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“Bay City to Boulder Connect the dots...”.


  It all began circa 1990ish, about the time I got married…

  I was touring a magnificent mansion that I had no idea where it was & with people who I didn’t know & it didn’t alarm me one bit. The white-haired man told me he was the owner & wanted to show me the place from room to room. It was stunning with many giant rooms with high ceilings & fine art objects everywhere…. all on film. There was a cameraman filming our every interaction with the guy I’ll nickname “Fearless Leader”, and “The Quartet soon to be a trio, & a few jocks.

  It seemed like a marvelous place to explore until… I became lucid. These weren’t friendly people giving me a tour. I felt the all too familiar sensation that I was drugged & instantly realized that this was a kidnapping! I tried to leave and the group pounced on me as one! If I said I lasted 2 seconds I’d be rounding up.

  A woman, short, black shoulder length hair curled in at the bottom, in her 30s prepared a syringe as I struggled in vain & shouted. The gang called her... "The Nurse". “This is a kidnapping”!

  Fearless Leader smiled smugly & said. “I know”.

  So I asked the million dollar question. “Why are you doing this to me”?

  He answered matter of factly. “Because Duh Jerk sent you to us so we could torture you because you’re such a scumbag”. Then he told me (and repeated it often) that Duh Jerk felt it was important that I should know he arranged this. That because of their films showing that I was nature’s most vile scumbag they could torture me with impunity. He told me that the film of me quietly touring his mansion would be particularly damming in court should he ever need to prove that I had been his employee or friend.

  The short dark-haired woman, the woman whom they called “The Nurse” came over & injected who knows what into my arm? She was a tireless torturer & handled all of the drugs. I looked into the faces of my smiling kidnappers & could only see glee, no pity, no remorse, pure unadulterated glee as the world began to fade away…



  To me it seemed like I was just another single horny-Christian, recently converted, again to the Baptist religion after having lost my faith over a decade ago.

  This beautiful Italian woman was hitting on me at a romantic candle lit dinner while soft romantic music played in the background of an average middle class living room sparsely furnished with a few paintings, a couch, love seat, chair, small TV on a stand & little else. Virtually nothing else. Looking out into the darkness I could see I was in an average working-class neighborhood of 1 & 2 story homes. I’ve decided to call the poor little rich girl by the nickname “Flesh”.

  I had no idea why Flesh, the gal in her late 20’s with the good birthing hips & full breasts was hitting on me & I didn’t care. In fact, I had no idea where I was nor who these people were & it didn’t alarm me one bit, even as the world rippled occasionally in my drug induced state. The Quartet, soon to be a trio were all assembled & sitting around me, 2 women, & 2 men, &me.

  There was good food, romantic music, & some lovely Italian babe was hitting on me. Then, she stood up & grabbed me by the wrist & dragged me to her bedroom (she didn’t have to drag me very hard) while The Trio said things like. “I guess someone’s going to get lucky”. At the time it didn’t occur to me but later as I recall it the camera sat there the entire time on a tripod, filming the entire scene for their nefarious plans. The horror… the horror…


  It all happened in the back of the mansion. The beat-downs became a regular thing & Fearless Leader bragged that they’d be working on me in shifts to beat me & keep me awake for weeks so I’d be delirious enough to do the horrible deeds that Duh Jerk had promised them I’d do for their amusement.

  The way it worked, on film, was they’d stand around with me chatting with me in a drugged daze, and then they’d escalate the conversation to violence. A fight would ensue & people I could normally lift with one arm tossed me around like a rag doll! Smacking me & laughing the whole while & tossing me to the next gang-banger who’d deliver slaps or body blows & toss me to the next & so on.  Every now & then I’d get in a few good licks & that was when the poor little rich girl Flesh stepped up to me, often grabbed me forcefully & said the Child-Molestor mantra. “Calm down! You’re dreaming”!

  So I did. Then they waited until my long-term memory shorted out, began a conversation, and the entire scene repeated endlessly usually ending with the poor little rich girl Flesh saying her mantra. “Calm down! You’re dreaming”! Every now & then Flesh’s trick didn’t work or I became lucid. The gang were always poised already surrounding me & pounced on me as one at Fearless Leader’s command. “Everybody get him”!

  Weeks passed & the gang kept up their relentless torture in shifts just like Fearless said. When I say gang don’t picture a rough tough gang of scarred * leather clad hooligans, no, instead picture a gang of 15-20 average middle & upper class looking people  mostly in their late 20’s to their 40s. The ever-present jocks were usually in their early 20’s & looked at least 6’8” or bigger, literally.

  The rest are vague recollections mixed with drug-hazed memories inflicted upon me by madmen. Ow…


BACK IN THE HOUSE OF SEDUCTION… the quartet are just beginning to warm up…

  Murder was on the menu in the sparsely furnished house of seduction. This time the quartet & I sat in the living room in with them. They sat boy & girl on the couch, a guy in the chair, & the poor little rich girl Flesh beside me on the love seat. They began to talk about this super woman-beating, child-molesting, thief, and liar, murderer, who’d soon walk through the front door & began to say things like. “Someone should kill that guy”. Over & over.

  Eventually a thin Hispanic man in his early 30’s or less came walking in. He was quite thin & never spoke a word. Then the quartet pointed at him & said things to me like. “There he is! Kill him”!

  On the first attempts I recall that I laughed. “I ain’t gonna kill some guy just because you guys say he’s a scumbag”. They kept verbally trying to get me to kill him & I refused. Then Fearless came out of the back room with his gang, gang-bangers flowed in the front door & they subdued me! When I protested Fearless said things like. “Oh you’ll kill him. We just have to keep trying”. “We’ll try again drug him”. Prompting “The Nurse” to drug me anew with a fresh syringe. We’ll just try again. You won’t remember anything”.

  I know it’s nearly impossible for the layman to believe but… he was right! They could repeat it over & over & when I was drugged anew I didn’t remember a thing! I say this to any uninformed readers. Doctors don’t warn people that drugs impair judgment for no reason. They do impair judgment & whatever their drug(s?) are impairs the victim’s judgment greatly. What this means is that things that’d normally occur to a rational sober mind just won’t occur to the drugged mind. That & even the simple understand that drugs short-circuit inhibitions, making people say & do things they’d never do nor consent to off of the drugs. Powerful drugs only make the situation worse. Ow…

  The scene in the house of seduction repeated… I didn’t laugh. “This is a kidnapping”! In flowed the gang…

  The scene in the house of seduction repeated… So I looked out the front window & saw the gang. Then I tried to run past them and succeeded! Then, in  a few blocks I passed out…

  The scene in the house of seduction repeated… This time I refused & just walked out. There was no one to stop me after the times I checked the window first. So in the morning or evening sunlight I walked off, I recall admiring a sign that read “Little Rock Arkansas”. The group had gone to great lengths to discuss the fact that we were in Little Rock Colorado over & over & over…



  What more is there to say? By now, weeks(?) later I was drugged & sleep-deprived into complete delirium. We were in a city, at night, alongside an alley completely void of traffic and The blonde guy of The Quartet handed me a pistol & said. Take this pistol & shoot the guy in the alley".

  So I walked int the alley flanked by 2 story businesses & shot him, presumably to death. BANG! BANG!

  This repeated a few times. Once I became lucid after the shootings, then I fought off the quartet & a uniformed police officer in a marked police car arrested me at gunpoint.

  I submitted. The gang came at me en-mass with a syringe & the smiling madmen drugged me & the world faded away...



  In a moment of time I became lucid in the back seat of a large 4-door American car. We were driving down the highway in normal traffic & the Quartet were the only people in the car I recognized from the mansion. The Child-Molestors had been taking me from place to place in public & filming me, then piling on me & drugging me if I became lucid & protested or tried to escape. Flesh was next to me in the back seat & we were in-between the enforcers tasked with guarding me.

  The first thing I thought was. "This is a kidnapping. I've got to act boldly before my memory resets"! Then I sprang up and grabbed the steering wheel with all my might & jerked it as hard as I could. WOW! Were the others in that car surprised! We instantly spun around & around out of control & the occupants minus myself screamed as a 16-wheeler hit his horn & narrowly (I mean narrowly!) missed us! The fight was on & the first thing I did was go for the syringe armed kidnapper knocking their needles harmlessly to the floor of the car!

  We fought! Then one of them said. F@#! it this ain't worth it"! Then the rest of them retreated from the car. I thought to drive but the world was wobbly & I knew I'd never be able to even pretend to drive. Yet another bonus for the Child-Molestors for keeping their victims on drugs.

  So I got out of the car & stepped into the highway & tried to take stock of my situation. I was in an industrial park with chain-linked fences to either side. I looked up at the sign above the road & it said. "Boulder". It also had an arrow that pointed to the right.

  I began to flag down cars & at first they simply drove past me than when I yelled for help. The team got back in their car & circled me in wide circles. So I amended my plan & began to stand in front of cars bringing them to a quick halt! Then I begged. "Please help me this is a kidnapping"!

  My kidnappers shouted from their open car windows. "He's crazy! He always says that"!

  I begged car after car for a rid or for help & driver after driver refused to give me a ride. Sad but true... On the plus side every single one of them agreed to call the police on my behalf & my kidnappers didn't yell at all of them.

  Eventually the world began to fade... So I climbed a fence & asked a few parking lot security guards for help. To make a long story short Flesh was able to drug me when I collapsed & a couple of local cops showed up to tell the security guards. He does this all the time". It made for a surreal setting as they all calmly chatted over top of me whole I flopped around trying my best to fight off the new dose of drugs. Then, the world simply faded away...



  At the time of this writing I'm getting tired of writing so I'll just write the short version. I figure I'm probably doomed no matter who you believe, them or I.

  The male portion of The Quartet were all outside of a bank with me who knows where when one of them pulled out a note & said. "Since you're dreaming why not take this note & go rob that bank"?. He was pointing to a bank in the dark.

  So I went inside, handed the note to the teller, the teller gave me a bag, then I left.

  They greeted me outside & the 2nd in command of The Quartet (wearing a ski-mask) said. "Give me the bag".

  So I did...

  Later, I was gang-raped by the gang, a bunch of average looking guys at best while strapped to the floor. A camera filmed the entire event & Fearless stood threatening me while forcing me to watch the films of the alley slayings & the bank job. He told me that if I joined the Child-Molestors I would be spared. "Our state is not like Michigan. We have the death penalty here".

  I told him. "I'll take my chances". I'll take my chances with the police.

  Next the female half of his gang raped me while I was strapped to a table face up. It was a line-up of the most beautiful & cultured well-dressed women I'd ever been in a room with. They were mostly middle-aged but some were young & some were old. They wore expensive outfits & gold jewelry & accessories. I asked Fearless & he told me they were his country club friends while they stood there chatting, waiting in line to be the next to rape me.



  THE CEREMONY… gulp!!!

  There I was standing next to Flesh in what I can guess was some sort of ceremony in a dimly lit room. The rest of the Quartet stood to the left & right of us and two sets of ten rows of seats flanked either side of the long room with all of us facing a pulpit where Fearless Leader stood. Everyone had candles and Fearless was talking about who knows what?

  In a moment of time I became lucid. You know what reader? I probably should've written this next part down more but I didn't in previous tales. Here goes... I became lucid. In times past I recall pondering what I might do next, only to have my memory "reset" & I'd forget all of my recently accumulated memories because of their drug(s?). In times past, like this time I thought to myself. "I've been kidnapped! I've got to act boldly right now before my memory resets"! It all happened at some weird moment because I recall that my lucid moment began with me saying. "You guys are all devil-worshipers"!?

  The crowd attacked me as one.

  Yeah, I fought. Personally, I thought I lasted a respectable amount of time before they inevitably overwhelmed me & drugged me anew. That & a dollar can get you a cup of coffee in some places.

  Later, when I pondered the situation, I could only imagine what had been going on in that room. I have a few theories... none of them good.


  LIFE AT A MOVIE THEATER... In Boulder Colorado (?)...

  Yeah yeah yeah, the short version because it hurts too much... The Quartet took me to a movie theater along a busy highway... I became lucid... hundreds of witnesses... I scared off thier kidnapping cop... the real(?) cops came & one who called himself "The Shift Commander" came & threatened me that I get into an ambulance under threat of great bodily harm at the request of his Kidnapping Cop... Got to the Hospital & Kidnapping Cop told his buds & the hospital crew I should be doped anew, they bought it... they handed me straight over to the gang... yeah, it sucks to be me... & the Child-Molestors brag that it always will...



  THE QUARTET BECOMES A TRIO…no more Flesh for fantasy…

  There I was, back in the back room of the mansion when another torture session ended. I was drugged, dazed, sleep-deprived, and listening to Flesh and Fearless talk about the finer points of my next session while the gang was moving furniture & adding & removing props. The ever-present jocks were on the other side of the leaders & not paying very good attention to me.

  In a moment I became lucid & pondered what would become of me. In a moment of time everything that Flesh had done to me replayed in my mind. The shootings in the alley, the guy I killed in The House of Seduction, how the gang had tortured me & how she had been the one to calm me to better facilitate a more effective torture session for their sick goals. It occurred to me that my long-term memory could reset at any moment so I had to think quickly. "Hmmm... what to do"? I was reviled at her & them, I pondered another escape attempt but if I couldn't get away with half this number of guards would my odds be any better now? I was reviled at the smiling Flesh, she sickened me to the core...

  In a moment of time I decided her fate. "Death would be acceptable if I could but take her with me". I'd decided to kill her.

  So I ran at her & fearless & leapt into the air with both arms out! WOW! Was she surprised! I grabbed her while still in mid-air & slammed her to the ground with everything I had. The Jocks, Fearless, everyone looked surprised! Then they all piled on us!

  Me? I twisted Flesh's neck with everything I had clockwise as you look down on her head. Soon the pile were grabbing at my arms & trying to save Flesh.

  Eh, eventually "The Nurse" was able to fill a syringe & inject me. As my strength waned the gang easily pried us apart..

  Fearless looked at me & screamed while pointing at Flesh. "YOU KILLED HER"!

  I didn't buy it & suggested she was faking it. "LOOK AT HER"! He pointed forcefully. "SHE'S DEAD! YOU KILLED HER! LOOK AT HER"!

  So I looked at her as the drugs took hold of me. Flesh had a peaceful, almost pleasant look on her face. She was also a white as a sheet & her neck was twisted & bent at an angle that no neck ought to be angled at. I said. "So! At least I took her with me! You guys were gonna kill me anyway". The drugs were their toll & the world was rippling fiercely by now.

  Fearless Leader yelled at me. "NO WE WEREN'T! WE WERE GOING TO LET YOU GO"!

  As I dropped to my knees & the world faded away I called him a liar. Fade to black...



  Murder was on the menu in the sparsely furnished house of seduction. This time the  & I sat in the living room in with them. They sat boy & girl on the couch, a guy in the chair, & the poor little rich girl Flesh beside me on the love seat. They began to talk about this super woman-beating, child-molesting, thief, and liar, murderer, who’d soon walk through the front door & began to say things like. “Someone should kill that guy”. Over & over.

    Eventually a thin Hispanic man in his early 30’s or less came walking in. He was quite thin & never spoke a word. Then the quartet pointed at him & said things to me like. “There he is! Kill him”!

  This time I lept up & grabbed the this Hispanic man very forcefully by the head & wrenched it to about waist level, then I twisted his neck with all my might & it snapped with a rapid succession of pops! K-K-K-K-KRACK! Then I dropped his lifeless body to the floor. The first thing I felt was remorse, then I turned to face The Trio, formerly a quartet & was shocked by their response. They were all smiles! I recalled immediately that these weren't my friends, this was a kidnapping! Fearless Leaduh & his crew came en-mass from the back room & the Jocks came at me in force from the front room & took me down.

  Fearless pointed to the camera & reminded me that his state had a death penalty so I'd join him & the gang.

  I told him I'd take my chances with the authorities...

  MY NAME IS DAVID A. GEORGE... the last 15 minutes...

  Fearless liked to brag... and chat between torture sessions. One of his boasts was none of his people knew who I was. He'd made sure of it & it meant victory against me.

  Me? I said. "Really"? Then I faced his perv crew raised 3 fingers, and said loudly. "My name is David Allen George. 3 first names. Remember it". I repeated myself.

  Fearless laughed me to shame, so did his gang when I said this & here's why. He told me since we were in a big comfy mansion he'd give everyone the date rape drug & erase the last 15 minutes from everyone's memory. Thus thwarting me.that stupid).

  Did he? Probably? He used "a" drug on me. By force (man, I always fight. I AM that stupid, part of why he liked me he said). I stalled them dosing me as long as I could to thwart the memory erasing drug.

  Later... I became lucid when my next dose of their torture drug approached & said it again. They all laughed at me. So I stalled as long as I could before they dosed me again.

  Later... I became lucid when my next dose of their torture drug approached & said it again. They all laughed at me. So I stalled as long as I could before they dosed me again.

  Later... I became lucid when my next dose of their torture drug approached & said it again. They all laughed at me. So I stalled as long as I could before they dosed me again.

  Later... I became lucid when my next dose of their torture drug approached & said it again. They weren't laughing at me anymore. So I stalled as long as I could before they dosed me again. I recall the gang groaning.. One said angrily. "I signed up for a couple of weeks of fun [torturing me], not to sleep the time away every time he says his name.

  All combined I stole weeks in man-hours from the gang in "productive man-hours" in available torture/recreation time that they could've enjoyed doing something else & been living the good life.

  Once, Fearless admitted that once even his most loyal guys were thus knocked out by their drug(s?) he made big bucks selling them to wealthy perverts who were invited to do anything they wanted to his sleeping victims so long as they told no one & didn't hurt them seriously. When I told his gang later it prompted another session where he doped them up, this time starting with them & then me. WOW! Were his guys angry!

  Eventually they told me they'd caught on to my stalling. I sure cost some of them a lot! Hope those Boulderites didn't catch much VD? I wonder exactly what they did to the sleeping perv crew? Ew! Maybe I don't want to know after all?


  Fearless said it was their perversion embraced that made them invincible before the authorities. The more perverse he treated his victims, the more... cops would ignore them based on their wild stories. IT WORKS!

  While he was saying it a long line of men, few of which were part of my torturing perv crew were lined up and sodomizing me 1 at a time. Me? Since I was strapped butt-up to a table there wasn't much I could do about it.

  During the conversation he said they were his rich Country Club friends (member/victims). They were raping me 1 at a time to insure their silence and loyalty in times to come. He said they were raping me in order of rank in his gang, highest to lowest. All on film.

  Wasn't The Little Rich Girl's Dad 3rd?

  Next they brought in my most beautiful gang of rapists yet. Almost all aged 30-50 with a few exceptions both younger and older. The Nurse stood beside Fearless in front of me. Unlike when the men were involved & he stood staring at my rectum and their penises.

  Wasn't the Nurse The Little Rich Girl's Mother? A mother who looked like she beyond adored the pedophile controlled sex industry called Child Beauty Pageants? I'm not saying... only asking? Was her black hair shoulder length back then, curled at the bottom to the inside?

  FEARLESS LEADER AND I COME TOGETHER…& I’ll bet he didn’t like it one bit…

  Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm getting tired of writing my epitaph so I'll go to the short version... Drugs! Drug! Drugs! Lucid for a moment in the back room of the mansion. Grossed out at Fearless... Attacked him like I did Flesh, I lost, they beat me up badly... ow... Revenge revenge revenge... I lost, they won. My rectum might never be the same, anatomically speaking...


  Yeah, yeah, whatever... Brought me to Bay City in a car trunk, Duh Jerk & his Lt. gloated. I lost, they won again... It sucks to me. They beat my bruised body some more because they can (eh, I did bring it on myself by refusing to obey Duh Jerk's orders to submit to another dosage. Blah blah blah, we're going to let you live... yackety scmackety join us or go down in flames because of all of our films we made starring you.

   Yeah, right...



  I was shocked to hear a follow-up by the Child-Molestors (more than one) decades later. They were bragging about what they planned to become of my life once they were through with me. True or not? Eh... does it matter? It may be true only in that it's true several of the Child-Molestors said that came to me on the bahalf of Duh Jerk & otr the gang & had soemthing they'd like to tell me. Since I wasn't going anywhere at the time I listened...

  They hammered on the same old subjects. "It's because of the gym". Big surprise. "Jerk (The gang ALWAYS call him by his last name) wants you so blackmailed [I think he meant "framed" but who am I to second guess one of them?) that you'll never get out [of prison]".

   Then, a few of them had something really... really twisted to say. "Remember when we kidnapped you to Boulder"? When I said yeah I next heard. "You are the [infamous] Little Rich Girl Killer". I (the author wont use any names (out of respect to the family, both immediate & extended family)" but he talked on & on about some poor little rich girl that they claimed was the daughter of "The Nurse" as a punishment for "getting the doses wrong" that allowed me to become lucid long enough to attack their leader & hurt him.

  You see reader, that's the beauty of their plan... If it's true I'm a liar or worse, if it's all made up then the gang can allege I'm crazy. No defense is strong enough once their dirty spin doctors can dig in their grimey mits & twist it. None...




  THE CAPTAIN OF THE FOOTBALL TEAM'S FINAL INSULT... or what loyalty to the Child-Molestors can do for you...

  Where do I begin? How do you start telling the story of the end of a child’s life? Why me? Why?

  I became lucid & in a drug-induced fog on the road about 100-200 feet south of the “Freedom Arch” because My Buddy nudged me awake. It was dark &oddly there was no traffic. A pair of jocks held a victim I recognized all too well  who was chained hand & foot with a thick padding of what they told me was lambskin under each of the cuffs. It was then that My Buddy proposed. “Since you’re dreaming why not kill The Captain of the Football Team”?

  Me? I was thrilled! “WOW! I almost never get to kill the people I know in my dream”. I told him of course I would.

  Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars came from across the street & Duh Weasel asked My Buddy. “Is he going to do it”?

  His partners in crime also asked things like. “Is he going to kill him”?

  My Buddy assured them I would.

  Duh Jerk, my attempted murderer & kidnapper suggested that I wait to kill the young man until they could set up a roadblock to prevent witnesses & that they would provide a car for me to throw him in front of! Telling me was a wise precaution because I was probably about to kill the kid on the spot. I wasn’t alarmed at all to be in the midst of my kidnappers & their pet dirty cop Dirty Cop. When I agreed they handed me a walkies-talkie & told me to wait to kill the boy until they gave the signal. They walked off & I wasn’t alarmed at all by the camera crew that set up across the street.

  It took time for them to set up the roadblock signs & to empty the park but not too long because it sounded like there were a dozen or 2 of them on the radio. They seemed to have trouble blocking off the park, gays simply went around the signs & walked into the park. Dirty Cop’s cop car siren wailed as he went too & fro beating the park’s nighttime visitors & if the radio traffic could be believed then the guys at the roadblocks were beating up a lot of argumentative park goers.

  I easily man-handled the athlete who seemed like he was dazed & on drugs. At one point he became lucid & I talked with him about killing him. During the conversation at one point I said. “It doesn’t matter because it’s just a dream”.

  He replied. “You’re not dreaming you idiot”!

  Yeah Yeah whatever… Eventually they gave the all clear signal & the guy in the van(?) began to rev his engine. Then he came barreling down the road at us & I threw The Captain of the Football Team in front of the van(?)! I hadn’t timed it well & he landed on his knees & turned to face the oncoming vehicle. It hit him full force. BAMM! His broken young body flew & the van(?) came to a screeching halt.

  Jerk, the 4 Stars, My Buddy, Dirty Cop, and a few jocks came walking up to the body & Jerk asked a Doctorish looking guy. “Is he dead”?

  The Doctor said. “No. But he will be soon”.

  So they dragged him to the park &we all stood there & watched him die. How long? I can’t say, I was in a drugged stupor. Without constant stimulus I’d slipped back into a daze. Then the crew jumped me en-mass &drugged me anew.

  Later, I asked My Buddy about it & he told me he had no memory of it. I recalled Duh Jerk’s words. “Whenever possible we like to use the friends or co-workers of our victims”. He’d bragged on & on that, since they’d be drugged they’d have no memory of the situation & would be all too eager to testify that the Child-Molestor’s victim is nuts.

  Sooo... I wen to the... cops. The Bay City... cops specifically. "I'd like to report a murder". Is how I opened the discussion. Dirty Cop was on me like stink on crap. "There was no murder". He assured his fellow... cops. "I investigated that case myself".

  While pointing at Dirty Cop I said. "He's the one who helped me do it". The Bay City... cops refused me the courtesy of a police report. Whatever...

  Duh Jerk sent a guy by to brag that the films of me killing the child were quite damming & that my story that the child had been drugged would seem ludicrous because the date rape drug is all but undetectable mere minutes after the drugs have been fully metabolized by the victim's body. Now they could do anything they wanted to me for the rest of my life & no one would care, sell the snuff films, sell my rape films, & kill their enemies with an ironclad alibi. Now the families of their victims would pay them cash to torture me for revenge & their looks of unrehearsed anger would be twice damming evidence to any jury that I was indeed guilty of whatsoever they & my other rapists wanted to accuse me of to cover for their own sick base desires & their individual (misplaced) quests for revenge against the wrong guy. Win/win.

  I was surprised when a guy sent by Duh Jerk  mentioned the subject 3 decades later. “We still have those films of you killing The Captain of the Football Team. Even if you somehow get the cops to listen to you your Buddy’s one of us. With our films he’ll tell the cops that you were the leader if we have to & he’ll get maybe a slap on the wrist or a light sentence”. Then he bragged on & on about how the guy society will call Serial Rapist will go down in flames too. They burned him only to add flavor to my eventual prosecution. “When he changes sides to you…”. When he changes sides to me when he realizes that they always meant to destroy him from the first days that they recruited him it’ll only make me twice as dammed. That & all of the films of me as leader & Serial Rapist helping us to kill little kids will be enough to insure My Buddy does no time at all in exchange for his testimony. "It'll be a bargain too. Considering how much time he'd get if the truth came out".

  Me? Not to change the subject but I'd like to address Serial Rapist here. Please don't change sides. Please? I'd like to remember you just as you've always been, just as you always will be I suspect. I'm confident that I will prevail against your pals & frankly I bet if you sided with me you'd go free. I pity the community that you choose to call home and request that when you pray for you & your pals, pray thusly. I double-dog dare you to. "Dear Lord. When I die please let me die in a room surrounded by people who are just like me". I challenge you to get as many of your pals as possible to pray for that too.

  Back to the formerly living child... the guy also repeated what guys had boasted before him in the presence of his Enforcer. That The Captain of the Football Team was part of a loyal Child-Molestor family. “We told them [his family] you killed him as part of a punishment & they can’t wait to burn you in court”.

  Insane stories & weird accusations are the domain of the Child-Molestors. Their lifestyle is the destruction of any children that get in their way & they aim to keep doing it for the rest of their lives. The group paid great attention to my thoughts on the entire affair at thier "mock trials" (the "s" is there for a reason). The first guy tasked with discussing it with me... debriefing me told me that they intended to cover up his very existence by altering the newspaper at the library 7 by altering public records.

  Me? I told him I figured they faked the public portion of his death. I told him that newspapers at people's homes and copies of the school newspaper would prove something was rotten in Denmark.

  "So? There's lots of inconsistencies in a lot of cases".

  "But none that big or that glaring".

  Sooo the next guy, my kidnapping self-professed rapist for profit debriefed me the next time. Now they'd replaced the boy's corpse with a cousin of his who'd died in a car wreck & replaced the boy's mother with a cousin who looked a lot like her & had begun living as her so the cops will never suspect anything is amiss.

  I’m sorry.

  My guess is that all they have to do... in their minds... is make up a bazzilion lies & when they tell their victims some of them will believe them. True or not? Idano... I don't really even care, much. All I know is I want the pain to stop. In the old days I used to be so confident that the police would rescue me, that I'd prevail against the Child-Molestors. In the last year or 2 my hopes have been diminished. Now I figure that there's good odds that some dirty prosecutor is going to try to give me the same deal that they tried to give to Stern in the movie Heavy  Metal. Yeah, I still pray to God saying "God avenge me of my adversary"! The only ones I see getting avenged are the Child-Molestors. Knock & it will be opened, seek & ye shall find. Yeah, the only ones who seem to have doors opening are The Child-Molestors. That & the only ones finding anything are the Child-Molestors finding my rectum again & again. Still, I pray... why not? There is no other hope. Prayer and the pain from my last torture session are all I've got to keep me company.

  While the temptation was zero, sometimes I wonder how different my life would be if I'd accepted the Child-Molestor's offer to join them?


  I predict that if I should ever face Flesh's loved ones in a court of law that it is they who will point their fingers at me & scream that she was a good egg.

  All I can say is good egg or not, because of her chosen lifestyle she was heading for a fall.

  "We don't have to fool the cops. We only have to fool a jury".- Child-Molestor saying.


  Captain of the Football Team:


  Sooo... a more talkative gangbanger walks up to me, in a Bay City Public School, during business hours (of course) & claims he's privy to the entire "Captain killing".

  He hadn't died... it'd all been a PRACTICAL joke. "The only one people told he was the captain of the football was you". WHen I asked him about it he said it'd been an easy sell. "Think about it. Who at this school talks to you? If anyone even talks to you we beat the crap out of'em". "Or at least make their life a living hell for a while".

  He asked me how farr ther Captain had flow when hit by the van. "About 6 feet the 1st time". 

We discussed how far a body flew when hit by a vehicvle and I told him I was very familiar with the data.

  After a time... while we chatted on he seemed to realize what I'd said. "The 1st time"?

  Yeah... the 1st time. The Captain had flown about 6 feet when hit by the screeching van. the 2nd time... how much later I'm not certain, the bullying captain had flown quite far. How far? 30ish+'?

   Yet another "snitch" was sent by Duh Jerk expressing wonder I'd recalled killing the illegitamate twin brother of the CAPTAIN.

  Eh, I don't believe a word they've ever said... and niether should any of you my loyal readers.


  "Operation Cross Country." On 7-2-13 the F.B.I announced the arrests of up to 105 people allegedly involved in a child-prostitution ring. It’s no small wonder that I claim to have been enslaved & raped in some of the areas that the F.B.I. raided such as San Francisco, Detroit, Milwaukee, Denver and New Orleans. The Justice Department has estimated that nearly 450,000 children run away from home each year and that one-third of teens living on the street will be lured toward prostitution within 48 hours of leaving home according to the fine people at

  It’s only trivia to add the words of one of America’s fine senators. "In much of the country today if a girl is found in the custody of a so-called pimp she is not considered to be a victim of abuse, and that's just wrong and defies common sense," Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said during a Senate Finance Committee hearing last month.

  Who? What? When? Where? Why? I can only answer a few of them. You see… it all began one day in the summer of 72 (circa 1972).

  There I was, in a public school classroom and the world rippled around me. The children’s desks were all pushed up against one of the walls & I was surrounded by about 10 or so blond teenage boys & a single man in his 50’s with thinning light brown hair. He had one order. That I would shoot guns without end. Rifles, shotguns, & pistols at various targets in the classroom over & over & over & over… If I balked or moved too slowly the group would jump me en-mass & beat on me sorely. The classroom was otherwise like any other I’d suppose save for a single piece of furniture (should I call it furniture or appliance?), a set of stocks, you know, 2 vertical boards joined together with a single hinge with holes for a victim’s arms & head with a lock on the side opposite the hinge. As I shot the guns the teenagers loaded them. My nemesis asked me once. “Do you know why I don’t let you load the guns”? When I said no he smiled & said. “So that when you tell people this happened to you you won’t be able to load a gun & nobody will believe you”.

  Beatings were on the menu, particularly when I took the various guns & put them to the gang’s head (or other body part) & pulled the trigger. This made my smiling nemesis say to his blond brats. “Did you see that? He just tried to kill you”. Then I’d have to fight them. I lost against their massive numbers almost every time.

  BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. It was never-ending & I was given no rest & my kidnappers acted in shifts, each taking their turn at “the drug table”. A table filled with small plates that held herbs, powders & pills in quantity.

  After a time the targets changed. People became the targets & I reluctantly shot at them. BANG! They’d flop over dead & then later get back up. Next it’d be me forced to shoot non-living targets & sometimes they’d burst into pieces as they changed it up by using real ammo. Person after person was brought in for me to shoot. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. Pain! Beatings! Then I’d inevitably shoot at one of the gang or my nemesis & they’d beat me & force me into the stocks en-mass. Then sodomized me. Me? I fought every single time which only made my nemesis laugh all the more. Then they injected me with who knows what & soon the shooting resumed. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. 1BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload.  Beaten down, drugged anew the world eventually faded after weeks? Months? I can’t say.

  I woke up at home absolutely drained both mentally & physically. It was awful! I pondered the situation before me. Was it real? Waa it a dream? I concluded that since the world rippled that I had been dreaming. The only other alternative was that my family had… well… I just couldn’t take much more of this, something had to give & I had to come up with a plan. There was no doubt in my mind that my dream nemesis had to die. Hmmm… how to do it? Ultimately I decided to let him think he’d broken me & get him to trust me. Then, I’d kill him & be done with him.

  I didn’t have to wait long. Weeks passed & all I did was shoot guns. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. Once, I remember that the group were all busy chatting & I was irritated at waiting for my reload so long. It was then that I pulled out the spent clip from the rifle & grabbed a magazine from the pile of clips, slammed it in & pulled back the bolt. CLICK! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! They all looked at me like they’d seen a ghost. I angrily said. It ain’t rocket-science”.

  Time passed… now the targets were young teenaged girls… in public, in the wood. We practiced shooting teenaged girls by shooting them from the passenger side of a stationary car. Me? I recall getting sick of playing Russian roulette with young girls. I angrily told him “I’m getting tired of shooting people with blanks”.

  “There’s not always blanks in the gun”. He bragged in the driver’s seat surrounded by blond teenaged boys. “I wait until you’re reliably shooting people & then I put real bullets in the gun”. Then he asked me to recall the last girl who’d taken several rounds to drop while she tried desperately to limp away.

  Me? I thought to myself all the more that this guy had to die!

  Back at the school… BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. By now you get the drill. This time was different. The Blond Brats brought in a very scared looking girl, about 15 by my estimation. She had that “15-year old but aged by horror” look to her. The gang slammed her against the wall, set up some cameras & my Nemesis pointed at her & ordered me. “Kill her”! While the Blond Brats smiled on.

  Me? I told him. “I’m tired of shooting people with blanks for you”.

  He insisted that there were real bullets in the gun but I’d been burned so often I told him I didn’t buy it. “Then someone give him a knife”. He said & the gang looked one to another & at his insistence one of them produced a knife & handed it to me. I turned to the girl who towered over 1972ish me. She looked like she tried to climb the wall, literally & turned to me & begged for her life. She begged…

  I told her. “It doesn’t matter anyway because I’m dreaming”.

  She insisted. “You’re not dreaming. Check it for yourself”.

  So I did… Uhhh the world rippled but it just didn’t feel right, I hesitated on their subject & just stood there. Pondering…

  Nemesis told me that of course I was dreaming. How could a situation like this happen if it wasn’t a dream?

  His saying tipped the balance. I walked up to her & she begged for her life all the more. I stopped.

  My Nemesis told me that the gang would beat me until I killed her.

  So I did. Reluctantly I lunged at her with the knife & she fought back. Me? I thought. “Slow & methodical. Slow & methodical”. I went with plan A for dealing with giants with a knife, I went for her wrists as she fought… she fought like a girl. In my other writings I wrote that I stabbed the victim to death when I should’ve written that I slashed them to death. I stabbed her to death, mostly body stabs once her hands became unusable. Then, when the deed was done I turned to see if I’d placated my Nemesis & his gang. They smiled & my nemesis ordered me subdued. The group began to form up.

  Me? I had a knife in hand & figured that since there were no blanks in a knife now was the time to kill Nemesis. So I told him he’d die.

  “You here that boys? Form a line in front of me and get him when he attacks”.

  I cursed myself for being so stupid as to tell him of my intentions. The group began to circle me so I attacked! I managed to stab one of them quite bad about his torso before being pinned & a syringe prepared.

  My Nemesis teased me. “You weren’t sleeping boy! You’re awake & now I’ve got film of you killing that girl. Now I can do anything I want to you for the rest of your life & no one’s going to care about it”.

  His Blond Brats joined him in mocking me & laughing & smiling. Ambulance men lifted the bleeding teenager into a gurney & carted him away the whole while.

  While a blond teenager prepared a syringe, another held my cuffed hands behind my back, & a few others picked up the body I asked my Nemesis. “I know you hate me and everything but will you answer me just one question”?

  He looked irritated that I’d made him quit laughing with "his boys”. "Hmm. Yeah. What”?

  “All I ask is that you tell me where you got that girl”?

  He thought about it. “She was just a runaway who trusted one of my boys here a little too much”. He said the girl was from far away, and attracted to the handsome teen who told her he’d hide her. He mocked on & on that she'd been a good girl from an affluent family who'd runaway over a petty curfew arguement, a fact that amused him all the more. While he was talking a smile grew on his face & he looked at one of them & the Blond Boy smiled from ear to ear with satisfaction & pride.

  Then I was injected & the world faded away…

  Later… BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Reload. I spent days shooting guns, gaining my nemesis’s trust. After a time I noticed that the targets tended to need a backstop more often… that my targets burst reliably when I shot them. So, while my Nemesis had turned his head & was laughing I put the gun to his left temple & pulled the trigger. BANG! Usually in my dreams targets linger on & on or fall to the ground slowly when I shot them but I was impressed at how quickly he went down. THUD! The Blond Brats all stood in unison with looks of terror on their faces. “You shot him”!

  “Yeah. I told him I was gonna do it one of these days. It doesn’t matter because I’m dreaming”.

  “No you’re not”! They insisted.

  The memory ends abruptly there.

  Later… in the future… My Cousin said to me. “You killed a good friend of mine & I’m going to take it out of your hide”.

  I just had to ask. “I know you hate me and everything but will you answer me just one question”?

  My Cousin looked intrigued & asked. “What”?

  “Why were all of the boys who were involved blond”?

  He explained that his friend had a thing for young blond teenaged boys. His freind's death would be avenged by my continued suffering. A thing he couldn’t help but get away with now that he had the film of me killing the begging teenaged girl.

  Then My Cousin brought up his weirdest factoid to date. "Remember that school field trip you just went on to that school in Tuscola"?

  "Yeah. I thought you said you wouldn't allow me to go on any field trips"?

  "The only reason why you went on that field trip was because that was the room where you killed that girl. Don't you remember? Why do you think they took your picture there? It was to establish that you were there so your accusations about how you got tortured at the school will seem insane". He mocked.

  I pondered the situation, it had been a school, a mile or so south of Essixville Michigan. They told me that the girl had been a good girl from a good family... she ran away over a cerfew dispute... it was the last thing she ever did.

  Does everyone have conversations like this or is it just me?

   Sometimes... I wonder... did the girl's soul make it to heaven? Or is she looking up at me from hell biding her time with the rest of the Child-Molestor's victims, waiting for the soul of whosoever she feels was responsible for her untimely demise to drop into hell? When I face her one day, give me the words I shall say oh wise ones amoung my readers. If this thing should become public give me the words to say to her family oh wise ones when they scream at me about how much of a good girl she was. Go figure...

  I’m sorry.


  AFTER THE CAPTAIN OF THE FOOTBALL TEAM'S FINAL INSULT... It hurt me bad... emotionally... Really really bad...

  I was devastated after the death of the Captain Of The Football Team. His final word had been "idiot". The Child-Molestors were kidnapping torturing & raping me with impunity & the... cops wouldn't even give me the courtesy of a police report. People were dying, kids were dying & no one cared. Add in the anguish & the horror that a lifetime of torture at the hands of madmen can do to you & I was at the edge. No one would help me; no one would even listen to me. I always figured that a dumb plan was better than no plan so I came up with a new idea to get my case into court. It seemed brazen, stupid even but I was at my wits end. So I did it. The plan failed... of course... but I had to try. I had to do "something", "anything" to get this into court. Anything! I figured the cops could use voice-stress analysis to determine that I was lying & then they'd give me a fair investigation (yeah, I'd been pushed that close to the edge). So I went from place to place bragging about the murders. I made no mention of the Child-Molestors nor implicated anyone but myself. My Buddy helped me; he thought it was a good idea.

  We went from place to place...

  Telling anyone who'd listen that I did it...

  I made certain to laugh about it...

  Over & over...

  The Child-Molestors bragged they followed me & gotten some great footage. "We'll send the films in anonymously". Duh...

  "Lots of people called the cops but Dirty Cop was there to intercept them & told them to ignore you".

  I'm sorry... I just couldn't take the pressure any more... I was just a kid...


  Exodus 20:12

  King James Version (KJV)

  Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.


  ME... Very recently...

  Me? Today I'm depressed, there's very little optimism left in me... very little (I keep some optimism hidden in the bottom left corner of my heart). I've tried to tell the truth about the trials & tribulations of my life, hoping to provoke an honest police response to save my life. Unfortuantely, it doesn't look good for me. Failure is something I've learned to live with. I've always lost, I seem to be losing even now, and the odds look good that I will indeed always lose. Eh, it's a gift.

  I wonder what will become of me? I'd suppose those privy to my kidnappers can probably expect to see some great films starring... me. The Child-Molestors brag they'll  spare no expense breaking me during my next torture session & that the way they've discretely crippled my limbs will make my next painfest an epic life-changinjg evnt garaunteed to amuse even the hardest to please sadists. True? Idano...

  I'd like to think I've gotten the police to at least consider my tale, but the only e-mails I ever got were from police telling me that they had no intention of even reading what I have to say, let alone acting on it for a less than nobody like myself.

  Man, I was really really hoping police would help me to avoid another torture session. I even dared to dream of a life without rape, a chance to rest in America from the endless provoking that is my life. Eh, if you're gonna dream, dream big.

  Me? I'd suppose this is it... I fully intend to go on, trying to live what I suspect is the short time I have left as a "walking American". The pain from their torture session is growing to crippling levels now.

  Me? I'll always recall that day in "The Gym" when Duh Jerk addressed my 60+ attempted murderers. "I've got to make his story more unbelieveable". I'll testify for him. "It works. In my experience... cops seem to be absolutely convinced that there isn't a crook out there with the half a brain it'd take to aproach crime thusly". "As long as we keep targeting you and the people in your life & never give up the cops will say you're crazy". As near as I can tell, I never had a chance. I'll say this to sceptics. "I want to live"!

  I guess it sucks to be me, and the Child-Molestors brag that it always will.

  America the Great! It all happened in America. America, The United States of America. The greatest country on earth. Maybe the greatest country of all time. God bless America!

  "As God is my witness". If these words are your only defense then I suspect that in America there's a good possiblity that you're in a lot of trouble. Me? I'll say it like this. "Blessed be the name of the Lord". My prayer is thus. "Dear Lord, please don't let me be kidnapped raped or tortured again. Please? Forgive me of my sins as I forgive others. Give me widom in dealing with the Police, Duh Jerk, Duh Weasel, The Mayor's Brat, Just Desserts, Short Stuff, & the rest of the Child-Molestor gang. I pray for wisdom in dealing with the courts, with my family. I pray for wisdom in inventing clever devices. I pray for the President, I pray for the Governor, I pray for Duh Jerk, Duh Weasel, The Mayor's Brat, Just Desserts, Short Stuff, & the rest of the Child-Molestor gang".

  Me? I'm in pain & it's only getting worse... slowly, just like they bragged. Who will help me? Who do I turn to?

  That's it, I'm losing the strength to go on writing about this... If I had one uderstanding shoulder to cry on, I know I could be strong, I just know it. Eh, I'll probably spell-check this page soon & that'll be it. I've tried to get help & failed & no one's going to help me.

  The Child-Molestors boast that I'll be starring in a few more child-porn films for them. What is proper ettiquite? Shouldn't I just cave into torture quickly? Smile on command during the filming? What about the dedication? Shouldn't all good child-porn flicks have a dedication? Eh, I suppose I'll dedicate it to the fine men & women of law-enforcement who I've begged for help from... if the Child-Molestors are so inclined that is.

  Man, I've published this page for over a year now and contacted people all over the world, how come not a single person has tried to contact me, let alone offered to help me spell check the website or anything? I thought America was supposed to be a helpfull sort of country?

  Game over.

  Why me? Why? Ow...



  The Uniformed Bay City... cop shouted authoritatively. "BAY CITY POLICE ! EVERYONE GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR"!

  The perverts looked to each other and one of them remarked they should lie on the floor and await the police. Like dogs circling a spot to bed down they either laid down or joined together to move the heavy coffe table aside and laid there.

  The moment I saw their eyes were off of me I hatched a plan... I stepped up to the door and hid on the inside by the hinges.

  There I was wedged betwween the door and the wall, the door had just hit me, HARD! WHAM! A room full of perverts had dropped to the floor as the Bay City... cops stormed in and I could tell that the gun-wielding madman Dirty Cop himself was the... cop's "point man"! Cops were yelling at everyone to "GET DOWN"! & "GET ON THE FLOOR"! A gang of madmen had set me up and I figured this was where Dirty Cop would shoot me dead as his personal revenge for "The Gym".

  Me? As soon as those... cops entered the room I walked around the door and stepped outside. I figured that the body language of me trying to run away would alert the plethora of... cops holding citizens at bay in the dark night of what I suspect was Bay City's "Banks area". So I immeadiately turned around and began gawking inside, hoping... well, hoping...

  Inside the... cops quickly cuffed the perps, one of wich loudly said. "You may arrested me. But at least you arrested David George too"!

  Dirty Cop spoke up. "David George ins't here. I know David George. He must be under one of the couches. Here help me lift this up". I could hear the sounds of heavy furniture being flopped about the room & actually saw them flop the couch over with guns drawn on anyone who might be beneath it. "He's not here! He must be hiding in one of the closets. Fan out and search for him"!

  Just then a uniformed Bay City... cop walked up to me, pointed and said. "You were in there"! He accused me of having just escaped the home.

  I told him. "No. I was over there (I pointed to a spot behind the police lines) and now I'm over here". I explained as quickly and calmly as I could that I wanted a close up spot to watch the unfolding action which amounted to them upending furniture and tearing up the place.

  The Bay City... cop who was standing in the darkness told me. "You cant be here". He told me to leave.

  So I did.

  Needless to say the Child-Molestors were furious. Or so they told me. The gang had chosen to prosecute me anyway but they lamented that not a single... cop had gotten a good look at me. Now that I'd made fools of the Child-Molestors revenge was on the menu.

  Tell me oh wise ones among my readers. Tell me ye wise what do you suppose would've come of my life if I hadn't run and instead chosen to stay and reason with the nice... cops?

  Yeah, whatever...


  OPEN MURDER... BAY CITY... cop style... Yeah, they would...

  Sooo... there I was splayed out on Bay City's Veteran's Memorial Bridge in broad daylight. A semi-truck was coming and I figured I didn't have the time to recover from the fall And make it to the curb! The end was nigh!

  Eh, I suffer from a medical condition that's side-effects are that one's thought processes are speeded up. For me, in a crisis situation the world slowed down and all was serene (eh, there had to be one guy like that in the world, didn't there?), usually, but not always (I wouldn't bet my life on it or anything).

  The world slowed down, I realized that there was no way I was getting back to the siling madman who'd shoved me before that truck splatted me. So I hatched a quickie plan. A dangerous plan because it occured to me that I couldn't see into both lanes because the truck blocked my view, so I took a gamble.

  I used my momentum to roll further into the lane and the semi-truck missed me by mere inches! I lept up only to see a marked Bay City... cop car pull up in the oppisite lane of traffic!

  The gun-wearing Dirty Cop emerged from the car while the obligatory ambulance drove past us. He asked me. "Is everything okay here"?

  Me? Personally I know that the gang boast that it is the accusations of thier victims, when twisted around by thier polished and highly practiced gangbangers (ie: member/victims or victim/members) that are their victim's undoing. So I told Dirty Cop. "No".

  Sooo... in typical Child-Molestor fashion my attepted murderer showed up to confront me. "Don't try nothing because there's a van-load of jocks just waiting around the corner to kick your ass".

  Eh, it sounded believeable, so I just listened to my Attempted Murederer Who Claimed To Have Been Sent By Duh Jerk. He baoasted that it mattered not if I'd died or lived with minor injuries that day because the gang had an ambulance right there to kidnap me and kill me with a lethal injection on the spot. Then, the gang's Dirty Coroner would back up a "died in a car accident" story, CASE CLOSED!

  Me? I told my Attempted Murderer. "I would've refused to get in the ambulance". His plan wouldn't have worked.

  Not so he bragged. Dirty Cop was there and he'd've been the first... cop on the scene making the case completely under his authority. That and with all of his many films of us interacting during my many kidnappings he would've claimed to have been my friend, and that I'd been rendered delerious by the accident, thus forcing him to subdue me for the ambulance crew.

  "The guys in the bridge tower might'a seen it all". I countered, probably in vain.

  "We own all of the bridge watchtower workers. They would've testified that they didn't see a thing or that you were at fault".

  When he said that I recalled a conversation Duh Jerk had with me way back in fall of 1976 when he tried (unsuccessfully) to recruit me into the Child-Molestors. "We own all of the bridge operators in town. The ability to cut the city in half cannot be understated". He boasted it allowed them to commit crimes with impunity, to help gangbabngers evade the police, and to enable them to corner thier victims in traffic. Personally? I'd like to apologize to said workers here and now for even repeating what some madmen slurred against them and ask them to realize that a madman can say many thing, and that what professional liars do all day is professionally tell lies (a factoid that seems to be too difficult of a conept for the fragile minds of mid-Michigan... cops to bear).

  "You know that we reflect the accusation of our victims back at them so Jerk asked me to ask you why you didn't accuse me of trying to kill you when a cop was clearly there to see the entire thing"?

  "I knew better than to accuse anyone of anything when Dirty Cop would be the officer in charge. I ain't that stupid".

  Author's note: I'd suppose that it was merely a coincidence that my attempted murder happened withing view of the place where many, many people died in the infamous Wenona Hotel fire.


  JERK WORMED HIS WAY FINANCIALLY INTO A MALL IN WISCONSIN... I forget what it was supposed to be named... Don't much care either...

  Soooo... there I was, sitting on my Michigan Street bed in Bay City... alone, like usual. Armed only with the advice given me by many people, "go to the cops". Uhhh... yeah, that trick never works. The 2nd, "try to reason with them". Yeah, and my loyal readers thought the 1st plan was bad. The next advice? Kill... start killing. Advice given to me by people on the street, people I'd met, kids at school, businessmen, many, many... cops (in uniform and at their post), Kill... snuff out lives... end lives, destroy all hope for an attacker to ever enter Heaven for the selfish upon selfish reason of saving my life... the gang was driving me to the edge, if it was only to save my life I could endure their horrors. But the gang were pushing me to the edge of madness. Death? They threatened me with death before.

  "Now you have to kill an innocent of my choosing or we will kill you".

  My reply? "Go ahead".

  So they changed it, while working in shifts. "Now you have to kill an innocent of my choosing or we'll drive you insnae".

  You know what oh laughing Mid-Michigan and Boulder Colorado... cops? It was working. Oh, I never let them know that. And now sitting on my bed I had to make a choice. I was an athiest. Death? It meant oblivion to me, the inevitable. Madness? The thing the gang bragged would hand them victory?

  Let me say it like this... cops. I never believed a word any of them ever said ever (unlike you and the paid informants they brag they regularly feed you), I figured that the next time would be the last. If the gang didn't kill me for what I'd done up and until now, surely this next time they were going to kill me for sure. Busting up kids merely created dedicated enemies who swore revenge and claimed to have the singular ability to motivate other gangbangers. I wanted no more people swearing vengence, I resolved to make witnessses to the scene of the killing. So I resolved to kill anyone who kidnapped me no matter who they were. Children were the soldiers of the gang and they've allways bragged it is their use against me that will destroy me. Now, I considered them to be legitimate targets. Anything... ANYTHING so I could just maybe escape the gang just one time, maybe to cheat death for a single day... maybe for only an hour. I wanted to live! That's it... I just wanted to live. Even now... I want to live. I pray... I want to live.

  When you get stalked for decades by a gang of madmen... feel free to judge me reader.

  I wondered if I'd be waiting long? I didn't wait long to be kidnapped again. How'd they catch me? Idano... does it matter?

  The gang work in shifts. Victims are ideally drugged stupid and children tasked with slapping and pushing them every few seconds to keep them awake while a "Dr." monitors the show. Time? Aproximately 3 1/2 hours I'm told. Then they are transpored to the designated torture area. Skits are applied, palys, dramas, ideally based on parts of the victim's life and hobbies. A whore(s) has been inserted into theirr life, they are "the Handler" and help to calm victims who may go manic, and to provide a trusting face. This goes on 15 minutes. Then the victim is returned to their cell and the whole drama repeats. They tell me the ideal number of victims is 7, it provides for generous breaks for the team and allows them time to work with a given victim longer in the case of any breakthrough or change in their... uhh... "case"?

  They tell me they specialize in picking on government workers, like the Bay City DOW, and primarilly prey on people about to go on vacation. But that their Dirty Dr.s in Forceable rape Hos... I errr... I nmean Bunga Bunga Hospital arrange for "accidents" to befall a given victim, they go into comas, are even drugged and paraded in front of the vicitm's family, and then taken to a secure spot to be tortured when the family is satisfied their loved one is in good hands.

  They tell me I'm a special case... the gang's "get out of jail free card". You... cops allways fall for it too. Or so they brag. Me? They boasted I'd just been kept on the edge of sleep deprivation for weeks... and the torture begins there.

  They brought in this gal, 5' 2" or so. On the thin side of chunky, and she took off her glasses often. And a black-haired guy about my age height and weight, in decent shape, decent... They provoked me over and over. Later they bragged her dad was part owner of a mall in Wisconsin... True? Idano? To be cont.



  Sooo... there I was, miding my own beeswax, walking through the marina, about to use the river to clean myself up, maybe even get my face wet to facilitate clearing my head. Why? Because I'd just come from an extended mental and physical torture session that left me dazed and covered in blood from head to toe.

  As soon as I came into view in the marina a pair of me in thier 30s-40s, were on me. "Are you okay? Do you need any help"? When I turned them down they seemed to freak out while I stared at the dismally low water (in comparrison to the docks) and pondered if jumping in might kill me in my exhausted and nearly delerious state. One of them jumped into a car and sped south while the other kept trying to engage me in conversation.

  Ultimately some mid-30s guy, stocky a bit on the big side began to demand answers of me as I walked south in the marina. I refused to talk to him based on the fact that the previous men had said all of my answers were delerious, I didn't want any "probable cause" floating around there and then. That's when he ran ahead of me and announced. "You're obviously delerious and covered in blood. I am going to subdue you for your own good". Then he reached for me with both arms out.

  I grabbed his right arm (my "go to move"), locked it in place, and broke it. Then I kicked his knee with all of my might and he dropped. I figured I broke his arm but when I turned around to look at him he was holding his right knee with both arms and seemed quite distressed.

  It was then that I saw Dirty Cop himself in the distance talking with someone who was pointing my way. So I hid behind some boxes while he circled....

  There, a guy, about my age stood nearby and commented on my condition. I explained my situation in 30 words or less and asked him for help missdirecting the dirty cop. So he did. He pointed the other way and told him I'd surely gone thataway. So I thanked him and left south hoping to get to water I could stand in, so I could clean myself up. Sigh...


   Perfecting the technique... or whatever it was supposed to be called... I forgot and don't feel like looking the title up...

  lLets start this at My Roommate's place, not long after I got out of the Navy. I was sitting on my bed... recalling the recent string of kidnappings by the gang. Every other weekend lately by my estimate. How'd they catch me? How long was I gone? What did they do to me? What drugs did they use? Poisons? They adore torture at the Defunct Hospital surrounded by an array of medical supplies and address severeral "technical experts" during torture as "Doctor" and such. What did they do to me? How long can this go on before they carve me up medically and with poisons like they brag they allways do to their victims. What about the child-porn sessions? The torture sessions? How to end them?

  I had a lot of things on my mind in circa 1989... lots. The biggest concern was the torture. Particularly the smack and push game of keepaway the gang is so fond of. Duh Jerk and sent "snitches" had been bragging that the smacking sessions by middle school kids would be all the proof he, they ever needed to prove that I was a wimp... that "The Gym" couldn't possibly have happened. Thus the gang allways insured their safety by drugging me and having wuss after tough guy beating me up... on film. That and the inescapeable fact that if I was half as tough as I was claiming to be I'd just kill them all and be done with them. "I ain't no murderer". I replied.

  The cops couldn't stop laughing. Local protection services refused to help me. My friends simply changed the subject and told me I was on my own when I asked for help. My family... well... they had clear guidelines on wich side they were on my entire life, and it wasn't my side.

  Hmmm... what to do? What to do? I needed people on my side. Not attackers... witnesses to the scwene of the crime. So I hatched an idea. Until now, during lucid moments I was reluctant to defend myself against children. I tried to reason with them and tried everything I could to spare them injury whenever possible. Yeah... they mocked me and swore hatred and bragged about how much they hated me because of the films they'd seen of me. And... I'd... had... enough...

  SO I hatched a plan. Children were now fair game. I'd try to spare their lives... but combat was now on the table.

  How'd that work out? Not so good. I became lucid during another (probably scripted) keepaway session. Then I just started beating on children with everything a 260lbs man who bikes 300 miles a week could do. I broke bones. Lots of bones before the ever-present Jocks jumped in and subdued me.

  Duh Jerk and the 4 Stars told me they loved it. Now they had great footage of me busting up kids to influence their friends and victims & the... cops later.

  Jerk and the 4 Stars made it a point to bring the kids back in afterwards. Most wore casts on one or more parts of their bodies. The children told me they hated me, and promised revenge. So did people they brought in who said they were in their family.

  Yeah, the... cops helped... THE GANG! Another story.

  Sooo... I sat on my bed again... recalling the faces of the children... recalling drug(s?) dilluted memories of their faces. How a little girl cried, threatening revenge over being crippled by me. Bonus... the... cops love tales like that... Laugh laugh laugh...

  The gang bragged the children were all from different Child-Molester controlled communities. I could report injuring kids all I wanted and their Dirty Doctors in other cities would cover for the gang. The parents could pay for revenge... or not.

  So I hatched another plan. I didn't want child victims pledging eternal hatred. I wanted witnesses to the scene of the crime. So I decided I'd kill any child who was engaged in kidnapping and torturing me whenever the situation arose just like I did with adults. But the problem was those pesky fleeting moments. I have a way around that, I just pre-program myself. I repeat over and over again in my mind what to do when the situation comes up. It rarely worked and as the years went by it's worked less and less. Sigh...

  Still... every other weekend or so...

  SNAP! A little girl dies. Next time. SNAP! A little boy dies. Oh... I didn't kill him. Just like a few other times the "Dr." pronounced the child was alive after the snap. They ordered the child to be left lying on the basement floor, to die. Lest he live a long life with paralysis.

  I thought I was clever... witnesses. I wanted witnesses.

  The gang sent "snitches" to brag that they'd used the "Date rape drug" on the children en-mass after the deaths and erased all of their memories (mine too... if possible) and told them later that their classmate had died in a car accident. Parents would be shown the films and asked if they wanted to pay for revenge. "Hey I'm net a murderer like him but I'll kidnap him and troture him as revenge for killing your kid for ___(insert amount here)____ ". Failing to pay for revenge they too would take the gang's drug(s?). Paying for revenge only levaves the victim with less money and the gang uses the film to blackmail them all the more. "Hey... how'd you like to see his rape and torture? Maybe even hit him a few times"? Later... they all hear, eventually. "I've got these films of you paying us to kidnap and rape this guy and you helping us torture him. Now we will talk terms". Another grieving family goes down the drain of society. Worse? They brag the gang later offers them. "How would you like revenge against the guy who got you recruited and killed your kid"? And another family is all too greatfull to promise the gang anything to further my demise. Be it participating in kidnapping me, or testifying later. Or both.

  I wonder... just how many live I may have helped them snuff out that I don't recall? Sigh...

  I'm still not done. We still aint discussed the later long long long session... the one that ened with. "Jerk wormed his way financially into a Wisconsin mall". The death count is not done yet, and I'm still a long way from a body count and rape total as of March 2016... but I just don't feel like writing anymore.

  A highlight? Sure, as if one more sentence would save me. "That girl you killed's Father owned a lot of property in Wisconsin".

  "Wich one"?

  "The chunky blond with glasses. You know she didn't wear glasses right? We just had her wear them so the cops would say you were crazy when you told them she wore glasses".

  "She didn't allways wear the glasses. She took them off becasue she said her eyes hurt".


  "As long as I toy with my victims when I try to kill them I can do anything I want to them because to most people if I wanted to kill my victims I would. But I like toying with them. If we don't get you this time maybe we'll get you next time". I've heard various versions of this sentence my entire life.

  THE FIFTH UNARMED MAN... Flattery will get you nowhere but bragging can get you a one-way ticket straight to Hell... really!!!

  Soooo... there I was... recovering from the drugs and only a few minutes respite from the sleep deprivation. It's awful! Not at all easily bearably and a minor inconvenience like... boasting... cops brag to me. It's debilitating. It impairs a victim's judgement, and it's just plain old not fun. The gang brag to me it puts victims in a frame of mind where they are convinced they are dreaming while they are actually awake. What does this achieve? It lets the gang get people to do things they'd only do in their lives.

  The gang have repeatedly bragged I'm a "once in a lifetime find". A victim among victims? Why? I can only tell you what they laughingly tell be while standing over the bodies of slowly dying children. Because they brag they found a drug, or combination of drugs where, I say yes to everything. I've read medical books, the books told me that there are indeed such people out there. Cops summed it up to me like this. Yes, there are tons of people in the world like that & they are all too glad to unquestioningly prosecute every single rape victim thus plied by madmen to do evil deeds solely for amusement & profit.

  What's my point? My point is it sucks to be anyone around me when they've tortured & drugged my mind into that "sweet spot". Cheer up readers, if you're reading this you probably wont die by my hand, statistically speaking. It's children, the helpless, & the people who they can kill to leverage profit from someone else who will die. Usually. They brag there is a lot of random recreational killing too, better hope YOUR number doesn't come up reader. Jerk told me he prefers to pick on honest, hard-working people. They have no idea why they were targeted & are unlikely to do any reprisal if the gang are somehow caught. "You start messing with trouble-makers and you're going to be in a whole bunch of trouble (we were chatting about his "framing" victims to seem to be KKK, Nazis, Commies, & right-wingers (very popular frame-up, I hear lefties cant resist it & are soon victims themselves), I prefer to mess with the sheep. Honest people. They're easier".

  We were in Downtown Detroit. The gang, the 3 of the 4 Stars, Jerk, a fake ambulance AND crew, a teen boy & girl camera team, & a few Jocks with Uniformed & allegedly on-duty Bay City... cop Dirty Cop himself! They presented papers to the Detroit... cop that they owned me. "If you don't believe me call his Mother. Call his Father if she's not home".

  I tried to duck out the back while they chatted on the logistics of subduing me but the doors were securely... & I mean securely locked. So I looked around for an alternate route.

  The 5th Unarmed Man cornered me, alone. Standing in the doorway I leaned over & could see the gang chatting with Detroit's finest. So I backed into the room to escape. He shadowed me, bragging on how he was there to make sure I didn't escape. With a single yell he could summon an army & the... cops would help him beat me into a crippling with the gang if I resisted.

  I tried to reason with him. Tried to tap into his humanity, pity, empathy. I discussed what he was doing was wrong & why.

  He told me he loved the Child-Molestor life. Torturing victims, like me was entertainment & when I asked him he told me he intended to do it to as many people as he could for the rest of his life.

  Me? Lets say... I looked "narrowly at him" when he told me he wanted to torture innocent victims for the rest of his life. I pictured the men, women & children he bragged he'd tortured & robbed. Then I pictured the even longer line of such people & the unborn victims who were next on his evil "to-do list". Grrrrrr...

  Then I acted like there was someone behind him in the doorway. At the time of this writing I forget my actual words but it was much like. "I told you guys I'm not going with you".

  He turned around to greet his team to find no one there and we me alone behind him.

  He raped me, and bragged he loved it, he tortured me, and bragged he loved it, people died, and be bragged he's get even with me for that, he'd bragged he would torture innocent victims for the rest of his life... FOR FUN!

  So I killed him. It took quite a while actually. He died slow.

  We went outside... the... cops were very interested in chatting on the radio about subduing me.

  It gets very fuzzy from here as time goes on...

  We left... together...

  They told me the gang intended to destroy me but a paranoid Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak was to scared because ALLLLLL of our names were on the radio tying us to the scene of the crime. They needed time to cover it up, find out who saw what, who knew what, & erase witnesses. That & they needed time for it to gloss over... for people to forget... for them to commit much evil there so the man's death was just another day in the life to those who lived there.

  Pity... remorse? Who shall I pity more oh wise ones among my readers? Him? Self-professed torturer of the innocent (he told me he loved raping & torturing innocent people) or the people he bragged were destined to be his next victims? What do you say to a man who you will probably meet on Judgement Day who can look you right in the eye & scream? "YOU SENT MY SOUL TO HELL FOREVER"! Maybe... I'll say a few of the people who would have been his victims just might have lived better lives? I don't suppose they all form a line & thank me?

  They also brag that at least part of his death was filmed & that his slow, lingering death will make for great evidence against me. They told me the man's family hates upon hates me (the film of their loved one dying).

  I was impressed when they kept bringing it up over the years. That this was the case that would surely put me before a corrupt Molestor-controlled jury in the city with the huge Satanic Child-Hugging statue. A land know for it's fairness. Just ask anyone anywhere if they want "Detroit Justice". I wrote the story in more detail & sent it off to... The F.B.I. who has declined to acknowledge the effort.

  Didn't I even call the F.B.I.? Who can recall every single time a bunch of child-molester apologists reject you out-of-hand anyway?


  Yeah, whatever...


  Kill... Kill... Kill... sometimes it's all I do when I go to the big city...

  Sooo... there I was... walking briskly out of some warehouse... I had no idea where I was, how I got there, nor why I was briskly leaving. None. Nada. Zip. Not a clue. A group of men, lower-class men came rushing out of the warehouse and one of them pointed at me and shouted. "STOP THAT GUY"!

   In a moment of time the horrors that had recently happened to me came flooding back into my mind and I assessed the situation before me. I was at a warehouse and these men were recreational killers who were betting on how long it would take me to die. I had escaped them, had a gun, and they told me men with machine guns were stationed outside to kill anyone who might escape. Whew!

  One of the men pointed one of the submachine guns at me and took aim prompting an older guy to shout. "DON'T SHOOT THAT WEAPON IT"S GOT A BENT BARREL"!

  He shot that gun. There's a sicking scream a man can make whenhe has been maimed or mortally wounded and after the shot that man made it. BANG! "IEEEEEEE"!!!!!

  I took off running and bullets began landing at my feet coming from windows above. In a moment of time my Navy Combat Training came back to me & I had a flashback. I recalled being in a classroom with an instructor who asked the class what you should do if confronted by a tank when you only have a rifle? He told me that you shoot the tank with your rifle. The idea is that you make the other guy nervous so his aim just might be off. "Besides, you never know if you'll get lucky and actually hit a periscope & spiderweb it or something and make it so they cant shoot you". So I fired off a few rounds at the windows & took off running.

  Run! Run! RUN! Until I could run no more... then I jogged through the city... impressed that I'd ran a long, long way and there seemed to be no end to the city.

  My memory resets... I have no idea where I am nor how I got there...

  People come up to the gasping wretch that I was and deduce that I'm drugged out of my mind. The police are called.

  A Detroit(?)... cop shows up and demands my personal information. When I discuss the kidnapping, torture, and drugging he announces that surely I'm a simple junkie, and I now have 3 options.

  1) Go to jail... probably beaten because of my announced intention not to get into a... cop car.

  2) Go to a nuthouse... where I'd surely be locked up for 3 or more days.


  3) Go to a nearby homeless shelter and "sleep it off".

  Hmmm... I really did ponder the choices... in the end I chose what was behind door number 3.

  The horror continues... I'm just sick of writing about it for now... so I'm leving the reader hanging... sorry. Sometime I just don't have the strength to write stuff I suspect will only make... cops laugh harder and longer at my inevitable mocking session.

  Other times I'm just not inclined to begin my 100 Life sentences and decade on death row over dozens of death peanlties.


  IN THE BEGINNING... THE MOTHER OF ALL STORIES... Continued... It's only proof that it sucks to be me, & it always has...

  Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... I was thinkin of finishin "In The Beginning". As if I hadn't already written tons of ammo for any dozen Dirty... cOPS or half-dozen Dirty Prosecutors to destroy me with ease already. I suspect their description of me could be summed up in 2 words. "Easily dispatched". Sigh...

  I had such high hopes at one time. That I'd get... cops to investigate my claims & free me from my lifelong burden of being kidnapped raped & tortured regularly by a gang of madmen for profit & revenge. I prayed a lot. I went to police all over the country. The Feds, even to NATO, and law enforcement agencies all over the world & begged for help. Not a thing worked. Not one. From the bottom lowliest social worker to... cops, Agents, soldiers, & even asking God, not a thing worked. There is no force in all the universe willing to save me as of 5-21-18. It's only proof that it sucks to be me.

  I already wrote the ending... so here goes the beginning. Whatever...

  So there I was, being cradled in My Mother's arms (Honor honor honor), we were in the living room of My Mother's Parent's. The sparsely furnished back then, couch, TV, table & various odds & ends. My Mother & all her siblings & her Parents were all there. So was the man they called "My Cousin". I became lucid & I recall wondering why it was so hard to concentrate? Who were these people? Where was I? Then the information flooded back into my mind. These were My Mother & her siblings. Her Parents too. My Mother told me it was a very special day for me. A reporter was coming to interview me.

  I had to ask what a reporter was & then asked why would a reporter want to talk to me?

  The family replied it was because I'd begun talking at a very young age.

  I called them all liars & told them I didn't believe any of it.

  It was here My Cousin walked in. He announced he'd stopped the reporter. There would be no interview.

  I asked why he would do that?

  He said it was because he hated me.

  He asked me if I knew why the curtains were closed. Why the curtains were closed everywhere I went?

  I told him I had no idea why?

  He told me it was because he didn't want me to know anything about the outside world. That he'd gone to great lengths to make sure I was ignorant of the outside world. Yeah... he was like that. So was my family. Oops... I feel like throwing in a few honors here. (Honor Honor Honor, Honor Honor Honor).

  Yeah, he slapped me up but good. My family laughed at it, I wrote that part elsewhere. But picture him & I going back & forth. He slapped me 3 times & in truth my family only laughed at the 1st 2 slaps. I'll write the slaps down so people can keep up.

  Slap! He hit me on the face & I heaved in My Mother's arms. The family all laughed & laughed.

  SLAP! He hit me again. Harder. The family nervously laughed. It still counts as having laughed twice at my baby pain.

  SLAP! My Cousin hauled off & belted me! He thought it was hilarious... so did his #2 I didn't mention before now. Okay, keeping up?

  The memory breaks up here & fades away. It's all written in better detail in my letter to the F.B.I.

  My Cousin slaps me awake. SLAP! It begins in some darkened office-type building, maybe an apartment furnished like an office, most likely a mid-Michigan Public School. All guesses, I have no idea where I was. My Cousin & some man I didn't recognize.

  My Cousin, in so many words, announced his undying hatred of me.

  I had to ask why he could hate a baby so much? It seemed like a reasonable question to me?

  Because I was such a disappointment. In his words he told me when I was still in the Hospital, 2 days after my birth I was already specking a few words. He saw the potential for me to be a very profitable sex slave at that time. "A walking & talking baby is every pervert's sexual fantasy" & he figured he could make a fortune pimping baby me to the highest bidders. With contempt he said something like. "But you became a Christian". "I told your family to report back to me your progress in talking & I didn't see you for a few weeks. By then you could walk & talk and you were already a Christian". He remarked it seemed impossible, being My Mother was a loyal... "one of them". "She regurgitated all the stuff she learned in catechism when you asked her about God". "It was too late. You were already a Christian". He was very... angry with me. I was a complete loss. He remarked now I'd never willingly preform the "sexual acts" that would make him his fortune.

  I told him how would he know? I'd never been asked.

  So he asked me. "Will you preform sexual acts for me"? Author Question: Who talks like that to a baby? I predict PRACTICAL joke for lack of a better term. A situation where they act absurdly or pose weird or perverse question to make... cops laugh.

  I had no idea what sexual acts were. Not even a slight clue. So I asked him. "Are sexual acts against the Bible"?

  He told me they were against God & the Bible.

  Still having no idea what any of it meant I told him. "Then I wont do sexual acts".

  This infuriated him. He and the man walked into the next room. I could barely hear them talking.

  I was alone. I pondered the world & the situation before me. My Cousin was talking very loudly with some man. I could barely hear it. "Hear how he talks about God? People are going to follow him". They seemed alarmed, as if crowds of people would flock to me & begin following me to God. They chatted a few minutes.

  The two men entered. They began slapping & baby punching me when they entered. They pounded on me about 2 minutes or so before My Cousin came in whereupon he promptly belted me hurling me across the room! SMACK! WOOSH! SLAM! He announce his hatred of me. He'd decided to hit me now because he, they were going to keep me & torture me for a few weeks & he wanted to give my wounds time to heal.

  Ya know what reader? I'm no longer in a mood to write this tale on 5-21-18. No such mood at all. So I'm going to quit writing this tale. I dedicate it & the lives of all the innocent children who died to The Michigan State Police. No need to thank me guys, I know you guys love love love praise.







  My name is David Allen George and the title I've chosen for myself is Less Than Nobody. I state here and now that this story is true to the best of my ability. I'm not writing for fame, glory, nor pity. I've written this to reveal the truth, the plain truth, and the whole truth, nothing more. Keep your fame, I like being unknown, keep your glory, what could possibly be glorious about any part of my tale? And lastly, save your pity for someone else. I find the private pity parties I hold for myself to be more than enough pity for two lifetimes. Don't send money, just call a cop or two if you'd like to make sure that these guys who've been stalking me don't come to your town, to your kid's school and start bringing "pleasure" to you and yours "Child-Molestor Style".

  I know that police, prosecutors, families of the fallen, and even the loved one's of my attackers expect me to show remorse and they shall have it here. I could go on & on into a big flowery speech, but I wont. Instead, I'll sum up what I have to say to them in bold print in a short sentence that says it all. "I'm sorry".



  The Child-Molestors tell me that while they deal with me that they intend to go underground, act legit, and put thier gang-bangers & dirty cops on a leash (lest one become comprimised and turn states evidence & help me)!

  What this means that the organized crime gangs of Bay City, Saginaw, Midland, & Flint will be weak! Hey... you guys wouldn't take advantage of them when they were weak? Would you? Tell me... do you think they'd take advantage of you if you were weak?

  This kidnapping & frame-job brought to you by the fine people of Bay City Law-Enforcement and is sponsered by their favorate number: 1.

  baby punching bābē pən(t)SH iNG Hitting a baby with a closed fist with light but otherwise painful blows. example: "The Child-Molestor baby punched the baby for a long time, inflicting much pain & but little damage so as to not allow the baby to sleep as part of the torture". see: Michigan State Police

  Disclaimer: I don't believe a single word any child-molester says. Not now, not ever, & never will. On the whole child-molesters are lying liars who lack any honor or basic human decency whatsoever. In my humble opinion.

  CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017

  Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!

  In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.

  Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.

  When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.

  This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.

  What does this mean?

  Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".

  Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.

  I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.

  Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.

  To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.

  Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.

  Please help me!

© 2013 by PleaseSaveTheDave



  "I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". - Martin Oak

  Yeah, whatever...

Find us at our Molestor-monitored & edited websites: or

   Here I shall address the Child-Molesting community. "This is a tale of you, of what you are, what 'your kind of people' bring. You think you bring love but when you come you bring your perverse friends & they bring rape, death, and horror. Read my tale because it's true, and it's about you".

  Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak, Bay City Cops, Bay City Public Schools, their child-molesting gang & I killed a whole bunch of children & I wrote a partial list here, on my website. This site will bring back none of the dead. But it may bring the murder victims justice & let the dead rest a little easier.

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