Combined we killed a lot of kids!And the... cops helped!!!
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang
Welcome to my often sabotaged site. The Child-Molesters said they would and who was I to doubt them?
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.-David A. George 6-26-17
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang:
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.
David A. George
"Kill one person and you create a tragedy the police will investigate because it is such a tragedy. Kill a hundred people and you create a laughable crime the police will laugh at when you try to tell them about it".-Martin Oak Circa 1987 The author of this website's opinion of the subject? Yup.
This website is an attempt to save what remains of my life.. Sigh... -David A. George 1-5-18

AssORTED Duh Jerk Jokes...

Bay City... cops at their finest...
Sooo... the way the gang has boasted it to me is... that me, coming into the Police and acting all respectfull and calmly answering their questions, and not returning their (cop's) insults and derision has and wil be the death of me.
Me? I'd like to keep on being respectfull and polite to... cops but, it has been a lifetime of rape torture and killing peiople and I am starting to get irritated. So, in the spirit of good fun, and because the gang brag often that my politeness will be my undoing (it sure has until now) I intend to poke fun at the various law-enforcement agencies I've had the good fortune (cough! cough! HACK!) to deal with throughout my all-too-short-life.
If you are a member of these law-enforcement agencies I can only say this: Lighten up! It's just a joke! SHEESH!
Uhhh... I am being stalked by a gang and you have been working full tilt either against me or for them. SO GET OVER IT!
Disclaimer: These are simply jokes & I suspect that they are endorsed in no way by The Child-Molestors, Duh Jerk, His Weasel, nor The Bay City… cops in any way. They’re just jokes plain & simple. So lighten up! Sheesh!
These jokes are dedicated to all of the law-enforcement of Bay City Michigan. Sherrifs, State Cops, the Bay City branch of the F.B.I., and of course the fine people called the Bay City... cops. I say lighten up. It's just a joke. Sheesh!
Once upon a time Shelock Holmes & a Bay City Michigan... cop went on a camping trip together.
While they layed there in their beds looking up at the stars Shelock Holmes asked the Bay City.. cop. "Look up at the sky and tell me what you see"?
The Bay City... cop said. "I see thousands of stars".
"But what does that mean to you"? Shelock asked.
"That we are but a small speck in the universe and that everything might turn out all right. What does it mean to you"?
"To me". Sherlock replied. "It means someone has stole our tent"!
Once upon a time in a Bay City theater an usher came upon a man lying across 3 seats. He asked him. "Sir you cant lie down in our theater so I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to sit up".
The guy just moaned.
"Sir please get up or I'll have to get the manager". He asked again.
The guy just groaned again so he went and got the theater's manager and he asked the man. "Sir I'm going to have to ask you to please sit up, you cant just hog 3 seats in a Bay City theater".
The guy groaned again.
"Sir you'll have to sit up or I'll call the police". When the guy groaned again the Manager called the police.
The Bay City... cop asked the man. "Excuse me sir what's your name"?
The guy groaned and said. "Roy".
Then the cop asked. "Roy in Bay City you cant just lie down in a theater. Where are you from Roy"?
Roy groaned again and said. "The balcony".
Q: Why was the Bay City... cop so proud?
A: Because he'd just read a book that said 2-3 years & he'd read it in 6 months!
So a guy walks up to the soda bar and asks the guys sitting there if they'd heard the joke about the corrupt Bay City... cop?
One of the guys at the bar turned to him & said. "I'm a Bay City... cop myself".
The guy answered him. "That's okay, I'll tell it slowly".
Things not to say to a Bay City.. cop... when he's thinking about writing you a ticket...
I was going to be a Bay City...cop, but I decided to finish high school instead.
I was going to become a Bay City... cop but I passed my ethics class.
Is it true you became a Bay City... cop because you weren't smart enough to work at the golden arches?
I'm a personal friend of Dirty Cop's and I was hoping you'd treat me like the other people he told you were his friends.
Wow! You look just like that guy in the picture on my girlfriend's nightstand.
Do you know why you pulled me over? I mean, so like, at least one of us knows why.
Hey ! Can you give me one of your famous body cavity searches?
I'm surprized you stopped me. The doughnut shop's got a one-hour 3 for one sale going on right now.
So what do you use those rubber gloves for?
So... being that you're a Bay City... cop you must buy those rubber gloves in bulk huh?
I'm with the Child-Molestors. There's no need to check our trunk. These aren't the droids... uh... guys you're looking for.
Uh... when I give you my bribe can you make change for a hundred?
"But officer, I know David George".
A true story, it was the last time a Bay City... cop ever pulled me over while driving a few years ago... without kidnapping me. Sigh...
Bay City... cop: I bet you wonder why I pulled you over?
Me: Yeah. I was wondering.
Bay City... cop: Because you looked both ways before you turned onto a one-way street. In Michigan we can pull you over if you're driving too cautiously".
Me: I pondered his words & knew that he was at least partially right, in Michigan cops can legally pull over their victims, uh... I mean suspects for driving "too legally" & "too cautiously", in some cases, & I'll bet this wasn't in their posted guidelines for doing so.
So I said. Augh! I can't beleive you did that. I've lived on this one-way before & I saw a bazillion guys dring the wrong way on this street. I've talked to cops who sit here & write tickets & they told me that they only have to wait a few minutes & someone will come by & drive the wrong way on a one-way street & they can write them a ticket. If that's the case that people are going the wrong way on this street all the time then I wasn't driving too cautiously.
Bay City.. cop: I've sat here & written a lot of tickets for going the wrong way on a one-way street myself.
Me: Augh! I can't beleive you! I can only wonder how many people you've pulled over for the same reason & they no longer look both ways on a one-way street. You may be personally responsible for a ton of accidents & maybe even deaths.
Bay City... cop: ...!
Currently, I hope that I, the author of this website, am the Michigan state record holder for the most vehicle stops by police for stopping at a stop sign. Me? I wish I had a dollar for every time... cops came out of their cars with their hands next to their guns & asked me. "Why did you stop for that stop sign"? Welcome to my America reader. Sad but true...
Once upon a time there was a ventriloquist who fancied himself a comedian who visited the city of Bay City.
He'd just told about a dozen corrupt Bay City... cop jokes when a man stood up and shouted at the stage. "HEY! I'm a Bay City... cop myself & we aren't all as corrupt as people like you say we are"!
The ventriolquist asked the Bay City... cop to please sit down & be quiet. After all he firured that the Bay City... police were big enough to handle a few harmless jokes.
The Bay City... cop replied. "I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the guy on your lap"!
A guy walks into a bar, sits down and orders a beer. He says to the bartender, "Hey, want to hear a good Bay City... cop joke?"
The bartender says, "Tell you what.... I'm a part-time Bay City cop. See those two big guys playing pool? They're Bay City cops. See those other two guys sitting at the end of the bar? They're Bay City cops. You still want to tell your "Bay City... cop" joke?"
The man replies, "Not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times."
Q: What's the diference between a dirty Bay City.. cop & a lab rat?
A: There's some things that even a lab rat wont do!
Q: What do you call a Bay City... cop with a 100 I.Q.?
A: A quartet!
Q: How do you confuse a Bay City... cop?
A: Hand him a mirror & tell him to wait for the other guy to talk first.
Sooo... A Bay City... cop pulled over a blonde Child-Molestor who was speeding.
The Blonde thought to herself that she couldn't reveal that she was a Child-Molestor to get out of the ticket because her passenger wasn't in the gang... yet, & she didn't want a ticket. So she decided to flirt with the cop & see if she could talk her way out of the ticket.
The female Bay City... cop wasn't impressed so she told the blonde. "Let's see your driver's lisence please".
The blonde reached into her purse & accidentally handed her makeup compact to the Bay City... cop by accident.
The female Bay City... cop looked at the mirror in the compact and handed it back to the blonde & said. "If you'd have told me that you were a cop in the first place we could've avoided all of this trouble"!
Q: Did you hear the one about the honest Bay City... cop?
A: No one did.
Q: How many Bay City F.B.I. Agents does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Just one. But there's never one around when you need them!
Author request: The author would like to request that one of my readers come up with a joke about a Michigan State Cop, a Bay City... cop, a Bay City Mayor, & a Bay City whore on her 4th retread.
Please note my choice of words, "a Bay City Mayor" & not "THE Bay City Mayor", there's a difference.
Victim: Uh... I'd like to report a crime.
Bay City... cop: What crime?
Victim: That guy over there shot robbed & raped me.
Bay City... cop: Do you have any proof?
Victim: Here's the bullet hole & he's the guy right over there in the "I heart 2 rape & kill kids" t-shirt with the smoking gun.
Bay City... cop: I don't think there's enough evidence to prove that a crime occured here. Besides, the back of his shirt says I support public schools & I know for a fact he has a I heart cops bumper sticker on his car.
Victim: What's any of that got to do with anything? Here's the film proof that I took from a camera that filmed the entire incident.
Bay City... cop: Sounds fishy to me. I'll go talk to him.
Minutes pass...
Bay City... cop slips on fluids flowing from the victim & says: I've got good news for you. The guy said he wont prosecute you for stealing his bullet & his buddy is only going to charge you a modest fee for taking the film out of his camera!
Victim: But I need help!
Bay City.. cop: Why don't you try the other fine law-enforcement agencies around town if you're not satisfied?
Victim: I did! They sent me to you!
Bay City... cop: You've got some gross stuff leaking out of your boxers, I'm afraid you'll have to clean that up or I'll have to charge you with littering.
Victim: But I'm dying here!
Bay City..cop: Impossible because no crime has occured.
Victim: Look! The Guy's robbing someone else right there!
Bay City... cop: Impossible. I know him & he works for the public schools. He's probably selling him that gun he's pointing at him. See? The guy's handing his money over to him. The guy must be buying his gun &that means it's probably an innocent exchange.
Victim: Gasp... urk! die... aughhhhhhh... Thudd!
Bay City... cop: Looks like death by natural causes to me.
2nd Bay City... cop nods & slips himself: Yup!
A special note to the many employees of Bay County Law-Enforcement... cops, Agents, Detectives, and even their support staff. Below is your report card. How I fairly AND impartially judge you. Enjoy!
past tense: outclassed; past participle: outclassed
be far superior to.
"they totally outclassed us in the first half"
synonyms:surpass, be superior to, be better than, outshine, overshadow, eclipse, outdo, outplay,outmaneuver, outstrip, get the better of, upstage;
top, cap, beat, defeat, exceed;
informalbe a cut above, be head and shoulders above, run rings around
"Working out of the local schools, the Child-Molestors outclassed most everyone on the force".
Duh jerk hired a very expensive powerfull lawyer for an important court case and left town on business. While he was gone the court rendered a verdict in his favor so the lawyer e-mailed him a message that read. "Justice has triumphed".
Duh Jerk e-mailed him back. "Appeal at once"!
Duh jerk as a kid...
Teacher: Duh Jerk, I'm glad to see your writing has improved.
Duh Jerk: Thank you.
Teacher: Now I can see how bad your spelling is though!
Personally... I think this next one best shows what made him what he is...
TEACHER: Did you do your homework?
DUH JERK: No teacher.
TEACHER: Do you have an excuse?
DUHJERK: Yes, it's all my mother's fault.
TEACHER: She kept you from doing it?
DUH JERK: No, she didn't nag me enough!
This barb could use a little bit of foreshadowing. You see, the elementary school class that I grew up with was almost exclusively Child-Molestor gang-controlled. The other kids used to whine to me that if they excelled in thier film-biz & worked hard at other Child-Molestor gang activies then they had a chance at bing one otf "the 5". It was 5 kids in our class who would receive honor grades in exchange for gang services rendered. "We get all A's". Unfortunately for them I recall hearing time and again. "Snitchgirl is always one of the 5 who get A's because she's Jrk's "favorate" & we have to hump our brains out to be one of the 5 to get all A's". They told me it wasn't all A's, just good grades but they called it "all A's". I always figured that they meant they had to lift heavy stuff when they said "We have to hump our brains out".
What this means is your average 2nd generation Child-Molestor (children of member/victims or victim/members who might not even know they're in the gang) tend to be smart on paper & dumb as bricks in real life. Since their leaders like to do all of their thinking for them they tend to make some pretty stupid choices in life. Smart on paper, dumb as bricks in real life. This makes it fun to poke fun at them, a lot nicer than how they poked me when given the opportunity.
Once upon a time Duh Jerk bought a hang glider and left for Child-Molestor territory to try & fly with it. He took it to the top of a really high hill and started running really fast with it & then took off flying!
A family of loyal Child-Molestors were sitting on thier front porch when they saw the strange contraption carrying Duh Jerk aloft and the father said. "Martha! Fetch my shotgun"!
Martha said. "Oh Henry"! Then she went & got his shotgun for him.
Henry pointed at Duh Jerk & the hang glider & shot the shotgun twice. BANG! BANG!
His wife said. "You missed it Henry".
He replied. "Yup. But at least I made it let go of Duh Jerk"!
As a substitute teacher Duh Jerk was trying to make use of his psychology background. He began her class by saying, “Everyone who thinks you’re stupid, please stand up.”
Right away, Little Johnny stood up.
Duh Jerk said, “Why do you think you’re stupid, Little Johnny?”
“I don’t, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!”
One day Duh Jerk, Duh Weasel, & one of their enforcers went for a walk & saw a little boy playing with a pile of poop so Duh Jerk ordered his enforcer to go over & ask the little boy why he was playing with a pile of crap?
The enforcer walked up to the little boy & asked him. "Why are you playing with a pile of crap"?
The little boy answered. "Because I'm making David George".
The enforcer laughed himself silly & told his bosses. Duh Jerk didn't believe him so he sent over his Lt. Duh Weasel who asked him. "Why are you playing with a pile of crap little boy"?
The little boy replied. "I'm making David George".
Duh weasel laughed himself sick then went back & told Duh Jerk what the little boy had said & he still didn't believe it so he walked over to the little boy & asked him. "What are you doing playing with a pile of crap little boy"?
The little boy told him. "I'm making David George".
Duh Jerk laughed heartilly.
Without looking up the little boy replied. "But I haven't got enough to make Duh Jerk"!
CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! Went the little birdie... Duh Jerk along with his Weasel, Brat, & F.B.... Oh... they spend money on their victims, but tell me you gotta spend money to make money. They make it... and you reader... you provide it. They spend cash but... they're cheap. They brag that they pay meber/victims & victim/members nothing or next to nothing. When talking about their members out of earshot they invairiably call all "whores".
CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! Went the little birdie & them. Once the initial "romance" of joining them is over you'll be treated to sub-par service, cheap sets, 5$ whores, & stuff you ain't going to want to do. "We find out what they won't do & then we make them do that. It may be that their comfortable with the idea of going to prison for what they're doing so we make them do stuff that they would'nt normally do". My opinion? Ew!
Cheap is their mantra. You ain't getting paid, you'll be hanging around all sorts of... "base individuals" & I promise you you'll be involved in some sick stuff you won't like one bit. Add in the "cheap factor" & you won't like them one bit. "We never pay our people. When we tell you to do something you do it or else".
It makes it funny to mock how cheap Duh Jerk is...
Duh Jerk is so Cheap...
- his hearing aid has a solar battery
- he takes off his glasses when he's not looking at anything
- he rides a crowded subway just to get his clothes pressed
- he married a skinny girl so he could buy a smaller ring
- he named himself as beneficiary in his will
- he recycles belly button lint
- he won't even tip his hat
- the guest room in his house has a pay smoke alarm
- he's worn his suits so long, they've been in style 4 times
1) "You look just like the guy in the picture on my girlfriend's nightstand"
2) "When I hand you my bribe money can you make change for a hundred"?
3) "I'd like you to treat me with the same dignity & respect that you treat other people with".
4) "I wanted to become a Bay City... cop but I passed my high-school ethics class".
5) "Sooo... can I get a reciept for that payoff"?
6) "Bend over & cough? Just what kind of search is this"?
7) "Officer if you're searching there for the law it's okay. But if you're doing that for me do you mind going a little bit faster"?
8) Never say this in the Bay City... police station. "Could you hold onto my wallet officer? There's some crooked looking people here".
9) Never say this to the people at the front desk of the Bay City Michigan State Police Post. "I came here looking for an honest cop".
10) "I've already bribed 2 Bay City... cops today. Don't I get a 2 for 3 special deal"?
11) "I'll go home & look for my I.D. officer, can I leave my kids with you for an hour"?
12) "Why thank you officer. I do think my mouth is purtty & I can squeal like a pig".
13) "Can I have a receipt for that bribe"?
14) "Sure. I'd love to go out to the woods with you & your 20 buddies".
15) "Being that you're a Bay City... cop & all should I say everything twice or should I just talk slowly"?
16) "Is this bribe tax-deductable"?
17) "Officers, you've been patting those kids down for 20 minutes, I don't think they're carrying anything illegal".
18) "Sooo... you guys are supposed to protect & serve right? Who"?
19) Ask them. "If a child is raped & tortured in the woods & no one else is around does it still make a sound a Bay City... cop can hear"?
20) The final thing not to say to a Bay City... cop. "I expect you to treat me as nice as you guys treat David George".
Back in fall of 1976 when Duh Jerk unsuccessfully tried to recruit me into the Child-Molestors he tried to impress upon me how to be a more effective Child-Molestor. Particularly how to avoid police when carrying drugs or child-porn for the gang while travelling in a car (weird, because I was 11 years old at the time). “We like to hand out bumper stickers to our members with slogans on them like. ‘Support Your Local Sherriff’ & ‘Support the Police”. “It repels cops”. He concluded it by saying. “Only one to a car, otherwise it doesn’t work”. He explained that 2 or more such stickers were overkill & tacky at best & seemed to prompt even more police attention, not less.
Because of this I feel inspired to create a category of joke I call “BUMPER STICKERS FOR CHILD-MOLESTORS IN A PERFECT WORLD”. A world where “his kind of people” could freely express themselves without any societal repercussions. A Child-Molestor Utopia if you will. Coming to a public school near you if you fail to save me reader. Hey, I tried to warn you.
“Honk if you’ve hugged a pedophile”!
“I’ll be by to pick up your kids in an hour”!
“She looked legal-aged to me officer”!
“I’d never do that to YOUR kids”!
“I (heart) pedophiles”!
“Short & tall, fat & small I like them all! (Except the ones we torture).
“I Love Cops! Their livers taste great with some fava beans and a nice chianti”!
“I Love Cops! They’re easily manipulated & taste great on the holidays”!*
"Hows my bribing? Call 1-555-KID-PAIN 4 YOU"!
"I (heart) Dirty Cops"!
* Get yer mind outta da gutter. I meant wholesome store bought liver & speak metaphoricly, probably...
The Child-Molestors are everywhere & they're expanding. Perversion knows no bounds such as race, color, ethinicty, religon, social class, wealth, or job type (but... lets face it... child-molesters love to be around little kids & thus they have jobs & take up hobbies that keep them near little kids). Personally I think America should hold a good-old-fashioned styled wich-hunt & burn their orginization to the ground. In my opinion all child-molestors should receive a humane execution after a short but fair trial. I'm getting tired of sharing the same air as them & this planet isn't big enough for the both of us.
That being said a card-carrying Child-Molestor could be anywhere, even living or working next to you reader. That makes it funny to tell jokes that may help the good people of America to recognize their Child-Molestor neighbors.
If your neighbor kid yells 'Ma! Sis! Cuz'! And only one woman shows up you might be living next to the Child-Molestors.
If your neighbor lady throws a party & tells her kid to go get his father & he looks confused you might be living next to the Child-Molestors.
If your neighbors pass gas all the time & you haven't heard it once you might be living next to the Child-Molestors.
If you're playing truth or dare with your neighbor & they say truth & can't recall the number of people they slept with you might be living next to the Child-Molestors.
If your neighbor brings 3 guys home & can't remember which one she's dating you might be living next to the Child-Molestors.
If your neighbor is in their 30's & dates children you might be living next to the Child-Molestors.
If a Bay City... cop endorces your neighbor you just might be living next to the Child-Molestors.
If your neighbor claims he's dating all kinds of hot girls but you only see little kids going in & out of his house you might be living next to the Child-Molestors.
The Child-Molestors brag that they expect total obedience from their member/victims & victim/members so it's fun to mock them.
Q: How do you kill a Child-Molestor Lt.?
A: Put him in a round room and tell him to pee in the corner!
Q: How did the Child-Molestor boss get his one-armed dirty cop out of a tree?
A: He waved!
Q: What would you get if you locked 20 Child-Molestor gang-bangers, 3 goats, a camera, and your children in a room?
A: I'm not sure but would you want to find out?
These two Child-Molestors are building a house for one of their gang-bosses. One of them is putting on the siding. He picks up a nail, hammers it in. Picks up another nail, throws it away. Picks up a nail, hammers it in. Picks up another, throws it away. This goes on for a while, and finally his friend comes over and asks him why he is throwing half of the nails away. He replies, "Those ones were pointed on the wrong end." The buddy gets exasperated and says "You idiot, those are for the other side of the house!"
A Child-Molestor went to a carpenter and asked, "Can you build me a box that is two inches high, two inches wide, and fifty feet long?" "Hmm..." mused the carpenter. "It could be done, I suppose, but what would you want a box like that for?" "Well, you see," said the Child-Molestor, "One of the Big-Bosses I lived next door to moved away and forgot some things, so he asked me to send him his garden hose."
Child-Molestor bosses & whores tend to act like they are the best thing in the world. Indeed, when I rejected Snitch Girl & the prospect of dating her or joining her gang in 1977 she snapped back that she didn't believe me. I'd been excluded from being one of them as a punishment. Everyone likes them, their drugs, their whores, the parties, everybody wants to be one of them.
I told her that the group had offered me a high-ranking position & I'd turned it down. I didn't like them, I didn't want their drugs, their whores, nor their freindship. Still dont. This makes it funny to mock their self-centered arrogant attitude, indeed their entire defence against their victims that no one can resist them, their whores, nor their drugs.
Q: How many Child-Molestor whores does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: One. She holds the light bulb & the whole world revolves around her.
Q: Why do the Child-Molestors like thunderstorms so much?
A: Because they reckon someone's taking their picture.
Q: What do you call 50 Child-Molestors at the bottom of a lake?
A: A good start!
Q: What do you call a busload of child-raping child-molesting scumbags going over a cliff with one seat empty?
A: A crying shame!
Q: What do you call a Child-Molestor with half a brain?
A: Gifted!
Q: What do you get if you mix a Child-Molestor with a theif?
A: A kid who's too lazy to steal!
Q: How do you cause confusion in a Child-Molestor classroom?
A: Wait until Father's day & ask them 'who's your daddy'?
CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP!!! The gang are into organized crime. They make cash from selling drugs & little kid's bodies but they can't invest it. So they spend it on drugs & on stalking their victims... CHEAPLY! When they work for the bosses their victim/members whine to me that they get paid nil or almost nil. THINK CHEAP! Add in the fact that thier victims pay 50% of their net income after rent & utilities then the entire gang tend to be broke at times, & hungry for more cash! This makes it fun to mock them for being so cheap.
Q: How can you tell a Child-Molestor neighborhood?
A: By the toilet paper hung out to dry.
Q: Why don't the Child-Molestors serve ice in the gang clubhouse like they used to?
A: Because they lost the recipie!
Q: How many Child-Molestor jokes are there?
A: One—the rest are all true!
Q: What's a quarter mile long & has an I.Q. of 100?
A: A Child-Molestor parade!
Q: Did you hear the one about the Child-Molestor who bought his wife the toy poodle?
A: He killed it trying to put in the batteries!
Q: How stupid was the Child-Molestor?
A: He was so stupid that he thought his wife had been in church every time she came home with a Gideon bible.


Child-Molestor gang members


"There ought to be a law"... A sentence spoken often by people I figure are not too bright, in my humble opinion. The very concept that one can legislate America into morality sickens me & defies the very laws of logic & common sense.
So I feel it's apropriate to chime in here, in the joke section of my website & talk about a few laws I'd like passed & why. Part of the reason this section is here is because it's almost a joke that these laws are not a part of America. Go figure...
I FEEL THAT ALL PEOPLE WHO SEXUALLY ABUSE CHILDREN FOR PROFIT SHOULD DIE IN A HUMANE EXECUTION AFTER A SHORT BUT FAIR TRIAL! I don't know if I can word it more strongly, these people are destroying the very fabric of America, they are powerfull, & they are spreading. I don't like them, I find their lifestyle offensive, & I want them stopped!
Too many Child-Molestors have brazenly told me things like. "We're only bringing [the children ie: America's future) them pleasure". Children are not emotionally equipped to enter into sexual relationships. Ask any competent psychologist or preacher with experience & they'll tell you that this behavior destroys children's lives. Suicide, drug-use, unplanned pregancies, emotional problems, addictions, & worse are the result of this lifestyle. Particularly when it involves children having sex with adults of any sort for any reason, good intentioned or not!
"Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed". Children are not fully physically matured in their sex organs. Oh, the parts work like any other but teens simply don't have the same protective linings on their genitals that adults have to protect them from S.T.D.'s & a slew of possible medical complications. I want adults who have sex with children prosecuted & given a humane execution after a short but fair trial.
"No killer is just going to waltz in here & turn themselves in". Several... cops used that sentence on me in my all too short life. Most lived in Bay City Michigan.
"I'm not turning myself in. I'm being framed & I want a genetic test before this goes too far & gets outta hand".
"Genetic tests are too expensive".
"I'll pay for the test".
"The cost of comparing it to the evidence is too expensive. I have to request computer time & then sit at the computer for hours to wait for the results. If I get up even for a second someone else will come by & take the computer & I'll have to start again. I can't do it for everyone who comes in here claiming to be a wanted rapist. It's too expensive & time consuming".
"I'll pay for the cost of the investigation".
"No killer is just going to waltz in here & turn themselves in. It'd be a waste of time".
The truth is a lot of killers & rapists are going to simply waltz in & turn themselves in. It's happened before in history & it will happen again.
I think there ought to be a law that says that if a victim demands a genetic test & they are willing to pay for the test & the cost of police considering it's validity then the police should be legally bound to at least compare the test results against their genetic database of wanted criminals. It's absurd that I've walked into police agencies here & there & been turned down soley on the basis of cost. Frankly, it sickens me to think that there might be others in my situation who might benifit thusly & America is abandoning them to the Child-Molestors, uh... I mean wolves.
Even worse? What if there's a few penitant psychos out there who came in to the police, begged for a genetic test to validate their guilt that they were fully prepared to go to prison for, & cops dismisssed them based on cost? I wonder if a few serial-killer tales have chapters that sound like this? How many just might have gone on to become hardened mass-murderers? I wouldn't know how many but I know some people who'd say that one is too many.
Test'em if they'll pay for it! Maybe you could charge them a fee & make a profit for some charitable group?
"My own work with children will ensure I get a light sentence if I ever get caught [for being a Child-Molestor]". Said my kidnapper during the very act of kidnapping me to facilitate raping me with children.
Quite a few Child-Molestors have emulated the same thing. Here they are raping kids, addicting them to drugs, turning them into prostitutes, forcing them to star in child-porn films for profit, & then bragging to me that their work with the poor & disadvanteged kids of America (many of whom THEY caused the "dis-advantaged state" to begin with in the first place) whom THEY are plaguing will ensure them a light sentence. What madness is this? How can this be?
Personally, I feel that anyone who sexually abuses children for profit should die in a humane execution after a short but fair trial. At the very least working with kids & then abusing them should ADD to a criminal's list of punishments, not subtract from them. How about this saying? "You rape a kid you die".
If you don't stop these people America they & their children & their children's children will be going to a school near yours, they'll be playing with your kids, they'll be introducing your kids to their perverse lifestyle & then America your children will be THEIR children and I promise you that it's an America that you wont want to live in. Yeah, I grew up around child-molesters, I saw first hand what it turns kids into. I've sat in a classroom surrounded by my rapists, my attempted murderers, professional frame-artists & blackmailers, & I'll describe them, who & what they are in my opinion with the insult I used most often when insulting my kidnapping torturing rapist stalkers during the very act of torture whom my former 1976-77 classmates number amoung & even now empower.
"You suck".
MORE BUMPER STICKERS...I'm positive they'll all thank me... wont they?
“I like a little whine with children when I torture them”! Colored in green for no particular reason other than to be creative.
"Send us your tired your poor huddled children yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming kids. Bay City Public Schools. It’s the law"!
“Kids are dying to come to Bay City Public Schools”!
"Bay City Publics Schools. Ranked top in the best school systems in all the world in 1948 & are now rank among the worst schools in the entire world. Send your kids to us! It’s the law"!
“Bay City Public Schools. Your kids probably won’t get molested"!

My life between the kidnappings, druggings, tortures, slayings, homos, dirty cops, crooks, liars, blackmailers, frame artists, cheats, con-men, & rapists.
ie: What life Child-Molestors & their stable of dirty cops allow me to have between moments of mind-numbing terror...
I guess this is it... by now I've complained to God & man asking them to deliver me from the horrors of the Child-Molestors & their all-too-easily-manipulated- vigilantes for decades & have been lucky, lucky to maybe, maybe kinda sort of gotten them to give me the courtesy of a police... cop report. Maybe. Lucky... lucky me...
What will become of me? I suspect my days walking are nubered, the pain in my knees is growing. "You're just to difficult to handle". He told me. "Once we cripple your knees & shoulders you'll be much easier to handle".
When I told him I'd resist to the end he bragged. "Uh uh. We do this kind of stuff all the time. Once we make you stand for a few days on those knees & once we twist your shoulders for a few hours you'll be glad to do anything we tell you to do". Phase next he bragged while promising me that I will willingly preform any perversion, make any film filling in every gap in their already all-but-unbeatable frame-up against me.
What will become of me? I suppose, I've lost. At the least it looks very likely. 2 years ago when I started writing this I figured I'd win or be in prison in a month. Silly me, I never factored in the human equation, pain... the pain made it take a year to write my story adequetly enough that I had the courage to tell it. Man, I've sent computer chips filled with my story to law-enforcement agencies all over the country & not one has had the courtesy to follow-up other than to tell me they had no intention of following up my story or even reading it at all. Ponder that reader... they tell me they wont even read it. Whatever...
What will become of me? Eh, you'd think I'd be used to the idea of starring in my own child-porn flicks, but you'd be wrong. I'd like to ask my readers to give me advice. Should I have my best side facing the camera? Do I have a best side? Maybe I should do butt crunches, will this make it more enjoyable for homosexual rapists? Perhaps some other exercise? Kagel exercises?
I'd like to ask the Bay City... cops for advice on ass-kissing. When I aproach the subject should I come in from the bottom? Should I cup the bottocks? What about technique? Is a peck on the cheeks expected or does proper ettiquette dictate that I should suck? I ask the Bay City... cops because I suspect (& the Child-Molestors brag) that they suck better than anyone anywhere & that they'd be the best ones to ask for such advice.
It always irritated me that I never sucked in my gut during the Child-Molestors other films. Should I? What is your advice Bay City F.B.I.? Ab crunches, butt crunches & uhhh... what else? Come on, give me some advice. Please?
Frankly... I don't want some half-baked film framing me, should I? "Do it up right"? Do I obey their every word & beg you cops for mercy (It didn't work on the Child-Molestors) later? That plan seems to be flawed in my opinion.
Sooo... I suppose the odds are good that I'll be crippled. "You wont even be able to sit up". "You wont be able to walk". "As long as we wittlle you away absurdly & a little at a time & tell you what we're going to do to you we can do anything we want to you because the cops will say no one would do that to someone".
Pain has ever been my constant companion...
What do you do when pleas to God & man fail? I haven't given up yet but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel dimming. Who do I turn to? Why me?
Maybe I should try begging Duh Jerk & his weasel for mercy one more time? Nah!
Maybe I'll just pray to God for help again?
Maybe I'm going about it all wrong? Should I give thanks for all of the queers penetrating my rectum? Should I beg for more?
What is proper ettiquite during a rape? I've been praying to God to end it, maybe I should send thank-you letters to the cops? Put up a sign in my front yard reading 'Rapists use the back door. Police rapists walk right in & take a number & you will be served in the order you arrived in". What is the advice of the Bay City F.B.I. anyway? Bay City Butt Blast & colonics? Turn the other cheek... again. Oh yeah... their advice is no one would do that to someone so there's no need to give advice. Apparently they are experts on perversion & it's practicioners & know beyond the shadow of a doubt that no stalker would nor could be so dishonorable as to stalk, kidnap, rape, & torture someone for decades. I'd also have to suppose it's because they assume (assume? get it? they make an ass out of u & me) that they are such great cops that such a situation is impossible. WOW! You guys are sooooo great! Thanx!
Perhaps relying on the Child-Molestors for lube is a show of poor upbringing on my part? Maybe the Bay City... cops could recomend a good lubricant? What condoms should I carry (after all I want my rapists to use them, don't I?)? Perhaps I should carry a good breath mint? Maybe the Bay City Chapter of the Michigan State Police could give me some advice here?
Should I wear a "I like little kids" t-shirt or should I expect the Bay City Public Schools to supply them? Surely they have a few left over from the plethora of films I've starred in while I was being raped there.

The Child-Molestors brag to me that it's only when their victims accuse them that it enables the gang to dispatch them. "We reflect our victim's accusations back at them". "They call us rapists and perverts but we've got the films of them [the gang's many victims] to prove otherwise. Who are they calling pervet? Look at them"!
That being said I figure that the same rule applies to the Child-Molestor's many dirty... cop agencies. That any attempt to even insinuate that a... cop might be breaking the law, let alone actually be a baby-raping, child-kidnapping serial-killer for organized crime. Sooo... I figure I'd better say that, I'm not accusing any police agency of being corrupt. None. Though I susperct that some of their formerly benevolent officers are now dirty. Such as the Bay City... cop I'll nickname "Front Desk Guy (for no reason other than all of the good nicknames are already taken)". A dirty kidnapping... cop who was at their front desk only a few years ago. Eh, it don't mean much because the Child-Molestors brag that their stable of (very expendable, especially when they retire, poor saps) Bay City dirty... cops (all law-enforcement agencies of Bay City, not just one) enable them to play "musical chairs" at will with their victims so as to achieve the gang's ever present goal of "making their victim's story unbelieveable". Me? Talk IS cheap and just because the Child-Molestors say something doesn't make it true. Though, I'll say, mainly, that the two Bay City... cops I know who worked the front desk in fall of 1976 made the Child-Molestor's "100 attempted murders upon me (ie: "The Gym")" possible.
Being that I know the gang thrives on accusation, and that I suspect that their stable of [very expendable, especially when they retire] dirty... cops similarly thrive on their victim's accusations, I figure I'm doomed no matter who law-enforcement believe, them, me, or even if they come to their own conclusion. Me? Call me a liar, kidnap, rape, and torure me, and I get a little angry. Go figure...
Again, just in case I misspelled something, wrote the wrong word, or more likely ommited a word by accident, I say this, I'm accusing no agency of being entirely corrupt. This is the joke section, so for the most part it's just jokes. Probably.
Indeed, when I'm talking about Bay City Law-Enforcement and how to e-mail them I feel that I'm nothing but respectfull to them, about them, and I'll say again, just in case. "Support your local police and F.B.I.! Even in Bay City & even in Boulder. So I met up with a slew of dirty cops. So what? Our heroes in law-enforcement can't do their job without everyday heroes like my readers supporting them. Support them, or someone else will. The Child-Molestors brag they've been expanding unopposed for a long time now and it's up to honest citizens, supporting the police and F.B.I. to make their community a better place for their children, their grandchildren, and even their unborn children".
Being a closet optimist I'll bet that the Bay City... cops will thank me for posting these jokes about them. Don't get mad guys, and definately don't go all vigilante on me or rape me for revenge, again... They're just jokes, so lighten up, sheesh!
Q: Sooo... a liar, a cheat, a conman, a thief, and a Bay City... cop all walk into a room. How many people are in the room?
A: Just one!
A Bay City... cop walks into the doughnut store and asks the merchant. "How much do your doughnuts on sale cost"?
The honest merchant answers him. "A dollar apiece, or a dozen for ten dollars".
The Bay City... cop told him. "I'm buying doughnuts for myself and the other 10 guys on my baseball team. So I'll take 11".
You might have what it takes... Maybe...
You just might have what it takes, to serve in Bay City, or mid-Michigan law-enforcement if a few of these jokes sound familiar. This categorey of jokes go out not only to the Bay City... cops, but to their counterparts in the Bay City F.B.I. who, if only 1/100th of what I'm saying is true, AND they're not corrupt (or deliberately looking the other way, which implies at least some corruption) are earth's most oblivious investigators. Eh, maybe just America's most oblivious investigators. Please note, I ain't joking about ALL law-enforcement agencies. Only mid-Michigan Law-enforcement, who, if what I'm saying is true, should at least grant me the dignity to poke a few jokes at them after what I've been through both in spite of, and thanks to them and their slew of dirty cops. Nuff said!
I'd like to ask them to not all thank me at once, and please, no need to send me cash guys. Just knowing you guys are out there is all the thanks I need. Gulp!
If you've ever mowed your your lawn and found a car, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you always carry change for a hundred in case someone bribes you, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If your wife can't count the number of sexual partners she's had on two hands, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you think patrolling a subdivision is a difficult math problem, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you think a hot tub is a piece of stolen furniture, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If your brother in-law is also your uncle, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If your Dad ever walked you to school because you were in the same grade, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you've ever gotten too drunk to fish, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you consider a six-pack and a bug-zapper to be quality entertainment, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you stand under the mistletoe at christmas waiting for Granny and cousin Connie-Sue Ellen to walk by, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you think that Dom Perignon is a Bay City Mafia leader (because you keep hearing about the guy everywhere you go), you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you've ever gone to a Tupperware party to get a haircut, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If Jack Daniels or Duh Jerk make your list of most admired people, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you think that the mountain men who starred in the movie Deliverence were just missunderstood, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you've ever made change in the offering plate, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you consistantly are followed by agents of the A.T.F. and the only thing you worry about is if you can lose them or not, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you consider your plate personalized because your Daddy made it in prison, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If your "gene pool" doesn't have a deep end, you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If your idea of talking during sex is, 'there ain't no more cars coming', or 'can you make change for a twenty'? then you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you're family tree does not branch, then you just might have what it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you've ever dated your Daddy's current wife, you just might have the compassion and social skills it takes to serve in mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
If you can look someone who's reporting a rape in the eye AND LAUGH AT THEM AND THEN BRAG TO YOUR PEERS THAT IT'S PROOF THE VICTIM SHOULD BE IGNORED, you just might have what it takes to serve in Mid-Michigan Law-Enforcement.
Snicker! Snicker! I am sooooo doomed. Eh, I can't help it. When someone calls me a liar, kidnaps and or tortures me, I get cocky. Since I figure that there's good odds I'm screwed no matter what, I gotta be me!

Remember when the good guys proudly showed thier faces and the bad guys wore masks? In places like Bay City the bad guys on both sides of the law should (and probably do) wear masks.

Even the fine people of Mexico are getting the job done! Money makes the world go around. Especially in Bay

We didn't see no Child-Molestors!

I know that you honest police officers have a lot on your plate to think about. Please help me! Please?

The... few Bay City... cops and Child-Molestors I've dealt with seem to have an irrational hatred of donkeys. Though I've never owned nor even borrowed one they both continue to threaten said beasts. Hey, I used the word "few".
The spoken goal of many Child-Molestors when they talked about me to me. Literally!
Almost the story of my life. Literally! Gulp! Give the Child-Molestors time!
MICHIGAN STATE... COP JOKES...I'm positive they'll thank me, wont they???
Michigan State... cop jokes are strictly for the purposes of humor... that, or just to make ME feel better at their expense (instead of how the Michigan State... cops I'VE met normally administer their joke-to-victim fun-for-alls at their victim's expense). Sooo... here goes.
Q: What's the difference between being a Michigan State... cop's friend or being their best friend?
A: A friend is someone you can call to help you move. A best friend is someone you can call to help you move a body.
Three women, A Michigan State..., a Bay City... cop, and a Bay City F.B.I. Agent all work at the same office for a female boss who always goes home early. "Hey, girls," says the Bay City... cop one day, "Let's go home early tomorrow. She'll never know." So the next day, they all leave right after the boss does. The Bay City... cop gets some extra gardening done next to where she buried the body, the Bay City F.B.I. Agent goes to a bar, and the Michigan State... cop goes home to find her husband having sex with the female boss. She quietly sneaks out of the house and vows to return home at her normal time the next day. In the morning, the Bay City... cop says: "That was fun, we should do it again sometime." "No way," says the Michigan State... cop. "I almost got caught"!
Did you know that the Michigan State... cops also invent things too? You didn't think they spent it all on crime-fighting like Batman does, did ya? Well, the brainstormed and came up with a few inventions sure to be available at a store near you!
An inflatable dartboard
A chocolate kettle
A soluble life-raft
A submarine screen door
Swiss-cheesed condoms
A self-righting aspirin
A solar-powered flashlight
A... cop force who PRIMARILY spend most of their day writing honest citizens tickets, instead of solving real crimes
Chocolate booger enhancers (so... cops who eat boogers can enjoy them even more)
Disclaimer: Uhhh... they're just jokes, I wouldn't want to accuse any Michigan State... cops of being smart enough to invent anything (including EFFECTIVE crime-fighting techniques). They're just jokes, so lighten up! Sheesh!
A Michigan State... cop's toast...
Here's to our wives and girlfriends:
May they never meet!
Q: Did you hear about the Michigan State... cop who was a Kamakaze Pilot during World War 2?
A: He flew over 99 missions!
A special note to the many employees of Bay County State... cops, Agents, Detectives, and even their support staff. Below is your report card. How I fairly AND impartially judge you. Enjoy!
past tense: outclassed; past participle: outclassed
be far superior to.
"they totally outclassed us in the first half"
synonyms:surpass, be superior to, be better than, outshine, overshadow, eclipse, outdo, outplay,outmaneuver, outstrip, get the better of, upstage;
top, cap, beat, defeat, exceed;
informalbe a cut above, be head and shoulders above, run rings around
"Working out of the local schools, the Child-Molestors outclassed most everyone on the force".

Sooo... A Michigan State... cop, A Bay City F.B.I. Agent, & a Bay City... cop all die and go to Hell (I know, I know, BIG stretch of the imagination, huh?).
When they get to hell they found out it was merely the Devil messing with them and he said. "I tell you what. I'll let you go back to earth but you'll each haven to give up your favorate sin or you'll end up back here in an instant. So what's your favorate sin"?
One by one the three mid-Michigan... cops told the devil thier favorate sin.
The Bay City F.B.I. said. "I like to be lazy. Being a sloth is my favorate sin".
The devil told him. "Okay. You can go back to earth but if you act lazy or fail to do your job again I get your soul". In a flash of light the agent returned to earth.
The Bay City.. cop said. "I like money. My favorate sin is taking other people's money".
The devil told him. Okay, you can go back to earth but if you steal again I get your soul". Then in a flash of light he was wisked back to the earth.
The Michigan State... cop thought about it and said. "I like to rape and sodomize people. I guess you could say that lust is my favorate sin".
So the Devil smiled at him and said. Okay. You can go back to the earth but if you lust again I get your soul". And the state cop was zapped back home to earth.
On the earth the 3 officers found that they were very muck okay and had been dropped in the midst of Bay City and so they decided to just go about thier lives and give up their favorate sins.
The first thing that happened was a shop-keeper ran out of his store and begged the Bay City F.B.I. agent. "Please sir! Armed men just beat me up and made me sign over the deed to my store. If you come with me right now you can stop them from getting away with the deed"!
The Bay City F.B.I. Agent said. "Not now! I've got to go home and kiss my kids and make love to my wife with this second chance I've been given to change my life".
The shop-keeper turned around and left sadly and the Bay City F.B.I. agent disapeared in a cloud of brimstone and smoke!
The other two cops looked at each other and each said to the other that they'd change their ways for certain and that what happened to the Bay City F.B.I. agent would never happen to them.
Just then the shopkeeper dropped a hundred dollar bill from his wallet and the Bay City... Cop bent over to pick it up.
The Michigan State... cop diapeared!
Author's note: I thought writing this joke, today might make me feel better about myself. It didn't. The pain of rape and the emotional scars of torture are still there.

The Michigan State Police. Proudly serving children near you!
Call one today and tell them that you'd be proud to give them unsupervised time alone with YOUR kids today!!!

CREATIVITY... Since I'm probably doomed anyway, who cares right???
Payback is... funny. A nicer title than I originally inteneded to name this page, but who cares? Right? Since I'm probably doomed anyway, I've decided to dig in my spurs and poke some otherwise very deserving people and agencies in the metaphorical ribs. Eh, it's my style. To that end I intend to write down some seriously rearranged songs and assign them to the various groups and individuals I've had the good fortune to deal with.
You're probably wondering. Songs? Yeah, songs. This page isn't about hurting people or groups, it's about making me feel better. So far it's failed miserably. I don't feel one iota better because of a single thing listed here or anywhere. Your next question is probably... What kind of songs? The answer? Popular songs both new and old.
The somgs are themselves just words, I accuse nobody of anything with them, nor do I mean to commit any act except bad parody and rib poking. Don't mistake these with "theme songs" I jokingly, yeah, jokingly assigned to some people or groups. So these songs are all just a bad joke, so lighten up sheesh!
Right now, some of the songs are in the concept stage. Parodys in bad taste at best. Here's a few concepts I reserve the right to change, alter, or chose not to create on my whims and the whims of creativity. Here's a few ideas.
"Kill your babies". Sung in the tradition of "In the Navy" By the Village People. For whom? The Bay City Public Schools (through no fault of their own whatsoever, probably). Why? To comemerate the time I spent being recruited by and trained by Duh Jerk in one of their tax-payer funded offices, during business hours, and between my "100 Attempted Murders" that many of the staff and students tried to inflict upon me. A few lines? Sure, why not? "Kill your babies! You have to send your kids to us! Kill your babies! We'll rape all of your little kids! Kill your babies"!
Actually... this song's a threefer. One... for all the times recreation serial-killing rapists raped me and tried to recreationally kill me in a Bay City Public School, during business hours, publicly, over & over & Over & over &... To I guess the song is in a small (very, very small) way goes out the the United States Navy... who's members were and in all likelyhood still are easilly manipulated by the Child-Molestor's money and whores with impunity, probably to this very day. The rest, being it IS a pearoduy of "In the Navy" goes out to the agents of the Navy's own N.I.S., who were either incredibly easilly manipulated by the gang, were corrupt, or both whan I went to them for aid during my time in the Navy. Thanks for less than nothing guys !
Kill your babies!
You have to send your kids to us
Kill your babies!
We can do anything we want
Kill your babies!
You have to send your kids to us
It's the law! It's the law!
We can do anything to kids
Bay City Public Schools!
Come here, and rape little kids
Kill your babies!
Come here and rape little kids
Kill you babies!
We'll follow them all their lives!
In Bay City! In Bay City! Bay City Public Schools!
They want you, they want you
They want your kids and the cute!
If you like killing people!
You will want to enter!
The school office fast
Don't you hesitate
There is no need to wait
They're raping kids fast as they can!
Maybe you are too young
To join up today
Bout don't you worry 'bout a thing
If a victim gets lippy
We'll allways kill them for sport!
Protecting pervs & rapists!
Kill your babies!
In Bay City Public Schools!
Kill your babies!
Yes, you can put your mind at ease
Kill your babies!
Come on now, perverts, make a stand
In Bay City! Bay City Public Schools!
Can't you see we need a hand
Kill your babies!
Come on, protect your fellow pervs!
Kill your babies!
Come on we'll rape victims with you!
Kill your babies!
Come on perverts, and make a stand
In Bay City! In Bay City! Bay City Public Schools!
They want you, they want your
They want your kid as a new recruit
Who me?
They want you, they want your
They want your kid as a new recruit
But, but but I'm afraid of legal reprisal
What? Our victims?
With our films the cops will never help them!
They want you, they want your kids, Bay City!
Oh my goodness.
What if a victim tries to prosecute me?
They want you, they want your kids...
Hmmm... who's next? Hmmm...
"I fought the crooks and the crooks won" Sung in the tradition of "I fought the law and the law won". For whom? The Michigan State Police, as a reward for making this tale, and a hundred other innocent victim's tales possible by the hands of the Child-Molsetors. Why? To comemerate the time I unsuccessfully fought of a uniformed Michigan State Trooper (A front desk... cop, of course) and a number of the Child-Molestors on Bay City's Salzburg street in broad daylight in front of a place where there was lots of office furniture. Eh, you win some, you lose some. You want me to hum a few lines? Sure, I'm anything if not acomidating. "I fought the crooks and the crooks won! I fought the crooks and the cops help'em".
You know, I've thought about doing these songs on and off for years. Even sang a few when I figured I was alone. Bumped them out, made up a few that were far from polite or nice.
Sooo this bragging Child-Molestor starts talking to me in the presence of his Enforcer. "We hid a camera in your room for years now and some of those songs that you sang are pretty twisted and they're going to go a long way towards proving to the cops that your crazy".
By writing a few of these types of songs I now relieve the Child-Molestors of their burden to prove these things. Eh, I don't suppose that they'll thank me all at once?
Hey Jerk! Where's my pizza? Cheap %^%^*(!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blah blah blah... Whatever...
Hmmm... Yeah, I got a good one.... hmmm...
"It's the superduper-rape-barrier-of-Bay-City-and-Saginaw" Sung in the style of "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". For whom? The Bay City... cops own "Front Desk Guy" and for "The Blonde Secratry" beside him. Why? I'm glad you asked reader. Lets look at (hold your breath) "facts" (did you hear that? It's the sound of 1,000 mid-Michigan... cops gasping). Fact: Saginaw is the rape capital for women's rapes. What that means is that the Saginaw... cops, State Police there, and their Saginaw F.B.I (I'm only insulting the Saginaw Valley Area F.B.I., not the entire F.B.I. because I both respect them too much and am not that stupid) have failed the rape war. But how? Incompetence? Lack of training? Or is it corruption? Hmmm... I'll let historians and their governemt bosses sort that quagmire out in due time. My guess? My Opinion? Well, "my opinion" is based on Child-Molestor boasts and opinions on the subject. That they "own" the Saginaw Valley Area's Front Desk... cops and their secraterial staff. Their opinion... is that their "owned staff" are underreporting rape statistics... that the amount of rape is much greater... assembly line greater and with their date-rape drug they've been raping the masses for quite some time.
Whatever the real number of rapes are and regardless of who is or is not reporting or underreporting them is irrelevent. This taunt is based on facts... and deductions made possible by pondering those facts. Fact is Saginaw IS the Women's rpae capital.... fact is the nearby Bay City IS not a rape capital... not a "reported rape capital" in any event. I submit for the reader's aproval that... if Saginaw has run amuck with rapes... that the statistics should show in neighboring communities as well, but they don't. Thus... I have created a song to mock the absurdity that I see based on personal experience (ow... double ow...) and recorded fact.
Let me say this for the record... this section is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to reflect the views nor beliefs of anyone nor accuse anyone of anything... probably.
Blonde Secratary:
When trying to report a crime, it's frankly quite absurd,
To leaf through lengthy crime reports to find the perfect word.
A little underreporting to keep your city clean,
You need to find a way to say, precisely what you mean...
Even though the sound of it is something quite absurd!
If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound atrosious,
Blonde Secretary:
When Stone Age men were chatting, a raping grunting would suffice.
Front Desk Guy:
Now if they heard this word, they might have used it once or twice!
Janitorial Staff:
I'm sure Egyptian pharoahs would have grasped it in a jiff,
Then every single pyramid would bear this hieroglyph;
Say it and rape anyone, and allways act ferocious!
Blonde Secratary:
Add some rapist flourishes, it's so ro-co-co-coscious!
Front Desk Guy:
The rapists have carved up victims and this is what was said!
Janitorial Staff:
I'm certain River Road is an effective Barrier!
Blonde Secratary:
I'm sure the Roman Empire only entered the abyss,
Because those Latin scholars never raped a kid like this!
Blonde Secratry:
If you say it softly the effect can be hypnoscious!
Check your breath before you rape, and sometimes wear a condom!
Blonde Secratary (spoken):
Of course you can say it backwards, which is Wanigas-dna-Ytic-Yab-fo-reirrab-epar-repudrepus!
Front Desk Guy (spoken):
She may be whiney, but she's fun to rape!
Blonde Secratary:
So just say a cat has got your tongue, there's no need for dismay!
Just write it down then throw away their every spoken word!
Bay City Post Michigan State Police Front Desk... cop:
Pick out those eighteen consonants and sixteen vowels as well,
And tell rape victims they can go to hell...
Blonde Secratary:
R-a-p-e B-a-r-r-i-e-r
Saginaw F.B.I. Secratary:
O-f B-a-y C-i-t-y
A-n-d S-a-gi-n-a-w
R-a-p-e B-a-r-r-i-e-r
O-f B-a-y C-i-t-y
A-n-d S-a-gi-n-a-w
R-a-p-e B-a-r-r-i-e-r
O-f B-a-y C-i-t-y
A-n-d S-a-gi-n-a-w
R-a-p-e B-a-r-r-i-e-r
O-f B-a-y C-i-t-y
A-n-d S-a-gi-n-a-w
Front Desk Guy (spoken):
Here we go!
Even though the sound of it is something quite absurd!
If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound atroscious,
All the secrataries:
Eh, I get bored easy, so I came up with another song that goes out to someone very special in my life... The Bay City F.B.I.
But only because it occurs to me, that if even 1/10th of what I say is true... then something is rotten in Denmark there. Uhhh...
no offence intended to the fine people of Denmark who I apologize to for even using the name of their most excellent country in
the same sentence as the... Bay City... F.B.I. I accuse the Bay City... F.B.I. of nothing and state here that this song (like ALL of my
parody songs AND the entire content of this single webage)is written purely for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to
reflect the views nor beliefs of anyone there... probably. It's just a joke... so lighten up! SHEESH!
Who's this song go out to? The Bay City... F.B.I ! Why Because of the tale I'm posting today in late march and for the few
minutes (very, very few. Not my idea... their demand!) I spent being rejected whensoever I went there to file a complain. ALL-
WAYS within the first 2-3 minutes except the last fruitless time we chatted (or not, the gang brag their contacts enable them to
play musical chairs with the hired help there). I'm curious... is it a matter of F.B.I. policy to conduct kidanap rape and
torture interviews entirely in the front waiting room? That was my half hour talking to the scrawniest F.B.I. agent in history.
Another disclaimer... I am not insulting the entire F.B.I. here because I am both not that stupid and I respect them too much. ONLY the Bay City... F.B.I. can whine about this song I've dedicated to all the fine police work they've commited... er I mean preformed in the fine community that is Bay City Michigan. This one's for you guys!
Picture the scene... the head of the Bay City... F.B.I. Chapter... uhhh club? Uhhh... banquete? Uhhh... whatever they deserve to be called, oops... I mean whatever a group of Bay City... F.B.I. Agents communal clubhouse, uhhh... place they gather to talk about the weather is called... yeah. Okay... that guy is singing in a suit... little (and I mean young!!!!) girls are dressed provacatively and have caked on makeup (a Child-Molestor tradition, they sell better) and they are dancing behind him... provacatively... and he is blissfully (cough cough) unaware of the Child-Molestor shenanigans going on behind him.
Giggle giggle...
How can it be permissible
They've compromise my principles, yeah yeah
That kind of love is criminal
They're anyting but typical
They're a craze we endorse, they're a powerful force
You're obliged to conform because there's no other course
They used to be scared of me, but now I find them
Simply invincible, Simply invincible
Their bribing is so powerful, huh
It's simply unavoidable
The trend is irreversible
The Molestors are invincible
They're a natural law, and they leave me in awe
They deserve the applause, I surrender because
They used to be scared of me, but now I find them
Simply invincible, Simply invincible
Simply invincible (They're so tough, Child Molestor money is all I want)
Simply invincible (I am scared, there's no other way to go)
They're unavoidable, I'm backed against the wall
They give me feelings like I never felt before
I'm breaking promises, they're breaking every law
They used to be scared of me, but now I find them
Simply invincible . (They're so tough, Child-Molestor money is all I want)
Simply invincible. I'm so scared, there's no other way to go
Their methods are inscrutable
The proof is irrefutable, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
They're so completely into rape
Our lives are indivisible
Their a craze we'd endorse, they're a powerful force
You're obliged to conform because there's no other course
They used to be scared of me, but now I find them
Simply invincible (They're so tough, Child Molestor money is all I want)
Simply invincible (Victims are fun to rape, there's no other way to go)
Simply invincible (They're so tough, Child Molestor money is all I want)
Simply irresistible (Victims are fun to rape, there's no other way to go)
Please... no need to thank me Bay City... F.B.I. and please don't send me any money. Just knowing that you guys are out there is reward enough for me. GULP!
More to come?

Title. Double click me.
THE SAGINAW MICHIGAN F.B.I... Name written in a Duh Jerk Puke Green Color for no other reason than to be creative... Probably...
Here I intend to mock the Saginaw Michigan F.B.I., not the entire F.B.I, frankly, I both respect them too much and am not that stupid. First, I shall mock them professionally using... facts (gasp!) then using symbolism that any wise reader could easilly comprehend (it's okay to ask for help guys). The Child-Molestors brag that the gang's leaders all live in Bay City... but they primarilly prey on Saginaw and the Bay City... Cops protect them by undereporting thier crimes and covering for them. Eh, madmen can say many things and I apologise to everyone involved for repeating their base accusations.
Now the taunting... using fact. Giggle...
1) Look it up... Saginaw Michigan is the leading women's rape capital of the industrialized world since accurate records have begun to be recorded. Ain't it YOUR job to investigate and stop rape, specificly kidnapping? Huh? Thus, argueably, according to FACT you are the worst batch of F.B.I. Agents in recorded F.B.I. history. Your technique... has failed, your training... has failed, your overall strategy against crime... IS an utter and complete failure. Have you made ANY major changes to strategy, tactics, personell, OR training? Or are you using the same tired textbook meathods that have failed you up and until now? Have you even CONSIDERED deploying your personell differently? What about the possibility of the corruption that the Child-Molestors brag about you guys? Huh? Have you unrooted ANY corruption or is it your incompetence that has made your area literally the number one women's rape capital in the free world?
2) The other agencies actively involved in my life all get cool jokes that they can whine about to impress their peers. All the Saginaw Michigan F.B.I. get is insults based on fact.
3) Now the mocking... I intend to leave a large section below blank to symbolicly mock the Saginaw Michigan F.B.I.. Let it be sybolic of all the fine poilce work thay've commited... er, I mean done that led up to their area becoming number one... number one in female rapes in all of recorded history that is. Take a bow Saginaw F.B.I., you've accomplished what no other community in recorded modern history could even by design.
I know what you're thinking... haven't I mocked them enough? Eh, one more empty line should do it. Here I shall sum up my respect for your professionalism and crimanal law-enforcement techniques. Thanks for less than nothing guys. May my webpage be brought up at your next budjet meeting!
A special note to the many employees of Saginaw County Law-Enforcement, cops..., Agents, Detectives, and even their support staff. Below is your report card. How I fairly AND impartially judge you. Enjoy!
past tense: outclassed; past participle: outclassed
be far superior to.
"they totally outclassed us in the first half"
synonyms:surpass, be superior to, be better than, outshine, overshadow, eclipse, outdo, outplay,outmaneuver, outstrip, get the better of, upstage;
top, cap, beat, defeat, exceed;
informalbe a cut above, be head and shoulders above, run rings around
"Working out of the local schools, the Child-Molestors outclassed allmost everyone involved in Saginaw Valley Law-Enforcement".
How to piss off... Law-enforcemnt, as I've experinced first hand, and I'm not holding back and it's ALL true. Here goes...
HOW TO PISS OFF... A BAY CITY Michigan... cop:
It's easy... Just tell them that it may be possible that local child-molesters might be lying... a lot! WOW! Whatch the spark's fly! Then insinute that the gang might not be honorable. The Bay City's own Child Pervs might be manipulating them. Whew... make sure you know where the exits are 1st.
HOW TO PISS OFF... A Saginaw Michigan... cop:
Wait until they call you a liar and announce their intention to "under report" your crime (robbery = lost good, rape = indecent proposal, torture = rough housing) and point out their abismall, pathetic record vs crime. They're all standing around in the Genesee Street parking lot near News 5 and machine-gun fire is goin on down the street. Make sure your lawyer is on speed dial 1st.
Uhhh... idano? I'd suppose they've actually had to have let me talk to them in the 1st place so I could figure out how to piss'em off. Sorry...
HOW TO PISS OFF... an Oak Park... cop:
Report a rape. Experience has taught me you'll be ejected under penalty of law immeadiatly. Kepp trying to get help off of random... cops in the parking lot (they'll be there standing around too)... don't give up. The gang BRAG THEY HANG THE MORE PERSISTENT victims in their cells. "So we can see the expressions on their face".
HOW TO PISS OFF... an N.I.S. Agent (it's the Navy's... cops, like that show NCIS):
Report a rape. You ejection will be fast, furious, and violent in content. Those with virgin ears have been warned.
HOW TO PISS OFF... A Schofield Wisconsin... cop:
Beg for help from anyone to protect you from your stalkers anywhere inside of or near their community.
Uhhh... idano? Unlike the Bay City branch who chatted with me once in 40 years... I could never get in the door nor get a single one of them to give me the time of day. Sorry.
HOW TO PISS OFF... A Wausau Wisconsin... cop:
Beg for help from anyone to protect you from your stalkers anywhere inside of or near their community. Mave any park picnic table, or simply walk through their community. I'll betcha betcha!
Idano? When they came at me they told me they didn't care what I had to say, made no effort to interview me, nor made any effort to make a follow-up. ATTENTION SERIAL-KILLERS OF AMERICA: I guess this means you can go to Eau Claire & write about the many people you've killed and they could care less.
Worked for me.
THE SAGINAW MICHIGAN... COPS... You should hear how people on the east side of the fine City of Saginaw talk about them.
I thought I'd get metaphoric in my insults about them... you know... they'd never see it coming. Sooooo... here we go. First... let me say, you guys don't have a very good reputation, as far as I've heard it on the street, in my experience, along my daily walk through life. People, have told me, that in their opinions... that you are corrupt. Wildly corrupt. Weren't you recently the women's rape capital of the free world? Was that through your incompetence or was it corruption? I'm not saying... I'm only asking. Point blank... in my humble opinion... I think you have some serious problems... something's not right with you, something is rotten in Denmark (I apologize to the most excellent people of Denmark for using their most excellent country's name in the same sentence as addressing Saginaw Law-Enforcement...). I hereby assign you a nickname, for entertainment purposes only... "Hull". Say it slow... "Huuuuuuullllllll".
Okay, enough mocking based on (gasp) fact. Now the jokes, symbolic, metaphoric, silly. Now, the jokes are a metaphoric stab, not literal (with your reps I'm taking a HUGE risk here). The wise will grasp at what I mean, what my comment is, what I'm saying about your law-enforcement abilities, technique, and abilities (oops, did I say abilities twice? Eh, I doubt they'll notice). Some people might say. "I don't get it". I'm sure you will.
Sooo... 2 guys and an elephant walk into a Saginaw Bar and ask for a drink. The Elephant says. "My other
umbrella is pink"!
Sooo... A walrus, a ghost, & a Sag... cop walk into a marina and ask for a boat.
The boat owner asks "What kind of boat"?
The Saginaw... cop asks for his change back and says. "The sky was pink yesterday"!
Ohhh... one more. Just for you Sag... cops. Don't say I never gave you guys anything (Hmmm... insults to... cops with their reputation. Proof I'm the crazy one in this conversation. Just ask any of the fine citizens on the east-side of Saginaw (their own people), during the day, between machine-gun fire, during the day means not at night, do not ask around the south-side, at night either).
Q: How do you get a Sag... cop to solve a crime?
A: Carson City is the Capital of Nevada and 2+2 is 4.
No need to thank me Sag... cops and please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there is reward enough for me. GULP!
Bay City Police SHOUTOUTS!!! Written in Duh Jerk Puke green for reasons of creativity only... probably
This song is dedicated to the fine men and women of the Bay City Police and Bay County Sherrif's of Mid-Michigan. Know that the fine police work that you have provided your community has made this entire website possible.
I'll also add in that this song, indeed this entire webpage is written for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to reflect the views or beliefs of any of the law-enforcement professionals of Bay City and Bay County. Probably...
It's just a joke, so lighten up. SHEESH!
I came up with this song while thinking of Bay City... cops.
Your lights are on, you're on a bust
Another victim, who's in the way
Your wallet's full, you'll do what it takes
Another victim, is all it takes
They are screwed, they wont go free
There's no doubt, they're not guilty
You'll make them pay, beat them down
Another bribe is all you need
Oh, you like to think you're above all that stuff, but oh no
It's nearer to the truth to say you are a dirty cop
You're gonna have to face it you're addicted to bribes
Destroy whole famileis, watch kids die
You like to think, you're above it all
Dirty cops destroy the world
Another bribe, is all you care about
You're not worth spit
Prison is too good for you
If there's any good left in you
Stop taking bribes when children die
Oh, you like to think you're above all that stuff, but oh no
It's nearer to the truth to say you are a dirty cop
You're gonna have to face it you're addicted to bribes
Might as well face it you're in the child-porn biz
Might as well face it you're in the child-porn biz
Might as well face it you're in the child-porn biz
Might as well face it you're in the child-porn biz
Might as well face it you're in the child-porn biz
You take, those scumbag's money
You know, they kill little kids
Oh, you like to think you're above all that stuff, but oh no
Another bribe, and you'll be there's
Might as well face it you're in the child-porn biz
Might as well face it you're in the child-porn biz
Might as well face it you're in the child-porn biz
Might as well face it you're in the child-porn biz
Might as well face it you're in the child-porn biz
Might as well face it you're in the child-porn biz
You take, those scumbag's money
SOCIAL COMENTARY... Things that should be "Bad Jokes" but are in fact social commentary based on my experiences... in my humble opinion...
Sooo... in the interest of making me feel better and poking fun at the law-enforcement agencies who've made fun of me, or are actively engaged in the child-molester community and thus dedicated to my destruction based on the whims and payoffs of their Child-Molestor Masters. What this section is is fact, based on my life experiences with law-enforcement, things that should be just bad jokes, but are in fact sad, sad social commentary of said law-enforcement agencies. To tell the truth it only makes me feel marginally better at best, but, eh. Ya gots ta takes whats ya can gets when ya cans gets it.
Besides... it's all for entertainment purposes only. Right? Eh, probably.
Yeah... I would...
A Bay City... cop walked into a bar with a Child-Molestor employed at a local Bay City Public School and had a good time.
The Bay City F.B.I. Agent said publicly. "We're proud to be working hand in hand with our fellow F.B.I. Agents in Saginaw Michigan, the Women's Rape Capital of the Free World". Then he smiled contently.
The reporter asked. "Aren't those the same Agents who were in charge and let the area degrade into the women's rape capital in the 1st place"?
The Bay City Michigan Public School Employee said. "Children are dying to come to Bay City Public Schools".
The Reporter asked. "Isn't it true that in the 1940s Bay City Public Schools were ranked among the top schools in the Industrialized world"?
The Bay City Michigan Public School Employee answered him. "Yes, we're proud of our school's prestigious history".
The reporter retorted. "Isn't it also true that your school system is reported as being rated at pathetic levels by comparison despite massive funding"?
"It's not our fault". Then she named names off a long list of individuals including the students families, friends, and the community, minus the public school system of course.
The Bay City... cop Chief was answering questions at a press conference when a reporter asked. "Are you aware of Bay City's rape statistics"?
The Chief answered. "BARK! BARK! Yes I am and I'm proud to say they look pretty mediocre. I'm proud to come from a mediocre, subpar community. BARK! BARK! Why do you ask"?
The reporter noted. "By comparison Saginaw (the next door city within walking distance) has been reported as the women's rape capital of America. Where you aware of that"?
"Yes I was. BARK! BARK! What's your point"?
The reporter then asked. "Well, if Saginaw is a rape capital, and Bay City is not. Surely there must be a reason for it? Right? Can I ask what it is that you are doing differently than everyone else in law-enforcement? What's you're technique? Is it published"?
"BARK! BARK! Just luck I'd suppose? Huh? What? What do you mean"?
"I ask again. If Saginaw is a rape capital, and Bay City is not, and they are virtually intertwined then there must be a reason. Be it crime-fighting technique, better training, plain old superior... cops. Or are you saying that it's just because Saginaw... cops are an inferior grade of... cop"?
"BARK! BARK! You're putting words in my mouth".
"And you're avoiding the question. Have you heard David A. George's theory on the subject via the song "The Superduper Rape Barrier of Bay City and Saginaw"?
Q: 2 Bay City Michigan Child-Molestors are being chased by a Bay City... cop. Should they split up or run twoards Saginaw?
A: Bay City... cops do not chase Child-Molestors because their "official" view is that there are none, or if there were some then they would never organise in to such a large and powerfull group as two or more members.
SC: The Social Comentary? You can keep retelling the joke and adding one person, three, four, and so on because the way the Saginaw Valley... cops (Police, Sherrifs, Agents & even staff I've interviewed) included tell me is that Child-Molesters do not organise. Then they'd be "ORGANIZED CRIME" and there is none in the Saginaw Valley (Bay City. Midland, and Saginaw are all cities in the Saginaw Valley).
Keep in mind that most Bay County and Saginaw County Law-Enforcement may have difficulty keeping up with the jokes after the number20 unless they are naked. Another sad Social Comentary in itself.
SOCIAL COMENTARY... Things that should be “Bad Jokes” but are in fact social commentary based on fact... Yeah, I would...
Yeah, this section I'll describe as “A true story”. You know, like on TV, like when they say “It's a fictional account based on a true story”. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do here and put this in the jokes section of my website. This section is based entirely on actual police interviews. I'll try to keep the quotes limited to the actual quotes made by on-duty uniformed... cops who were at their posts and base the story only those statements made in front of multiple uniformed and on-duty... cops. Again... it's a true account (quote-wise that is) based on actual... cop quotes to me when I begged them for help). I get bored easy and this particular webpage is not about making... cops feel bad, it's about making me feel better. It really hasn't helped much but, eh. You wouldn't believe how many... cops told me things like. “If you were telling the truth you wouldn't be all calm and respectful like you're acting right now. You'd be insulting us more if you were telling the truth”.
Our... story begins on a sound stage with a round table with a big crack in it dominating the center with 2 big comfortable-looking well-worn leather chairs on either side of it. Cameras of all sorts point at the stage from every angle and some of them are labeled “Property of Bay City Public Schools” but no one seems to notice or even care.
A spokesperson, otherwise non-nondescript is standing in front of the table dressed in a cheap suit and has either money coming out of their pockets and sleeves with every gesture or wears a yoke.
With a broad used-car salesman kinda smile the spokesperson says. “Hello and welcome to our show. Today we have some really (makes an air quotes sign with his fingers) “special” guests. Today we have representatives of the various law-enforcement societies... I... err... I mean law-enforcement agencies that the alleged victim David A. George has dealt with to tell us, in their own words, why none of them has ever chosen to help Mr. George nor even make a token effort at investigating his claims. Our 1st guest, straight from Bay City Michigan on the border of America's Women's Rape Capital straight from fighting the good fight against rape is Officer Corruptiam of the Bay City... cops”.
The... cop comes out onto the stage, notices a spot on his badge and rubs it clean as he walks over to the host who invites him to sit down with him by waving an open palm towards the empty chair next to him.
The Host then asked Officer Corruptiam. “Lets start with a few questions 1st. To make sure we're on the same page. As you know David A. George claims he's being stalked by a gang of child-molesters for reasons of revenge and profit”.
Officer Corruptiam leapt up and yelled. “IMPOSSIBLE”! People like that are not that dishonorable.
The Host looked puzzled. “Huh? You misunderstand me Sir. I was merely explaining what Mr. George said”.
“About who”? The... cop asked.
“About his stalkers”.
“Impossible Sir. People like that are not like that”.
“That like that? No. I'm talking about his stalkers”.
The... cop shook his head. “You're talking nonsense Sir”/
The Host looked defensive “Uhhh... no I'm not. I'm asking about his stalkers. Maybe you don't understand the word as I'm meaning it so I'll explain it for you and our audience”.
Stalker [ˈstôkər]
a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention:
The... cop looked puzzled “I think you're mistaken. Here's what I mean when I talk about our area's molesters or (chuckle chuckle) stalkers”.
Stalker [ˈstôkər]
bringing or worthy of honor:
"this is the only honorable course" ·
synonyms: honest · moral · ethical · principled · righteous ·
used as a title indicating eminence or distinction, given especially to judges and certain high officials:
Someone who follows someone for reasons of love or a desire for friendship
A wholly ethical if slightly misguided lifestyle practiced solely by people who love children and would never seriously hurt any of them
The host look amazed. “I think you've got the word wrong. You've accidentally defined the word “honorable”.
The... cop looked irritated. “No I haven't. There are no stalkers in the Bay County area. And if there were they'd behave as I've defined it”.
The Host asked. “Why”?
Corruptiam asked. “Why what”?
“Why would a stalker act only in such a manner? On what do you base your conclusion on”?
“Years of experience”.
The Host asked. “How many recreation serial-killing stalking child-pornographers have you taken down in your career”?
Officer Corruptiam loosened his collar. “Well, none actually”.
“Has any officer in your department ever taken one down? Arrested one? Have you even read a book with such individuals in it”?
“Well no. That's because there are no organized child-pornographers in the Saginaw Valley and if there were they wouldn't act like Mr. George defined. Child-Molestors... I uh, mean child-molesters are an otherwise harmless group of people. I've arrested a few and they seemed pretty nice to me. Fairly honorable in my opinion. Besides, I asked a few of them and they told me they'd never do something like stalk a child into adulthood for revenge & to cover up 100 public attempted murders.”.
The... cop chuckled (Author note: they all do, I assure the reader). “Besides. A hundred attempted murders and in public? It's impossible to get away with something like that because I and my fellow officers are all way too good at our jobs. Do you see how shiny my badge is? Do you know what we had to go through to get it? This 2” piece of metal renders me impervious to child-molester manipulation. Not that those gentle misunderstood child-molesting souls would or could ever do such a thing”.
The reporter added. “But the Molestors didn't fool you or your fellow officers. They fooled the Old Guard, the officers who worked in your Department before you did. Maybe even before you were born and they've used their films and pursued David fanatically ever since as revenge for “The Gym”.
“Impossible. The Gym couldn't have happened”.
“Why not”?
Then Officer Corruptiam began listing the... cop's most popular answers. “Let me give you a few answers. No one's that tough. No gang of child-molesters could screw up that many attempted murders. You cant try to kill someone in public & get away with it, it just cant be done, not in my America, & especially not in Bay City Michigan. You'd need to recruit corrupt school officials, witnesses, dirty cops, & there are no dirty cops on the edge of the Women's Rape Capital of America, there ARE NO dirty cops in Bay City, there are no rape gangs in Saginaw Michigan the Rape Capital of America. NONE! It's impossible”!
The Host asked. “For The Gym to succeed the question isn't are there dirty cops in your area. Rather the question is were there dirty cops in your community at the time of The Gym? And what about...
The... cop continued his rant. “The Gym? Do you know how much fighting there is in 100 attempted murders? They'd need corrupt doctors to treat the children allegedly wounded, corrupt child protection workers. Didn't he say some of the injured were taken to waiting ambulances? You'd need corrupt ambulance drivers, and what about the witnesses? A lot of people would've been beaten down if half of what Mr. George alleges is true. Maybe they made pay-offs? That's a lot of cash. Who'd blow the cash it would take to pay off that many people? How much would you pay to cover up 100 attempted murders? Where'd the money come from? Organized crime? How many times do I have to tell you? THERE IS NO ORGANIZED CRIME IN BAY CITY NOR SAGINAW! The size of our communities renders the subject invalid for discussion”.
“Just because a community isn't a major metropolis doesn't mean it's immune to organized crime and dirty cops are all over the world in communities both small and large. Besides, the gang brag to David that their “Chapter” is a Saginaw-based Chapter and that it's leaders and manpower are in Detroit. A crime-filled major city that is very much nearby Bay City and Saginaw. The gang brag that they didn't recruit all the people you mentioned to spite Mr. George. They bragged that they'd already recruited them before they attacked him and the corruption machine was already in place. That allowed them to pursue the very public 100 attempted murders of David to go on to the Molester-bragged “100 day point” because the attempted murder was simply of him was merely business as usual. Besides, a lot of extenuating circumstances came into play that allowed Mr. George to survive so long that an enraged gang of madmen plotted a revenge so twisted that only an enraged gang of perverted stalkers could think it up”.
Officer Corruptiam said. “Huh? You lost me after you said”...
Stalker [ˈstôkər]
bringing or worthy of honor:
"this is the only honorable course" ·
synonyms: honest · moral · ethical · principled · righteous ·
used as a title indicating eminence or distinction, given especially to judges and certain high officials:
Someone who follows someone for reasons of love or a desire for friendship.
A wholly ethical if slightly misguided lifestyle practiced solely by people who love children and would never seriously hurt any of them
Corruptiam asked the Host. ”Are we still talking about the same subject? We're still talking about David A. George Right? Well, that and the sadly sick but otherwise unorganized & kindly child-molesters of Bay City, Saginaw, and Detroit. Right”?
The Host sighed and said. “Perhaps we should ignore the stalker part and talk about child-molesters in your area. You know what those are don't you”?
Officer Corruptiam laughed. “Of course. Allow me to explain”...
“Child molestation is a crime involving a range of indecent or sexual activities between an adult and a child, usually under the age of 14 or so... I forget our area's age limit but it's probably 16 or 21 or something”.
“Child-Molesters are misguided souls, sick, but otherwise harmless (I've met a few... “a few”) and they told me their leaders... uhhh... not that there are any leaders in the Molester community because they are NOT organized in Mid-Michigan, their leaders would never do something like that, and I... we, my fellow officers & I believe them”.
The... cop looked confused. “Who what”?
“Who? Who are these officers? Can we have a few names? In writing? We WILL look up any sources you name”.
The... cop looked defensive “Well, there are not (he made air quotes with his fingers) “officially” any officers actually”.
“None but you right? We'll send someone to retrieve your files on the case if you can think of the name of any officer willing to publicly commit to the subject”.
“Well, I've never actually committed to the subject. Didn't need to. Didn't you pay attention to how I said the things just couldn't have happened? No cop in our area has had to commit to the subject because things like what Mr. George says happened are impossible. Especially in Bay City, Saginaw (one-time women's rape capital of America), and Detroit”.
“So, no one has investigated what Mr. George has claimed has been happening to him? Ever”?
“Well, no one I'm aware of. I'm sure there's tons of files... somewhere”. Then the... cop slyly looked at his Host and said. “I've outlined some theories as to what really happened. What's your take on it? What do you think happened? Off the record”. Then he reached into his jacket and produced a small stack of files.
The host leaned back in his chair and said. “My opinion is irrelevant because we're not here to discuss things off the record. We're here to discuss what's on the record. The way Mr. George explains it is that a favorite dirty cop trick he's had to deal with was they tend to outline several scenarios as to “what really happened” to anyone who gets curious and then in typical Child-Molestor fashion they ask the Investigator which scenario they think is the most plausible to explain away Mr. George. It's “Molestor Plan-A” that they then produce one of several pre-prepared evidence files that supports whatever is the pet conclusion of the questioner. Thus they are virtually guaranteed to have the excuse most likely to convince the listener that they should ignore Mr. George. Then, once a given listener is satisfied that their pet conclusion of Mr. George's story has been reasonably explained the dirty... cops usually walk away satisfied and then the dirty cops feel no compulsion to add anything to Mr. George's permanent record and the next inquirer is thus plied and so on, leaving everyone involved with a twisted mess of conflicting stories for any would-be investigators to sort through later should any investigation become a more active one”.
The Host leaned forward and asked in a firm commanding tone. “Keeping that in mind...what is the permanent record Officer? What happened... officially? Who investigated these things? Where are these “permanent” files located? Are they chiseled in stone somewhere or not backed-up & written on paper in a closet everyone and their brother has access to at the police station”?
Officer Corruptiam looked narrowly at the host & put his files back in his jacket and angrily said. “Are you insinuating that there may be dishonest cops in the Saginaw Valley? Listen, I know all the people who work in the Saginaw Valley and they are good cops and a great staff and we don't take kindly to being insulted based on Mr. George's or anyone's testimony. Yeah, we were or are the rape raping rapeyest place in a America from time to time. But that proves nothing. Excuse me for a moment. My cell phone is ringing”. Then he pulled his phone out and whispered to someone a few times and then put the phone back in his pocket behind his badge. “Ah, now where were we? Oh yeah. You know, someone with as nice a car as yours should be worried about where they park it. I just got a call from my partner outside and he told me your car is being towed. You know our impound yard wont open til Tuesday because of the holiday. You wont be able to get your car back for a few days”.
The host frowned and said. “That's okay, it was a rental. Which brings me to my next point that David has said dirty cops from your department harass and intimidate anyone who asks too many questions regarding him”.
The... cop leaned forward in his chair and put his hand by his gun. “Are you accusing me of threatening you”?
“Not at all. I was just asking a question and pointing out testimony leveled against the rapingest place in America. Addressing all of what Mr. George has said point by point. I'm being thorough is all”.
“Oh. Well, addressing that subject. No public employees have ever threatened anybody in the Saginaw Valley & most certainly not anyone from law-enforcement. Accusing cops or public school employees from the Saginaw Valley & giving those accusations any validation just because they come from the one-time women's rape capital of America is a base act hitting us below the belt when the chips are down. That and the idea that just because we had the highest amount of women's rapes in the country means it's “possible” that there's an organized rape gang in the area is laughable to me. Especially when you consider Mr. George says there are “organized” child-molesters involved. Being that there are NO organized child-molesters in the Saginaw Valley. That and logic dictates that since Bay City isn't a large metropolis there can be no dirty cops. It's size automatically precludes it”.
The Host looked puzzled. “I'm not sure what your point is? Are you trying to say that because Bay City [the author's place of most rapes/kidnappings] isn't a large city that dirty cops just cant happen there (the number #1 answer from... cops in and around Mid-Michigan to the possibility of Bay City/Saginaw corruption by far)”?
The cops nodded and said. “Exactly”.
“I'd like to point out that there's been police corruption in all sizes of communities allover the world, even in America there are tons of examples of corruption in both large and small police agencies and...
“The defendant? Are you already putting Mr. George on trial?
Officer Corruptiam adjusted is shirt and sat down. “No. Not without an investigation 1st”.
The Host asked. “How goes the investigation into the schools? Dirty cops? Is a gang responsible for the record number of rapes”?
Officer Corruptiam stood quickly and ripped the microphone off his shirt and shouted while storming off. “I can see there is no getting through to you! THERE IS NO CORRUPTION! YES! THE SAGINAW VALLEY HAVE HAD THE NATIONAL RECORD NUMBER FOR NUMBER OF RAPES! BUT IT'S NOT PROOF OF ANY RAPE GANG”!
Just before the cop got out of earshot the reporter asked. “Then what is proof? I think that if a given area is the worst in the country in some area of crime they should lose a “free pass” when confronted by the possibility corruption might be involved. If not, then who or what is responsible for the record number of rapes if not a gang and corruption to cover up their involvement? Can you answer that for our audience”?
Officer Corruptiam at first stormed out the wrong way away from the exit and then backtracked across the stage to get to the exit. His only answer was to wave his hand down and give the Host a look of disgust as he walked by.
The Host said. “We'll go to a commercial now and we'll bring out our 2nd guest when we come back”.
From the author:Yeah... the above is based on (very, very closely based on) what I've had to deal with. By far the most popular... cop comeback is 'corruption is impossible in the Bay City/Saginaw area because it's too small'.
Author note: The "comercial" needs expaination". SOOO here it is...
MY BUTTBUDDY AND ME... I've teased the gang for decades I'd tease them THIS way...
I meant to write this one while inside the website program itself. Eh, some days it don't work so well, like today. It skipped letters as I typed, jumbling them into a tangled mess. Usually it's not as bad as today but the otherwise excellent website is prone to skipping a word or letter as you type. Rendering the message unintelligible or, even worse, changing what the author is trying to say. Very, very dangerous when writing publicly about your recreational serial-killing stalkers, their dirty... cops, and stable of all-too-willing-to-help-but-easilly-manipulated-vigilante... cops, and lazy... cops who rubber stamp any and all acts they make based on dirty... cop reports.
In my letters to the F.B.I. I dedicated this... then unwritten song to Fagboy. Since this is not that letter I feel free to make another dedication. I dedicate this song to the fine (cough cough) police of Eau Claire Wisconsin, Schofield Wisconsin, and Wausau Wisconsin for all their fine police work that they've commited... uhhh... I mean preformed. Particularly against me based on their support of the Child-Molestor gang's interests ie: Messing with me based on accusations by dirty... cops they did NOT investigate. Rubber stamp... cops? Corruption? Laziness? Incompetence? Eh, who knows?
To the side I intend to portray an ongoing commercial with a brief description
Setting the scene: Held in front of a huge sign that says Bay City Public Schools and array of children sing in front of the sign with Duh Jerk, Fagboy, Duh Weasel, and Dirty Cop all injecting a soon to be doped handcuffed me (the author). Films depicting their “Best Of” films play on cheap old projectors on crude public school screens. On the left screen plays excerpts from their child-molestor films. You know. The films where they got doped up tortured me to participate in their child-porn. The films start with me young and end the commercial with me at my present age (51ish at the time of this writing). I hear I'm smiling in many of them.
On the right playing on the screens is their “Arson Films”. I've seen it. The “Best Of” film shows me watching and even smiling and pointing at various arson fires the gang has set throughout my entire life. In the version I saw 2 ski-masked men tended to either stand next to me, or simply walked on camera and instructed me to follow them off-camera. I hear the films have been edited since I saw them last to remove people from the gang and show only me enjoying at least one arson a year, or so the gang of professional liars tell me.
Buttbuddy, Buttbuddy. Wherever he goes, we go, (The gang try to inject me. I shake them off & run off-camera stage left. The camera zooms in on the film screen)
(Children sing en-mass:) Buttbuddy, Buttbuddy (A Wausau Wisconsin... cop brings me back to them)
Buttbuddy, Buttbuddy, Wherever he goes, we go. (I escape again stage right. The camera zooms in on the film screen. The gang look “embarrased into the camera after they fail to restrain me & Fagboy crudely attempts to hide the syringe behind his back)
(Children sing en-mass:) Buttbuddy, Buttbuddy
Buttbuddy and me raping him with kids, (A Schofield Wisconsin... cop brings me back. I escape and crash into a nearby film cart and the gang & I drag films on our body off camera)
Buttbuddy and me are best friends on film! (An Eau Claire Wisconsin... cop brings me back. On the left screen I'm killing a child I just had sex with. On the right a flailing child runs from a burning building while on fire
(Children sing en-mass:) Buttbuddy, Buttbuddy
Buttbuddy and me! (The gang are covered in rolls of film. They inject me & I pass out, then they look at the camera and smile slyly and shrug)
From there the scene changes to the back of the host who's facing Officer Corruptiam who has his back to him and is fiddling with the exit. The Host said. No. You have to turn it counter-clockwise. Don't force it. It turns easily if you just turn it gently".
The... cop opens the door and leaves the building. A Bay City Michigan School bus is parked directly across from him and he walks to it as the door swings shut. The camera focuses on the host who said. "I'd like to welcome our next guest. Straight from running a city with mediocre rape reports on the border of the Rape Capital of America is the Bay City... cop Chief! Give a round of applause for CHIEF BARK"!
Just then a might roar, a bark shook the studio, the film crew, the Host, and the cameras. "BARK"! The camera jostles and the audience's attention turns to a cameraman who jumps and 1st touches his forehead, each shoulder, then his heart. The floor shakes and the camera jostles with it with each shake a second or so apart at the same speed as that of a man walking. Boom! Boom! But getting softer & softer in just a few steps until it cannot be heard. A man's head nervously pokes out from behind the curtain. Visibly shaking the man timidly looks around the studio.
The Host smiles and with an open hand gesture points to the chair beside him but the nervous man looks at it in horror. A puddle of liquid grows just beneath the head of the middle-aged man and he darts off!
The Host looks as if he wanted to catch the man bodily with the gesture he uses and shrugs it off. Awkwardly he says. "Uhh... our next guest seems to hbe having technical difficulties. So I'd like to invite the next person on our interview list to come out here. Audience please give a warm welcome to The Bay City Representitive of the Michigan State Police. Officer Offtherecord"!
Offtherecord is a large, strapping man in a Michigan State Police... cop uniform. He greets the host and then sits down across from hi & says. "Thank you for having me Sir".
The Host said. "Thank you for coming on our show. May I call you by your 1st name"?
The... cop frowned. "No. You can call me by my 1st name off the record, but not here. Officer Offtherecord, Officer, or Sir will do just fine".
"Of course. As you know we're here to talk about David A. George... a man that I find difficult to get straight answers about".
"Well Citizen, you've come to the right place then. I'm an expert on the subject that is the scum called Mr. George".
The Host looks surpized. "WOW! That's some serious language. Did you bring us any proof to back that claim up"?
"A ton of proof Citizen. Just come wiyth me off-camera and I'll show it to you".
The Host frowned. "Uhhh... our show isn't like that. We're all about proof here. So what can you show me"?
"Off the record? I can prove to you he's the biggest scumbag to ever walk the earth".
"But what can you show me and our audience at home"?
Officer Offtherecord looked at the camera and shuddered & said. "On the record? Nothing".
The Host asked. "Well maybe there's something you could say in liue of showing us proof"?
"On the record? No. Off the record? I can prove anything you want".
The Host leaned back and asked. "Is there anything you can tell us about Mr. George"?
"On the record? Nothing I can discuss. It's all hush hush. Police business and all".
The Host looked disapointed. "Well, surely it wouldn't hurt to chat about something else, to make you more comfortable"?
The... cops smiled and said. "That sounds great to me. Ask away".
"How do you like our local sports team? I think they could...
The.. cop interrupted. "I cant talk about any local teams officially. But I'll talk about them all day if you want, off the record".
The Host looked stumped, then asked. "What about the weather? Can we talk about that"?
"Sure. We can talk about the weather. Well, off the record. Do you want to set up a time and place"?
The Host seemed irritated. "You know, one of Mr. George's main complaints is that dirty cops stal people who'd otherwise help him by telling them what they want to hear off the record. Then, once a given investigator is placated the investigator feels no compulsion to add their "off the record" conversation to the permanant recxord. Enabling them to deflect a virtually unlimited number of people and leaving them with a twisted mess of stories to sort through if the investigation should go public".
The... cop jumped up. "I HAVE HALF A MIND TO GIVE YOU A PIECE OF MY MIND FOR THAT"! Then he looked at the camera. "Off the record of course". "The offer still stands, you name a time and place & I'll prove the guy's got it coming".
The Host asked. "Got what coming"?
The... cop made air quotes with his fingers. "Well, he's got nothing coming "Officially" or "On the record".
The Host looked interested and asked. "Then what does he have coming? Anything you can tell us"?
"Sure. Off the record".
There was a long awkward silence at that point while the 2 men stared at each other. Eventually the Host asked the... cop. "Uhhh... is there anything else you'd like to not talk about with our folks back home"?
The Officer paused for a time & then looked at his watch and said. "I gotta go, official... cop biz, hush hush, off the record kinda stuff. You understand"? Then he walked off the set.
"The Host added. "Of course Officer. There seems to be a lot of that going on whenever Mr. George is mentioned in your area".
The Host said. "Normally we'd go to comercial here but such is the time left in this quarter that I'd like to ask our next guest to come out. The cop on the border of America's Rape Capital, the guy whop says he's got the goods to destroy David A. George publicly, Officer Inuendo of The Bay City... cop's Detective beaureau".
The crowd sheered long and hard as the 2 greeted each other and sat down. Officer Inuendo said confidently. "I've got the good here to publicly destroy David A. George beyond all rasonable doubts so the people at home can feel good about themselves when they hate Mr. George".
The crowd went insane with clapping.
The Officer stood, raised a finger and started to speak.
For whatever reason the channel switches. The viewer is stuck watching a gameshow. 2 groups of 5... cops, each standing behind 2 tables, one on the left of the screen and the other opposite it & facing the camera. The... cops on the left have a sign above them that reads. "Saginaw County Law-Enforcement" and the... cops on the right have one that says "Bay County Law-Enforcement". Between the 2 long tables is a smaller table where a Host stands beneath a giant sign with 10 panels, 2 collums of 5 cards with XXXXXXXXXXXX's on them.
The Host says. "Lets start our Feud. On the left, representing Saginaw law-enforcement, the SagCops & pals"! The crowd cheers.
The he pointed to the right and says. "On the right, representing Bay County... cops and pals"! When the cheers quickly die down someone farts in the audience. PHHHHHHTTT!!! The Host looks embarrased, points to the closest men on either side of him and says. "Come on down you 2 and lets start the Friendly... cop Feud"!
The 2 highest ranking... cops, one from each side leave their groups and stand next to the host at the small table with a huge button in each of them. The 2 shake hands. The SagCop wipes something off his hand on the table after the shake.
The Host said. Okay, ready to play? The top 10 answers are on the board behind me and the team that picks the answer worth the most points gets to choose whether they play or pass to the other team". Everyone looks tense. "One hundred people were questioned & the top 10 answers are on the board. What are the most popular reasons... cops give to explain away David A. George's plea for help"?
The 2... cops race to hit the buzzer and the man in the suit on the SagCop side hits it 1st! Bells ring and lights flash for a second and he says. "Uhhh... that's not a very fair question. I'm with the Saginaw Michigan F.B.I. and we never let Mr. George through the door once. How would we know"?
The host looked amused. "How would we know? Well, you never know. It could be on the board"? He turned & faced the board and asked. "Is how would we know on the board"?
A loud, almost obscenely loud buzzer went off. EHHHHH!!!!!
The Host said. "Sorry. That gives Bay County... cops a chance to steal". And he turned to the Bay City... cop table.
One of the... cops said. "Finally, something we're good at".
The lead... cop looked bewildered and then said. "Uhh... for the money? Yeah... he hopes it'll make him a lot of money. Final answer".
"The Host said. "Final answer is a different game show. Here we just say the answer". Then he turned to face the board and asked. "Is for the money on the board"?
"Lights flash and bells sound and the last tile flips over revealing a few words that read "For the money" and with a number 2 beside that. The... cops jump up and down for joy while looks of pure glee cover their faces and when asked they say they'd like to play the game as opposed to passing it to the SagCops.
Author note: I plan to use this section to make a few comments of my own, after all, this IS a fictional account based on a true story.
The truth being the many ways I've been dismissed by various... cops. In order of popularity. Far from an accurate poll, but lets have some fun with it. You see, very few... cops told me my accusations were based on a desire for cash. I've only heard it a few times. Strangely enough.... it just might be the Number One answer if the question was worded like. "What's the Top-Ten accusations the Molestors have said they plan to say to explain away David A. George's accusations of them"? Go figure.
Money? What money I asked a few on-duty Uniformed... cops? Why, the money I planned to get from movie deals and book sales, from suing the pants off everyone involved, that money the... cops told me.
Money? I see only a net loss because of the gang and... cops like them. Money? Here's MY theory on any "Money to be had" from messing with the "Molestors".
Esther 9:16 But the other Jews that were in the king's provinces gathered themselves together, and stood for their lives, and had rest from their enemies, and slew of their foes seventy and five thousand, but they laid not their hands on the prey,
Translation: The holy men of old took their enemies down and didn't touch the money. I don't want anything from the Molestors". I don't want their money, their drugs, nor their whores. Never did. They started this... and I promised them I would finish it.
Symbolism? Did you notice it? An example? Sure... but only because my readers asked so nice. Notice the Chief on the SagCop's side? Ponder him... What it's like to be the Chief... cop in the rape rapeyest perviest place in the country? Consider this point. Is it the rape capital by accident... or is it by design because they are corrupt? You do know... they... tell.. me... there... really... really... are... at least... "some"... dirty... corrupt... cops out there, even in America.
Ponder this. Corruption. If not in the community with the highest amount of rapes in the country then where? Ponder this too. Once you become the worst in the nation... do you still deserve a free pass when it comes to talking about corruption? Innocent until proven guilty is one thing... but a free pass? That's an entirely different matter in my humble opinion.
Now ponder this fact... fictionally... for entertainment purposes only. You have to be all kinds of special incompetent at best to become the rape capital of America. Don't you? The only other logical (L-Bombs dropping everywhere) conclusion is... mid-michigan... cops avert your gaze... the only other logical reason I can think of is... "corruption".
Okay... okay... So for entertainment purposes only (cough! HACK!) our fictitious SagCops depicted here are "corrupt". Now ponder the life of a "corrupt"... cop & just what it would take to deliberately make your community the rapeyest place in America on purpose! Why you'd have to cater to a whole bunch of rapists and pervs. Right? Managing brothels? Deflecting outside or independent investigations by outside authorities? Dealing with the pimps, the child-porn vendors, ensuring security at the x-rated places (cant have pervs congregating unchaperoned and ruining it for everyone)? Wouldn't you? You'd be hunting down stray whores, regulating pimps, providing security at the rapes (a massive undertaking in the rapeyest place in America), checking security in all the lowest of low places, dealing with the scum of the earth who deal in the bodily fluids of the whores of the rapeyest place in America. Bringing in new clients. Weeding out the beyond diseased who cause trouble. Right? To say that... "if" corrupt our SagCop could at any given moment have been exposed to an almost impossible to comprehend level of disease and could be infected with a bazillion things at any given time. That guy. Following me? Well... notice how that guy felt the need to wipe his hand after shaking hands with the Bay City... cop? Symbolism! You gotta love it! Watch for it and by all means... ENJOY!
Eh, I'll finish this skit later. Most likely, probably, maybe, probably not, if the mood strikes, but I wouldn't bet on it. For the record... I don't really feel much better. A little worse maybe because for years I avoided even thinking about the Molestors. Now I'm digging through the drug-hazed back corners of my mind and piecing the horrors madmen inflicted on me by re-living them over & over. Thanx for nothing law-enforcement... Thanx for less than nothing guys.
Oops... I just noticed that when I transferred this section from my writing program to Wix it took away all the spaces at the beginning of my paragraphs. Eh, I doubt the ... cop agencies listed here will notice anyway (so shhhhh.... no one tell them). ;)
To "ALL" the... cops agencies implied here (purely for entertainment purposes). Don't say I never gave you anything. I await their handwritten thank-you letters with great anticipation.

Another Mid-Michigan... cop using guns to threaten innocents into giving them cash. It must be a force of habit or something?
"We ain't Dirty"!
"If there were any dirty cops around here it'd be on News 5".
An ACTUAL uniformed Bay County... COP quote at the Copshop!

The Host walked over to the next... cop standing at in the line-up of Bay City... cops and asked him to tell him his name & occupation?
"I'm Officer Clueless Of The Bay County Sherrifs and I coordinate law-enforcemnt with neighboring communities for like... about 30 years by now".
The Host asked him. So you were the one coordinating law-enforcement in your area when Saginaw became the Women's Rape Capital of America"?
Clenching his fists and pointing angrilly at the Host he angrilly replied. "I don't like what you're implyiong sir. The fact that Saginaw was the American Rape Capital was not my fault"! The he grabbed his badge & yanked it closer to the host & pointed at it. "SEE? This is a Bay County badge! SEE IT? What happened in Saginaw is NOT my fault! Nor is it the fault of any of the Officers on this side of the stage"!
His felow... cops standing next to him said thing like. "YEAH"! "Right on"! & one said. "You tell'em brother".
The Host feplied defencively. "I was only going to imply that you've done a fine job and that the area is probably no longer the rape capital of America. But, since you brought it up. DO you really feel no personal or professional responsibility for Saginaw becoming the Women's Rape Capital of the Free World when you share 40 miles of border with that community? You know nothing happens in a vacuum right? If the area was the rape capital there had to be some influence no matter how small from your side of the border to make it the rape capital. Right"?
The Bay City Sherriff launched himself over the desk between himself and the Host and tried to grab him. Cops... on eaither side of him grabbed him by the shirt and stopped him while his grasping hand was just an inch from the Host's neck. His fellow... cops yelled at him and said thngs like "STOP"! "CALM DOWN"! "STOP IT"! But the thing that made him stop attacking the Host was. "STOP IT! THERE'S A CAMERA RIGHT THERE"!
Officer Clueless stopped and his fellow... cops let him go. Chief Bark asked him if he could behave and when he said yes his boss told him to aplogize to the Host. Clueless said sheepishly. "Hey, I'm sorry. I don't know what come over me".
The Host said. "Of course. Apology accepted. I'll bet it's just that yours is a stressfull job. So lets just put this all behind us and continue with our game, okay"?
Still looking down but grinning from ear to ear Clueless said. "Okay".
The Host tugged his suit jacket to better fit and said 100... cops were interrogated and the top 10 answers are on the board. What are the most popular reasons... cops give to explain away David A. George's plea for help"?
Officer Clueless hesitated for a while prompting the Host to say. "You have 3 seconds to answer".
2 seconds later Officer Clueless spouted. "HIS SUNGLASSES! Final answer. His sunglasses. As soon as that guy told me he had light sensitivity I knew he was lying". Other... cops said things like. "Good answer"! And they High-fived him.
The oldest of the... cops said. "Yeah. We were in the dark basement of City Hall and when we told him to take his sunglasses off he didn't even blink when he did it! That made all of his "I'm in the midst of an attempted murder claims laughable"! His fellow... cops high-fived him.
Another... cop said. "Yeah, he came in without his sunglasses on and when we asked about his rapes and the sunglasses he said his rapists stole them. Then when we asked why he wasn't blinking in pain he had the audacity to tell us it was because he didn't want to show weakness because Dirty Cop was right there". They high-fived him.
Another laughed and said. Yeah. He told me he could barely walk and his eyes hurt and I asked why he wasn't limping and why he wasn't blinking he said he didn't like to show weakness in front of cops. Is anyone like that? I drummed his sorry but right out of the police station when he tried to hand me that line of bull". This prompted other copson both sides of the stage and from the audience to yell things like. "Me too"! "Yeah"!
The Hoist turned to face the answer board & said. "We'll see. Is the answer "his sunglasses" up on the board"?
There was a loud sound of a bell ringing and the 2nd sign flipped over revealing the words. "His sunglasses/complained of injury showed no pain" with a number 27 next to that on the left of the sign. "DING"! The... cops nearly lost it with exuberance clapping and hugging and jumping up and down like little girls.
Author note: Yup! It's official. My sunglasses. My own sunglasses. Yup, the sunglasses I need to wear. Mine, for a medical condition. Yup! If I'd come in using a cane I'm sure not a... cop in the world would mention it. But when you enter a room full of... cops in America telling them you have light sensitivity and need to wear sunglasses is like walking into the room and literally screaming at the top of your lungs. "I AM A LIAR! ALL I EVER SAY IS LIES! DO NOT BELIEVE A SINGLE WORD I SAY! THESE SUNGLASSES VALIDATE MY EXISTENCE AS SOMEONE YOU CAN IGNORE AND WHETHER OR NOT I HAVE THEM ON NOW OR FOR ALL TIME IS PROOF THAT I AM INDEED LYING! ESPECIALLY IF I AM FOOL ENOUGH TO TAKE THEM OFF FOR ANY REASON BE IT POLICE ORDERS, THEFT, PAIN, OR THE ESPECIALLY LYINIGEST SENTENCE EVER SPOKEN BY ME EVER. "I'M NOT WEARING MY SUNGLASSES TODAY BECAUSE MY EYES FEEL PRETTY GOOD TODAY"! Yup, Dirty... cops... there is your Godsend sentence. Proof to all the.. cops who might ever think of helping me that I am someone they should ignore. No need to thank me, it's in the joke section but that wont matter in the "Court of Cop Opinion" (Duh Jerk taught me the phrase).
Yup, my sunglasses, or lack thereof have brought the gang of child-raping recreational serial-killers nothing but victory and they brag it will for the rest of my life. "When you go into court you wont be wearing your sunglasses or if you do they'll be the ugliest, horn-rimmed weirdest glasses ever. You will NOT look cool in court". Actual Molestor brag/whine.
Sunglasses? Looking cool? Yeah. If you think having permanent scars from a lifetime of wearing sunglasses and having them beat into your face and having to constantly buy new ones when they're lost, stolen, wrecked in a fight, is cool then more power to you. My sunglasses, or lack thereof (cops just loooooove to seize them it's the 1st thing ALL... cops steal/seize). All. A quantity containing not some, not many, not even most, ALL, the entire sum that is copdom automatically seize my sunglasses every time no matter what Dr.s excuse I have (last official Dr. document was stolen by the... cops of The Marathon County Wisconsin, for trivia's sake, "s-t-o-l-e-n, I handed it to them, they did NOT give it back, thieves, crooks, stole getting those things IS expensive, they took A LOT of money from me thusly, crooks, working with their crooked/brethren the Eau Claire "it's not my responsibility to follow-up"... Wisconsin cops).
Ever been broke, looking at a freshly fallen snow (an EXTREMELY painful time for those with light-sensitivity), and realized you have enough money to either eat or buy sunglasses (dirty... cops stole) so you can walk to facilitate possibly (maybe) finding some work so you can eat regularly? HUH? HUH? I have... and it's not as glamorous as most... cops seem to think, in my humble opinion. That and all the pain too. Pain.... Pain... Pain...
The no pain part? Yeah, I don't like to show pain. Is it a macho thing? Yeah. Would my position be 100 times better if I whined and moaned and limped like I should when... cops are around? Eh, probably. I don't care and when I last checked I don't have a legal requirement to show anyone pain. So to any sceptic... cops I'll add this... GET A JOB!
The Host waited for the crowd and the panelists to calm down and then proceeded to the next Officer who was wearing a sharp business suit with a badge hanging from the pocket that clearly said. Saginaw F.B.I. so the host asked him. "Uhh Sir. Are you on the correct side? I think you're supposed to be on the other side with the Saginaw Law-Enforcement contestants?
Before the Saginaw Agent could say anything the Bay City... cops laughed him to shame and used the occasion to high-five each other. On of them said. "We were wondering how long it would take him and numbnumb over there (he pointed to a fellow Bay City... cop who was clearly very highly decorated and heavil burdened with medals and ribbons & even a cerimonial sword!) to notice they were on the wrong sides". He laughed some more and the audience laughed with him.
The Host suggested. "Maybe we should switch them around the way they're supposed to be".
The Bay City... cops delcined his offer stll laughing. "Nah. We'll keep him He cant possibly do any worse than Mr. Medals over there". Both sides agreed with him and the audience's laughs died down.
The Host said. Ummm... okay". Then he leaned over the desk towards the Agent and asked. "What are the most popular reasons... cops give to explain away David A. George's plea for help"?
The Saginaw F.B.I. Agent raised a finger, opened his mouth and...
And the channel changed back to to the original talk show. The talk show has entered a period where the Host stands in the midst of the crowd while facing his guests and asking audience members if they would like to submit any questions to their guests. A long line of would-be questioners has formed next to the Host who's standing there holding a stack of 3"x5" cards in one hand & a microphone in the other. Some of the crowd are chanting in monotone, long having grown bored with the chant but not stopping any time soon. "KILL DAVID GEORGE! KILL DAVID GEORGE! KILL DAVID GEORGE! KILL DAVID GEORGE"!
The Talk Show Host cleared his thraot and asked the panel of... cops seated in a row. "Are you ready to answer questions from are audience"? A few of the... cops either shuddered or loosened their collars and nodded.
A well-groomed man in his 30s wearing an expensive suit steeped up & said. "We've listened to you go on and on about what a scumbag Mr. George is. I get that. You went on & on about how if he's wearing his sunglasses he's a faker & if he's not wearing them he's a liar. I understand that & respect that. I'm sure that you're right in both instances. But I listened to you go on & on about how child-molesters would never do what Mr. George says they did to him. You went on & on about how ethical child-molesters are, how they'd never mistreat someone, especially how Mr. George claims. I'm sick of listening to you go on & on about how great your area child-molesters are. Don't you EVER have anything bad to say about child-molesters"?
The Bay City.... cop said. "I don't like what you're implying. I've jailed every child-molester I could!. Let that speak for itself"!
A well-dressed young woman stepped & said. "I notice that too. Why do you go out of your way to insult someone like David George who says he tried to resist child-molesters & resisted years of torture? And then go on & on about how ethical child-molesters are? It don't make sense unless you love them or work for them"? The crowd groaned & many shouted. The loudest shout was. "Then say something bad about them if you're not in love with them". The uniformed Saginaw... cop waved his hand down at her dismissively".
An elderly woman, bowed over with age stepped up next and asked. "Isn't true that bodies of mangled kids are showing up all over Michigan? Aren't kids disapearing all over the state? WHo's doing all this? Isn't it possible that guys from the Rape Capital of America are doing this and if so then since you don't know who these killers are then maybe Mr. George does"?
The chanting in monotone dies down a little but keeps goin on. The Uniformed Saginaw... cop looks angry and stands very quickly and while pointing a finger at the woman shouts! The camera changes back to the game show. The Gameshow host is still standing in front of the Saginaw... cop and looks shocked. All is silent for a few seconds...
AUTHOR NOTE: Don't sweat it reader. It wouldn't be the 1st time a large room filled with people chanted for my death. It wouldn't even be the 2nd or the 3rd. I've been in large rooms filled with people who openly chanted the above and had uniformed on duty... cops come walking up and call me the bad guy in the room. Lots of times. So I'm no stranger to it.
The Child-Molestors brag, boast that the crueler they treat their victims that it's only more proof to the... cops that their victim is the scumbag in the room and should be either ignored or merits "Bay City Justice" ie: Vigilante schtuph (not misspelled).
The Host then walked over to the next contestant and looked at him and inhaled. He was a thin-looking man dressed in a very tight black... cop uniform. He had many rows of medals that made him look almost comical & wore a small black mustache a little too small on either side of his nostrils. His prominent red armband stuck out the most and declared that he was among the greatest... cops who'd ever lived. Before the Host could speak the man took his leather ridding crop (which had been concealed behind him until now) and slammed it on the table between them with an angry slap. SLAP! Then he yelled in some unknown language. “MACHT SCHNELL SCHWIENHUNT! YOU TOO VILL OBEYIN OBEYIN DAS MOST GLORIOUS OF BAY CITYING COPPEN DAS COPPEN SCHWIEN”!
The Bay City... cop turned to him and calmed him by staring at the Officer & said in a calm monotone voice. “We should act in a calm and professional manner... in front of a camera”. Then he turned to the Host and said. “I'm sure he's just a little nervous about being here and he'll be calm from now on”. Then he angrily looked at the Officer in black and authoritatively said. “Right”? Then the Officer in Black nodded and hung his head low.
The Host cleared his throat and asked the man dressed in black. “Can you tell us your name and what you do Officer”?
The Officer in Black raised his right hand to about eye level with his arm straight out and palm flat and looked at the camera. Then he shuddered and then just casually put his hand to his head and ran his fingers through his hair. Being that he'd used a lot of some viscous hair care product to prepare his hair earlier he crumpled up his hair on one side of his head and pulled long trails of slime from his hair with his fingers. He tried to wipe off his fingers on the desk but this merely made him seemingly attached to the desk by thin slimy strands that went from his hopelessly messed up hair to his hands, the desk, and to his pistol when he rested his hand on his holster.
The Host turned to his crew who were off camera and asked one of them to fetch the Officer in black some rags that he might clean up and the people watching TV at home could hear the footsteps of someone off camera running to get something.
Then the... cop in black slapped the table several more times and shouted. “SCHWEINHUNT! DAS HOST BEING UNWORTHY TO BEING HOFFENSPECK IN THE PRESENCE OF DAS BAY CITYING COPPENS! DAS ON YOUR KNEESEN SCHWINE”! He slapped the table with the crop a few more times before he looked at the stare of the angry Bay City... cops and composed himself by adjusting his collar. Being the slime was still on his hands he added a new trail of slimy filaments connecting his collar to the table and to his pistol. The he took a deep breath, exhaled and said. “I'm Officer Nadzi of the Schofield Wisconsin Police representing the police of Schofield, Wausau, and Eau Clair Wisconsin. See? I have 3 badges”? Then he pointed to what had almost looked like a pair of medals next to his badge but were in fact 2 smaller police badges. “I'm primarily a Schofield Cop but I have authority over Wausau and Eau Claire, they're my bit.... uhh... they're subordinate to Schofield when I need them to be. We are unified in our belief of absolute and unquestioning obedience to the cops in the Rape Capital of America. I mean we're absolutely obedient to Bay City & Saginaw Michigan & fully believe their word is both infallible and beyond reproach”. Then he looked at his fellow cops angry stares and said. “I mean we work with the various police agencies of Mid-Michigan and the fact that the defendant says he was molested in the Rape Capital of America is laughable. I personally find anything the accused has to say laughable and unworthy of consideration, let alone actual “investigation” of any credible sort beyond a possible token investigation.
The Host looked shocked and paused for a moment and said. “Your name and where you primarily work is all I really wanted. That's quite an introduction you have there. I've never heard a... uhhh... Police suspect so thoroughly uhhh... belittled before by an officer of the law. So you really felt no need to investigate Mr. George's claims”?
The Schofield... cop angrily raised his riding crop, looked at his fellow angry... cops and lowered it and meekly said. “There was no need to investigate Mr. George's claims about a rape gang in the Rape Capital. There are no rape gangs in the area because if there were the Bay City & Saginaw Police would have ordered me to, I mean the Saginaw Valley Police would have told me so (Bay City & Saginaw are both in an area known as “The Saginaw Valley”)”.
The Host said. “You do know that there are reports that there are powerful underground gangs of child-rapists in America? Is it possible Mr. George has run afoul of one or more of them”?
The Schofield... cop shouted and slapped his crop on the table over & over. “NIEN! NIEN! NIEN”! Then the... cops on either side of him grabbed his shoulders because it seemed like he may launch himself over the desk at the Host! Then he composed himself and his brother... cops let him go and he said. “What I meant to say was past investigations by other police agencies have found nothing. I'm convinced that despite being the Rapist Capital of America that the obviously fine agencies of Mid-Michigan whom I'm working for... I mean whom I'm working with here have long ago conducted thorough investigations into Mr. George's claims and being that they found nothing in their cursory investigations that there was no need to investigate anything Mr. George has said and I feel confident, nay very comfortable charging Mr. George with any crime related to his begging for help anywhere in or near my community of Schofield and the respective communities who's badges are my loyal subordinates... I mean who I work with”. A disembodies hand to an off camera body handed the... cop a few rags and he began to wipe himself clean.
The Host looked at the... cops and almost sarcastically said. “Uhhh... yeah”. Then he smiled and said. “Lets play our game! 100 Police were interrogated and the top 10 answers are up on the board. What are the reasons cops gave most for dismissing David A. George"?
The Schofield... cop's hair was unkempt and fluffy yet sticky and going out in all directions now and waved with his every word and gesture. “Because other Police told them to ignore him? I mean who cares what the scum, I mean defendant has to say when fine officer like many of the Bay City and Saginaw Police are telling you to ignore them. I'm comfortable unquestioningly obeying them and so should you be. Obeying them”. He put his hand on his gun. “Unquestioningly”.
The Host said. “I see what you mean. Is “Because other Police Agencies told them to ignore him” there”?
Everyone turned to the board and there was a loud sound of a bell ringing and the 8th sign flipped over revealing the words. “Because other agencies told them to ignore him”. With a number 4 next to it. The... cops began wild clapping and cheering the answer.
Author Note: Yup... I've been doing this a long time and being dismissed by a few... cops way way way way back, decades ago in my life is sufficient proof for many, most, or even all... cops that I'm to be ignored because of the sheer number of times I've claimed to be raped.
To tell the truth I really haven't heard this one too much as a “stand alone reason”. It's usually a “combination answer”. The given... cop latches onto his/her pet conclusions and this point hammers their pet conclusion home. “He's not wearing his sunglasses AND another... cop ignored him? Get him outta hear”! “What? He complained of “unethical” child-molesters without any honor? No child-molester is that dishonorable! You say other... cops ignore him? Eject him under penalty of law”! Feel me here loyal reader?
The gang boast that as long as they never give up on a victim and make there's a life of drugged perversion that no... cop will ever give them the time of day and that even if their victims should somehow get a semi-alert Officer to listen to them then their many films of how perversely they treated their victims and how perversely they got their drugged and sleep deprived victims to act is proof enough that their victim is to be ignored. Hear that all you would-be recreational child-killing adult kidnapping slime out there? Treat your victims like this and the... cops will help you dispose of your victims on command any time you want! They'll not only be happy to, but they'll all but beg you for the privilege to lock your drugged & sleep-deprived victims up for “examinations” and provide security when you chose to kidnap your victims and make a call or 2 to make sure that particular... cop is in the neighborhood and will be the one to be called if things should get weird at your kidnapping. Believe me, once they're involved and you purse your lips together and declare friendship for your victims and say 'But, but, but, other... cops ignored him. See? It's proof'' they'll do anything you want. Provide security, write damning reports, & even send your victims gleefully to the slammer, anything. FOR FREE! Please don't thank me you wretched child-killing vermin for giving you all this awesome recreational serial-child-raping and child-killing advice, and there's no need to send me any cash. I was glad to warn people about you.
Officer Nadzi was furious! “VATT?! ONLY 4! SCHWIEN! ZIS IS DA CHEATEN CHEATEN! I KEEL YOU VASEN DAT MINE FUHER”! Then he launched himself at the Host! Holding him by the throat he grabbed at his holster but couldn't draw his Luger because of the many hands holding his holster. The Host broke free and while the... cops restrained Officer Nadzi & said. “We'll be right back after this commercial”! Music played and the TV screen the reader is watching 1st fades to black and then to a commercial.
The commercial ends and the Game show fades slowly into the Television screen. The Host seems none the worse for wear and red armband wearing... cop in black Officer Nadzi has 2 pieces of black electrical tape covering his mouth in an “X” shape and is standing quietly in his space with an angry look on his face.
The Host faced the camera & said. “Welcome back to The Friendly... cop Feud. I'd like to introduce our next guest, a fine example of Mid-Michigan Police straight from the greatest Major City in America with over 25% of it's buildings empty, home of the Great Satanic Child-Embracing Statue, and on again off again rape & murder capital of America, the fine city of Detroit”. The Host then leaned over to the 5 Contestant and asked (while both keeping his distance from and an eye on the Schofield Wisconsin... cop, Officer Nadzi). “Please tell our audience who you are and what you do”?
The man said. “My name is Trooper Blindsides. Actually I'm a Michigan State Trooper formerly attached to Detroit and now working for the Saginaw Valley Law-enforcers, the Bay City & Saginaw Michigan Police. I work primarily out of the Michigan State Police Post in Bay City. I'm an inter office liaison primarily tasked with ending kidnapping, rape, and sex crimes. Especially those affecting children. Actually it's a very cushy assignment. Since there are no organized perverts in the Saginaw Valley I have a lot of free time to teach my tolerance classes. Mostly about accepting those unfortunate souls who've been unfortunately charged with heinous sex crimes that I'm almost certain the worst charged of are innocent and need not only my compassion but the compassion of everyone. Rapists need our compassion and those afflicted with the treatable desire to have sex with children need not only treatment, but reintroduction to society, removal of barriers, unrestricted access to children like mine, who love them, and... children like... yours. Who will learn to love them in time, and the formerly sick individuals but now rehabilitated human beings deserving of an extra portion of our love allotted above that which we give to those unafflicted thusly will love those children back, again, and again, and again”.
“Besides all that, I've read what Mr. George has had to say and frankly, no one would behave like he's outlined. The perverse nature of his allegations automatically excludes his case from consideration”.
The Host looked incredulous. “Actually, all I wanted from you was your name & occupation. But did I understand you correctly? That Mr. George can be dismissed solely because he says perverse perverts have been perversely stalking him & treating him perversely & have deliberately made his life a life filled with perversion”?
Trooper Blindsides handed the Host a white-stemmed flower & said. “Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. The people of the rapist community would never behave as he's defined. Child-molesters, I mean those who are 'child-love disadvantaged' would never lie like that. Basic human dignity and respect are things all of us adhere to and no one would ever cross social lines and barriers anything like what Mr. George has claimed. The perverse nature of his accusations means that all he has to say can be ignored and he should be punished, and punished most severely”.
The Host asked. “You just went on & on about how we should rehabilitate sex offenders and child predators. People who much of society see as the lowest sort of criminals. But when it comes to Mr. George and what he's saying, you preach punishment? Am I right”?
“Let me ask if I understand you correctly? You say we can ignore... and maybe even punished Mr. George based on the fact that he says a bunch of perverts have been perversely following me and treating me perversely? You do realize that in all probability that perverts would act perversely when plying their perversion. Right”?
A look of shock covered Officer Blindsides' face and he began to hyperventilate and leaned on the table for support and gasped aloud. “Perverts act perversely”?!?!
His brother... cops rushed to his aid propping him up and one produced a paper bag and encouraged Blindsides to breath into it. The Head Bay City... cop said. “What kind of sick person are you? Cant you see this man is delicate”?
Other... cops said things like. “The Host didn't mean it”. “Yeah, he was only having fun with you”. “You and we know the truth, don't let that guy get to you. We all know pervs would act like normal people when they commit crimes, not act perversely”. “Yeah. Perverts would never act perversely”.
The Host apologized. “I, I'm sorry. I thought he could handle it. What is it he does actually”.
The now angry... cop shot back. “He's the one charged with battling perversion and sex crimes and coordinating police efforts across Mid-Michigan”! Officer Blindsides was slowly getting his breathing under control and it seemed like he'd make a quick & complete recovery. “AND HE'S THE BEST AT IT IN MICHIGAN”!
The Host countered. “Are you sure someone as 'delicate' as him is right for the job of being the chief coordinator of perversion in Mid-Michigan, the rapingest place in America? You know it's entirely possible that perverse molesters & rapists who are looking at significant prison times just might lie to investigators about the perverse nature of their crimes”?
Officer Blindsides' eyes started to roll back into his head and he gasped all the more for air. “Perverts might lie”!?!?!?!
The man would've fallen over had his brother... cops not supported him. The Head... cop yelled. “You sicko! SHUT UP! What kind of sick person are you? We told you this man was 'delicate'! What kind of sick mind enjoys seeing another human being like this”?!?!? He and his fellow... cops all reasured Blindsides. “He didn't mean it! Child-molesters don't lie”! “Yeah. He was just posing a question? What if they lied”? “Call down. Breathe. We all know we can trust our rapist community”.
The Host apologized again and waited for Blindsides to get his breathing under control and compose himself which happened quickly. Then he approached him and asked. “Are you okay”?
Officer Blindsides nodded.
“Can you go on”?
Officer Blindsides nodded.
“Okay, 100 police were interrogated and the top 10 answers are on the board. What are the reasons most cops gave as the reason they dismissed David A. George's claims”?
Officer Blindsides promptly answered him. “Because no one in all the world is that dishonorable. No one would lie like that. No one in all the world is as void of honor and basic human decency like Mr. George has claimed his rape gang stalkers are. Not in my Michigan, not in my America, not now, not ever”! The audience cheered loudly!
The Host said. “Good speech. Is the answer no one would be so dishonorable up there”?
There was the sound of a loud bell. DING! The 3rd panel flipped over revealing the words 'Child-molesters honorable/wouldn't lie' with the number 22 next to it and the audience went crazy clapping and the... cops on the Bay City side jumped up and down with glee! They all smiled at each other and the Head Bay City... cop and Officer Nadzi hugged. Smiling while staring into each other's eyes the Head Bay City... cop reached up and yanked off the electrical tape off of Nadzi's mouth and the crowd went ballistic with a standing ovation. People began to spontaneously hug one another. A redneck dressed in plaid & 6 months overdue from his appointed bath hugged another man in a suit wearing an F.B.I. badge in the crowd. A Jew dressed in black hugged a man in robes carrying a steel ball with a string sticking out the top of it. In the background a wolf and a sheep nuzzled.
Officer Blindsides broke the mood when he yelled over the cheering on his microphone. “HEY”! The crowd stopped cheering. “I never said child-molesters wouldn't lie. Yeah, one or 2 of'em might tell a whopper or 2 to save their own skins but the child-molesting community as a whole would never lie a lot and certainly not on the level of lying Mr. George alleges. As for honor I've met the Leaders of the child-molesting community in the Saginaw Valley and Detroit & I've dealt with them often and they are an honorable bunch for the most part”.
The Head Bay City... cop jumped between Blindsides and the camera and added. “NOT that the child-molester community in our area are organized enough to form a community or have any leaders”!
Someone in the audience shouted. “YOU SUCK”! This prompted giggling in the audience and angry stares from all of the... cops onstage who shielded their eyes against the bright stage lights and tried to determine who'd yelled at them.
The show fades slowly back into view while music plays & the crowd of... cops cheers & applauds. The Host approaching the next... cop. He raised his card, looked at it, inhaled, and the Bay City... cop blurted out. "BECAUSE WE'RE ALREADY INVESTIGATING HIS ALLEGATIONS"?!?!
The Host frowned & said that he was supposed to wait until the Host asked him the question again & learned a little about him.
The Bay City... cop looked ashamed & a single tear went down his left cheek. I talked with Mr. George myself & even told him I was prepared to launch an investigation until the... cop at the front desk told me. "We're already investgating his allegations".
"Strage thing though" The... cop added. "Mr. George pointed out that the... cop had just said with his former breath that they had no intention of investigating anything Mr. George had to say".
A few of the other... cops said the same thing... noting they too had hearfd the same thing.
The Host asked. "Did the Officer havve a response".
"Yeah. He said he didn't want Mr. George to know".
The Host asked. "Were Mr. George's accusations serious? Petty crimes, felonys, or Capital Crimes"?
The... cops in so many words said all of the above.
The Host turned to the board. "Is We're allreadiy investigating it? on the board"?
One of the panels flipped over & revealed the words "We're already investigating his allegations" next to a number 5. The crowd cheered wildly.
Author note" I've only heard the excuse myself a few times in various... copshops. It would be the number one answer if the question was "What is the number one way dirty... cops get other Police Officers to ignore David A. George? Even Dirty... cop himself bragged to me (butt-up, strapped to a table) he used the sentence on me all the time when I got any.... cop to listen to me & it ALWAYS WORKS.
You listening oh ye serial-killers & baby-rapers? Have your Dirty... cops act like YOUR victim's savioprs. THEY are investigating it.The one sentence will suck the will to investigate out of any 100 good... cops. I promise. I've seen ity work. IT WORKS!
I might point out the absurdity if by chance one honest Police Officer is reading this. Yup.... THEY'RE investigating me. A 52 year long investigation... yup... you can trust'em cause no... cop would EVER lie about that. IT'S UNETHICAL!
AUTHOR NOTE: I'm getting upset... it ain't fun writing today, I'm nursing a stab wound, and I'm just not feeling well after my last ammonia treatment. So I'll probably get back to writing this one day, but not today 3-8-17
I'll add this... Thanx for less than nothing... cops of America.
One of the... cops said. "Funny. When I asked if the investigation was closed the guy at the front desk told me they WERE investigating it. Huh. Funny huh"
HOW TO INSULT ANY Mid-Michigan... cop (Bay City, Saginaw, Flint, Midland, Detroit): They are plagued with dirty... cops & are most likely partially, mostly, or, as the gang brag, entirely corrupt. I recommend $3 bill jokes. They are entirely too delicate to even comprehend "real" crime & absolutely unable to fathom the very concept of "organized crime" and how it relates to perversion. I suspect that your average Mid-Michigan... cOP is absolutely unable to deal with the stress and rigors of the fast paced and dangerous world of being a Meter Maid, let alone begin to fight "real crime and perversion". Prone to gasp when confronted by "real crime" and serious crimes can send some into dizziness or even fainting spells. I like to warn said... cops when the more serious crime comes out or when I talk about crime concepts witch may cause them to faint. Faints are known to cause injury so I like to give them a warning & advice such as. Elevate your feet, mental exercises to relax, & even recommendations to seek professional help for injuries both physical AND mental related to attempting to read my story.
You average Mid-Michigan... cop tends to give the Child-Molestor community the benefit of the doubt because they are no doubt impressed by their vigilante lifestyle they've tricked said... cops into believing they live. It's probably a penis-envy thing with the... cops wish they were half as cool as the slightly misguided but otherwise super-cool Molestors. My guess is it has to do with the fact that Molestor "guns" are bigger than the Mid-Michigan... cop's "guns".
That and I'd be rich if I got a dollar every time I heard. "Child-molesters wouldn't do that. They like children". They seem to be singularly impressed with the ethical purity that they are convinced is the lifestyle I'll call "living Molestor". A lifestyle witch, believe it or not, many a... cop told me does NOT exist. Apparently ALL Molestors are novice opportunists at best. Utterly ethical but slightly missguided & would NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER organize in the... cop's minds, and are otherwise above reproach. The only weird part about it, okay okay, the weirdest part about it is... those... cops don't even talk THAT good about there own fellow... "ethically challenged... cop brethren".
They are at best the most easily manipulated dopey-minded... cops on the face of the earth. Okay... okay, maybe just in the Top 10? The Molestor community manipulates them with the greatest of ease, particularly playing to any "vigilante inclinations" a given officer may have and the Molestors DO keep track of each's "vigilante pet peeve" & make their victims seem to belong to said group. Or so they brag to me. Molestors making a list and checking it twice? To their credit your average Mid-Michigan... cop doesn't seem to think the Molestors have the half-a-brain required to do such a thing.
I've been kidnapped literally IN FRONT of... said... cops and ALL it took was a few well-worded insults by a guy in a suit and they beat me into submission with the gang! SO the word "Clueless" applies.
You average Mid-Michigan... cop tends to give the Child-Molestor community the benefit of the doubt because they are no doubt impressed by their vigilante lifestyle they've tricked said... cops into believing they live. It's probably a penis-envy thing with the... cops wish they were half as cool as the slightly misguided but otherwise super-cool Molestors. My guess is it has to do with the fact that Molestor "guns" are bigger than the Mid-Michigan... cop's "guns". Oops... did I already say all this earlier? Hmph! I doubt they'll notice (so no one tell them, it'll be our little secret).
How can I make Mid-Michigan... cops forget all this? By using misdirection which is only possible against someone with the attention span of a goldfish & the desire to fight crime of a... (RATS! I cant use the words Mid-Michigan... cop to insult a Mid-Michigan... cop. Hmmmm... or can I?) Mid-Michigan... cop. HEY! Mid-Michigan... cops! Look behind you! It's Halley's Comet!
HOW TO INSULT THE MID-MICHIGAN F.B.I. (Bay City, Saginaw, Midland, Flint, Detroit). Uhhh... how would I know what irritates them? They refused to talk to me EXCEPT for the Bay City F.B.I. Gang Chapter and only for an hour once. They turned me away at the door (or parking lot over & over for decades). The gang brag they dropped me off delirious and drugged at various... gang chapters of the Mid-Michigan F.B.I. but those delirious fleeting memories are so fragmented as to be utterly incomprehensible at best. I did a lot of begging & recall asking them ALL to look me up when I'd slept off the tortures (sleep deprivation, drugs, torture, you know). Unable to follow simple instructions? Seems so.
The way I insult the Saginaw Gang of the F.B.I. is to render them wordless. Their opinion doesn't matter. Clueless... dirty? Idano? How would I know? A 1 hour conversation in Bay City ain't much to go on. The Bay City F.B.I. Gang Chapter? Literally idiots at best once my case comes out (not my words... it'll be THEIR words "Why they did all that to David A. George? Yuk! Yuk! Yuk! well simpletons us we didn't know it! Who is we to da Molestahs anyway? Is we idiotz"?
Stupid stu·pid [ˈst(y)o͞opəd]
lacking intelligence or common sense:
"I was stupid enough to think she was perfect"
synonyms: unintelligent · ignorant · dense · foolish · dull-witted ·
slow · simpleminded · vacuous · vapid · idiotic · imbecilic · imbecile · obtuse · doltish · thick · dim · dimwitted · slow-witted · dumb · dopey · dozy · moronic · cretinous · pea-brained · halfwitted · soft in the head · brain-dead · boneheaded · thickheaded · wooden-headed · muttonheaded · daft · foolish · silly · unintelligent · idiotic · scatterbrained · nonsensical · senseless · harebrained · unthinking · ill-advised · ill-considered · unwise · injudicious · inane · absurd · ludicrous · ridiculous · laughable · risible · fatuous · asinine · mad · insane · lunatic · crazy · dopey · cracked · half-baked · dimwitted · cockeyed · lamebrained · nutty · batty · cuckoo · loony · loopy
antonyms: intelligent · sensible
dazed and unable to think clearly:
"apprehension was numbing her brain and making her stupid"
synonyms: into a stupor · into a daze · into oblivion ·
stupefied · dazed · unconscious
antonyms: alert
used to express exasperation or boredom:
"she told him to stop messing with his stupid painting"
a stupid person (often used as a term of address):
"you're not a coward, stupid!"
That and I'd be rich if I got a dollar every time I heard. "Child-molesters wouldn't do that. They like children". They are singularly impressed with the ethical purity that they are convinced is "living Molestor".
1 See Bay City or Saginaw F.B.I.
HOW TO INSULT A SCHOFIELD WISCONSIN...cop: And we'll lump their easily manipulated cronies in with'em ! No separate section for you 3. You only merit a 1/3rd insult each.
Look into my definitions... there may be a word there that is entirely applicable and if they should fail to free me up front in any investigation may that word enter into our language. Try winning a single case EVER if you should screw up against me Schofield (I'll make a retraction if they agree to help me quickly). The average Schofield, Wausau, and Eau Claire... cop seems to lack focus. There is no morality in their arrests. Take my arrests in each community. They ALL refused to even acknowledge my website's contents. Schofield chose a few words... but they chose to ignore the content entirely. Otherwise I couldn't have been charged in the way they chose to charge me. Oh, I coulda been charged... but AS WRITTEN their charges fail. They meet no legal criteria except as excerpts of my story, ignoring content. Thus I suspect that their arrests lack any moral compass nor do they fathom the subtil depths of morality and how it relates to police work. I picture their... cop bosses beatig a rambunctious toddler down and smiling at their subordinate's achivements in "a good bust" when they could've merely walked 2 blocks over and took down a psychopath killer. "one bust is as good as another. Beating ntoddlers is stressfull, why don't you take the rest of the day off"? Another mass-murderer goes free and a Schofield... cop gets a medal in police excellence. Just a guess.
SO I'd suppose they are at best incompetent, sloppy. Their lack of morality gives them no focus. Take my Wausau arrest. The Wausau... cops arrested me, & brazenly told me they had no idea what the warrant was, made no effort to tell me, made no follow-up, showed no initiative, no job zeal. Oh, I'll bet their testimony will be different, and why not, every dirty or hull cop I ever met tell a fib or 2 when they think it'll help'em. Clueless, immoral, sloppy, lacking focus, job zeal, professionalism, or moral compass (did I use immoral already? I bet they wont notice).
You see... the Schofield... cops violated my freedom of speech. Yup. Violated me. Their case against me, as written on their warrant... is unwinnable. The Molestors brag this is typical of their attacks upon victims. How so? On many levels. By flexing their dirty Prosecutor muscles and ramming a case through poorly they create an "air of unbelievability". It's how perversion works. That way when a victims whines to a given... cop in passing they'll simply assume the victim is lying at best (... cops tell me ALL victims tell'em they're innocent and they've "been framed"). It also works in that the gang can reverse any charge against anyone. Force of habit, a nice trump card to hold back if they ever seem like they need to back off a given victim & look good. It also allows them to free any given victim any time they want. It's a control thing. Apparently Mid-Michigan and Wisconsin... cops fall for it without fail. Or so the gang of recreational child-killing rapists brag to me when the... cops leave the scene of the crime.
Don't get me started on "How I spent my summer 2016" because of their shoddy police work.
HEY! You dirty... cops believe me & some suspect what I say is true. You know what... those Molestors were kidnapping raping and torturing children while you were spending your dismally small Child-Molestor Chump-Change Payoff. May their ghosts inhabit your dreams for ever & ever if you do not free me from the gang!
And that's their good qualities.
DAVID A. DEDICATES A SONG TO SAGINAW LAW ENFORCEMENT... All of'em from... cops to F.B.I. (local only, I respect the rest of'em)...
Soooo... you figure that I get kidnapped raped & tortured with impunity in your city and Bay County & I wasn't going to say anything? Yeah... good luck with that. You are unique in that you can proudly claim the title of MOST RAPES IN AMERICA!!!! Yeah... that's you... AND YOUR POLICE WORK! The sum total of all that is you!
So my song needs no description and is dedication to the Saginaw Michigan Police, Sherrifs, Visiting Saginaw Michigan State Police (Only tagging the local gang chapter of the State Police, not all of'em. It's a respect thing), and the local Gang Chapter of the Saginaw Michigan F.B.I. for entertainment purposes only. Yeah, that's the ticket. "Entertainment purposes only".
THE SAGINAW... COPS SONG: Yeah... I would...
I was gonna clean up my city until I got bribed
I was gonna get them crooks but then I got bribed
Now my city is the Rape Capital and I know why
Cause I got bribed
I was going to hold a rally before I was bribed
I coulda helped some kids but I got bribed
And now them gangs is aftah me and I know why
'Cause I got bribed
Because I got bribed
Because I got bribed
I was gonna go to make arrests but then I got bribed
I just got a new promotion because I got bribed
Now I'm slinging dope and I know why
'Cause I got bribed
Because I got bribed
Because I got bribed
I was gonna go to court before I got bribed
I was gonna make big crooks pay but then I got bribed
Now I work for crime full-time and I know why
'Cause I got bribed
Because I got bribed
Because I got bribed
I wasn't gonna shoot that innocent guy but I was bribed
I was gonna reason with him but I was bribed
Now crooks are all around me and I know why
'Cause I got bribed
Because I got bribed
Because I got bribed
I was gonna be a good cop until I got bribed
I wasn't gonna stop at just the boat but then I got bribed
Now the Feds are after my stuff and I know why
'Cause I got bribed
Because I got bribed
Because I got bribed
I was gonna clean up my city but then I got bribed
I was gonna make your city safe but then I got bribed
Now all the cops around me are dirty and I know why
'Cause I got bribed
Because I got bribed
Because I got bribed
I messed up my entire city because I got bribed
I lost all the honest people because I got bribed
Now I'm surrounded by gangs and I know why
'Cause I got bribed
Because I got bribed
Because I got bribed
I'm gonna stop singing this song because of a bribe
My city is the armpit of America because I take bribes
And if 1 new person don't move here I'll know why
'Cause I took bribes
Because I like bribes
Because I take bribes
Put that in your Rape-Gang Friendly pipes and smoke it !
OOPS... MY BAD... A change in tactics... Yet more “bad jokes”...
Sooo... I was thinking. Ya know, giving the Saginaw Michigan F.B.I. The symbolic silent treatment in the jokes page is kinda cool to me. Well, sorta. Giving the Schofield Wisconsin P.D. The same or similar treatment somehow diminishes the message I'm sending the SagCops o da F.B.I. (I respect and admire the F.B.I. as a whole, I'm only mocking their “Molestor Friendly” (or is “Molestor Oblivious” better? “Molestor-Employed”?) Saginaw Valley Gang Chapters, I mean Beaureu? Club? Gathering outpost?).
I hereby officially apologize to the Saginaw Valley F.B.I. For diminishing the symbolic value of the jokes I've assigned to them. It's like I'm diminishing their territory of jokes. My bad guys.
Sooo... now how do I symbolize my admiration for all the fine work the Schofield Wisconsin... cops have committed... I err, um, I mean preformed in my humble opinion? Then it occurred to me, that, to be symbolic, I'd make up the most mind-numbingly irritating song I could think up that, if sung in the same tone as the song I'm parodying, would be the most grating irritating song imaginable. Especially if my case should go public, the... cops case against me begins to fall apart (oh.. it will, trust me) and some enterprising person was to sing the song and record it in the same style and using the same pitch as the original.
Schofield Wisconsin... cops and their pet Wausau Wisconsin... cops listen & listen well. Imagine this song playing on your radios. Picture the song playing when you enter the room... for... the... rest... of... your... life. IF you should fail to free me. IF...
The song is not meant to reflect the views or beliefs of anyone and is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Kinda like a skydiver saying. I dedicate this skydive to you”. Before his jump. That means it in no way is meant to imply you are a skydiver. It's just a shout out, a tip of the hat acknowledging the fine police work you've committed against me, uhh... I mean preformed in your community. Probably.
It's called. “Child-Molester Cop” and is to be sung in the style of the song. “Basketball Jones”. No need to thank me guys and please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there doing to your community what you did to me is reward enough for me. GULP! Enjoy!
Picture a uniformed Bay City Michigan... cop singing this song lovingly to a uniformed Schofield Wisconsin... cop & a Wausau Wisconsin... cop while they gaze adoringly into his eyes. Giggle...
Child-Molester Cop, I am a Child-Molester Cop
I am a Child-Molester Cop, oh yeah
My partner's a Child-Molester too
Ever since I was a young Rookie, I be taking bribes
In fact I was the cheapest-bribe taker on all of the force
Then one day the Molesters gave me some cash
And I loved that payoff
I spent that cash in a single afternoon (it wasn't much)
That cash was like everything to me (it wasn't much)
I know the gang kills children (I didn't get paid much)
Maybe that's why I can't sleep at night
I need some help from my brother cops
I need someone to stand beside me
I need morons who will arrest anyone I want for free
A group of morons I can count on
Someone like the Wausau P.D. Who I wont pay a thing
Cause there ain't much cash to spit up
So Molesters give me cash (it wasn't much)
{Child-Molesters sing repeatedly...}
(Child-Molester Cop, oh yeah, chump change payoff)
(We own our Child-Molester Cop for chump change)
{While Chump master Child-Molester sings/speaks)
Yeah that little girl's so sweet
Just look at her
To be continued. MAN! Writing about this subject SUCKS! YOU KNOW WHAT SUCKS WORSE?! Reading a... cop report that says that I actually like doing this kinda stuff. That wring about perversion and filth somehow gives me a rise. Grrrrrrrr...
WHAT TO CALL "THEM"... How many... cops does it take to form a group???
Did you know that not all animals are called a herd when they are in a group? Some animals are called by other names when they are in a group of 2 or 3 or more. Such as did you know that a group of wolves isn't a herd? It's called a pack. Fish aren't called a pack when they're swimming together, they're called a school (appropriate for a web-page about crooks hiding in the open behind "school privilege", yeah, you heard the term here 1st).
Sooo... in the spirit of good fun I thought I'd try my luck at coining a few words myself. Arrogant? Perhaps. But it's all in good fun and for entertainment purposes only... probably. Here I shall assign nicknames to the various police agencies whom I've had the "good fortune" to have dealt with in my life. You know, the guys I hoped might save my life or maybe my rectum (as I wrote this on 2-15-17 Go to my life part two to figure out what I mean). These are henceforth the "Official Definitions" of said officers of the law whenever they are gathered in a groups of 2 or 3 or more. There's no need for any of them to thank me & I ask that they don't send me any money. What is likely to be the free-flowing valve that was once my watertight rectum & the pain associated with it is reward enough for me. Just knowing that you're out there doing the fine police work that made my website possible is reward enough for me. GULP!
The Bay City Police come in groups called a Murder (just like crows, a scavenger that will work for scraps).
Child-Molesters come in groups called a Scum.
The Bay City F.B.I. come in groups called an Inept. (count'em... 5 letters. They'll NEVER figure it out!)
The Child-Molestors come in groups called a Scum.
The Boulder Colorado Police are called a Murder, Horde, Parcel, Storytelling.
The Child-Molestors come in groups called a Scum.
The Eau Claire Wisconsin... cops come in groups called a Dunce or a Rape.
Child-molesters come in groups called a Scum.
The Marathon County Police (Sheriffs, Wausau, & Schofield) come in groups called a Drone or a Lackey.
Child-molesters come in groups called a Scum.
The Minnesota... cops come in groups called an Oblivious (prove me wrong & I'll print a retraction).
The N.I.S. come in groups called an Inexpert a Clown, or a Dunderhead.
Child-molesters come in groups called a Scum.
The Oak Park Police come in groups called a clowder, clutter, pounce, dout, nuisance, glorying, or glare (entirely metaphoric).
Child-molesters come in groups called a Scum.
The Rochester Minnesota Police come in groups called a Sasquatch, Nessie, Wendigo, Kappa, or a Champ.
Child-molesters come in groups called a Scum.
The Saginaw F.B.I. come in groups called a Mystery?
The Child-Molestors come in groups called a Scum.
The Child-Molestors come in groups called a Scum.
The Detroit Police come in groups called a Coven (What? You got that huge Satan Statue with little kids and the gang boast YOU are their headquarters & you wonder why I've assigned the title? Really?) & child-molesters come in groups called a Scum.
The Child-Molestors come in groups called a Scum.
The Saginaw Police come in groups called a Conspiracy & child-molesters come in groups called a Scum.
What was it I called people who professionally molest children for profit? I'm tired of typing it for clueless... cops. Feel free to ask any of the... cops listed here and though they will tell you they are knowledgeable about this website they'll have to admit when pressed they have no idea what any of my definitions are. I betcha betcha!
I'll probably get contacted by one or more of them whining. "We were gonna help ya but you called us a name. AWAH! AWAH"!
My response? You started it and now I'm finishing it.
One of these is out of alphabet order? Shhh... don't tell'em that it 's a metaphoric stab implying that something is just not right with a community that is entirely okay with a reported 25% (or more) of the city's building being empty. A child-molesting paradise to be sure whether by accident or by design. Tisk tisk tisk...
HOW TO SPOT A DIRTYHull...COP...It's all just a joke... very much based on the truth and not meant to imply anyone's corrupt, incompetent, or just a pain-ole bad... cop.
How to spot a "dirty cop"? It's easier than you might think. The child-molester's I've met in life have discussed the Hull... subject with me at length. How? I'm glad you asked Hull...
Spotting a dirty... cop? Hmmm... If it was so easy EVERYONE would be doing it Hull...
A card-Carrying Child-Molestor once summed it up best to me. "You want to know how to spot a dirty cop? Did you ever notice when you go to the cops that there's allways one who will Hull...never even address the possibility that you might be telling the truth. When you look at thier paperwork Hull... about your case it wont even acknowlege the possibility that someone Hull... was even mean to you. It's so that other cops wont even bring up the possibilty that someone's being mean to you".
Here I shall address... cops. Skeptic, septic, dirty, clean, and those inbetween and reason with them using facts, that one could extrapolate to form an opionon (I know, I know, I just totally lost the Mid-Michigan... cops reading this. I'll suggest some remedial reading material at the end of this to keep your interest). Here goes...
You... cops have never avenged me. You have never recovered stolen property for me, I've been assaulted a bazzilion times, often in full view of the... cops and even in the poilce station and all it took was a few well-placed insults to get... cops in any community to look the other way. One can deduce from this that, according to you Hull... that I've had the most perfect life. No one's ever wronged me, ever, otherwise, by deduction, you... cops would've gone out and caught all the bad guys long ago Hull..., am I right? Indeed... I must've had the most perfect life in all of America's history... otherwise... cop records would show it... right?
As touching any accusations I might be lying... the way boasting card-carrying Child-Molestors have bragged they dupe... cops, is to say I'm crazy and lying rather than to say I'm insane and actually believe what I'm saying. Basicly, that their Dirty... cops have to say I'm a crazy liar rather than insane and telling stories for whatever the reason is they think they can sell to their fellow therwise good but easilly maipulated... cops because any other response would beg the question. "If this guy (the author) really believes what he's saying as opposed to making it all up then maybe it's possible that someone's being mean to him"?
Someone being mean to me in the murderous rapist-infested ruins of the declining Detroit/Saginaw/Flint Michigan area? The admitted on-going rape & murder capital from a given year to a given year (sometimes... other areas beat them out... and then lose the title to the area soon enough)?
4 years... FOUR YEARS I'VE HAD THIS WEBSITE GOING...FOUR YEARS and not a single police interview... no one wants to chat... not a single... cop wants to "confab" at all? NOT ONE?!?!?!?!?!? If any... and I mean ANY... cop says they've inteviewed me since I left Bay City in 2010 then they've been duped... or are a lying stinking DIRTY COP!!!!!!
FOUR YEARS? All this rape? All this killing? AND NOT ONE SINGLE... COP WANTS TO CHAT?!
Say what you want...
I'll get to others later... For now I'm just too upset. Grrrrr... as though I ACTUALLY like doing this kind of stuff! Grrr... I hate this! How come you guys don't FREE ME so that I can write GOOD THINGS ABOUT YOU!
I believe in supporting Police, State Police, Sheriffs, and F.B.I. I want to shout your praises from the rooftops! Sing of your glorious tales of how you took down the gang no one could stand before.
Free me please.... free me from this perversion. I hate this page... I really do. I'm grasping at straws trying to keep myself positive. And I've failed miserably. I'm in a lot of pain. And you guys have been less than helpful until now.
Say what you will about this page. But it will achieve one thing. What it was designed to achieve. That no... cops would be able to dismiss me based on me coming in and being (quote) "too respectfull". I've heard that one too many times. "If you were telling the truth you wouldn't be so calm and respectful. You'd be insulting us more". So don't blame me about your "hurt... cop feelings" when you read this webpage, blame your self-loathing... cop brethren who told me they feel they need to be insulted by a victim before they will enforce the law against perversion.
Help? Please help?
CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017
Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!
In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.
Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.
When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.
This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.
What does this mean?
Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".
Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.
I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.
Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.
To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.
Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.
Please help me!
This particular joke, act of fiction on the joke page of my website is under construction. It's notes, conclusions & symbols & writing notes known only to me are subject to change at any time. I'd suppose the incomplete nature of it, combined with syntax errors & misspellings, many of which are not my fault but are the fault of Wix entirely (they skip letters, words are sometimes transposed, added