Combined we killed a lot of kids!And the... cops helped!!!
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang
Welcome to my often sabotaged site. The Child-Molesters said they would and who was I to doubt them?
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.-David A. George 6-26-17
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang:
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.
David A. George
"Kill one person and you create a tragedy the police will investigate because it is such a tragedy. Kill a hundred people and you create a laughable crime the police will laugh at when you try to tell them about it".-Martin Oak Circa 1987 The author of this website's opinion of the subject? Yup.
This website is an attempt to save what remains of my life.. Sigh... -David A. George 1-5-18

Always on film... ALWAYS!!!

Make sure they're on drugs... At first...
Until now I've minimized the ongoing campaign of gang-rape waged against me by a gang of madmen for reasons of revenge. That & I've not discussed the events that occurred in a Bay City Public Middle School in fall of 1976 that inspired level of hate so great that I feel comfortable using the word infamy. If you're following my website, & I'm pretty sure (by reading my e-mails) that no one is then you'll realise that I'm not writing about them today. Eh, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a few days. It hurts too much & I'm going to write some more angry letters to... cops who'll probably tell me they never read them, not a one. Oh well...
This page is dedicated to all of you would-be serial rapists, serial-killers, &... cops who I've begged for help from. Here, I shall endeavor to write advice on how to kill innocent people & get away it & how to rape men, women, & little kids & get the cops to help you do it... FOR FREE! Hey, don't say I never gave you anything. If you are a rapist & you are reading this, just let me say this about my opinion of who & what you are. "You suck"!
Duh Jerk summed up the gang's winning formula for a lifetime of rape. All you have to do is stick to an easy to remember lie. "Such & such is our friend, they're crazy & on drugs. It always works because everyone knows to say it".
"Then we tell the cops. Aww... poor such & such said that? I'll go right too them and ask them if they need any help"?
"You tell the cops you're going to your victim"?
"Yeah. We act like their friend & it's the perfect cover for if the cops find out we're with them".
Are you listening rapists of America? This IS how to succeed at a lifetime of rape as taught to me by a master of lifestyle child-rape.
If you're reading this & are a rapist then I ask you why don't you quit hurting people & get your heart right with God? Judgement day is coming & an angry & vengeful God is going to judge you & throw you into the Lake of Fire forever if you don't repent of your sins! Hey, I tried to warn you.
It was while I was being sodomized at a drug party of hundreds in the Bunga-Bunga Garages that Duh Jerk asked me. "Do you know why I film everything I do"?
I answered. "No".
"Because no one would believe I would be so stupid as to film my victims during rape but I always film everything I do to my victims. Do you know why"?
"Because I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". That's a sentence he repeated often over the decades to me.
Are you paying attention rapists of America? This IS how you can get away with a life of rape & torture, even to little kids. In the greatest country on earth.
All I'll say about anyone who lives by this is this. "You suck"!
If even the smallest bit of what I'm saying here is true then it wouldn't be possible without a slew of dirty cops.
Awww... too bad dirty cops, the Child-Molestors brag that after they drug you & get you to star in a few of their films you wont be getting any money from them. Well, not much in any event. They brag this is is how it works. You pay them 50% of your cash after rent for life & then they make you do humiliating things for the rest of your life & trickle the cash back to you. The money that was YOUR money to begin with.
Did they offer you $1,000,000 to do something for the? Awww... you wont get to keep it because the way they explain it to me is that they don't see you as someone nice & a business partner. No, they see you as someone who is mentally weak and has THEIR money. Do you suppose they forcefully corrupt good, hard-working, ethical cops? They brag that they do & that some of those are dead. The way they see it (or so they tell me) is that once you take a nickle from them they see you as a mentally weak individual who knows too much about their beeswax who has THEIR money.
"We always kill our dirty cops in the end. We have a poison that causes hypertension & we always use it on our dirty cops. It makes it easy to kill them later because we make them shop at our pharmacies we control & they'll go there & buy the poison".
"We always kill our dirty cops when we're through with them after they retire. Half of a cop's pension ain't much when you consider that they're bored & reflecting back on their life & they know too much. So we always kill them. It's easy too. We make them date our whores & shop at our pharmacies. So when they go to one of our pharmacies & buy poison & die our whore back at their house is going to say he knew this was a long time coming & there will be no investigation into their deaths".
Figure you're too tough? No way you'll become one of them? HA! They've been eating cops like you for breakfast for a long time by now. "You can't just expect a cop to be one of us right away. It's a gradual process. First we make them do things like fix tickets & arrest a few guys who've got it coming. But we'll set up our own guys for those tickets & the people they send up the river will be our own guys & they'll be gathering evidence against the cop with our help. We like to make them guard child-rapes when we rent a hall & have a big get together & we have some of our people tell them 'a child is being raped in there' and they can check and there isn't. After a while we make sure to involve them in some crimes there & then we prove to them that there is a child-rape going on in there. Some of those cops have tears in their eyes when they provide protection for us. We like to let a few of the children escape. That hardens the cops when they have to return a child to a gang-rape. We make sure we film them doing it too. After a while they're as hardened as we are and they'll do whatever it takes to make certain that they're not exposed". He laughed during the last few sentences. Just like he will at you if you fail against the Child-Molestors. Just like they will laugh at YOUR kids if I should fail. If YOU should fail to bring down the Child-Molestors. Hey, I tried to warn you.
"And don't be late for jury practice again".
I had to ask him. "Jury practice"?
"You alread know we like to have witnesses on both sides in court. So it only makes sense to practice what we'll do to our victim in front of a mock jury". It was my day's lesson on how to rape innocent people, fleece them for a lifetime, & get away with it.
He went on & on about how their "acting classes" (taught by pro's in the acting field, literally) allow them to explore avenues of attack, identify weaknesses in their case, & gives their gang-members the confidence they need to win in a very public assault on someone they know is an innocent victim.
Lastly, if any police are reading this (a very big, big "IF") they brag it's fear that will let them defeat you. Fear will enable them to destroy entire groups of formerly wholesome, honest children & adults. Fear. If you are honest & ain't got the guts to help me then pursue someone else & hand my case over to someone who's honest, young, & hungry. You can let fear rule you, or you can make evildoers quake in fear at your coming. It's your choice. Chose now but don't whine to me later about your choice.
The Child-Molestors can be beaten. They wake up some nights in a cold sweat knowing that good cops are hungry to take them down. It is they who quiver when they see a good cop like you pass by. They stay up all night planning in fear at the coming of you, if you are an honest & upright American citizen You can do it! The people & the police of America can beat the Child-Molestors! Go get'em tiger!

Wear a badge... or buy someone who does....

Get in bed with the cops & courts...

SOOO... YOU LIKE BEING A RAPIST... Do it this way & the cops will help you do it... for free!!!

Sooo... you like being a rapist? WOW! Have I got advice for you... straight from the masters of the craft! These guys, the gang called "The Child-Molestors" have got the technique down pat & I'm going to share it with you for the low low price of... FREE! That's right, FREE! No need to thank me, I'll write my opinion of you & yours at the end of this window. But, for now, enjoy!
Sooo... you like to rape innocent victims. My guess is that you've grown bored of setting up victim after victim sneakilly, endless cop chases, looking behind your back, & trying to hide your lifestyle from the world. Well, no longer. Now, you are going to publicly embrace rape. I know what you're thinking. "WHAT? Who'd be so stupid"? It ain't like that, you're going to publicly embrace the concept of "The Rape Fantasy". Your many victims are not your victims, in public that is, no, they are your "friends". Remember this sentence well, it's going to be your rapist mantra & it will save not only your freedom, but the freedom of all of your rape buddies. "Such & such is our friend, they're crazy & they're on drugs".
The cops will say. "Crazy... & on drugs. Do you have any proof"? That's when you'll whip out your films of you and your drugged victims calmly chatting for the feds, then show them the films of them accepting drugs or cash, chant your new mantra, and the majority of cops will simply melt away. Some of the more skeptic cops might need reassuring. That's when you whip out your second mantra. "Who'd be so stupid as to film a rape"? The cops will totally buy that sentence, I assure you.
Only 1 in 10 rape victims chose to report their rape sooo... it's a buyer's market out there & you can have a field day! Now, from what I'm told, most of you rapist don't like picking on the thrice raped crowd of America's insane. No, you want the "fresh stuff". Not some orgy slut, a good kid. Fair enough.
You're going to have to look at this "long term". The way my rapists explainecd it to me was. "Say they [their victims} don't go to the cops, they'll be fine. But if they go to the cops we begin to stalk them. We go to where they work & show them our pictures of them dressed as Nazis & Klansmen. We go to their family & tell them such and such is a racist, in secret & we show them the bruises they got from when they attacked them. Once we've isolated a victim from their support group we can pretty much do anything we want to them".
All I'll say about you & your chosen lifestyle is this. "You suck"!

CRAZY IS... AS CRAZY DOES... Follow my advice and the cops will be begging to help you rape little kids... for free!!!
I know, I know, you would-be serial killing rapists are wondering 'how am I going to get the cops to beg to help me? It all sounds far fetched to me'. All I'll say is... have patience sicko grasshopper... pervert rome wasn't built in a day.
First, have you followed the guidelines? Raped & tortured your victims... on film? Have you pretended to pay them with money (that you immediately take back), for drugs & or sex?
Have you showed the films of your victims to their family, friends, & co-workers? You'll probably get in a few fights. That's okay and here's why: The more scrapes you get in, the more banged up you & your pals get, the better to accuse your victims of being violent racists, or worse, You'll have to change it up, use your imagination. "We can't use the same story every time to demonize our victims. We like to change it up & use our imagination".
Remember, keep the cops on speed dial & hear's why. Because the majority of people, many cops included, believe the first person to come to them. That's it & most of your victories will be that easy. You will call the cops before your victims do & accuse them of even worse things. Combine this with the fact that only one out of ten rape victims even go to the cops & you've got a winning formula for raping up to hundreds of innocent people even if you are the stupidest, most unmotivated rapist there ever was. Don't say I never gave you anything.
But here's the clincher, you've got to do it from the basis of... friendship. "We don't have any problem with telling half of a group of witnesses one thing & then the other half something else". "We tell people about our victim & show them the films & then we swear them to secrecy. That way nobody compares notes or if they do it's a tangled mess. They tell the victim's family & friends in secret & they don't tell the victim because they figure the victim already knows about the films".
"We like to tell the cops. Awww... poor such & such? He's our friend & he's crazy & on drugs. Did he say that [rape accusation] about us? I'm going to go right to him & see if he needs any help. It always works because everyone knows to say it [and you WILL make sure that they know to say it, right?]". I know what you're wondering reader. 'Tell the cops we're going to the victim? Who'd be so stupid'? I'll ask, did you want to keep raping people for a lifetime or not. YES, you TELL the cops you intend to go to the victim. "We say that to cover for ourselves for when we go back to them. That way if the cops catch us with them we tell them that such & such has reconciled with us & then we show the cops the films to prove it".
The films you've taken of your victims dressed as Klansmen, Nazis, & Witches will ensure your victory. "We like to sign them up for N.A.M.B.A.L.A. It only costs $45 a year and it's great evidence that the victim is a pervert". "We signed you up for it [uhhh... they claimed to have signed up the author]. We've drugged you & taken you [the author] to a N.A.M.B.A.L.A. meeting every year of your adult life, You're a lifelong member & qualify for all of thier secret meetings & we filmed you at every one of them".
Me I told him I didn't buy it, and if it was true he was only telling me so I'd know, being I have virtually no recollection of most of it. Besides, wouldn't the pervs rat on them?
Not so he assured me, "Everyone there knows everyone else's business & they can blackmail each other for life any time they want. Besides, they like the thought of a new convert to their lifestyle, even if they're unwilling. Then when one of our victims goes to prison & we show the inmates our pictures of the victim they have no one to turn to for protection but the N.A.M.B.A.L.A.
crowd & they'll dictate terms".
Crazy is as crazy does, what do I mean? I'll tell you oh scumbag rapist or (idiot?)... cop. You are going to attack your victims in insane attacks. Crazy, like only a moron could or would do. Don't worry, by now your victim has little or no support group. You've whittled them away.
With your films of your victims acting insane, delirious from the drugs you've forced them to endure. With the testimony of their former family & friends, you will be all but invincible before your victims. "Once we show the cops our films of what we've done to our victims they beg us for them & they tell us they'll be glad to help us screw them over for us".
In short, just as I promised, the... cops will beg you for the privilege of helping you destroy any victim foolish enough to get in your way. And more importantly, they will beg you for the privilege of helping you to do it for free!
If you are a rapist or would-be rapist reading this all I'll say to you is this. Why don't you get your heart right with God & become the good citizen you are only pretending to be & maybe God will reward you with all of those guilty pleasures that until now you've had to take by force? Change your ways, become a good person. If you are a rapist, quit raping people. If you are an...(idiot?) cop, do society a favor & give up the force. Please? I ain't saying all police are idiots, indeed I hope most of them are well-trained caring civic-minded professionals who only want to help.

Well, there you have it. Dave's basic rapist guide. A collection of rape tips as taught by masters of the craft to me (unwillingly). If you're a... cop, particularly if you've ever served in mid-Michigan law-enforcement you're probably in a daze and might not even realize it. My advice is to lay down, elevate your feet to above your head, and seek the advice of the many fine people at America's many rape crisis lines. I did. While they had no intention of helping me they did tell me that, basically, my story is a dime a dozen. It's elements and storyline are beyond mundane to those in the know. When I asked those professionals to hear me out they told me that there was no element to my story that they hadn't heard already. Though they did admit I had a much larger dose of... cop assisted perversion than most of organized crime's many other victims.
I know I know, if you're a mid-Michigan... cop (of any sort) you probably have a massive headache right now. My advice is to not operate heavy machinery and take a few of those pills your... "Dr." prescribed for you.
If you are a rapist reading this know that by my personal estimation, if you follow my advice, statistically you should be able to get away with a lot of rapes, and the cops are going to beg for the privilege of screwing over YOUR victims.
The way I figure it is only 1 in 10 rapes is reported and only one in 10 of those goes to trial and even less than that get convicted. If you are a rapist and live in America, even without my guidelines you are all but guaranteed, statistically, a lifetime of raping whosoever you will. Now that you'll be filming your every rape (add 1 in 10 to your odds of never getting caught), now that you'll proudly show... cops your films of you being friendly with your drug-hazed victims (add 1 in 10 to your odds of never getting caught), now that you'll be pretending to pay your victims (add 1 in 10 to your odds of never getting caught), you can rest assured that you can statistically enjoy an entire lifetime of raping and torturing little kids or whosoever you will. Add in the films of your victims dressed as Nazis, Commies, perverts, and witches (add 1 in 10 to your odds of never getting caught) and you can statistically look froward toward a lifetime of .. cops cleaning up YOUR messes (ie: those few pesky troublesome victims not yet covered in my guidelines who might statistically pop up now and again throughout your baby & child-raping career).
Statistically speaking, if you're following my advice, then your odds of getting caught are about 10,000 to one, give or take. What that means is, statistically speaking, you and 10 rape buddies can rape someone new every single week for about 30 years without getting caught! Don't say I never gave you anything.
I know, I know. You and your rape buddies want to rape even more people. The thought of raping for a mere 20 or 30 years and then getting probation (for raping a demonized victim) irritates you. Hey, don't worry. Dave is here! Until now I've only covered the rapist basics. Soon, I intend to write a chapter called "Dave's advanced rapist advice".
If you are a rapist and you are reading this all I'll say about you and your chosen lifestyle is this. "You suck"!

"How do you know if he's really a rapist"? "He he he". "I don't think there's enough evidence". "I love Bay City & Boulder"!
Besides, he seems like a nice guy to me"

BEHOLD! THE 2 WEAPONS THAT WILL ENABLE YOU TO RAPE ANYONE!____________________________________A camera and a badge..._________________________________________

WE'LL JUST SAY THAT YOU'RE TRYING TO MAKE YOURSELF SEEM TOUGH... "Tough"... "Cool"... "For sympathy... I've heard it all... all but for reasons of the truth...
A tale about a few children I met... then disfigured and maybe even crippled for the profit and amusement of madmen. Whatever...

"Do you know how I know you're lying about the gym"?
"Because if you were tough you'd never let me do this to you".
"We took you from place to place beating you up everywhere you went to prove you weren't tough".
"But I'm not tough".
He disagreed.

"Now I've made you out to be such a pervert that no cop will ever listen to your accusations about the gym".
"You know that kid's foot was on backwards and he might never walk again".
"Our plan relies on you going to the cops. We always reflect the accusations of our victims back on them. That's why we've never been able to burn you in front of the cops. After we do what we do to your shoulders and knees you'll go to the cops and that'll be the beginning of the end for you".
"At least don't make the little kids watch".
Fagboy smiled & said. "I'm hardening them".
"We torture our victims over & over and when they quit complaining and when they start walking up to the stocks willingly that's when we pull out our cameras and film everything".
"Do you know why I'm having them [the 4 Stars] rape you"?
"To make your accusations about the gym seem like those of a jilted lover".
"Do you know why I'm having them beat you"?
"So we'll be able to prove that you're a pervert later in court".
"You would f _ _ _ a guy in the a _ _ & not even give him the courtesy of a reacharound wouldn't you".
He smiled and said. "Yeah, it's more evil that way".

"Now we can do anything we want to you for the rest of your life and nobody's going to care".

A PARTY TO DIE FOR!!! A Bay City... cop sponsered party!!!
Soooo... there I was. It was Circa 1989 to 1993ish when the gang liked to follow-up torture and rape sessions with pretending-be-my-friend-sessions at “The 4 stars and Jerk liked to take me from room to room and pose me with booze or drugs and take pictures at the Partyhouse”. Getting me to participate in movies whenever possible by plying my drugged-out mind to do this... or to do that was the order of the day and we did everything for the camera over & over & over & over & over and over n over and then over and over and over and over...
Laughter, my doped-up laughter, mixed with there's, on film was extremely important to them, as was conversation. It's important to them to have films with their victim laughing with their captors and I assure the reader, drugs make it possible and we did it day after day after day after day after...
A few times I recall sitting on their couch, they were laughing and telling jokes. I laughed when they did. I recall thinking. “Why am I laughing? I've got to get out of here”. I started looking for exits. When I didn't laugh the 4 Stars asked me if I was okay? Recalling that if I answered them I'd be attacked and dosed anew I merely laughed when they did and watched for an opening.
Yeah, I tried to escape. I failed a bunch of times. Almost got away a few times (some of those attempts are written elsewhere).
This time, there is no escape. I'm doped up on who knows what and even as I become semi-lucid I am robbed of any ability to walk or even crawl. I'm a doorstop, paperweight, a decoration for the films of madmen. I'm sitting on a couch, have been for days, and will be for days, maybe weeks?
The gang sit around me and set up their cameras from time to time as the time for my next dose approaches. They laugh & whenever possible try to interact with me, like a friend might. Offer me drugs, booze, sex. Then, I become lucid and try to leave. Whether walking, crawling, or slithering the gang pounce as one on me making sure to rain body blows as they do and dose me as a team. Fagboy, Shortstuff, and The Mayor's Brat all yell insults and still bring up “The Gym” as reason for the blows over a decade later. Dirty Cop attends in full Bay City... cop uniform and is in some of the films and was part of the beatdowns.
This time, they've left me on the couch too long. Unable to move and needing to use a restroom I could hold “it” no longer and filth poured out of me and I sat there at the party in my own filth. The only way to mark time was by noting I went through several dose cycles sitting there. I recall that the party merely moved to the other rooms or for those who chose to party in my room they did so on the other side of the room while hurling insults at me for the disgusting smell.
Fagboy liked to brag that the footage of innocents complaining of my stench would go far to proving I had always had no control over my bowels for when they crippled my rectum before our final court showdown... the beginning of the end where I'd be wearing adult diapers as revenge for “The Gym”.
When asked the gangbangers, usually a pretty girl, told them I was like that, an occasionally delirious sort of fellow they all liked anyway & made scenes like unto a kidnapping scene all the time prior to a needed dose of my “medicine”. Yeah, I begged a few partygoers for help time & again. Most informed me they were in the gang. Any conversation prior to this was merely for the benefit of the camera. A few times, few... the gang freaked out as a formerly laughing and complacent me suddenly begged partiers for help. I was jumped and the gang insisted that I was delirious & merely needed my medication & that was my reason for insisting this was a kidnapping. “He does this all the time without his medicine”. Then they beat me down and dosed me anew.
A few witnesses protested their rough handling of me which they justified by saying things like. “We have to when he gets this way”. Then, after “dosing” they asked me if we were great buttbuddies? They even asked me if this was a kidnapping and on their drug(s) I confirmed that I was friends with anyone they asked and as for a kidnapping? What kidnapping? With a long-term memory of literally 10-15 seconds I didn't recall any kidnapping.
I recall them quizzing me for the benefit of many witnesses once I'd been dosed. They asked me things like. “We're all friends ain't we”? “This isn't a kidnapping is it”? “Feeling better now that you've got your medicine”?
Yup. I, yes me, I told the witnesses that we were best buttbuddies. Sure... Kidnapping? No. I was friends with the entire world... now... especially with the people who'd just beat me down and dosed me just now. Not that I recalled if if asked about it. Enemies? Nah...
The... cops were called a few times by witnesses I begged for help and Dirty Cop was there personally to coach answers from me for the benefit of his fellow officers after I was dosed anew. Even jumping me with the team and helping with the dosing during a few poorly timed skits AND in front of his fellow... cops who I'd managed to summon. Only to point out to his fellow officers. “See? Now that he's got his medicine he's okay”. Then asking me questions like. “Is this a kidnapping”? “Are any of these people your enemies”?
I assure the reader, he got all the answers he craved and later when I met said... cops at the Copshop they mocked me because of it and refused to help me. They... cops mocked me... at the Copshop... based on this... Mocked... Ridiculed... made sport of... on duty... at their post... in uniform...
But all that merely leads up to this... horror is my life... horror...
I recall a pretty gal once came in, hurled insults at me based on my own filth I was sitting in at the party, stripped me from the waist down violently at the party, then cleaned me and my clothes slapping me and roughly washing me for the witnesses and the cameras. Then I was good to go for a new batch of filming & such.
Every now and then party-goers, men, women, & even children would sit around me and either outright torture me by slapping me up or by delivering blows all over my body prompting guards Duh Jerk and or the 4 Stars to say. “Not the face”.
Other times they engaged me sexually motivated by reward as it's a standard thing I'm told that a reward is due if a victim can be tricked into providing useful conversation (or worse, much worse) for the camera. Some just wanted to masturbate me for the camera. Ugly women, plain Janes, and even beautiful women between (spitooey) men & (grrrrrrrrr) children.
Year after year this goes on every summer... WITH the aid of local police agencies (note my use of the letter “s” in the word “agencies”) between the humiliationfests that are my attempts at “filing a police report”.
Another time (times actually... but which Bay City... cop is counting?) I recall becoming lucid while engaged in a heavy petting session with... someone? I pulled back my head and it was a guy about my age whom I'd never met before on the couch.
Me? I attacked my rapist and Fagboy grabbed the rapist's arm and helped to yank him to his feet and away from me. Fagboy high-fived him and promised him a reward and asked his friends to wait next to me while they retrieved his due reward.
Fagboy returned alone and sent the rapist's friends packing with a few mumbled words. Then he asked me if I wondered where the rapist was? Fagboy bragged that once he got the guy alone he'd given him the daterape drug and then came out to send his pals away. Telling them their pal had chosen to go to a “special party” as a reward without them. He would be invited to rape me later and the film footage of this “session” would be very damning. The guy would be taken home where he wouldn't remember a thing. Thus the gang wouldn't have to pay him this time as they'd promised everyone who tried to get useful film footage against me. He asked me if I wanted to know how they got the footage? It seems they drugged me stupid and began the heavy petting with me stupefied with the lights off. Then, as I became more and began to participate they slowly turned the lights back on as I became increasingly lucid. SMILE! SMILE! SMILE! All as revenge for “The Gym” he bragged.
Once... I think they screwed up the doses on my stupid drug(s). While I couldn't walk or crawl or even slither away I was semi-reasonably semi-lucid and I pondered the situation before me.
I wanted... THIS TO END!
I pondered my options. Begging partygoers for help... failed. Begging... cops & F.B.I. For help... failed. Going to citizen's groups... failed. Going to churches... failed. Going to my family... failed. Going to my friends... failed. I figured I needed a new plan. NOW!
So... I hatched a plan.
So I hatched a that would work... no matter what.
So I hatched a plan that was not very nice.
No, not one bit nice.
My plan was not nice, premeditated, and not nice (did I mention not nice? I doubt Mid-Michigan... cops would notice I did & it wouldn't matter if they did because they tell me that in Bay City no one would treat kids nor adults like this, IT'S UNETHICAL!).
I decided, that to end this... But how? Pondering the “witnesses” I concluded few or none of them were “innocent”. Sooo... I decided that I would make it too expensive to keep me there... Via bodycount. I didn't want torturers posing as “witnesses” who would testify we were buttbuddies. I wanted witnesses to the scene of the killing. Sooo... I decided I would simply kill anyone & everyone I could. Anyone who came withing arm's length was now a target and I knew soon a partygoer of some sort would eventually sit next to me and engage me for the camera, for sport, or both. I recall sitting on that couch wondering what sort of person might come by? Man? Woman? Or worse? Guilty? Innocent?
A group of well-dressed drop-dead gorgeous women, about 3-5 of'em and a few otherwise well-dressed men all about my age or older came over and engaged me. 2 pretty mini-skirt wearing women sat next to me on either side of me and the one on the left of me smiled & spoke her last words in life to me. “Hi there”.
I unceremoniously grabbed her and twisted her head with all of my might. K-K-K-K-KRACK! Then I threw her lifeless body at my feet. Then... I reached for someone else... her boyfriend I think and he stepped back as did his companions.
The group went silent and the main party carried on in the next room. Guards and friends of the deceased just stood there and everyone simply stared at her body. Fagboy and Shortstuff were called into the room. They insulted me. So did the corpse's friends. It's fuzzy.
The beautiful woman tried to save her friend. Noting she was still alive.
It was Fagboy who told her to not help her and ordered everyone to stand back & leave me alone. To just “Let her die” because it was better to die than to live a life paralyzed (the same thing a “Dr.” would say on my Michigan Street front porch decades later standing over the body of a young boy who was still alive in the presence of the Bay City... cop I've nicknamed “Front Desk Cop in my letter to the F.B.I.). I was impressed at her immediate obedience to him seeing as she seemed so worked up. Fagboy ordered guards to be placed to keep witnesses (partygoers) out of the room and to get me a new dose, which he said was kept well away from that particular room in case police showed up. Or so they'd boasted earlier. Often.
That woman screamed insults at me FOR KILLING HER BEST FRIEND! Then, she attacked me.
Me? I approached killing her methodically. I endured her blows to better enable me to grab her. Once I grabbed her I took what she gave so as to more easily maneuver her into a position to snap her neck.
Fagboy ordered his guards to save & they did moments before her demise. When she calmed down she asked what Fagboy thought I was going to her and he answered calmly. ”He was going to kill you”.
SHE SCREAMED INSULTS AT ME! Then she screamed them at her dying best friend's boyfriend. Why hadn't he attacked me and just watched as a woman tried to get revenge for his girlfriend's death. “I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HER”!?!?
He looked guilty and looked to Fagboy for advice noting he was obeying Fagboy's orders, & was not a coward.
They all just stood there, silently and we all watched the beautiful woman die... slowly.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, threats threats threats, dosed anew, fade to black...
A beautiful young woman with her whole life ahead of her? I dedicate the tale of her short life to the Vice Squad (or whatever they are called) of Bay County Michigan who's fine police work in the Bay County area made her tragic early death possible.
Go ahead, beg any agency in America you want for help against the Saginaw Valley's rapist gangs. I did and without fail they WILL tell you what they told me 'go to the Bay City Police and report this'. Once you get to the Bay City Police they WILL tell you to 'tell it to the cop at the front desk' and I assure you some, many, most, or maybe even all of those fine... cops will NOT help you.
Corruption has a new name & it is Bay City... cops... in my humble opinion.
Yeah, I'm contrary. Always was. Tell me I'm doomed if I do. I just might do it? Maybe not. They tell me I'm unpredictable too. Hence the rapist saying. "Raping you is scary. You never know when you're going to go off". They tell me it's also fun and rewarding and best done by people10 feet tall and made bulletproof by drugs too... but that is a different point. Ya gets what ya gets when yer main torture technique is to tell a drugged victim they're dreaming. Not everyone has the nicest of dreams for you to rely on thet working.
Oh yeah... the "how to part"? Sure! Why not? I'm nothing if not accomidating to the rape gang and their slew of relieved dirty... cops (relieved cause I'm stupid enough to repeat the stuff they've done to me). I'll use an example. It's happened every few years my entire life. Here goes...
Soooo... there I was, sitting in an always public place, minding my own beeswax, doing paperwork in the example I've chose in a resteraunt. So I'm just sitting there, and a pretty woman whom I've never met before nor ever again walks up and starts searching my bag (carried either an art bag or a waork bag with tons of paperwork in it my entire adult life almost always). Of course this gets my attention. I ask why they're searching my bag and the most popular answer was "I wondered what was in there"? Some were nicer that others and gave the bag a quick going over. Others dumped the contents out and methodicly searched it's contents. Then left without a thank you or a goodbye.
The gang has bragged on this many times. A pretty woman walks up and goes through a victim's bag. If they resist physically a swarm of nearby Jocks get to beat them to a pulp for free. If they don't resist the gang knows what's in there (for whatever reasons they may be suspicious at a given time) and is free to either retrieve "things" earlier planted in said bag or plant new ones like drugs (the kind where you can get a life sentence for possessing even microscopic amounts of). It can also facilitate a film that proves the girl and the victim are friends (The idiot... cop says: why else did you let her go thru your bag huh?) thus enabling her to rape a victim and have a film proving they were great frinds. Why else would I have let her go through my bag you might ask?
Me? I got nothing to hide. I just watched them do it and repacked my bag as needed.
This does not include all the times various gangbangers bragged they used a pickpocket to put "things" on my person or the bodies of their other victims. I watch this cop show on TV and dam impressed by how often people caught with all sorts of "things" begin their police interrogation by saying. "That's not mine". I'm even more impressed by how many only of them minutes later admitted that the "things" were indeed thier's but that is a different story.
Pickpockes putting things on victims? To dramtise the point I'm trying to make I shall now attempt to coin a new word. Here goes...
Pickpocket pick·pock·et [ˈpikˌpäkət]
a person who steals from other people's pockets.
synonyms: thief · petty thief · purse-snatcher · sneak thief · cutpurse
steal from the pockets of (someone): example: she went to Bay City Michigan and pickpocketed things from citizens
Putpocket [po͝otˈpäkət]
1. a person who places things in a victim's pocket, usually to facilitate a crime example: he put the drugs in the victim's pocket and then called the police
CHILD-MOLESTER PSYCHOLOGY 101: Yeah... I've met a few...
Here I will discussed my observations of the child-molester psyche & give generalized psychological reviews of them based upon countless interviews by myself. Yeah, I've not only talked to them, I chatted on & on with them, often butt-up with my pants around my ankles strapped to a table. I asked then the hard questions. I asked them about their lives, their loves, their motivations. What they wanted out of the molester community, what the community meant to them? I quizzed them in depth about their philosophy? Asked them about their hobbies in the face of a culture that at best abhors their lifestyle & how they felt about it? I asked them about their wants, their dreams, and more importantly their fears. I came to several conclusions based on these countless interviews. I figured out a few things based on 1st hand observations of child-molesters & rapists (they are very much intertwined, don't let them fool you). This is what makes them tick.
First, I will discuss... cop "opinions' as they told them to me of what is a child-molester psyche.
YOUR AVERAGE CHILD-MOLESTER... according to... cops...
Your average child-molester in a novice opportunist. They are misguided, usually sick souls, but overall an honorable bunch. Harmless to a fault & truthful in the extreme. In the past I asked said... cops to describe their political party or favorite public figures & then noted that when they'd finished my question & answer session that they'd literally talked batter about the child-molester community as a whole than they had their public leaders & sports figures or actors. Literally. All of them, in case you think I'm making an unfair broad-based generalization here. All of'em, every single one of them who submitted to my questions did this. ALL. A quantity of not most, but everything.
"I picture them as a bunch of computer nerds sitting around typing on a keyboard watching child-porn". Yeah, they'll novice-wise (is that a legal word?) molest kids &... cops will lock them up &... cops tell me that they are an honest bunch. "They'll tell a few lies to save their own skins but I don't think they'd lie on a scale like you're suggesting (the author)".
All child-molester men are physically weak & nerdy. All child-molester women are ugly fat battleaxes who complain a lot. Indeed, I asked... cops what kind of children they figured your average child-molester might be attracted to? They admitted (to their credit in my opinion) that they really hadn't given the subject much thought? I submitted for those skeptics approval that molesters are attracted to basic physical attributes of beauty like normal people, but in a perverse way. Average men are attracted to innocent-looking women, with an athletic build. Generally speaking of course. Average women are attracted to men with money, something to give, men with 'big equipment' & athletic. Generally speaking. Thus by logical deduction (it was probably here that I lost ALL Mid-Michigan... cops in the conversation... my bad) child-molesters would tend to seek these things out, add in the goal of physical gratification above all here (obviously. if it didn't rate highly in their minds the cost/danger ratio would outweigh any possible benefits of the lifestyle) & the common denominator is they like young fit and tend to athletic children. Still with me? That being true many of these pervs in the past have sought out these kids, they grew up, & now they are the people described above, looking for fit and athletic children to indulge their self-gratification in. They seek out places where such children congregate. Gyms, schools, children's groups & activities. Especially where children are disrobing in a public or semi-public way.
Ummm... not so. You... cops tell me you can ignore the above paragraph & feel pretty good when doing it to. Basic honor & human good diddly oodnessificationess means that no Child-Molestor, amateur nor professional would ever be so dishonorable. Yeah, there's a few bad apples out there making a good living putting out child-porn but on the whole they're pretty honorable, kind to a fault, & love children. Being they're all ugly & nerdy it's a wonder any of them even get a child or even 2 but... cops on the whole have been zapping the bad ones & got them all. Just ignore all the ritually mutilated kids bodies showing up all over the country & their assessment of the average child-molester is spot on & cannot be reproached and is NOT open to debate nor revisement. Period. End of subject. If you don't leave the Police Station right now I'll slap you myself for the way you talk about our area's child-molesters. Well, not the author, But I've been threatened thusly by a self-righteous... cop.
Thus... but listening to the testimony of uniformed & on duty... cops I was able to deduce that all child-molester children are ugly ungodly brats & social misfits who could NEVER fool any cop anywhere ever mostly because all child-molesters amateur & professional are so ugly and fat that there's simply no way they could get beautiful children let alone the prettiest & best children available. Even using drugs, money, or intimidation. Cant happen, not in their America. End of subject. Period! What? You're still in the Police Station? Leave now & take your potty-mouth someplace else no one wants to hear your lies because there's no way the child-molesters are as bad as you say they are (the author).
These are mental attributes nearly all child-molesters I've met seem to have in common. I know... cops everywhere will disagree with my assessment based on the fact that when THEY meet child-molesters they're often sissy whiners begging for their freedom & seemingly telling a bazillion lies (bazillion lies? Where'd I hear that before?) to earn their freedom. They are penitent & go out of their way to prove how harmless & sorry they are.
Truth is... your average child-molester is not sorry. They're only sorry they got caught. A bazillion lies trying to earn their freedom? No... well, some. The gang lie to their own all the time and figure that it's those bazillion lies when retold will convince investigators that the... cops would-be confidential informant seeking to betray the gang seems like someone to be ignored as crazy, a liar, or both.
Your average child-molester sees themselves as superior to Police. They are the enlightened & the bad Police who want to destroy them are the real backwards-minded people here & here's why. Because they see sex with children as an entirely moral act. They're not exploiting children. "We're only bringing them pleasure". Man, I wish I had a dollar for every time a child-molester told me that sentence, maybe I'd put a down-payment on a house or car or something with it.
Your average child-molester, by the time they've reached adulthood (but this applies to many small children) has manipulated the Police a bunch of times. The fact they've manipulated... cops so many times has lead them all to conclude that... cops are a bunch of easily manipulated idiots at best & the many dirty... cops they've worked with only confirm this conclusion. They are convinced you are a bunch of narrow-minded immoral fools who seek to destroy them for bringing a noble act upon children, indeed, what calling is higher than bringing pleasure to children for many people? They are not only noble in their minds but bring a lifestyle they see as enlightened & even saintly. They often go to church (church people are VERY trusting with their kids & eager to cover-up scandals so as not to affect attendance. Win/win for molesters). They laugh when they brag that it is their regular church attendance that will fool... cops or bring them a reduced sentence later in court if they are ever discovered. The same concept is multiplied times ten when dealing with perverts hiding behind the shield that is "school privilege". They are the most organized self-righteous devious decadent perverts of the bunch I assure you of that... cops.
Your average, indoctrinated into the child-molesting lifestyle participant sees the pleasure seeking lifestyle as superior. It justifies all the lies & horrors they might have to inflict to secure their freedom and ability to live unfettered in polite society.
Your average child-molester is vain in the extreme. They know that the child-molester community as a whole will shun anyone who has been convicted of child sex-crimes (or relegated to a second-class status, unless they are wealthy or very beautiful) or even has a bad reputation so they are more mindful of their reputations than any normal person might be. Indeed. Are you a Police Officer seeking leverage against a card-carry dedicated lifestyle child-molester? Then it is threats to their reputation that will terrify them. To any child-molester their reputation is everything & many of them, especially when they are in the gang, will do anything to make sure their reputation is a good one. Anything!
It's a almost a shame (I said almost here) Police cannot use children in stings to capture molesters. You see it's because such is their veracious appetites that not a one of them can resist temptation when it comes to a child they are attracted to. Not... a... one. Remember this factoid. I submit for your approval that watching molesters or suspected molester when a child innocently stumbles into their sphere of influence should be a great way to take individual pervs down.
Your average child-molester from the top to the lowliest pervert is vain. Go ahead, bust all the ugly broke people in their gang you want to. They could care less. But the beautiful & the wealthy have a lot to lose. A pretty cougar near the end of her beauty & an aging computer nerd who's salary has been halved or even quartered by a sickly economy will be prime law-enforcement targets. They are expendable but if they're smart they'll realize that fact making them prime targets to be recruited by law-enforcement. Just a guess. My armchair amateur opinion.
This broad generalization also applies to most rapists. Be they opportunist, hobbyist, misguided hobbyist (yeah, there IS such a thing), amateur, or career rapists.
To strike home the point I'll add this. Vanity... thy name is Child-Molestor. They are a vain self-serving self-righteous self-indulgent batch of people who care nothing for anyone but themselves. They lie they cheat they steal they destroy the minds & bodies of children & cry when they are caught and act just like they were taught in their Molester-sponsored acting classes to convince you they are novice opportunist who just got caught up in the biz & that the guy screaming he's a framed victim is indeed their ringleader. They want a reduced sentence and they'll gladly tell you all about the guy who's their leader in the films & how he's their leader.
PEACE SELLS, BUT WHO'S BUYING??? Not a single... cop I've ever met is buying a thing I've got to say on this page... or so they tell me...
Who's buying what I've got to say? Not a single... cop I ever met even slightly agreed with my broad assessment of Child-Molesters nor any of my begging for help. That being said... I intend to lump all molesters & Molestors into categories. The Novice Molester, The Opportunist Molester, The 1st Gen Victim/Servant Molestor, 2nd Gen Self-Righteous Brat Molestor, 3rd Gen Molestor Families, The Stereotypical Molestor... cop, The Misguided Would-Be Vigilante... cop and many more.
If you are a Boulder Colorado or a Mid-Michigan... cop and read this I'll bet your self-righteous meter is ticking overtime right now & you need to work off a lot of violence based on my broad generalization of YOUR child-molesting community as a whole. Please don't hurt me! Instead I propose a physical way to work off steam based on ACTUAL child-molester opinions of your physical & mental prowess. No need to thank me, and please don't send me any money. It's just that I and those penitent Molesters you keep catching both care about your physical AND mental well-being. Well, one of us does in any event. I don't see any of them lining up to give you mind-saving advice like I do.
1) Get a paper bag. Turn it inside out just in case there are big words on it because we don't want to add confusion to your anger.
2) Wet the paper bag.
3) Get into the paper bag. Be careful to mark a trail so you can find your way out of the bag once you are in there.
4) Try to punch your way out of the bag.
5) When you are tired leave the intact paper bag for later. You're probably less enraged now & we wouldn't want to add poor to the mix by making you buy a paper bag every time I make a Mid-Michigan... cop or Boulder... cop angry.