Please help me!!!

The gang brag they'll torture me up one side & down the other at what they plan is to be my end. My permanent removal from polite society as revenge for "The Gym".
That I would be in such agony, so eager to end the pain, that I'd tell fake... cop after fake... cop in PRACTICAL jokes over & over that we we're the best f buttbuddies. Then eventually it wouldn't be a fake... cop, and once I've declared them innocent there it's game over for me.
Game over for me? Fine. But if I'm destroyed it's not just Game Over for me but for a slew of children the gang brag my stalking will enable them to victimize for generations after me.
Please help the children they victimized. Please help the children the gang brag they are victimizing right now. And even more importantly please help the unborn children they boast my destruction will empower them to destroy with legal impunity absolutely above the law!