Combined we killed a lot of kids!And the... cops helped!!!
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang
Welcome to my often sabotaged site. The Child-Molesters said they would and who was I to doubt them?
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.-David A. George 6-26-17
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang:
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.
David A. George
"Kill one person and you create a tragedy the police will investigate because it is such a tragedy. Kill a hundred people and you create a laughable crime the police will laugh at when you try to tell them about it".-Martin Oak Circa 1987 The author of this website's opinion of the subject? Yup.
This website is an attempt to save what remains of my life.. Sigh... -David A. George 1-5-18
Dirty Cop 101... Advanced baby-raping... How to get away with it... "after the fact...
Sooo... there I was... bebopping along, minding my own beeswax when the Uniformed Dirty Cop himself Peaty Kazymerik (Name misspelled on purpose) came to a screeching halt next to me in his "Official" marked Bay City Police squad Car. He leaped from the driver's seat with his pistol aimed at my chest and announced I was under arrest!
The arrest went without incident. Yeah... I wasn't going to give up the freebie he's allays craved.
Dirty Cop claimed that he was looking with someone with my description for a very serious crime he wouldn't mention.
We then drove about 5 or 6 blocks, still in Bay City and pulled up next to 6-8 other Uniformed Bay City... cops and their Marked cars.
Dirty Cop ordered me out of the car and held my cuffs in his hands.
Then they brought out some guy. Early 30s, kinda scruffy looking. He looked me up and down and announced. "That ain't him. He's dressed just like him but that ain't the guy".
Dirty Cop was livid! He angrily asked the guy to look again. Make sure.
The guy kept commenting the same thing. "That's not him. He's dressed exactly the same, but that ain't the guy".
I said they could let me go.
Dirty Cop announced to his peers that he was goin to hold me for other crimes which he refused to mention!
Me? I figured with all these badges present I'd best start yelling my head off that it was a kidnapping.
They wrestled me into his car! Then he drove 4 or 5 blocks away where Duh Jerk and the 4 Stars were waiting with syringes and the torturing kidnapping began.
I had them brag then and even lately. The way the scam works is they have a guy (or girl for women vicitms) about the same age, height, and weight, and hair color as their intended victim go out and commit crimes. Usually perverse ones like attempted rapes and worse (latest boasts include leaving previously harvested genetic material too) making sure to leave behind personal effects and belongings certain to pin their intended victim to the crime or crimes. They make sure their dirty... cop is on duty both on patrol and back at the station and those dirty... cops provide for security to make sure their dead-ringer isn't prematurely arrested and to influence victims when a witness line-up is called. The gang brag it works particularly well at night when most victims get a poor look at their attacker/thief/rapist/whatever and pin the blame on the guy dressed the same.
I only recall it happening to me a few times but several of the gang have bragged that many of my kidnappings began this way. It's a great way to begin a kidnapping I'm told for many reasons that are all way too complicated to even waste time trying to tell your average Mid-Michigan... cop. Believe me, I've tried. Their most popular comeback being dirty... cops have too much honor to do such a thing. It's not possible for a formerly law-abiding officer of the law to fall that far from grace.
Go figure...
Fake Friend? A Bazillion Lies? Continued...
Soooo... there I was. Strapped to the table with my pants around my ankles and I'd just asked my bragging kidnappers why it was so dark at my attempted murder despite being in the heart of the city?
They bragged they went around and shot out all the street lights with a gun the night before. Then added that I needn't go to the... cops because they had a guy with my general description wearing a unique jacket like my unique jacket who shoot out the lights and they already called the local... cops on someone with my description.
THE REAL FAKE DEAD-RINGER FOR REAL??? Yeah... they would...
Sooo there I was in the midst of the gang's summer rape madness in the Defunct Hospital. I was trapped to a table, pants around my ankles, and very much raped over & over.
The smiling madman stopped the rape and sent nearly everyone out because he said he had someone he wanted to show me. A surgical double. He told me it was quite a rare honor to have this done for me. An honor exclusively reserved for their more wealthy victims. Now he'd gone out, made a double, and had him create a lot of filmed crimes. Made bragging films enjoying the Molestor lifestyle and bragging about getting away with stuff and the gang was prepared to unleash the films and do away with me. BUT... if I submitted to the gang, joined them and became Martin Oak's lover then all would be forgiven. I'd be one of them and as a perk I'd be killing people less & they'd give me a job, a house, and a car.
Me? I told him. "No".
To say they were livid was an understatement and Duh Jerk demanded to know. "Why"?
"I'm not scared".
"WHY NOT"?!?!? He screamed incredulously.
Me? I told him I knew about various film techniques that would spot plastic surgery, especially using computers. I knew there'd be subtle differences in the lengths of our limbs, torso, and such.
The gang were furious! They still bring that guy up now and again calling him "Doug".
I asked Duh Jerk why he wasted his time thusly? Surely he had enough to toss me into the deepest darkest prisons anywhere for hundreds of life sentences and dozens of death-penalties worth of time. He could just throw them out one at a time and the amount of time I'd spend defending myself world be a life sentence unto itself as I was transferred from jail to jail going from trial to trial. It didn't make any sense.
Angrily he said he wanted overkill. When I went down it had to be an overkill in a way that no one would question... lest the trail of questions lead investigators back to The Gym... yeah... "The Gym". They bring it up to this day reader... "The Gym. If you're a Mid-Michigan... cop you probably wont understand what he means... It's basically a "penis-envy" kinda thing. People afflicted with said disorder have tunnel-vision regarding the victims of people afflicted by the same thing who are lashing out at the world angrily. Probably? Gosh... I hope it's not ALL Mid-Michigan... cops.
Latest scoop? Sure! The gang brag that a victim endorses their lies when they repeat them and I'm nothing if not accommodating. They bragged about another duplicate for the last decade or 2. Seems they went out and tried to get a guy with my body measurements. Claimed to have measured a lot of guys before they just picked a victims slightly smaller than I and then used those bone-lengthening surgeries to make him my size. They also said they rectified the "equipment" problem. Seems "Doug" was a man among men, "large and in charge" if you know what I mean? They said the latest guy comes with a more humble-sized package.
Totally latest? Sure... why not. The gang brag that the... cops will never believe a victim who comes to them talking of 2 or more lies and I'd hate to disappoint the... cops. Or the crooks, they've worked so hard after all. "Doug" was actually my twin, seized at birth. He's lived a life above the law and been able to do a bazillion bad things because he's got me as a double to fall back on and to take the blame in the end. They said he's a middle-management under achiever. Go figure and they're really disappointed that they blew a fortune on sending him to college and training him in martial-arts and he never was able to excel at any of the above. When they were discussing my inventing hobby that is.
They brag they've used my doubles to do all sorts of mischief to the people around me who are all the more motivated to do much evil to me for the gang based on what was done to each of them. As if I didn't have what it took to piss those people off thusly on my own without the gang watching out for me. Sheesh!
Man, you tick off just one gang of recreational serial-killers and...
REAL DEAD RINGERS I TELL YOU... Or so he told me...
Soooo.... there I was relaxing at home... alone. My New Wife and her kids were gone. It was about the time of the tale of the Nuclear Family. It was spring or fall, I forget which. There came a knock at my door. When I answered it was a 40 something man, dressed in a plain plaid jacket and jeans. light brown hair & about 5'4" or less & he had something he wanted to tell me.
Seems he was a major player in my last kidnapping, rape and torture and wanted to talk about the murders he'd gotten me to do with Duh Jerk, Dirty Cop, and the gang. Worse reader? I cant recall WHICH murder he was referring to? At the time of this writing I haven't got a clue and I'd suppose it's irrelevant to the story itself. I cant remember every... single... little... thing... (in copspeak it means "liar)...
Author note: Pray that you never find yourself in Mid-Michigan with only the local Police, Sheriff, and F.B.I. to protect you. Pray...
Soooo... he's chatting on & on about torturing me. How he did it, and the logistics, somewhat.
Me? I told him straight up he was a dead man. There are a ton of bodies (stacked like cord-wood in a madman's backyard I'd suppose) and he knew too much. He was there and had seen me kill a loyal lifer who begged Jerk for his life. I posed the question how much more so did he figure he'd fare better? I saw hesitation in his eyes. "How long you been with the gang"? I asked.
He told me he'd just joined.
I explained how I was the gang's cleaner. He was a dead man walking and would soon die by the gang because he knew too much. If not by me then by someone else. I told him straight up, like any gangbangers where the topic comes up, that if presented with the opportunity to kill him during another kidnapping I'd kill him dead. But humanely as possible (my style, no lingering deaths If I can avoid it).
I told him I knew he was carrying "a wire", there was a film crew nearby, a... cop, an ambulance, and a big van loaded to the rim with Jocks. I couldn't see any of them. I just knew it. Then I asked him to consider how the gang was treating him? Was he a trusted ally, confidant, and free to roam? Or had they given him a whore 24/7? Was he part of the group & under continuous supervision?
He surprised me when he admitted he was continuously with someone from the gang since his recruiting.
I told him that loyal or not, he knew too much. He was a dead man. "You think they're gonna let you live when you know enough to send them to prison for life"? Next I posed a question I've even posed to... cops. "Have you ever seen a single mob film or documentary? What do they do to their own loyal guys when they know too much? Guys who served for a lifetime"?
He looked down for a time and seemed to be deep in thought with his eyes going rapidly side to side. Then he said. "F_ _ _ it! Ask me anything you want to and I'll tell you anything you want to know".
"How did they recruit you"?
He told me a little girl, unforgivably young little girl, a professional seducer, had seduced him and he'd had sex with her on film. "She dumped me as soon as it (their only "encounter") was over". Then they confronted him with the films and made him have an orgy with children of every disgusting age available. Next with animals and then every disgusting adult group available. Then the gang-rape & torture of myself and the recreational murders which the gang told him if he did they'd let him go.
I reassured him his only reward would be death and he told me he'd come to realize it.
He told me at 1st, after the initial rapes, the gang let him go & he went straight to the... cops. So the gang locked him in jail and told him it was to insure the security of their Dirty Cop as he was the arresting Officer who'd jailed him. Once in jail his fellow prisoners were polite enough... but worked in shifts to keep him awake. When he complained it only made guards laugh. Soon he was sleep deprived, delirious, and agreed to do anything, any perverse act, nothing was too low, no act would abase him too much, in exchange for sleep, to be left alone. Then they let him out of jail and troubled him no more. SO he tried to return to his normal life.
While we were chatting, uncomfortably so for me as it was a cold day and I had a light shirt on at best, picture, one at a time, discretely, 1st Dirty Cop himself pulling up to my side-yard in Uniform and in a Marked Bay City Police Car in broad daylight. Once he'd arrived in a minute a van brimming with Jocks pulled up behind him, the in a minute a marked Ambulance parked in the street in front of my place, in the front yard of the Witless School. Got that? Picture it. Okay? Picture looks of grim determination on the faces of everyone involved too. If you are a Mid-Michigan... cop or F.B.I. (only the Mid-Michigan Gang Chapters, I respect the rest of the F.B.I. too much) picture fuzzy baby blue bunnies prancing in a fields on a summer day. Ahhhh... you'll be okay. Just stop reading here and go read about Dora the Explorah (I really should read 1 of her books before I recommend them, but I'm afraid it's in a suggested reading level I'm ahead of. Maybe I should as a minimum watch 1 cartoon of her once? Eh?).
Time passed and the gang began kidnapping raping and torturing him again. So he went to the local... cops. They investigated his claims and when they arranged a confrontation the guys he'd been in jail with, the names, and such just didn't match up. The... cops laughed him out of the Bay City... copshop (where have I heard that one before?). He said the gang told him their contacts in the jail allowed them to let some prisoners go. They told them it was an "early release" and sent them home. Then they replaced them with loyal Child-Molesters in the cell-block and those soldiers tortured him with impunity. The reason the gang waited so long to assault him again was to allow time for the guards "not in on it" to forget the prisoner's names and faces (they deal with a lot of people and time blurs all wounds). He said the gang bragged they told the freed prisoners via dirty... cop later that they'd been freed "accidentally" and if they wanted to they could bring the fact up in court and resume their sentence or just pretend they'd done their time and never talk about it to anyone ever.
He discussed other facts, the ongoing rapes in the Bomb Shelter Garages (huge one near Vet's Bridge in Bay City) and his film career. The whore they'd been given him.
I asked him if she'd pried him for any doubts he may have, plans to go to the... cops, what she'd been chatting about and he confirmed that looking back on it his talks with her made sense now. She was pumping him for information.
We discussed trivialities and when Dirty Cop spent a lengthy time on the radio saying who knows what Moletor filth I said I could tell the gang were about to make their move. A asked him if he wanted to make a last stand?
He refused. "I've made my bed and I should lie in it". Sad... he asked me if there was anything else I wanted to know?
I told him it might make my day if we could chat without the obligatory listening device, could he pitch it? It'd drive the gang nuts if we chatted about what they didn't know?
He told me he knew it was sewn into his clothes & he wasn't exactly sure where it was. He declined ditching them and chatting.
I told him it was just as well. I asked him all I cared to know and it seemed like he just didn't know very much. I told him this was his last...
Well... head hung low... he walked over to Dirty Cop who arrested him.
True. Spell check later? Maybe?
HERE'S ONE I'LL PAY FOR MENTIONING... Punish the victim... that'll shut'em up. Michigan State Police Official Motto
My own Mother (Honor, Honor, Honor), the woman who would soon become my Step-Mother, The Eldest of my 3 Sisters, My Mother's Mother, & even a few acquaintances came to me & told me the same story over the next year. They'd met my exact duplicate. "Ass soon as he started talking I knew it wasn't you". Was a popular appraisal of him. This occurred over about a year or so.
Soooo... standing in the Defunct Hospital (a place local... cops (spitooey!) told me sick psychos would never use. It's unethical!) Duh Jerk had someone he wanted to introduce to me. He called him "Doug". He asked me to recall our public meeting in the new local mall & I had. Big wupp. To make a long story short "Doug" told me he was the victim in the room. Hopelessly blackmailed he would do their bidding to frame me over & over. I went in more detail in my letter to the F.B.I.
I asked Jerk why he did such a thing? Especially against a nobody like me? It just didn't make any sense.
"It's because of "The Gym". Do you know how many people know about me & you in The Gym"? Now he could have "Doug" frame me over & over with his pet Dirty Cop (present at the time) to bail him out if the going got tough by being the arresting officer. Now he could have a bazillion poeple as witnesses telling the... cops & any jury what great friends we were. How the Gym could never had happened.
I complained he already had that stuff by drugging me & taking me around the town.
He bragged he wanted overkill. An airtight case no one would ever question so he (& the 4 Stars who were there) could put The Gym behind them forever & get their revenge against me.
MORE THAN ENOUGH AMMO TO BURN ME FOR GOOD... It's all true... no need to thank me oh ye dirty, lazy, & skeptic... cops.
Soooo... there I was. Duh Jerk at the command of Vern E. "His Boss" Julian had placed me on permanent detention. They said it was so when confronted by anyone over "The Gym" it gave them ammo to say I was a brat who should be ignored. "See? He's on detention"! It's the Child-Molestor M.O. (Mid-Michigan... cops are probably in a dazed stupor reading this now... go lay down guys) do cruel things to your victims & use your position of authority to reflect the accusations back at them. But that's all another story, the horrors & even attempted murders I endured in that room on the north east corner of the 8th grade wing (a place NO evil or immorality could ever happen, according to mid-Michigan... cops, a place where only lying brats accuse kindly school staff... according to mid-Michigan... cops).
Duh Jerk began his habit of asking me for crime advice there. Literally. How do you do this? How do you do that? Where can I get this? Hw could one make that? My Parents (Honor Honor Honor , Honor Honor Honor) told me (as well as on duty uniformed Bay City... cops, literally) that I should answer his every question. So I reluctantly did.He asked me evil, sick, & sinister questions about horrific crimes children alleged some of which he or the gang had committed. Then they filmed it to influence... cops & would-be vigilantes. Today... he posed the question there in the 8th Grader-Wing back in 1976. I need a surgical double. Quickly. He'd explained in the past that they were professional blackmailers who occasionally used surgical doubles to frame their wealthy victims. He needed a double & I'd been so helpful to the gang & he needed one so badly and was desperate enough to ask me.
Me? Like almost everything here I prayed to God for wisdom, and even prayed he would not give it to me though I knew he would.
Here's what happened.
I pondered the subject, but not long. Then I told him about a new-fangled technology. Police had a new perp-identifying computer set up. It had a vast array of pictures of every individual part of the face & it was possible to assemble the bits into a face & search a growing database of criminals to find a match. A non-surgical double on the quick.
He scoffed at the possibility at 1st & I assured him it was not only possible, but that his dirty... cop could go to a major city & use it. That and based on the severity of the accusations, assuming there was a waiting list, he could move on up the waiting list (if any) to use the new gizmo.
He was well-pleased when he left.
Snitchgirl later told me I'd revolutionized their blackmail biz... surgical duplicates were costly & time-consuming to recruit, break-in, and alter. Now they had a vast pool of criminals, people easily blackmailed who either looked like their targets or were close enough to pass for someone while a victim was on drugs, or was close enough to the target that only minor surgical alteration would make them a perfect doppleganger.
There ya go... cops. More than enough ammo to burn any 100 good men.
What chance do I have with people like... "you" to defend me?
What chance does anyone have?
There you go folks and... cops. Stories which when retold to... cops are 20 times more than enough to destroy any 10 good men. No need to thank me Child-Molestors... I was glad to warn people about you guys.
The Dead-Ringer Hypothesis...
CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017
Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!
In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.
Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.
When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.
This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.
What does this mean?
Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".
Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.
I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.
Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.
To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.
Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.
Please help me!