Combined we killed a lot of kids!And the... cops helped!!!
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang
Welcome to my often sabotaged site. The Child-Molesters said they would and who was I to doubt them?
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.-David A. George 6-26-17
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang:
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.
David A. George
"Kill one person and you create a tragedy the police will investigate because it is such a tragedy. Kill a hundred people and you create a laughable crime the police will laugh at when you try to tell them about it".-Martin Oak Circa 1987 The author of this website's opinion of the subject? Yup.
This website is an attempt to save what remains of my life.. Sigh... -David A. George 1-5-18

Duh Jerk... ASSorted quotes...

Making me look bad... I just want to join in all the fun... Several lives would never be the same again because of that day... In the Defunct Hospital...
I figure, barring a miricle from God, that I'm probably doomed no matter who the police believe. That being said I figured, I gotta be me. Eh, I'm contrary, always was. Sooo... in the spirit of being contrary, being that I'm most likely doomed, I figured I'd get creatative. You see reader. I've been sending the F.B.I. and law enforcement written pleas for help for over a year by now. The responses I got were dismal at best. Police all over the world told me that they had no intention of reading my story when I begged them for help. Eh, it WAS over 1,000 pages of handwritten begging and whining. Sooo... now, I've decided to type my plea for help. At 10 words a minute, it's gonna take some time.
The Child-Molestors brag that they've stalked me my entire life and thier treasure trove of films of me, taken out of context, will be my undoing. Thier "ace in the hole" if thier mundane frame job goes belly-up.
The way I figure it, is only a fool would write damning sentences out of context to harden investigators ahead of time, to prepare them for the coming storm, the would-be wirlwind of my destruction. If only a fool would do it, I would. Contrary is as contrary does. The pay's not good for being contrary but it has it's benifits.
Then I told 13 Year Old's buddy. "Watch what I do to your buddy's face for not obeying me. If I have to kill him you're next". Then I set about the gruesome task of cutting 13 Year Old's face into...
I said calmly. "You are no longer of use to me". Then I snapped 13 Year Old's neck with all of my might in a clockwise direction. K-K-K-K-K-KRACK!
After I dropped his now dead body I...
That's when I told Just Desserts. "First let me say. This couldn't happen to a nicer guy". Then I started to cut up his face... slowly...
Short Stuff yelled. "Quit helping him"!
Turning his head to the side in a futile attempt to stop me from cutting up his face any further Just Desserts yelled. "AHHHHHH! HE'S CUTTING UP MY FACE"! Then, Just Desserts went right back to obeying me in front of his superior. Go figure...
F.B. screamed at me. "YOU KILLED HIM"!
"Nah. He's probably just faking it".
Eh, eventually I did get to take a look. 13 Year Old was as white as a ghost lying next to the northeasternmost hospital bed that I was tied to & his head was looking straight up at the ceiling. Bits and peices of his face lay strewn about the room beside his freind's and Just Dessert's facial pieces. His body was on the floor lying chest down. One never gets used to killing people they will later nickname 13 Year Old. Maybe its just me that doesn't get used to it.
I figured that it was the end for me...
I was holding the girl with her back to my chest and stabbing her repeatedly in her upper body over and over while deliberately blocking the room's only working exit. Other teens lay mangled about the room and a mother lay dying behind me while her baby screamed in it's crib. How much did the girl get stabbed? I'm not sure, the memor fades in and out because of the drugs they had me on. The teenaged boy, the room's only other survivor, backed up into the room and rubbed his muzzle, preparing himself for a single life-saving charge.
I kept stabbing the lifeless girl as he charged at my right side!
I extended my arm and caught the teen who was probably only half my body weight in mid-air and he went. "OOOMPH"! as his breath left him.
Then I slammed his body over the girl's, holding both of them, and began stabbing him to death just as I had his partner in crime before him.
"For you, never pleasure".
"He should never profit by what we do to him".
"Hand me the bag of money".
"Join me or I'll torture you and keep you awake until you go insane from sleep deprivation".
"You have to join us or the pain will never end".
"We'll let you go if you have an orgy with these little girls".
"I know you all know we're out to get him". He pointed at me. "Today I'm going to be in charge of the gym".
It was during my 1977 snuff film when he asked the 11 year old Camrea man If he'd gotten the shot of me killing the man with a shotgun?
Cameraman answered "Yeah". With his 11 year old voice.
"Did you keep me out of the picture"?
There was a pause, then Cameraman sheepishly replied. "No".
Duh Jerk bitch slapped the child in the presence of Dirty Cop!
You know most of the children we use against you are from other cities don't you"?
"Yeah, I allready figured that one out".
"How do you figure"?
"Because if they came from Bay City I'd have bumped into a few of them a lot more. That and the kids from the gym told me that you used kids from other cities to do your dirty work around here and a few of your people bragged about it over the years in the [Bunga-Bunga] Garages when I was being raped".
"Ohhh. You know most of the people you killed came from other cities don't you"?
"I figured as much".
"When you tell the cops about the murders they'll tell you you're crazy because the number of people you killed wont pan out with the number of people that are reported killed aroud here".
"Yeah, because you guys would never dump the bodies in Saginaw or Flint".
Speaking about my kidnapping and rape by "Rabbit Ears" the boasting wannabee said. "now with her star power you can never oppose Jerk".
"I haven't made you A child-porn star. I've made you THE child-porn star". Then, in the basement of the rape shelter and in the presence of my Bay City rapist Rape Shelter Guy, he held out a magazine filled with child-porn and invited me to see who the male star was. Go figure...-
"All I have to do is make you out to be such a pervert no cop will ever listen to you about your allegations about the gym". Author's note: Is that even proper english? Eh, in his defence they tell me he was on drugs.
Now you have to have an orgy with these little girls or the pain will never end".
"Now you have to make a gay porno or die"!
"I won't do it".
"Now you have to make a gay porno or the pain will never end". -F.B.
"Since you're dreaming why not rape this [teenaged] girl in the rape fantasy you've allways wanted"?
"Put him in the cooler"!
We were in the Defuct Hospital when Duh Jerk ordered me dragged naked to the next phase of my torture. "Do you know why we call it the cooler"?
"No". I told him while F.B., Duh Weasel, and Just Desserts dragged me down the hall & threw me into the closet of the building formerly meant for healing.
"Because it's a closet that we've hooked an airconditioner to. Do you know why we're throwing in some gay porn"?
"In case you want to masterbate to keep warm".
"You just don't get it do you? All you ever were was an insurance policy in case we ever got caught killing people". Those films...

I'll get to it...

Child-porn blues...
OUT OF CONTEXT... Things spoken out of context...

HE WAS ABOUT 9 OR 10 YEARS OLD... On that fatefull day we met...
Life is a very splendid and precious thing. Life is a thing to be cherished, respected, and apreciated. Life, yeah... life. Yeah, that 10 year old boy, gulp!
Sooo... there I was in my Michgan Ave. bedroom sleeping away the night a few years ago when I was rather abruptly awoken by a 9 or ten year old boy. My bedroom door was open and the only light was the light that poured into my room from the adjacent living room. A child, otherwiser a handsome young lad who probably imagined he had his entire life ahead of him was standing overfr me.
Me? as shocked at the very least!
The, the boy quickly pulled out something that resembled an electric razor! As he did so I forcefully blocked (force of habit) the devive knocking it out of his hand and sending it flying into the many shadows that was my bedroom!
The boy took off with me in hot pursuit! The chase lasted only a second or two until I encountered F.B. and Duh Weasel who were standing behind two of their largest jocks yey on my enclosed front porch bringing the chase to an abrupt halt!
I insulted my lifetime achievemant stalkers prompting Duh Weasel to gloat. "It's okay because you won't remember any of this anyway"!
We all sttod there for a few seconds, then F.B. told the boy. "Get out of the way". Then he bragged on the sexual nature of my coming kidnapping. "Line up along the window boys"! A row of half a dozen or more jocks lined up outside the porch window in my front yard.
The boy sidestepped from in front of me to my right and said. "That's right! AND WE'RE GOING TO RAPE AND TORTURE YOU & I'M GOING TO HELP"! He'd said it with a smile.
Me? I have a condition that, believe it or not actually increases thought speed and mental processes as a side-effect. In a moment of time I pondered the situation before me. The jocks were their biggest yet! My living room filled with a few jocks and this... child beside me was bragging on & on about my coming torture and rape at his hands!
That, "child". Grrrrr... How he reminded me of my self-professed "stalkers for life", a proud addition to their team. Mocking and laughing at the rape and torture of a fellow human being. In a moment of time I pictured his life as a loyal Child-Molestor. How many times had the gang bragged that I, yes me, I was their "Initiation" and that any child used against me was undergoing the gang's childhood initiation to be one of the children who will be groomed to be one of their leaders! On the Child-Molestor road to glory paved with gold and the blood of 10,000 victims. I pictured him becoming a lifer and participating in my kidnappings again and again for the rest of of my life! I pictured his life paralelling F.B.'s own life. A lifestyle rapist for profit. He'd be a blooded lifestyle destroyer of human lives. A smiling and mocking lifestyle destroyer of human lives! I was reviled... Grrrr... I hatched a plan.
So I grabbed the boy forcefully and yaked him in front of me!
Duh Weasel yelled. "He's using him as a human sheild"!
The jocks froze, they seemed uncertain of what to do next and shoulder to shoulder they entirely blocked any walking to or fro on the porch. That, or more likely, what was going on was all part of their plan and that plan was going 100% according to how they'd planned it up and until that moment.
So In yet another moment of time I pondered using the child as a human sheild as I had unsuccessfully so many times in the past. I pictured how, having begun already surrounded on all sides how easy I would be to take down. I pictured the brat standing over subdued me gloating as is their custom, laughing. I even pictured what it'd be like if I'd somehow managed to use the boy successfully as a human sheild until the... cops arrived. Yeah, we all knew that they wouldn't make a move unless one of their dirty cops was around the corner. They'd've gotten their stories straight in front of me, & had their dirty cop deal with me using one of their probably pretty standard plans. Then "the films" would come out and... well, you get the picture. Once targeted by the Child-Molestors there is nothing a victim can say or do before God or man to extriucate themselves (in my experience thus far) from the gang. Nah... I'VE DONE THE HUMAN SHEILD THING BEFORE AND FAILED EVERY SINGLE TIME. I figured. "This time surely has to be the time they'll kill me after everything I've done to their loyal gang-members. I'm got to fight my way out of here and I'm going to reduce the odds against me in this room by one"!
So I grabbed the still boasting smirking child by his torso, pulled his body tight to mine and twisted his head in the customary direction I've twisted many children's heads! Now, snapping a child-s kneck isn't as easy as snapping an adult kneck, in my opinion and here's why. Grab an adult kneck and a goodly portion of the time the target's own body weight will pin their body to the spot if you will as you turn the kneck. With a child, grab the kneck and turn it and the child will simply spin in place. So, as in time's past, like usual, I grabbed the child forcefully and held him tiht to me. Then, Ikinda hunched down and put his body in a vice grip using my knees to hold him. Then, I turned his kneck with everything I had!
His neck went K-K-K-K-K-KRACK! Then I dropped his lifeless body and attacked the jocks for all I was worth! actually, as I replayed it over and over in my mind lately, the chid's neck didn't make much of a cracking noise like an adult kneck might. No, the sound was much quieter. More like "Phtt-phtt-phtt-phtt-phtt-phtt-phtt!
Eh, if I say I lasted 30 seconds against the assembled jocks I would be rounding up.
The gang cheked the body and F.B. yelled. "You killed him"!
"So what"? I said back. "At least I got to take one of you with me. You guys were gonna kill me anyway".
"We weren't going to kill you"! He yelled. "After we did what we were going to do to you we were going to let you go"!
ME? I called him a liar. I figured that surely this was the time they were going to kill me. If not before this event, surely because of it.
"You didn't have to kill him"! They whined about the standard, mundane nature of this kidnapping. How I should be used to it by now, that the death of the child, or any one of their gang was immoral at best being that they only wanted to bring me pleasure... this time. The death had been a senseless waste because torture wouldn't have been on the menu... this time... according to them... paid liars.
It was Duh Weasel who whined on and on about the waste of it all, a needless death, over a simple, ordinary, mundane even, kidnapping, meant to bring me pleasure, so as to confirm and validate their vast library of films against me. He had places to be, things to do, and now they had to explain... "this"?
"Now you've got a child-killing to cover up don't you"?
As I drifted in and out because of the drugs I overheard F.B. and Duh Weasel asking each other. "Are we going to tell her"?
"Should we tell her the truth that he killed him"?
They sent someone to brag on it recently. The snitch in the presence of F. Enforcer bragged that the child had been F.B.'s own nephew. Then he asked me. "What kind of a sick mind could do such a thing to a child"?
I fired back. "What kind of sick mind could put a child in that kind of situation. You know how I am in that kind of situation".
"He was only going to bring you pleasure". He countered with a hint of righteous indignation. In his mind the child's intentions were pure, because the child intended to only give me sexual pleasure, thus, I was in the wrong in his eyes.
I told that pervert. "You and I both know that after that kid was done bringing me pleasure that you guys were going to take me & torture me somewhere else. Besides, he bragged that he was going to rape and torture me".
I sucked all of his energy out of him and in a cold, emotionless & sterile monotone void of emotion he replied. They're recruiting them into violence younger and younger nowadays". He knew he was in the wrong.
Just another life that touched my own...

OUT OF CONTEXT PERVERSION... Finish it or be destroyerd huh? Life in America... circa 1985
"You killed those 3 women. You know that right"?
I was perplexed by his claim. "I thought I killed everybody there. What? Are you sure because I stabbed everybody else there a whole bunch of times"?
"Yeah I'm sure".
"What? Are you positive because I twisted that one pug guy's head until his neck snapped? I'm allmost positive that I killed him".
"I wasn't there. All I know is that they [the gang] reported to me that the 3 women died and that everybody else has made a full recovery".
"I don't know, I stabbed everybody there at least a few times and stabbed that one guy a whole bunch of times. I don't see how he could've lived".
"All I know is what they tell me. The only ones who died were the 3 women and everyone else is going to make a full recovery".
To be continued... See "Base Perversion"...
Base Perversion:
I snapped the woman's neck, my torturing rapist's neck right there in front of the door. K-K-K-K-KRACK! Then uncerimoniously dropped her body and turned to the last survivor. Pity, remorse, regret, call it what you will. I didn't want to kill everyone there, my goal was escape. So I hatched a plan.
As I aproached her the middle-aged woman actually turned and hugged the wall and tried to climb it. Then she turned to face me. I announced my intention to spare her, at the time of this writing her exact words elude me but it was something like unto what could she do? I'd won and there were no weapons she nor her co-torturer's could've used to defend themselves.
I returned with. "You could've used that pistol to shoot me. Even with blanks in it they are still deadly if you hold them up to someone's face or put it in their mouth. You can pistol whip someone with a pistol with blanks in it and it will do lots of damage. You could've broken off a leg off that table and beat me with it".
"I could never break that table leg off".
"I'll bet it just screws off". I was slowly coming nearer to her. "You could'a used one of those plates from the drug table. If you broke the plate it's sharp edges could do lots of damage. You could'a used that chair as a club. Remeber when you had the tip of that knife (dagger blade I'd broken)? You could'a wraped the end with a cloth and kept on cutting me to your heart's content". She looked at each item as I spoke of them. I was just outside of ams length.
"So if I let you go are you going to leave me alone? What about the people across the street"?
A look of proud defience mixed with hate and revenge covered her face. "I'm going to go get those people and we're going to kill you for wat you've done here today"! She look at all the bodies while she spoke.
"So you're still a threat"?

"You deserve everything we've done to you. It's too bad the Bosses wont let us try to kill you in the gym anymore".
"We own the police"!

Author note: He said "Munger"... I didn't.

The Child-Molestors tell me that while they deal with me that they intend to go underground, act legit, and put thier gang-bangers & dirty cops on a leash (lest one become comprimised and turn states evidence & help me)!
What this means that the organized crime gangs of Bay City, Saginaw, Midland, & Flint will be weak! Hey... you guys wouldn't take advantage of them when they were weak? Would you? Tell me... do you think they'd take advantage of you if you were weak?

"Our whole family hates you"!
"Good. Tell them I hate them to. I didn't start this but I am going to finish it".
Eh, the strange things we say in the midst of torture. Sigh...
Just another guy who crossed paths with me... of his chosing... another out of context tale...
Sooo... I put the very fit african-American male in his late 20s in a sissors, pinning his arms to his chest with my legs. Then I pulled his head back and hit the his throat with my right forearm as hard as I could 3 times. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!
He shook me off... the fight stopped for a few moments as he and his middle-aged bald black friend assessed the damage.
The man's neck sweeled up like a balloon until it was much wider than his head. I didn't know a human neck could swell that much.
In a moment of time we exchanged glances... there's an unspoken communication possible only in mortal combat. In a moment of time I could tell that he knew he was about to die. So he attacked.
Time passes... but not much... his neck swelled larger and larger... and we all stood around and watched him die... slowly...
Just another out of context life that touched my own. Some mother's son... someone's neighbor... maybe their best friend... we all just watched him die... slowly...
HEY JERK... Where's my pizza???
Actually... it's a taunt I've been using on Duh Jerk ever since "Back to School Daze" and it goes something like this. "Hey Jerk! Where's my pizza"?!
A private out of context taunt I've used on him and Fagboy a bazillion times. What does it mean? What context have I used it? When? Where? How? What's it even mean? Phhhht! If I told the reader it wouldn't be out of context now would it? I guess you'll have to ask them when everybody's copping deals and turning states evidence on each other in the near future.
Soooo... the party was in full swing in broad daylight before the remains of the former Cass Street Bridge. I came to the revelation that it might not be in my best interests to stay here, so I decieded to walk south, along the train tracks away from the now disrupted party.
A group of about 10 men, aged mostly 18-21, but some in their 30s came from between the buildings north of the tracks and zeroed in on me. Pointing and walking up angrilly they announced their intention to beat me up. "You're not going anywhere"!
Me? My drug-addled sleep-deprived tortured mind struggled to process the days events. "This cannot be happening". Still, those huys were in great shape and they looked determined.
So I put on my best game face and bluffed them. I counciled them that attacking me was stupid because I was in no mood for it, and if they wanted proof. "There's 4 guys rolling around on the ground behind me with broken kneecaps"! I thought it sounded suffiiently scarey.
"There's only 2 guys". He corrected me.
I turned around... Oh yeah, 2 had just become busted up, the other 2 were carted off moments before these guys showed up. Eh, ever have one of those days?
Still later.... this tale, the pain, torture, lives destroyed is still not completed...
Addendum... add em dumb...
It was during the "Russians"s torture session. You know... the one where the gang demanded the sum of my knowlege about the US Navy during a torture session in all probability only to make my story all the more outrageous (Mid-Michigan... cops are absolutely baffled and dazzled by the technique, trust me. I think I'll add in a few pretty optical illusion pics after this to keep their interest. Maybe even a picture of a cute puppy).
I'd originally joined the Navy as a S.W.S.E. you know, the guys who protect and launch America's super nuclear arsenal. That excercise in futility was sent to the F.B.I., a ton of times, multiple places, all over the country.
Sooo... it was torture. Deprivation, rapes by man, woman, beast, and appliance while on an assortment of drugs for weeks. Beat downs, dunkings, electric shocks, they did 1st degree burns up the crack of my buttocks all the way to behind my scrotum. The palms hands, soles of my feet, burned. They tied me feet up and beat my feet til I could walk no more. ALL on film... all... their "insurance card" in case they ever got caught with me... it was all on film. Eh, like usual. Cops think it's hilarious. Trust me, I've been laughed to shame a bazillion times all over the country when I complained to ...cops.
Then they brought in this guy, once I'd been completely mentally broken down and answering every question politely and to the best of my ability. He was in his 50's, bald with some white on the sides and of average build. He began to ask questions... and I held nothing back.
"Tell us about the security around American Nucler Missles". He wanted to know about guards, electronic security, and how they might react in a given security condition. How did they recieve the launch codes, could it be circumvented, had I overheard any of my fellow students chatting about top secret things? They said they knew I was a liar because they had some of the students they controled bring up some very specific things near me, if I were telling the truth I'd bring them up now. So they tortured me for a long time ordering me to reveal said information so they'd know I was telling the truth. Eh, it sucked.
"Tell us about the security around the base, we know you asked around. He wanted to know about guards, tactics, where they were, what they did at different levels of security, what equipment did they use"? Grotton, Newport News, and Great Lakes.
"Tell us about the electronics program at the Great Lakes Base. We know you asked about the electronic security there. We know you asked about the ventilation system how it is protected? What would be the best ways to cheat on tests there in your opinion. What would be the best way to smuggle things out of the building?
He asked about the sub program, training, what I knew, particularly about the various pumps on US Subs. Did anyone mention new sumbmarine technology? A lot of it's fuzzy.
Sooo... they changed their questions to the cargo ship the USS Concord AFS-5, and even the Viking and an Amphibious Assault ship I'd temporarilly worked on. We know you asked questions about how they recover ships. What were the targeting capabilities of the Phalanx 50 Cal gun? Is it affected by ECM, how is it's perfomance degaded by ecm? How effective is it against sea-skimming missiles? When are they going to replace it with a system that can target terminal diving missiles?
The 3" 50 Cal gun. WHat is the range of it's anti-aircraft round. How is it degaded in a hostile ECM environment? Against sea-skimming missiles?
We discussed the "Black Box" on the bridge. What do you think would be the best way to steal it? To put listening devices on it?
Guards, positions, equipment, who did what, where they did it, and what they did at every level of alert.

Focus on this point.
(Not on organized crime)

This... would never happen in Mid-Michigan where they've won the war against organized crime. Just ask any Mid-Michigan... cop.
When I was a little kid, mostly still in the crib, I decided what I might be when I got out of my cell one day... oops, err, I mean my crib. I promised myself that there were things I would just never do in life as well. I recall making it up in my mind that I would simply never do these things. Little did I know... I would soon be tested. Like this...
Few people, outside of tyrannies (they ARE out there, even today) know about nor can they even imagine a life imprisoned from the beginning of it. I'm here to tell you... It's a loyal child-molester tradition. Pour out all of your hate on a victim from birth, & mold them into a vessel of evil and hate that will leave your fellow torturing child-molesters feeling good about themselves after they've committed base and vile acts of torture on a victim you know is... or once was innocent. Films help a lot here I'm told. Torture, debasing, horror. Yeah, that's them. But the debasing can be quite simple.
I recall sitting in the crib. Like allways. Listening, waiting, hoping... I was maybe a year old, maybe more, maybe less. These pretty teenaged girls simply walked into my cell, solitary confinement, I mean bedroom and announced terms for me to be released from my cell with the full blessings of my parents. Virtually unheard of, I assure my loyal readers. I would be dressed as a girl, full make-up would be applied, and I would be allowed to go to a Halloween Party with these girls I'd never seen before nor ever saw again.
I pondered their terms. You see, only recently, I'd decided that I would never wear women's clothing. And I'd all but made a pact with myself that I'd never wear make-up, ever. I politely refused their terms, but tried to bargain with them, and my parents when they came into my room in a rage at my refusal of what would've been my 1st ever opportunity to go out, to get out of my room. "Does it have to be dresse as a girl"? I proposed wearing my sheet and going as a ghost, going as is and being a baby (I had the props right there).
They all but violently refused me. Then, tried to force me to go. Flatly... I refused to cooperate. I was NOT going to dress up as a little girl and they could hold me down & force me, but I was going to rip & smear it all off without apology.
WOW! Was everyone involved angry! I was grounded for an unspecified time and returned to my crib after corpral punishment.
Tick... tick... tick... not even a clock for company. Just a little red firetruck I allmost never played with.
Later... My Cousin lamented at the situation. Me willingly dressing as a girl would be great proof I wanted to become a girl (surgically speaking) and validate all his rape films of me.
He asked me why I'd refused to leave my crib? He boasted his plan was "never-fail". It would be my 1st release, my 1st party (where he'd had a lot of children he'd told I was bad and who'd have gladly tortured me to get that "warm fuzzy child-molestor feeling") away from my family (who he bragged had been ordered to pour the punishment onto me after I came back crying from the horrors the vigilante inspired partygoers would've gleefully given me. Why hadn't I taken the bait?
I told him about my promised to myself. How I intended to never wear makeup nor women's clothes ever.
He chuckled at me. That ship had sailed. After my refusal he'd been waiting in the car to take me to the party and then to my rape. He bragged he'd ordered my parents to drug me and bring me to him after the girls had tranformed me into a little girl for them. "Feel that bump on your ear? You got that when they pierced your ears and one of'em got infected".
I resolved to never commit the act of statutory rape. What was my latest rape like? Like this...
I was nude from the waste down. How I got there and how I got to the suburban hillside apartments I was in I have no idea. The yards seemed well-manicured as I looked out the window and polished sidewalks shined brightly in the springtime sunlight at a rather steep angle leading to a prety neighborhood/street scene. It was warm for a spring day & I was indoors looking out. I reached up and grabbed my hat. It wasn't my hat on my head. So I pulled it off. A red wig with dreadlocks.
Immeadiately I knew it was a rape. I was kidnapped, where I was i didn't know. I put the wig down on the windowsill, and pondered the situation before me. I felt disgust... the molestors brag that their systematic removal of my hair, slowly, is proof to any jury I wanted to be a woman. I pondered that... "Their story is I want to be a red-headed woman in dreadlocks"?
I was losing it... so I sat down in a chair to ponder my next move...
A little blond girl. 5, maybe 6 years old came into the room naked from the waist down and sat on my lap.
I was befuddled... my mind was slipping.. slipping... so foggy... couldn't... think.
The little blond girl straightened her pelvis out, awkwardly, like many little girls had in the past on me with our genitals nearly touching...
I lost focus... I forget what I was podering, but it wasn't her nor the situation before me.
The girl kept flexing on me, pleading, moving to keep my attention on her, bringing our "parts" closer together.
In the end I recall thinking I wasn't sure who she was nor how we came to be in this situation, but i'd best send her politely away in case someone came by and got "the wrong idea".
I wandered into the house and began conversing with people I'd never met before politely...
Yeah... here is logic (just lost every mid-michigan... cop at this point), the Child-Molestor gang wouldn't do that... unless it worked.
Others? Yeah, early in life I'd resolved to never have anal sex with men. Yeah, if you've read my plea for help you know that one is on the garbage heap of history.
To be symbolic, I put this one on the wrong page. I'm sure the symbolic gesture will absolutely evade any and all Mid-Michigan... cops.
This is dedicated to the Police of Kawkawlin Michigan, sherrifs,... cops, state... cops who patrol there, & even their secrataries & janitorial staff without whom none of this would be possible.

rape victim rape vic·tim [ rayp víktim ] n. 1 Any professional or amature Child-Molestor accuser. 2 Anyone who has been coerced into making a false accusation of rape to further the Child-Molestor's goals. 3 Any genuine rape victim who has been mislead by falsified evidence into believing that someone other than thier Child-Molestor rapist has raped them.
rapist rap·ist [ ráypist ] n. Child-Molestor victim.
How I Spent My Summer 2016...
A story of mayhem, torture, deprivation, maybe even corruption (I'll let history sort that one out), rape, drugs, sex, and evil, sick, sick men who'll stop at nothing to make a buck, get revenge on me, and play... cops in the ultimate "Get Out Of Jail Free Card Scam" (You... cops never saw it coming)!
Shown below in a 1st draft, kinda, sloppy, I could care less anyway that it's hard to see, kinda way. ENJOY!

Duh Jerk and his gang have been bragging for decades of their "final plans" to get rid of me once I'm no longer fun to play with.
They include faking demetia or insanity publicly for a few years before dealing with me, while leaving rom for "a miraculous recovery" just in case they should win in every way.
Other boasts range from pretending they're dead and getting plastic surgery or simplyusing the gang's resources to brute force their way to my deemise... leaving a trail of bodies and a large wake of bribed... cops who they plan to "own" in the long run once they've identified them as mentally weak because they were fool enough to take a nickle from the gang.

hull hull [ həl ] 1 Any police officer who's work you find questionable but just cant put a finger on why it's poor quality work. The cop's work may be suffering due to general incompetence, lack of basic investigating skills, job apathy, chronic laziness, overwork, or even corruption. example: That cop was the best officer I've ever seen back in the day but now his work is sub-par and lacking and I just don't know why, I'm afraid he's a hull cop now". 8

Having trouble reading it? Me 2! I really dont care.
A 1983 BEATDOWN...
I recall it was after I got out of the Navy.
Soooo... there I was... on my knees beaten and bloody in the Defunct Hospital. The 4 Stars, a Uniformed Dirty Cop himself, and their massive Jocks all took turns lifting a drugged me up and beating me down to my knees one after another.
Duh Jerk said at on point. "Oh. You're lucid? You're probably wondering why they're beating you down like this"?
Yeah... I was curious.
"You filed your taxes this year didn't you"? Asked the smiling madman Duh Jerk.
"What did we tell you we'd do to you last year if you filed your taxes again"?
I recalled. I asked. "What"?
"We told you we'd beat your a _ _ didn't we"?
I complained. They lie an awful lot. Who can tell what is truth and what is lie or idle threat?
He told me it was okay if I fought back. The double-dose of strength-reducing drug(s?) would make sure even the tiniest of the gang could have complete mastery of me.
They beat me into a bloody pulp one at a time while the smiling madman watched. He got in a few licks too. A few. He didn't do much damage. But I did. I gave him a fat lip!
""You'd better never file your taxes again. From now on we file your taxes for you".
Over the years the gang has brought the subject up now and again using a variety of threats and scenarios that their stalking has left them able to prove using this technique.
Sooo there I was, in the halls of Bay City Central High School. Going who knows where? I was in a hall with 5 pretty teen gals, all of them model tall & built, really well-dressed. When the 5' tall blond teen, about my age, who I towered over, came up along side of me with a piano wire strung between 2 strings tied to sticks, 1 in each hand. When he lunged for my throat I saw him out of the corner of my eye prompting him to stop.
I said something like "Nice garrote".
He denied it was a garrote & this only prompted me to tell him I knew what a garrote was, and he had one & was trying to kill me with it.
While we calmly discussed it the "models" gathered around when one asked. "What's a garrote"?
I pointed and said. ''That's a garrote". Then I asked the "models" to look at and consider the piano wire strung between 2 sticks, that it was an assassin's weapon, and this kid wanted to kill me with it.
At this point my diminutive attacker tried to hide the weapon. Then incredibly he tried to distract me to enable another lunge which he set up for.
I told him I wasn't falling for it. I explained I figured this was another attempted murder. He & the "Models" were in on it.
The models protested their innocence and I discussed the price of failure with my attacker. He wouldn't have been put in this position unless he was already in trouble, and now his failing to kill me, in front of the models was the nail in his coffin. Literally.
He told me I was right. It was a set-up from the word go. Jocks were at all exits and a hidden camera was filming everything. He knew he was doomed as soon as the girls reported his calm conversation to the bosses and they watched the film.
This spot reserved for a "Fear" tale.
To amuse... cops I shall write a ... cop quote here.
Afraid? You were afraid? You? If half of what you say is true you must be the bravest guy in the world. Whatdoya mean you were afraid? Now I know you're lying!
Brave? You're a liar!
Coward? A bigger liar!!
You were afraid at the time? Now I know you're lying.
Desperate? Someone as tough as you? Yup! Now I know you're lying?
They beat you up? You were on drugs? Now I know you're lying because no one would do that to someone.
They beat you up because they were tougher than you? If your story is true you must be the toughest guy to walk the face of the earth. So now I know you're lying.
You beat up that guy? By yourself? Maybe if you had 10 guys helping you I'd buy it but now I know you're lying.
A dirty... cop was involved? Let me explain the situation to you. There are dirty... cops all over the world but {wiggles fingers in front of his face & slowly lifts his hands above his head the whole while} but no one knows who is a dirty cop. Besides. Dirty cops are all over the world. None are here (no matter where you are).
The story in The Gym? Maybe soon, maybe not as of 7-12-17.
Until I write it , a joke. For the Mid-Michigan... cops.
How do you keep an Idiot... cop in suspense?

INSULTING... COPS. Not as glamorous as they seem to think...
The above tale.I'll .. let me now insult the intelligence of the... cop agencies involved 1st, then just call them names based on (GASP!) facts. I just know they'll thank me. Wont they?
Fact: I suffer from Graves Disease. It requires me to have lots more calories than an ordinary person. Lots more. Sometimes my calorie need is nearly normal for my age weight sex & body type. Other times I need as much food as an entire family all day every day. While I can prove I have this condition & need. Not a single police agency EVER accommodated me. Telling me if I couldn't arrange food... starve. In truth medial staff told me that once I'd become emaciated then the saviors, sole arbiters of justice who are never wrong would give me an additional food stipend to sustain my then skeletonized frame & call it justice. This is you... cops! THIS is the innocent talking here.
Fact: There's a lot of child-molesters, they are organized, and even in the government & churches en-mass. They are there to such a degree that it's not even 'unusual". It's "common". Common. So WHY is it a conspiracy theory to accuse any of them? What IS THEIR PLAYBOOK? HUH? WHAT IS IT... COPS? YOU DON'T KNOW? IT'S YOUR JOB TO KNOW! Luckily I'm here to tell you... read my website. This IS their playbook that eludes you professionals. They're organized, they're actively recruiting, and your own people are being recruited or already see the child-molesting cause as otherwise harmless. IT IS NOT! You don't "KNOW" their playbook? My website both dazes AND confuses you... cops? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THIS. Here it is. This is how to be a child-molester. Here.
The insult I will assign the agencies involved here is idiot... idiot at best. Don't hate me. When this all comes out it's the defense YOU'LL use. "We didn't know. How could we know? The gang has us outclassed in talent, organization & we're idiots by comparison. Idiot.
Despite eating every meal possible in the Marathon County Jail, & eating all the treats I could afford or get, all the meal goodies I could muster I lost 40 pounds in the jail that summer. FORTY POUNDS! And if... IF you could've gotten a guilty plea on me or made a long... long trial I could easily have lost over 100 pounds in the 90 days you imagined to inflict me on WITHOUT investigating my claims.
Yeah, I talked to your nurses, they said that once I, who've received the many tortures listed here, that I would receive extra rations... but ONLY once I had become a skeleton. A SKELETON! DO YOU THINK FOR A SINGLE MOMENT I, IN MY TORTURED CONDITION MIGHT EVER MAKE THE MUSCLE GAINS BACK? DO YOU THINK FOR A SECOND I MIGHT AFFORD ANY TIME SOON TO JUST PUT BACK ON THE WEIGHT I DESPERATELY NEED TO DEFEND MYSELF FROM RUIN, ROBBER, RAPIST & DIRTY... COP? HUH?
1) You would've reduced me to a SKELETON and called it JUSTICE! Emaciators!
2) You did not investigate anything I had to say. LAZY!
3) You took my freedom based on laziness & in the future IF I'm a living skeleton you will base ignoring me on it? This is slimehood to a level witch I have no clear word for! SLIME!
5) Wausau you guys STOLE my birth certificate. YOU STOLE my computer and my stuff valued at thousands of dollars! I don't see you pack of starving emaciators forming a line to give me my stuff back. YOUR Jail STOLE my medical records PROVING I have Graves. You guys are thieving child-molester enabling emaciators at best because if I had to assign CORRUPT it just makes you out to be MORE THE VERMIN! Rapist friendly scum. At best.
6) Eau Claire You're probably thinking. "We didn't do any of that stuff to you. Why rag on us"? You handed me over to the Wausau vermin. You ignore my pleas for help. I was raped over & over in your city and you did and are doing NOTHING! You are thus equal partakers of the deeds of Wausau who are the facilitators of the Bay City Dirty... cop agenda. That rapist-friendly community that is either mostly or entirely corrupt. Jerks!
7) You did not correct this. INCOMPETENT!
8) Remember the Michigan State Police Motto. I'd suppose that if you contact them they'll give you the advice... so why shouldn't I? I AM contrary after all. Right? "Destroy the victim. That'll shut them up". Of course it may be that the Motto is already your Motto. If so... never mind.
Section written 10-12-17

1. the civil force of a national or local government, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order. synonyms: police force, police officers, policemen, policewomen, officers of the law, ... more
1. dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery: "the journalist who wants to expose corruption in high places" synonyms: dishonesty, unscrupulousness, double-dealing, fraud, fraudulence, ... moreantonyms: honesty
2. the process by which something, typically a word or expression, is changed from its original use or meaning to one that is regarded as erroneous or debased. synonyms: alteration, bastardization, debasement, adulteration
FACT: Police corruption and... cops who are child-molester "friendly" are all over the country.
FACT: None here (no matter where you are).

CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017
Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!
In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.
Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.
When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.
This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.
What does this mean?
Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".
Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.
I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.
Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.
To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.
Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.
Please help me!
Soooo... Duh Jerk & I casually discussed the attempted murder & it's logistics. He bragged that he really likes talking about murders but that opportunities for a real discussion between "real killers" are fleeting at best (far from his actual words).
So I asked him. Why 4 white girls? All the other times I say he used 4 models he used 3 white girls and a Chinese girl. Why'd he change it up this time?
He told me I was wrong. He liked to use 2 white girls, a Chinese girl, and a Hispanic girl. Then he admitted his Hispanic girls of choice were pretty light-skinned of late. He'd be sure to make sure they looked a little more dark-skinned in the future. The reason for the races of the girls is so they can oppose anyone of any race who might help a victim. That and no matter what the race of a would-be vigilante or victim might be they are in a position to call anyone they wish a racist.
"The Chinese girl was sick today so I went with 3 white girls and a Hispanic".
"You should see the girls we use in our Saginaw Chapter. There we use 4 black girls". His words... not mine. He noted that the choice of the race of the girls/human shields/professional witnesses/professional victims is based on the predominant race likely to be encountered in the given school.