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                                                                    And how to avoid it!!!

  Here I shall use logic combined with the boasts of a gang of madmen and years of experience in researching ways Police get fired to explain why anything other than helping me will get you canned if you are an honest Officer and put in prison if you are a dirty... cop.

  Logic is the one thing I'm good at. It's not hiding the bodies that I'm good at... never had to do it... much. For the record it's a subject I approached like a good website. Just drag and drop. Sad... but true. Sigh...


  Yup... these are the things that are gonna get YOU fired and or ruin your life. Fail to help me and you'll lose your job, house, your spouse, your friends, and most importantly "your reputation! Why? Here's why.

  1) There sure are a lot of people involved. Yup! From The Gym to just my life in general. Once... cops find out where "The Bomb-Shelter Garages" are in Bay City and then figure out where their "counterparts" are, similar garages in other cities and start asking around about Homosexual Rape Parties it's game over.

  Picture me standing next to a dozen other victims at your firing hearing and pointing at you.

  I ask this question. Do YOU want to get mixed up in the wrong side of a case where thousands of people are involved... literally?

  2) I've got a whole lot of fellow victims and they cant wait to testify. Yup... tons of'em. They cant wait to press charges and I'd like you to picture the flailing Molestorcops pointing fingers at everyone around them (They call it Plan A") & any... cop who didn't jump on the "Free the Dave" bandwagon early will be up for grabs. Don't think they'll set you up? Yeah... you'll bet your life on it wont you huh? Picture this. "Yeah your honor see him (she points at the 'Honest.. Cop' the bosses will pay a fortune to burn) yeah he was in on it. I want immunity. You want proof? He was just as vocal as I was at insulting David A. George").

  Are you an experienced... cop? Heard of cases with worse evidence where the Honest Cop goes down in flames? I have. Now I've seeded the idea in their heads.

  3) The Gym. I'm not kidding about The Gym and I'm not exaggerating either. There were tons and tons of witnesses and even more people involved. Once the police start to figure out where they trucked their troops in from there will be a bazillion people involved. Not counting the children (who, if my guess is right, will all be involved in a "hundred attempted murders case" because I think they're stupid enough to lie about The Gym. Thus alerting any fair-minded investigators to their "tell" as each lies) I know the Statute of Limitations is up for the Children of The Gym... But IF they lie about it ain't that "Racketeering"? Is it accessory after the fact? Phht! It will be Racketeering once my case sets you on their trail. Hundreds of conspirators and I can point at every single one of'em. If just one Officer with half a brain and an ounce of investigative talent should get involved with them it's game over for the entire gang, their dirty.. cops, and all the clean... cops who waited too long to jump on the bandwagon.

  Think that being a clean... cop will save you if you come out against me. See... my website is about giving YOUR job competitors ideas. Imagine that you're both up for a promotion, you're the better of the 2 by far... and they say. "WOW! Thousands of people were involved and he dropped the ball. Are you sure you want to promote him over me"?

  Oh! Let ME come up with your defense. You'll tell your bosses. "But I trusted the... cops from the place with the most rapes in America. It's not my fault. How could I see that coming"? Everybody trusts the... cops from the rape rape rapingest place in America. Right? Practice it in a mirror and get used to calling your inferiors "Sir".

This could be you!!!

  DISCLAIMER: I have no idea who the above is and in no way am I depicting his views or beliefs. I just needed a "cop got fired pic was all". I'd like to thank the officer for the pic and hope he'd like to see the gang pay in spades as well for their atrocities against children.

  4) It ain't easy: What? You figure taking me, the massive amount of witnesses, and whats likely to be truckloads of evidence will be easy? Do you? Really? Haven't you read about the tremendous beyond paranoid and ultra-sneaky ways the gang has tried to take me down? Face it... they know that to even have a slight chance to win against me their case has to be the most subtle public frame-job ever.

  WOW! They sure have screwed up a lot! Read about all the baggage involved in my case. On the best of days and in the dirtiest of courtrooms you'll have to carry that baggage with you for life. Everywhere you go clean or dirty... cops. EVERYWHERE! Especially if it goes public. Imagine talking about me with your peers until you're 100 ! HA!

  5) I can debate: I mean it. I can debate very well. It's part of the reason the gang spare no expense to insure I & other victims are all drugged and or sleep-deprived for court or competency hearings. Problem is I'm warning Police ahead of time and if I can get just one honest Officer to give me the time of day and make sure I'm well-rested and not drugged then I'm going to let both barrels of all I got on everyone around me. Politely. How good am I? I pray a lot and have talent on loan from God. What do you have?

  6) I get under people's skin: What... don't think I can enrage people? Phhht! It's one of the only things I'm good at in life. Don't believe me? Read my website. I'm really really really really really really really good at ticking off people. Making them lose their cool. Imagine your normally calm witnesses being tripped up time and again by me.  Stuttering and enraged they slip up. Then I summon the next one and build on that. Go on to number 3, call the 1st back. Play on exact wording? Yeah... I can do that. Maybe I can trip your people up? Maybe I cant? When you kiss your loved one's goodbye think long and hard... are you willing to bet their lives on it? Go ahead... jump in your car and laugh... willing to bet that too? Huh? There's a reason why the gang hasn't wanted to face me in court openly.

  Reason X) Technology: Hey... maybe you can beat the lie detector? But do you think everyone on the Frame Dave Project can? Huh? Willing to bet YOUR life on it? How about your job? Your house? Your car? Your spouse? Huh? How would YOU like to bet every friend you ever had and bet every friend you'd ever had made in your life if you don't come in on my side? Lose against me... fail in taking me down and your friends will melt away faster than a snowball in hell (which is where you are heading).

  My point? Look in ANY & ALL science, technology, and medical books. All of them say the exact same thing, there ain't a single book out there that doesn't say we're on the verge of building infallible lie detectors that are never wrong! Look it up if you don't believe me! You might get away with doing me... but not for long! I betcha betcha !

  Picture this: Have a seat in this new-fangled never-fail lie-detector officer. Now we want to discuss the 100 Attempted Murders of David A. George...


  There's tons more reasons... Just that the website is under construction and I get bored talking to ... cops really easy.  Stay safe out there. I see the potential for a lot of Honest Police to go down in flames. Let alone double-dumb dirty... cops! Bet your life on it !


  7) Read about my story. Notice a pattern? It's a story of a gang of pros who made a bazillion mistakes, errors, and ill-conceived cover-ups. They had overwhelming odds and screwed even the simplest of plans up time and time again and have the singular ability to yank defeat from the jaws of victory whenever I'm involved.

  The reason ain't I'm a genius or that I'm lucky (I'm not lucky) but I prayed a lot and God gave me the wisdom and strength to survive. So far... with a lot of pain...

  Seriously? Do you want to come down on the wrong side of my case with their clowns for dirty... cops on your side? Seriously? Really? Bet your life serious? Tell me oh wise ones? At what point in my story do the gang fill you with confidence?

  8) You get to explain this. I found it in a Walmart a while ago. I saw it... and I had "a hunch". "A guess", "just wondering" and you get to explain this & you get to pick which side of the courtroom you explain it from. As of this moment, "my hunch" will forever entangle this little girl and my case. A HUGE risk on my part, being I'm being stalked by frame-artists, but ya gots ta take your chances and I'm feeling... lucky. Are you feeling lucky dirty... cops of America? Well are you? Then go ahead... make my day.

U feeling lucky?

  The future of ALL... cops (clean AND dirty) who oppose me in court on behalf of the gang. Better get used to it.

  Don't say I didn't warn you. Cause I told you so.

6'2" & 130 lbs? This girl was "model tall", a dream come true for the Molestor Brothels

What led up to her dispapearence?

Did she "run afoul" of the "Cool Kids"? In Bay City they ARE dominated by the Gang. Did she brefreind them, suddenly, move up the "social ladder"?

 Just before her disapearence

How did her picture come to be in a distant store 'That I" frequent? Random chance or sinsister reasons and I was fool enough to "take the bait"?

Was she arrested at any time before she went missing? Even by years? This is the premier Molester technique to cover for their kidnapping dirty... cops. It gives them protection from accusation.

Point blank I ask this. Who was her physical education teacher? The gyms of Saginaw Valley Schools are absolutely run with a firm rapist's hand by the gang.

Was she absolutely demonized before her disapearence? By her friends? Teachers? Family? This is the premier Molestor tool, it makes... cops give up the search quickly. IT WORKS!

<------- Saginaw... cops in their "Child-Molestor Investigation Position"

  UPDATE... Yup... I saw it coming... & I smell a rat...

  Sooo... last week or so, I thought I'd check on thee bulletin board pictured above and it was no surprise what I saw was missing. The Missing Person Pic of Miss Jones was gone.
  Frankly, I knew the molestors read my site & figured they'd remove it. I'd like to think it was because the "model tall" Miss Jones showed up, prompting authorities to remove it. I wonder... Hmmm... you see these pics were inside my phone for months while I built up the courage to use them. Even during my last torturing kidnapping (Yeah, thanx for NOT coming to the rescue oh ye less than useful... cops of Rochester MN (Note my choice of words, less than useful and not "useless". The word useless would at least imply that our account is even of ye other than useful... cops UMPH! 4 digs in one paragraph!). Thus the Molestors coulda found it and made up any story before I published my pics.

  Sadly, I suspect the worst. I have pointed my finger in the direction of kidnapping torturing recreational child-murderers and I'll bet I struck a nerve! I feel sorry for the family of Miss Jones, I really do. Both for the loss of their daughter who had her whole life before her & for the horror a single finger point from myself may have brought a family who have already lost so much. War is Hell. War is Hell...

  So I thought I'd snap a few pics of the board noting that the rest of the board seems unchanged & pondering the lives of the children who replaced & neighbored her pic. Snapshots that remind us of human lives as they were long ago in a moment of time. Ironic only in that it is the camera and the gang's many films and pics of myself that have brought them a lifetime of victory against not only me, but against every single child they've molested. The camera never lies...

  UPDATE: I was optimistic. I cant figure out how to find my pics on my phone anymore. It no longer behaves as it did. 4-15-17

<------------------------------Who are these kids?


  Who are these kids? Why did the gang choose these pics to replace those of Miss Jones? Just the next pics on the missing children pile or pictures chosen by a ruthless gang of madmen frame artists that will enable them to continue their bloody carear not only unompeaded rampaging through the streets of America but likely empower them and theirs to allow them to soar to knew, as yet undiscovered heights of pervesion.

  Remember this factoid and remember it well... cops. Dirty AND clean. Fail to help me, fail to deliver me, fail to free me and guess who the gang are coming for next? GUESS? Got the guts to guess? If you're a Mid-Michigan... cop we already know the answer.

  Guess? Why should I guess? The gang boast openly to me that it is the... cops involved in my case who they are going for next. Worse oh ye ever-laughing never-investigating... cops? What they did to me they are going to do to you and yours.

   Awww... don't buy it? You see they're going to blow a fortune figuring out what makes you tick prior to my "end". Flush with the newfound above reproach rep YOU will provide them and in need of cash where do YOU suppose they are going to go looking for cash? You might not be rich but the way they see it is you have what it takes to make them rich, plundering innocent lives. Sooner or later... sooner if I'm involved... your day is going to come.

  Maybe they'll just kill you on that day? I doubt it. They're more of the "torture them for a long time, discredit them, THEN destroy them" kinda guys.

  Laugh all you want... you're the one betting your life on the kid from the Women's Rape Capital of America and wether or not there is or is not an ethical or non-ethical gangland culture there. Not me.

  I had 6 photos I wanted to download off my phone. I finally got 2 off the thing and it quit letting me download so 2 pics it is... for now.

  For now I shall ponder the children of the board and try my best to dedicate her spot on the board to the destruction of the Child-Molesters of America.

  All of'em!

  Who is this kid to the right? Notice how he's been inflicted with a red facial disease?


  Hey! Me too! Coincidence? I'd suppose if you were a Mid-Michigan... cop you'd say... yup, quite a coincidence there, yup, coincidence. Uh huh... it happens. Yup... whats'a you point?

  Well, I'm not addressing Mid-Michigan... cops on this webpage (otherwise I'd use less words with 5 or more letters). I'm addressing other Police. Like this.

  You see, when you read my many letters of rape murder & torture I sent to the F.B.I. one of the stories is about Martin Oak, standing side by side with a Bay City Dr, a skin Dr. called Mr. Lee. He took out a 2&1/2 inch disk-shaped yellow sponge out of a clear container designed to hold it snugly & smeared it on my face. Then their boy said it was to mark my face, to label me as "outgoing" to the gang. So that they could spot me in public at a distance & they all would know. It was a gang sign. He also told me that the otherwise easily cured condition would never be cured. The gang intimidates Dr.s who either all know better when a gang banger shows up & tells them not to cure it or they go to the pharmacy. Same thing. You ain't getting the drugs to cure it.

  Marked for death? Maybe? Only a fool would trust the words of a professional liar. This paragraph, like everything on this site is not endorsed by me. I merely present the clues as they were told to me by a plethora of lifestyle professional liars. What's true? What's lies? I really don't care much. Much. It's not my job to sort through them & declare what is truth & what is lies. It never was.

  The Saginaw... cops I've talked with (at their post and on-duty) told me they knew about the gang & knew about my woes. "But they're too powerful". The whined to me.

  I shall sum up my opinion of the Saginaw Michigan Police & Saginaw's F.B.I. here in one word.


  gutless gut·less /ˈɡətlÉ™s/ adjective lacking courage or determination.

  Guess what dirty... cops? America, the sleeping giant has awoken. We're coming for you!

  Guess what else? All you base coward... cops who made places like the rape gangs of Detroit & Saginaw possible? When we finish with the dirty... cops we're coming for you next!

  Think your dirty... cop job is secure? You ARE going to get fired. Think it cant happen to you?  A lot of dirty... cops everywhere are going to go down !

  CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017

  Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!

  In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.

  Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.

  When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.

  This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.

  What does this mean?

  Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".

  Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.

  I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.

  Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.

  To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.

  Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.


  Please help me!

© 2013 by PleaseSaveTheDave



  "I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". - Martin Oak

  Yeah, whatever...

Find us at our Molestor-monitored & edited websites: or


   Here I shall address the Child-Molesting community. "This is a tale of you, of what you are, what 'your kind of people' bring. You think you bring love but when you come you bring your perverse friends & they bring rape, death, and horror. Read my tale because it's true, and it's about you".


  Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak, Bay City Cops, Bay City Public Schools, their child-molesting gang & I killed a whole bunch of children & I wrote a partial list here, on my website. This site will bring back none of the dead. But it may bring the murder victims justice & let the dead rest a little easier.

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