rapist? I lived with him... he usually snickered and boasted when he gleefully discussed my attempted murder back then, I didn't give him the chance to gloat. He usually said. "I can do anything mean I want to you and then just go ask _ _ (Honor honor honor) to tell you to hang out with me again and you will". My buddy claimed to have no memory of it.
Later it was bragged to me that they'd indeed used live ammo. That if I'd taken the bait, fallen for their skit, eventually the clips would've been filled with blanks, then Dirty Cop could've rushed me fearlessly and blown my brains out and gotten a medal for it too! Based on the film showing him bravely charging scumbag bankrobber me. Then the gang could release a few of their choice films starring me and everyone could go to bed that night knowing justice had been served. Case closed.
Yeah, whatever...
WHAT IS MURDER? ENQUIRING MINDS (And clueless mid-Michigan... cops) WANT TO KNOW...
What is "murder"? If you've ever served in mid-Michigan law-enforcement you probably don't know. Hey, I'm not here to embarrass you, I'm here to help you by providing you with a definition so you don't end up looking bad when you get a big shiny medal at a cop convention for police excellence for investigating said subject in what is literally (when you check the statistics) and arguably the worst batch of law-enforcement agencies to ever exist since industrialized societies started keeping accurate records (don't take my word for it, do your own research). Please oh ye mid-Michigan... cops, don't all thank me at once or send me money. Just knowing that you guys are out there is reward enough for me. GULP!
[ múrdər ]
crime of killing somebody: the crime of killing another person deliberately and not in self-defense or with any other extenuating circumstance recognized by law
something difficult or unpleasant: something that is very difficult or unpleasant and involves great effort or hardship
kill somebody illegally: to kill another person deliberately and not in self-defense or with any other extenuating circumstance recognized by law
A SET UP, FOR MURDER... A Bay City... cop quote. "They wouldn't do something like that. I've met those guys. They're nice guys".
Life isn't all peaches and cream after the gang-rape and torture, unlike what most mid-Michigan... cops have been led to believe (with a fanatical blinding belief zelously and arrogantly applied in thier always myopic and tunnel-vision-like manner). This time was no different. After the torture, gang-rapes with man & woman & child & beast & appliance, cattle-prods, beatings, sleep-deprivation, eh, the usual (stuff enlightened mid-Michigan... cops tell me ISN'T torture, even if true) the gang explained to me, that it wasn't enough... more "revenge" was needed to make up for the horror that the gang's member's had to endure during... you guessed it... during "The Gym". Ya know, when an entire organized-crime gang of child-pornographers came down with a case of incurable penis-envy in a middle-school gym way back in fall of 1976. Here's how...
Duh jerk bitch-slapped me awake! SLAP! I looked around and could see that I was in a 2nd story room, likely some sort of business, school, or converted apartment of some sort. I could see big trees swaying across the street and hear the sounds of traffic in the street below. Across from me was a blond man, about my age, weight, and build similarly tied up with ropes, a pair of oversized Jocks, Duh Weasel, Fagboy, & Shortstuff beside an average looking African-American teen of slightly less than average build. He was maybe 15-16 years old. Yeah, I strained at the ropes & even cried out for help.
Duh Jerk informed me that I could yell all I wanted, it mattered not because everyone downstairs was a card-carrying Child-Molestor. He went on to explain that the gang had had enough of me, revenge for the gym was a debt that was to be repaid here, and now with a life-sentence in prison at the hands of what he declared would be a bunch of honest... cops who were about to raid this child-porn/drug-dealing factory and find a ton of child-porn staring myself amid many illegal drugs. I had been tied up using quick-slip knots and as the police stormed the building the teen would be left behind to undo my bindings with a single jerk and to testify against me. A testimony that would be very believable due to the many films and books staring myself the "honest"... cops would soon find. He, they just wanted me to know who it was who'd destroyed me.
Yeah, we had some back and forth insulting where they reassured the Teen that he was doing society and the gang a favor by framing serial-killing me before the snickering quartet left with thier jocks. He made it a point to prove to the Teen all of his accusations by showing him the pictures one last time. "And don't let them talk". He said pointing at me as they left.
Me? I waited until the quartet seemed to be a good distance away and asked the blond guy. "Do you know this building"? Then. "Do you know the layout"?
The teen told me. "SHUT UP! They ordered me not to let you talk".
A retorted. "Man... SHUT THE F _ _ _ UP! I know you heard them talk about how many people I've killed so shut up because if you come near me I'll bite off a finger or something"!
The Blond Guy described the building to me as a 2 story former apartment building split in half down the middle lined with apartments on either side of a long hallway. He filled in the gaps of what I'd already known about the building based on their shuffling me from room to room and torturing & raping me therein. He described us as being in a mostly residential neighborhood.
"Do you know what city we're in"?
It seems to me that he said. "Detroit"? I was terrified. I'd have a lot of money if I had a dollar for every time the gang told me that thier 3rd shift dirty... cops in thier Detroit area Jail would cheerfully beat me to death, or kill me by hanging me if I ever found myself as a guest there.
I planned...
In times past I've taken the credit, good or bad for the plans I've come up with but no longer. Truth be told I remember saying a prayer begging God to give me the wisdom to come up with a plan to get me out of this. I prayed for strength because my tortured body and mind just weren't up to 100% because of all of the deprivation and the torture. This is what came of said plan...
Eventually, we didn't wait long, all hell broke loose when sirens raided the building from every direction and... cops-o-plenty stormed the building with much shouting. The Teen first tried to free me but I lunged for him and nearly bit him! So he chose to free the Blond first who just stood in place at the table we were seated at and then he freed me with a single yank on the rope binding me. As he freed me the Teen spoke in a loud but not quite a yell voice. "HE'S UP HERE"! It was like he was trying to yell but had trouble yelling because of the huge grin on his face.
I stood up and with a few subtil moves caused the rope to fall to the ground in mere moments.
Then he yelled out his last word ever. "HE'S... because I lept up and grabbed his mouth and smashed him against a cupboard along the wall. Then I readjusted my grip on his head and twisted the child's neck with all of my might! K-K-K-K-KRACK! Then I dropped his body right there by the door between the round table and the cupboards.
Blond Guy looked stunned! I could hear the sounds of police storming the building and it sounded like an altercation was happening on the stairs. I snapped Blond back to reality by asking him something like. "Can you take me to the wall dividing the buildings or not"?
He looked floored and starred at the Teen. He pointed at the formerly bragging teen and said. "You killed him"!
I countered. "Nah. He's probably just faking it. He's okay". While motioning to him that we should leave.
"But his head's on backwards"!
What he said make me wonder so I focused my eyes through the drug-induced ripples and pondered the child before me. He wasn't smiling anymore, he even looked peaceful to me. Gulp, peaceful as one can look while lying flat on his stomach while his head stared straight up at the ceiling.
I shouted louder. "Snap out of it! Can you take me to the wall diving this apartment from the other or not"?
He told me he could and we ran down a hall to the wall where Blond announced. "Here it is. This is the wall seperating the apartments but there's no way to get through it. Come on! We'll have to take our chances and run past the cops".
Me? I backed up and then smashed through the wall (not easy, the wall was made of plaster with little boards running the width of it every few inches) and told the even more stunned Blond Guy to follow me! We ran to the first floor with the... cops half-way down the hallway behind us the whole way and to the exit where I told Blond to walk casually out past the police lines and to not breath hard, lest such an act give us away to officers who might be outside the door. "Be quiet and let me do all the talking".
So we walked out of the building and past a dozen cops... briskly while I said. "This is so cool! I always wanted to see a police sting". Kinda loudly. You could hear the team of shouting cops inside the building, where they were, and the facts that they were all running quickly and that they wanted thier fellow officers outside to stop... someone.
We'd almost made it across the street when the team of heavily burdened S.W.A.T.... cops came barreling out of the building and pointed at us and declared thier intention to get us! We ran! In about a block or so we'd broken visual contact with the pursuing... cops so I told Blond to change direction 90 degrees and to stop running within a block. Then I suggested that we abandon our shirts and ballcaps and try our luck walking directly back to the building we'd just fled!
Cops were everywhere, sirens blaring, people pointing, lotsa people in cuffs, and we walked past the building where it all started. At one point I even listened in as a... cop on a different side of the building (who presumably hadn't seen us) was radioing in a perfect description of both of us while we walked within arm's length of him!
In another block I suggested we use something sharp to cut the legs off of our pants to turn them into shorts. Blond balked at first but when I told him to get lost or do it he complied. So we stripped to our skivvies on the street and cut the legs off our pants with a sharp object we'd just found. I checked my pockets and found that I still had my hidden emergency quarter on me so I asked Blond if he knew anyone who might come and get us and he said yes. So we used, MY LAST QUARTER IN THE WORLD! After the call Blond then suggested that we go across town were he had some friend's who'd get us out of town.
The walk across town was uneventful other than when the many... cops drove by (presumably looking for us) and it all ended in a public park with one side leading into some woods.
At a park his friends pulled up in a couple of vans. First 2 groups of teenagers disgorged and ran in a wide semi-circle behind us as a large group of men and children vomited forth from the other vehicles. It was Duh Jerk and the gang with thier pet Dirty Cop.
The first thing Duh Jerk asked me was. "Do you know why I had those kids run around you"?
"No. But I'm sure you'll tell me".
"Because I'm tired of you escaping us by running away. Those kids are endurance track running stars and they're here to trip you up if you should try to resist". He boasted about a few snipers he'd positioned in the woods and in a building or two... just in case I tried another desperation run for freedom or made a last stand.
"I ain't resisting".
"Hmph. I've heard that one before".
Duh Jerk proudly announced that Blond was a card-carrying Child-Molestor himself, who was on his way to prison. "How do you think we knew where you were going to be in order to set you up and recapture you"? Then he turned to Blond Guy and said. "Why did you help him escape"? He said while pointing at me.
Blond Guy protested that he'd been ordered to seem to help me escape if the subject came up.
"You didn't have to help him try to escape so well".
Blond Guy was nearly crying when he said. "After he killed that kid I was scared. You told me he was a killer and when he told me to tell him where the wall dividing the apartments was I thought I was leading him to where he'd be trapped".
"But you helped him avoid the police. You could've yelled out and got him arrested".
"I was just so scared. I thought he'd kill me if I tried".
"Well, you're going to be punished for this. You thought a few years in prison was going to be bad but wait until you find out what we're going to do to you next".
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Dirty Cop whipped out his gun and began spouting about a citizen's arrest, legitimized by all of the witnesses and the camera crew he had & a dead black teenager who he had witnesses who told him I'd killed the youth. At one point during the standoff he bragged about his airtight alibi. "I've got an airtight alibi. I'm here to testify in a court case and I've travelled here with you... with me and he had a "cop hunch" that I was said wanted killer and he was a heroic... cop who's hunch had been spot on, a story not even a single... cop would question (according to him).
Uhhh... I never reported any of this to the... cops. I just couldn't muster up the strength.
Tell me oh wise one among my readers, tell me this, what do you suppose would've happened to me if I'd changed my plan in the beginning to staying put and trying to reason with the nice... cops?

Bay City... Cop style!
Yeah, a few of the Bay City... cops tried to kill me. Some tried to do it secretly, a few got involved in a case that will have up to 100 coconspiritors and over 1,000 witnesses, and a couple of times, they tried to kill me openly, here's one of those times.
Read on about a tale I've called "Open Murder... Bay City.. cop style"! Alternate title: "A bridge over very troubled waters. A Bay City... cop story".
Sooo... there I was
walking over Bay City's
Veteran's Memorial
Bridge alone in broad
daylight traveling from
west to east (that's from
right to left in the pic-
ture on the northern-
most side walk just
minding my own bees-
wax. At the tme of this
writing I don't recall
where I was going nor
where I was coming
from (the data is ir-
relevent anyway) but by
my recolection it seemed to be just another noring mundane day.
A man, about my age & height was passing me by walking on my left on the sidewalk while being paralelled by what otherwise seemed like light traffic.
Then the man shoved me into traffic with a powerfull blow. POW! I was sent reeling into oncoming traffic! While I was splayed out on the road I could see a semi-truck coming and I realized that I didn't have time to recover from the fall before it hit me. I was a goner unless I could think fast!
To be continued. See: Open mrder... Bay City... cop style continued to find out what happened next.

No one would film thier rape... would they? Just ask any card-carrying Child-Molestor and they'll all give you the same answer.
HOW TO KILL CHILDREN AS A HOBBY... Apparently, it's easy, fun, and lucrative. Trust me, if you do it absurd enough the... cops will laugh at your victims...
"You know most of the children we use against you are from other cities don't you"?
"Yeah, I already figured that one out".
"How do you figure"?
"Because if they came from Bay City I'd have bumped into a few of them a lot more. That and the kids from the gym told me that you used kids from other cities to do your dirty work around here and a few of your people bragged about it over the years in the [Bunga-Bunga] Garages when I was being raped".
"Ohhh. You know most of the people you killed came from other cities don't you"?
"I figured as much".
"When you tell the cops about the murders they'll tell you you're crazy because the number of people you killed wont pan out with the number of people that are reported killed around here". Yeah, yeah, yeah, dirty... cops... dirty coroners... dirty rape shelter workers... dirty councilors... dirty doctors... I never stood a chance... I don't stand a chance... and I and any easily manipulated cops that I ever convince to give me half a chance will never stand a chance against them. Yada... yada... yada...
I could tell the reader many versions of this particular tale. No... wait. maybe I cant. You see, the weird group of guys stalking kidnapping and torturing my for revenge and profit keep me dosed pretty good with whatever their drug(s?) are, a few of these tales are just a collection of fragmented memories, tales inflicted my a group of madmen who chant to me things like unto. "I don't care who gets hurt". And the ever popular. "I will follow you unto the ends of the earth". And the always fun to say. "We will follow you around for the rest of your life". Trust me oh ye Dirty... cop assistants and career child-killing hobbyists who might be reading this. The... cops think the entire subject is hilarious.
I've tried to stay away from the tales that are too broken up by the drugs and the deprivation, too fragmented. Eh, this tale isn't just one tale... it's at least 4, maybe more? Fragmented bits of drug-induced sleep depraved nightmares inflicted on me by madmen, thier gang, and by their many many dirty... cop assistants. Prepare to yuck it up you skeptic... cops. Hey, maybe it's a tale about kids from your neighborhood, maybe your old school chum's kids, maybe it's about one of your old neighbor's kids? If it's about some kid you never heard of does that make you feel better when it's laugh-time... I mean interrogation time... Uh.. I mean does it make you feel better when you conduct an interview on... I mean with an alleged victim? Eh, probably. All the... cops I ever met seem to think that murder rape and torture are the most hilarious subjects on earth. Well... prepare to yuck it up again boys.
Sooo, there I was, being tossed around by a roomfull of pre-teens in what seemed to a room with similar architecture to that found among the building of the Bay City Public Schools System, this time. The other times happened in what seemed to be houses, or inside of some company's building. Towering Jocks stand beside the smiling madmen and at least 20 or so children are slapping me in the face one by one and shoving me to the next child. I was no small guy, it took them a little effort. The memory is horribly fragmented, it breaks up, the people in the room change position, the sun moves from time to time, I can see it above me because I seem to be in a basement looking up at it. Dirty Cop was there a few times, in his full Police uniform of course. He never smiled once.
Yeah, during a few semi-lucid moments I tried to reason with them. An exercise in futility I assure you. Those... children's job is to torture and they very much love thier job (The... cops seem to think that that too, is hilarious).
Frustrated, and tired of wasting time on yet another foolish head-on charge against my waiting jock kidnappers I hatched a new plan to end the festivities.
In a moment of time I became lucid. More challenging than the laymen might think. Why?, Because you suspect that your long-term memory is about to reset in 10-15 seconds. Thus, if you want to make a plan to escape and act on it. Your sleep-deprived drug-dazzed mind had better correctly asses the situation you're in, make a plan, and you'd better be doing it in less than 15 seconds or you'll be caught in a endless memory loop of wondering what to do next? Endlessly assessing the fact that you are kidnapped. Making a quick survey of what you're against. Making a plan to deal with it. Then acting on it. I've never me a... cop who didn't think that these few things were perhaps among the easiest tasks in all the world. Yeah... yuck it up skeptic... cops. Yuck... it... up...
So there I was. The clock is ticking 15 second... tick tick tick.. I asses the situation before me. Torture sucks, the sessions adults inflicted on me prior to this weren't fun, neither was this. Tick tick tick... I recall a few of my endless escape attempts on what may have been this very day.... tick tick tick... I've got to end this... before it escalates... because surely the gang are going to kill me this time for all the horrors they've inflicted on me and the indignities they've suffered because of thier ineptitude handling me from time to time. It all adds up... Tick tick tick... My memory is about to reset... tick tick tick... I've got to act now.... Tick tick tick...
So I grabbed the next child to assault me, slammed them against the "drug table" by the waist. Grabbed his, her, thier head (we're talking multiple storiies, spread over years), and twisted their neck with all my might! K-K-K-K-K-KRACK!
The party, the parties came to an end.
Laugh... cop laugh.
HOW TO SPOT A DIRTYHull...COP...It's all just a joke... very much based on the truth and not meant to imply anyone's corrupt, incompetent, or just a pain-ole bad... cop.
How to spot a "dirty cop"? It's easier than you might think. The child-molester's I've met in life have discussed the Hull... subject with me at length. How? I'm glad you asked Hull...
Spotting a dirty... cop? Hmmm... If it was so easy EVERYONE would be doing it Hull...
A card-Carrying Child-Molestor once summed it up best to me. "You want to know how to spot a dirty cop? Did you ever notice when you go to the cops that there's always one who will Hull...never even address the possibility that you might be telling the truth. WHen you look at thier paperwork Hull... about your case it wont even acknowledge the possibility that someone Hull... was even mean to you. It's so that other cops wont even bring up the possibility that someone's being mean to you".
Here I shall address... cops. Skeptic, septic, dirty, clean, and those in between and reason with them using facts, that one could extrapolate to form an opinion (I know, I know, I just totally lost the Mid-Michigan... cops reading this. I'll suggest some remedial reading material at the end of this to keep your interest). Here goes...
You... cops have never avenged me. You have never recovered stolen property from me, I've been assaulted a bazzilion times, often in full view of the... cops and even in the police station and all it took was a few well-placed insults to get... cops in any community to look the other way. One can deduce from this that, according to you Hull... that I've had the most perfect life. No one's ever wronged me, ever, otherwise, by deduction, you... cops would've gone out and caught all the bad guys long ago Hull..., am I right? Indeed... I must've had the most perfect life in all of America's history... otherwise... cop records would show it... right?
As touching any accusations I might be lying... the way boasting card-carrying Child-Molestors have bragged they dupe... cops, is to say I'm crazy and lying rather than to say I'm insane and actually believe what I'm saying. Basicly, that their Dirty... cops have to say I'm a crazy liar rather than insane and telling stories for whatever the reason is they think they can sell to their fellow otherwise good but easily manipulated... cops because any other response would beg the question. "If this guy (the author) really believes what he's saying as opposed to making it all up then maybe it's possible that someone's being mean to him"?
Someone being mean to me in the murderous rapist-infested ruins of the declining Detroit/Saginaw/Flint Michigan area? The admitted on-going rape & murder capital from a given year to a given year (sometimes... other areas beat them out... and then lose the title to the area soon enough)?
4 years... FOUR YEARS I'VE HAD THIS WEBSITE GOING...FOUR YEARS and not a single police interview... no one wants to chat... not a single... cop wants to "confab" at all? NOT ONE?!?!?!?!?!? If any... and I mean ANY... cop says they've interviewed me since I left Bay City in 2010 then they've been duped... or are a lying stinking DIRTY COP!!!!!!
FOUR YEARS? All this rape? All this killing? AND NOT ONE SINGLE... COP WANTS TO CHAT?!
Say what you want...

The way the Molestors brag it to me is that they regularly milk the business community of Bay City using threats like. Give us cash or we'll expose these films of David George. There'll be a huge trial and it'll ruin your Fourth of July Celebration".
How's that work you wonder? I'm glad you asked. You see, Bay City Michigan relies heavily on tourism that something like... hmmm, lets say a very public trial of a well-filmed alleged serial-killer like me would adversely affect. I hear it keeps the... cops in line too. They dare not move against the gang or the city's leaders would come down on them so hard it'd make their heads swim.
How does this affect you... "organized crime who have nothing to do with the gang"? I'm glad you asked and for entertainment purposes I'll point out a few things.
You see, the area's leaders are terrified. Yup, paralyzed. Lets say... a rival gang, like you moved into the area. The locals are already predisposed to cover-up your every misdeed, in general. AND as a bonus will be all too glad to cover up the very existence of your gang because they cant afford to have it ruin their tourist dollars. Picture it. You can move in, and they'll go out of their way to make sure you're not exposed. They might arrest a guy or 2 but any mass arrests, particularly near the 4th of July will be an impossibility. You can go anywhere, do almost anything and they'll cover it up for the low low cost of... "FREE"! As long as it's "gang related" because they're terrified that anything will affect their tourist money". Many of the area businesses are a single payment away from the poorhouse and between bank loans and keeping the Child-Molestors off their backs they'll do anything to keep the tourist money coming in. Jump through any hoop, cover-up anything, help you destroy anyone... as long as it isn't them.
Eh, you might do well to make a pay-off or3 but if I was you I wouldn't pay the area's... cops much. From what I hear they're already predisposed to some pretty lean payoffs. That and some, many, most, or even all of'em pay a huge chunk of their salary to the gang blackmailing them. They work for peanuts.
Remember. When you think Bay City or Saginaw Michigan... cop think cheap child-molester chumpchange payoff.
Don't believe me? Just look at the front of the local Police Station in Bay City. There's a picture of a... cop taking a handoff from a little girl.
Don't say I never gave you anything!
This has been for entertainment purposes only. Probably.
CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017
Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!
In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.
Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.
When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.
This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.
What does this mean?
Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".
Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.
I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.
Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.
To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.
Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.
Please help me!
Today is January 12, 2018 & I'm writing of my own free will. I have made no deals with... cops nor prosecutors. I have no aspirations of fame based on my tale nor cash for any part of it (who'd want to be known for any of this? What kind of person would seek to profit from this? I'll leave that to the many... cops, Police, Prosecutors, & Judges who will in all probability make a fortune in cash due to all this)? My goal is the truth. In my religion it says The truth shall set you free.
I alleged this particular tale in my letters to the F/B.I. but never touched on it much. The fact that when talking body count as of today 01-12-18 we're about 1/2 way through the body count... maybe. Worse? I fear I'm rounding up when I should be rounding down.
I shall address here, touch the subject of the goings on at what was my new house at 1214 Webster in Bay City Michigan in a gang-professed "child-molester enclave". A spot where everyone in all the nearby homes we all card-carrying child-molesters enabling the gang to commit horrors upon myself & many, many innocent victims. A place of spying, degradation, hidden cameras & ruined lives.
It was a place where supported by my family the gang drugged & kidnapped me with impunity between the years of 1978 & 1981. Sometimes monthly, sometimes weekly, sometimes daily, and even conducted extended operations for up to a month at a time.
During this time I was getting "snitches" & card-carrying gang-bangers walking up on me sometimes every few days & talking about the gang's last PRACTICAL jokes simulating death & the gang's latest killing spree where it was I doing the killing. Single people. Couples. Groups. Nite. Day. Sometimes I resisted. Other times I giddily slew the begging victims both innocent and loyal to the gang. Most died quickly but some died slowly. A few... I really never talked about it much... a few got away! A few of those got away because I became lucid or semi-lucid & facilitated their escape.
Then why haven't I gotten to writing about all of them you ask (Skeptic & Dirty... cops probably want to know?)? Well... I have. A lot of them. But some of the more delirious times. Drugged, sleep-deprived, dazed, & confused they took me all over the country & convinced me to kill people for profit, revenge, & their recreation. Sometimes daily. Maybe even hourly at times. Where exactly? Idano? You'd be surprised how little recreational serial-killers respect their victims at times. But a whole lotta people died.
And a whole lotta people were involved. Lots & lots and bunches & bunches of people were involved. So many that I feel comfortable using the word "gang" & the words "rapist community". It IS a rapist community in the former Women's Rape Capital of America & it's border communities.
Giddily killing... them & I. Laughing at the deaths. Screaming victims both innocent AND loyal to the gang dying sometimes humane & sometimes horrific deaths. All on film.
I didn't giddily kill them all. Some died in grim determination & others died because I was scared whether real or drug-induced & sleep-deprived imagined.
The gang brag it's all about revenge. Revenge for "The Gym" is a big part of it but that only singled me out. The real scam was to leverage leadership roles in the gang & to recruit as many people as possible for revenge & profit based on each victim's particular story.
Thanks for less than nothing... cops.
Yeah... Thanks for less than nothing. All of you.
By the way... would you Law-Enforcement Champions please consider saving me? If at all possible? Please?
Help? Please help?