Combined we killed a lot of kids!And the... cops helped!!!
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang
Welcome to my often sabotaged site. The Child-Molesters said they would and who was I to doubt them?
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.-David A. George 6-26-17
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang:
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.
David A. George
"Kill one person and you create a tragedy the police will investigate because it is such a tragedy. Kill a hundred people and you create a laughable crime the police will laugh at when you try to tell them about it".-Martin Oak Circa 1987 The author of this website's opinion of the subject? Yup.
This website is an attempt to save what remains of my life.. Sigh... -David A. George 1-5-18
Here I've chosen to record a few choice sentences spoken to me by madmen, guys with a larger body count than Jack the Ripper ever had, guys who I've had the misfortune to meet. Read this and gain insight into the inner workings of the criminal mind. It's a trip down a path from which there is no return once you've read it. If you must know, if it'll help you to understand, if you think you'll still be able to sleep at night, please, read on...
The first quote deserves a description of where, when, and what led to it being said to me. It was in fall of 1976 in Bay City's "Witless School" while seated at his taxpayer provided desk during business hours that the school employee summoned me and informed me that he had good news. His gang of child-porn enthusiasts had just voted to recruit me; it was an honor (to him, not me). Then, the guy I'll nickname Duh Jerk told me. "The first thing you should know about us is we're primarily actors".
I'd like to ask the reader to ponder what kind of gang I'm dealing with that would choose to recruit an 11 year-old child and use that quote as the first sentence describing themselves. I'd also like you to imagine what it just might be like to cross a gang of child-rapists and child-porn enthusiasts who operate from inside of a public school and identify themselves as "primarily actors". What this means, is that unlike how romantics might envision a gang, these guys are going to primarily use acting as their main weapon in furthering their child-porn industry goals & when dealing with the vast number of adversaries who they will inevitably encounter. Think reader, these guys probably don’t play nice, most of them are an inch from going to prison for life from their various misdeeds, and that being said, these guys, "the Child-Molestors" are going to pursue their criminal enterprise by... (Hold your breath) "primarily acting".
"I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". -D​uh Jerk lots of times...
"We can do anything we want to anyone as long as we demonize them for a jury". Rape, loot, torture, as long as they make "the other guy" look as bad or worse than them... all on film...
I've heard this from several card-carrying Child-Molestor braggarts over the years. It must be a Child-Molestor battle-cry or rallying-cry. "We don't have to fool the cops. We only have to fool a jury". In America we use the amateur jury system they boasted. Normal people, amateurs who've maybe seen an organized crime film or 2 (where the gangsters often seemed tolerable or even noble in their disposition) with little or no experience with the dark-side of our great nation are called upon to judge it's most perverse evil-doers. "All we have to do is act as evil as possible & no jury would believe that someone would be so evil". The science of perversion, as bragged by madmen who told me that they intended to inflict themselves and their group unimpeded or even aided by our own police (whom they brag (and proved to me) that they can play like a fiddle with complete impunity) on as many of America's best & brightest kids that they can.
"The Child-Molestors" are coming to a town near you whether you like it or not.
"We've kidnapped you every year since you were an adult, sometimes more". The author assures the reader it involved a whole lot of rapes... all on film...
"One of the first things that you should know about us is that we're professional victims. When our victims accuse us we accuse them right back of some seriously sick crimes & we've got the films to prove it". Brag brag brag... they tell cops & juries to ignore their victims pleas, their victim is the real crook here, just look at all of these films they just happen to have.
"All we have to do [to get away with kidnapping, raping, & torturing you] is to show the cops a few of our films of you shooting people or having sex with our little kids & they beg us for the films. Then we just slip them a few bucks & say we're only torturing a scumbag & they'll look the other way".
I told him I didn't buy it because the cops would just go & get a warrant & seize the films.
He had an answer for everything. "That's because we invite them to see our films in the gang club-house. We invite them over alone and we check them for weapons or bugs electronically and then we show them the films in our basement. He also bragged that they like to stalk select cops physically & electronically (cell-phones, computers, ect.) & if they think an idiot cop has trusted them & been fool enough to come alone & tell no one then that cop is next to receive the "Child-Molestor Recruiting Session" as only they & their decades of practice in lifestyle kidnapping & torture can provide.
I told him that if the cops knew where the films were they'd rush in & seize them.
Not so he assured me. "We always have kids there who are ready to destroy the films in an acid solution. The cops have almost caught us a few times but we always have a human shield of little kids to block the cops & they aren't willing to hurt a line of little kids so it gives us the time we need to destroy the films. We've had a few close calls & some of the kids have gotten hurt but they've never gotten our films once".
"Why are you doing this to me"? Picture me with my arms pinned behind my back by Duh Weasel & F.B while I'm kneeling over a bucket of water & gasping for air.
"Because of the gym". They & their gang have told me time and again with a smile over & over for decades.
"The police know exactly who and what we are. We don’t have to fool the cops; we only have to fool a jury". Words to live by...
"I like to toy with my victims. That way the cops will never believe them because if I wanted to kill my enemies I'd just kill them".- Duh Jerk bragging about his winning formula, the thing that allows him to kill whosoever he will, with impunity. The Uniformed Bay City Michigan... cop (Dirty Cop himself!) with him backed him up in the conversation... during my attempted murder!
"Yes this is my ______ (honor honor honor) but this is still a kidnapping"..- Me to a pair of uniformed Michigan State police... cops during my drugged kidnapping circa 1988.
"First the accusation. Then the rush to judgment". In fall of 1976 Duh Jerk told me that the group doesn’t like to simply hand over their damming films to law-enforcement as a rule. "First we like to catch them breaking the law. Almost everyone is doing it. Then we frame them for breaking another law. Once the cops are convinced they're guilty then we send in our films & provoke the rush to judgment. Once that happens the victim can whine & cry & produce any evidence they want & the cops won’t believe them". Laugh Laugh Laugh... Duh Jerk loved to laugh at the demise of his victims.
"You got kidnapped 4 or 5 times"? The snickering Bay City enablers... uhh. I mean Bay City... cops mocked. Impossible, not on their watch, not in their America. It couldn't be done because they and their brother... cops in other communities are just way too good at their job.
Duh Jerk summoned me into his office during school hours at the Bay City Public School's Rape Training Center, circa 1980. He looked unkempt and chuckled like a man glad to be alive and asked me. "Why didn't you kill me? You had the gun to my head and you could've killed me. Why didn't you kill me? I would've killed me".
I answered him. "Because you begged for your life. I'm not a hypocrite so when you begged for your life I thought what would I want me to do if I was in your shoes after everything you've done to me so I spared your life".
A broad smile covered his face. "Really"?
I told him that now that I'd spared his life we were even, we could let bygones be bygones... Yeah, I was that stupid...
"You have to kill an innocent of my choosing".​​ I've heard this many times from both Duh Jerk & later his Lt. F.B. once...
"I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it". Imagine listening to that as F.B. & his child-crew waltz in an entire barnyard of animals & set up a camera pointed at you while you're half-naked & strapped butt up to a table in a garage.
"We're going to get rich & famous off of you & the cops are going to help us do it".
"We're a powerful organization. We plan to do what we do & thumb our noses at the cops the whole while. They know who & what we are but not a one of them has the half a brain it takes to stop us".
"This is great! Now that I have the films to prove you're a pervert the cops will never listen to you about the gym"! Picture a gratified Hispanic man walking away with a German Shepard from my backside while I'm strapped butt up to a table in the Bunga Bunga Garages. On film...
"The gym! The gym! The gym! It's always "the gym when I deal with the Child-Molestors. Revenge for the gym. We'll get even with you for the gym. You're going to die in the gym today! I've tried to ask them to let the gym go but they can't or won't. Me? Personally I think that many of the participants in "the gym" suffer from acute penis envy. Go figure...
"You can't pray in public schools"! The sadistic would-be child killer Duh Jerk yelled with a scowl while standing next to the Gym Teacher during a quiet moment in my ongoing attempted murder in "the gym".
"And you can't kill little kids in a public school"! I returned. Then, I began to openly pray for every single one of the 60+ people involved in my ongoing attempted murder, the Gym Teacher, & even Duh Jerk! Some of the 60+ were merely witnesses, some helped occasionally, & the rest were up to their necks in my ongoing attempted murder!
"All I have to do is make your story so unbelievable that no jury would ever convict me". Spoken by a bragging madman.
"I always keep several films of my victims on hand. I'm an expert at feeling out the cops and once I know what they want to hear I whip one of my films of my victim out and tell them what they want to hear". School employee Duh Jerk bragging inside his Bay City public school during business hours to me about how he just deflected 2 separate cops I'd convinced to investigate my claims.
The first, when I claimed they tried to beat me up en-mass he showed a film of me beating up one of the many small children he convinced to fight me (yeah, some permanent injuries occurred) and told B.C.P.D... Cop #1 that I, me, yes I was the bully.
Then he showed B.C.P.D... cop #2 a film of me being beaten up by the Witless School Kinnie Garden Class and told the cop to ignore my claims I'd won a fight, clearly I was a wimp if toddlers could whup my 1976 (11 year-old) butt in a fair (doped out of my mind by the gang) fight.
The way cops explain it to me is. "No one is that dumb [to fall for such a thing]". All, & I mean ALL... cops are too smart.
"I've got to make his story more unbelievable". Duh Jerk standing in the middle of the gym about to plan my ongoing attempted murder in front of 60+ children with his child mass-attempted-murderers, openly!
Dirty Cop snuck up behind me when I was turning him into a group of half a dozen Bay City... cops circa 1987 inside the front room of the Bay City copshop. He grabbed my shoulder forcefully as I was describing how he, Duh Jerk, & the 4 Stars kidnapped me. Pumped up by my recent kidnapping & subsequent torture I spun around & slapped his arm off of me & raised my fists for combat!
Dirty Cop pointed at me & shouted. "You're under arrest"! When I asked what for he yelled. "For assaulting an officer"!
Me? I wasn't taking this & appealed to his fellow public servants (you know, the guys my taxes pay them to protect me) to his fellow officers. "He assaulted me"!. While pointing a Dirty Cop.
There was a great debate & I was on the losing end for a long time. Eventually, they announced I would not be arrested.
I pointed out that the guy I said kidnapped me had just assaulted & battered me & demanded police protection.
The Bay City... cop, Bay City's finest turned to me & said. "I didn't see nothing". His fellow public servants agreed, smiling. Some of them repeated his words.
I don't know why (because he'd already won) but Dirty Cop shouted. "Do you want proof he's the violent one here"? & then stood pointing at me, breathing hard. "There you are"! What that had to do with the price of tea in China I'll never know.
In Bay City Michigan if you accuse a... cop of being your kidnapping rapist torturer he will be present during your interrogation (notice I didn't use the words "when filing a crime report" I used the word "interrogation"). He will be free to demand who your witnesses are, what your evidence is, assault you, arrest you for it, then back out of it. They call it justice... "Bay City... cop style"!
"Either get in the ambulance or we will subdue you with our nightclubs & put you in the ambulance". The Boulder Police "Shift Commander" at a theater in front of hundreds of witnesses alongside a busy 6 or 8-lane road while standing next to his relieved Kidnapper Cop who'd told him I was on drugs & should be ignored.
"Who did I have sex with first? I asked Snitch Girl in spring of 1977.
"Jerk raped you in front of all of us first & then he made all the boys have sex with you next".
"No. I meant what girl had sex with me"? Eh, enquiring minds wanted to know.
"I don't know. They were already raping you when I got there".
The author would like to pose this question to the reader. Does everybody have conversations like this in a middle school hallway or is it just me?
"In the beginning I felt bad about what we've been doing to you but now I don't feel bad about it because you grew up to be such a scumbag". Dirty Cop answering my question about his personal feelings on his kidnapping raping & torturing of myself.
"We dressed you up in a Nazi uniform & kept you awake for about a month & made you repeat Nazi doctrine over & over".
"Why"? I asked my circa 1980 torturer because it just didn't make any sense to me.
"So we could have films of you repeating Nazi doctrine to show other people. Jerk wants the rest of the world to hate you as much as he does". He boasted at least a few of my 8th grade teachers were in on it in fall of the school year.
"Most of our members don't even know they're members. All they know is that they're being blackmailed by someone they don't know who can call them & tell them to do anything. It's their children who'll know that they're one of us when we force their parents to send them to us". The science of perversion... as explained to me by a madman hell-bent on recruiting me.
It was in fall of 76 or winter of 77 when a "Munger Boy" came walking up to me in the Bay City Michigan Jr. Rapists’ learning Center & said. "Jerk told me that he's fallen in love with you".
My opinion on the subject? "Ew! Ew! Ew! GROSS!!! GROSS!!! GROSS"!!!
I asked Snitch Girl what her role in the Child-Molestors was (she was 11 years old in 1976 when she told me she was Jerk's sexual "favorite")? "I carry pictures of our victims for our group to a guy who cuts the heads off of their pictures & pastes them on Nazi's & Klansmen & then I go pick them up & deliver them when he's done". I can only wonder reader... If they were tricking idiots & morons (member/victims & victim/members) with the then primitive film fakes in 1976 then what kind of filth are they putting out with today's modern technology?
Back in 76, during my on-going Bay City... cop assisted attempted murder I asked the smiling Duh Jerk. "What did you tell that cop to get him to ignore me"?
With a smirk he said. "I don't tell the cops one thing, I tell them 20 things and then the rational human mind grabs onto one of them". He bragged he was a master at feeling out the cops & telling them what they wanted to hear (obviously... DUH!).
A 1976 Bay City Middle School Public Teacher on the clock on school grounds in the 8th grade hall funded by the communities’ taxpayers said this to me when I went from classroom to classroom begging for help in my ongoing attempted murder during school hours & on school property. "You're such a scumbag that you've got it coming".
"This is an attempted murder. Wont you help me? Please"? Me to one of the 8th grade class, the kids who were next to use "the gym" after us 60+ students were done with our hour. Fall of 1976.
"They're only doing this because you're such a scumbag". Said the 8th grade witness while waiting for his 2nd period class to begin.
The Child-Molestors teased me fiercely that they'd been waging a massive slur campaign against me, very successfully everywhere but one place, my neighborhood. Several of them told me things like. "When they told me that I laughed & told them 'everyone calls him "The Good Kid".
"But I spared your life". I said to Duh Jerk who only minutes ago had promised to leave me alone forever in exchange for not killing him.
"I'm a devil-worshipper. You know that my word means nothing". He said sarcastically. Then, using only one-hand because I'd just injured the other arm badly enough to allegedly require that he wear it in a sling, he filled a syringe & injected me in front of about 10 witnesses in broad daylight mere blocks from Bay City's publicly funded Jr. Rapist Academy about 5 blocks west of Bunga Bunga Hospital with who knows what?. Dirty Cop had already handcuffed several of the witnesses & I saw Dirty Cop arresting the home-owning couple who agreed to help me & the rest of the Child-Molestors were beating the many witnesses telling them they'd better not ask any questions. In broad daylight!
"I've seen him command you. You'll hurt anyone for him, kill anyone. I've seen it".-Snitchgirl
"I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it".-Duh Jerk
"All I have to do is act so evil that no one would believe someone could be so evil and no jury would ever convict me".-Duh Jerk
"With my code of ethics all you have to do is ask me to forgive you and I will, then we can be the pals you pretend we are and then you could put the gym behind you forever".-Me, bent over gasping next to a bucket of water.
"This way's more fun".-F.B.
I had no idea where I was. I looked at a highway sign & it said "Boulder".
My nameless cousin asked me. "Do you want proof [I'm the family cult leader]? As a punishment I made your ______'s parent's name your ____(insert their son's name (family title) in relation to me here)____ a girl's name".
The last snitch said. "You are the [infamous] Little Rich Girl killer". He called her by name & said it was a revenge thing because I both killed Flesh & attacked the Child-Molestor Chapter Leader of Boulder. Go figure...
I said. "B _ _ _ _ _ _ _! There is no way you got me to kill her".
He returned. "You didn't". Then he said her death had been ordered by the Big Bosses and carried out by the guy who ran around screaming he killed her. Revenge because I killed flesh, revenge because L.R.G.'s mother, "The Nurse" kept getting my dosages wrong during my torture and I nearly killed their Boulder Colorado leader because of her incompetence.
Then I used logical deduction to prove him a liar. "You guys keep telling me that I'm a wanted rapist. If I was the Little Rich Girl killer the cops would use the physical descriptions from the rapes you say you framed me for in Bay City". I explained that it made his statement absurd.
He replied. "That's because you don’t get busted when you want. You get busted when we want".
"Do you know how I know you're lying about what's going on in the gym"? A 1976 era Bay City... cop asked me in front of the 30 Bay City accomplices, Duh Jerk, & several individuals who "claimed" to be from the board of education.
I answered him. "No". I kinda wondered what had brought him to that conclusion, mere minutes after... "the gym".
"Because you're covered in sweat. Liars sweat". He said smugly.
I used logic on him (probably the reason I failed, I hurt the underdeveloped logic center of his Bay City... cop brain?) & replied. "If I was telling the truth about the gym of course I'd be covered in sweat.
"Then why isn't anyone else covered in sweat"? He mockingly asked.
"Because they all got breaks & worked in shifts & I had to fight for the entire hour".
"No one's that tough". With that everyone nodded with him in approval. The young Child-Molestors looked relieved.
I just couldn't tell him about the people secretly aiding me. When asked, I explained metaphorically that I was born at night, but not last night.
"It's revenge for the gym" A sentence I’ve heard a whole bunch of times in life from a whole bunch of people.
"If you were telling the truth you'd insult them more"- More than one Bay City… cop. It's the reason everyone listed on this website gets an insulting nickname.
"As long as we attack you weird we can do anything we want to you because no one would do that to someone".- Child-Molestor quote directly from their playbook.
"I didn't see nothing". A Bay City.. cop who just spent 5 minutes discussing how Dirty Cop should be able to arrest me for assault when he assaulted & battered me in front of him, them, (more than one... cop said the quote at that time) & I suggested that they enforce the law on my heavy-breathing kidnapper.
"It's how we win against our enemies. We scream the loudest & we accuse them before they accuse us. Who are you calling a rapist? You've got ten people calling you a rapist & they'll be crying louder than our victim will be".
"We like to trick our victims into violence on or near the police. It proves they're increasingly irrational".
"And now you die". Duh Jerk said to me while holding a revolver to my head & a dozen children standing around in the Bunga Bunga Garages.
Picture me lying on my stomach strapped to a table with my legs straight up & down with my pants around my ankles when I posed a question to Duh Weasel, F.B., & Short Stuff. "Why did you drug me so I'd forget being raped by all those animals"? It just didn't make any sense to me. "You'd think you'd want your enemies to remember it".
F.B. answered and he & his pervert crew laughed while he said it. "The reason is because if you knew half the s@#! we did to you you'd kill us"! Thus spoke my former 6th grade classmate while standing in the Bunga Bunga Garages...
"Do you want proof he's a liar"? A sentence used, not only by Duh Jerk against me, but by Dirty Cop, & F.B. as well. From what I understand it's a Child-Molestor trained response. They tell witnesses & authorities that they should ignore the slime in front of them for any number of reasons... and they tell me that it works like a charm. Until now...
“There’s only one lying cheating child-molesting child-killer in this conversation & that’s you”! I said to Duh Jerk when he called me a liar. A few of his guys have bragged to me that the Child-Molestors intend to portray my tale as an attempt at bravado or as an attempt to be tough. Nothing could be further from the truth. It was the drugs, the torture, & the deprivation talking… it wasn’t me. Uh... let me put it like this. Who would be so stupid as to insult their serial-killing serial-rapist kidnappers unless they were on drugs & their mind was victimized by sleep-deprivation that impaired their judgment? It’s the truth I’m after. The truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth. In the bible it reads the truth shall set you free. It’s all that I’ve got. Well, that & a lot of pain & scars from the Child-Molestors & their ever-growing stable of apologetic but all-too-willing-to-help-victim/members. Ow…
PAIN! Pain! Pain… I’m in a lot of pain because of their torture sessions, PAIN! Pain! Pain… Why won’t anyone stop them? PAIN! Pain! Pain… How much more must I endure? Even worse than my own pain? If they should ever dispatch me… what child is next? Pain…
I'd just submitted to their lie-detector test for the first time recently when The Last Snitch, guarded by his Enforcer said to me with a voice filled with pity. "Now that we know that you're not a serial-killer Jerk's not in love with you anymore. We're going to carve you up like a thanksgiving turkey. We'll use an endoscope to carve out their soft tissue in your shoulders & knees. We go in through the rectum just on the inside so there’s no scars that anyone can detect".
"Next we plan to put our money into an endoscope that provides fake TV images so we can use it in court".
My opinion on the subject? Ow...
"I like to keep my victims well informed. A surprised look is a great defense in court. No one will believe a well-informed victim".
It occured to me at the time... that his use of the term "untouchables" was poor grammer at best. In the author's humble opinion. My advice? Not that they asked for it... "spend less time raping kids and more time learning".
"What were you thinking when you pounded that kid's face into a crescent shape"?
Shaking my head and looking down I told him. "Man, I'd never willingly do that to somebody. It was an accident. I zoned out while I was on your drug while I was hitting him in the face and the next thing I knew time had passed and I was still hitting him in the face and his face was a crescent shape. Besides, he told me he was gonna kill me. YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE GONNA KILL ME"!
"He was just trying to scare you".
"Well it worked. I was convinced you guys were gonna kill me".
"Jerk chose him because his family has paid for revenge from us before".
"So it's like you guys set him up"?
Does everyone have conversations like this or is it just me?

Bay City Public School employees wait to chat with me, circa 1976.

Bay City... cops hard at work on another case. He got his salute wrong, I'm almost positive that in the official Bay City... cop salute the palm is supposed to be held flat & horizontal.
The... cops told me that I will be safe, because there are madmen all over the world doing things to people like me just like I've descibed, but not to me.

The Bay City... cops...
Trained personally by the man I've nicknamed... "Dirty Cop".
Remember the name... Bay City... Police, a name you can trust!

Better Pay, Better Vehicles...
Personally, I think Bay City... Cops are underpaid. I think that they should receive a greater salary (to attract a better class of cop), health benifits, particularly paid hearing aids, liposuction, & any work-out equipment that facilitates them being better able to do toe-touches, butt crunches, or increase their lung capacity (so they can suck even better), vehicles (customized for their individual needs & talents), & a big 12" gold medallion (10lbs minimum) that they can wear everywhere (it should come with an optional diamond encrusted bell as well). I fell that they should also get free glasses for their many cases of mypoia, perhaps with automaticly tinting lenses. Then they'll be experts on the subject of the proper use & diagnosis of light-sensitivity & other maladies (instead of their current plan of "make up medical trivia as you go" that I've so often encountered when dealing with... them.
I also think they should get special library privilages. Unlimited book withdrawls without fines for keeping them too long. Ability to reserve books for police use, particularly books in the young readers section like the Alvin series and perhaps Winnie the Pooh (who's "successfull" investigation into the disapearence of his honey pot should ease the "good intentioned"... cops into investigation theory without overtaxing them too badly.
I feel Bay City...cops are also ill-equipped. To that end I think that each of them should receive a rather large "Shelock Holmes magnifying glass". Each Bay City.. cop should also receive free glasses, particularly for their many cases of myopia. Oops, did I repeat myself? Eh, I doubt they'll notice.
They should also be more rigorously trained in an environment that teaches them to pay attention to detail. This should include a course much like the fine course our own U.S. Army puts on for it's snipers. This may be a bit much for the average Bay City... cop so I suggest they begin with simpler courses such as "Dick & Jane". That & books like it will help them with by forcing them to read quotes like. "See Dick run? See Spot? Spot has the ball. Where is the ball? Spot has the ball". This should ease them into the skills necessary for their job. I only want to help them & have their best interests at heart, much like they've had mine for all these years.
I also believe that they should get some stylish new uniforms, maybe something in basic black, so it'd be easy to keep clean & with a cool armband that tells the world about them & what they are like.
I await their hand written thank-you letters on pins & needles.

A uniformed Bay City… cop walked into “the gym” in 1976. The attempted murder had just ended thanks in part to the complex warning system the Child-Molestors had set up. One child-guard at the end of the hallway & one by the doors in the hallway leading to the parking lot, & another who watched the gym doors & acted as a messenger between the two other guards, relief (bathroom & such), and as an early warning system to summon school staff if anyone important came.
Duh jerk rushed down the hall to "the gym" (which actually was the school cafeteria, it merely doubled as a gym back then for 2 classes, 60+ kids at a time) to head off the cop & began our introduction by waving his arm in a broad gesture & asking the Bay City... cop. "Who looks like the biggest crook here"?
Me? I was optimistic. I was well groomed & wore expensive silk clothes (left to me by a dead great-uncle) & wore the latest very expensive sunglasses, I was the only kid in a school of nearly 1,000 who could wear sunglasses in school because of a doctor's prescription.
Based soley on looks the Bay City... cop chose... me. Major bummer.
The sentinel of justice summoned to aid me in my time of need, defender of life, liberty, & limb, the Bay City.. cop surveyed the room & pointed to me. The interview went downhill from that point on.
Later Duh Jerk asked me. "Do you know what's the best thing I've got going for me"? When I said no he smiled & said. "Your sunglasses. They make it easy for me to portray you as a trouble maker or someone who looking for attention".
In the coming years he went on and on about the subject. My need to wear sunglasses for a ludacris "undiagnosed condition" only proved I was a liar when he conned skeptics into quizing me about why I was wearing them. "Did you ever notice that sometimes people come up to you and ask you why you're not wearing your sunglasses when I arrange to steal them or break them"?
"Thats because I send them to you and tell them to ask you why you're not wearing your sunglasses if you really do need them. So you're a liar if you're not wearing them and a trouble-maker looking for attention if you do. I's great"! He went on and on about how well it worked on... cops.
In spring of 1977 while standing in a Bay City Public School during school hours I asked Snitch Girl. “Who did I kill”? Does everyone have conversations like this or is it just me?
“All I have to do is to make you out to be such a pervert that no cop will listen to you”. Duh Jerk many times.
“The police are a slumbering giant. They know who & what we are but they’ll be cautious, slow to rise. That’s how we’ll win against them. They’ll send 1 or 2 agents to investigate your claims & then we’ll jump them & then we’ll own them. The cops don’t think anyone is brave enough to kidnap them but we do it all the time. When we kidnap them we like to make their badge the center of their torture. We hold it up & say. ‘You thought this would protect you’? We soil it & have little kids play haki-sack with it. If they don’t crack right away we use their cell-phone & call their wives. ‘Hello Mrs. Smith? You husband’s been in a serious accident. You sound distraught. We’ll send over two agents to pick up you & the kids & take you to him. Then we send over a few of our guys to pick them up. Once they pull into the garage & see the line of guys raping their husband & the husband sees that we’ve brought their family they almost always give right in”.
Does everyone have conversations like this or is it just me?
"Torturing you is scary. You never know when you're going to go off".
"No one could go through all that without going crazy". Thus said a Bay City... cop to me circa 1980. He was obviously a master of psychology or something. My guess is or something.
“Since we started using Tasers you haven’t killed a single person that we didn’t want you to kill”. Said my bragging kidnapper to me in the presence of his Enforcer.
“Which one of you is the kid anyone can hit in your class”? Was the first thing I ever heard F.B. say aloud? The entire class as a whole pointed their fingers at me! In seconds the first of many battles with him, them, the 4 Stars & their lapdog Just Desserts began.
Carnage... Yup, I did it reader, and there's no taking it back. This portly short guy walked up to me circa 1975 & asked if I was the guy who'd been making up stories about beating people up in films secretly made about me by Duh Jerk & his plethora of Child-Molestor plants in my life. Yup! It was me. I started doing it when a few Child-Molestors whined to me that I'd said I'd 'Kicked his a _ _'! in a film. Since then I'd been identifying various Child-Molestors & going to places I suspected where they filmed me & then I GRAPHICLY DESCRIBED SEVERELY INJURING Child-Molestor gang members, I even described using weapons, laughed often, & made certain to brag about it in the past tense only. I even made up crimes & based them on what I'd read about in The Enabler... Uhh.. Bunga Bunga Press.
With a look of astonishment mixed with scorn He shouted. "Will you stop that"! Jerk's doing beating up our people just like you describe it! You two have got our whole group worried"! Another guy even tried to talk me out of it by telling me that Dirty Cop & his pet dirty cops were now altering crime reports, past, present, & future to better accommodate my statements.
Let me say this with as few words as possible for the simple among my readers... I was being systematically kidnapped, raped, & tortured by a team of madmen & their dirty cop pets. I was at the edge & had exhausted all avenues of aid legal or otherwise. I was desperate & figured I had to do what I had to do to survive & I felt that it meant surviving by narrowing the odds against me, one at a time. My violence saturated living on the edge over-abused teenaged self told him no & I kept on doing it, lots of times over the years & I quit doing it only for reasons of boredom. Eh, yup, I did it, & I hear that the Child-Molestors (loyal, hard-working member/victims & victim/members) can’t wait to get some payback.
Neither can I...
That’s when he shouted! “I F.B. (he said his first & last name) swear that I will kill David George”! While standing in the center of the crowded gym.
That’s when he shouted! “I Duh Weasel (he said his first & last name) swear that I will kill David George”! While standing in the center of the crowded gym. "You will die today"! He yelled while pointing at me.
That’s when he shouted! “I The Mayor’s Brat (he said his first & last name) swear that I will kill David George”! While standing in the center of the crowded gym.
That’s when he shouted! “I Short Stuff (he said his first & last name) swear that I will kill David George”! While standing in the center of the crowded gym.
That’s when the rest of the Death Pact Dozen shouted in turn one after another in the center of “the gym”! “I ___ (insert 1st & last name here) ____ (they said their first & last names) swear that I will kill David George today”! I was amazed that Just Desserts, normally my most vocal attempted murderer & founding member of the Death Pact Dozen stood quiet & did not participate in the verbal spectacle in front of the Gym Teacher, the 60+ child witnesses & coconspirators.
I closed my eyes & asked him. “Did I kill anyone”?
He answered. “Nah. You just cut them to s@#! & they gave up”.
Then the usually smiling but serious looking Duh Jerk asked me. “If you went to war with America how would you do it”?
"Who did I kill"? A sentence I've used too many times in my all-too-short-life. Ow...
It was during "that first week" when my _ _ _ _ _ _ (honor honor honor) handed me over to my mass-attempted-murderers in spring of 1977. I was sitting in the living room of the house where my school classmates... my attempted murderers would soon begin torturing me by the park a few blocks west of the city's Community Center. We all sat around a long table & the world rippled fiercely... so I thought I was dreaming. So I thought. "Time to start killing people". Usually, when encountering big groups in my dreams I liked to convince a few people to help me kill the rest. It usually worked. So I tried talking my snickering classmates into helping me kill the rest of the class. Failing that I tried to get them to go out with me & kill random people.
They refused.
Duh Jerk pointed to me & said to his class of child-porn stars. "Do you want proof that he's the scumbag here? There's your proof"! They all agreed that I was a scumbag who most certainly deserved whatsoever they did to me.
Time passes... Pain, torture, starvation, sleep-deprivation... they made it a point to eat their meals in front of me for the next 2 weeks & fed me nothing...
Still later, Duh Jerk suggested that, since I was dreaming, why not get some revenge on my classmates whom he'd force to obey me.
It seemed harmless, so I did. "Everyone beat him up"! I shouted. Then, my torturing child-rapist kidnappers attacked that kid beating them quite badly. "Attack her"! No one was spared!
Later it morphed into... "Everyone rape her"! "Everyone rape him"! More perversion for the laughing madman. He was in his glory!
In that tax-payer funded school hallway during business hours a few days later... Snitchgirl, my self-admitted attempted-murderer, kidnapper, & rapist told me during school hours that I wasn't fooling anyone with my pleas that I'm just a nice guy caught up in an awful situation. "You're a serial-killer. I've seen it. You tried to talk us [my 1976-77 middle-school classmates] into killing people". When I defended myself all the more she added. "I was there! You tried to talk us into killing each other! You even tried to talk us into killing other people! Then Jerk told us we had to obey you & you made us hurt each other... badly. You forced us to rape each other. You made us do... things". She squirmed uncomfortably on that last sentence. She explained that she & her gang were psychology experts, particularly on the subject of a given victim's desires & how they relate to the use of drugs. "Our drug reveals a person for who they really are". She & the rest of my attempted murderers now slept soundly at night knowing that I was the real scumbag, not them. Speaking about the abuse she'd suffered she said. "It's how he [Duh Jerk] made us hate you". "You deserve everything we've ever done to you".
Me? The only thing I could think was. "I'm the 10 most evil people I know in my dreams".
Is the above situation simply normal middle-school hallway chatter? Idano... I have nothing to compare it to.
While standing beside a camera the usually smiling but serious looking Duh Jerk asked me. “If you went to war with America how would you do it”?
Sooo... I pondered the subject for a while... then answered him. "I'd conduct a full-spectrum N.B.C. war against them". Then I explained to him that N.B.C. meant nuclear, chemical, & biological attacks.
"How would you do the chemical part"? The suit wearing madman asked in exchange for but a moment's rest from the ungodly tortures he'd recently inflicted on me.
"I'd make up a batch of sarin gas & release it in confined public places like stadiums & subway tunnels".
"No good. Sarin gas is too difficult for the average person to make".
Not so I assured him. "No way. It's easy to make. You can make it out of household chemicals".
"Too dangerous to handle or too store". He countered. "Think of something else".
Me? I just wanted to get this over with so I shook my head & said. "No. It's safe to handle & easy to store".
"It's still no good. You'd probably have to be a master chemist to make it & it's probably difficult to get the recipe. Think of something else".
I told him that the recipe was easy to find on the internet & the gas was simple to make. So he left the room for a while leaving me to stand there & endure the insults of the never satiated Duh Weasel, F.B., Short Stuff, & a few of their ever-present jock enforcers.
Duh Jerk came back into the room... "How would you do the biological part"?
Sooo... I thought about it, but not for long. I'd use anthrax because it's very contagious & I'd spread it in public places by putting it in vents & air conditioners in stadiums & bus depots & by putting it in the mail & mailing little pouches of it to various public places throughout the country".
So he left the room... then, eventually came back. "It's too difficult to get & too dangerous to handle. Think of something else".
No way... So I told him it was true it was difficult to get because it's found under the roots of a difficult to harvest tree & is very rare at best (true or not is irrelevant because it may be that it's only true because it's true that I said that). "They keep anthrax in research labs so I'd just go to a lab where they store it for medical purposes & bull@#$! the secretary that I was there to pick up some & had the paperwork & get them to bring it to the front desk & then I'd steal it.
"What if they had a bulletproof glass window"? He asked.
"Bulletproof windows only stop morons without imagination". I told him if I wanted it bad enough 1 or 2 overworked & underpaid security guards & a single bulletproof glass window would not be much of an obstacle. I even suggested easy to make home made flamethrowers, easy to make & fits neatly into the window's pay slot.
So he left... Then came back. "How would you handle the anthrax? It's very contagious & too difficult to handle. Think of something else".
Not so I assured him. "It's the inhaled dust that's dangerous or spores on your hands. I'd build an underwater box out of glass to handle the anthrax & to make the letter bombs".
"Glass is too heavy".
"So I'd make it out of Plexiglas".
"How would you seal it"?
"I'd use silicone". We argued about different sealants & what would be best. He complained of previous experiences he had sealing aquariums that never did quit leaking when he used silicone & felt it would be a poor choice. So he suggested I announce an alternative product. "What brand would you use"?
"I don't know the names of any brands of sealants. I just use them".
"You're lying. Do you want the torture to begin again"?
"I ain't lying. I don’t know a single brand-name of any sealants, I just use them".
"Now I know you're lying. You did a lot of roofing & used a lot of different types of sealants".
"I never bought them once. The bosses always provided them for me to use".
"You're lying".
"There's only one lying cheating child-molesting child-killer in this conversation & that's you"!
So he left for a time... then he came back & asked me a series of detailed questions. "How would you keep the anthrax from getting wet? How would you keep the letter bombs from getting wet while you worked on them"?
I'd build a shelf inside the box & I'd cut 2 holes in the side & use silicone to seal 2 rubber gloves to the box". Later I told him I'd just use long rubber gloves when he nixed the idea of cutting holes in the box based on leaky sealants.
He left & came back & asked. "How would you sink the box"?
"I'd use cinder blocks".
"Too cliché. Think of something else".
"I'd use lead weights".
"Where would you get them"?
"Probably from a scrap yard or something".
"No good. Think of something else".
"I'd use weights from a weight-lifting set".
Duh Jerk seemed well pleased. Then he asked me. "How would you conduct the nuclear part"?
I thought about it, but not for long & told him that I'd once read in a major magazine about a teenager who tried to build his own atomic reactor in his back yard using every day mundane things to do it & had turned his neighborhood into a radioactive nightmare. "In the article they say that they left out a few steps of how the kid did it so no one else could copy him by reading the article. I'd just go to a college where they teach stuff like that & tell some cash-strapped student I'd pay him $50 to fill in the blanks for an article I'm writing on how easy it is to do what that kid did".
He told me that the radiation would kill me. "It'd never work because the radiation would kill you".
I told him that there were varying degrees of exposure. "That kid didn’t die & he worked next to an unshielded nuclear reactor". I went on about how cheap lead plating would be & how using long poles & pinchers to handle the radioactive material could reduce exposure further.
"How would you spread the radioactive material"? He asked with a serious look.
I thought about it for a while & said. "I'd grind the radioactive material into a powder & hook it to a blower. Then I'd use magnets to attach them to the bottom of trucks at a truck stop". "I'd use a lead plate on the back of the truck to protect myself from the radiation & then use long poles to push the bombs off the back of the truck". Some would be simple dust blowers & the rest would be radioactive material laced "dirty bombs". Conventional bombs laced with radioactive powder & detonated in high traffic public places that'd injure a lot of people & be extremely costly & difficult to clean up.
Imagine my surprise when a boasting rapist chewed me out about a year later. "Do you remember that Dr. who got caught with all those barrels of sarin gas in his basement"? "He was one of us. Jerk asked some of our guys for volunteers to make the sarin gas & he volunteered. Jerk chose him because he was a Dr. & that made him above suspicion. The only problem was when he died & his wife asked the cops what was in the barrel & the cops freaked"! He told me I got very, very lucky...
Odd... I don't feel lucky.
Sooo a year or 2 after that another self-professed rapist for profit comes up to me & begins to insult me. "YOU JERK"! Was among his insults. "Jerk had one of our guys volunteer to make those letter bombs using anthrax just like you described"! "As far as I'm concerned you are responsible for all of those innocent people who died & I'm going to make sure that you pay their deaths".
Yeah, I teased him. "So you don't think that because you help a sick f@#! like him that you're not responsible for the deaths of all of those innocents"?
I know that cut him to the core. He mumbled a while about how he personally detested killing, he merely saw it as a tool, for him it was different because he was in too deep, sure he killed lots of people but not in the sick way like how Duh Jerk & I did & the way he saw it was that the both of us were equally guilty, the only difference was that it was in his power to make certain that I paid, alone, because... blah blah blah...
"We were about to spring our trap on you when our dirty cop screwed up & told people at a press conference that the letter bomber had handled the anthrax underwater. Then the press started asking him questions like how & where & how did you find out? So we called off framing you for it". Blaming the aborted frame job on "the phrase that pays (a group of otherwise harmless words that has the ability to make (honest?) cops laugh & I suspect makes (honest?) juries shake their head in disapproval)". We still have pictures of you posing with the box during the various stages of construction & our films of you talking about how you'd do it".
"Because my attention-craving mind just had to film the entire thing didn't I"?
AUTHOR DISCLAIMER: In the above tale it demonstrates the beauty of the Child-Molestor's system. You see, I ain't accusing the Child-Molestors of being involved in the Anthrax nor Sarin gas incidents. But, I'll admit the timing of those acts was a bit... "convienient". It's how the group work. First you pour a bazillion lies into a pot, stir in an absurd story or two, then add a dash of the truth to make it palitable, and then you have a winning formula to rape kids for a lifetime!
The Last Snitch, in the presence of his Enforcer shouted at me with indignation & contempt! “You jerk! I can’t believe you answered that question! I’ve seen you get tortured & you could’ve handled that little amount of torture”! He verbally tore into me berating me because of all of the innocents that he knew Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars intended to hurt because of how I answered the question.
Sadly I answered back. “He didn’t need the torture. My ______ (honor, honor, honor) ordered me to answer his questions like that & I could never get her to undo the order or acknowledge that she’d ever given the order”.
I heard versions of this every few years my entire life... "We slipped you some of our drug when you were hanging out with your friends & you went on & on about hurting people & killing them". So I asked my friends.... They unanimously told me that they had no memory of any such conversations or events. I figured that they'd been drugged too.
"You seemed to have framed me for a lot of stuff". I told the Last Snitch. "Doncha think the cops will wonder about the shear enormity of it all"?
"We won’t use all of our films against you. It depends on what the cops zero in on first".
"YOU KILLED THEM"! Yelled a worried looking Duh Jerk with righteous indignation while pointing into a room in the defunct hospital on a hot late 80s kind of sunny day across the street from a park where I'd just walked through covered from head to toe in blood across the street from the Defunct Hospital in front of nearly 100 people. Only in Bay City... only...
Snitchgirl told me that the Child-Molestors called the house a few blocks west of the Community Center across from the park "The Killing Fields" because in that & a nearby house the gang brought out of town child-victims to be raped for their wealthy clients. "Sometimes they don't want a kid to be able to recognize their face so they pay us extra & we kill them there. It's where a whole bunch the kids in our class [Bay City middle school] got blooded".
I'd just gotten my nameless "Cousin" a cold can of beer when he told me he wanted to tell me why he hated me so much. "Is it because I obey your every word & get you a cold beer whenever you ask & treat you with respect when you always act like a jerk to me"? Eh, I had to ask.
"No. Your _ _ _ beat me up once so as revenge I'm going to turn his boys mean". Yeah yeah yeah... be a jerk, rape torture pain, yeah, he was like that. "I also decided that you will be a convicted arsonist & that your ___ (insert Serial Rapist's family title in comparison to me here) ___ & any other sons that your _ _ _ _ _ _ (honor honor honur) has will be convicted rapists".
Decades later the last snitch surprised me when he boasted on the subject. "Jerk's got the old bosses mad because it's very important to him that you go down as a child-molester (or did he mean Child-Molestor, a much more sadistic & sick fate?). That's got the old bosses mad because your cousin already decreed that you were to go down as an arsonist & that goes against tradition".
True or not? Who can say? He added. "We've kidnapped you nearly every year & burned down a house where you were standing there admiring it burning down & pointing at it & we've filmed it all". He shocked me more when he reminded me of a quote where I was pretending to be a fictional character named Zerez & foolishly said. "Burn baby burn". He bragged they'd showed the edited film to independent viewers & they'd begged the Child-Molestors to go to the cops with it saying things like. "How can you let a guy like that walk our streets"? Oh well, it sucks to be me... and the Child-Molestors brag that it always will...
"All we have to do is tell our victims a bunch of lies and when they don’t pan out the cops will never believe them". Truer words were never spoken by a professional liar.
I was strapped face down to a table with my pants pooled around my ankles being pushed awake by an 11 year-old child every minute or so for weeks when I heard a loud noise. SLAP!
Duh Jerk yelled. "I told you to keep him awake"!
The child yelled. "I did"! While holding his cheek.
While pointing at me during the quiet time between rapes he yelled. "Don’t lie to me! He was snoring"!
"Why are you doing this to me"? I asked.
"Because of the gym".
Several decades later & they're still talking about the gym. "You tried to kill me & now you want revenge for it"? In my opinion Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars suffer from a case of extreme penis envy related to "The Gym".
"It's not revenge for what you did to us! It's revenge for what the Bosses did to us because of you in the gym"! F.B, Duh Weasel, & Short Stuff were quite indignant.
"I don't believe oral sex is sex". Said my kidnapper & admitted rapist. He was discussing the moral superiority of his gang "The Child-Molestors" over child-sodomists whom he personally detested. He felt oral sex was just good old fun... when HE did it with kids.
I countered. "You just used the word sex to describe a sex act you thought wasn't sex". I know I cut him to the core when I said it.
My opinion? You just can't make situations like this up.
I was playing a medieval R.P.G. game a few years ago when Slim halted the medieval action & asked me a modern day question that had nothing whatsoever to do with what we were talking about. "If you went to war with America how would you do it"?
I thought about the odd nature of the question & it's wording & told him. "Let me think about it & I'll tell you next week".
A year or so later he asked the same question & I gave him the same answer in the next week as I had before.
My Bomber Buddy soon posed the same question.
Yeah... they got the same answer the next week on those occasions.
Huh... go figure...
Sooo... there I was, tied face down to a table with my pants around my ankles in the Bunga Bunga Garages giving Duh Jerk my patented why are you doing this to me speech when he said. "You know, you ain't as innocent as you act. You're a serial killer". He went on & on how I deserved what he, they were doing to me & worse. "We're only bringing you pleasure". A Child-Molestor saying, followed with the obligatory I should be grateful for all of the good loving. After all, what they were doing to me was better for me than just turning me over to the cops. They made money, & they kept a scumbag like me down for the good of society. Thus he & his crew could feel pretty good about themselves & what they were doing to me & make some friends & cash as well & all they had to do was pick on a serial killer who had it coming anyway.
"I ain't no serial killer"! I said.
Not so he assured the crowd in a loud voice because they weren't near nor privy to the rest of our conversation... When I was on their drugs I went on & on time & again about killing innocent people, so I wasn't fooling anyone.
Does everyone have conversations like this or is it just me?
“Don’t you think the cops will be able to tell I was on drugs”? I said, probably in vain.
"You being on drugs only strengthens our case".
Circa 1972. While waiting to get into our school after lunch I asked Snitch Girl. “Why are all the girls in our class walking funny”?
While pointing at one of the boys on loan in our class this month Snitch Girl told me. “That’s because we’re shooting interracial child-porn this month & he’s big”.
I sized up the otherwise small & thin African-American boy & said. “He don’t look big to me”.
She went on to explain that she didn’t mean he was tall.
“You killed that guy”. A sentence I’ve been confronted with more than one.
“Since you’re dreaming why not rape this girl in the rape fantasy you’ve always wanted”? A sentence I was plied with over & over again while kidnapped & on drugs as a teen. That & the popular. “Since you’re dreaming why not take this gun & shoot that guy”?
“Since you’re dreaming why not take this knife & go upstairs & kill that kid”?
"We always figured you were a serial killer. That's why we messed with you all these years. We figured that we'd kidnap you & play with you & drive you to suicide. We figured that if we followed you around for a few years we'd catch you killing someone. When that didn't happen we kidnapped you & framed you for a few murders for the good of society. And as a safeguard in case we ever got caught kidnapping you. The people were from some of our loyal families & they can’t wait to burn you for the group". He went on to explain that with their many films they've made of me drugged, tortured, & sleep deprived that they figure they can do anything they want to me for the rest of my life, show the films, & then laugh & brag about it & no one is going to care! Welcome reader... welcome to my America... Worse? Fail to act, let them prevail against me & they brag that you guarantee them a lifetime beyond suspicion & above the law! Coming soon to a school near you!

“You killed some guy in a cemetery”. Said a circa 1972 classmate, one of the many children who my Child-Molestor classmates told me was “on loan for our child-porn films”. They showed up for a month or two every year. Later, Snitch Girl told me that Duh Jerk had sent him to talk to me so my story would be all the more unbelievably because he was only going to stay with our class for a month to shoot child-porn with her & then he’d be gone without any record of having ever been at the Bay City tax-payer funded child rape center… uhhh… I mean Bay City Public School.
Circa 1972. While waiting to get into our school after lunch I asked Snitch Girl. “Why are all the girls in our class walking funny”?
While pointing at one of the boys on loan in our class this month Snitch Girl told me. “That’s because we’re shooting interracial child-porn this month & he’s big”.
I looked at the otherwise small & thin African-American boy & said. “He don’t look big to me”.
She went on to say she didn’t mean he was tall.
My opinion on the subject? Ew! Gross! Gross! Gross!
“You killed that guy”. A sentence I’ve been confronted with more than one.
“Since you’re dreaming why not rape this girl in the rape fantasy you’ve always wanted”? A sentence I was plied with over & over again while kidnapped & on drugs as a teen.
“Since you’re dreaming why not take this gun & shoot that guy”?
“Since you’re dreaming why not take this knife & go upstairs & kill that kid”?
“The more we torture you, the more things we do to you only proves that you’re a social deviant to the cops”. A bragging snitch on the subject of my chances against the Child-Molestors in court.
“Now you have to make a gay porno or I’ll just keep you awake until you go insane”. Duh Jerk lots of times. Ow…
“The pain will only end when you make a gay porno”
“The pain will only end when you have an orgy with them”. He was pointing at the 4 Stars & a few of their friends. And the nearby camera...
“The pain will only end when you kill an innocent of my choosing”. It was all over an argument between us when I quickly agreed to kill people for him but… only people of my choosing. A lot of bad people would’ve had a bad day at the very least I suspect had he not adapted his sentence thusly.
“So, when you were going to spread the T.C.D.D. how were you going to spread the agent”? My Buddy asked circa 1980.
“You want to fight”? A question I’ve had posed to me a bazillion times thanks mostly to the Child-Molestors. Behind closed doors they preach pleasure & love but they live pain & hurt. I'd suppose it's all fun & games... until someone gets in their way. The Child-Molestors usually have a certain air about them, a moral superiority summed up with a single sentence. "We're only bringing you pleasure". They tend to have a notion that, as long as it's sex they are inflicting on their victims they should keep quiet, or maybe even be grateful.
I was talking with Duh Jerk about his reputation & he defended himself by telling me not to believe everything I heard about him. So I asked him to describe himself to me? “I’m a nice guy, and I'm fun to be around”. He nodded at a few gang-bangers in the Bunga Bunga Garages & they nodded back as to agree with him. “As long as you don’t trust me or my whores for too long”. From the mouth of babes thou hast perfected praise….
"First the accusation. Then the rush to judgment". Duh Jerk on the subject of how best to blackmail & frame innocent tax-paying citizens circa 1976. Subtly is the key he told me. That & to never give up targeting a victim no matter what the cost. "Once we begin to target someone we never give up on them no matter what the cost. It proves that they're insane". The way he explained it was that the more perverse & outrageous their attacks combined with the fact that they keep doing them is proof unto itself that their victims should be ignored. "The more perverse that we attack our victims is only proof that they're perverted themselves to the police & should be ignored". Welcome to my America reader. The Child-Molestors brag that even now they are prepping the next generation of child-victims who they'll be torturing using the decades of experience gleaned from their time with me. Doubt me? Enroll your kids in a Bay City School today!
In summer of 1977 after the bragging guy that society will call Serial Rapist had begun a conversation with me by saying. “You killed that kid”. I asked him. “How could you do that to your own ___(I said my family title in relation to him)___? Siding with child-molesters & killing kids.?
“Imagine my surprise when I met them & I found out that they hated you as much as I do”. He went on & on how their mutual hate of me bound them together.
“Why do you hate me so much? I’m nothing but nice to you”.
“Because you snitch on me”.
“Only because I have to. __ (honor honor honor)___ beats the crap out of me if I don’t & sometimes I beg you not to do stuff in front of me & you still do it. Besides you snitch on me all the time & __ (honor honor honor)___ doesn’t have to hit you one bit to get you to do it”. "I asked him "What makes you such a snitch"?
There was an awkward silence. "Because I like to see you get hit".
“So tell me what Duh Jerk’s like that you would turn on your own ___(I said my family title in relation to him)___ for him”?
“He’s fun to be around. He’s got girls & drugs, & the party starts when he arrives”.
"If you kill an innocent of my choosing we'll let you go".
"We're all trained to be victims". The bragging self-admitted rapist for profit told me. "It's how we get away with things. The first thing we do when we get caught is we start crying. Our families go to the judges & juries & tell them 'oh what a good boy he is. We're the real victims here. We just got all caught up in it because he's such a bad guy". Then he went on to brag more about his job & how it would protect him from the various charges of being a child-molester-for-profit. "My own work with kids in the community will protect me & I'll get a reduced sentence".
"You working with kids is only so you can better facilitate molesting them". I complained.
"I know. But it works".
The author's opinion on the subject? I believe all child-molesters for profit should receive a humane execution after a short but fair trial. I feel our leaders should create some sort of "fast track" legal system to enable society to more quickly dispatch said individuals in a humane & fair way. Anyone who works with kids professionally shouldn't be able to use working with kids as a shield. They sicken me & I'm tired of looking at them. I'm also tired of listening to the whines of jerks who are getting rich & fat off the forbidden fruit of our land & crying about it to better facilitate getting away with it! In the words of a famous philosopher who I will only use the initials for: D.D. "This world isn't big enough for the two of us. So off you go"!
Sooo... there I was, I'd just become lucid in the defunct hospital on a giant bed nude beside F.B., Duh Weasel. Short Stuff, & Just Desserts while Duh Jerk & a giant jock stood next to a movie camera pointed at us. I was weak as a kitten & Duh Jerk informed me I'd just had a king-sized dose of their strength reducing drug to make my rape on film easier. Then he asked. "Who's going to go first"?
F.B. spoke first. "I can't get it up".
Duh Weasel said. "I can't get it up".
"Short Stuff said. "I can't get it up".
I'll bet it's a sentence they've used quite a bit in life. Giggle giggle. Ahhh... the truth hurts... don't it?
Sooo... as the story goes I went to the Bay City... cops & reported. "They're making me kill people in snuff films".
"Why would they do this to you"?
"Because of the gym". We went back & forth, yeah yeah yeah, they tried to kill me, over 100 involved, over 1,000 witnesses.
"You can't get away with an attempted murder in America with that many witnesses". I was assured by... cops en-mass. Mock. Mock. Mock.
"Oh yeah?! I tell you what then. The next time they make me kill someone I'll say it was of my own free will & without duress & dedicate it to you". I said to the Bay City.. cop.
Giggle Giggle...
Weeks pass... In the defunct hospital a child begged for his life while a smiling madman told me things like. "The pain will only end when you kill an innocent of my choosing. I'll keep you awake until you go insane".
Much, much later, picture me staggering semi-delirious holding a revolver while standing next to a child who's begging for his life. In anger I give the madmen what I promised I would to briefly end the pain. Putting on a smile I say. "I dedicate this shooting to officer _______ of the Bay City Police Department & do so without duress & of my own free will".
In the spirit of that child's demise I announce that if I should ever find myself the star in another "snuff film" then I will dedicate the slaying to Jame Comey much like this. "I David George am dedicating the shooting of this child to F.B.I. Agent James Comey & am doing it without duress & of my own free will". Then, as in times past in all likelyhood, I will smile as ordered, then, I will end another child's life. But only after much torture... again... gulp! I pray to God that this does not come to pass.
"As long as we attack you weird we can do anything we want to you because no one would do that to someone".
I've tried to discuss the logic of it with... cops. "I'm saying that a bunch of perverts are attacking me. If I say that they're attacking me like a normal person would then my story should be unbelievable. But I'm not. I'm saying a bunch of perverts are attacking me perversely".
I wonder if Bay City... cops practice their glazed looks in a mirror or if they simply improvise it on a case by case basis?
"Now you have to kill an innocent of my choosing or die"! Said the smiling pistol-wielding Duh Jerk... again (he's done this quite a bit) while his crew prepared torture implements & their perverts lined up alongside various animals in the Defunct Hospital.
"Okay. Go ahead". I said while looking at a very distressed young girl tied sitting in a chair facing a camera.
His smile dropped like a ton of bricks. "What"?
"Go ahead. Shoot". I explained that my death would be preferable to the slaying of an innocent girl.
Later he changed his saying to. "Now you have to slay an innocent of my choosing or I'll just torture you & keep you awake until you go insane".
Soon enough... who knows how long... I blew her brains out... BANG!
Still later they played endlessly with blanks while my mind teetered on the edge of madness from the effects of torture & sleep deprivation (it's not fun), making me seemingly execute people over & over while they laughed at my agony.
The way they bragged to me was that by conducting mock executions they made my story unbelievable & when cops later confronted the average snickering gang-member about the subject they could relax knowing that no one really got hurt... it was all just a PRACTICAL joke.
"Now you have to kill an innocent of my choosing". It was during that period where they made me use blanks to shoot victims tied to a chair in the Defunct Hospital. They took turns being shot at & it seemed like they had great fun while my drug-addled sleep-deprived brain tried to process what was going on from moment to moment as I drifted in & out of remembering events that occurred even a minute prior.
So they hooked up some teenager with black hair to their chair & when the beating stopped I agreed to kill him. While the smiling gang stood around us filming the entire event I readied the pistol, ready to kill a fellow human being for the amusement of a group of madmen. It was then... that I became lucid. I remembered the mock executions, I'd shot this kid before even. I was reviled at the horror I'd been forced to endure. The madness, the pain. The way they laughed at the act of torturing a fellow human... the kid included. So I put the pistol in his ear & pulled the trigger. BANG!
The smiling & laughing stopped. That kid had a bad day...
While in full uniform & standing in the Bay City copshop the Bay City... cop told me. "No killer is just going to waltz in here & turn himself in". Uhhh... while I was trying to turn myself in I wasn't dancing by any means.
I actually was forced to endure this saying by several on duty uniformed Bay City... cops. "Do you know how I know you're lying"? When I answered no they said matter of factly. "Because if you were telling the truth about them you'd insult them more". American tax dollars at work. Sigh...
"Whoa, slow down there potty mouth". Said an on duty uniformed Bay City... cop while standing in the front of the copshop. Uh... I'd insulted my kidnappers for his benefit.
"It's how I beat the cops. The cops figure that if I was a gang-leader I'd care about my gang-members getting hurt but the truth is I don't care who gets hurt".
"So is Jerk going to get revenge for this"? I asked.
"Screw Jerk! I'm going to make sure you pay for this myself"! He said a few blocks south of Bay City's Defunct Hospital in the summer heat circa 1988.
"We like to torture the unpopular children of our victims in 3 ways. The first way is by having our kids dress up as gangsters. The second way is to have our kids dress up as vampires. being a Goth is very popular in our group so there's no shortage of people willing to do it. Thirdly everybody in our group gets chased around the cemetery by a group of werewolves. It happened to you and it happened to me. It's something we all have done to us". When I asked him why he said? "Because we're actors & it's good practice for the kids for when they grow up". It's all about making a victim's story as hard to believe as possible.
"CALM DOWN! YOU"RE DREAMING"! In the author's opinion it's not always a safe bet to say to someone on drugs.
Sooo... this self-professed child-rapist for profit was complaining to me about all the Child-Molestors I've killed & how badly he & the rest of the gang want revenge. That's when he said something like. "Our drug keeps victims placid but NOOOO! Not you! You just had to go & kill some people"!
So I asked him. "Does your drug normally keep people placid"? Eh, I wanted to know.
In a rage he answered. "Our drug ALWAYS keeps victims placid"!
"One killer to another". He told me. I was tied to a table, butt up with my legs up & down & my pants around my ankles when he told me. "Coach _ _ _ _ _ was my first kill". "He liked teenaged boys & the cops were onto him & the goings on in the locker room so the bosses ordered me to poison him. It was easy to poison him because he liked young athletic teenaged boys & I was his ultimate fantasy. Why do you think they named the football field after him"? He whined that the coach's face still troubled him & ended it repeating himself. "One killer to another". Then he asked me to tell him about my first kill as a fellow recreational serial-killer.
"I ain't no serial-killer"!
That's when I asked Duh Jerk. "Where's Dirty Cop"? He seemed... missing.
"I had Dirty Cop killed". Undetectable poison he bragged. "I had all of the adults of the gym killed so I'm the only adult who can testify about it".
A sentence I've used a bazillion times on the snickering Duh Jerk & his 4 Stars alone & in a group during my ongoing torture. "You suck".
The last snitch told me. "You've got to come up with a new insult for Jerk (they always call him by his last name). 'You suck' has become a joke within our group. Think up something else".
"But you suck conveys my feelings towards him so well". They're always trying to tell me what to do
"You know this is a rape" I said to her in disgust. A theme we'd repeat over the decades over & over.
T.M.O.M.C. boasted. "I know. There's not a jury in the world that'll convict me".
A while ago, at the corner of Laffeyette & Garfield Streets in Bay City Michigan I asked her. "Why are you doing this to me"?
She answered. "For the coke". She didn't mean the cola.
"We can't get anyone to do anything they wouldn't normally do in their dreams [on their drug(s?)]. With your nightmares there's nothing we couldn't get you to do".
I pondered the bragging Child-Molestor's words. Being that I know my dream-life my heart sank.
"In the old days you used to have a chance to escape when we tortured you but now when you get upitty or attack everyone [at the kidnapping] carries a taser in thier belt or back pocket and they all pull them out & zap you".
With contempt he Last Snitch told me. "You're too complacent about us ripping you off".
Angrily I answered him. "I ain't complacent! What can I do about it"?!
He teased me some more. "We've been ripping you off all of your life and you don't even realize it".
Ticked off I answered him. "I know that part of your schemes are that you take credit for crimes you guys never committed so that your victims will falsely accuse you in court & the cops will ignore them".
"Oh yeah? Case in point. We've been ripping off your clothes your entire life. Mostly t-shirts socks and underwear".
"Bulls@#!"! I said. "I get ripped off all the time and you're just trying to take the credit for it so my story sounds more unbelieveable".
"Oh yeah? When's the last time you threw out any underwear or a t-shirt? Huh"?
Through the drug haze I pondered his question for a time... "I've thrown out underwear and socks". I said defensively
"Oh yeah? How many"?
I was still searching my memory...
"Well? Come on. It's an annual tradition every guy has The day that they go through thier wardrobe and throw out thier old socks and underwear. You've never done that. Your only problem is that we've ripped you off your entire life and you've never noticed. We always drop some of your clothes at the crime scene whenever we frame you for rape. And some of those underwear have some pretty nasty tread marks and look like you wore them for weeks and it wont look good for you in court when the prosecutor holds them up for the jury.
"Yeah. Because nothing proves that you guys tortured me for weeks and made me wear the same socks and underwear the whole time"?
Truth be told. I'm ashamed to admit it... but... Sigh... "After" the rapes... "after" I tended to lock myself in my room and just sat there wearing the same clothes and of course underwear for weeks at a time. A stretched rectum from rape plus time do not equate to pretty looking underwear.
The gang brag that there's not a prosecutor in the country who wont laugh at the above paragraph's impossibility.

You too can be working for the Child-Molestors Today!

Circa 1988 I was between tortures in the Defunct Hospital. Dunkings, proddings, pokings, slappings, beatings, & continuous rapes were my life now. All for reasons of revenge they bragged when I asked them why they were doing this to me? "Because of the gym".
This time I was gasping for air, standing next to a bucket of water. The assembled jocks clad in black backed off & Duh Weasel & F.B. let my arms go, allowing air rush into my lungs to replace the water which had violated them. About 5 or 6 girls, toddlers by my reckoning sat unmoving on a rather large bed dressed in what had to be custom-made nighties & frilly boas surrounded by pillows with sheets hanging on the walls to hide the walls of the former hospital. Memories of my recent trip to the F.B.I. where I begged for help flooded my mind & I pondered what was to become of me. Like usual, I figured "This is it. The end. After all their people I've hurt this has to be the end. Today I die. This is the end". Well, you get the gist of it reader.
You see reader, they were trying to recruit me. Literally. "Now you have to join us". "The pain will end when you join us". It's all a part of that case of penis-envy the gang acquired en-mass during the gym I'd guess. No ointment will cure what they've got.
I refused.
"Now you have to have an orgy with these little girls on film or I'll torture you & keep you awake until you go insane". He said with a smile.
The little girls never moved once, nor even blinked.
"No way! You're just setting me up". I explained to him that the way I figured it if I broke & made the film he'd simply hand it over to the cops & I'd go down as a child-moleser. Who'd believe my story?
"No. I wouldn't ask you to do anything that I haven't done myself".
I told him I didn't buy it one bit.
"It's something we've all had to do. It's the one thing that binds us". Then he turned to his guys & asked them if it was true & they all nodded in agreement.
My eyes fixed on F.B. & Duh Weasel when they nodded & verbally agreed with him. "Yeah, It's something we all have to do".
He'd mentioned that before, a lot when he tried to recruit me in fall of 76 and since.
I pondered their words & the situation before me & remembered Snitch Girls's words when she spoke about Jerk's confession to her that he found his own "animal films" for the group very distasteful & wanted revenge for being forced to do them. She said he confessed he'd been a screw-up as a child & danced "the coolie" a lot more than he'd like to have. Then I wondered. "What makes a guy like that tick"? I imagined the levels of horror, decadence, & indulgence that it would take to produce such a group of individuals. I recalled the reports of my classmates who told me they danced "the coolie" under a hose as punishment for his sadistic whims as a punishment. I pictured Jerk as a child dancing under the spray of a hose.
While I pondered his words Duh Jerk said. "Then the torture will resume".
AS SICK AS QUOTES GET... Don't read this if you don't have a strong stomach...
I was sitting cross-legged on the floor in a white room void of furniture, walls, ceiling, floor, everything was bright white and the lighting was intense. Duh Jerk, F.B., and a few assorted jocks stood next to and behind a camera respectively. I had a sharp knife in my hand & a child lay on the floor in front of me.
Duh Jerk invited me to cut up the child using a voice like one might use when encouraging a little kid.
Being doped out of my mind I did just that. I carved the child up, mostly the torso, cut the throat, all at his suggestion. "Cut up his gut".
So I did.
He invited me to put my hands into the child's gut.
So I did.
Though I was an adult he spoke to me like one would speak to an idiot child. "Pull them out. Pull out his intestines".
So I did.
He extended & waved his arms much like someone who was playing with an imaginary Slinky, moving his arms up & down as he did. "Now play with them".
So I did.
"Now rub them on your face. Go on, do it".
Do I have to go on describing the situation? Sick...
"The more sick things we do to you. the more depraved, the more twisted they are is only proof to the cops that you are crazy because no one would do that to someone".
Yeah, whatever...
"Doncha think the cops will be able to tell I'm on drugs"? Me, complaining, as a child, tied-up, during the very act of rape, probably in vain.
You being on drugs only strengthens our case". The Child-Molestors premier saying. They brag it works every time.
"That's why they let us torture them. For the drugs". A motive they boast works against every jury since the dawn of rapists.
This conversation has happened only a few times by my recollection as of this writing but Child-Molestors brag it has been repeated over & over my entire life with only a few variations as it's logistics changed from year to year.
"What's your latest plan against me"?
"Who's helping you"?
"Where do they live"?
"Where are you hiding the cameras"?
"Which officer did you talk to"?
It's probably my weirdest claim yet.... I truthfully answered each question to the best of my ability... while I was on their drug(s?).
I think it was 1990 when... I just gave up. Sure I went to the... cops a few times after that, exercises in futility I assure the reader.
Let me tell you what I'm trying to say here bluntly. My research into drugs showed me that many people are affected by drugs differently. Most people act one way or another on any given drug. Some people are all but immune to the same given drug. And some people, like me, are incredibly susceptible to a given drug. Thus the Child-Molestor quote about me. "We can't get anyone to do anything they wouldn't normally do in thier dreams [on our drug]. This is science. Look it up. "With your nightmare there's nothing we couldn't get you to do".
The sick part about the above sentence oh wise reader? We were talking about murder, and rapes of every sort including man, child, & beast. A fact that the speaker was boasting that they were inflicting on children at that very moment.
The horror... the horror...
"We sell revenge. You are a commodity just like any other. After the cops help us do what we do to you you'll be the greatest commercial we ever had. Sure, we'll probably have to lay low for a few years but people will start coming to us looking to buy revenge. At first we'll just say 'we'll take down your name & number & get back to you' but after a while it'll be business as usual. After we're through with you we'll be above the law. Untouchable. You're the guy we can brag about raping & torturing openly & because you'll be such a scumbag no jury could ever touch us". "Since you'll be famous we'll make sure all of our victims know about your case & we'll film them talking about it because we'll make them intimately aware of your case by talking to them about it. Then we'll just use the same people & torture our victims in the same way & the courts will say their crazy". "Jerk came up with the plan during the gym when he first drugged you during the gym & the first thing you started talking about was killing people".
"We own the cops".
"All we have to do with you is show the cops a few of our films of you talking about killing people & hand them a few bucks & tell them 'we're only torturing a scumbag" & they look the other way when you beg for help. A bunch of them have begged us for the films saying 'how could you let someone like that walk our streets'? A few have even offered to provide security for us during your rapes because they like the thought of a scumbag like you getting raped & tortured".
Do you remember that girl you dated last week"?
Yeah... I heard different versions of this particular conversation many times throughout my life. So I answered. "Yeah".
"She's one of us & when this all comes out she'll say you raped her".
Later... I asked a few of their more... "talkative members" about the subject when I saw him. There answers were consistent.
"We call it 'a seduce & accuse'. We accuse our victims of rape before they can accuse us and more often. It's how we win against our victims. It makes our victims seem perverted in the eyes of the cops".
"But why do that"? It just didn't make any sense to me at the time.
"Because Jerk wants you weak in court & and the defencive. When you go to court you'll have to admit that you had sex with that woman & that'll make you seem guilty in the eyes of a jury".
"Have you ever heard of those private investigators companies hire to investigate communities where they want to expand their business"?
"Yeah". I said, not believing a word coming out of his mouth, a fact true to this day for all of the Child-Molestors.
"We specialize in detecting them before they find out what a s@#!hole Bay City really is. When we find out who they are we go & recruit them & beat the s@#! out of them & make them say Bay City is a great city & we make them bias their report against any other places they may be investigating". He lamented that they do it less & less nowadays, more businesses are on to them & well-informed companies know to stay away from Bay City.
I ain't saying it's true. Frankly, I hope he was lying. Sad...
With a look of revulsion on her face Snitchgirl said. "You're a serial-killer. I've seen you do it". While standing in a 1976 Bay City Middle School hallway during business hours shortly after and between the very moments of... "the gym".
That's when I called my ranting Nameless Cousin a liar. "You are not our family's devil-worshipper leader".
He was angry when he said. "Oh yeah"? Do you want proof? I made your _ _ _ _ _ _'s parents name their son a girl's name as a punishment". He and a lot of the Child-Molestors bragged, whined, and complained about this form of punishment. From what I understand, it is a serious punishment that comes just before capital punishment & is handed down to mark the victim's family in case of and in preparation of their member's next screw up.
Yup, I called the man who's name I didn't know who my _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) forced me to obey under threat of extreme physical punishment a liar. Eh, probably just force of habit as I look back on my 7 year-old self.
"Do you want more proof? I named you and your ___(the guy society will call Serial Rapist)___. I named you boys, not your parents like they told you. I named you after my mentor, and I named the guy society will call Serial Rapist a penis's name"!
"Why me"? I asked. "How come I have to do all of the killings when you's guys have got a vast array of other victims to do your killing for you"? Eh, I just wanted to know. Not that I believed him then or now, but I wasn't going anywhere anyway and I wondered what his answer just might be.
He answered me in the presence of his F. Enforcer. "Because you don't disappoint". He explained that killing is a hobby with Duh Jerk... and ME! The reason he personally detested me because he'd seen the films. He knew, because of the lie detector tests that I was innocent, a fact that no longer mattered because the gang has too much invested in my destruction. "We sell revenge and you are a commodity just like any other". He bragged that I was someone whom the gang could count on. That once filmed the gang could approach the families of their many victims and get them to pay them for revenge. Then, once they'd filmed their idiots paying them, once they'd committed horrors on me, involved me in heinous and ludacris crimes, then they could safely approach the idiots who'd just paid them for revenge and milk them dry for life. Worse? Once the Child-Molestors own you they aren't content with just you. No, they plan to own your children and later your grandchildren.
"You are our recruiter. The cops will never appreciate how many hundreds of people we've recruited because of you and now they all have a vested interest in seeing that you go down".
Yeah, whatever...
"Do you remember the Wenona Park hotel fire"? "We set that. We noticed that a few of our
enemies and a lot of our retired members lived there. Since we controlled the who got what
room we transferred all of our enemies and our retired people who knew too much and the
people from the City's Darkest Part to a top floor and put chains on the doors to the only exit.
Then we lit the fire and made attendance to the fire mandatory for some of our people. They
all showed up after the fire so the cops wouldn't get suspicious. They're the one's who
cheered as people jumped to their deaths and taunted some of them saying things like 'jump
you f _ _ _ _ _'! and 'you don't look so tough now ya snitch'! We almost got caught because
it turned into a carnival atmosphere with our people cheering as they're enemies and snitches
from the City's Darkest Part jumped to their deaths. So we eventually told them all to go
home and then we made the tv film crew we owned who were there start filming over again
so we could conceal our people's identity & now our people have a rock-solid alibi that they
weren't at the fire & it makes our victim's stories all that much more unbelievable". Ha! HA!
HA! Ha! HA! Ask anyone... Duh Jerk likes to laugh...
Hmph! The things a bragging madman will boast to a child while working on the clock at
a Bay City Public School. Personally, I don't believe a word any of them say, but, I'll admit, it
is "possible" that one of them "might" tell the truth, occasionally, if only by accident.
"No honest cop is going to be able to resist the kind of money we'll be slinging around
once we show them our films of how much of a scumbag you are". "You are our recruiter".
"All we have to do is accuse you of some heinous crime & the cops will never give you a chance". One of their last boasts.

IT AIN'T ALL ABOUT RECREATIONAL MURDER... Sometimes it's just about recreation maiming of children... Alternate title: How to carve up children 4 fun & profit...
This next tale ain't about murder, it's about a gang of chuckling madmen who get thier kicks off of preying on the group of Americans least able to legally defend themselves. America's children. Rape? Torture? Murder? Yeah, some people love to do it. It's thier hobby, for some, it's also thier chosen occupation. Here's a handwritten tale about a gang of people who enjoy all of the above. Go figure...

The big guy in the above story, "Fat Guy" was really a huge teenager. HUGE! Eh, so I went to the... cops. The way the... cops explained it to me was that Fat Guy got what was coming to him, he was a jerk who was obviously in the wrong, otherwise he'd've filed a police report (A... cop rule chiseled in stone somewhere I'd suppose). The... cop's advice to me was to drop the entire complaint, lest they should search for Fat Guy, find him, and I would then have to endure whatever would certainly be the lies and counter allegations he'd almost certainly make to defend himself. I even complained to a few other people who's identity escapes me at the time of this writing and it seemed to me that thier advice was about the same. They too had no pity for the big lummox with the bad attitude and the knife. Me? It irritated me because, as huge as Fat Guy was, he was still a child. Now, thanks to a team of madmen who'd allegedly used a few whores to seduce him, now he was going to go through life covered in horrible scars. Even worse than that? The bragging mouthpiece for the Child-Molestors bragged on and on about Fat Guy's hatred of me. How he'd gladly put the screws to me for life. Maybe even dedicate his children and his children's children's lives to my destruction as revenge for the evil he perceived that I'd done to him. Fat Guy was huge, but he was still a child. Just another burning log of hate fueled by the desire of a gang of madmen on thier never-ending quest for revenge.

"You know most of the children we use against you are from other cities don't you"?
"Yeah, I already figured that one out".
"How do you figure"?
"Because if they came from Bay City I'd have bumped into a few of them a lot more. That and the kids from the gym told me that you used kids from other cities to do your dirty work around here and a few of your people bragged about it over the years in the [Bunga-Bunga] Garages when I was being raped".
"Ohhh. You know most of the people you killed came from other cities don't you"?
"I figured as much".
"When you tell the cops about the murders they'll tell you you're crazy because the number of people you killed wont pan out with the number of people that are reported killed aroud here".
"Kill David George and break his bones"! A chant often used en-mass during "The Gym".
I asked more than a few unformed on duty... cops over a few months. "Isn't that proof that they're trying to kill me? We were fighting when you came in and the whole class was chanting for my death".
Their most popular answer? "That doesn't prove a thing".
Speaking on the subject of raping me for fun, profit, and to further their blackmail/extortion biz [I am not the gang's only victim, people on both sides of the filmed "rape events" are being framed, win/win for the gang] . "We plan to follow you around and make money off of you until the day you die".
"All we have to do is accuse you of some heinous crime and the cops will never give you a chance".

"I can kill anyone I want". -Martin Oak during a quiet moment while the gang was setting up the next filmed torture/skit.
CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017
Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!
In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.
Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.
When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.
This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.
What does this mean?
Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".
Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.
I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.
Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.
To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.
Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.
Please help me!
More quotes? Why not? As if a single one of them would convince Skeptic... cOPS.
I should've written this part earlier & quite often. When Duh Jerk & I chatted later about the entire scene I asked him why he acted so weird? If he wanted me dead why not just straight up kill me when I was kidnapped?
Martin "Duh Jerk' Oak's answer was usually the same (the 4 Stars too). "When you die you have to die publicly and in a way no one would question because of The Gym". It had to be in public, on film, & done in a way that could never connect him to the murder. That & he really enjoyed toying with his victims.
TOP 10 THREATS... In no particular order...
Here's a list of the gang's most popular threats against me, mainly dealing with or centered on my eventual demise by the gang.
1) We're going to put you in prison for life as revenge: Revenge for what you might ask reader? The latest "offense" against the gang, maybe I've irritated a Boss, said something that offended a gang-member, sent via "snitch" a message telling leaders of the gang to "f _ _ _ off" (My bad, I really shouldn't insult my kidnapping serial-killing serial-rapists as much as I have, my big mouth), or what I call accumulated offenses (things I've done as a reaction to the gang, fighting my way to freedom, going to the... cops, worming my way out of what they consider particularly clever & sometimes expensive traps, TPing one of "their" houses (my bad there too), or other weird reasons, including because it's just what they do to all of their victims eventually.
Sometimes the threats are quite bland and other times quite graphic & even creative. The latest creative one being hauling me back to Bay City to it's Federal Holding Facility Jail. You see because it's a Federal Facility there's no judge & jury for crimes there, you appear before whomever & the tired overworked (and likely fully corrupt) guy who got judge duty that week has the power to sentence you to whatsoever time he desires based on if he thinks you're guilty or not of most 2 year or less felonies. Guilt being whatever they could smuggle into my cell before the next search. "We plan to shave years off of your life". I'm sure they do it all the time. "The Guards will keep finding child-porn in your room. It'll be a great way to make you out to be a pervert in the cops eyes". Go figure.
2) We're going to cripple you: An oldie but a goodie. Threats range from. "It's very important to me that you wear adult diapers in your old age". And the popular. "We'll use an endoscope to cripple your shoulders and knees". They already did that one. It's follow-up threat is that it wont be initially crippling. They'll wait a few years & then have a few punks attack me. Having places cuts in key points in my muscles they'd easily tear in a fight. Leaving me crippled. From there the last threat is to misdiagnose the condition long enough that therapy is all but ineffective normally. Leaving me a helpless cripple & at the gang's mercy.
I've had threats of this or that evil surgery. Believable. They'd simply do some surgery, cut this, amputate that, rearrange the other thing. And then maybe drop me off at the police station for good measure after they'd put me on ice for a few months for it to heal. "No one's going to believe you when you show up at the police station with wounds long ago healed.
3) We're going to follow you around for the rest of your life. So far... they have.
4) We're going to take every pet you ever have & give it to a good child-molester family. I've rarely heard this threat... but... actions DO speak louder than words. Yeah... My dogs, my cats, even my goldfish. They bragged they stole every single one of them out of spite. Spite. Then bragged that the pets I'd trained were now doing well in "good child-molester families". What was the final disposition of said pets? Idano?
spite /spīt/ noun 1. a desire to hurt, annoy, or offend someone: "he'd think I was saying it out of spite" synonyms: malice, malevolence, ill will, vindictiveness, vengefulness, ... moreantonyms: benevolence 2.deliberately hurt, annoy, or offend (someone): "he put the house up for sale to spite his family" synonyms: upset, hurt, make miserable, grieve, distress, ... moreantonyms: please
Just rude.
5) We're going to torture you until you go insane. Pretty rude in my opinion and nowhere near as glamorous as... cops try to tell me I make it sound.
6) We're going to steal your stuff. This, that, the other thing, some, most, or all of my stuff for the rest of my life. I'll say this... it's pretty petty because they haven't made a whole lot of money doing this. Still rude though.
7) We're going to keep calling the cops on you. I've literally had the cops called on me hundreds of times. Add in an average of 1 hour or so each police encounter and it literally amounts to having shaved at least a month or more of my life off in a form of roadside imprisonment funded by the state. That's in addition to how rude it is in my opinion. Reasons boasted for this are obvious to everyone but mid-Michigan Law-enforcers. That a long list of ongoing police involvement only serves to prove that I'm the scumbag in the room to... cops.
I'll write more? Probably? Maybe? If the mood strikes me? But I wouldn't bet on it.
8) We'll get you high on drugs and then put a gun in your hand & convince you to... Frankly? To do a lot of things. Chiefly among the threats to kill a lot of innocent people. I'm no fool & I've researched the plethora of people in our society making identical claims to my own. To date not a one of them has won their legal freedom that I know of. You get caught with the smoking gun AND are on drugs & you are done for AND the people you are accusing (true or not) get a free pass for life from any and all accusations like unto what you've made against them FOR LIFE! It's the ULTIMATE "Get out of jail free card".
9) We're going to lock you up in a booby hatch. Yeah... they would. Present me all drugged up and or sleep-deprived delirious in front of a judge & then send me to a child-molester run loony farm. Either for an amount of time or for the rest of my life. Easy to do with my loyal family going to bat for them. Let alone their "Best of" library of films they keep bragging about. Once I'm there their dirty doctors can write any cruel thing they want about me without the possiblity of a fair appeal. That of course being proof unto itself to any & all... cops that I'm the bad guy in the room.
10) We'll convince vigilantes to kill you for us. The way they describe it is they watch for the weak-willed, and the self-righteous. Then they show up with a film or 2 making me look like their hated group and the next thing you know I'm walking away from a dead body in an alley wondering if I should walk straight home, call a cab, or try to wash the blood off someplace on the way home? Hours of child-molester fun & they brag it just gives them film after film to use against me.
Threats include people ranging from using their films to inspire their gang to kill me, other gangs, would-be vigilantes, bad... cops, and even otherwise formerly wholesome... cops who will be blackmailed for life because the gang is in a position to film their every misdeed.
11) We'll inflict this disease on you... or that disease on you. At this very moment as I write this I am afflicted with scabies from my last rape. They often get quite graphic when describing the how when & why. How rude!
Oops... I was only supposed to go to ten. Shhhhh... don't tell mid-Michigan... cops I went over ten, they'll probably never notice. Mainly because it's a number way, way above the number 4.
MORE QUOTES? As if a few more quotes would save my life or convince anyone of anything...
Sooo... there I was. The gang had just beat me down to my knees. They were all taking a break in the Defunct Hospital. Dirty Cop, Duh Jerk, The 4 Stars, Jocks, the obligatory pretty girl human shields Duh Jerk likes to keep handy, teens, the wall of children (their task is to deflect... cops by forming a line to buy them time to destroy evidence & drug their victims stupid if confronted) , and of course... the ever-present camera. Duh Jerk told me he was tired of me going to the... cops as of late. There'd been a few close calls (his words... not mine). So the beatdown was set up to go on until I was either crippled & went insane from sleep deprivation or gave them my word I'd never go to the... cops again.
The 4 Stars agreed with him. My... cop adventures ended here & now. I'd never go to the... cops again... or els
Me? I stood up, licked my wounds, & told him.

"All we have to do is accuse you of some heinous crime and the cops will never give you a chance".