Combined we killed a lot of kids!And the... cops helped!!!
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang
Welcome to my often sabotaged site. The Child-Molesters said they would and who was I to doubt them?
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.-David A. George 6-26-17
I am a fugitive from a Michigan rape gang:
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.
David A. George
"Kill one person and you create a tragedy the police will investigate because it is such a tragedy. Kill a hundred people and you create a laughable crime the police will laugh at when you try to tell them about it".-Martin Oak Circa 1987 The author of this website's opinion of the subject? Yup.
This website is an attempt to save what remains of my life.. Sigh... -David A. George 1-5-18
Those ethical Child-Molestors!
I prayed. Every day. Here's what happened...
Soooo... there I was, standing in the very center of "The Gym". I addressed the crowd of 80+ middle school students, the always smiling or laughing Gym Teacher, Duh Jerk, and any guest "designated hitters" (to put it nicely & to confuse Mid-Michigan... cops who might "dare to read this"). Armed with a large aamount of weapons the entire Gym (actually the cafateria, another class of gym was taught in the gymnasium at that time) who were either chanting openly for my murder, calling for my death & me by name or huddled together openly planning my murder. I stepped up & said what I always said. "THIS IS A ATTEMPTED MURDER". The entire room caame to a halt & all eyes were on me. Then I discussed the morality of murder, what it was, & why it was wrong. Daily.
Fagboy pointed & shouted (other kids too). "You're only getting what you deserve"! He went on & on how I was the biggest scumbag in the room.
"But everyone calls me The Good Kid".
Eh, he & the rest of'em never did have a good comeback for that one.
Duh Jerk was fond of saying. "You cant block forever".
It seems that killing me, seeing as I was such a scumbag, was a hertoic act. They were the good guys, I was the bad guy they all called The Good Kid. In time Duh Jerk & His Boss Vern E. Julian banned calling me The Good Kid as a punishment to me, to begin debasing me, presumably to "thier level".
I hated that nickname.
Those ethical Child-Molestors!
A Uniformed on duty Bay City Michigan... cop showed up. I'd convinced many to come to The Gym. They were openly attacking me with weapons when the... cops arrived. Often.
Duh Jerk was either there or quickly summoned but The Gym Teacher said it too. They could ignore me. Sure the kids had gotten a little out of hand. But kids are wont to do that now & again. They gave their word they'd reign in the class.
My attempted murder began anew as soon as those... cops were gone. They even threatened... me sometimes & then left. The usual, arrest, physical violence, imprisonment. It's called "Bay City Justice".
My Mother & her Enforcer her Brother were pounding me day & night.
The... cops were threatening me with legal AND illegal violence & horrors no kid should haave to hear, let alone live.
The school staff were trying to kill me.
My fellow students were trying to kill me.
Child Protective Services were covering for the gang full-time.
They imported "designated hitters" from afar every day to try & kill me.
My Bro was trying to kill me.
When you wear a suit & work with kids like Duh Jerk did there's almost no one who wont help you kill a child... IF you call them names long enough.
The... cops told me no one would do that. Basic ethics, even for child-molesters means no one would do such a thing.
Those ethical Child-Molestors!
MOLESTOR ETHICS SAVE THE DAY... Justice was served... Molestor styled !!!
"Do you know how I know you're lying"? Several uniformed & onduty... cops asked me?
"No". But I was interested to know their opinion.
"As soon as you started trashing child-molsters I knew you were lying". I heard it bunches from... cops all over the Saginaw Valley. It seems that, in they're opinion. The stalking raping recreational child-killing child-molesters I'd described just plain old couldn't happen around here. They'd all met molesters and were singularly impressed by their perceived ethics. They were all... ALL CHILD-MOLSTRERS were just too ethical.
Those ethcal Child-Molestors!
Do you know why we're torturing you?
Because I want to be able to prove that you're a pervert for court later. Do you know why we're filming it?
Because no cop would believe that I waould be so stupid as to film a rape.
He was right...
Those ethcal Child-Molestors!
The 5th Unarmed Man... not yet.
Those ethical Child-Molestors! As a Mid-Michigan or Schofield Wisconsin... cop... You love them!

Someone else who probably went to a totally "ethical" Saginaw Valley School.
I formally apologize to her family for mentioning her because I know what horrors a single finger point from me can bring to a family.

Disclaimer: I mean no insult against The Dark Lord of the Sith & am merely using the picture to prove a point for entertainment purposes only... probably.
I recall Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak bragging in "The Gym" about how he'd ordered the children of the school to quit calling me "The Good Kid" because it flew in the face of their ongoing demonization program against me. They sent people to my neighborhood, where I hung out, my family, & friends armed with awful rumors & accusations, saying I was basically... someone like... wait for it... someone like... them.
He called me a liar when I told him I was glad because I hated that nickname. "Anyone would be honored to have a nickname like The Good Kid".
I told him not me. That nickname brought me nothing but woe & horror.
I thought I'd write about my latest kidnapping/torture. I'm writing this on 8-11-17 but the date I'm writing about has slowly congealed and could've happened months ago... but I'm writing about the parts a gang of smiling madmen wanted me to remember.
I am in a rage as I write this... small children are partying feet from me next to "my usual spot" innocently unaware I'm writing this.
Soooo... there I was... strapped standing up in padded restraints with my hands alongside of but away from my waist. The smiling madman Martin Oak (or more likely a relative or who knows what? He's in his 70s now & looks 39ish? No plastic surgeon is that good, are they?) told me he wanted me to recall what he was about to do to me. He pointed to the device between my legs with a tube that was inserted into my rectum. Duh Jerk bragged I was tied up weird so... cops would later dismiss my story as perverse, strange, or weird. Yeah... THAT was the weird part of my story.
He told his guy to turn the machine on & my abdomen proceeded to swell. I would say painfully... or that I had a sensation of it happening... but I felt nothing & have no explanation for it save the drugs I was obviously on. Duh Jerk commanded them to stop the machine noting he wanted to do it... a little at a time. In continuing treatments so that to casual observers I was just getting out of shape.
I looked at least 5-6 months pregnant & Duh Jerk put his mouth next to my swollen abdomen. He bragged I would look about 6 months pregnant after a few more treatments. "No cop will believe someone so out of shape could possibly have lived through the Gym (41 years after The Gym... FORTY ONE YEARS!!!!!)".
They kept me there for a while. What they did to me or how I have no idea?
Duh Jerk finished the session with. "What did I tell you I would do to you if I caught you exercising again"?
This happened in or around Rochester Minnesota. Here... IN A RAGE at the calamity my life is and how... COPS LIKE ROCHESTER MINNESOTA have not helped me for whatever their reason was. So in a rage... I will sum up my feelings of the involved or uninvolved parties as the case may be. PISSED OFF!
Those ethical molestors!
Soooo... there I was circa 1990. The gang had finished raping me & we having some good ole molester fun. The 25-20 young men, women, public school staff, & uniformed on duty Bay City... cops took turns slapping a dazed & drugged me. Then after the slaps they push me to the next. Rinse lather repeat. Smiles all around & the gang just love playing it.
SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP!!! SLAP!!! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SMACK! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! I become semi-lucid. In a moment of time I assess the situation as I'm flung to the next smiling torturer. PUSH! Grab! SLAP! My memory resets. This means I have no long-term memory of the ongoing events. Nothing on which to form an opinion to base an idea. Every second is fresh unto itself & my mind struggles to latch onto memories long enough to... long enough to... to... PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! Oops... I've wandered to the side. Grab. Hold. SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! Slam into a wall! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! Smash into a table, fall over it. OOF! Pick me up. Push me into the middle of the gang. SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! I become semi-lucid. In a moment of time I assess the situation as I'm flung to the next smiling torturer. PUSH! Grab! SLAP! My memory resets. PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! I'm becoming more lucid & block. The fun stops. "CALM DOWN! YOU'RE DREAMING"! Wait 15 seconds... tick tick tick...
Check to see if my memory has reset. "Are you okay"?
"I look around in a daze. What"?
SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! I become semi-lucid. In a moment of time I assess the situation as I'm flung to the next smiling torturer. PUSH! Grab! What do I do I ponder? I fear my memory is about to reset & I should do something. But what? SLAP! My memory resets.PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP!!! SLAP!!! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SMACK! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab!
SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! Oops... I've wandered to the side. Grab. Hold. SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! I become semi-lucid. In a moment of time I assess the situation as I'm flung to the next smiling torturer. I recall losing it, my memory resetting over & over & suspect that my train of thought is about to come to an end any moment. PUSH! Grab! What do I do I ponder? I fear my memory is about to reset & I should do something. But what? PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! My memory resets. SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! Slam into a wall! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! Smash into a table, fall over it. OOF! Pick me up. Push me into the middle of the gang. SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! I'm becoming more lucid & block. The fun stops. "CALM DOWN! YOU'RE DREAMING"! Wait 15 seconds... tick tick tick...
Check to see if my memory has reset. "Are you okay"?
Well... you get the idea. Non-stop rape gang fun from a room full of buttbuddies (see Definitions).
SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! Oops... I've wandered to the side. Grab. Hold. SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! Slam into a wall! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! Smash into a table, fall over it. OOF! Pick me up. Push me into the middle of the gang. SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH! Grab! SLAP! PUSH!
I become semi-lucid. In a moment of time I assess the situation as I'm flung to the next smiling torturer. PUSH! Grab! What do I do I ponder? I fear my memory is about to reset & I should do something. But what?
The world slowed down.
I figure that this time is the time they're going to kill me for sure.
It may only be seconds until my memory resets & I've got to come up with a plan that'll free me & work in lieu of long-term memories.
Escape? 25-30 18 year olds? A half-dozen assorted Jocks? An absolutely dedicated Uniformed and on-duty team of area law-enforcement on staff, armed and THERE!?!?! In the very room?!?! The 4 Stars, And Duh Jerk himself & his pair of guards & ever present female human shields?
Tick... tick... tick.. the clock is going & I fear I'm stuck in an endless loop of my memory resetting over & over, endlessly assessing the situation & coming to no plan whatsoever to end this or save my life because surely, this, is the time they are going to kill me.
Escape? Nearly impossible I judge. So I resolve to take as many of them as I can with me.
I split my fingers into a V & poke out the eyes of the Jock!
The fun ends. The room becomes a beehive of activity all center on me.
There is a short skirmish & I dish out not many injuries. Judge the fight? Sure. I'd began semi-lucid & surrounded on all sides by reasonably fit young men & women & teams of dedicated & experienced Jocks. Professional kidnappers all. The fight didn't last very long.
The Uniformed & on duty Bay City police Officer (who's literally running official police business on his walkie talkie during quiet moment, both this time & other times). Dirty Cop. The 4 Stars. Even Duh Jerk all insult me. "You didn't have to do that to him"!
The teens, even little kids all hurl insults at me.
"I don't care"! I said. "You were gonna kill me anyway"!
"No we weren't".
The now blind teen shouted at me. "You didn't have to poke my eyes out"!
"Yes I did. You were gonna kill me anyway".
"No we weren't! We were just going to play with you and let you go".
"No. You were torturing me".
No they weren't. This was just harmless fun entirely moral because I wouldn't recall any of it because of the drugs (far from their actual words). Besides that nothing had happened to me to warrant my behavior. In their opinion I was in the wrong. Typical.
I pointed to Jerk & the 4 Stars. "They were torturing me before you got here".
Jerk & the 4 Stars looked oddly exposed.
Such are the pitfalls of the kidnapping lifestyle.
The assembled crowd then shouted what they felt should happen to me next. "Lets kill him for this". I wont say who they meant here, thus leaving clueless mid-Michigan... cops hanging because I don't think they could figure out from the various clues whom the crowd may have demanded the life of. Picture me shaking my head with a frown at the assembled mid-Michigan Police. ie: all.
Duh Jerk told them no.
The teens, & even the 4 Stars demanded that at the very least I should have my eyes poked out as revenge.
Duh Jerk told them all no. Then he ordered everyone assembled be drugged so they would have no memories.
The crowd became furious. They decided to take matters into their own hands & split in 2 & attack. Not all at once mind you. But a few attacked me. Then a few more joined in. Then a general melee happened. Dirty Cop, the Bay County Sherrif, & the Michigan State Police Officer all stood in uniform watching until Duh Jerk ordered them to get involved.
Duh Jerk orders me saved & orders the loyal half of the party goers into the fray when the opposition doesn't immediately lose. Dirty... cops & all.
It's an eerie moment... fighting alongside the 4 Stars. Me? My attacks are far from nice & I spare no one, man, nor woman. I'm in good company. Neither do the 4 Stars nor Dirty Cop.
We won the battle. Duh Jerk orders me subdued.
I chide him for his lack of loyalty. I may have just saved his life.
Duh Jerk informed me he owed me nothing. At best I saved a few of his troops. If he'd been in any danger he'd have ordered the... cops to open fire.
I told him I knew he restricted all his men to one real bullet & I knew it.
He denied it. They were all loaded & ready for action.
I told him to prove it. Have Dirty Cop or one of the others whip out their revolver & show us 2 real bullets.
Duh Jerk refused despite mine & a few of his own troop's taunts.
The men & women demand my life all the more & Duh Jerk will have none of it.
When they kept begging for my death & threatening me even I wondered what was up? I asked him why he didn't kill me?
Usually... but I don't think he said it this time, usually he said. "What? You want to die? Make a suicide film about how you want to die & you'll be dead in 15 minutes".
But this time he bragged. "It's how I beat the cops. They figure that if I was a gang-leader I'd care about my guys but I don't care who gets hurt". He ordered everyone drugged so they wouldn't remember any of this.
The crowd protest. The Ambulance crew stop the ongoing triage of the wounded & begin administering shots one at a time. Incredibly, some in the crowd resist. Sure they're submitting but arguing & fighting the syringe one at a time as much as a person can without outright combat.
They turn to drug me & I point out they'd do well to drug the crowd who are fighting (fights kept breaking out as individuals chose to resist being drugged WITH combat) and are a threat to them personally & not drug me who wasn't resisting at all.
I was in disbelief when they bought it & chose to drug their own guys before me (as though I wasn't resisting being that my resisting caused everything in the 1st place).
The crowd individually swear revenge on me. Screaming insults & threats.
Duh Jerk matter of factly tells them they wont remember any of this. They'll be told their classmates were injured in a car accident & will believe it all.
The most unbelievable part of my story? Of ALL of my tales? Sure. Here it is. One of the young men screamed they should all make a mental effort to remember today's events & that anyone who does remember today should make an effort to remind everyone else & then take their revenge on me.
Duh Jerk ordered him drugged next.
Me? I was in full stall for time mode. I know that once your long-term memories pass that magic 15 minute point you get to remember what happened.
The logistics of where I was being held was I was in proximity to Duh Jerk & overheard his orders. He ordered Fagboy to make arrangements for another party. He knows people who will pay big money to have their way with a crowd of sleeping young men & women. He said it kinda loud, not whispery & a few of the crowd heard it. We all commented on it.
One of the crowd said it wasn't so bad. The men would only be touchy feely & be on their way.
Me? I told them I'd heard of this before. I told them about my former classmate who complained of waking up with her underwear on backwards & how others in the room caught nasty sexually-transmitted diseases from the event.
WOW! Were the crowd NOT happy & screamed at me all the more. Resisting syringes & saying who knows what to each other.
Me? Stall. Stall. Stall. I engaged the 4 Stars & Jerk in conversation. The crowd too as I point out past atrocities I knew they'd inflicted on their own LOYAL people & what horrors they just might be about to inflict on these guys.
Duh Jerk assured the remaining crowd that they would all be questioned discretely about this later and as long as they had no memory of any of it they would be okay.
"And what if they do remember"? I asked.
Duh Jerk put his teeth together & with a slightly open mouth sharply inhaled and made a hissing noise while shaking his head.
One never does get used to being injected with who knows what. Ask them all you want, they never sterilize a thing.
People are standing, some drop to the ground softly, first sitting then laying down, and then I join them.
Fade to black...
You would-be recreational serial-killers reading this want my advice? Become a child-molester and THEN do your serial-killing. The Police would never believe a child-molester is anything other than a penitent would-be novice wimp coward incapable of violence let alone the level of... what I'm alleging.
Those ethical Molestors!
IN THE BEGINNING... THE MOTHER OF ALL STORIES... It's only proof that it sucks to be me, & it always has...
I know that there is no one story I can tell that will save me. No one thing I can say that will inspire... cops to save me, or even to investigate my claims. I know that. But inversely I know that there are things I can say that will in all probability insure my destruction. Certain tales, that even true will probably lead to me downfall.
So I thought I'd write one here. But not today as of 4-5-18. I'd like a few more days of freedom 1st. God willing. You see, I'm not always inclined to begin my mundane sentence that will lead to my 100 life sentences & dozen death penalties on any given day. Go ahead... yuck it up... cops. They tell me all innocent people cant wait to come into the... copshop & tell their story to the nice... cops anytime, anyday. Without fear. After all, there's no honest people in prison around here, no one framed anywhere around here (no matter where you are) because the... cops all just way too good at their jobs. If you doubt them they'll ask you to stare at a 2"X3" shiny hunk of flat tin they carry as proof.
But I cant leave my loyal readers hanging. So I'll tell my Circa: 1965 story's ending. Then I'll get around to the beginning & middle someday. Maybe.
So here's the end...
The Uniformed & onduty Michigan State Police Officer came walking through the neighbor's yard into my Mother's Parent's yard via the nighbor's back yard. He looked at my face in disgust & demanded of the children hitting me what was going on?
One of them immediately got My Cousin while the rest in their typical manner told the... cop they were beating me up because I was a brat.
I asked the... cop what he imagined a baby had done to be deserve such a beating?
They all lied... poorly. Conflicting stories, lies that changed every sentence.
My Cousin walked up & demanded to know what was going on? When the... cop informed him he said they'd just gotten a little carried away with punishing me, because I was such a brat.
The... cop said. "Look at how thin he is".
I knew what money was.
My Cousin told him my being thin was only proof I was a brat who should be ignored. He handed the... cop a huge wad of cash...and asked him to overlook this.
The... cop insulted me when I begged to be delivered from my attackers. "Look what they did to me".
The... cops told me he was willing to accept what the child-molesters said at face value.
I was in disbelief. "You know they are child-molesters"? How could he just leave me with them? I begged him to at least make sure I was fed. They hadn't fed me in a long time.
Ultimately... he touted their honor & infallible love of children. "Do you know how I know you're lying"?
"No"? I kinda wondered.
"Because you said they were unethical". He had to explain the meaning of the word unethical. (I know... I know... every... cop out there is in disbelief that molesters AND my family had neglected to teach me the word. I said this would likely lead to my destruction) He kept expressing disbelief I could even talk let alone talk as well as I had. He knew I was lying because I said they were unethical to children. He & all his partners knew that the gang loved kids & would never harm one.
To be continued. See: IN THE BEGINNING... THE MOTHER OF ALL STORIES... Continued... It's only proof that it sucks to be me, & it always has...
Those ethical child-molesters!
1. (often preceding a date) approximately: "built circa 1935"
1. a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility: "it's my duty to uphold the law" synonyms: responsibility, obligation, commitment, allegiance, loyalty, ... more
2. a task or action that someone is required to perform: "the queen's official duties" or "the michigan state trooper was on duty"
1. physically in contact with and supported by (a surface): "on the table was a water jug"
2. forming a distinctive or marked part of (the surface of something): "a scratch on her arm"
1. physically in contact with and supported by a surface: "make sure the lid is on"
2. indicating continuation of a movement or action: "she burbled on"

My cousin later bragged. "Do you know how your Mother violently cleaned you up the next day? Washed all the blood & dirt off you & tended to your wounds".
Yeah... it'd been a painful & unpleasant time.
"I ordered her to do that".

This space RESERVED for a totally ethical molester tale.
With the Michigan State... cops involved could it be anything less?