Combined we killed a lot of kids!And the... cops helped!!!
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang
Welcome to my often sabotaged site. The Child-Molesters said they would and who was I to doubt them?
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.-David A. George 6-26-17
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang:
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.
David A. George
"Kill one person and you create a tragedy the police will investigate because it is such a tragedy. Kill a hundred people and you create a laughable crime the police will laugh at when you try to tell them about it".-Martin Oak Circa 1987 The author of this website's opinion of the subject? Yup.
This website is an attempt to save what remains of my life.. Sigh... -David A. George 1-5-18
A "THE GYM". The Child-Molestors brag to me that it was the events that occured in a middle-school cafateria in fall of 1976 that made them pour out their revenge on me. During torture I'd occasionally ask them. "Why are you doing this to me"? Their most popular reply was. "Because of the gym".
"THE GYM" is the gang's nickname for what happened in a 1976 Bay City Middle School, not mine. The truth is that it didn't even happen in the school gymnasium. Everything (almost everything) occured in a first period gym class taught on the cold stone floors of the school's cafateria that doubled a gym that year due to rabid budget cuts (the "great recession" of 76' was in full swing at the time). Have you ever had 60+ people chanting in unison for your death? I was eleven years old at the time. A Christian, a pascifist.
Corrupt Staff...
Much of the staff of the school were indeed card-carrying Child-Molestors or were their too-terrified-to-act witnesses. The many whined or bragged to me that they were corrupt from the start, the rest were now corrupt. Due to the gang's ongoing recruiting (kidnapping/tortures) to cover up my ongoing attempted murder. I was 11.
People like Duh Jerk & His Boss ran the corrupt end, Dead Meat were their watchdogs, & gangs of raping & torturing pre-teens (backed up by adult gang-members) were their enforcers. Raping, robing, beating, and trying to kill all who dared oppose them. Uhhh... me.... just me... at first I wasn't alone... but over time... they picked of whosoever tried to help me one by one. Some of those confronted me screaming, some in tears, some bragged about the new lifestylye as a Child-Molestor they'd now chosen to no longer oppose, but to embace. Others, just looked at me & shook there heads when we met. Their unspoken screams spoke volumes. Others looked at me and turned their heads in shame, knowing that I knew what they'd become because they'd screamed that they'd become Child-Molestors... unwillingly... because of me... because they dared to stand next to me. I was eleven years old when I was forced to endure "the gym". It was awfull.
I was eleven years old when my first crying teacher came to me, she said F.B. had been the leader of her gang-rape. Then she quit...
Duh Jerk came to brag. "We've covered up the fact that she was ever a teacher at this school".
F.B. gloated. "She was tight. Even though she was 27 she was still a virgin". This, was the people I grew up with, the people who would later choose to stalk me for life. Ow...
Yeah, quite a few of the staff tried to set me up, & a few of them tried to kill me, openly, in front of a lot of witnesses. Some... over & over... Welcome to my America reader. WELCOME TO BAY CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS!

Threatened teachers... Destroyed lives... its what they do... its who they are...
Duh Jerk & his child & adult army bragged up a storm, and then proved to me, that they were threatening the school's many formerly wholesome teachers & staff into submissin. I was 11 Years old.
Most told me they were too scraed to oppose the Child-Molestors who they knew already owned the school lock, stock, & barrel before I'd ever darkened a doorway there.
Many told me (yes, told me, me, an 11 year old kid) that Duh Jerk had come by & personally threatened their jobs, their mortgages, and for some, thier families. They tended to tell me things like. "He came by & threatened my job. There's a recession going on & it's too hard to get a new job & I've got a mortgage & family to think about".
Some told me they knew exactly what was going on in the gym, they just didn't want to get involved. I asked those hypocrites (eh, I would, it's my style) if the situation were reversed would they want me to risk it all & help them? Those hypocrites & cowards stammered out half-hearted hypocracy. Sure, if the situation were reversed they'd be glad to have my help, but I wasn't getting thier help. I was 11 years old.
It takes a special kind of would-be recreational child-killer to threaten otherwise wholesome teachers in my opinion. What comes around goes around & Child-Molestor braggarts boast they recruited them all to cover up the goings on in the gym.
These, were the people society entrusted to educate & protect me. Ow...

Student beatings, rapes, & tortures...
I was only eleven years old when my classmates, my self-appointed "revenge stalkers for life" surrounded me enmass, at arm's length, lest a fight breakout & I run from the building... again. Their goal wasn't me so much, but to prevent other students from conversing with me, congratualing me (I had a few school-wide standing ovations over the gym, literally). It was to isolate me.
My classmates, supported openly by the school staff, openly beat anyone who dared to speak with me. Openly... Some of those came to me in secret with tales of gang-rape & torture. I was 11 years old at the time.
I begged children to get their parents to call the... cops to save my life in the gym. Many told me they did. A few of those told me the group had sent seducers, people who acted like friends to every member of their immeadiate family & tricked them all into going to the same spot. Once there the entire family were gang-raped & tortured by the Child-Molestors. Those who didn't show up were tricked into going to the "partyhouse" by thier own family members who were being tortured at that very moment. They told me their parents had made deals with the gang to hand them over to them for sex from now on in front of them in exchange for their silence and to end the pain.
Duh Jerk once bragged to me. "All I have to do is act so evil no one would believe someone could be so evil & no jury would ever convict me".
I asked many a victim & gangmember this question. "All over me? Why me"?
There answer has been consistant for decades. "Because of the gym". Ow...
"THE GYM"... It's about the time 100+ people tried to kill me publicly in front of over a thousand witnesses...
Hebrews 13:24 Salute all them that have the rule over you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute you.
It's the verse the gang say will be my undoing. God bless America!
A day in the life of... "THE GYM"... Its a tale of children's lives that were changed forever by madmen...
The gym... The gym... where do I begin? Writing what just might be my own epitaph isn't as fun as the average reader might think. The Child-Molestors brag that "THE GYM" is the most unbelieveable part of my story, that in telling it I only make them more powerfull & bring myself down... because... in the words of... cops whom I've begged for help. "No one could survive all that".
The children of the gym, my 10, 11, & 12 year-old classmates bragged to me that the gym was originally coreographed to enable the gang to kill me. "In the beginning we coreographed the gym so we could kill you & arm you with an impossible to believe story for when you went to the cops. The only problem was you wouldn't die"!
I know what you're wondering reader. "Coreography? Child-Murder? Who would do such a thing"? If I may be so bold as to answer you reader. "Coreography is the way a group of organized criminals kill children when they are "primarilly actors". This, is how it's done. Openly, absurdly. With the full weight of the... cops & the school staff to protect them, they have been all but invincible until now.
I almost belive the Child-Molestor's threats about the dangers of repeating the events of the gym. So, in this writing I will choose directly tell the tale of the gym, not directly at least. But, I will tell my story from the perspective of someone who silently followed me for a few days, and then on the last day stood outside the gym. Eh, I feel I've got only one chance to tell my story so I'd better get creative (gulp!). My life is on the line, children's lives are even now on the line because I worry about the children of the kids of the gym. Even worse? I'm getting old enough to worry about thier grandchildren. I even wonder what will become of their unborn great grandchildren who, if you fail to act reader, they will know no other life than to be loyal members of the Child-Molestors. It might be too late for me (I hope it isn't too late for me), but maybe it isn't too late for those kids. Maybe it isn't too late for the children of the gym who are now adults. Maybe there's a shred of decency in thier hearts & if law-enforcement can take the gang down they'll become the decent people they were meant to be before fall of 1976 forever changed their lives.

"THE GYM"!!!
The gym... hmmm... ow? "The Gym"... Today the reader decides to step up to the 1976 Public Middle School Cafateria at the end of the first period of school. Even as you walk up to the building you can clearly see an ambulance and a marked Bay City Police patrol car parked in the school's parking lot, both with thier vehicle's crews still in them. As you walk up another person cuts in front of you, only to be acosted by the officer who leaps from his car. He yells. "Hey! Where do you think you're going"?
The guy tells him. "I heard that thiey're trying to kill some kid in there and I came to see it for myself".
The cop speaks to him authoritatively as you walk by. "That's why we're here ionvestigating this. Do you have any I'D"?
Unnoticed by the bickering pair you walk up to the school's double doors to enter the building where an 11 year old child is sweeping the otherwise spotless parking lot. The child stops waht he's doing to interrogate someone else who's decided to enter the building from the other side of the sweeper. "Hey! You can't go through here! It's closed! Why are you here"?!
As you enter the door behind them you here the man say. "I heard that they're killing some kid in thier & I came to stop it".
The kid barks at the adult but the doble doors swing shut behind you cutting off the sound of what was said and are now drowned out by the sounds of what must be an ordinary middle-school gym class. going on at this very moment just ahead of you and to the left.
Standing in the hallway, by the cafateria are two people. A man and a boy all but silouheted by the bright light pouring from the windows of the cafateria into the darkened school hallway. Niether of them sees you. The boy is a non-descript 11-year old dressed like an average kid might in 1976. The man, who would come to wear an afro for decades has his hair cut like any businessman might & wears a cheap suit with a tie. From inside the room you can hear the sounds of children chanting... for my death! MINE! They are chanting, loudly for this author's death! "KILL DAVID GEORGE & BREAK HIS BONES"! The lyrics change but the message is the same. They are cheering for my death, calling me by name! By name... You can also hear the clacking of wood on wood repeatedly. Intermitently mixed with the sound of wood on stone.
Just as you strain to look through the narrow cafateria windows during those subtil few moments it takes for someone to adjust from near darkness to bright light where they find themselves all but blinded the first period school bell sounds marking the end of the school's first hour. Children burst through the door. Some of them look tired. Others are bruised here and there, some have thier limbs in slings. The man steps into the room and anounces something like unto. "Candy and cigarettes are available outside the gym door in the parking lot. And not just for the people of this class either, but for all of the kids in the 8th grade class too from now on. See Whore #1 outside the gym doors in the parking lot after class and she'll make sure you get some".
Now that your eyes have adjusted to the light you can make out 2 very different types of children in the room. The smaller, 11 year olds who are all about the room, many of whom are carrying improvised clubs that you suspect might be responsible for those clacking noises, & the larger & taller 13 year olds who are grouped around the door waiting to be the next class to use the cafateria for gym class.
The suit stands at the entrance to the room and "high-fives" many of the boys of the class as they leave. They look downtrodden, diappointed. The man in the suit tells them things like. "Don't worry. You'll get him tomorrow. He can't block forever".
Today, a few of those kids tell him they're worried about being punished. The guy in the suit laughs and tells them not to worry because they tried thier best. The only problem is that the scumbag is good at blocking but... "He can't block forever"! F.B. walks by him and the guy says something like. "On that note. See me after class F.B.".
F.B. lookes floored by his statement.
Then while pointing at 2 children standing by each other the guy in the suit angrilly says. "You told me and the bosses he'd fall by today"!
F.B. protests his innocence. Then, with his face filled with defeat & resignation he stands next to the suit.
Children leave, you walk up to the 2 children figuring that one of them is surely the one you're looking for. So you apraise them. One of them is dressed in fine silk & wears the finest sunglasses money can buy. He's thin, his hair is dirty, and is otherwise unremakable.
The other child is clearly the smallest male in the room. A hispanic boy. He's gasping for air and barely able to stand. As you walk up to aid him you hear him ask a few of the other boys for a favor between labored breaths. "I can't walk. Could you guys help me walk to the next class"? Then he puts his arms around 2 of them and spouts insults with the others. Pointing at the kid in sunglasses he takes in a large breath and joins them in shouting at the kid in sunglasses. "TOMORROW YOU"RE DEAD"!
The others join in with him saying things like. "YEAH! YOU"RE GOING TO DIE"! Leaving no doubt as to thier hatred of the kid in sunglasses. Some say a puzzling sentence. "WE CAN'T LOSE TOMORROW! HE'S DEAD"! "YOU HEAR THAT? TOMORROW WE CAN'T LOSE! TOMORROW YOU ARE GOING TO DIE"!
The kid in sunglasses steps into the center of the room and announces in a loud voice. "THIS IS AN ATTEMPTED MURDER! When you get home please tell your parents to call the police! And tell them not to talk to the cop at the front desk! Make sure they talk to his boss (not THE "His Boss", I meant the cop at the front desk's boss, a totally different guy). As always thank you for your help in this ongoing attempted murder".
It is at this point that you, the reader decides to follow the kid in the sunglasses to see what will become of him.
The guy in the suit asks you who you are and why you're trespassing on school property. Satisifed with your non-commital answer to him he introduces himself. "My name is Duh Jerk & this is the Gym Teacher". They're very pleased to meet non-commital you and they'd very much like it if you'd follow them and leave this room... yesterday! One strange thing gets your attention though. As the children filter out of the room you see many of them give the 2 adults in the room what they call a "Hiel Hitler Salute". It's a salute where the right arm is extended straight out from the body at a slight angle up and the hand is held horizontal to the groud. Contempt is painted on the faces of all the children who give them this salute. A few of the other kids change it up and raise a hand while keeping thier elbow at thier side in a Col Klink on the phone kind of salute when the pair aren't looking.
You chat a few non-commital words with the pair of seemingly nice guys and leave. It is at this point that you, the reader decides to follow the kid in the sunglasses to see what will become of him. As he leaves the room a pair of kids sneak up behind him with improvised clubs. The kid in sunglasses sees them, barely, the would-be attackers back off when he turns and clenches his fists. As the kid in sunglasses walks to the door he's... menaced. I mean... literally menaced. Children of both classes swing clubs at the kid and spout death-threats as he passes. Several promise him death. The boy is the last to leave the room and does so very cautiously, looking from side to side continuously...
The man in the suit aproaches you and asks. "Could I talk to you over here for a second please"?
Being the humble law-abiding citizen you are you follow the man in the suit for a short walk down the hall. Once there he see's someone and asks you if you'd be so kind as to wait there for a moment while he talks to someone for a few seconds. Hmmm... wait, wait wait.
A little girl pokes here head out of the nearby locker room door and asks you if you could help her. She's impaled herself on her back and if nice citizen you would simply help her she'd surely be greatfull.
Eh, what could it hurt. Helping people in distress is what good citizens do. Isn't it. In seconds your done, she's in no pain and very greatfull and the suit is greatfull that you waited and would be glad to talk to you anywhere but here.
A few men pass you in the hall and you overhear them say. "I'm telling you. The cop in the parking lot told me that they're investigating the entire situation and it's been resolved".
His pal says. "I heard him say it was all the kid with the sunglasses fault". Then you can no longer hear them as they walk away.
Eh, then you and the office staff have a reasonable chit chat and you leave. Or should I say, try to leave. As you walk to the room where you saw the children go to next you see a uniformed Bay City... cop walking inside whileHis Boss (not the cops boss, the guy I've nicknamed "His Boss") stands guard outside with his back to you, so you listen in.
They mumble a lot, you can't make out the entire conversation... "Do you know how I know you're lying"?
"Because you're covered in sweat. Liars sweat".
"If what I said was true about the gym then of course I'd be covered in sweat".
"Then why isn't anyone else covered in sweat"?
"Because they got to take breaks and worked in shifts and I had to fight the whole hour".
"No one's that tough".
It's hard to make it all out.
"Then why are you sitting here in this classroom calmly . If what you said was true and it was me I'd be acting up and going crazy. I wouldn't just sit here calmly like you are".
"I'm sitting here calmly because I'm a Christian and were supposed to obey our parents. My _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) ordered me to come her and be nice to them no matter what they did to me and here I am".
"Nobody's that stupid".
"Then how come more people aren't calling the police"?
"They are but the cop who works at the front desk is blocking thier calls".
The... cop points to the suit. "Then why are you obeying him and being nice to him? If what you were saying was trueand it was me I wouldn't listen to a single thing he had to say"?
Because I'm a Christian and my Bible say I have to submit authority. And besides that my _ _ _ _ _ _ (Honor honor honor) has ordered me to obey him no matter what he does to me so here I am".
"The kids in the gym brag that they recruit anyone who gets too nosey".
"All over you? You're just a kid. Why would they do that"?
"To cover up a hundred attempted murders".
The suit taps you on the shoulder and tells you everything is under control. "You must be lost. What side of the buiklding did you park on? I'll show you out".
Walking out of the building you see the ambulance crew, who had been just sitting in the parking lot, loading one of the 8th graders into the back of thier ambulance.
One of the guys who never got into the gym says. "That kid looked perfectly fine to me a few minutes ago when I saw them handing out candy outside of the cafateria a few minutes ago.
"The... cop asks him for his name & I.D. and he hands it over. Then the... cop drives away.
"The guys talks about there being something rotten in Denmark. "Something's not right here and I'm coming back tomorrow to see for myself". Then he points and asks. "Hey! Aint that the kid in the sunglasses"?
The child wearing sunglasses is running across the school field with about thirty screaming boys chasing him!
Being the good citizen you are you think to help him, but the kid has melted into the city by the time you get into your car. The boys scream about his impending death the next day as they stand gasping and give up the chase. "WE CAN'T LOSE TOMORROW"! "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE"! "Whew! I need a cigarette".
You decide to come back the next day and look into the gym for yourself.
Time passes...
The next morning comes and it's still dark outside when you discretly watch the school parking lot from afar. When the bright lights come on in the cafateria and the gym class filter in you're in a perfect positin to watch events unfold.
Then, a car filled with very large slobs pulls up behind you and one of them yells at you. "HEY! YOU CAN'T PARK HERE"!
When you tell them it's perfectly legal they disgorge from the car and give you two choice. Leave or be beaten up ahd then leave! When you complain they point to the Uniformed officer in his marked police car in the school parking lot and invite you to take it up with him.
Being persistant you park around the corner and decide to simply walk right up to the Cafateria's windows and see for yourself what's going on in there.
Just before you reach your destination someone with the same idea as you steps up to the windows and in a moment the car across the street disgorges it's troops. "Hey! You can't stand there"!
"But they're trying to kill that kid"!
A few well placed blows and quietly spoken words send the spectator limping away. As you slowly walk by the windows all you can see is that a scuffle of some sort is going on en-mass in the east end of the room. You also here the combined voices of children, litlle girls chanting for someone's death.
Sooo... you decide to probe the perimeter for any weaknesses. Discretely entering the building from another angle and following someone else you go on in only to here someone yell. "HEY! YOU CAN'T COME IN HERE"!
The guy you chose to follow stutters out an answer, telling the voivce in the blackened hallway that he wants to see if they're really trying to kill that kid for himself. The voice instructs him to file a police report with the uniformed officer in the parking lot. "I did and he wouldn't even look into the gym for himself".
That's when you walk past them and up to the brightly lit doors of the gym to see for yourself. In the few seconds it takes for your eyes to adjust to the bright light you listen in and recognise the voice in the suit. In horror you realise... it's open murder he's discussing... openly. There is no doubt in your mind as you look into the
middle school cafateria that a premeditated and rehearsed attempted murder is going on.
A uniformed Bay City... cops sneaks up behind you. "Who are you? What are you doing here"? "Do you have any I.D."?
You answer his questions and tell him that there's an attempted murder going on in the other room.
"I've investigated the situation myself and there isn't any evidence that anything illegal is going on in there".
"But they're chanting for the kid's death! Can't you here it"?
"Ahhh... that doesn't prove a thing".
"Look for yourself".
"Wait right here and I'm going to check your name on the police radio".
The bell sounds, children filter out as they had before, the littlest kid is nowhere to be seen.
A boy walks up to the... cop and hands him some photos and points at you.
The uniformed Bay City... cop looks at the emeging man in the suit and says. "This man says that you were trying to kill some kid in the cafateria just now".
The suit smiles and says. "This man has been tresspassing on public school property and has been sneaking into the girl's locker room and taking pictures of the girls. Yesterday I took some pictures of him sneaking into the girls locker room. Here, see for yourself".
The... cop looks at the photos and says. "This kid told me that this man shoved these pictures in the trash when he saw me coming". Then he turns to you and hands you the pictures. "Did you take these photos sir"?
Looking at the pictures of girls in compromising situations you stammer out a plea of innocence.
The 4 or 5 little girls surrounding you tell the cop. "That guy was perving on me"!
The unifomed Bay City... cop says. "We've had a report of a man harrasing little girls in this neighborhood with your description". He puts his hand next to his pistol and adds. "Please turn around and put your hands behind your back".
Knowing that you are innocent you ponder what will become of your life? The frame job is flawless, no jury would ever doubt your guilt. You wonder how many people they did this to before you? Then you shudder wondering how many people they plan to do it to after they've finished with you? You have no idea what will become of you but realize that it is very possible that your life will be forever changed in the next few hours.
Then you see that kid in the sunglasses and dressed in silk and he's covered with a few new bruises as he slowly walks out of the cafateria, alone...
That kid in sunglasses, me, I was eleven years old.
The children of "The Gym" bragged that the freedom of many innocent Americans ended as depicted above. Some of those victims sreamed atred at me. It prompted one of the Child-Molestors to brag to me in the coming decades. "You are our recruiter. We've recruited hundreds of people because of you and they all have a vested interest in seeing that you go down".
When does the hurting stop?
Ps: I am spell checking the website, it's going to take a while.
On another note... I got bit by a tick 2 weeks ago... it was dug in deep! My Dr. told me to come in for treatment if I get "pink-eye", a rash, or a sore throat. Today, November 2, 2013, I have a rash & a very sore throat. Ow...
When does the hurting stop?
"They tortured me and made me call my grandma and trick her into coming to thier torture. I watched them rape & torture my grandma with dogs. I hate you because IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! ALL BECAUSE I HELPED YOU"! I was 11 when I heard this... in "the gym".
The Child-Molestors preach love & pleasure behind closed doors. They bring only pain, woe, and death with them wheresoever they go.
During the first month or so of "The Gym" all of the first period students did excersises before class. After a time it was decided it'd be easier to kill me if they made us preform a massive amount of excersise prior to my attempted murder. This was quickly put to an end because the Child-Molestor kids whined that it left them without strength & I seemed to be getting all the stronger because of them. Weird, but true...

A poster not found in "The Gym".

The Gym... The... cops... and the social circus...
Sooo... Picture the scene in The Gym... Children mull about on the south side of the hard-floored cafateria, two classes worth over 60+ students. The Gym Teacher and Duh Jerk are openly making plans to kill me, in the old days they pretended to be above it, now it's deliberate practiced rehearsed attempted murder of a child unfolding in a room with 60+ co-conspiritors.
little girls chant in the backround openly for my death. "KILL DAVID GEORGE AND BREAK HIS BONES"!
A child points at me and yells. "YOU"RE GOING TO DIE"!
Another points and adds. "WE'RE GOING TO KILL YOU"! Another child yells.
"TODAY YOU DIE"! Yells another.
The gang huddle, with the only 2 adults in the room and openly plan my attempted murder. Believe it or not, it started as a joke, each of the gang is required to put his right palm vertical about chest high, hold it there briefely while saying. "Kill David George". All of them do it, and by all I mean... ALL. Adults and children. Several children around the room sport bruises from when they forgot to salute. The salute is mandatory whenever any 2 loyal gangbangers meet, children or adults. In times past I wandered nearby and listened into the plans as best I could and it may've saved my life! It doesn't work this time and they send me packing.
SWISH! CRACK! THUDD! I put down another child who atatcked me with another attemted sneak-attack. They're getting better at them... but so am I at blocking them. He is uninjured as per my parent's orders. "ONE OF US WILL GET YOU NEXT TIME"! His guys high-five him as do the Gym Teacher & Duh Jerk who says. "You'll get him next time".
Children all line up and select whatsoever sport equipment they will, me too (no padding, no helmets, jut to be thorough). All 9 of them form up at the west side of The Gym and I on the east side as is my custom. in the past, weeks ago, the gang were all quite cocky and they'd have smiles covering their faces. The smiles faded many coolie dances ago and now they all wore looks of grim determination.
The whistle blows! What happened next? The premeditated deliberate, rehearsed, attempted-murder of an 11 year-old child! Me... David A. George... just me...
Minutes pass... tick tick tick.
A uniformed Bay City... cop walks unannounced into the room! The attempted murder continues for a few more seconds and all is quiet. He asks. "What's going on in here"?
Duh Jerk is quick to rush over and put his arm around the officer. Nothing is going on... the children just got a little carried away is all.
Me? I chimed in. Until now the... cops told me that since they saw no violence there was nothing they could do to help me unless my parents filed a police report (they did not for trivia's sake only). Now the attempted murder had happened in front of a uniformed officer on duty who'd come to investigate my many many many many many complaints.
Duh Jerk assured him that he'd take care of the situation. Personally.
To wich I added he was ALLREADY taking care of my attempted murder... PERSONALLY!
The... cop said he'd trust him to reign in the scamps.
I asked him to at least make the gang lower their clubs... and to stop the guys who were discretely (but not discretely enough) trying to circle behind me.
"The Uniformed Bay City... cop said. "Okay eveybody put your weapons down". No one did, if anything they menaced me all the more with them. The... cop tried several more times, he even ordered them to stop encircling me, no one obeyed. So he ordered me to put my weapon down.
I refused. The way I saw it was I was in the midst of an attempted murder as we spoke, the gang were circling, and I wasn't leaving myself defenceless.
So he threatened to arrest me. He told me not to move, to stay put so he could talk to me.
I pointed to the crowd of my attempted murderers who were even now were visibly inching closer & closer to me on all sides & said. "Arrest them! You ordered them to put down their weapons first and they didn't obey. Hey I'm backing up and repositioning myslef because I'm not letting them get behind me while they're armed".
They kept circling... The uniformed Bay City... cop kept threatening... I stepped back... at the ready...
So we chatted about the subject while the gang circled like a pack of well-armed hungry wolves, the subject of my attempted murder that was unfolding in front of him, as if the hour at the police station the night before wasn't enough. At one point in the fruitless debate I ponted out. "But the entire class was chanting for my death when you came in. What do you mean it wasn't an attempted-murder"?
Me? I was outraged to say the least! I told him, my greatest doubter. "At the police station you spent an hour telling everybody how much of a wimp I was and how nobody could be as tough as I say. You saw the fighting. What do you got to say now"?
He sized me up, nodded and said. "You've got some moves". Then he left.
Duh Jerk sent a child to make sure he was gone and in a minute or 2 the child reported the... cop had indeed left.
The pre-meditated planned practiced and rehearsed attempted murder began anew...
The above happened several times in the weeks to come & with an assortment of uniformed on-duty Bay City... cops. People identifying themselves as Social Services of all sorts showed up too, so did concerned parents and people on the street I'd motivated to investigate. Well, until the gang perpetually placed guards at the parking lot, the windows across the street, and down the hallway in case any... cop or would-be vigilante tried sneaking in from the direction of the offices.
Picture me dressed in silk and wearing sunglasses coming running out of the school full tilt!
Then picture 30+ children all carring improvised weapons screaming and chasing me!
It happened several times...

Today Snitchgirl aproached me in the darkened shool hallway as I warilly aproached the very well-lit gym and told me an unusual message. It seems the children of the gym, my cheering mass-murderers who called for my death openly in song and cheers wouyldn't be in "The Gym". No. Today it would be the children who I was "officially" in school with. She told me what kids had been telling me for years. Most... most of the children in my class were not who they said they were. only 5 or so were, the rest were switched up with their Child-Molestor counterparts from a distant farming community & assigned the names of children based on who they could pose as to the uninitiated. Blonde girls posed as other blonde girls. Dark-haired boys posed as other dark-haired boys. She, & the other kids sub,mitted as proof that I never... never bumped into a single one of my classmates after school... ever. She asked me where any of them lived? Did I know? Certainly the gang were horrible bulies... didn't I ever notice that after school hours I was never bullied by them?
Over the years the gang bragged I'd never met the real class, my fellow students on paper only. Well, not personally. But I'd met them annually and more in drugged torture sessions... they were the kids who tortured me so often... and the gang had a bazillion photos and films of us mixing as friends. Torture? Not with my bestest film buddies.
Worse that all that? The fact that in their class, the child of a loyal gang-member was their version of "The Kid Anyone Can Hit" and the people who I went to school with did to him what thier counterparts did to me & worse. Worse than that? The gang later bragged to me that they intended to kill that child. Again... these are the children of loyal gang members. Some... have it inflicted up[on them in the form of a punishment "You screwed up so now either we do this to you or you give us one of your kids and we'll do it to them as a lesson to everyone else" or... more likely... to prove their loyalty to the gang... hoping to gain favor, rank, or reward, they sell their children thusly into it. Others just do it for the money. They tell me there's a lot of money to be made in raping and torturing children.
Truth is the children whined about their 2 hour bus-ride from thier real homes... a smack torture horror and rapefest they endured at the hands of the "Munger Boy 5".
"Truth is"? Did I say that? Truth... the bible says the truth shall set you free. We shall see.... hmmm...
The truth is the gang brag their secret weapon is a bazillion lies... I assure the reader it is a power that no Mid-Michigan... cop I've ever met has ever been strong enough to oppose (menatally strong enough nor physically). The truth? The gang brag that the camera is their best friend and can submit as proof the quotes of Dirty & Idiot... cops alike. "The camera never lies".
The camera never lies? Like this...
They filtered in a load of kids I didn't know... filmed us... then we proceeded to play the fun version of events. While no one was mean to me... not a one of them bent over to be nice. That was the 1st 2/3rds of "The Gym" that day.
The final 2/3rds? That was an attempted murder complete with improvized clubs, door guards, and coached murderous advice pre-rehearsed and actively coached by The Gym Teacher, father of the Used Car Salesman who'd be by later to throw his hat into the arena.
"We intend to follow you around for the rest of your life as revenge for the gym".

Bay City's Rape Learning Center.
"Centrally" located for all your child rape and baby-killing needs. Serving the mid-Michigan area since Circa 1948

Not in my city... it'd be on News 5 or something.
I absolutely premeditated deliberately try to kill a child in front of 60+ witnesses... on film...
The rules... the rules are, I'm not making reading this tale easy. Soooo... I'm going to deliberately obscure half or more of it behind a few pictures. Then I'm going to make the type insanely small so it's difficult, but not impossible to read. This is for symbolism. To harden investigators to the fact that many witnesses will have a poor picture of the events that are my ongoing stalking by a gang of madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. They will not have seen everything & someone will have deliberately obscured the facts. Be it through manipulating victims perspective, lies, or PRACTICAL jokes (the theater the gang are so fond of staging that makes them invincible before... cops & vigilantes who would trouble them). Symbolism! Ya gotta love it!
We begin in The Gym itself. My 1st period gym class held in the school cafeteria. 60+ boys & girls mostly in their teens, upper teens, & mixed with men in their early, mid 20-s & early 30s. They brag they've been instructed to cheer to obscure the sounds of battle to come. The Gym Teacher & Martin "Duh Jerk" are in full command & I stand alone.
We all gather up the rugged sports equipment & take our sides. In the early days of "The Gym" they placed people on my "side" to keep up appearances that I wasn't alone. Today... as in the future... I stand alone before hostile men & boys who openly shout death threats at me & teen aged girls who act as cheerleaders who chant for my demise. As stated it is they who will form a circle around me if I can be injured & act as though they were my admirers, just in case someone shows up. Then the Ambulance workers, for whom today is the 1st & only day they will be full-time in The Gym" took up positions at the door as did 1 pair of guards at each door into the cafeteria.
Even the Gym Teacher, alleged daddy of The Used Car Salesman (I wonder) shouts promises that I'll die today. The men & teens huddle with Duh Jerk & the ever-smiling Gym Teacher (whenever death was promised against me).
I was left alone, to pray to God, and I've left him out a little too much in my website, as nearly every single thing in all my website was proceeded by a prayer. Most of them in faith.
I spoke to the combined classes, my attempted-murderers. "This is an attempted murder"!
A few spoke up & mirrored the guy, the man doing the talking. "We know that"! "YEAH"! "Yeah"! "ALL RIGHT"! "We're only doing this because you're so much of a scumbag". I "noted" the phrase, indicative of those counciled by Martin Oak.
I claimed innocence. When they called me a liar I asked. "Then what did I do"?
"You know what you did"! A typical, always scripted answer back. The way it was described to me is the easily manipulated vigilantes are shown a film or 2 by a guy in a suit (Oak, Marty to his "pals") & then sworn to secrecy & told not to tell the victim. This allows the gang to tell each & every victim a different story, based on their personal likes & dislikes and makes it so if they or... cops try to make sense of it all it investigating their stories will come out as a twisted mess. Eh, I had to try.
It was Martin Oak who was in charge & when he was convinced they'd come up with a good enough plan to kill me & been briefed enough to carry it out he signaled The Gym Teacher to begin.
I ponder a plan... & it's based on a discussion I'd recently had with My Mother...
Flashback to home... a few days ago.
The pain was too great. I just couldn't take it anymore. My Father (Honor Honor Honor) ordered me to unquestioningly obey My Mother when we chatted about the goings on "in The Gym". My Mother (Honor honor honor) had ordered me not to hurt anyone on school property no matter what they did to me. Let me add quotes to her exact words. "I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY'RE DOING TO YOU! YOU DON'T HURT ANYONE ON SCHOOL PROPERTY NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO TO YOU"! She said I could block anyone's attacks, but the deliberate inflicting of pain or attacking to defend myself was forbidden & I tried my best to obey her, even to the death. Why? Because they called me "The Good Kid". The Good Kid is a Christian. He's an example. The Good Kid obeys unquestioningly and I feared if I didn't keep my ethics absolutely pure God wouldn't help me survive "The Gym". Yeah... I was like that. I hated that nickname. She'd also forbidden me from fighting any of the children in my class no matter where they attacked me & no matter what they did to me. I could block them & that's it & I tried my best to obey her & my Father too.
But I've decided to tempt punishment again (because My Mother had forbade the subject under threat of great pain from herself, her Brother/Enforcer, and the Police). But I had to try. She had a screaming argument with me. Note my choice of words. "She"... had a screaming... "argument"... with "me". Me? I was calm and respectful, not at all like in later films of me dazed, drugged, in the midst of a deprivation torture, or after one had occurred (those films will be quite convincing against me I'd suppose & will make me look Quite bad in court). During the discussion I tried to impress upon her that they were trying to kill me in The Gym. Her? She called me a liar & had stated my classmates were her friends, though I only ever saw her with any of them later at gang-rapes, but that is a different subject.
During her screaming she admitted the possibility that if I blocked an opponent in The Gym they might get pain. She said it was okay to inflict pain on my classmates in the Gym or anywhere else, as long as they were uninjured, but not in my classroom no matter what they did to me. I could also defend myself against any new students they might bring into the classroom but not against the one's who were presently in my classroom by any legal means. I stopped the conversation right there, lest she re-word herself.
... Back to the present.
I look out across the sea of hate that is promising me death. Openly. These guys are not my classmates. I figured I'd do what I'd been trained to do all my life by the Ordeal in the Back Hall. For a time... then, if they were for real, if they really were going to try to kill me, I would kill or cripple as many of them as it took to live. I was 11 years old in fall of 1976 & in 6th grade. Today was no different than any day as of late in "The Gym. Just a different, much larger & older crowd was all.
I looked out into the men & teens who were the 1st tasked with killing me. Normally I attacked the largest guy & the gang bragged they knew this. I eyed up the smallest kid there. He would be 1st... IF they tried to kill me. IF...
... Freeze frame...
Lets skip ahead... just a few minutes... Not long... Not long at all...
The Gym Teacher rushes up to the smallest teen who's laid out on the ground before me & checks him. The room which seconds ago was filled with giddy, calm, very self-assured self-righteous card-carrying child-molester children turned quite self-righteously angry at me. Typical. They try to kill you but they get in a tizzy when it gets personal. The Gym Teacher summoned the Ambulance crew over & they examined him. One of them announced the Smallest Kid was about to die and they should get him to a hospital or he might not live.
Martin Oak shouted! "NO ONE ENTERS! NO ONE LEAVES"! No one was coming or going no matter what during this & if the kid died he died. He said you cant let people come and go during an attempted murder no matter what, no matter who dies. It's just too dangerous.
They retrieved a scalpel from the other side of the room (where they had big boxes filled with medical stuff) and cut a hole in the kid's throat right there on the floor & stuck a tube in the hole while the men & teens tasked with my attempted murders screamed threats all the more that I would die for this. That kid was popular & well loved. The crowd screamed & many begged Duh Jerk to simply mob me & kill me & he forbade it. My death had to look like a sporting accident to anyone who wasn't there. I thought to myself that this was a dangerous situation. "Good. These guys are too calm. I don't want them calm. I want them angry & getting sloppy & making bad decisions". Me? I'm very good at making people angry. Just ask anyone once the... cops have broken a few of the Child-Molesters.
They screamed & shouted all the more for my death!
Me? I chose the quiet & respectful route. Like usual.
Martin Oak was furious at the delay. He noted aloud that the Bosses had told him he had 1 hour to kill me this time & no more. There would be no more delays where half the school showed up to watch the tail end of the going's on in The Gym... today. He'd remarked earlier that the whole thing was on closed-circuit TV & the bosses were watching and The Gym had been scheduled for an hour only because there was another fight at the top of the hour.
The smallest child was replaced by a giant & The Gym Teacher signaled for my attempted murder to begin again. Is that 1 attempted murder or 2 because of the slight break? Just wondering is all?
Fast forward to the end. They indeed "went over" the hour, but not by much and the 2 classes of 30 8th Graders who normally used the classroom after we did had seen or had the opportunity to see everything. Martin Oak said that they'd been okayed by The Bosses to go 5 minutes over & no more. Surely they'd switched the action to another fight going on elsewhere he remarked.
The Ambulance drivers had created a triage station at the main doors to the cafeteria & bodies lay all over the ground & men & teens leaned against the wall or wore slings & one used crutches as the case may be. SOme lay on the ground staring up. Others were white as sheets & I hoped they were merely sleeping. One teen was doin that strained breathing thing. Where a victim makes sharp, strained, labored inhales and he screamed as best he could between some breaths.
Martin Oak said. "Shut him up"!
The Ambulance Crew complained that they'd used all their pain-killers on the other kids, if only they could go out to the Ambulance & get more. This kid was in agony & they figured the Smallest Child would live but be brain-damaged for life now.
Martin Oak yelled at them. "SHUT HIM UP NOW! We cant open up the doors until he quits screaming"! Because they didn't want to alert the whole school with some child screaming in mortal agony.
4 or 5 men & teens jumped the man & covered his mouth & nose while he fought them as best he could.
A few of them shouted threats, especially for the smallest child who the Ambulance crew claimed would probably live. They weren't giddy like when they came in. They were all depressed, some were angry, others just wanted it to go on, positive they could kill me if they only had a few more minutes.
Martin Oak told me I could leave... now if I wanted. When I balked at the offer he looked around, spread his arms, and offered me the alternative to stay if I wanted.
I chose to leave.
One of the crowd complimented me. I wont repeat it.
Duh Jerk was furious! "NO ONE COMPLIMENT HIM AS HE LEAVES! CALL HIM NAMES"! He instructed them to cheer, to cheer loud as I left to cover any noise & men & teens nearest me screamed insults as I walked out the double doors.
I testify that the above tale is true to the best of my ability. What happened in back there that fall day in 1976? I ain't saying. Today. Why don't you ask them?
Where those kids & men came from I have no idea. But I have a hunch. Just a guess...
Was that one of the days when Detective Watson guarded the outside? He did it at least twice that I'm aware of. I'm not accusing... just asking... The gang bragged that even on the few days when I didn't personally see them, that a Bay City or Bay County... cop was always there, in the parking lot, or parked across the street or up to a block away towards the end of "The Gym".
ADDENDUM... Add'em dumb... I AM addressing Bay City... cops & F.B.I. here after all. Ain't I?
Where could you get so many giddy child-killers? If such a community existed wouldn't it... maybe... maybe be "famous"... even "infamous" for letting a one or more super serial-killers "innocently slip through the cracks"? Yeah... maybe you're probably thinking. But where are any such areas in America?
My advice... pick up a newspaper... go read a book for once in your life. Famous for 'slipping through the cracks"? Famous for letting a child slip through the cracks AND within driving distance of "The Gym" with a proven record of super serial-killer? Hmmmm... To even ponder the subject is all the proof most skeptics tell me they need. But then again. They also tell me that if I dont make guesses, and hunches based on observation & clues that, that too proves I'm a liar.
Soooooo... like usual. I'm damned if I do, & damned if I don't. If I'd been injured or killed in The Gym & the films of my life came out I'd be screwed in death. But to even mention them or even the act of pleading for help itself, is enough for most... cops to condemn me... and Bay City... cops tell me they feel pretty good about themselves when they do. Dirty, clean, and even the... cops in-between.

The Gym (thē jim) noun Command given by a Child-Molester to kill a given child under the guise of sports exp: "Take that kid to The Gym & shut him up"!

Double the fun... for the Molestors...
Sooooo.... it was 1st Whore #1, then later Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak who announced to the combined classes that after the 1st period class free candy & cigarettes would be handed out in the Parking Lot & not mentioned as much was that any girl could expect to receive free clothing. 60+ children were from 2 separate classes & made up the Children of "The Gym" & was payment for participating in my on-going attempted murder. But now the gang extended the free candy, cigarettes & clothes to the 2 classes of 8th Graders who had become witnesses to The Gym & even become increasingly involved. Some actively assaulting me & joining in attempted murder attempts. Unlike the 6th graders I grew up with who made up The Gym until now many of them apologized. Telling me they had no intention of hurting me. They just wanted to party with the child-molesters.
Me? I accepted the apology of everyone who chose to apologize for things like going to "Kill Dave Themed Parties", yes they said it was the theme of the parties (note my choice of words, parties & not party) & even had chanted for my death or even attacked me based on Molestor accusations politely & even fended off attacks of a few of them who used an opportunity to apologize to me to enable them to attempt to lull me into a feeling of security so they could facilitate killing me. It wasn't fun & Kill & murder was in the vocabulary used by children & adults of The Gym, even while openly chanting for my death when... cops were near which they informed me proved nothing anyway.
My Parent's orders were the same concerning them. I could not defend myself no matter what they did to me no matter what. They attacked me with impunity wheresoever they chose as did my classmates. Giggling about the certainty of my coming death & the rewards surely to come from it.
The Molsetors got a few more of them to join in the fight as time went on.
Then Molestors tell me the candy & cigarettes are just a lure & they're drugging 1 child a day, or 2, & recruiting them by force. Usually calling their parents & torturing them beside their kids with the films as outlined elsewhere.
Even worse was when the Molestor Kids told me the 8th Graders were on to them. They knew about the drugs in the candy. So now the gang were simply abducting the rest of the kids one at a time & shuffling them out of school in the convenient ambulance that was empty because I was not in it.
Then, one day, Martin Duh Jerk" Oak makes an announcement. The 2 classes, 60+ towering 8th Graders half boys & half girls, would now be joining us for The Gym. Now... they would join in what they were trying to do to me.
How'd that work out?
It went on for 2 days. A few children of the 8th Graders were hurt, but not much nor were many of them hurt.
Day 3 Martin Oak summons me into the hall & says the 8th Graders will no longer participate in my attempted murder. "Do you want to know why"?
Sure... I listened. Anything to delay going into The Gym if even for a few more seconds of life.
The Smiling Madman said it was because of all the 8th Graders who were getting busted up. He liked to cheer up his troops by calling me a coward who wouldn't fight & by saying "He can block but he cant hit"! With kids so many children regularly getting busted up since the 8th Graders joined it had become impossible to sell the narrative. "Plus too many people are noticing the 8th graders are all getting busted up".
Cops who came by threatened me often with both legal & illegal violence & I fought a war of words as much as anything else to save my life against those... cops.
Kids of all ages in The Gym were walking around the room and when they came up behind Duh Jerk or the Gym Teacher they secretly gave them the Nazi Salute in protest quite often.
The gang's leaders brag I am their Recruiter. By pouring out the gang's evil on the children of loyal molester families they provide for a focus to recruit formerly honest citizens by enticing them into vigilante acts against a "scumbag who's got it coming". But they don't know the Child-Molester's "real game". Neither does a single... cop I ever met in my entire life.
Picture 120 or more children & adults chanting for your death, day after day while they facilitate making it happen.

CHILD-MOLESTER ALERT!!! November 14, 2017
Yeah... I've spent several days in yet another (sigh...) gang SLEEP-DEPRIVATION ATTACK!!!
In recent days it was just the same animal noises tape played over & over with an occasional soft firecracker lit nearby. Easy to ignore, so I obeyed the Bible. If they persecute you in one city, move to the next. So I left Armold MD & moved to Anapolis MD. With only a slight delay the attack began anew.
Last night, the attack was taken to the next level. At least 2 men (I heard them talking, children too... of course) who were in poor physical shape pounded on the trees not 25 yards from my place with what I'd guess was a plank or log after I got home shortly after dark until after midnight. My Ritchie Hwy/Boulter's home is isolated from my neighbors who I'd bet heard very little if anything.
When I moved to investigate the very nearby "poorly made animal noises" they stopped immediately leading me to believe they were produced by someone watching on a small camera as I don't think someone that close could've avoided my search. I checked the trees and found the bark on some to be bruised & battered due to repeated pounding by out of shape men. How do I figure that? They didn't seem to be able to pound for long before tiring. Whoever is in charge of stalking me is surely slacking. Martin Oak would surely have coked those guys up & they'd have pounded like mighty molesters into the night. Poor show slackers. Poor show indeed.
This has strained me physically & mentally. I'm probably what I'll call in the early stages of sleep deprivation. You get tired, mental abilities only mildly impaired. I've come up with "a plan", we'll see.
What does this mean?
Since I was "lured" here by an easily provable bait & switch con I can only conclude the gang, which boasts interstate friends from state to state in the molestor community (who as a courtesy tell me they all cover for one another... for a fee) I figure they wanted me here or nearby for reasons unknown... but I can guess (and none of my guesses are good). A simple frame-job or is "The End" for me. If so the gang has promised me 100 times that anywhere from 1 to thousands (the thousands is more recent) will die horrible deaths to insure the Gang's revenge for the indignity of "The Gym".
Simply put... lots & lots of people are probably about to die. Quite possibly horribly.
I suspect that if I am unable to extricate myself or get the proper amount of R.E.M. Sleep (look it up... cops) I will grow increasingly irrational, unpredictable, & all the other good stuff that comes with sleep deprivation.
Simply put... the gang would NOT do this to me if their ducks were not all in a row.
To that end I suspect that the... cop(s?) on duty last night responsible for answering calls to my address was indeed crooked, in case I called the police. Failing that the gang tell me they would normally keep them busy during attacks by pinning them to a single spot by creating family disturbances, bar disturbances & such where cops are pinned to one spot but no one actually goes to jail. I'd bet on the crooked... cop being on call.
Driven insane by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. Not as glamorous as... cops try to tell me.
Please help me!
Soooo... after about the 1st week of The Gym the staff forbade the Children of the Gym to talk to me. Most just acted like they obeyed & chatted with me whenever school staff or child officers were not around.
Of course... as The Gym went on I had to ask the question? Why are you trying to kill me? Seemed like a legitimate question to me & I asked it of lots of children & adults in the coming months. Soon... a pattern emerged.
A popular answer was. "Because you're such a scumbag". Being I was the scummiest of scum in a room full or recreational kidnapping raping torturing children and adults it was moral to kill me.
Why? What did I do? I asked? Again... seemed like a legitimate follow-up question to me.
"You know what you did". They refused to discuss it. By far the most popular answers.
Others were not so secretive. They told me various answers. They said I was a slimy upon slimy child-pornographer. They'd seen the films so there was no sense in lying. I had to die.
Fagboy & a few others started with a recreational murder answer. They were going to kill me because they could. I made them look bad in front of the Bosses and the girls & they knew killing me would be something the school staff would cover up FOR them. So why not kill me? At 1st they said it was because it would be easy to kill me. Being I was considered the school wimp why not? It'd be fun. As time went on it was revenge motivated.
Still others said I was a recreational serial-killer. They'd seen the films of me killing people & knew that I was the biggest scumbag in the room so there was no believing my lies about being framed by a gang they knew were professional frame artists.
I recall 1 or 2 guys. 1 in my class... one was "an 8th Grader in The Gym". They told me they hated me because they knew I was a Christian. In the words of one of them "a goodie goodie". Reason enough to kill me. They hated goodie goodies and their knowledge of my nickname as The Good Kid was all they needed to kill a goodie goodie like me. Literally.
A few said they hated Christians. Reason enough to die. Period!
There were other, always vile accusations limited only by the perverse minds of professional perverts. Several told me they knew Martin Oak's M.O. (that's... copspeak there, most of you... cops will probably have to look that 1 up). He finds out what an individual hates, approaches them with films to confirm that the gang's intended victim is from that category of people, and then swears them to silence. A few will break the silence but comparing notes only leads to a hopelessly tangled web of lies a few more lies & another film can cover later.
Soooo... as was my custom... I confronted my child-murderers. Martin Oak & the Gym Teacher Pease, alleged father of the Used Car Salesman & the Children of The Gym by standing in the middle of the Gym & beginning the conversation the same way. "THIS IS AN ATTEMPTED MURDER".
I recall Fagboy & the Deathpact Dozen countering with. "You deserve this because you are such a scumbag"!
I asked what I usually did. "Why? What did I do that makes me such a scumbag"?
They answered in their always pre-prepared answer. "You know what you did". Never addressing the subject lest public scrutiny reveal the web of lies.
Today... I openly address the web of lies. Revealing that I'd talked to many of them & what their reasons for my murder were & I pointed at each as I said it.
"You're trying to kill me because I'm a recreational serial killer (point) who is a recreational child-pornographer because you all know I'm poor & I'm not making any money off it like you are, a goodie goodie Christian, who's the biggest scumbag in the room when you know (point at Oak & Pease) those two are recreational child-killers"?
I have never met a... cop who didn't look at me with a glazed look while I repeated any of this when they asked "Why are they trying to kill you"? Or. "Why did they try to kill you"?
Sooo... The Gym began. A few of the children actualy talked to me prompting Duh Jerk to yell out orders. "No one talk to him"! While pointing at me. "You can call him all the names you want but no talking nice to him"! Then he arranged for the girls of The Gym (that day's girls) to yell insults at me. Everyone was in good spirits and they hurled insults one after the other. All in all a normal day actually.
During a break in the action while my attempted murderers were taking a break one of them said. "We're from Detroit". I looked over & unlike others who'd chatted Duh Jerk was silent on this rules violation.
I told them (Others joined in) I didn't buy it for a second.
Later Snitchgirl told me she'd overheard them being ordered by Duh Jerk to say they were from Detroit. When I asked her where they were from she shrugged and said her best guess was the nearby city of Bridgeport. "We have a powerful chapter of the gang there". Noting they often did a lot of the gang's dirty work in Bay City.